-Maybe. -Don't toy with me. 或许 别耍我 I've been feeling so lousy lately. No job,no boyfriend. 过去两个月我一直觉得好郁卒 没有工作,没有男友 And yet somehow we went through five? 可是这里有五个瓶子 Have you been with him when he wasn't drinking? 摩妮卡,你们约会时 他有没有喝过酒? So,what's going on? 发生什么事了? ...there are no hardware stores open past midnight in the Village. 这附近所有的五金行 一过了午夜之后都关门了 He's probably always been dull. You just,you know... 也许他一直很无聊,你只是… ...you know... …可以说是… Oh! Oh,you're a.... 你是…你是… Oh,you're the date. 她约会的对象 Oh,my... 我的… I guess I could sleep with her. I mean.... 我可以跟她上床… Didn't you used to call it "the little major"? 你以前不是叫它 “小少校”的吗? You could not be more wrong. 你错得不可能再错 This is hard for me to say. 这真的很难开口 It was unbelievable. I walked in there and she was all over me. 简直不可思议,我一进去 她就开始对我上下其手 Oh,I do. It's Bob Saget. 我知道,是…沙巴西格 Slow down! The paper won't be sold out at 1:00 in the morning. 你慢一点,报纸不会在 半夜一点就全部卖光的 I'm excited! I've never been reviewed before! 我好兴奋 第一次有我的剧评 You were so amazing as the king! I'm really impressed. 你演国王演得太精采了 我真的好欣赏,真的 But you know what? 不过你知道吗? You might wanna wear underwear next time. 我觉得下一次啊 你应该考虑要穿穿内裤 When you sat on the throne, you could see your... 因为当你登上宝座的时候 观众可以看到你的… ... royal subjects. …龙根子 Here it is! Here it is! 有了,在这儿 "The only thing worse than the mindless adolescent direction... 唯一比没大脑又孩子气的 导演还要烂的是… ...was Joseph Tribbiani's disturbingly unskilled portrayal of the king." …崔乔伊对国王的 超级逊栓释 Okay,look. That is one guy's opinion. 那只是一个人的意见 All right? Pheebs,read yours. 菲碧,念你的 "The only thing worse than the mindless,adolescent direction" “唯一比没大脑又孩子气的导演 还要烂的是…” Anybody have a different paper? 谁念一念别家报纸可以吗? Ross,read yours. 罗斯,念你的 I don't want to. 我不想念 Joey,they don't know what they're talking about. 乔伊,蜜糖 他们不知道他们在讲什么 Maybe they do. 那不一定 I've done this 10 years and I'm nowhere. There's gotta be a reason. 演了十年还混不出名堂 不是因为我烂是什么 Come on,you're just paying your dues. 别这样嘛,你现在是耕耘阶段 No,no,no. It's too hard. 不…太难了 It's not worth it. I quit. 这不值得,我不干了 Come on,Joey! 别这样… Wait,wait one minute. Wait a minute. 等一下… I believe this will change your mind. 包你听了会回心转意的 "ln a mediocre play,Joseph Tribbiani achieved brilliant levels of 在这出平凡的戏里崔乔伊 成功地跃上另一美妙新境界… Continued on page 153. 接153页 sucking." …超级烂 六人行 第2季 第10集 纳斯(罗斯翻版) I used to want to be a vet. 小时候,我的志愿是当兽医 Then I found out you have to put your hands into cows. 然后我发现我必须要把手 伸到牛的什么的里面 Are you okay? 你好吗? Just a tough day at work,you know? 很好,只是水深火热的一天 Stegosaurus fell over,trapped a kid. 剑龙倒了,困住一个小孩 I know this jacket. This is Fun Bobby's jacket! 我认得这件夹克 这是风趣巴比的夹克 Where is he? He's here,isn't he? 他在哪里?他在,对不对? Geller! 老盖勒 Hey,Fun Bobby! 风趣巴比 Hey! You been working out? 你有去健身啊? Not at all. 才没有呢 I love this guy! 我爱这傢伙 I'm psyched to hear you're back with Monica. 