[00:55.97]11. [00:58.65]W: Jim, you are on the net again! [01:02.04]When are you going to get off? [01:04.23]It's time for the talk show. [01:06.31]M: Just a minute dear! [01:07.92]I'm looking at a new jewelry site. [01:10.52]I want to make sure I get the right gift for mom's birthday. [01:14.09]Q: What is the man doing right now? [01:30.98]12. [01:33.57]W: I have never seen you have such confidence before in the exam! [01:38.54]M: It's more than confidence! [01:40.23]Right now I feel that if I get less than an A, [01:43.19]it will be the fault of the exam itself. [01:46.40]Q: What does the man mean? [02:02.96]13. [02:05.28]W: Just look at this newspaper! [02:08.41]Nothing but murder, death and war! [02:11.74]Do you still believe people are basically good? [02:15.11]M: Of course, I do! [02:15.79]But newspapers hardly ever report stories about peace and generosity. [02:22.13]They are not news! [02:24.16]Q: What do we learn from the conversation? [02:40.91]14. [02:43.19]M: Tom must be joking when he said he plans to sell his shop and go to medical school. [02:49.68]W: You are quite right! He's just kidding! [02:52.98]He's also told me time and time again he wished to study for some profession [02:58.62]instead of going into business. [03:01.38]Q: What will Tom probably do according to the conversation? [03:18.78]15. [03:21.17]W: I hear your boss has a real good impression of you, [03:25.95]and he is thinking about giving you two more days off each month. [03:29.54]M: I hope not. I'd rather get more work hours , [03:33.62]so I can get enough bucks to help out my two kids at college. [03:37.54]Q: What does the man truly want? [03:54.78]16. [03:57.46]M: I heard you took a trip to Mexico last month. [04:00.98]How did you like it? [04:02.45]W: Oh, I got sick and tired of the hotels and hotel food! [04:07.54]So now I understand the thing: East, west, home's best! [04:14.14]Q: What does the woman mean? [04:30.49]17. [04:33.14]W: I'm worried about Anna. She's really been depressed lately. [04:38.02]All she does is staying in her room all day . [04:41.17]M: That sounds serious! She'd better see a psychiatristat the counseling center. [04:47.03]Q: What does the man suggest Anna do? [05:04.56]18. [05:07.32]M: I could hardly recognize Sam after he got that new job! [05:12.09]He's always in a suit and tie now. [05:14.60]W: Yeah. He was never liked that in college. [05:18.31]Back then, he went around in old T-shirtsand jeans. [05:22.57]Q: What do the speakers say about Sam? [05:44.25]Conversation One [05:47.34]M: Hi, Ann! Welcome back! How was your trip to the States? [05:52.77]W: Very busy. I had a lot of meetings, so, [05:57.05]of course, I didn't have much time to see New York. [06:01.17]M: What a pity! Actually, I have a trip there myself next week. [06:05.53]W: Do you? Then take my advice, do the well-being in the air program. [06:12.19]It really works. [06:13.77]M: Oh, I read about that in a magazine. You say it works? [06:17.02]W: Yes, I did the program on the flight to the States, [06:20.81]and when I arrived in New York,I didn't have any problem, no jet lag at all. [06:27.35]On the way back, I didn't do it, and I felt terrible. [06:32.32]M: You're joking! [06:32.67]W: Not at all, it really made a lot of difference. [06:37.05]M: En. So what did you do? [06:40.11]W: Well, I didn't drink any alcohol or cofee, and I didn't eat any meat or 1ich food. [06:47.42]I drink a lot of water, and free juice, and I ate the meals on the well-being menu. [06:53.86]They're lighter. [06:55.45]They have fish, vegetables, and noodles, for example, [06:59.83]and I did some of the exercises in the program. [07:03.45]M: Exercises? On a plane? [07:06.24]W: Yes. I didn't do many, of course, there isn't much space on a plane. [07:11.97]M: How many passengers do the exercises? [07:14.75]W: Not many. [07:16.04]M: Then how much champagne did they drink? [07:18.68]W: A lot! It was more popular than mineral water. [07:23.03]M: So, basically, it's a choice. [07:25.06]Mineral water and exercises, or champagne and jet lag. [07:29.19]W: That's 1ight! It's a diffcult choice. [07:33.69]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. [07:40.49]19. Why did the woman go to New York? [07:58.50]20. What does the woman say about the well-being in the air program? [08:19.60]21. What did the woman do to follow the well-being menu? [08:40.51]22. What did the woman say about other passengers? [09:00.49]Conversation Two [09:03.62]W: Morning. Can I help you? [09:06.60]M: Well, I'm not really sure. I'm just looking. [09:10.33]W:I see. Well, there's plenty to look at it again this year. [09:14.79]I'm sure you have to walk miles to see each stand. [09:18.61]M: That's true. [09:19.37]W: Er.., would you like a cofee? Come and sit down for a minute, no obligation. [09:24.43]M: Well, that's very kind of you, but. [09:26.92]W: Now, please. Is this the first year you've been to the fair, Mr. [09:31.73]M: Yes, Johnson, James Johnson. [09:34.36]W: My name's Susan Carter. [09:36.51]Are you looking for anything in particular, [09:38.96]or are you just interested in computers in general? [09:42.09]M: Well, actually, I have some specific jobs in mind. [09:45.85]I own a small company, we 've grown quite dramatically over the past 12 months, [09:51.18]and we really need sometechnological help to enable us to keep on top of everything. [09:55.88]W: What's your line of business, Mr. Johnson? [09:59.17]M: We're a training