Foolish criminal ask me “Can I go to the heaven?” I gonna teach from now on. Here is mouth of the inferno. Escape by some lies? But torment by your lies. Flee from the truth? It’s impossible I just judged purely. Coz’ you ain’t honest one. This is all I have to do. No more forever that I get freedom. It’s like a short lived and ambiguous. But that large enough for I hold tight. That even like a ambiguous. Eternity, it was I drew in my mind. The life is all the world is the stage. Someone calling my name But I’m not here Somewhere you belong? I think you’re falling. I just still in purely. Coz’ you ain’t honesty. This is all I have to do. No more forever that I get freedom. It’s like a short lived and ambiguous. But that large enough for I hold tight. That even like a ambiguous. Eternity, it was I drew in my mind. The life is all the world is the stage. If sorrow and pain went away. What has been left in you? No more forever that I get freedom. It’s like a short lived and ambiguous. But that large enough for I hold tight. That even like a ambiguous. Eternity, it was I drew in my mind. So, I said once again No more forever that I get freedom. It’s like a short lived and ambiguous. But that large enough for I hold tight. That even like a ambiguous. Eternity, it was I drew in my mind. The life is all the world is the stage.