好高兴听到 你又跟我妹妹在一起了 -You and me both! -So what'd I miss? 我们都是 我错过了什么吗? We were trying to make Joey feel better. 我们只是让乔伊觉得好过一点 Need me to pick you up? 需要我把你举起来吗? No,I'm all right,man. 不,我没事了,真的 No,I'm picking you up! 不,我要把你举起来 No,seriously. I don't need you to 不,真的,我不需要… It still works! 好吧,还是有用 Before I go,does anybody else need to be picked up? 在我走之前 有谁还要被我给举起来的? I'm still gonna go. 我还是走好了 See you later,babe. 待会儿见了,拜拜 Public display of affection coming up. You can avert your eyes. 我们要公开亲热 大家的眼睛请回避一下 See you. 再见… Fun Bobby is so great. 这个风趣巴比好棒 Oh,isn't he? 可不是嘛 I think this time it may work with him. He makes me feel so good. 我认为这一回我们会定下来 他让我觉得好棒 Well,at least my cup is half full. 至少现在我有一样了 Half full of love! 有一样“爱…” For our two-week anniversary, he's taking me to his cousin's cabin. 他为了庆祝我们的双周庆 周末要带我去他表哥的小木屋 Cabin of love! “爱…的小屋” We went through a lot of wine tonight. 我们今晚喝了好多酒 I only had two glasses. 真的?我才喝了两杯 I had a glass. 我只喝了一杯 Two. 两杯 I had one glass. 我喝了一杯 I had a mug full in this... 我用这可爱的… ... I-got-boned-at-the- Museum-of-Natural-History mug. …“我在自然历史 博物馆看到骨头了”喝了一杯 Okay,so that's what? Two bottles. 这么说的话,顶多两瓶 So what? So he drank a lot tonight. 那又怎么样,他今晚喝多了 Now that I think about it, I don't think... 是呀,不过现在我想起来… ...I've ever seen Fun Bobby without a drink. 我记得风趣巴比酒不离手 And did you notice how he always starts his stories with... 你们有没有注意过 他故事的开头总是… ... "Okay,I was so wasted!" or "Oh,we were so bombed!" “我喝得烂醉了” 或者是“我们好醉了” "So I wake up and I'm in this dumpster in Connecticut!" 或者是“我醒来以后发现 我在康州一辆清道车里面” We just happen to go to a lot of places where you might drink. 只是恰巧而已 我们去的地方都会喝酒的 How do you go to a wine-tasting without having a drink? 我是说去品酒会 怎么可能不来杯酒的 Or to a club,or to the... 或者是去俱乐部或是去… ...zoo. …动物园 中央公园 Rach,does this have nonfat milk? 瑞秋,里面有没有脱脂奶? I don't know,taste it. 不知道,你试试看吧 Too late,you already had some. 来不及,抱歉,你喝过了 What do you say we make these coffees lrish? 我们把这都弄成了爱尔兰咖啡 你们认为怎么样? Cake! 蛋糕! Yeah,we're gonna get some cake. 对,我们去拿蛋糕 It seems like you've been making an awful lot of stuff "lrish" lately. 我发现你最近好像把很多东西 都弄成爱尔兰式的 I'd make them Belgian,but the waffles are hard to get into that flask. 我很想弄成比利时式的 可是饼干很难塞进酒瓶子里 Yeah,okay. 好吧 Maybe it's none of my business. Or maybe it is,I don't know. 听着,这或许不关我的事 或许有关,我不知道 I'm worried about you. 我有点担心你 This isn't the first time somebody said something to me about this. 这不是第一次 有人跟我说过这件事情了 But I always made excuses, like "I'm just a social drinker." 我老是为我自己找一些藉口 像“跟朋友在一起才喝” Or "Come on,it's Flag Day!" 或“来嘛,今天是国庆日” So,what are you saying now? 那你现在怎么说呢? I guess I'm saying... 我猜我要说… ... I'll try and quit. …我戒戒看 I like that you worry about me. 我喜欢你担心我的样子 I am gonna try and quit drinking. 我要试着戒酒了 Oh! Why? 为什么? Guess who's back in show biz! 