[00:07.413] Hey,whatcha guys doing? [00:09.797] Monica’s making us watch Old Yeller. [00:14.486] Why are you guys so upset? [00:15.952] It’s Old Yeller,it’s a happy movie. [00:18.933] What? [00:19.352] What’re you talking about? [00:20.793] Come on,happy family gets a dog,frontier fun. [00:26.692] Yeah but Phoebs,what about the end? [00:28.418] What?When Yeller saves the family from the wolf and everyone’s happy? [00:32.015] That’s not the end! [00:33.345] Yu-huh.That’s when my mother would shut off the TV and said”The end”. [00:38.948] What about the part where he has rabies? [00:41.162] He doesn’t have rabies,he has babies. [00:45.592] That’s what my mom said. [00:47.740] Uh,Phoebe,I don’t think your mom wants you to see what’s about to happen. [00:52.692] Why,what’s about to happen? [00:54.689] I’ve never seen this part before. [00:56.793] Hey,Travis,what you doing with that gun? [01:02.445] Oh no,no no,Travis,put down the gun. [01:06.260] No no no no,he he’s your buddy,he’s your Yeller. [01:08.428] No no no no the end the end. [01:14.239] Ok,what kind of a sick doggie snuff film is this? [02:06.734] Hey,have you guys eaten? [02:08.030] Because uh,Richard and I just finished and we’ve got leftovers. [02:11.793] Chicken and potatoes. [02:14.506] What am I wearing? [02:17.451] Actually,nothing but rubber gloves. [02:25.470] You know,one of these times you’re gonna really be naked [02:27.324] And we’re not gonna come over. [02:30.146] Alright,I’ve got a leg,three breasts and a wing. [02:32.428] Well,how do you find clothes that fit. [02:36.888] Oh,hey,Monica,we’ve got a question. [02:38.639] Alright,for the bizillionth time,yes I see other women in shower at the gym [02:42.206] And no I don’t look. [02:44.699] No,not that one. [02:46.421] We’re trying to figure out who to bring to the Knicks game tonight., [02:48.272] We have an extra ticket. [02:49.317] Yeah,Ross can’t go so it’s between my friend Eric Prower who has breath issues [02:53.237] And Dan with the poking. [02:56.042] “Did you see that play?Do you want some more beer?Is that Spike Lee?” [03:00.976] Ok!Hey,why don’t you ask Richard? [03:12.978] Ok,uh,Richard,if you have an extra ticket to the Knicks game [03:15.905] and you had to choose between a friend who smells [03:18.782] And one who bruises you,who would you pick? [03:20.799] Wow.Well,being a huge Knicks fan myself, [03:23.590] I think you should choose someone who’s a huge Knicks fan. [03:28.092] Ok,that’s Eric. [03:32.251] Glad to be of help.Matches. [03:36.085] I meant,why don’t you take Richard to the game? [03:38.980] What? [03:43.365] I don’t know. [03:44.318] Come on!Keeps his fingers to himself and he’s always minty fresh. [03:49.567] I don’t know,Richard’s really nice and everything. [03:51.356] Uh,it’s just that we don’t know him rally well. [03:52.818] You know,and plus he’s,you know,old.. [03:57.295] Er than some people,but uh,younger than some buildings. [04:04.998] So what?he’s a little older,big deal. [04:07.046] I mean he’s important to me. [04:09.257] You know if you ask him,he might take you on his Jag. [04:17.251] How do we say yes now, [04:18.579] And makes it seem like we’re not doing it just to ride in the cool car? [04:23.364] Ok,this could be tough. [04:25.243] Ok,ok ok.Monica. [04:28.058] We’ll bring him,but only if he takes the Jaguar. [04:34.030] Ooh,you almost had it. [04:42.383] No no,you’re fine,you’re fine. [04:47.064] Hi honey~ [04:48.820] Oh you guys are not gonna believe what happened. [04:50.749] What?What? [04:51.649] Ok,we were just sitting over there playing on the floor [04:53.195] and he grabs the table and he pulls himself up. [04:58.215] He pulled himself up! [05:00.572] Standing man. [05:03.330] I’m sorry you guys missed it but [05:04.960] I did tape it so if you guys want to see it. [05:07.403] Uhh,we know,he already did it last week. [05:10.305] You can watch our tape if you want. [05:13.523] I don’t believe this. [05:14.984] I miss, I miss the first time of everything. [05:17.248] I missed,what?the first he rolled over,the first he crawled. [05:20.656] What