consultancy. [10:01.56]W: I see. And what do you need"to keep on top" [10:06.03]M: The first thing is correspondence. [10:08.65]We have a lot of standard letters and forms. [10:11.22]So I suppose we need some kind of word processor. [10:14.57]W: Right. Well, that's no problem. [10:17.72]But it may be possible for you to get a system [10:21.07]that does a lot of other things in addition to word processing. [10:24.59]What might suit you is the MR 5000. [10:29.30]That's it over there! [10:30.80]It's IBM compatible. [10:32.89]M: What about the price? [10:34.69]W: Well, the MR 5000 costs 1,050 pounds. [10:41.28]Software comes free with the hardware. [10:43.88]M: Well, I'll think about it. Thank you. [10:47.71]W: Here's my card. Please feel free to contact me. [10:52.83]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. [10:59.75]23. Where did the conversation take place? [11:19.39]24. What are the speakers talking about? [11:39.19]25. What is the man's line of business? [11:57.03]Section B [12:32.60]Passage One [12:35.40]The new year always brings with the cultural tradition of new possibilities. [12:41.79]We see it as a chance for renewal. [12:44.54]We begin to dream of new possible selves. [12:48.44]We design our ideal self or an image that is quite different from what we are now. [12:55.11]For some of us,we roll at dreamy flm in our heads just because it's the beginning of a new year. [13:02.39]But we aren't serious about making changes. [13:05.82]We just make some half-hearted resolution and it evaporates after a week or two. [13:11.77]The experience makes us feel less successful [13:15.46]and leads us to discount our ability to change in the future. [13:20.15]It's not the changes impossible but that it won't last [13:25.66]unless our resolutions are supported with plans for implementation. [13:30.03]We have to make our intentions manageable by detailing the specific steps [13:35.14]that will carry us to our goal. [13:37.45]Say your goal is to lose weight by dieting and cutting off sweets. [13:43.81]But one night you just have to have a cookie. [13:47.62]And you know there's a bag of your favorites in the cupboard. [13:51.59]You want one, you eat two, you check the bag and find out you've just shot 132 calories. [14:00.89]You say to yourself, "What the hell!" and polish off the whole bag. [14:06.75]Then you begin to draw all kinds of unpleasant conclusions about yourself. [14:12.72]To protect your sense of self, you begin to discount the goal. [14:18.50]You may think - "Well, dieting wasn't that important to me and I won't make it anyhow." [14:24.82]So you abandon the goal and retun to your bad habits. [14:31.27]Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. [14:38.37]26. What do people usually wish to do at the beginning of a new year'? [14:58.15]27. How can people tum their new year's resolutions into reality? [15:20.77]28. Why does the speaker mention the example of sweets and cookies? [15:41.52]Passage Two [15:45.32]25 years ago, Ray Anderson, a single parent with a one-year-old son witnessed a terrible accident [15:54.60]which took place when the driver of a truck ran a red light and collided with the car of Sandra D. [16:01.95]The impact of the collision killed Sandra instantly. [16:05.57]But her three-month-old daughter was left trapped in the burning car. [16:09.58]While other slooked on in horror, [16:12.04]Andersen jumped out of his vehicle and crawled into the car [16:16.46]through the shadowed rear window to try to free the infant. [16:20.67]Seconds later, the car was enclosed in flames. [16:24.75]But to everyone's amazement, Andersen was able to pull the baby to safety. [16:31.28]While the baby was all right, Andersen was seriously injured. [16:36.31]Two days later he died. [16:39.77]But his heroic act was published widely in the media. [16:43.52]His son was soon adopted by relatives. [16:46.78]The most remarkable part of the story unfolded only last week. [16:52.06]Karen and her boyfriend Michael were looking through some old boxes [16:57.04]When they came across some old newspaper clippings. [17:00.55]"This is me when I was a new born baby. [17:03.53]I was rescued fiom a buning car. But my mother died in the accident,"explained Karen. [17:09.58]Although Michael knew Karen's mother had died years earlier, [17:13.86]he never fully understood the circumstances until he skimmed over the newspaper article. [17:19.85]To Karen's suprise, Michael was absorbed in the details of the accident. [17:25.26]And he began to cry uncontrollably. [17:28.62]Then he revealed that the man that pulled Karen from the flames was the father he never knew. [17:35.63]The two embraced and shed many tears,recounting stories told to them about their parents. [17:43.96]Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. [17:49.58]29. What happened twenty-five years ago? [18:08.29]30. What does the speaker say about Michael' s father? [18:27.25]31. Why did Michael cry uncontrollably when he skimmed over the newspaper article? [18:49.02]Passage Three [18:52.24]Americans suffer from an overdose of work. [18:56.97]Regardless of who they are or what they do. [19:00.66]Americans spend more time at work than that any time since World War II. [19:05.93]In 1950,the US had fewer working hours than any other industrialized country. [19:13.61]Today, it exceeds every country but Japan where industrial employees load 2155 hours a year [19:22.97]compared with 1951 