Turn! Yield! Halt! If you fail you'll know who's...at...fault Of a vehicular...a...ssault As you're doing ze Drusselstein Driving Test Valtz Gas! Shift! Brake! (ooh...) Drinking coffee's a big...mi...stake Try not to plunge into...ze...lake Ven you're doing ze Drusselstein Driving Test Valtz (Driving Test Waltz) Use two hands when you steer her Then check in ze mirror Vat you see may be nearer Don't lay on ze horn! See ze traffic cop bossing Pedestrians crossing Never drive ven you're flossing You'll wish you vwren't born! Belt...your...self Only vay to protect...your...health Leave your friends all your hard-earned...wealth If you croak ven you're boldly embarking And parallel parking And acing ze written- Look out for that kitten! No time for high-fiving You're barely surviving The dangerous Drusselstein Driving Test Valtz!