else did I miss?Has he spoken yet,is he driving, [05:23.201] does he have a favorite liqueur? [05:26.020] Actually,he is getting closer on the talking thing. [05:28.702] He can’t quite say mama yet. [05:30.336] But once he said “Yemen”. [05:33.690] Ooh,I,I’m so sick of missing stuff. [05:36.282] You know,I want him for more than,than a day. [05:38.473] I want him for a whole weekend. [05:40.065] No listen,I mean,I feel like... [05:41.741] Great,that would be great. [05:45.541] Really?I mean,I had a whole speech prepared. [05:48.495] Oh shoot,that would have been fun. [05:53.176] Oh look,did,did you just see that? [05:55.370] Did you see?He just waved,he just waved. [05:57.948] He’s never waved before,you’ve never waved before. [06:00.514] Yes he has,very good.. [06:05.810] Hey Pheebs,what you got there? [06:08.505] Ok,Love Story,Brian’s Song,and Therms of Endearment. [06:13.175] Wow,all you need now is The Killing Fields, [06:15.179] And some guacamole and you’ve got yourself a part-ay. [06:19.052] Yeah,I talked to my grandma about the Old Yeller incident, [06:22.198] and she told me that my mom used to not show us the ends of sad movies [06:26.358] to shield us from the pain and sadness. [06:29.245] You know,before she killed herself. [06:33.615] Hey,where’s Richard?Did you ditch him? [06:38.487] Yeah right after we stole his lunch money and gave him a wedgie. [06:42.914] What’s the matter with you,he’s parking the car. [06:46.055] So’d u guys have fun? [06:47.170] Your boyfriend is so cool. [06:49.030] Really? [06:49.867] Yeah,he let us drive his Jaguar. [06:51.373] Joey for 12 blocks,me for 15. [06:53.882] Wow,he must like you the best. [06:58.146] Oh,what about the thing he did [06:59.959] when he tipped the guy who showed us to our seats. [07:01.593] You never even saw the money,it was like this. [07:03.613] Hey chandler,thanks for showing us to our seats. [07:07.372] You’re welcome.Hey Joey,thanks for parking the car. [07:10.714] No problem. [07:13.676] Hey Chandler... [07:14.484] I think they get it. Okay. [07:18.721] There’s the man. [07:22.750] Hey,you’re getting it better.I’m gonna keep this by the way. [07:27.464] Ok.He kept my dollar. [07:35.738] So your first whole weekend without Ben. [07:36.878] What’re u guys gonna do? [07:37.960] Uh,we’re going down to Colonial Williamsburg. [07:40.143] Yeah,a woman I went to college [07:41.284] with just became the first female blacksmith down there. [07:44.854] Well,u know,they’re little behind the times in Colonial Williamsburg. [07:49.677] Think I better go before mommy starts weeping. [07:52.684] Bye~We love you,bye~ [07:55.373] Have a good time. [07:58.297] Ok,Ben. -Ross?-yeah?-Look. [08:08.767] Joey,do u know we can see u from here? [08:13.107] How come Richard looks so much cooler with one of these than me? [08:15.691] Well,for starters,u may want to light it and lose the spatula. [08:20.578] You know what,I think it’s cute,u trying to be more like Richard. [08:23.579] Not like him,per-se,just not un-like him. [08:38.213] Look,it’s the artist formerly known as Chandler. [08:42.428] Just trying something here,u know. [08:45.126] So Joey,why didn’t u grow a moustache? [08:47.094] Oh,we flipped for it. [08:48.547] I got the cigar,he got the moustache. [08:51.321] Figured if we both grew it,we’d look like dorks. [08:55.339] Yeah,u really sidestepped that land mine. [08:58.528] Hey listen,we’ve gotta go,I promised Richard we’d meet him downstairs. [09:01.308] You’re meeting Richard? [09:02.127] Yeah,we’re going to a Ranger game. [09:03.360] Yeah,he didn’t tell ya? [09:04.715] Well,he told me he was going out with the guys, [09:05.986] I just didn’t know that your were the guys. [09:08.119] You hear that?We’re the guys. [09:13.051] With that moustache doesn’t Chandler remind u of Aunt Sylvia? [09:15.350] Thank you! [09:25.760] Hi,we’re visiting. [09:28.382] It’s Ben and his da-da.Da-da. [09:34.249] Can you say da-da? [09:36.838] Look,I’m gonna tell your momies you said it anyway so u might as well try. [09:40.181] No luck huh? [09:41.071] Naa. A while ago I got a sah