What are you talking about? 你在说什么,老兄? ...and I was nice enough to hide behind the door. …我好心躲在门后没让你看到 那是怎么回事呢? Where'd you hear it before? 那刚才是我的哪里跟你说的? Richard would never steal your wind. 理查绝不会偷走你的风 Look,honey. People get fired left and right in this business. 听着,亲爱的 这一行到处有人被炒鱿鱼 How can I go from being a neurosurgeon to driving a cab? 我怎么能从神经外科医生 演到一个计程车司机? Envelope one of two. 两封里的第一封 You okay,man? 你没事吧? I fell down an elevator shaft. 我掉下了电梯井 I used to be Brice on All My Children. 我以前演过“孩子们”的布莱 And that's amazing to me. 我觉得你真了得 The dog. 那只狗 Hey,Eddie. 艾迪 -What are you doing here? -Watching you sleep. 你在这里干什么? 没什么,只是看你睡觉 Why? 为什么? It makes me feel peaceful. 那会让我觉得…平静 Please. 请继续 I can't sleep now! 我睡不着了 You want me to sing? 要不要我唱摇篮曲? That's it. I want you out of the apartment now! 够了 我要你现在就给我搬出去 Hannibal Lecter? 人魔… Better roommate than you. 当室友都好过你 I don't think you're being fair! One night you see me and you get scared. 我认为你这话不公平 我是说一晚你看到我就怕了 What about the other nights when you don't see me? 那没看到我的那些夜晚呢 Last night you went and got some water... 那你昨天晚上起来喝水… I didn't realize that. 我根本就不知道 Get out now! 你马上给我出去 You really want me out? 真的要我出去? Yes,please. 对,请你快出去 Then I want to hear you say you want me out. 那我要听到你说你要我出去 I want you out. 我要你出去 I want to hear it from your lips. 不…我要听到你的嘴说 All right. You know what? Consider me gone. 对,好吧 你知道吗?朋友,我走了 I'll be out by the time you get home from work tomorrow. 知道吗? 我会在你明天下班前搬出这里 -Thank you. -I heard that. 谢谢 我听到了 The One Where Eddie Won't Go 六人行 第2季 第19集 艾迪赖着不走 Well,look at you! 你看你 Finally got that time machine working,huh? 终于用时光机回到过去了 You like it? 喜不喜欢? This guy was selling them on 8th Avenue and I thought... 我在第八街跟一个傢伙买的 我看到的时候心里在想… ... "You know what I don't have?" …“知道我缺什么吗?” A mirror? 镜子? Fine,make fun. I think it's jaunty. 很好,笑啊,我觉得很快活 For a guy who's recently lost his job, you're in a good mood. 对一个刚失业的人来说 你心情很好呀 I'll be all right. I'm not starting from square one. 不要紧的 又不是说我要从零开始 I was Dr. Drake Ramoray on Days of our Lives. 我可是“我们的日子” 里面的雷崔克大夫 That's got to have some kind of cachet. 那一定可以算是一项储备吧 Cachet? Jaunty? 储备?快活? Chandler gave me word-of-the-day toilet paper. 钱德送我一卷 “每日一字”卫生纸 I'm gonna get some coffee. 我要去点咖啡了 So? Did you read the book? 书看了没有啊? Oh,my God. It was incredible! 天啊,简直不可思议 Didn't it,like, totally speak to you? 是不是完全说出你的心声? What book is this? 什么书啊? You have to read this book. It's called Be Your Own Wind Keeper. 瑞秋,这本书你一定要读 书名是“掌握自己的风” It's about how women need to become more empowered. 是关于女人 需要被授予更多的权力 But there's wind. 对,但是有…有风 And the wind can make us goddesses. 风能够让我们变成女神 Do you know who takes our wind? Men. They just take it. 知道谁取走我们的风吗? 男人,他们就那样拿走了 Men just take our wind? 男人就就这样拿走我们的风? All the time. Because they are the lightning-bearers. 对呀,一天到晚 因为他们是闪电使者 That sounds kind of cool. It's like The Hobbit. 听起来蛮酷的 有点像是哈勃 It is nothing like The Hobbit. 那完全不像哈勃 It's like reading about every relationship I've ever had. 那就像在读 我有过的每一段关系 Except for Richard. 