[00:03.-4]What is it about me? Do I not look fun enough? [00:16.-3]What is it? Am I hideously unattractive? [03:11.-2]It's before work,after work, and during work. [03:40.-3]He's really interesting, and he's really sweet. [04:41.-3]Monica's setting me up. [04:46.-3]What? My whole insane jealousy thing? [04:56.-2]Oh,yeah,come on! I'm moving on. [06:21.-3]... I am. … [07:00.-3]It's this thing. [10:01.-4]Whatever it takes so that you can finally say to him: [12:49.-1]What? Why are you looking at me like that? [21:50.-4]It's not as if you have a boyfriend's shoulder to cry on. [00:06.22]Is there something repellent about me? [00:10.42]How was the party? [00:11.59]It couldn't have been worse. A woman literally passed through me. [00:18.60]No,you are not. You are very attractive. [00:21.63]I go through the same thing. [00:23.50]When I put on a little weight, I question everything. [00:31.11]I've put on weight? [00:33.65]Did you want to...? [00:37.68]No,not weight. More like insulation. [00:42.65]I'm unemployed, in dire need of a project. [00:45.69]Wanna work out? I can remake you. [00:47.79]I would,but that might get in the way of my lying-around time. [00:52.13]Please? [00:53.26]Come on,let her do it! [00:55.60]All right. [00:56.63]If we put on spandex and my boobs are bigger than yours,I'm going home. [01:01.37]Your boobs are fine. [01:02.71]I shouldn't have said anything. [01:04.48]Come here. Come here! [01:08.88]Can't make hands meet! [02:03.74]Let's do it! [02:09.87]What? [02:11.21]Nothing. Just never seen your little stretchy pants before. [02:16.48]And we're changing. [02:33.26]Come on,give me five more! [02:35.53]Five more! [02:38.84]Five more and I'll flash you. [02:40.61]One... [02:43.58]...two... … [02:46.04]...two and a half. … [02:50.35]Just show me one of them. [03:08.47]She's insane! [03:09.70]The woman is insane. [03:13.81]She's got me doing butt-clenches at my desk. [03:17.28]And now they won't bring me my mail anymore. [03:21.71]Hey,Pheebs. How'd it go with Scott? [03:23.88]It was nice. Took him to a romantic restaurant... [03:27.32]...ordered champagne. Nice. … [03:29.92]He still won't put out? [03:31.46]Nope. Zilch. Nothing. [03:34.06]Sorry,Pheebs. [03:36.39]Look,I don't mind taking it slow. [03:38.50]I like him a lot. [03:43.23]Why won't he give it up? [03:46.34]Maybe he drives his car on the other side of the road. [03:49.77]If you know what I mean. [03:52.81]No. What do you mean? He's not British. [03:58.62]Maybe he's gay. [04:02.69]I don't think that's the problem. [04:05.00]We went dancing the other night... [04:07.03]...and just the way he held me so close and looked into my eyes.... … [04:11.46]I just definitely felt something. [04:14.20]But how much can you tell from a look? [04:16.77]I felt it on my hip. I could tell. [04:22.37]Yo,Bing! Racquetball in 20 minutes. [04:26.01]Joey,be a pal. Lift up my hand and smack her with it. [04:31.78]Oh,Rachel! Don't look. [04:33.45]What? [04:36.49]I don't care. I have a date tonight. [04:39.82]You have a date? [04:43.73]What about Ross and.... [04:48.50]Well,you know, as much fun as that was... [04:51.30]... I've decided to opt for sanity. … [04:54.21]You're okay about all this? [04:58.58]He can press her up against that window as much as he wants. [05:02.31]For all I care,he can throw her through the damn thing. [05:07.69]Hi,guys. [05:09.22]Monica,I'll come by tomorrow and pick up Fluffy's old cat toys,okay? [05:13.86]If you say his full name. [05:16.33]Can I come over tomorrow and pick up Fluffy Meowington's cat toys? [05:22.83]All right. [05:23.94]-You're getting a cat? -Actually,we're getting a cat. [05:28.51]Together? [05:30.07]Both of you? Together? [05:32.38]It'll live with Ross half the time and with me half the time. [05:36.35]Well,isn't that just lovely? [05:40.25]That's something you'll enjoy... [05:42.55]...for a really,really, really long time. … [05:45.26]Hopefully. [05:47.19]Look at that. I gotta go! I got a date! [05:50.60]With a man. [05:53.20]You guys have a really good night... [05:55.70]...and you two have a really good cat. … [06:03.91]We're not supposed to take these when we leave. [06:13.38]I don't know if Monica told you,but this my first date since my divorce. [06:18.82]If I seem a little nervous... [06:23.06]How long do cats live? [06:26.40]I'm sorry? [06:27.47]Cats. How long do they live? [06:29.77]Figuring you don't throw them under a bus or something? [06:34.64]Maybe 1 5,1 6 