[00:49.-3]Oh,yes! 哦,帅 [03:59.-1]-Sorry we're late. -That's okay. Come on in. 抱歉来迟了 没关系,请进 [04:37.-3]The head tilt? 歪头? [05:54.-2]But they're so dull! They're all ophthalmologists. 可是他们好乏味 他们都是眼科医生 [06:08.-1]But you stay out there! 不,我懂了,你留在那里 [06:47.-4]I don't think so. I mean,like,he's a grownup. 我不认为 我是说,他是个大人 [09:43.-3]Rub it? 揉呢? [09:58.-1]...yet somehow its expensive paint job... …可是它那昂贵的烤漆… [11:45.-4]That sounds... …听起来… [12:05.-2]I'm going to look into your eyes now. 我现在要看你的眼睛了 [12:25.-3]Now look at me. 现在看我 [14:21.-2]She's lying. 她说谎 [14:30.-4]Why are you dressed up? 摩妮卡,打扮得这么美干嘛? [18:24.-1]We don't really have to decide anything right now,do we? 我们不用现在就决定什么 对吧? [18:45.-2]I'm sorry. Why don't we find someplace else? 什么?对不起 我们…去别家餐厅好了 [21:45.-1]I can't believe I'm waking up next to you. 真不敢相信我会在你身边醒来 [00:02.55]All right,no peeking. 好了,不准偷看… [00:04.38]No peeking. 不准偷看 [00:05.48]No peeking. No peeking! 不准偷看… [00:07.59]All right,but you better be wearing clothes when I open my eyes. 不过我张开眼睛时 你最好穿着衣服 [00:14.06]All right. Open your eyes! 好了,张开眼睛 [00:20.93]Sweet mother of all that is good and pure! 妈妈咪呀,我的小乖乖 [00:25.24]Days of our Lives picked up my option! “我们的日子”跟我续约了 [00:27.24]-Congratulations! -I know! 恭喜 我知道! [00:30.31]Now we can watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen. 现在我们终于可以 比较像样地看“绿色大地”了 [00:36.68]So which one is mine? 哪一张是我的? [00:38.18]Whichever one you want,man. Whichever one you want! 随你喜欢哪一张 随你喜欢哪一张 [00:43.25]Not that one. 那张不行 [00:51.46]Oh,yeah! That's the stuff. 哦,帅,这才叫生活 [00:57.37]Do we dare? 我们敢吗? [00:59.20]We dare. 我们敢 [01:06.38]The One Where Ross and Rachel...You Know [01:15.87]六人行 第2季 第15集 罗斯和瑞秋生米煮成... [01:54.39]I can't believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice... 真不敢相信两条牛的牺牲是… [01:57.50]...so you could watch TV with your feet up. …让你们跷起二郞腿来看电视 [02:00.03]No,they were chair-shaped cows. 不,它们是椅形牛 [02:03.07]They never would have survived in the wild. 它们在野外无法生存的 [02:06.24]This screen is amazing. Dick Van Dyke is practically life-size. 这个荧幕太炫了 狄凡戴看起来跟真人一样大 [02:13.08]Rose Marie belongs on a smaller screen,doesn't she? 露丝玛丽不该上这么大的荧幕 对不对? [02:17.15]Hi,you guys. 嗨,各位 [02:19.92]Hey,you. 嘿,你 [02:28.26]How was your day? 你今天怎么样? [02:29.59]You know,pretty much the usual. 和平常没什么不同 [02:32.26]Sun shining,birds chirping. 晴空万里,鸟儿欢唱 [02:34.33]Really? Mine too. 真的?我的也是 [02:35.67]Hey,cool! Mine too! 酷,我的也是 [02:40.91]I gotta get to the museum. 我得去馆里一趟 [02:43.91]So I'll see you tonight? 我们今晚见? [02:52.55]Bye,guys! 再见,各位 [02:56.25]Tonight? 今晚? [03:00.26]-What's tonight? -Our first official date. 今晚怎样? 第一个正式的约会 [03:03.03]Our first date. 第一次约会 [03:06.53]Hello? 