猜谁又回演艺圈了? Lorne Greene? 罗伦格林 No. You know why? Because he's dead. 不是,菲比 你知道为什么吗?他死了 Oh,no. 天啊 This is gonna seem bittersweet now... 我猜这似乎有点苦乐参半… ... but Joey,that's who! 是乔伊老弟耶 My agent called with an audition for Days Of Our Lives! 是啊,我经纪人叫我去 “我们的日子”试镜看看 Kick ass! 帅啊 We have to celebrate! We should do a soap opera theme. 那我们必须要庆祝 应该开个肥皂剧主题派对 We could all sleep together, then one of us could get amnesia! 对,我们可以一起上床 然后其中一个人失去记忆 When do you get off? We'll do something tonight. 阿秋,你什么时候下班? 晚上一起做点什么 Well,actually,I'm already done. But I kind of got plans. 事实上,我下班了 但我有其他计划耶 You have other friends? 你有别的朋友 I have a date. 对,我…我有约会 What? 什么? With a man? 跟男人? What's so strange about me having a date? 怎么? 我有约会有什么奇怪的? What about Ross? 那罗斯怎么办? You're still mad because he made that list? 你还在为列单子的事 在跟他生气,是不是? No,no,I'm not mad at him. 不…我不生气了 I'm not really "anything" at him anymore. 我对他再也不怎么了 -What are you talking about? -I don't know. 你在胡说些什么? 我不知道 Whatever I was feeling,I'm... 不管我从前怎么样,我… ... not. …不了 But you guys came so close. 你们就差一点点 I'm sorry. You'll have to get used to the fact... 我知道,对不起啦,各位 你们只得习惯… ...that I will not be dating Ross. …我不会跟罗斯约会这个事实 Here he is. 他来了 Guys,this is Russ. 各位,这是洛斯 I'm not saying you're not talented. You're very talented. 不…我不是说你没才华 你非常有才华 But with the bird dead and all, there's very little act left. 只是那只鸟死了之后 剩下的戏就很少了 Honey,give me a break,will you? 蜜糖,放我一马,好吗? I'll talk to you later. 我等会儿再打给你 There's my favorite client! 我最喜爱的客户来了 So tell me,darling, how was the audition? 告诉我,亲爱的 试镜结果如何? I think it went well. I got a callback for Thursday. 我觉得进行得满顺利的 他们要我周四复试 Joey! Have you ever seen me ecstatic? 乔伊,你见过我心醉神迷吗? Well,here it is. 那你见识看看 Okay! Listen,there's something I want to talk to you about. 对了,有件事我想跟你谈谈 The casting lady 电视台的选角小姐… Oh,isn't Lori a doll? 罗莉是不是很棒? She's great. 对…她很棒 But I kind of got the feeling that she was sort of coming on to me. 可是…我有点觉得 她好像对我有那么一点点意思 And I definitely would get the part if I were to,you know.... 我觉得如果我想得到 那个角色的话,就要… If I sent the little general in. 派我的“小将军”出马 I see! Well,I'm just gonna put in a call here... 我懂了 我现在就打个电话… ...and we'll find out what's going on and straighten it out. …把事情搞清楚 看看究竟是怎么回事 Lori,please. 你好啊,请接罗莉 Hi,darling! 亲爱的 How about Joey Tribbiani for the part of the cab driver? 崔乔伊适不适合 计程车司机那个角色? Isn't he terrific? 他是不是棒透了? Okay,doll,talk to you later. 我们等会儿再谈 You're gonna have to sleep with her. 对,你必须跟她上床 -What's the matter? -Fun Bobby. 你怎么了? 是风趣巴比 What? Isn't he sober? 怎么?他又喝酒了? Oh,he's sober all right. 他是没喝酒 Turns out that Fun Bobby was fun for a reason. 只是我发现 风趣巴比风趣是有原因的 All right,here you go,sweetie. 拿去吧,甜心 Thanks. You wanna hear something funny? 谢了 要不要听一个有趣的故事? Oh,God,yes! 