years. [06:37.18]Well,that's just great. [06:40.48]Cheers! [06:42.61]Right. Clink. [06:50.92]Monica told you I was cuter than this,didn't she? [06:55.36]No,Michael,it's not you. Sorry. It's just.... [07:01.60]It's not as bad as it sounds... [07:03.60]... but this friend of mine is getting a cat with his girlfriend. … [07:07.51]Oh,that does sound.... [07:12.64]He just started going out with her. [07:16.01]Is this guy an old boyfriend? [07:21.45]Yeah,he wishes. [07:26.02]I'm sorry. Look at me. [07:28.13]Michael,let's talk about you. [07:34.20]So.... [07:38.00]Did you ever get a pet with a girlfriend? [07:42.31]-So I figured it out. -What? [07:45.38]Why Scott doesn't want to sleep with me. [07:47.85]I'm not sexy enough. [07:50.38]Phoebe,that's crazy. [07:52.88]When I first met you, you know what I said? [07:55.82]I said,"Excellent butt,great rack." [08:02.06]Really? That's so sweet. [08:06.33]I mean,I'm officially offended. But that's so sweet. [08:11.17]If you wanna know what the deal is, you're gonna have to ask him. [08:15.74]You're right. You're right. [08:18.08]You are so "yum"! [08:39.80]I mean,it's a cat,you know? It's a cat. [08:45.30]Why can't they get a bug? One of those fruit flies. [08:48.81]Those things that live for a day. [08:51.21]What are they called? [08:54.08]Fruit flies? [08:56.91]Thank you. [08:58.05]Would you like dessert? [09:00.79]No dessert. [09:01.92]Just the check. Please. [09:05.12]Oh,no. You're not having fun,are you? [09:08.23]No,no,I am. [09:10.06]But only because I've been playing the movie Diner in my head. [09:16.60]Oh,look at me. [09:18.40]Look at me. [09:19.74]I'm on a date with a really great guy. [09:23.57]All I can think about is Ross... [09:26.08]...and his cat... … [09:28.18]...and his Julie. … [09:30.75]I just want to get over him. Why can't I do that? [09:36.15]Look,I've been through a divorce. Trust me,you're gonna be fine. [09:40.26]You can't see it because you haven't had closure [09:44.30]Closure! [09:46.33]That's what it is! That's what I need! [09:48.63]God,you're brilliant! [09:52.54]Why didn't I think of that? How do I get that? [09:56.77]Well,there's no one way really,it's just.... [10:04.22]"I'm over you." “ [10:06.85]Over you. [10:08.52]That's what it is. [10:11.29]Closure. [10:13.79]Hello? Excuse me? [10:16.49]Excuse me. Hel [10:19.06]-Hang on. -Excuse me? [10:20.46]-What? -Hi. I'm sorry. [10:22.37]I need to borrow your phone for just one minute. [10:26.70]-I'm talking. -I see that. [10:28.31]One phone call,I'll be very quick. I'll even pay for it myself. [10:34.38]You're being a little weird about your phone. [10:40.55]All right. Fine. [10:42.65]I'll call you back. [10:46.86]Thank you. [10:56.20]Machine. [10:58.20]-Just waiting for the beep. -Good. [11:02.17]Ross! Hi,it's Rachel. [11:05.84]I'm just calling to say that... [11:08.61]...everything's fine. … [11:10.41]And I'm really happy for you... [11:12.72]...and your cat. … [11:15.25]Who,by the way,I think you should name Michael. [11:22.09]You see there, I'm thinking of names... [11:24.76]...so obviously I am over you. … [11:28.37]I am over you. [11:31.70]And that,my friend, is what they call "closure." [11:51.00]It's Sunday morning. I'm not running on a Sunday. [11:54.33]-Why not? -Because it's Sunday! [11:57.50]It's God's day. [12:00.93]If you say stop,then we stop. [12:04.84]Stop. [12:06.00]No,come on! We can't stop! [12:08.17]We got three more pounds to go! [12:10.31]I am the energy train and you are on board! [12:32.90]And how was the date? [12:35.37]I think there was a restaurant. [12:38.47]I know there was wine. [12:43.51]Actually,Julie's getting a cab. [12:45.58]I just need the cat toys. Did Monica say.... [12:52.15]I'm sorry. I don't know,l.... [12:54.75]I feel like I dreamed about you last night... [12:57.32]... but I don't remember. … [13:03.43]There they are. [13:06.20]Did we speak on the phone? Did you call me? [13:08.70]No. I stayed at Julie's last night. [13:12.87]I haven't even been home yet. Do you mind if I check my messages? [13:16.91]Oh,yeah,go ahead. [13:22.45]Rach,I got a message from you! [13:29.45]Who's Michael? [13:30.86]Oh,my God! [13:32.26]Ross,no! Hang up the phone. Give me the phone! [13:37.73]Give me the [13:45.04]You're over me? [13:47.07]Oh,God! [13:49.57]-You're -Oh,God. [13:51.78]You're over me? [13:59.55]When were you... [14:01.65]... under me? … [14:11.23]I mean,were you? [14:13.46]What? [14:17.74]Basically... [14:19.40]...Iately,I've.... … [14:23.11]I've