[01:03.-2]Tongue? [03:29.-4]Good. [05:31.-1]All right. [06:27.-3]Abso-... [07:10.-2]He's gonna stay with Julie. [08:23.-1]Rachel first. [09:12.-3]Okay,let's do Julie. [10:39.-4]I just got back... [11:47.-1]-Let me get my coat. -Okay. No,hey! [13:22.-4]A lonely gray couch. [13:54.-1]I do not need to see it! [15:02.-4]It's "She's not Rachel"! [16:20.-3]Hey! Open up! Please? [16:43.-4]Number three: the way you play with your hair when you're nervous. [17:03.-2]Oh,yeah. [19:15.-2]Anyhow,here's your check. [19:31.-1]So it doesn't burn when you pee,does it? [00:04.82]Ross kissed me. [00:07.32]Oh,my God! Oh,my God! Oh,my God! [00:09.82]It was unbelievable! [00:11.39]Oh,my God! Oh,my God! Oh,my God! [00:14.69]Let's hear everything. [00:16.43]Monica,get the wine and unplug the phone. [00:19.36]Rachel,does this end well or do we need to get tissues? [00:23.10]It ended very well. [00:26.20]Do not start without me! Do not start without me! [00:29.34]Okay. All right. Let's hear about the kiss. [00:32.18]Was it a soft brush against your lips... [00:34.78]...or was it a "I gotta have you now" kind of thing? [00:38.88]Well,at first it was really intense, you know? And then.... [00:43.22]Oh,God. And then we just sort of sunk into it. [00:46.79]So was he holding you? Or were his hands on your back? [00:50.63]No,actually,first they started out on my waist... [00:54.37]...and then they slid up and were in my hair. [01:00.27]And... [01:01.44]...then I kissed her. … [01:04.08]-Yeah. -Cool. [01:53.16]All right,check out this bad boy! [01:55.53]Twelve megabytes of RAM, 500-megabyte hard drive... 12MGRAM 500MG [01:59.10]... built-in spreadsheet capabilities... [02:01.10]...and a modem that transmits at over 28,000 BPS. [02:05.27]What will you use it for? [02:07.84]Games and stuff. [02:11.51]There are no jobs. There are no jobs for me. [02:14.41]Oh,wait,here's one. [02:16.92]-Would you be willing to cook naked? -There's an ad for a naked chef? [02:21.29]No,but if you'll cook naked,then you might be willing to dance naked. [02:26.26]And then. [02:31.43]So how'd you make out last night? [02:37.44]That is funny. That is painfully funny. [02:40.14]No,wait,wait. … [02:41.81]Yeah,that's just painful. [02:44.31]Wait a minute. I thought last night was great. [02:47.65]Yeah,it was. But I get home... [02:49.75]...and I see Julie's saline solution on my night table... [02:53.25]...and I think, "My God! What am I doing?" [02:55.79]Here I am with Julie, this incredible,great woman... [02:58.89]...who I care about and who cares about me... … [03:01.83]...and I'm just throwing all that away? [03:04.50]You got all that from saline solution? [03:08.00]Wait. We're talking about Rachel. You and Rachel. [03:11.50]I've been dreaming about me and Rachel for 10 years. [03:14.67]But now I'm with Julie. [03:16.64]So it's like,me and Julie, me and Rachel. [03:19.74]Me and Julie,me and Rach [03:22.48]Rachel! Rachel. [03:24.85]-Hey,you. -How are you? [03:27.29]Good. How are you? [03:30.36]-Hi,honey. -Hi,Julie. Hi,Julie? [03:33.76]Julie! [03:36.59]How are you? [03:37.66]Good. [03:39.33]So everybody's here. [03:41.87]Everybody's good. [03:46.67]Were you gonna play something? [03:49.14]-Well,actually -Play it! [03:53.28]All right. [03:55.15]-Julie,I didn't know you wore lenses. -What? [04:00.22]Okay. Hi. [04:02.00]Hello. Hi. Okay. [04:06.22]This is a song about a love triangle... [04:09.53]... between three people I made up. … [04:15.40]It's called "Two of Them Kissed Last Night." [04:21.64]There was a girl We'll call her Betty [04:25.54]And a guy Let's call him Neil [04:29.55]Now I can't stress This point too strongly [04:33.59]This story isn't real [04:39.00]Now our Neil must decide Who will be the girl that he casts aside [04:44.00]Will Betty be the one Who he