哈罗? [03:08.63]Hi. 嗨 [03:11.54]You're supposed to waitress for me? My catering thing? 今晚你说要替我 跑堂的派对餐点那件事? [03:14.64]-Any of that trigger anything? -Oh,God,Monica. I forgot! 我的话有没有让你想起什么? 哦,天啊,摩妮卡,我忘了 [03:18.44]This is our first date. 这是我们的第一次约会 [03:20.25]-Yes,but my mom got me this job. -I can be a waitress! 但这工作是我妈帮我找的 我可以当服务生 [03:23.45]Thank you,thank you. See? Phoebe! Phoebe! 谢谢…菲比… [03:26.82]Really,Pheebs? You'd have to be an actual waitress. 真的,菲菲? 你必须真的当服务生 [03:30.12]This can't be like your "I can be a bear cub" thing. 这不是像 “我可以当小熊”之类的 [03:33.39]I can be a waitress. Okay,watch this. 我可以当服务生,瞧我的 [03:36.13]Give me two number ones, 86 the bacon... 给我两份一号餐 培根要八六分熟… [03:38.63]...one Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck them! …一份亚当夏娃叠吐司 [03:55.61]It's James Bond! 是007 [04:02.42]Is Monica Geller coming? I was told she was. 对不起,盖勒摩妮卡来不来? 我听说她要来 [04:05.46]Dr. Burke,it's me. 柏大夫,是我 [04:07.53]Monica? 摩妮卡? [04:09.16]My God! You used to be so.... 老天,你以前好… [04:11.36]I mean,you've You must have lost like.... 我是说你…你一定减了… [04:17.60]You look great. 你美极了 [04:19.10]Thank you. 谢谢… [04:20.14]This is Phoebe. She'll be helping me. 这是我朋友菲比 她今天晚上来帮忙 [04:22.54]Nice to meet you. 菲比,幸会 [04:29.05]-So how you been? -Great. How have you been? 你近来如何? 很好呀,很好,你呢? [04:32.45]Obviously you know Barbara and I split up... 你大概也知道 我跟芭芭拉分手了… [04:34.79]...or you wouldn't do the head tilt. …不然你不会来歪头那一招 [04:38.49]Since the divorce, everybody asks how I am... 对,自从离了婚 当别人向我问好时… [04:41.03]...with a sympathetic head tilt. "How you doing? You okay?" …他们总是同情地歪头问 “你好吗?不要紧吧?” [04:45.53]I'm sorry. 对不起 [04:47.30]It's fine. Believe me,I do it too. 不…没关系 相信我,我也一样 [04:49.80]I always answer with the "I'm okay" head bob. "I'm okay." 我总是以点头来表示 “我没事” [04:54.24]"You're sure?" “你确定?” [04:55.31]"Yeah,I'm fine." “对,我没事” [04:57.41]I gotta set up the music. I got a new CD changer. 听着,我得去放音乐了 我有个自动换片音响 [05:00.25]Of course,the divorce only left me with four CDs to change. 当然了,离婚的结果 我只剩四张CD可换了 [05:04.42]That's too bad. 真不幸 [05:06.38]I'll survive. 死不了的 [05:11.82]Two larges,extra cheese on both. 两份大的,起士都要双份 [05:15.56]But listen... 听着… [05:17.20]...don't ring the buzzer for 19. …别按十九号的电铃 [05:20.03]Ring 20. Geller/Greene. 按二十号,高林寓 [05:23.00]They'll let you in,okay? 她们会开门,懂吗? [05:28.04]If you buzz our door, there's no tip for you. 按我们的门铃就没小费 [05:32.11]Okay,thanks. 谢了 [05:35.61]Pizza's on the way. I told you we wouldn't have to get up. 薄饼马上就来 我说我们不用起来的 [05:40.35]What if we have to pee? 如果要尿尿呢? [05:45.46]I'll cancel the sodas. 我把汽水取消 [05:51.80]Get back out there. It's your party! 你必须回去里面 这是你的派对 [05:57.60]You're an ophthalmologist. 