out of him, which I thought, ya know, might turn into sah-condary caregiver but... [09:52.301] Hey, would you uh, would you hold him for a sec, 'cause I, I gotta take this off. [09:55.368] Oh, yeah sure, Ok. [10:03.964] What're you doing? [10:05.401] Uh, I'm holding Ben. [10:08.639] Yeah, well, he's a baby not a bomb. [10:12.280] Okay. [10:13.488] Well just hold him like you'd hold a football. [10:15.826] This is how I would hold a football. [10:18.458] Ok, here, here. There we go. [10:20.992] Ok, I'm sorry, I'm just not very good with babies. I mean I haven't been around them, I mean, you know, since I was one [10:27.912] It's alright, it's no big deal. [10:29.454] Really? [10:30.199] [10:30.146] Yeah, definitely, I'm sure you'll feel totally different when it's our baby. [10:34.035] What? What? [10:36.551] You think about stuff like that? [10:38.729] Uhh, yeah. I mean, actually I kinda think that we'll have, we'll have two babies. [10:47.239] Two, two babies? [10:49.774] Yeah. Ya know, a boy and a girl. Hopefully the girl will come first so Ben here won't feel too competitive. [10:58.610] Then what's gonna happen? [11:00.447] Well, we won't wanna raise kids in the city so we'll probably move to uh, Scarsdale. [11:05.353] Uh-huh. [11:06.106] Yeah, that way I figure, ya know, [11:07.776] we'll be far enough away from our parents that we don't have to see them all the time [11:10.075] but close enough that they can come over and babysit whenever we want. [11:12.493] And yes, I know, the taxes are a little higher than, let's say, Nassau county [11:15.824] but the school system's supposedly great. [11:19.776] Wow. Wow, that's great. Great. [11:25.308] Ok, wow, you know what. [11:26.756] Huh? [11:27.691] I'm off my break now so uh, [11:30.855] um here you take this and [11:33.418] um, I am gonna go pour these very nice people some coffee. [11:38.144] Ok. Oh look at that, I don't have a pot. I don't have a pot. [11:42.416] Well, hey, maybe I've got one at home, or in Scarsdale. Hey is that a door? [11:52.293] Hey Phoebs, what's happening? [11:56.010] Oh, ok, murder, cancer, soccer teams eating each other in the Andes. [12:01.146] So you watched the movies huh? [12:02.391] Uh huh, what is happening to the world? [12:05.772] I mean, no no no, 'cause ET leaves, and and Rocky loses, Charlotte dies. [12:12.128] Charlotte who? [12:13.853] With the web, the spider she dies, she does. [12:15.852] She has babies and dies. It's like ya know, [12:18.548] hey welcome home from the hospital, thud. [12:22.390] Alright, you wanna feel better? [12:23.490] Yeah. [12:24.744] Ok, here, watch this. [12:29.344] It's a Wonderful Life. Yes I've heard of this. [12:32.206] So you can't lose, it's there in the title. [12:34.893] Wonderfullness is baked right in. [12:36.516] Please, I almost fell for that with, uh, Pride of the Yankees, [12:39.775] I thought I was gonna see a film about Yankee pride and then, boom, [12:42.316] the guy gets Lou Gehrig's disease. [12:45.848] Uh, the guy was Lou Gehrig. Didn't you kinda see it coming? [12:52.681] Phoebe, just watch that, I promise it will restore all your faith in humanity. [12:56.922] Hey, big guy, game time. [12:58.607] Hey, be right there. [13:00.962] There's a game? [13:01.638] Uh, yeah, I just got my pick-up sticks back from the shop. [13:06.007] Bring your nerves of steel. [13:10.717] It's the basketball playoffs. [13:12.885] Listen, um honey, [13:13.638] I appreciate this but you don't have to keep hanging out with them for me, [13:16.445] I mean, they have each other. [13:18.498] Oh, no, honey, I mean, don't worry, [13:21.350] I like hanging out with those guys. [13:23.138] It's fun for me. They're different than my other friends, [13:25.462] they don't start sentences with, 'You know who just died shoveling snow?' [13:30.838] Alright that's great, then just go. Go Knicks. [13:34.909] Uh, it's the college playoffs. [13:36.894] Oh, then go Vassar. [13:38.804] Uh, they're not in it. [13:40.160] Ok, then just go. Ok. [13:43.543] Oh, why does this bother me so much? [13:46.313] I mean I don't wanna