好啊,要 There are no hardware stores open past midnight in the Village. 只要一过了午夜 这附近的五金行就全都关门了 That is funny. 好好笑哦 I needed to buy a hammer and I'm out walking around the neighborhood. 前几天晚上我需要买一把榔头 我就出去在这附近逛了一逛 But apparently... 但… Don't you have to be at your interview? 甜心,你不是该去面试了吗? Oh,yeah. 是呀 See you guys. 各位再见了 Bye... 拜拜… ...ridiculously dull Bobby. …无聊至极的巴比 Oh,my God. 老天啊 He's not that bad. 他还没那么糟啦 Not that bad? Did you not hear the hammer story? 没那么糟? 你没有听到那个故事吗? Okay,don't get all squinky. 别那么挑剔嘛 Maybe it's the kind of story where you had to be there. 也许你应该身历其境 才会觉得好笑啊 But I'm gonna be there! 但我下半辈子… For the rest of my life. 都会身历其境啊 I can't dump him. I made him quit drinking. I made him dull! 我不能跟他分手,我叫他戒酒 所以他无聊是因为我 Don't say that. 好了,别这么说了 ...set it free. …你只是把他解放了 Hey,Ross. 罗斯 Hi,Russ. 洛斯 I've got two more tables to clean,and then we'll go. 再两张桌子 我们就可以走了,好吗? I'll just sit here and... 我就坐这儿好了… ...chat with your... 跟你的… ...friend-type people. …好朋友一起聊天 Rachel? 瑞秋 So,you know what you're doing,right? 你知道你在干什么吗? Waitressing? 服务生? Well,yeah. But,no. I mean.... 是又不是… Doesn't Russ just remind you of someone? 洛斯会不会 让你想起某个人来呢? Bob Saget? 巴布西格? Oh,yeah! 对呀 No,no,no! 不对… Oh,my,oh! 天呀 What's wrong? 怎么了? She's upset because... 她心情不好是因为… ...she buttered a spider into her toast this morning. …她不小心 把一只蜘蛛涂在吐司上了 All right. 好吧 Listen,Pheebs. This is gonna be okay. 听我说,菲菲,这不要紧的 Ross,Russ. Russ,Ross. 罗斯,洛斯 洛斯,罗斯 Are you a friend of Rachel's? 你是…瑞秋的朋友? Yes. Yes,I am. 是,我是 Are you a friend of Rachel's? 你是…瑞秋的朋友吗? Actually,I'm kind of a... 事实上,我是… ...a date-type thing... 瑞秋的约会对象… ...of Rachel's. …朋友 A date? 约会? I'm her date. 对,她的约会对象 This is actually good... 其实这也满好玩的… ... because if we lose Ross, we have a spare. 因为万一我们失去了罗斯 还有一个备用的 Oh! You are the paleontologist. 你是那个…古生物学家 Yes. Yes,I am. And you are a.... 对,我是 那你是… Periodontist. 牙科医师 See? Now they're as different as night and... 瞧,现在他们简直是黑夜跟… ...Iater that night. …更黑的夜 Well,I am going to get a beverage. 我现在要去…拿杯饮料 It was nice meeting you. 很高兴…很高兴认识你 Ditto. 彼此 Well,I met Russ. 我…我见过洛斯了 Hey,I didn't know we were seeing other people. 我不知道我们…边跟别人交往 Well,we're not seeing each other,so.... 我们又没有在交往,所以… For your information, there's a woman at the museum... 我告诉你好了 我们馆里有个女的… ...who's curator of moths and other... …负责蛾类… ...winged things... …跟其他有翅生物… ...who's let it be known that she is drawn to me,much like a... …她明显地表示她喜欢我 就像是… ...you know. 你知道嘛 I've kept her at bay, but if this is the deal 我到现在还跟她保持距离 但是如果你要这样的话… This is the deal. 对,我要这样 Okay,well,have a nice evening. 那好,祝你有愉快的一晚 Russ,you ready? 洛斯,你好了吗? She's dating? 她在约会? She's dating? 她在约会? Yes,but did you see who she was dating? 对,对 但你看到她在跟谁约会了吗? What do you mean? 什么意思? -Do you not see it? -See what? 你看不出来吗? 看什么? I don't know what she sees in that goober! 