sort of had feelings for you. [14:29.81]You've had feelings for me? [14:33.15]So? You had feelings for me first! [14:39.32]You know about my You know I had [14:41.79]You know? [14:45.40]Chandler told me. [14:46.66]When did he? When did he? When did he? [14:51.80]When you were in China. [14:53.77]Meeting Julie. [14:55.87]Julie. That's Oh,God! [15:01.38]I need to lie down. [15:04.05]No,I'm gonna stand. [15:05.55]I'm gonna stand... [15:07.45]...and I'm gonna walk. I'm walking and I am standing. … [15:14.73]Now you're over me? [15:18.90]Are you over me? [15:30.57]That's Julie. [15:34.55]-Hi,Julie. -I've got a cab waiting. [15:37.31]I'll be right down! [15:43.32]Wait,so you're going? [15:44.92]Well,okay,I have to. I can't deal with this right now. [15:48.83]I mean,I've You know,I've got a cab. [15:51.23]I've got a girlfriend. I'm gonna go get a cat. [15:58.84]Cat! [16:16.92]-Hey,Joey. -Hey,Pheebs. [16:20.76]How come you're watching a rabbi play electric guitar? [16:25.30]I can't find the remote. [16:30.80]Thank you. [16:33.57]Scott asked me to come over for lunch and I did. [16:36.37]-And? -And we did. [16:39.38]All right! Way to go! [16:41.31]Yea,me! [16:43.28]So how did it happen? [16:45.55]I took your advice and asked him what was going on. [16:48.59]What did he say? [16:50.05]He understands how sex can be a very emotional thing for a woman. [16:54.56]And he was just afraid that I was going to get all: [16:57.80]"ls he gonna call me the next day?" and "Where is this going?" “ [17:02.57]So he said he wanted to hold off until he was prepared to be serious. [17:09.47]So I said,"Okay. Relax,please." [17:14.85]Sex can be just about two people right there in the moment. [17:19.15]If he wants to see me again,he can call. If not,that's fine too. [17:23.15]So after a lot of talking... [17:28.86]... I convinced him. … [17:34.50]Let me get this straight. [17:36.43]He got you to beg to sleep with him. [17:39.64]He got you to say he never has to call you again. [17:44.54]And he got you thinking this is a great idea? [17:51.12]This man is my god! [18:11.04]I didn't get a cat. [18:14.64]That's interesting. [18:17.91]No,it's not "interesting." It's very,very not interesting. [18:22.05]It's actually 100% the opposite of interesting. [18:25.25]I got it,Ross. [18:26.68]You had no right to say you had feelings for me. [18:30.69]I was doing great with Julie before I knew! [18:33.56]I was doing great before I knew about you! [18:35.66]You think it's easy to see you with Julie? [18:38.23]You should've said something before! [18:40.53]I didn't know then. And how come you never said anything? [18:44.03]There was never a good time. [18:45.84]You only had a year. And we only hung out every night! [18:49.57]Not... [18:51.58]...every night. … [18:54.41]It's not like I didn't try. But things got in the way. [18:57.58]You know,like ltalian guys... [18:59.45]...or ex-fiances... … [19:03.09]...or ltalian guys. … [19:07.22]There was one ltalian guy,okay? And do you have a point? [19:11.06]The point is,I don't need this right now! [19:14.03]Okay? It's too late. [19:15.93]I'm with somebody else. I'm happy. This ship has sailed! [19:19.10]You're just gonna put away your feelings for me? [19:22.47]I've done it since ninth grade. I'm good at it. [19:25.38]All right,fine. You go ahead and do that. [19:28.08]I don't need your ship! [19:29.58]-Good. -Good! [19:32.15]And you know what? Now I got closure! [20:27.77]Try the bottom one. [20:57.20]Monica,it's 6:30 in the morning. [21:00.94]We're not working out. It's over. [21:04.04]No way! With one pound to go? Come on! [21:06.71]We're workin',we're movin' We're in the zone,we're groovin' [21:11.65]I don't mind the last pound. [21:13.75]In fact,I kind of like the last pound. [21:17.75]So don't make me do anything that I'll regret. [21:21.12]What you gonna do,fat boy? [21:24.83]What? [21:27.83]Nothing. Except tell you it's wonderful how much energy you have. [21:32.74]Well,thanks. [21:34.61]Especially considering how tough it's been for you to find work. [21:40.78]You can't tell your parents you were fired,because they'd be disappointed. [21:55.46]Well,no. But l.... [21:57.53]If it were me,I'd have difficulty getting out of bed at all. [22:07.37]You know,I try to stay positive. [22:10.54]So you.... [22:12.48]You feel like going for a run? [22:17.68]All right. [22:19.48]Because you don't have to. You could just take a nap right here.