除了理查之外 Because he's yummy. 不会,因为他很可口 But all the others. 对,但是其他的都会 And the part about how they're always drinking... 还有,他们总是吸走… ...from our pool of inner power. …我们储存的内在力量 But God forbid we should take a sip. 但我们连尝一口都不准 Anybody want a cruller? 谁要吃根长条糕? This is a typical lightning-bearer thing. 这就是典型的闪电使者行为 It's like... 就像是… ... "Hello. Who wants one of my phallic-shaped man-cakes?" …“哈罗,谁要来一根 我的老二形蛋糕?” Don't worry about it,already! Things happen. 你别担心了 人有祸福的 You're not mad at me for getting fired and everything? 所以我这次被炒鱿鱼 你不会生气吗? Look at me. 乔伊,看着我 Look at me! 看着我 Do I have lipstick on my teeth? 我的牙齿上有口红吗? Can we get back to me? 没有,我们说回我,好不好? I already got you an audition for Another World. 我已经帮你找到了 “另一个世界”的试镜机会了 All right! 好棒 "Cab Driver Number 2"? 计程车司机乙? You're welcome. 不客气 But I was Dr. Drake Ramoray! 可是我演过霍崔克大夫 Things change. Roll with them. 世事无常,随遇而安吧 But this is a two-line part! 可是他只有两句话 It's like taking a step backwards. 就像在开倒车 I'm not gonna do this. 我不要演这个 I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Al Minza... 乔伊,这句话我也劝过 明艾尔… ...and his pyramid of dogs. …跟他的金字塔狗群 Take any job you can get, and don't make on the floor. 有什么就做什么 不要随地乱搞 I'm sorry. 抱歉 I'll see you. 改天见 God! 天啊 Oh,God! I mean,it's just so.... 天啊,我是说,这好… Isn't it? 不是吗? This is like reading about my own life! 这就像是读我自己的生活 This book could have been called Be Your Own Wind Keeper,Rachel! 我是说这书可以改做 “掌握自己的风,瑞秋” It wouldn't have sold a million copies... 我不认为那会卖一百万本… ...but it would've made a nice gift for you. …但要当礼物送给你 倒蛮合适的 Sweetie,we've got to go. 甜心,我们得走了 No! Why do we always have to do everything according to your timetable? 不,为什么我们做什么事 都得照你的时间表来呢? Actually,it's the movie theater that has the timetable. 事实上,我们照的是 电影院的时间表 It's so you don't miss the beginning. 这样我们才不会错过开头啊 This isn't about the movie theater. This is about you stealing my wind. 不,你瞧,这不是关于电影院 这是关于你偷了我的风 You go,girl! 加油,妹子 I can't pull that off,can l? 我说得不好,是不是? Excuse me,your wind? 对不起,你的风? Yes,my wind. 对,我的风 How do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow? 你不让我吹,我怎么能成长? You know I don't... 你知道… ... have a problem with that. …我倒不会反对啊 I just really need to be with myself right now. 我只是很需要 自己一个人静一静 I'm sorry. 很抱歉 You're right. I don't have to apologize. 你说得对,我不需要跟他道歉 Sorry. Damn it! 抱歉,该死 -What is it? -I don't know. 怎么了? 不知道 It's got all this stuff about wind and trees... 是关于什么风呀树呀… ...and some sacred pool. …里头还有什么神圣的池塘 I don't really get it. But she's pretty upset about it. 我不是很懂 但她…她蛮不高兴的 This is why I don't date women who read. 所以我不跟看书的女人约会 What's that? 那是什么? It's my VlSA bill. 我的信用卡帐单 -That can't be good. -Open it,open it. 不可能是好事 打开来看看 Oh,my God! 天啊 Look at this! How did I spend so much money? 你看看 我怎么会花这么多钱? That's just the minimum amount. That's your total. 乔伊,那只是最低应缴金额 总金额在这里 Thirty-five hundred dollars at "Porcelain Safari"? 你在“狩猎瓷厂” 花了3500块钱? My animals. 我的动物 The guy said they suited me. He spoke with an accent. I was confused. 那店员说很适合我 他讲话有口音,我被搞迷糊了 I don't know what to do! 