你也是眼科医生 [05:59.10]Because my parents wanted me to be. I wanted to be a sheriff. 那是因为我父母要我那样 我本来想当警长的 [06:04.74]That's funny. Cadillac,cataract. I get it. 真好笑 白内衣,白内障,我懂了 [06:11.15]-You see? -I tell you what. 瞧 好,这样吧 [06:13.08]I'll come get you in five minutes with some sort of kebob emergency. 五分钟后我来叫你 就说烤肉出了问题好了 [06:19.42]Better. 好吧,你最好这么做 [06:20.63]Oh,God,here we go. 天,我去了 [06:22.89]Hey,want to see them go nuts? 要看他们发狂吗? [06:25.20]Watch this. 瞧我的 [06:27.60]Who needs glasses? 谁需要杯子? [06:36.64]You are so smitten. 你好神魂颠倒哦 [06:38.61]I am not! 我才没有 [06:40.28]Oh,you are so much the smitten kitten. 你是只神魂颠倒的小猫咪 [06:44.62]-You should ask him out. -Dr. Burke? 你应该约他 柏大夫? [06:51.79]So? You two are totally into each other. 所以呢? 你们两个完全互相着迷 [06:55.43]He's a friend of my parents. He's like 20 years older than me. 菲比,他是我父母的朋友 他比我大二十岁 [06:59.16]So you're never gonna see him again? 那你就再也不跟他见面了? [07:02.10]Not never. 不是永远 [07:04.30]I'm gonna see him tomorrow at my eye appointment. 我明天约好了 要去他那儿检查眼睛 [07:08.34]-Didn't you just get your eyes checked? -Yeah,but you know... 你不是才检查过眼睛吗? 是啊,但是… [07:12.18]... 27 is... 27是个应该… [07:14.45]...a dangerous eye age. …小心眼睛的年龄 [07:21.35]I'm not saying it was a bad movie. I'm just saying it was a little... 我不是说这部电影不好 我只是说这电影有一点点… [07:25.92]... hard to follow. …难懂 [07:27.76]I told you there'd be subtitles. 我说过会有字幕的 [07:29.93]I know. 我知道 [07:32.60]I just didn't want to wear my glasses on our first date. 我只是不想 在第一次约会戴眼镜 [07:44.31]Monica? 摩妮卡? [07:49.05]It would help when I'm kissing if you didn't shout my sister's name. 我亲你时你不叫我老妹的名字 会很有帮助 [07:53.89]Honey,I'm just checking. 蜜糖,只是检查看看 [07:56.62]-Monica? -Mon? 摩妮卡?… 摩妮卡? [08:29.75]What? 怎么了? [08:31.89]I'm sorry. 抱歉 [08:33.26]It's just,when you moved your hands down to my butt... 对不起 只是当你的手滑到我屁股上时… [08:36.56]...it was,like,"Whoa! Ross' hands are on my butt!" 就像“哇 罗斯在摸我屁股”,抱歉 [08:41.77]And that's funny. Why? 很好笑,为什么呢? [08:45.44]Well,it's not. 那不好笑 [08:47.27]I'm sorry. I guess I'm just nervous. 我是说,对不起 我猜我是有点紧张 [08:49.74]I mean,it's you. 这是你啊 [08:51.94]You know,it's us. 是我们啊 [08:53.78]We're crossing that line. It's sort of a big thing. 我们在越过那条线 那是件大事 [08:57.68]Well,I know it's big. I just didn't know it was ha-ha big. 我知道很大 我只是不知道这有…哈哈大 [09:13.63]Okay,my hands were nowhere near your butt. 我的手离你屁股好远 [09:16.70]I know,I know,I know! 我知道… [09:18.30]I was thinking about when they were there the last time. 我只是想到 你的手上次在那里那回 [09:21.71]I'm sorry,I'm sorry. Okay,look! I promise. 对不起… 听着,我保证我会乖 [09:24.44]I won't laugh anymore. Put your hands back there. 我不会再乱笑了 把手放回去 [09:27.71]No,see,now I can't. 不,现在…换我不行了 [09:31.42]-I feel self-conscious. -Just one cheek. 