我真搞不懂 她看中那驴蛋哪一点 It takes him,what? Like,I don't know... 那…那个傢伙… ... hello,a week to get out a sentence? …讲完一句话要等一个礼拜 It's annoying,isn't it? 是呀,烦死人了,是不是? You didn't get the part... 我猜你没有得到那个角色… ...or ltaly called and said it was hungry? …或是意大利来电说它饿了 The part's mine if I want it. 不,我要的话那角色就是我的 Oh,my God! 老天啊 If I'm willing to sleep with the casting lady. 对呀,只要我愿意 跟选角小姐上床的话 ...God? 老天啊? Ten years I've been waiting for a break like this. Ten years! 我等了十年 才等到这个机会,钱德 I mean,Days of our Lives. That's actually on television! 我是说“我们的日子” 那真的会在电视上播出 What are you gonna do? 那你要怎么做? How can I do that? 但我怎么能那么做呢 I've got a pop-up book that told me everything I need to know. 我有一本 教我关于性的一切的立体书 I've never slept with someone for a part. 我从没有为了角色 跟人家上床过 Well,is she 那么她是… Sorry. 抱歉 Is she good-looking? 她长得好看吗? She's totally good-looking. If I met her in a bar... 好看,她长得非常的好看 若我在酒吧认识她的话… ... I'd be buying her breakfast. …我一定会请她吃早餐 After having slept with her. 你知道,我是说跟她上床之后 Maybe this isn't such a big deal. 乔伊,或许这没什么大不了的 The way that I see it is,you get a great job,and you get to have sex! 依我看你不但得到一份好工作 还可以跟她上床 Throw in a tree and a fat guy, and you've got Christmas! 也许再加上一棵树跟胖子 就像圣诞树了 I just don't think that I want it that way,though. 我只是不希望 那样得到这份工作 I mean,let's say I do make it,all right? 就说有一天万一我成名好了 I'll always look back and wonder if it was because of my talent or... 我会怀疑那到底是因为 我的才华,还是因为我的… ...you know,the little general. …你知道,我的小将军 After Denise DeMarco, I had to promote it. 对呀,但是在上过狄丹妮后 它就升级了 Something from the bar? 两位要不要来一杯酒啊? Yes,I would like something. 好,我要点杯酒 No. No,thank you. 不,不,谢谢 If you wanna drink,it's okay with me. I've gotta get used to it. 没关系,你想喝酒的话 我没问题,我要习惯这种事 No,no,really. I wouldn't feel right about it. 不…真的 我冰箱里面的灯熄了 Just some water,please. 来杯水好了 -So my refrigerator light's out. -Scotch on the rocks with a twist! 我会觉得很不舒服 来杯威士忌加冰块跟柠檬 We're having some fun now,huh,Ross? 这个游戏很有趣吧,罗斯? Wanna do another one? Huh,Russ? 我们再做一个好不好,洛斯? Eleven letters... 十一个字母 ...atomic element number 101, ends in "ium." 它的原子序号码是101 字尾是“IUM” Dysprosium. 是镝 Dysprosium. 什么是镐? Try mendelevium. 我看试试钔吧 And weenie number two has it. 二号参赛者答对了 Unless "Knights in White Satin" was sung by the Doody Blues. 除非直九的“白缎之夜” 是“杜迪蓝调”唱的 You don't see it? You actually don't see it? 你真的看不出来吗? What? 什么? Honey,you're dating Ross. 你在跟罗斯约会 No,Pheebs,I'm dating Russ. 不,菲菲,我跟洛斯约会 Russ is Ross. Russ,Ross. 洛斯就是罗斯,洛斯,罗斯 Steve,sleeve. 史提,史里 No one is named sleeve. 没有人叫那种名字 What are you talking about? 菲比,你到底在鬼扯什么? Other than their names being similar, I do not see what you're seeing. 除了名字相似之外 对不起,我看不到你看到的 For your information... 我老实告诉你好了… ...it's a card sharp, not a card shark. …是赌胜 不是赌圣 You could try, but you would not be successful. 