A void tears the sky in two Unveiling hellish beings from the depths to annihilate you An anomalous aperture The gateway to enemies awaiting your obliteration The serpent regime is ruthless Fearless, evil and infinite As the chariots arrive Demons feast on the bloodshed The venom of hatred shines bright and pours through Seeping its poison into the atmosphere Preying on the weak and spreading constant fear With their armor of scales, and weapons made of bone Armed with Hell's fury and never ending scorn Children of the master The serpent-born Cowardice and impotent swine will drown In the blood that will flow from evisceration A crimson storm will quench the sky But never cure the thirst in me Open the gate to the spoils of Hell And unleashed is the power of a lost dimension Chariots of fire in the sky gather souls from the dead Smitten with torture are the living As darkness unravels the fate of the enlightened ones Seeking vengeance with his minions To repay the full debt of his banishment To the source with no remorse The gates of wrath release a punishment of God Shackled yet loyal to his hatred He feeds on lust The lust of purity Vessels from beyond the reach of time Will smite this vagrant filth of life I am the one they call Destroyer Blissful were their cries Begging for mercy on their lives With pleas stained in sorrow Ego Sum Vastatoris Aiunt (I am the Destroyer they say) Fero Donum Exitiale (I bring the deadly gift) Summoned from the void Emerged an infantry of agony The unholy army of darkness Commands the battlefield With an overwhelming symphony of death Instruments of war I will disavow expulsion from my throne And realign thy golden kingdom Punishments for your disobedience Must befall at once