[00:05.89]So how was Joan? 琼安好不好? [00:07.22]Broke up with her. 跟她分手了 [00:08.75]Oh,why? 为什么? [00:09.86]Don't tell me. Because of the big nostril thing? 别告诉我 因为鼻孔太大? [00:13.76]They were huge! 真的超大! [00:16.40]When she sneezed, bats flew out of them. 她打喷嚏时 会有蝙蝠飞出来 [00:19.73]They were not that huge. 没那么大 [00:21.83]I'm telling you,she leaned back, I could see her brain. 当她仰起头时 我可以看到她的脑子 [00:27.04]How many women will you reject... 你到底要拒绝多少好女孩… [00:29.01]...over superficial, insignificant things 只是因为非常肤浅的事情? [00:31.58]Hold it. I gotta side with Chandler on this one. 慢着,我必须帮钱德说话 [00:34.51]When I first moved here, I went out with this girl. 我刚搬到这里时 与一个女孩交往 [00:37.28]Really hot. Great kisser... 非常热情,很会接吻… [00:40.02]...but she had the biggest Adam's apple. 但是她的喉结非常大粒! [00:44.12]Drove me nuts. 真是让我受不了 [00:46.93]-You or me? -I got it. 你还是我? 我来好了 [00:49.73]Joey,women don't have Adam's apples. 乔伊,女人没有喉结 [00:59.94]You guys are messing with me,right? 你们是在骗我,对不对? [01:04.11]Yeah. We are! 对,我们在骗你! [01:07.11]That's a good one. For a second there,I was like,whoa! 真好笑 我差点上当了 [01:17.88]六人行 第2季 第03集 海先生之死 [01:59.43]You name one woman that you broke up with for an actual real reason. 你与哪个女友分手 是因为正当的理由? [02:05.00]Maureen Rasillo. 莫琳罗西洛 [02:06.11]Because she doesn't hate Yanni is not a real reason. 因为她不讨厌音乐家雅尼 这不是个正当的理由 [02:14.25]Hello,Mr. Heckles. 嗨,哈克先生 [02:17.00]You're doing it again. 你们又来了 [02:18.65]We're not doing anything. 我们什么都没做 [02:20.05]You're stomping. It's disturbing my birds. 你们脚步声太响 吓到了我的鸟儿 [02:24.76]You don't have birds. 你没有养鸟 [02:27.89]I could have birds. 我可以养鸟 [02:30.73]We'll try to keep it down. 我们会小声一点 [02:32.90]Thank you. 谢谢 [02:34.40]I'm going to rejoin my dinner party. 我要回去继续宴客了 [02:37.77]All right,bye-bye. 好,再见 [02:41.14]Okay,Janice. 对了,珍妮丝 [02:42.41]Give me Janice. That wasn't about being picky. 珍妮丝可以证明 我并没有乱挑剔 [02:45.48]We'll give you Janice. 我们同意你与珍妮丝分手 [02:46.81]I miss Janice,though. 但我蛮想珍妮丝的 [02:49.00]Hello,Chandler Bing! 嗨,钱德宝! [02:53.29]Oh,my God! 喔,我的天! [02:57.19]Oh,Chandler! 喔,钱德! [02:59.02]Now! Now! 现在就要! [03:03.80]That's it. 对了 [03:05.50]There! Faster! 对了!快一点! [03:15.11]Stop with the broom! We're not making noise! 别用扫把了! 我们没有制造噪音! [03:28.82]We won. 我们赢了 [03:30.19]We did it! 我们胜利了! [03:35.09]Mr. Heckles! 哈克先生! [03:40.80]-How did this happen? -He was sweeping. 怎么发生的? 他大概在扫地 [03:43.47]They found a broom in his hand. 他们发现他抓着一把扫把 [03:48.81]-That's terrible. -I know. 真糟糕 我知道 [03:50.94]I was sweeping yesterday. 昨天我也在扫地 [03:53.15]It could've been me. 搞不好也会一命呜呼 [03:56.78]Sweeping. You never know. 扫地,真是天有不测风云 [03:58.85]Never know. 世事难料 [04:04.49]It's very faint,but I can still sense him in the building. 很微弱 但我还可以感觉他在大楼里 [04:09.20]Go into the light,Mr. Heckles! 进入光芒中,哈克先生! [04:15.40]Okay,Phoebe. 