be one of those people who tells their boyfriend [13:49.196] they wanna spend 24 hours a day with them. [13:51.069] Sure. [13:52.267] It's just that he doesn't have that much free time, [13:53.650] ya know, and I don't know, what do I do? [13:55.549] Does it matter? You're ultimately just gonna die or get divorced or [13:58.356] have to blow your pets head off. [14:06.077] I've got a question. Richard made plans again with the guys. [14:08.435] Yeah well, Ross just made plans for the whole century. [14:11.197] Ya know what, I think I'm gonna go to my room and read Cosmo, [14:12.992] maybe there's something helpful in there. [14:15.366] Know what, at least maybe I can learn how to do an at home bikini wax [14:18.234] with leftover Christmas candles. [14:21.572] Ok, what the hell happened back there [14:25.139] I don't know, you tell me. [14:27.100] One minute I'm holding Ben like a football, [14:28.579] the next thing I know, I've got two kids, [14:30.012] I'm living in Scarsdale complaining about the taxes. [14:33.267] Well I'm sorry, I think about stuff. [14:35.160] Ya know, I mean, you're at work, [14:37.040] you're assembling bones, your mind wanders. [14:39.930] Ross, you have planned out the next 20 years of our lives, [14:42.369] we've been dating for six weeks. [14:43.744] C'mon, what, you never think about our future? [14:45.991] Yes, but I, I think about who's apartment we're gonna sleep at tomorrow night and, [14:49.728] and where we're gonna have dinner next Saturday night. [14:51.746] I do not think about what our childrens' names are gonna be. [14:55.580] You know what our childrens names are gonna be. [14:59.642] No, no, I mean, ya know, I, [15:01.614] I read a book and there was a girl named Emily and [15:03.909] I thought, I thought that might be good. [15:08.017] What was the book? [15:10.111] The big book of childrens' names. [15:13.295] Ok, Ross, Ross, ok listen, what we have is amazing. [15:17.407] Yeah. [15:18.061] But I do not want to have everything decided for me. [15:20.427] I spent my whole life like that. [15:22.689] It's what I had with Barry, that was one of the reasons I left. [15:25.197] I, I like not knowing right now and [15:27.674] I'm sorry if that scares you but if you want to be [15:29.559] with me you are gonna have to deal with that. [15:31.632] Ok fine. [15:32.772] Thank you. [15:33.514] We're not done. [15:34.231] I didn't know that. [15:36.477] Ok, then you're gonna have to understand that [15:38.049] you're with a guy who's not gonna stop planning his future with you [15:40.845] because he knows that we're gonna end up together and [15:42.954] if that scares you, tough, [15:44.256] 'cause you're gonna have to deal with that. [15:46.140] Fine, I will. [15:47.551] Good, 'cause I love you. [15:49.156] Well I love you too. [15:50.266] Well that's the first time we've said that. [15:51.703] Yes it is. [15:52.452] Well, I'm gonna kiss you. [15:53.351] Well you better. [16:01.389] Hey. Oh thanks for the great movie tip. [16:04.838] Did you like it? [16:05.749] Oh yeah. You know, [16:06.960] I don't know if I was happier when um George Bailey destroyed the family business or [16:10.991] um, Donna Reid cried, or when the mean pharmacist made his ear bleed. [16:16.547] Alright, I'll give you the ear thing but don't you think the ending was pretty wonderful? [16:19.631] I didn't watch the ending, I was too depressed. [16:21.942] It just kept getting worse and worse, it should have been called, [16:24.337] "It's a sucky life and just when you think it can't suck any more it does." [16:31.473] Kick save and... denied. [16:34.279] But... he gets it back, pass to the middle, [16:37.022] lines it up and... BAM! Yes! Could that shot BE any prettier? [16:39.978] [16:44.247] Man you are incredible. [16:45.655] Well, we had a table in college. [16:48.156] Oh really, I didn't know they had foosball in the 1800's. [16:51.935] Nice moustache by the way. [16:53.088] When puberty hits that thing's really gonna kick in. [16:59.835] Honey. Uh, not to sound too Florence Henderson but, [17:02.502] dinner's on the table. [17:03.713] Ok, just one more point. [17:08.431] Score! Now can we go? [17:12.516] See, that's why we don't let her play. [17:17.693] Is everything all right? [17:18.785] Um-hmm.