我不知道该怎么办 You can start by driving a cab on Another World. 我想你可以从 “另一个世界”开计程车开始 -What? -That audition? 什么? 那个试镜? That's a two-line part! 那只有两句台词 Joey,you owe $1100 at "I Love Lucite." 乔伊,你欠“我爱树脂” 1100块钱 -So what? -So suck it up,man. 怎么样? 所以就认命吧,老兄 It's a job. It's money. 那是工作,钱 I don't need you getting judgmental and condescending and pedantic. 听着,我不需要你跟我来批判 施舍,卖弄学问那一套东西 Toilet paper? 卫生纸? I'm not being any of those things. I'm being realistic. 听着,我没有那样 我只是很实际而已 You're supposed to be my friend! 别说了,你是我的朋友才对 I am your friend. 我是你的朋友 Then tell me things like, "You'll be fine." 那你跟我说像… 像“乔伊,没问题的” And "Something big's gonna come along. I know it!" “撑下去 你会得到大角色的,我知道” But I don't know it. 但是我不知道 What I do know is you owe $2300 at "lsn't It Chromantic?" 我只知道你欠“缤纷世界” 这家店2300大洋 I'm aware of what I owe. 罗斯,我知道我欠多少 Then get some sense. It took you 10 years to get that job. 那就讲一点道理啊 你奋斗了十年才得到那份工作 -How long till you get another? -I don't want to hear this! 谁知道下一个机会还要等多久 我不想听这个 I'm just saying.... 我只是说… Well,don't "just say"! 那就别“只是说”,好吗? Maybe I should just go. 或许我该走了 I'll see you later. 好,咱们待会儿见 Just think about it. 你考虑看看 I don't need to think about it! 我不需要考虑 I was Dr. Drake Ramoray! 我演过雷崔克大夫 That was huge! 那是大角色 Big things are gonna happen! You'll see! 大机会还会出现的,你等着瞧 Ross! 罗斯? You still there? 你走了吗? What are you still doing here? 艾迪,你还在这里干什么? Just some basic dehydrating of fruits and vegetables. 只是在做一些基本的脱水水果 Man alive,this thing's fantastic! 老天爷,这玩意儿太棒了 Aren't you forgetting anything? 听我说,艾迪 你有没有忘记什么事? Oh,yeah. I got us a new goldfish. 看,我买了一条新的金鱼 He's feistier than the last one. 它比上一条活泼多了 Eddie,isn't there something you're supposed to be doing now? 艾迪,你现在是不是有件事 必须要马上去做的? Not unless it's got something to do with dehydrating. 除非是跟干燥脱水能扯上关系 Because right now, I'm a dehydrating maniac! 因为现在我是脱水疯子 I thought we had a deal. I thought by the time I got 你必须要帮我一个忙 我以为我们讲好了… You know what that is? 你知道那是什么吗? Your last roommate's kidney? 你上个室友的肾? That's a tomato. 那是一颗蕃茄 This one definitely goes in the display. 这个一定要拿来当摆饰 Hey,Gunther. Let me get a lemonade to go. 阿刚,麻烦一下,柠檬汁带走 Lemonade? 柠檬汁? It's career stuff. 只是事业不太顺利 They killed off my character on the show. 不知道你听到没有 他们杀了我扮演的人物 That's too bad. How'd they do it? 真不幸,怎么杀的? That sucks. 真逊 I was buried in an avalanche. 我是雪崩的时候被活埋的 What? 什么? Why must everybody watch me sleep? 干嘛大家都要看我睡觉? There'll be no more watching me sleep! No more... 不准再看我睡觉了 我不准… ...watching! …别再看了 I got some great stuff to dehydrate. Grapes,apricots. 我有些好东西脱水哦 我有葡萄,还有杏桃 I thought it'd be cool to see what happens with these water balloons. 还有我想看这些水球脱水后 会是什么德性,一定很酷 Get out. Get out,get out,get out! 出去… -What? -You! Move out! 什么? 你搬出去 Take your fruit! Your stupid small fruit and get out! 带着水果,带着你愚蠢的水果 给我搬出去 You want me to move out? 你要我搬出去? I gotta tell you,that's kind of out of the blue,don't you think? 我得告诉你,老兄 这有点突然,你不认为吗? This is not out of the blue! 这不是突如其来 This is smack-dab in the middle of the blue! 这是突如其来到极点了 Relax! Take it easy,buddy! 