我觉得太不自然了 一边脸颊就好 [09:35.22]The moment's gone. 不,那一刻过去了 [09:36.39]-I'll back up into your hands. -That's romantic. 把手伸出来,我自己钻进去 好“浪漫” [09:39.79]- Touch it. -No. 来吧,摸一下 不要 [09:40.89]-Oh,come on,squeeze it. -No! 来吧,捏一下 不要 [09:44.13]Oh,come on! Would you just grab my ass? 来嘛,你抓我屁股,好吗? [09:54.37]Wow! Look at that! The car is on fire... 你瞧瞧,车子起火了… [10:01.28]...is protected by the Miracle Wax. …却被奇迹蜡保护得毫发无伤 [10:06.45]You've got a Cheeto on your face,man. 你脸上有条起士,老兄 [10:20.03]Aren't you supposed to be out with Rachel? 你来这儿干什么? 不是要跟瑞秋出去吗? [10:23.00]That was 14 hours ago. 那是十四个小时前 [10:26.50]So how'd it go? 那结果如何? [10:28.64]Have you ever been,you know, fooling around with a girl... 听着,你们有没有试过 跟一个女孩亲热… [10:33.48]...and she started laughing? …然后她开始笑起来… [10:37.65]But it was 1982... 有啊,不过那是1982年… [10:39.32]...and my Flock of Seagulls haircut was tickling her chin. …我的“天地一群鸥”发型 让她的下巴发痒 [10:46.16]She laughed at you? 怎么?她笑你吗? [10:48.09]I've been wanting this since ninth grade typing. 我从九年级的打字课起 就想这一刻了 [10:51.33]And I just want it to be perfect... 我只是希望一切能完美… [10:54.73]...and right and.... …顺利,而… [10:57.90]Why isn't that laser beam cutting through the paint? 雷射光束为什么切不断烤漆? [11:01.34]-It's the Miracle Wax! -lt certainly is a miracle. 是奇迹蜡的关系 那绝对是一项奇迹 [11:04.68]Hi,you guys. 各位 [11:08.55]Listen,I was thinking about.... 听着,我在想… [11:11.18]Can you guys speak up? 听着,你们可以大声点吗? [11:12.78]It's harder for us to hear you when you lower your voice. 你们放低声音 我们反而更听不到 [11:18.86]I'm sorry about last night. I really want to make it up to you. 昨晚的事我很抱歉 我真的真的很想补偿你 [11:23.69]There's no need to make it up 你不需要补偿我… [11:26.20]How? …怎么个补偿法? [11:28.90]Well,I was thinking maybe a romantic dinner... 我在想 或许来顿浪漫的晚餐… [11:33.10]...with candles and wine. …烛光加上美酒 [11:37.14]And then maybe going back to my place... 或许回我那边去… [11:41.88]...for dessert. …点心? [11:46.62]... perfect? …很完美? [11:56.13]What's this? 这是什么? [11:57.29]Would you get us a couple of beers? 帮忙买两瓶啤酒,好吗? [12:07.67]Really? 真的? [12:09.84]That's my job. 对,那是我的工作 [12:12.61]All right. 好 [12:13.64]Look up. 看上面 [12:16.28]Look down. 看下面 [12:17.48]Now,open your eyes and look down. 不,张开眼睛看下面 [12:20.58]That's right. 那就对了 [12:22.00]Look into the light. 看光线这里 [12:38.14]Your eyes look good. Those are good eyes. 看起来很好,很好的眼睛 [12:41.31]Good. They feel good. 很好,它们觉得很好 [12:43.94]In my head. 在我头上 [12:50.51]-lt was great to see you. -You too. 见到你真好 彼此 [12:54.19]You too. 彼此 [13:00.00]Goodbye. 再见了 [13:03.23]Drops! 眼药水 [13:05.80]Here,they're free. 眼药水,来,免费的 [13:10.30]Thanks. 谢谢 [13:13.37]I better be going. 我最好走了 [13:14.84]Yeah,I'll see you later. 对,咱们改天见 [13:16.81]Thanks again. 