好了,菲比 [04:17.57]I'm sorry, but sometimes they need help. 对不起 有时候他们需要帮助 [04:22.14]Here we go. 又来了 [04:23.24]That's fine,go ahead and scoff. 很好,嘲笑我吧 [04:26.00]There are a lot of things I don't believe in... 我不相信很多事情… [04:28.68]... but that doesn't mean they're not true. 但这不表示就不是真的 [04:31.02]Such as? 譬如什么事? [04:32.55]Like crop circles or the Bermuda Triangle or evolution. 像是玉米田图案或百慕达三角 或演化论 [04:41.00]What,you don't believe in evolution? 你不相信进化论? [04:43.53]Not really. 不真的相信 [04:47.37]You don't believe in evolution? 你不相信进化论? [04:49.37]I don't know. It's just,you know.... 我不知道,只是… [04:51.74]Monkeys,Darwin,it's a nice story. I just think it's a little too easy. 猴子,达尔文,很好的故事 我只是觉得有点太简单 [04:59.91]"Too easy"? Too 太简单?太… [05:02.92]The process of every living thing on this planet evolving... 这个星球上的一切生物 经过数千万年… [05:06.55]...over millions of years from single-celled organisms is "too easy"? 从单细胞微生物进化而成 而你说太简单? [05:11.69]Yeah,I just don't buy it. 对,我不太相信 [05:14.59]Excuse me. Evolution is not for you to buy,Phoebe. 对不起 进化论不是信不信由你,菲比 [05:19.06]Evolution is scientific fact, like the air we breathe... 进化论是科学事实 就像我们呼吸的空气… [05:23.10]...Iike gravity. 就像地心引力 [05:24.87]Don't get me started on gravity. 别跟我提起地心引力 [05:32.44]You don't believe in gravity? 你不相信地心引力? [05:35.55]Well,it's not so much that, you know,I don't believe in it. 倒不是相不相信的问题 [05:39.82]Lately I get the feeling that... 最近我感觉到… [05:41.92]...I'm not so much being pulled down as I am being pushed. 我不是被吸住,而是被压着 [05:45.39]Pushed. 被压着… [05:48.79]It's lsaac Newton and he's pissed. 那是牛顿,他非常火大 [05:54.33]There she is. And over there, that's the other one. 她在那边,那里还有另一个 [05:57.77]This is Mr. Buddy Doyle, Heckles' attorney. 这是伯弟杜尔 哈克的律师 [06:00.24]He'd like to talk to you. 他想跟你们谈谈 [06:01.74]What can we do for you? 有何贵干? [06:03.14]All right,kids,here's the deal. 好了,孩子们 事情是这样的 [06:05.44]According my client's will... 根据我客户的遗篷… [06:07.68]... he wants to leave all his earthly possessions... 他要把他所有财产… [06:12.48]...to "the noisy girls in the apartment above mine." 都留给楼上吵闹的女孩们 [06:17.76]What about his family? 他的家人呢? [06:19.16]He didn't have any. 他没有家人 [06:22.59]Okay,so let's talk money. 好,让我们看看有多少钱 [06:26.63]All right,there was none. 好,没有半毛钱 [06:28.20]Now,let's talk signing. 现在,我们来签字 [06:30.10]You be noisy girl number one. You be noisy girl number two. 你是一号吵闹女孩 你是二号吵闹女孩 [06:34.87]I can't believe that this whole time we thought he hated us. 我真不相信 我们一直以为他讨厌我们 [06:38.28]Isn't it amazing how much you can touch someone's life... 真是不可思议 我们能如此感动其他人… [06:42.00]...without even knowing it? 而自己却不知道? [06:44.18]Would you look at this dump? 看看这个猪窝?! [06:45.88]He hated us! This was his final revenge! 他痛恨我们! 这是他最终的报复! [06:48.45]I've never seen so much crap! 