[00:25.-2]Oh,right. [02:26.-3]Yes! [03:11.-2]Hi,neighbor. [07:10.-2]Pheebs? How long do you think this lady will be with us? [07:18.-4]Sit up! [07:54.-4]This is Joey. [11:00.-2]Damn! My mail-order grandfather hasn't come yet. [14:12.-3]I'm dicing. I'm dicing. I don't hear anything. [14:19.-2]...there might be more.… [14:24.-2] [16:12.-4]You're still gonna pay me,right? [18:28.-4]All right, you'll be sorry later. [19:11.-3]Ross. [19:31.-1]Now I've seen everything! [21:28.-2]No,that's fine. [00:02.11]Okay,here's his diaper bag... [00:05.42]...and his Mr. Winky. … [00:08.55]And... [00:11.12]... him. Hi! … [00:13.43]-How did everything go? -Great! [00:15.76]There was a projectile... [00:18.43]...throwing up incident, but he started it. … [00:22.13]We've gotta go. [00:26.84]I've got some news. It's about us. [00:29.47]You and me? [00:30.58]No. Susan and me. [00:32.74]The other "us." [00:38.92]We're getting married. [00:46.16]As in,"I now pronounce you wife and wife" married? [00:50.70]We'd like you to come. We understand if you don't want to. [00:54.50]Why wouldn't I want to come? I had fun at the first wedding. [00:59.84]I just thought that [01:01.34]Why shouldn't I be happy for you? What would it say about me... [01:06.04]...if I couldn't revel in your joy? … [01:09.31]And I'm reveling,baby! Believe me! [01:12.32]Is your finger caught in that chair? [01:16.69]Want us to go? [01:20.83]The One With the Lesbian Wedding [02:09.34]This is cool. You're actually on television. [02:12.31]I know. It really hit me last night. [02:14.81]I'm on Days of our Lives. [02:18.58]Then I started thinking about us, and how these are the days of our lives. [02:27.03]What? [02:28.13]Carol and Susan's caterer had a bike accident... [02:31.36]...and she's in a full-body cast. … [02:37.30]They asked me,which is cool since I've never catered... [02:40.47]...and I need the money. Is this a problem? … [02:43.14]-Would it matter? -You're so great! [02:45.44]Thank you! [02:46.88]-You're really not going? -I'm really not. [02:49.68]They already live together. Why do they need to get married? [02:53.72]They love each other. [02:55.39]They wanna celebrate that love with the people close to them. [02:59.66]If you wanna call that a reason. [03:03.03]Who's the bitterest man in the living room? [03:07.07]The bitterest man in the living room? [03:14.47]-I thought you were over this. -That has nothing to do with it. [03:18.81]If she were marrying a guy, you wouldn't expect me to go. [03:22.65]If she were marrying a guy, she'd be the worst lesbian ever. [03:29.42]Did I miss it? [03:31.02]No,I'm on right after this guy shoots himself. [03:35.19]She's pretty. [03:37.33]And she's really nice. [03:38.93]She taught me about how to work with the cameras... [03:42.07]...and smell-the-fart acting. … [03:47.01]-I'm sorry,what? -Excuse me? [03:49.61]You got so many lines to learn so fast that sometimes... [03:53.08]...you need a minute to remember your next one. … [03:56.11]So while you're thinking... [03:58.05]...you take this big pause where you look all intense. … [04:01.72]Like this.... [04:09.86]Here's my scene! Here's my scene! [04:14.57]Mrs. Wallace? [04:16.47]Dr. Drake Ramoray, your sister's neurosurgeon. [04:19.10]Is she going to be all right? [04:21.41]I'm afraid the situation is much more dire than we'd expected. [04:25.48]Your sister's suffering from a... [04:33.72]...subcranial hematoma. … [04:37.59]Perhaps we can discuss this further over coffee. [04:47.63]Nice! [04:50.30]For a minute,I thought you were actually smelling something. [04:56.64]-Do it again! -All right! [04:58.28]-That was so good! -Do it again. [05:01.45]"Damn it,Braverman! It's right there on the chart!" “ [05:05.92]I gotta get to work. I got a big dinosaur bone to inspect. [05:10.09]No,that's me. [05:11.32]Oh,right. [05:17.10]Oh,thanks. Couldn't.... [05:21.83]Is everything okay? [05:23.13]No. [05:27.27]One