再次谢了 [13:32.39]We have to get you lazy boys out of these chairs. 我们得把你们 这两只懒猪弄起来 [13:38.76]You should go outside and be with the three-dimensional people. 你们应该走出这里 去跟三度空间的人打交道 [13:43.33]No. Inside good. 不,里面好 [13:47.07]Outside bad. 外面坏 [13:50.24]You guys are so pathetic. 你们真是太可悲了 [13:52.58]Oh,Xanadu! “仙纳度” [13:58.02]She's one of us now. 她加入会员了 [14:04.76]We just wanted to stop by and say good night. 我们只是想过来跟各位道晚安 [14:07.63]Good night. 晚安 [14:10.06]They won't even turn their heads. 你瞧瞧,他们连头都不回 [14:12.13]All right,you guys. I'm taking off my shirt. 好了,各位,我要脱上衣了 [14:24.48]Stop sending food to our apartment! 别再叫吃的去我们家 [14:31.48]You're not the only one with a date. 今晚又不是只有你有约会而已 [14:33.58]-What? You have a date? Who with? -No one. 什么?你有约会?跟谁? 没有谁 [14:36.22]Come on,what's his name? 他叫什么名字嘛? [14:38.02]Nothing. 没什么 [14:39.76]Come on,tell me. 来嘛,告诉我 [14:41.76]All right,but I'm very excited about this,okay? 好吧,不过这件事 我非常兴奋,懂吗? [14:44.83]So promise you won't get big-brothery and judgmental. 你得保证 你不会摆出大哥架子来教训我 [14:48.10]I promise. What? 我保证,是谁? [14:49.67]-It's Richard Burke. -Who's Richard Burke? 是柏理查 柏理查是谁? [14:52.34]Dr. Burke? 柏大夫? [14:54.91]You have a date with Dr. Burke? Why? Why? Why... 你要跟柏大夫约会? 为什么… [14:58.31]...should that bother me? …我会不高兴呢 [15:01.01]I love that man. He's like a... 我爱那傢伙他就像… [15:03.01]...a brother to Dad. …爸爸的兄弟 [15:06.15]He is the brightest,most sophisticated, sexiest man I've ever been with. 他正好是我交过的男人中 最聪明,最成熟,最性感的 [15:11.32]Dr. Burke is sexy? 柏大夫性感? [15:12.69]Oh,God! Absolutely! 天啊,绝对是 [15:17.29]Damn! 该死 [15:18.80]It's the museum again. Can l? 又是馆里找我 我可以… [15:22.37]-Dr. Burke kissed me once. -When? 柏大夫亲过我一次 什么时候? [15:25.00]When I was 7,I crashed my bike right out in front of his house... 我七岁时我骑单车 在他家门前摔了跤… [15:29.34]...and to stop me from crying, he kissed me right here. …为了让我停止哭泣 他亲我这里 [15:33.34]-Oh,you are so lucky! -I know. 你好幸运 我知道 [15:36.55]Australopithecus isn't supposed to be in that display. 南方古猿不应该在那个展览的 [15:42.22]No,Homo habilis was erect. Australopithecus was never fully erect. 不…能人是挺起的 南方古猿从来不是完全挺起的 [15:46.89]Well,maybe he was nervous. 或许他是紧张罢了 [15:56.13]Oh,look! I can't believe this! 看,我真不敢相信 [15:58.80]Homo habilis can't use tools yet, and they've got him with clay pots? 能人根本还没学会使用工具 他们竟然还给他陶罐 [16:03.17]Why don't they just give him a microwave? 不如给他一个微波炉算了 [16:07.01]I'm sorry this is taking so long. 抱歉我花了那么多时间 [16:09.38]It's longer than I expected. We will have dinner. 这比我想像的还花时间 我们会吃晚饭的 [16:12.65]That's okay. 没关系,不要紧 [16:13.82]Karl! 卡尔 [16:17.52]Oh,God. 天啊 [16:31.87]-Wow! Is that Michelle? -Yep. 那是米雪吗? 对 [16:34.87]I've not seen her since high-school graduation. 