我从来没看过这么多废物! [06:51.00]Actually,I think this apartment sullies the good name of crap. 我觉得这间公寓 侮辱了废物的美名 [06:55.53]Check this out. 看看这个 [06:59.13]Can I have this? 这个能给我吗? [07:02.07]How can you not believe in evolution? 你怎么能不相信进化论? [07:05.84]I don't know,just don't. Look at this funky shirt! 我不知道,就是不相信 看看这条怪衬衫! [07:09.64]Pheebs,I've studied evolution my entire adult life. 菲比 我整个成年都在研究进化论 [07:12.71]And we've collected fossils from all over the world... 我们从世界各地搜集化石 [07:16.35]...that actually show the evolution of different species. 能够证明不同物种的进化论 [07:20.02]I mean,you can literally see them... 可以真正看到它们… [07:23.00]...evolving through time. 透过时间进化 [07:27.66]Really? You can actually see it? 真的?可以看得到? [07:29.93]You bet! In the U.S., China,Africa,all over! 千真万确!在美国 中国,非洲,全世界! [07:35.27]See,I didn't know that. 这我不知道 [07:37.77]Well,there you go. 这就是吧 [07:41.67]So now the real question is, who put those fossils there and why? 所以真的问题是 谁把化石放在那里?为什么? [07:50.58]Look at this! My Big Book of Grievances. 看看这个! 我的痛苦之书 [07:56.72]Hey,there's me! 嘿,这是我! [07:59.02]"April 1 7th,excessive noise... 四月十七日,噪音过度… [08:02.03]... Italian guy comes home with a date." 意大利佬带了女伴回家 [08:05.76]You're in here too. 你也在里面 [08:07.57]"April 1 8th,excessive noise... 四月十八日,噪音过度… [08:10.20]... Italian guy's gay roommate brings home dry cleaning." 意大利佬的同性恋室友 带了干洗衣服回家 [08:20.81]Well,that's excellent. 真是太好了 [08:23.92]Look at this lamp. 看看这盏灯 [08:25.48]Is this tacky or what? We have to have this. 真是够俗了 我们一定要带回去! [08:29.12]I think we have enough regular lamps. 我们的好台灯够多了 [08:31.56]What? Come on,it's not like... 什么?好啦,我又不是… [08:33.89]... I'm asking for this girlie clock or anything. 要这个美女时钟或什么的 [08:36.83]Which,by the way, I also think is really cool. 但我觉得这个也很酷 [08:40.60]Look,it doesn't go with any of my stuff. 听着,它与我的东西都不搭配 [08:44.17]Well,what about my stuff? 那么我的东西呢? [08:46.81]You don't have any stuff. 你没有任何东西 [08:49.48]You still think of it as your apartment,don't you? 你还是认为那是你的公寓 对不对? [08:54.28]Yes,you do. 对,你是这么想 [08:55.61]You think of it as your apartment and I just rent a room. 你把它想成是你的公寓 我只是租了个房间 [09:01.82]While you "mmm" on that, I'll go find a place for my new lamp. 你支支吾吾的时候 我会为我的新台灯找个地方放 [09:09.19]Okay,Pheebs. See how I'm making these little toys move? 菲比 看我玩这些小玩具 [09:16.00]Opposable thumbs! 可对立的拇指! [09:19.04]Without evolution,how do you explain opposable thumbs? 没有进化论 怎么发展出可对立的拇指? [09:24.44]Maybe the Overlords needed them to steer their spacecrafts. 也许外星主宰需要拇指 才能够驾驶飞碟 [09:29.72]Tell me you're joking. 请说你是在开玩笑 [09:31.32]Look,can't we say that you believe in something and I don't? 能不能说你相信进化论 而我不相信? [09:35.49]-No,Pheebs,we can't. -Why not? 不行,菲比,不能这样 为什么不行? [09:38.46]What is this obsessive need to make everybody agree with you? 为什么非得每个人都同意你? [09:42.49]No,what's that all about? You know what I think? 