轻松一点,放轻松,兄弟 You don't have to tell me twice. 你不用告诉我两次 Someone will be by for my stuff. 会有人来拿我的东西 If you think I'm leaving you alone with my fish,you're insane! 不过你以为我会让我的鱼 跟你独处,那你就疯了 You want some help? 要我帮忙吗? No help required,chico! 不用 All the way to the airport,huh? You know,that's over 30 miles. 一直开到机场? 那超过了三十哩 That's gonna cost you about so bucks. 我估计大概要“王元”哦 Excuse me,that's fifty bucks. 对不起,你说错了,是五十元 Five-O dollars. 五十…元 You know what it is? It's smudgy because they're fax pages. 你知道为什么吗? 字糊了因为是传真的 When I was on Days of our Lives as Dr. Drake Ramoray... 当我在演“我们的日子” 演霍崔克大夫的时候… ...they'd send over the whole script on real paper. …他们会送来 用纸打的整个剧本来 That's great. 那太棒了 If you wanted to expand this scene, like have the cab crash... 如果你想加长这场戏 像是出了车祸之类的… ... I could attend to the victims... …我可以照顾伤患… ... because I have a background in medical acting. …因为我有医疗演出的背景 Okay,listen,thanks for coming in. 听我说,谢谢你来 Don't thank me for coming in. At least let me finish. 不…别谢谢我来 至少让我演完 We could take the expressway... 我们可以走高速公路… ... but this time of day you're better off taking the budge. …但这种时候 我们还是走“轿”比较好一点 You were going for bridge there, weren't you? 你们的意思是“桥” 对不对? I'll have a good day. 祝我今天愉快 Question number 28. 第28个问题 "Have you ever allowed a lightning-bearer to take your wind?" “你有没有让闪电使者 取走过你的风?” I would have to say no. 我必须说,没有 And I would have to say.... 而我必须说… What? 什么? Do you not remember the puppet guy? 你不记得那个演木偶戏的吗? You totally let him wash his feet in the pool of your inner power. 对,你完全让他在你 内在力量的池子里大洗其脚呀 And his puppet too! 还有他的木偶 Well,at least I didn't let some guy... 对 但至少不在我第一次约会… ...into the forest of my righteous truth on the first date! …就让人家进入 我的正义真理的森林里啊 -Who? -Paul! 谁啊? 保罗 Moving on,moving on. Next question. 继续,继续下一个 Okay,number 29. 好,第29题 "Have you ever betrayed another goddess... 你曾经为一个闪电使者… ...for a lightning-bearer?" Okay,number 30. …背叛过另一位女神吗? 第30题 Whoa,whoa,whoa! Let's go back to 29. 回到第29题! Not to my recollection. …就我记得的没有 Danny Arshack,ninth grade. 好吧,艾丹尼,九年级 You know the bottle was pointing at me. 少来,瑞秋 你知道那瓶子完全指向我的 Only because you took up half the circle! 那是因为你的体积太庞大了 Listen to you two. It's so sad. 听你们两个说的 真是悲哀 Looks like I'll be going to the goddess meetings alone. 这下子看来我真该一个人 去参加女神会议了 Not when they find out you slept with Jason Hurley... 等他们发现何杰森跟摩妮卡 才分手了一个小时… ...an hour after he broke up with Monica. …你就跟他上床了呢? One hour? 一小时? You are such a leaf blower! 你可真会挑拨离间 Be careful with that 3-D Last Supper. Judas is a little loose. 小心那个立体的最后晚餐 犹太有点松了 Oh,my God! What's going on? 这怎么回事? They're taking all my stuff back. I guess you were right. 他们来拿东西回去 我想你说得对 No,I wasn't right. That's what I came here to tell you. 不,听着,我说得不对 我就是来告诉你这个的 I was totally hung up on my own stuff the other day. 因为那天我的心 完全在我自己的事情上头 No,listen. I need the whole security thing,you know? 你听我说嘛,需要那个 什么狗屁安全感的人是我 To know where my next paycheck is coming from. But you don't need that. 我需要完全掌握 下次薪水从哪儿来,但你不 I could never do what you do. 