高中毕业后就没见过她了 [16:37.68]Oh,my God,that night she got so dru 老天,那天晚上她好醉… [16:43.08]Emotional. 激动 [16:44.62]You know,she's having another baby. 你知道她又要生了吗? [16:47.28]-I thought she just had one. -No,no. Henry's almost 2. 我以为她才刚生过 不…亨利快两岁了 [16:51.56]And he's talking and everything. Here. 他讲话啊什么都会,看 [16:55.76]The other day he told me he liked me better than his other grandpa. 前几天他告诉我 他喜欢我胜过他的爷爷 [16:59.80]In all fairness,his other grandpa's a drunk,but still.... 公平说来,他的爷爷是酒鬼 但还是… [17:06.04]You're a grandpa. 你是个爷爷 [17:17.21]Are we nuts here? 我们疯了吗? [17:19.55]I don't know. Maybe. 我不知道,或许 [17:22.55]I mean,I'm dating a man whose pool I once peed in. 我是说 我在你游泳池里尿尿过 [17:26.82]I didn't need to know that. 我不需要知道那个 [17:30.00]I guess 21 years is a lot. 我猜21年是差太多了 [17:32.83]I mean,hell,I'm a whole person who can drink older than you. 去他的 我比你老了整整一个饮酒年龄 [17:47.58]So maybe we should just.... 那么,或许我们应该就… [17:53.42]Maybe.... 对…或许… [17:58.66]Wow. 哇 [18:02.46]This really sucks. 这真的太逊了 [18:04.00]Yeah,it sure does. 是呀,可不是吗? [18:27.45]No,there's no rush or anything. 不…我们一点都不用急 [18:31.19]-Pizza delivery! -Oh,I'm gonna kill those guys! 送薄饼来 我要杀了那两个人 [18:39.36]I'm done. 我好了 [18:41.53]Yeah,well,you know what? So is Sorentino's. 对,不过餐厅也打烊了 [18:48.47]It's late. Everything will be closed. We'll do it another night. 很晚了,所有餐厅都打烊了 我们改天晚上再吃好了 [18:52.08]No,no,we won't. 不…不要 [18:53.71]We won't? 不要? [18:55.75]Come on. 来吧 [18:57.68]Okay,that's dead,right? 那是死的,对吧? [19:01.92]What are we doing? 这是什么?我们在干嘛? [19:03.72]-Do you want Cranapple or Cran-Grape? -Grape. 你要红莓苹果或红莓葡萄? 葡萄 [19:09.53]Okay,now... 现在… [19:11.33]...sit. …坐下 [19:17.20]Oh,my God! 天啊 [19:20.44]Billions of years ago, Earth was only 数十亿年前,地球只是… [19:25.91]Sorry. 抱歉 [19:32.25]So what are we looking at? 我们在看什么? [19:34.55]Well,you see that little cluster of stars next to the big one? 你看那边… 那一大团旁边那一小堆星星 [19:39.09]That is Ursa Major. 那是大熊座 [19:42.13]-Really? -No idea. It could be. 真的? 我不知道,有可能 [19:48.40]Listen,I'm sorry I had to work tonight. 听着,抱歉我今晚必须工作 [19:51.27]Oh,that's okay. 没关系 [19:53.40]You were worth the wait. 你值得我等 [19:56.31]And I don't just mean tonight. 我指的不只是今晚 [20:08.22]You're not laughing. 你没笑 [20:10.49]This time it's not so funny. 这次没那么好笑了 [20:45.79]Oh,God! 天啊! [20:48.43]Honey? 甜心 [20:49.83]That's okay. 没关系 [20:52.43]What? 什么? [20:54.43]Oh,no. You just rolled over the juice box. 不,你刚刚压到了果汁 [21:05.78]Thank God! 谢天谢地 [21:37.47]Hey,you. 嘿,你 [21:48.25]I know. It is pretty unbel 我知道,是很令人难以… [21:53.00]We're not alone. 怎么了? [22:20.82]Is that the fire alarm? 是火警警报器吗? [22:27.86]It's not warm yet. We still have time. 还没变热,还有时间 [22:31.90]-Cool. -Yeah,yeah. Cool! 酷 对,酷