这是怎么回事? 你知道我怎么想吗? [09:45.56]I think maybe it's time you put Ross under the microscope. 我想你也许应该好好检视一下 罗斯这个生物了 [09:55.00]Is there blood coming out of my ears? 我耳朵有没有流血? [09:59.65]Check it out. Heckles' high-school yearbook. 看看这个 哈克的高中同学录 [10:03.85]He looks so normal! 他看起来好正常! [10:05.38]He's even kind of cute. 甚至有点可爱 [10:07.59]"Heckles,you crack me up in science class. “哈克 你上科学课总是让我捧腹大笑” [10:10.16]You're the funniest kid in school." “你是全校最有趣的学生” [10:12.39]-Funniest? Heckles? -That's what it says. 最有趣?哈克? 上面是这样写的 [10:15.93]Heckles was voted class clown, and so was l. 哈克被选为班上的活宝 我也是 [10:21.10]He was right! Would you listen to that? 他说得对! 听听那个噪音? [10:23.57]I'd call that excessive. 的确是很吵闹 [10:26.84]What? 什么? [10:27.94]Heckles played clarinet in band, and I played clarinet. 哈克在乐队演奏竖笛 我也是 [10:31.51]He was in the scale modeler's club and I was 他参加模型俱乐部 我也… [10:34.85]There was no club, but I sure thought they were cool. 虽然我的学校没有俱乐部 但我觉得模型很酷 [10:38.35]So? You were both dorks. 所以你们两个都是书呆子 [10:41.35]Big deal. 没什么值得大惊小怪 [10:42.62]I just think it's weird,you know? Heckles and me 我觉得很怪,哈克与我… [10:46.12]Heckles and me. Me 哈克与我,我… [10:48.36]Me and Heckles. 我与哈克 [10:49.93]Hey,would you knock it off! 喂,别吵好不好! [11:10.32]Have you been here all night? 你整晚都在这里? [11:12.28]Look at this. 看看这个 [11:14.22]Pictures of all the women Heckles went out with. 哈克交往过的女人照片 [11:16.32]Look what he wrote on them. "Vivian,too tall." 看看他在上面写的 “薇安,太高大” [11:20.29]"Madge,big gums." “玛姬,牙龈太多” [11:23.16]"Too loud." “太大声” [11:24.46]"Too smart." "Makes noise when she eats." “太聪明” “吃东西发出声音” [11:26.77]This is me. 这就是我 [11:28.67]This is what I do. 这就是我的作法 [11:32.17]I'm gonna end up alone, just like he did. 我会像他一样孤独终老 [11:34.84]Heckles was a nut case. 哈克是个神经病 [11:36.74]Our trains are on the same track. 我们的人生道路方向一样 [11:38.91]I'm coming up 30 years behind him, but the stops are all the same. 我比他晚了30年 但终点都是一样 [11:42.65]Bitter Town... 愁苦城… [11:44.65]...Alone-ville,Hermit Junction! 孤独镇,隐士村! [11:48.82]You know what we gotta do? Get you out of here. 我们应该离开这里 [11:51.42]I'll buy you breakfast. 我请你吃早餐 [11:53.33]What if I never find somebody? Or worse,what if I found her... 要是我一直找不到伴侣? 或更糟的,我已经找到了… [11:56.43]... but I dumped her because she pronounces it,"supposably"? 但我却因为她说“厚许” 就甩了她? [12:01.00]Chandler,come on, you're gonna find somebody. 钱德,好啦 你会找到对象的 [12:04.27]How do you know that? How? 你怎么知道? [12:06.34]I don't know. I'm just trying to help you out. 我不知道 我只是想帮你下台 [12:10.14]You guys will all get married... 你们将来都会结婚… [12:12.28]...and I'll end up alone. 我会孤独一人 [12:14.51]Will you promise me something? 你能不能答应我一件事? [12:16.38]When you're married,will you invite me over for holidays? 你结婚后 过节时能不能请我去玩? [12:20.19]I don't know what we'll be doing. 