loves truly [04:46.40]Or will it be the one Who we'll call Loolie [04:53.37]He must decide He must decide [04:55.91]Even though I made him up He must decide [05:03.01]Well,this is a nice resume. [05:06.05]Nice,nice,nice. [05:08.52]Muy impressivo. [05:11.52]Mr. Rastatter,what does this job entail? The ad wasn't clear. [05:16.76]Macholate. [05:18.93]-I'm sorry? -Macholate. [05:20.47]It's a synthetic chocolate substitute. [05:25.94]Go ahead,try a piece. [05:27.74]We think Macholate is even better than chocolate. [05:41.29]I love how it crumbles. [05:43.82]-You see,chocolate doesn't do that. -No,ma'am. [05:47.83]We should be getting our FDA approval any day now. [05:52.40]Hopefully,in time for Thanksgiving. [05:55.10]The way we see it, chocolate dominates... [05:57.80]...your major food-preparation holidays. Easter,Christmas,what have you. … [06:02.84]But given the right marketing... [06:05.14]...we can make Thanksgiving the Macholate holiday. … [06:09.18]Wow. [06:11.12]Aren't you gonna swallow that? [06:13.69]Just waiting for it to stop bubbling. [06:16.32]Isn't that great? [06:20.29]Well,anyhow... [06:21.83]...we're looking for chefs who can create Thanksgiving recipes. … [06:25.53]You interested? [06:29.27]... -lutely! … [06:32.27]I love creating recipes, I love Thanksgiving,and now... [06:36.01]... I love Macholate. … [06:37.44]Really? [06:38.71]Especially that aftertaste. I tell you... [06:41.61]...that'll last you till Christmas. … [06:48.22]How about Macholate mousse? [06:50.19]It's not... [06:51.62]...very Thanksgiving-y. … [06:53.66]How about Pilgrim Macholate mousse? [06:57.20]What makes it Pilgrim? [06:58.73]We'll put buckles on it. [07:04.07]Did Ross call? [07:05.54]No,I'm sorry. [07:07.64]Why didn't he call? [07:11.81]He's gonna stay with her and she'll be: [07:14.18]"Hi,I'm Julie. Ross picked me. “ [07:16.68]We'll get married and have lots of kids and dig up stuff together!" “ [07:22.42]No offense,but that sounds nothing like her. [07:28.03]What am I gonna do? This is like a complete nightmare! [07:32.26]I know. This must be so hard. "Oh,no! Two women love me! [07:37.74]They're both gorgeous, my wallet's too small for my 50s... [07:41.21]...and my diamond shoes are too tight!" … [07:45.11]-Here's a thought -Don't ever touch the computer. [07:50.11]Ross,listen. I got two words for you: [07:53.18]Threesome. [07:58.29]Let's get logical about this. We'll make a list. [08:01.26]"Rachel and Julie: Pros and Cons." “ [08:07.90]We'll put their names in different fonts... [08:10.87]...and I can use different colors for each column. [08:13.74]Can't we use a pen? [08:15.24]No,Amish boy. [08:19.04]Let's start with the cons because they're more fun. [08:24.82]I don't know. [08:26.48]I mean.... [08:27.92]All right,I guess you can say she's a little spoiled sometimes. [08:32.89]You could say that. [08:36.46]I guess,sometimes she's a little ditzy,you know? [08:40.80]And I've seen her be a little too into her looks. [08:44.40]And Julie and I have a lot in common... [08:46.74]... because we're both paleontologists,right? … [08:49.84]But Rachel's just a waitress. [08:51.91]Waitress. [08:53.85]Got it. You guys want to play Doom? [08:58.58]Or we could keep doing this. [09:02.42]What else? [09:04.26]I don't know. [09:07.63]Oh! Her ankles are a little chubby. [09:13.60]What's wrong with her? [09:18.54]She's not Rachel. [09:23.94]This is pumpkin pie with a Macholate crust. [09:27.04]This is Macholate cranberry cake, and these are Macholate-chip cookies. [09:31.05]Just like the lndians served. [09:36.69]Oh,my God! [09:37.89]"Oh,my God" good? [09:39.06]Oh,my God! I can't believe you let me put this in my mouth. [09:43.76]Sweet Lord! This is what evil must taste like! [09:53.47]I tell you,it won't print. [09:56.47]I pressed