欧阳靖 MC Jin KT & 谭淇淇 生命珍贵唔想失礼唔好俾人睇低 用才艺谋生计用智慧彻底洗出武艺 作为男人偶像陈真佢勇敢牺牲报恩 比啲信心用一生去搵公平搵真银 坐以待毙 身心作废 怎可能迈向国际 做卒仔想出位 行为唔一定要出轨 什么精神 将人民嘅灵魂分几种阶层 所有奸人都会身痕 引发斗争实一百分 人要团结唔玩分裂几时先会毕业 人类不灭永远战胜所有大嘅灾劫 靠双手一路走唔会抖唔回头要自由 隔夜仇唔再有所有战友化悲愤为成就 真诚的心灵叫我们珍惜生命 所有人见证 全人类高兴 天生率性 天地和应 I used to think destiny was in my own hands Not knowing Hong Kong was the destination I would land The way it all unfolded it wasn't in the plan In the span of four years it turned a boy into a man I try my best to spit in Chinese the only way I can But they would rather listen to what they don't understand I guess it's back to the old I mean back to the flow That put me on the map I rap cause I know It it wasn't for this I would be stuck in a ditch or sunk in a ship So there's no way that you can tell me that God doesn't exist This is more than business yeah this is fam It's MC Jin, KT and KiKi Tam 玩乐求任性飘泊 用尽全力会堕落 艺术原是个躯壳 卖力求自我快乐 由你思索 由你去学 不要天真的感叹 不要哭泣的早晚 Give me a mic, let me tell you what I dislike 世界咁大 香港只系一只小小蚂蚁 有人选择做小学鸡 坐低喂威喂 有人身娇肉贵 为人拿西俾自信蒙蔽 有人要威又要带头盔 炒楼炒股 变晒做金钱奴隶 (唉)香港咁细仲有人选择出轨 唔信真爱 只信一路向西 喂喂喂 段rap唔系要将边一个睇低 我唔系华仔 亦都唔系肥佬黎 无地位 无权势 亦都唔算失礼 Okay我做过一pat烂泥 但努力一样可以突围 选择错误 一click自我洗底 理得香港有几细 有几细 几细 一齐令佢变得更美丽 一齐令佢变得更美丽先为上计 真诚的心灵叫我们珍惜生命 所有人见证 全人类高兴 天生率性 天地和应