我不知道我们会怎么样 [12:24.86]I mean,what if we're over at her folks' place? 要是我与妻子 到我岳父母那里过节呢? [12:30.33]Yeah,I understand. 我了解 [12:35.63]You can come over and watch the Super Bowl. 你可以过来看超级杯 [12:38.24]Every year,all right? 每一年都来,怎么样? [12:41.41]You know what? I'm not gonna end up like this. 我不要像这样子下场! [12:45.01]I'll see you,man. 待会见,兄弟 [12:56.42]"Supposably." “厚许”… [13:00.59]Supposably! “厚许”! [13:04.66]Did they go to the zoo? 他们去动物园了吗? [13:07.10]Supposably. “厚许”吧… [13:21.88]Hi. It's me. 嗨,是我 [13:26.00]Oh,my God! 我的天! [13:30.06]Janice? You called Janice? 珍妮丝?你打给珍妮丝? [13:34.00]Yes. Janice. 是的,珍妮丝 [13:35.36]Why is that difficult to comprehend? 有什么难懂的? [13:37.53]You remember Janice,right? 你还记得珍妮丝吧? [13:40.90]Yes. She was smart,she was pretty and she honestly cared about me. 是啊,她很聪明,很漂亮 而且很关心我 [13:45.70]Janice is my last chance to have somebody. 珍妮丝是我的最后一个希望 [13:55.45]Oh,my God! 喔,天啊! [13:59.65]Jeez,look how fat she got. 她真是胖了不少 [14:03.32]-Hey,it's everybody! -Hi,Janice. 嗨,大家都在这里! 嗨,珍妮丝 [14:07.29]Janice,you're.... 珍妮丝,你… [14:08.66]Yes,I am. 是的,我有了 [14:11.46]-ls it? -ls it yours? 是不是… 是不是你的? [14:13.57]You wish,Chandler Bing! 没那么好的事,钱德宝! [14:16.30]You are looking at a married lady now. 我已经是少奶奶了 [14:24.91]Congratulations. 恭喜 [14:27.00]Sweetie,I'm sorry. 甜心,真抱歉 [14:29.48]You couldn't tell me on the phone? 你不能在电话上告诉我吗? [14:31.62]And what? Miss the expression on your face? Oh,no! 要我错过看到你的表情? 才不要! [14:34.79]Janice likes to have her fun! 珍妮丝喜欢乐子! [14:49.94]You know what we haven't played in a while? 你知道我们很久没玩什么吗? [14:53.00]Hide the lamp. 藏起台灯 [14:56.61]Monica,let it go. 摩妮卡,算了吧 [14:59.71]Did you know I'm allergic to shellfish? 你知道我对贝类过敏吗? [15:01.78]Then you'll just have to eat the other lamps. 那么你必须吃其他的台灯 [15:08.00]It's scary scientist man. 可怕的科学家来了 [15:13.29]Okay,Phoebe,this is it. 菲比,这些就是了 [15:15.23]In this briefcase I carry actual scientific facts. 在这个手提箱中 我带来了真正的科学证据 [15:19.20]A briefcase of facts,if you will. 可算是整个提箱的证据 [15:24.07]Some of these fossils are over 200 million years old. 其中有些化石超过2亿年老 [15:29.41]Before you even start, I'm not denying evolution. 我要先告诉你 我并不否定进化论 [15:32.84]It's just one of the possibilities. 进化论只是可能性之一 [15:35.15]It's the only possibility. 进化论是唯一的可能 [15:37.35]Ross,could you just open your mind,like,this much? 罗斯 你能不能稍稍敞开心胸? [15:42.52]Didn't the brightest minds in the world believe the Earth was flat? 以前最聪明的人 不也相信地球是平的? [15:47.59]And up till 50 years ago,you thought the atom was the smallest thing... 五十年前,科学家认为 原子是最微小的事物 [15:52.43]...until you split it open and this whole mess of crap came out. 后来科学家击碎了原子 于是产生了各种玩意… [15:58.50]Are you telling me that you are so unbelievably arrogant... 难道你是如此自大… [16:02.94]...that you can't admit that there's a teeny,tiny possibility... 