that button,like,100 times. [09:59.38]For a hotline,you're not so hot. [10:03.75]What is that in the background? [10:05.75]Are you watching Star Trek? [10:14.56]So did you break Julie's heart? [10:18.40]It was horrible. She cried,I cried. She threw things,they hit me. [10:25.77]I did the right thing. [10:27.24]So Spock actually hugs his father? [10:31.84]Hey,do you guys have [10:37.85]Where you going? [10:42.52]...from Julie's. … [10:46.46]No,no. [10:47.79]It's not what you think. [10:49.83]It's the other thing. [10:58.44]Well,what's the other thing? What do I think? [11:03.84]Well.... [11:05.31]He broke up with Julie! [11:08.15]Well,go hug her,for God's sakes! [11:12.68]Really? [11:13.85]Really. [11:15.89]It's always been you,Rach. [11:18.02]Oh,God. [11:31.37]Oh,this is good. [11:33.17]-This is really good. -I know. I know. [11:35.51]It's almost.... [11:43.65]What do you say we take a walk? Just us. Not them. [11:50.42]I'll get your coat. [11:59.23]He's going to get my coat. He's going to get my coat,Joey! [12:02.90]Joey,I can't believe this! This is unbelievable! [12:07.24]-What's that? -What? Nothing! [12:11.84]-I saw my name. What is it? -No,no,see? See? [12:15.41]It's printing! [12:17.72]It's printing! [12:20.58]Let me see! [12:22.05]Hey,someone order a coat? [12:23.89]Chandler wrote something about me and won't let me see. [12:27.43]He won't? He won't! [12:31.26]Because isn't that... [12:33.10]...the short story you were writing? [12:36.27]Yes,it is a short story... [12:38.74]...that I was writing. … [12:40.20]And I'm in it? Let me read it. [12:42.31]No! [12:45.64]-Come on! -Hey,why don't you read it to her? [12:59.56]All right. [13:10.60]"It was summer. [13:14.47]And it was hot. [13:16.91]Rachel was there. [13:26.32]'Oh,look!' cried Ned. [13:29.49]And the kingdom was his forever. The end!" [13:35.59]That's all you wrote? You're the worst writer in the world! [13:40.13]This isn't funny anymore. [13:42.00]There's something about me on that paper,and I want to see it. [13:46.27]No,you don't. [13:49.84]All right,fine. If you guys want to be children,that's fine. [14:02.29]What is this? [14:03.52]That is.... [14:06.46]What is this? [14:07.53]-Thank you. -Good luck. [14:12.53]Okay. Just remember how crazy I am about you,okay? [14:16.30]"Kind of ditzy"? “ [14:18.37]"Too into her looks"? “ [14:21.07]"Spoiled"? [14:22.34]A little spoiled. He was supposed to type "little," the idiot! [14:27.38]"Just a waitress"? “ [14:30.51]Now that was.... [14:32.68]I mean,as opposed to.... [14:36.32]Okay,is this over yet? Rach? [14:39.42]I do not have chubby ankles! [14:43.03]No! I [14:44.43]Okay,look at the other side. Look at Julie's column. [14:48.43]"She's not Rachem"? “ [14:51.37]What the hell's a Rachem? [14:53.07]Is that a stupid paleontology word... [14:55.34]... I wouldn't know, because I'm just a waitress? [14:58.24]Rach,come on! [15:04.05]She's not.... [15:13.86]My diary! Brilliant! [15:15.43]If I'd said it was my diary, she wouldn't have made me read it. [15:19.46]That's true. You'd be a great person to have around after an emergency. [15:25.57]I cannot believe Ross even made this list. [15:28.14]-I know. -What a dinkus! [15:31.81]Hey,cut him some slack. It was Chandler's idea. [15:35.31]What? [15:36.81]Oh,good. I was hoping that would come up. [15:40.55]This was your idea? [15:42.15]Let's get some perspective here. These things happen for a reason. [15:46.79]Yeah. You! [15:49.89]Pheebs,back me up. You believe in that karma crap,don't you? [15:54.83]By the way,good luck in your next life as a dung beetle. [16:16.02]Rach! [16:22.66]When somebody does not buzz you in, Ross,that means,"Go away." [16:26.80]It doesn't mean, "Climb up the fire escape." [16:29.27]I just want to read you your "Pro List." [16:32.30]Not