[00:00.00](2002年1月) [00:05.38]Setion A [00:08.00]1. [00:09.64]W: Is the rescue crew still looking for survivors of the plane crash? [00:14.40]M: Yes, they have been searching the area for hours, [00:18.38]but they haven' t foundanybody else. [00:21.09]They will keep searching until night falls. [00:24.50]Q: What do we learn from the conversation? [00:31.92]2. [00:33.30]M: How many students passed the final physics exam in your class? [00:38.92]W: Forty, but still as many as 20 percent of the class failed, [00:45.17]quite disappointing, isn't it? [00:48.53]Q: What does the woman think of the exam? [00:54.98]3. [00:57.60]W: Lots of people enjoy dancing, do you? [01:01.26]M: Believe it or not, that is the last thing I want to do. [01:06.52]Q: What does the man mean? [01:12.47]4. [01:15.70]W: Jane, I am having difficulty with all the theoretic stuff [01:20.21]we aregetting in our computer course. [01:22.96]M: Oh, that part I understand. [01:25.69]What I can' tfigure out is how to make it work in our program. [01:30.06]Q: What is the man's problem? [01:36.91]5. [01:39.44]W: Did you see Mary somewhere around? [01:42.53]M: Yes, she is in the campus bank, [01:45.65]applying for the student's loan. [01:48.50]Q: What was Mary doing? [01:54.27]6. [01:57.71]W: The space shuttle is taking off tomorrow. [02:00.63]M: I know, this is another routine mission. [02:04.17]It is first flight with fouryears ago. [02:06.56]Q: What are they talking about? [02:14.02]7. [02:16.07]M: When are we supposed to submit our project proposals,Jane? [02:20.49]W: They are due by the end of the week. We've only two days left. [02:25.85]We'll just have to hurry. [02:27.93]Q: What does the woman mean? [02:34.22]8. [02:36.81]W: When I go on a diet, I eat only fruit, [02:40.47]and that takes off weight quickly. [02:42.76]M: I prefer to eat whatever I want,and then run regularly to lose weight. [02:48.96]Q: How does the man control his weight? [02:55.07]9. [02:58.37]W: John, can you tell me what in the book interested you most? [03:03.00]M: well, nothing specific, but I like it overall. [03:08.19]Q; What did the man think of the book? [03:14.71]10. [03:16.69]W: How do you like the car I just bought? [03:19.87]M: Well,it seems to run well,but I think it needs a new paint job. [03:24.79]Q: What does the man think of the car? [03:32.04]Setion B [03:34.14]Passage 1 [03:36.90]Nilrikman and others of the halfway research group have done some research [03:42.49]into the differences between average and good negotiators. [03:47.56]They found negotiators with the good trait record and studied them in action. [03:52.96]They compared them with another group of average negotiators [03:57.18]and found that there was no difference in the time [03:59.85]that the two groups spent on planningtheir strategy. [04:03.67]However, there were some significant differences on otherpoints. [04:08.36]The average negot iators thought in terms of the present, [04:12.38]but thegood negotiators took a long-time review. [04:16.19]They made lots of suggestionsand considered twice the number of the alternatives. [04:21.22]The average negotiators set their objectives as single points. [04:25.72]We hope to get two dollars, for example. [04:28.71]The good negotiators set their objectives in terms of range, [04:33.39]which they might formulate as "We hope to get two dollars, [04:37.22]but if we get one dollar and fifty, it will be all right.". [04:41.20]The averagenegotiators tried to persuade by giving lots of reasons. [04:46.14]They use a lot of different arguments. [04:49.18]The good negotiators didn't give many reasons. [04:52.70]They just repeated the same ones. [04:55.16]They also did more summarizing andreviewing, [04:58.35]checking they were understood correctly. [05:02.86]Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have juat heard. [05:08.00]Q11.What do good negotiators and average negotiators have in common? [05:18.93]Q12.According to the speaker,what would good negotiators do? [05:30.03]Q13. According to the speaker,what does the average negot iator usually do? [05:42.00]Passage 2 [05:44.41]To most of us sharks are the most dangerous fish in the sea [05:48.85]and they at tack humans. [05:50.75]However, according to Doctor Clark, [05:53.07]who has studied the behaviorof sharks for twelve years, [05:56.49]humans are not normally on the shark' s menu. [05:59.91]What do sharks feed on, mainly fish and other sea animals? [06:05.41]Doctor Clark also found that sharks don' t eat as much food as people think. [06:10.75]For instance,a nine-year-old shark only needs two pound of food a day to keep healthy. [06:17.21]But she says, sharks sometimes starve and at other times [06:20.76]they fill themselves with what they have killed. [06:23.71]Around the world, there are onlyabout one hundred shark attacks on humans each year, [06:29.90]ten of which proved fatal. [06:32.50]But consider this, in the US alone, [06:35.44]about three million people are bitten by dogs each year. [06:39.42]0f these, thirty people die. [06:42.20]If sharks bite you,says Doc tor Clark, [06:44.94]the reason is usually because of the mistake you natural food. [06:49.27]For example, say you went underwater- fishing and saw a shark, [06:53.54]you could be in trouble. [06:55.40]The shark might go for the injured fish you haattacked [06:58.10]and take a bite of you at the same time. [07:01.53]If you go into a shark's territory and threaten it, [07:05.24]it might try to bite you. [07:07.04]That's because sharksare territorial and tend to guard their territory. [07:11.87]Like dogs, they prot ectthe area they think is their own. [07:17.36]Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have juat heard. [07:24.03]Q14.What does the passage say about the eating behavior of sharks? [07:34.46]Q15.When might a shark attach humans? [07:45.32]Q16.What do we learn from the passage about sharks? [07:55.39]Passage 3 [07:58.41]Science fiction writers have often imagined humans going to live on the Mars. [08:04.49]But these days, scientists are taking the idea seriously. [08:08.63]It hasa great deal to recommend it, [08:11.41]since it might solve the problem of overcrowding on the earth. [08:15.12]But obviously, it would not be worth making the effort [08:18.21]unless people could live there naturally. [08:21.90]If the at mosphere were like that of the earth,this might be possible. [08:26.55]But in fact it is mostly carbonoxidite. [08:29.80]Apart from that, there are other problems to be overcome. [08:33.67]For example, [08:34.87]the temperature would have to be raised from 6degrees below zero to 15 degrees above it. [08:42.25]Scientists who study Mars have laid down the program that they can follow. [08:47.05]To begin with, [08:48.32]they will haveto find out whether life has ever existed on the planet of Mars in the past. [08:54.51]Secondly they will have to make a reliable map of its surface. [08:59.68]Andfinally, they will have to make a list of the gases. [09:03.45]Above all, they will have to discover how much nitrogen it possesses. [09:08.67]Since nitrogen is fourfifths of the air we breathe, [09:12.75]they are surprising optimistic about raisingthe temperature on Mars [09:17.73]and believe it could be down in hundred years. [09:21.49]It will take a bit longer, though, [09:23.88]to transform the atmosphere so thathuman beings could live there. [09:28.20]Scientists estimate this will take onehundred t housand years. [09:34.91]Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have juat heard. [09:41.09]Q17.Why are scientists interested in Mars? [09:50.67]Q18.What is the one of the things that must be done if a man can live on Mars? [10:02.74]Q19. Why do scientist want to find out whether there is sufficient ni trogenon Mars? [10:15.54]Q20.What is the prospect of people living on Mars?