无法承认有一点点的可能… [16:07.00]...that you could be wrong about this? 你们科学家也许会犯错? [16:15.75]There might be... 是有一点点… [16:19.00]...a teeny... 一点点… [16:22.23]...tiny... 非常一点点… [16:25.00]... possibility. …的可能 [16:28.37]I can't believe you caved. 我真不相信你屈服了 [16:33.47]You just abandoned your whole belief system! 你放弃了你的整个信仰! [16:38.21]Before,I didn't agree with you, but at least I respected you. 以前我虽然不同意你 但我至少尊敬你 [16:41.91]But.... 但是… [16:43.62]How are you gonna go into work tomorrow? 明天你要怎么继续研究? [16:46.05]How are you going to face the other science guys? 你要如何面对其他科学家? [16:49.00]How are you going to face yourself? 你要如何面对你自己? [17:08.41]That was fun. So who's hungry? 真好玩,有谁饿了? [17:10.68]I am. 我饿了 [17:11.78]Me too. Let me just get my coat. 我也是 我去拿外套 [17:22.15]What happened? 怎么了? [17:25.36]It was an accident,I swear. 这是意外,我发誓 [17:27.03]I was putting on my jacket and the thing and the lamp and it broke. 我正在穿外套 台灯就破了 [17:31.20]Oh,please,Monica! You've always hated my lamp! 拜托,摩妮卡! 你痛恨我的台灯! [17:34.83]And now all of a sudden, it's just magically,it's just broken? 突然间 它就奇迹似地破了? [17:39.30]Phoebe,tell her? 菲比,告诉她 [17:40.77]I didn't see it,because I was putting on my jacket. 我没看到 因为我正在穿外套 [17:44.28]But I want to believe you. 但我想要相信你 [17:50.05]Hey,Chandler. Monica just broke my seashell lamp. 嗨,钱德 摩妮卡打破了我的贝壳台灯 [17:54.52]Neat. 真好 [17:55.89]I'm gonna die alone! 我会死得孤苦伶仃! [18:00.23]Okay,you win. 好,算你赢 [18:03.16]Chandler,you are not gonna die alone. 钱德,你不会死得孤苦伶仃 [18:06.06]Janice was my safety net,okay? 本来珍妮丝是我的安全保障 [18:08.20]And now I have to get a snake. 现在我必须去养一条蛇了 [18:12.20]Why is that? 为什么? [18:13.24]If I'm gonna be an old,lonely man, I'm gonna need a thing. 如果我会成为孤独老人 我需要养个东西 [18:16.88]You know,a hook. 有个依靠 [18:18.71]Like that guy on the subway who eats his own face. 就像地铁上那个吃自己脸的人 [18:22.41]So I figure I'll be "Crazy Man With A Snake." 我会成为 “养蛇的疯老头” [18:24.72]Crazy Snake Man. 养蛇疯子 [18:26.22]Then I'll get more snakes, call them my babies. 然后我会养更多蛇 当成我的子女 [18:28.49]Kids will run past my place! 小孩都不敢经过我的门口! [18:30.89]"Run away from Crazy Snake Man," they'll shout! 他们会叫道: 养蛇疯子要来抓人了! [18:37.56]You've got to get over this. 你必须想开一点 [18:40.53]You won't end up alone. 你不会孤苦伶仃 [18:42.17]Of course I will. 我当然会 [18:43.94]I reject anyone who's crazy enough to actually go out with me... 我甩掉了所有 笨得愿意跟我交往的女孩 [18:47.91]...and then I bitch that there aren't any great women out there. 然后我抱怨找不到好女孩 [18:54.25]You have just described... 我们所交往的男人… [18:55.75]...virtually every man that we've ever gone out with. 就跟你所描述的一样 [19:01.35]You are not a freak. You're a guy. 你没什么问题 你只是个平常人 [19:05.12]She's right. 她说得对 [19:06.59]You're no different than the rest. 你与其他人没什么不同 [19:08.56]Wait a minute,wait a minute. Yes,he is. 等一下,等一下 他是不一样 [19:10.93]You are totally different. 