of my clients died on the massage table today. [05:30.84]Oh,my God! [05:32.71]That's a little more relaxed than you want them to get. [05:38.28]She was,you know, 82 years old... [05:41.35]...and her name was Mrs. Adelman. … [05:44.72]Oh,honey. [05:45.82]It's just so strange. You know... [05:48.56]...she probably woke up this morning and thought... … [05:51.50]... I'll have some breakfast, take a walk,then have my massage. … [05:55.47]Little did she know God thought, "Okay,but that's it." [06:02.37]Oh,but the weirdest things was... [06:05.34]... I was cleansing her aura when it happened. … [06:08.81]And when her spirit left her body... [06:11.72]... I don't think it went very far. … [06:15.00]What do you mean? [06:16.92]I think it went into me. [06:28.10]This is so hard. [06:29.53]I can't decide between lamb or duck. [06:31.84]Well,lambs are scarier. [06:33.74]Or the movie would've been called Silence of the Ducks. [06:38.71]Okay,who ordered what? [06:40.51]I had the half-drunk cappuccino with the lipstick on the rim. [06:45.38]And this with the cigarette butt in it,is that decaf? [06:48.89]Oh,God. [06:50.72]You're so uptight about your mom coming. [06:53.06]I know. I just don't want her to think that because... [06:56.59]... I didn't marry Barry my life is crap. … [06:59.30]Talk about crap,just listen to Stella Neidman... [07:02.37]...tell her story about Rod Steiger for the hundredth time. … [07:14.28]I don't know. She obviously has some unfinished business. [07:22.39]There she is! [07:23.79]-Mom! -Hey,sweetie! [07:31.80]So this is where you work! [07:34.60]Oh,it's wonderful! [07:37.00]Is it a living room? Is it a restaurant? Who can tell? [07:41.51]I guess that's the fun. [07:43.44]Pretty much. Here,meet my friends. [07:45.68]Monica! You look gorgeous! [07:48.81]Oh,my! The last time I saw you, it was eat or be eaten. [07:55.69]This is Phoebe. [07:57.02]This is Chandler. [07:58.49]You remember Ross? [07:59.79]Oh,hello,Ross. [08:01.19]Mrs. Greene. [08:04.60]What do you think of my daughter,in the apron... [08:07.87]...with the big job! … [08:09.43]Oh,Mom! [08:12.04]If you didn't pour the coffee, no one would have anything to drink. [08:17.21]Believe me,sometimes that happens. [08:21.78]This is just so exciting! You know,I never worked. [08:25.45]I went from my father's house to the sorority house... [08:28.85]...to my husband's house. I am just so proud of you! … [08:32.79]Really? [08:34.89]I know who you remind me of. [08:37.46]Evelyn Durmer. [08:38.80]That's before the lousy face-lift. Now she looks like Soupy Sales. [08:47.24]Pheebs? Who's Evelyn Durmer? [08:51.01]I don't know. Who's Soupy Sales? [08:56.25]Oh,my God! [08:57.72]There's an unattractive nude man playing the cello. [09:02.42]Just be glad he's not playing a smaller instrument. [09:09.69]You have some life here,sweetie! [09:12.06]Mom,I realize you were upset when I didn't marry Barry... [09:15.73]...and get the house in the suburbs with all the security. … [09:19.57]This is just so much better for me. [09:21.84]I know. You didn't love Barry,honey. [09:26.01]And I've never seen you this happy. [09:28.78]I look at you and I think, "This is what I want." [09:34.42]For me. [09:37.05]Well,not just for you. [09:39.72]What do you mean? [09:41.93]I'm considering leaving your father. [09:48.93]All right,tell me if this is too cute. [09:51.54]Lesbian wedding... chicken breasts. [09:58.41]Oh,God. I think I'm gonna be sick. [10:01.75]What? It's not like I'm putting little nipples on them. [10:08.35]-You had no idea? -None. [10:11.12]They didn't fight? [10:12.79]No,they didn't even talk to each other. [10:15.73]How was I suppose to know they were having problems? [10:20.06]You know,in my day, divorce was not an option. [10:24.70]Hey,look who's up! [10:28.81]I just can't believe this is happening! [10:31.61]When I was little, all parents got divorced. [10:34.55]I figured as