- Uh-oh. [17:22.045] Oh hey listen, don't be mad at him, it's our fault. [17:23.961] I'm sorry we've been hogging so much of his time. [17:26.361] Yeah, he's just really great to hang around with. [17:28.595] Well. [17:29.396] No no, seriously, Chandler and I were just talking about this. [17:31.593] He is so much cooler than our dads. I mean, you know, our dad's are ok, [17:38.031] ya know, but Richard is just- ow, ow. [17:40.113] What are you kicking me for? [17:42.415] Huh? I'm trying to talk here. [17:45.733] Uh, you guys see me as a dad? [17:49.736] Oh yeah.-No. [17:53.009] Nooooo. [17:55.579] Your just, your just clearly not familiar with our young persons vernacular. [17:59.028] See, when we say dad, we mean buddy. We mean pal. [18:05.441] Uh-huh, yeah.Hey. No no, seriously, Joey's my dad, Monica's my dad. [18:13.757] I've even got some dads down at work. [18:17.192] That's fine. Well, your other dad and I are gonna go have a romantic evening and [18:21.853] I guess I'll just see you kids around. [18:24.974] Nighty-night. [18:26.227] You're not a dad. You're not a dad. [18:28.130] Not a dad. [18:29.682] I can't believe you got us into trouble. [18:38.136] So are you ok? [18:39.339] Yeah, just, I feel like I'm about a hundred. [18:45.957] I thought I was just one of the guys. [18:49.205] Come here. I'll make you feel like one of the guys. [18:59.273] You know for a really cool guy, you suck at football. [19:03.300] What're you talking about, I was killing 'em. [19:05.306] Yeah, well they suck too. [19:10.614] Ok, and then you take the poopie diaper and you put it in the poopie diaper pail. [19:14.685] Ok Ross, just so you know, [19:15.941] calling it a poopie diaper doesn't make this process any cuter. [19:22.723] Hello.- It's us. [19:23.766] Come on up. I'm gonna get the rest of his stuff together [19:26.898] Ok, we can do this now, can't we Ben? [19:30.302] Yes we can, yes we can. [19:34.887] There. I did it. I did it. Look at that, oh, stays on and everything. Hi. [19:46.482] Hi. [19:52.154] I'm sorry, what did you just say? Did you just say hi? [19:56.128] Oh my God, Ross, Ross, Ben just said 'Hi'. [19:59.005] Wha, what? [19:59.730] Ben just said hi. [20:00.555] What, the word hi? [20:02.037] Ye-, no, my Uncle Hi. [20:05.244] Great, great, and I miss that too, I miss everything. [20:08.236] Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I just bring it out in him. [20:12.410] Hello. [20:19.244] Guess what. Ben just said his first word. [20:22.446] What did he say? [20:24.075] Something about hi. [20:26.614] That's so exciting. [20:27.952] Mommy is so proud of you. Hi. Hi. [20:32.717] You know, actually it's more like, hi. [20:40.211] Ok, this could go on for a while. [20:42.901] We've got a cab waiting downstairs. [20:44.444] Well, this was fun. Uh, we should really do it again sometime, [20:48.247] wha'dya say? Ok. Alright so I've got him. [20:52.086] Tuesday. [20:52.620] Tuesday right. Ok, bye you guys. [20:54.940] Take care. [20:55.666] Bye Ben. [20:56.817] Bye. [21:00.356] Did, did he just, did he, did he just say, he said bye. [21:03.828] He said bye. You said, you said bye to me. You said bye to me. [21:09.560] Suddenly I'm seeing him go off to college. [21:12.867] We've gotta go, we've got that cab waiting. [21:14.484] Alright, alright, ok. Bye. [21:40.904] Ok, Ben, this is the part where Ernie buries Bert in the sand and can't find him. [21:47.123] Now, I've looked ahead on the tape and he does find him again. [21:53.326] But, ok, before that happens, there's some pretty rough goin' for a while but [21:57.300] I think we can handle it. And, there's just the alphabet but [22:01.937] we know that ends well so. Ok, here we go [22:06.447] Bert, Bert. Bert. Hey, what happened to my friend Bert? [22:11.607] He was here just a moment ago. Oh no, my old friend Bert is lost. [22:16.190] Oh, I'm so glad you're here.