你其实很不一样 [19:13.00]In a bad way? 很糟糕吗? [19:14.23]No,honey,in a wonderful way. 不,甜心,是很好的不一样 [19:16.23]You know what you want now. 现在你知道你要什么了 [19:18.20]Most guys don't even have a clue. 大多数男人根本不知道 [19:20.00]You're ready to take risks,be vulnerable and intimate with someone. 你准备好接受风险了 准备好接受伤害,与人亲近 [19:24.04]You're not gonna end up alone. 你不会孤苦伶仃的 [19:26.81]You called Janice. That's how much you wanted to be with someone! 你打电话给珍妮丝 这证明你希望与人厮守终生! [19:33.72]-You've made it! -You're there! 你已经改变了! 你不一样了! [19:35.82]You are ready to make a commitment! 你准备好做出承诺了! [19:38.49]Don't know about that! 但是自己却不知道! [19:48.13]What you got there? 你拿了什么? [19:49.43]Something else that's not yours that you can break? 不是你的东西 而你想要打破? [19:55.51]I know you like this and I want you to have it. 我知道你喜欢这个 我也要你收下它 [19:58.74]It'll look good in our apartment. 在我们公寓会很好看 [20:01.91]Thank you. 谢谢 [20:09.82]That's fine. 没关系 [20:13.93]You'll all be pleased to know that I have a date tomorrow night. 你们会很高兴知道 明天晚上我有约会 [20:18.26]This woman Allison from work. She is great. 我的同事爱莉森 人很不错 [20:20.37]She's pretty,she's smart. And I've been... 她又漂亮又聪明 我一直… [20:23.77]... holding off asking her out in the past,because she has a... 没有约她出来 因为她有一个… [20:28.14]... unusually large head. 不寻常的大头! [20:31.18]But I'm not going to let that stuff hang me up anymore. 但我不要让这种事情阻止我 [20:35.00]Look at me. I'm growing. 看看我,我成熟了 [20:38.15]You can't recycle yearbooks,can you? 同学录有没有回收? [20:41.65]I'll take that. 那个给我 [20:43.05]You want his yearbook? 你要他的同学录? [20:45.19]Some people said nice things about him. Somebody should have it. 有人说了他的好话 应该留下来 [20:49.03]Gosh,this is so weird. 这真的很奇怪 [20:51.80]His whole life was in this apartment and now it's gone. 他整个生命都在这公寓度过 现在人去楼空 [20:56.30]I think it would be nice if we just took a few moments for Mr. Heckles. 我想我们应该为 哈克先生默哀一会儿 [21:01.74]He was kind of a pain. He was,but he was a person. 他是个麻烦人物 但他是个人物 [21:12.42]You're all going to hell. 你们全都会下地狱 [21:14.32]It's really not that big! 其实没有那么大! [21:19.66]-Taking that with you,huh? -Oh,yeah. 你要拿那个走吧? 没错 [21:28.87]You coming? 你来吗? [21:30.34]In a second. 等一下 [21:47.62]Goodbye,Mr. Heckles. 再见,哈克先生 [21:52.92]We'll try to keep it down. 我们会安静点 [22:05.27]My major was useless. 我完全学非所用 [22:07.07]How often do you look in the classifieds and see "Philosopher Wanted"? 报纸上什么时候看得到 “徵求哲学家”? [22:11.38]Sure. 对啊 [22:13.08]My God,that's a big head! 天啊,那真是个大头! [22:17.22]It didn't look this big in the office. Maybe it's the lighting. 在办公室看起来没这么大 也许是因为灯光 [22:21.25]My head must look like a golf ball at work. 我的头在公司 一定像个高尔夫球那么小 [22:25.59]Don't get hung up on it. Quick! List five things you like about her. 不要想了 快列出你喜欢她的五件事 [22:29.63]Nice smile,good dresser. 笑容很美,衣着高雅 [22:31.76]Big head,big head,big head! 大头,大头,还是大头!