an adult, I wouldn't have to worry about it. [10:37.88]Can't you look at this as flattering? [10:41.00]She just wants to be like you. [10:43.29]Well,couldn't she have just copied my haircut? [10:47.76]When my parents divorced, they sent me to a shrink... [10:50.83]...and she told me that kids blame themselves. … [10:54.13]But in your case, it's actually kind of true. [10:57.84]Oh,that's him. [11:04.34]-Phoebe? -Hi,Mr. Adelman. [11:06.34]-Nice to see you. -Thanks for coming. [11:08.48]That's okay. Although you did cut into my busy day of sitting. [11:14.52]Do you wanna sit? [11:16.09]No,I spent most of my morning trying to stand up. [11:21.53]What can I do for you,my dear? [11:23.59]Okay,I don't know how to say this,but.... [11:26.93]I think when your wife's spirit left her body... [11:29.87]...it kind of stuck around... … [11:32.60]...in me. … [11:34.34]You're saying my wife is in you? [11:36.71]Yeah. You don't have to believe me,but... [11:40.01]...can you think of any unfinished business she had? … [11:43.51]Any reason to hang around? [11:45.72]I don't know what to say. [11:47.62]All I can think of is that... [11:50.12]...she used to say that before she died, she wanted to see everything. … [11:54.69]-Everything? -Everything. [11:57.29]That's a lot of stuff. [11:59.03]Oh,wait,l.... [12:00.36]I remember she also said she wanted to sleep with me one last time. [12:13.48]I'm sorry. There's laughing in my head. [12:19.02]Worth a shot,huh? [12:26.26]Look at this! [12:28.36]These are all Halloween, three years ago. [12:31.56]Oh,and look,here's Barry. [12:33.70]He came straight from the office? [12:35.93]Oh,no. That was his costume. [12:39.87]See,he's actually an orthodontist, but he came as a regular dentist. [12:45.41]You guys? [12:46.71]Remember when I said that I don't need your help? [12:50.01]Actually,I think you said... [12:51.72]... "Don't touch that and get out of my kitchen." …“ [12:55.05]Really? Weird. Anyway.... [12:58.59]I planned really well. I planned and planned. [13:01.76]I just didn't plan enough time to do it. [13:04.80]-You want some help? -lf you want. [13:12.30]What a day! [13:13.74]I took her everywhere. [13:18.41]The Museum of Modern Art, Rockefeller Center... [13:21.65]...the Statue of Liberty. … [13:23.31]She's still with you? [13:24.88]Yes. I guess she hasn't seen everything yet. [13:29.65]Be right back. She has to go to the bathroom again. [13:34.89]Such a pretty face! [13:40.80]Oh,this is so much fun! Just the girls! [13:44.50]Do you know what we should do? Does anybody have any marijuana? [13:48.57]God! [13:52.64]Look,no one's smoking pot around all this food. [13:56.01]Well,that's fine. [13:58.15]I never did it. I just thought I might. [14:03.02]What's new in sex? [14:07.12]What's new in sex? [14:09.19]The only man I've been with is your father. [14:15.33]This is no offense to your dad, but I was thinking... [14:20.44]You know what? I cannot have this conversation with you. [14:25.14]You come here and drop this bomb on me before you even tell Daddy. [14:29.45]Do you want my blessing? Want me to talk you out of it? [14:33.22]Then what do you want? [14:34.89]I guess I figured you would understand. [14:37.39]Why on earth would I understand this? [14:41.23]You didn't marry your Barry,honey. [14:44.00]But I married mine. [14:52.57]We're in trouble. We've only got 12 hours and 36 minutes left. [14:56.54]Move,move,move! [14:58.74]I feel like you should have German subtitles. [15:03.91]Joey,speed it up! [15:05.52]I'm sorry! It's the pigs! They're reluctant to get in the blanket! [15:10.72]How did this happen? I thought you had this planned out. [15:14.56]Do you want me to cry? [15:17.39]Is that what you want? [15:19.56]Do you wanna see me cry? [15:22.17]Sir,no,sir! [15:26.77]All right,you! [15:28.04]No. Look,I told you, I am not a part of this thing. [15:31.94]Look,Ross. I know you have issues with Carol and