in the US and 1603 in the former West Germany. [19:32.53]Between 1969 and 1989, employed Americans add an average of 138 hours to their yearly work schedules. [19:43.20]The work week has remained above 40 hours. [19:47.17]But people are working more weeks each year. [19:50.42]Specifically pay time off holidays, vacations, sick leave shrank by 50% in the 1980s. [20:01.15]As corporations have experienced stiff competitions and slow in growth of productivity, [20:07.70]they have pressed employees to work longer. [20:11.11]Cost-cutting lay-offs in the 1980s reduce the professional and managerial runs, [20:18.14]leaving fewer people to get the job done. [20:20.78]In lower paid occupations where wages have been reduced, workers have added hours in overtime [20:29.09]or extra jobs to preserve their living standard. [20:32.40]The government estimates that more than 7 million people hold a second job. [20:37.48]For the first time, large numbers of people say they want to cut back on working hours [20:44.33]even it means earning less money. [20:46.95]But most employers are unwilling to let them do so. [20:50.75]The government which has stepped back from its traditional role as a regulator of work time [20:57.66]should take steps to make shorter hours possible. [21:02.55]Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. [21:08.41]32. In which country do industrial employees work the longest hours? [21:31.07]33. How do employed Americans manage to work more hours? [21:51.57]34. Why do corporations press their employees to work longer hours according to the speaker? [22:14.79]35. What does the speaker say many Americans prefer to do? [22:34.15]Section C [23:27.25]Nursing, as a typically female profession, must deal constantly with the false impression [23:34.47]that nurses are there to wait on the physician. [23:38.13]As nurses, we are licensed to provide nursing care only. [23:43.30]We do not have any legal or moral obligation to any physician. [23:47.83]We provide health teaching, assess physical as well as emotional problems, [23:54.10]coordinate patient-related services, [23:57.15]and make all of our nursing decisions based upon what is best or suitable for the patient. [24:02.99]If, in any circumstance, we feel that aphysician's order is inappropriate or unsafe, [24:10.32]we have a legal responsibility to question that order or refuse to carry it out. [24:17.00]Nursing is not a nine-to-five job with every weekend off. [24:21.57]All nurses are aware of that before they enter the profession. [24:25.73]The emotional and physical stress, however, [24:28.89]that occurs due to odd working hours is a prime reason for a lot of the career dissatisfaction. [24:35.91]It is sometimes required that we work overtime, [24:39.88]and that we change shifts four or five times a month. [24:44.26]That disturbs our personal lives, disrupts our sleeping and eating habits, [24:49.97]and isolates us from everything except job-related friends and activities. [24:55.73]The quality of nursing care is being affected dramatically by these situations. [25:01.67]Most hospitals are now staffed by new graduates, [25:06.25]as experienced nurses finally give up trying to change the system. [25:11.01]Consumers of medically related services have evidently [25:16.31]not been affected enough yet to demand changes in our medical system. [25:21.18]But if trends continue as predicted, [25:24.91]they will find that most critical hospital care will be provided by new, [25:30.56]inexperienced, and sometimes inadequately trained nurses. [25:39.17](read again) [25:41.29]Nursing, as a typically female profession, must deal constantly with the false impression [25:47.90]that nurses are there to wait on the physician. [25:51.10]As nurses, we are licensed to provide nursing care only. [25:56.39]We do not have any legal or moral obligation to any physician. [26:01.20]We provide health teaching, assess physical as well as emotional problems, [26:07.44]coordinate patient-related services, [26:10.80]and make all of our nursing decisions based upon what is best or suitable for the patient. [26:16.70]If, in any circumstance, we feel that aphysician's order is inappropriate or unsafe, [26:24.31]we have a legal responsibility to question that order or refuse to carry it out. [26:30.57]Nursing is not a nine-to-five job with every weekend off. [26:36.50]All nurses are aware of that before they enter the profession. [26:40.81]The emotional and physical stress, however, [26:44.50]that occurs due to odd working hours is a prime reason for a lot of the career dissatisfaction. [26:51.36]It is sometimes required that we work overtime, [26:55.67]and that we change shifts four or five times a month. [28:04.39]That disturbs our personal lives, disrupts our sleeping and eating habits, [28:09.96]and isolates us from everything except job-related friends and activities. [28:15.51]The quality of nursing care is being affected dramatically by these situations. [28:23.54]Most hospitals are now staffed by new graduates, [28:28.14]as experienced nurses finally give up trying to change the system. [29:49.48]Consumers of medically related services have evidently [29:53.21]not been affected enough yet to demand changes in our medical system. [29:58.20]But if trends continue as predicted, [30:01.32]they will find that most critical hospital care will be provided by new, [30:05.97]inexperienced, and sometimes inadequately trained nurses.