interested. [16:35.44]"Number one: the way you cry at game shows. [16:39.18]Number two: how much you love your friends. [16:47.18]Number four: how brave you are for starting your life over. [16:51.29]Number five: how great you are with Ben. [16:54.63]Number six: the way you smell." [16:59.53]What are you doing? [17:01.13]You want to open the window? [17:05.57]-What are you doing out there? -I'm.... [17:08.17]You must be freezing. You know what you need? [17:10.87]How about a nice,steaming cup of hot Macholate? [17:18.18]Come on,open up. [17:20.65]Rach,come on. You gotta give me another chance. [17:24.00]No. [17:25.89]-No? -That's what I said. [17:28.19]Maybe we should go. [17:29.53]You don't have to go. We're done. [17:31.83]I know how you must [17:33.56]No! You don't,Ross. [17:35.90]Imagine the worst things you think about yourself. [17:40.04]How would you feel if the person you trusted most in the world... [17:44.44]... not only thinks them too... [17:46.34]... but actually uses them as reasons not to be with you. [17:50.51]No,but see,I want to be with you in spite of all those things. [17:55.85]Well,that's mighty big of you. [17:58.76]I said,don't go! [18:03.43]You know what? [18:04.90]If it were the other way around,there is nothing you could put on a list... [18:09.93]...that would make me not want to be with you. … [18:13.37]Well,then I guess that's the difference between us. [18:16.77]See,I'd never make a list. [18:34.93]I never know how long to wait in this situation before you can talk. [18:41.60]Maybe a little longer. [18:48.57]In these recipes, the quantities may seem unusual. [18:51.91]Like these coconut Macholate holiday nut bars? [18:55.11]I've indicated four cups of coconut and four cups of nuts... [18:58.42]...and only one tablespoon of Macholate. … [19:02.82]Doesn't matter. [19:05.36]Our FDA approval didn't come through. [19:08.09]Something about laboratory rats. [19:12.13]Gosh,I'm sorry. [19:13.36]Yeah. [19:18.10]Thank you for all the trouble you went through. [19:20.94]Listen,you didn't eat a lot of it while you were cooking,did you? [19:25.18]Well,I ate some. [19:26.88]Oh,some is fine. Some is not a lot. [19:51.87]Is that him again? [19:53.50]Tell him I'd come to the phone, but my ankles are weighing me down. [19:59.81]I don't think this is the best time. [20:02.18]Look,can you do something for me? [20:05.32]Sure. What? [20:10.65]All right. [20:15.23]Music? [20:17.03]Sure. [20:25.17]The next one's dedicated to Rachel from Ross. [20:28.37]Rachel,he wants you to know he's sorry for what he did... [20:31.44]...and he hopes you can forgive him. … [20:34.61]See the stones set in your eyes [20:39.22]See the thorn twist in your side [20:43.75]I'll wait for you [20:52.53]Sleight of hand and twist of fate [20:56.53]On a bed of nails she makes me wait [21:01.47]And I'll wait without you [21:06.11]We've just gotten a call from Rachel and she told us what Ross did. [21:11.22]It's pretty appalling. And,Ross,if you're listening... [21:14.42]...I don't want to play your song anymore. … [21:22.83]Why don't we devote our time to a couple that stands a chance? [21:25.93]Avery,Michelle's sorry she hit you with her car... [21:28.57]...and she hopes you two will work it out. [21:31.64]There's a room where [21:34.44]I can go … [21:38.08]And tell my secrets to [21:43.81]In my room [21:50.32]In my room [22:04.94]Thanks for coming in again. [22:07.14]Not at all. I have no morals, and I need the cash. [22:10.44]It's like I'm looking in a mirror. [22:13.48]Anyway,they're called Fish-tachios. [22:17.68]They taste exactly like pistachios... [22:20.52]... but they're made of reconstituted fish bits. [22:24.02]Here,try one. [22:26.66]-All right. -You're not allergic to anything? [22:29.69]Cat hair. [22:30.73]Oh,sorry.