Susan,and I feel for you. [15:36.55]But if you don't help, I'm gonna take those hot dogs... [15:39.85]...and create an appetizer called "Pigs In Ross." … [15:43.92]All right,ball a melon! [15:45.59]How come I'm stuck dicing when he gets to ball a melon? [15:54.06]-How's it going? -Great! Right on schedule. [15:57.07]Got my little happy helpers. [16:00.94]That's fine. Whatever. [16:03.54]What's wrong? [16:04.74]Nothing. [16:07.21]Okay,everything. I think we're calling off the wedding. [16:16.12]Or something a little less selfish. [16:19.00]What's the matter? What happened? [16:21.16]My parents called to say they weren't coming. [16:24.66]I knew they were having trouble with this,but... [16:28.30]...they're my parents. They're supposed to give me away. … [16:32.80]Susan and I fought because I said maybe we should call it off. [16:36.84]She said,"This isn't for them. It's for us." [16:40.08]And if I couldn't see that, we should cancel the wedding. “ [16:43.65]I don't know what to do. [16:47.69]I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I think Susan's right. [16:52.39]You do? 真 [16:54.33]Do you love her? And don't be too emphatic about this. [17:00.63]Of course I do. [17:01.87]Well then,that's it. [17:03.67]If George and Adelaide can't accept that,then the hell with them. [17:09.34]If my parents didn't want me to marry you... [17:12.34]... no way that would've stopped me. … [17:16.01]Look,this is your wedding. [17:18.62]Do it. [17:22.72]You're right. Of course you're right. [17:25.32]So we're back on? [17:27.12]We're back on. [17:28.53]You heard the woman! Peel! Chop! Devil! [17:33.50]Can't believe I lost two minutes! [17:46.54]It just seems so futile. [17:48.41]You know? All these women,and nothing! [17:54.65]I feel like Superman without my powers,you know? [17:58.89]I have the cape, and yet I cannot fly. [18:04.73]Well,now you understand how I feel every single day. [18:09.60]The world is my lesbian wedding. [18:23.78]Butterscotch? [18:26.42]No one? [19:05.49]-Thank you. -Anytime. [19:16.73]Nothing makes God happier... [19:18.84]...than when two people,any two people, come together in love. … [19:23.41]Friends,family, we're gathered here today... [19:26.51]...to join Carol and Susan in holy matrimony. … [19:29.31]Oh,my God! [19:36.62]She's gone! [19:38.26]She's gone! [19:39.49]She's gone. [19:40.66]Go ahead,get married. Go,go! [19:45.03]Strangers in the night [19:48.27]Exchanging glances [19:50.77]Wondering in the night [19:52.67]Would you look at them? [19:54.27]Yeah. Can't help but. [20:02.28]How's that pig-in-the-blanket working out for you? [20:06.15]I wrapped those bad boys. [20:10.00]I miss Rose. [20:11.32]Oh,yeah? [20:12.39]I know it's kind of weird,but she was a big part of my life.... [20:17.49]I don't know,I feel alone. [20:20.03]You know,I couldn't help overhearing what you just said. [20:25.74]I think it's time you forget about Rose, move on with your life. [20:30.41]How about we get you a drink? [20:32.24]Okay. So nice! [20:42.19]I shouldn't even bother coming up with a line,right? [20:48.19]Hey,Mom,having fun? [20:50.06]Am l! I just danced with a wonderfully large woman. [20:55.60]And three other girls made eyes at me over at the buffet. [20:59.34]I'm not saying it's something I wanna pursue... [21:02.11]... but it's nice to know I have options. … [21:07.54]There's more alcohol,right? [21:14.25]How you doing? [21:19.39]You did a good thing today. [21:26.36]You wanna dance? [21:30.60]Come on. [21:32.27]I'll let you lead. [21:52.79]Look,penis,schmenis! [21:54.73]Okay? We're all people. [22:06.37]Which one of us is gonna be the first one to get married? [22:10.54]Mon,I was married. [22:12.34]-Yeah,me too,technically. -I had a wedding. [22:15.41]Just trying to start a discussion. [22:18.65]Which one do you think will be the last to get married? [22:26.82]Isn't Ben in this? [22:28.36]Of course! [22:29.43]Absolutely.