I'm here with you 明日へ I'm here with you It's called the earth 甘く咲き初める 花の香り 朝露に啼きだした 鳥の声にも 寄せて返す波 風のなかで 歌ってるこの星が ほのかなメロディ I'm here with you I'm here with you I'm here with you It's called the earth 生まれくる生命 その瞳に 古の軋む音 溶ける氷河に 遠い街角に 旅に出ても 歌ってるこの星が ほのかなメロディ I'm here with you I'm here with you I'm here with you It's called the earth サミシイヨルモ ワスレナイデ アナタト トモニイル I'm here with you I'm here with you I'm here with you It's called the earth I'm here with you I'm here with you I'm here with you It's called the earth