你可以试,可是你不会成功 I'm gonna get some more coffee before the pinching and eye-poking begins. 我先倒杯咖啡 然后再回来看你们互戳眼睛 I know your problem. 我知道问题在哪儿了 Oh,you do,do you? 是吗? You're jealous. 你嫉妒 Of what? 嫉妒什么? You're jealous because I'm a real doctor. 你嫉妒我是个真正的医生 Hey,you're a doctor of gums. 你是牙龈的医生 That's the smallest body part you can major in. 那是人能够钻研的 最小的人体器官 Day one,floss. Day two,here's your diploma. 就像是第一天教你用牙线 第二天,这是你的文凭 You listen here 你给我听着… -Let me finish. -No,let me finish. 不,让我说完 不,你让我说完 No,you let me fin 不,你让我说完… Did Joey say what he was gonna do? 乔伊走时有没有说打算怎么做 I don't even think he knew. 没有,我想他自己也不知道 Would you sleep with somebody to get a great job? 你会为一个很棒的工作 跟别人上床吗? Who would I have to sleep with? 我必须跟谁上床? Me. 我 Why with you? 我干嘛得跟你上床? It's my game. You want the job or not? 这是我的事 这工作你到底要不要? Good morning. 早 Where you going? 你去哪里? Bobby and I are going away for the weekend. Remember? 我要跟巴比去小木屋度周末 记得吗? What's with all the liquor? 带那么多酒干什么? What's going on? Is Bobby drinking again? 怎么了?巴比又开始喝酒了 This is not for him. This is for me. 不…这不是他喝的 这是给我的 That way,he's sober but his shoelace stories are more amusing. 这样他会很清醒,而我会觉得 他的鞋带笑话好笑多了 God! Even his knock is boring! 天哪,他连敲门 怎么都这么乏味啊 -I'll be ready in a second. -Could I talk to you? 我马上就好了 我可以跟你谈一谈吗? Sure. 可以啊 You fell off the wagon! 天啊,你又开始喝酒了 Oh,no,no. 不是… It's about you. 是关于你的 What about me? 我怎么了? I think you may have a drinking problem. 我想你或许有酗酒问题 What,these? 不,这些是… No,these are for cuts and scrapes. …擦伤口用的 Look,I'm not strong enough to be in a codependent relationship. 我现在无法扯入一段 相互依赖的关系当中 Oh,shoot. 该死 Well,anyway, I hope we can be friends. 不管怎么样 我希望我们还是朋友 Take care. 保重了 -You too. -Goodbye. 你也是 拜 What happened? 怎么了? We kind of broke up. 我们分手了 Does anybody want these? 这些酒谁要? I'll take one. 我拿一瓶 Sometimes I hold stuff like this and pretend I'm a giant. 我有时候喜欢拿这种东西 假装我是个巨人 How'd the callback go? 复试结果怎么样? -What did you do? -I couldn't do it. 结果呢? 我就是办不到 I didn't want the part that way. 我告诉她我不想那样得到角色 Good for you! 干得好… But wait! I left her office... 等等,我离开她办公室之后 她追我追到电梯来 ...and she caught up with me and offered me a bigger part. 她说要给我一个更重要的角色 So,and? 所以呢? So,you are now looking at Dr. Drake Ramoray,neurosurgeon... 所以… 各位面前站的是雷医生… ... recurring in at least four episodes! …是一位至少会在四集里面 出镜的神经外科医师 All right,I gotta go shower. 太棒了…我去洗澡了 I guess you guys heard Rachel dumped me. 你们听说我被瑞秋甩了吧? Yeah,I'm sorry,man. 是呀,很遗撼啊,老兄 She said I remind her too much of somebody. 她说我会让她想起另外一个人 Any idea who she's talking about? 你们知道那个人是谁吗? She hates him. 她恨他 Hey,Julie! 茱莉 How are you doing? 最近好吗? I don't know. It's weird not being with Ross... 我不知道 没有了罗斯,的确很不对劲… ... but I guess I'm doing okay. …但是我猜我还好啦 Actually,I've got some of his stuff that he.... 事实上 我带了一些他的东西…