我永远都无法像你,乔伊 -Thanks. -You hold out for something bigger. 谢了,罗斯 对,而且你应该等待更大的 I can't tell you how much respect I have... 你不知道我多么敬重… ...for you not going to that stupid audition. …你不去那个 计程车司机的试镜 -I went. -Great! How did it go? 我去了 太棒了,结果呢? -I didn't get it. -Good for you! 我没得到 真有你的 You're living the dream! 你在实现梦想 All right,then! 好吧 Not my parrot. 别带走鹦鹉 I can't watch this. 我看不下去了 Hey,hold on,hold on. 等等… How much for the.... How much to save the bird? 这要多少… 救那只鸟要多少钱? -Twelve hundred. -Dollars? 美金? You spent $1200 on a plastic bird? 你花1200美金买只塑胶鸟 It was an impulse buy. Near the register. 那是一时冲动 它在收银机附近 Go ahead with the bird. 去吧,把鸟带走吧 Do you have anything for around $200? 你有没有大约两百左右的? I'll take it. 我买了 My gift to you,man. 送给你,老兄 Thanks,Ross! 谢了,罗斯 I really liked that bird,though. 我真的很喜欢那只鸟 But the dog! 不过这只狗… Here are your cakes. 你们的蛋糕 We didn't order cake. 我们没点蛋糕 No,I know. They're from me. 我知道,是我请的 You guys,this is not good. 听着,两位,这样不好 We have enough trouble with guys stealing our wind... 我是说被男人偷走我们的风 就够惨了… ...without taking it from each other. …何苦再自相残杀呢? You're right. 你说得对 I love you goddesses. 我爱你们,女神们 I don't ever want to suck your wind again. 我再也不会吸走你们的风了 -Thank you. So are we good? -We're good. 谢谢,我们和好了? 和好了 We're good? 和好了? Let me take these back. They'll take it out of my paycheck. 好,我那把蛋糕送回去 因为他们会从我薪水里扣 Ding-dong,the psycho's gone! 那个疯子走了 Are you sure this time? 这次你确定? I actually saw him leave. 对…我亲眼看到他离开的 That guy is holding a human head. 那傢伙拿着一个人头在窗口 He's holding a human head! 他拿着一个人头 Check it out,man! 你瞧,老兄 I tore it off a mannequin in the alley behind Macy's. 我在梅西百货后面巷子的 模特儿上头摘下来的 There's no alley behind Macy's. 梅西后面没有巷子 So I got it in the junior miss department. Big diff. 所以我是在少女部摘的 有什么差别呢? It'll make a hell of a conversation piece at our next cocktail party. 你瞧瞧,老兄,这样我们下次 鸡尾酒会就有得聊了 "Our next cocktail party"? “下次的鸡尾酒会”? We'll put chips in it. We'll make it a chip chick. 对呀,可以拿来放洋芋片 弄成一个洋芋片小妞儿 Do you remember yesterday? 你记得昨天发生的事吗? Yes,I think I vaguely recall it. 我想我模模糊糊的记得 Do you remember talking to me yesterday? 那么你还记得 昨天你跟我说的话吗? So what happened? 发生了什么事? We took a road trip to Las Vegas! 我们跑去拉斯维加斯,老兄 Oh,sweet Moses! 我的天啊 So on this road trip, did you win any money? 那么这次的旅行 你们有没有赢钱呢? I crapped out. But Mr. 21 here! He cleans up! 没有,我输光了 但这位21点先生赢了 $300! He buys me these new shoes. 300块,他买这双新鞋给我 Nice. 很棒吧? See you upstairs. See you,pals! 咱们楼上见了,再见 Is anyone else starting to really like him? 还有别人开始很喜欢他吗? May I help you? 需要我效劳吗? Why doesn't my key work, and what's my stuff doing downstairs? 我的钥匙为什么不能用了? 我的东西为什么都在楼下? I'm sorry. 抱歉 Have we met? 我们有见过吗? It's Eddie,you freak! Your roommate. 我是艾迪,呆子,你的室友 I'm sorry... 对不起… ... I already have a roommate. …我已经有室友了 He's lived here for years. I don't know what you're talking about. 他住很多年了 我不知道你在说什么,老兄 No,he moved out and I moved in. 他搬出去以后我才搬进来的 Well,I think we'd remember something like that. 如果是那样的话 我们应该记得才对 I know I would. 我知道我会 That's a good point. 说得有道理 Okay,wow. 好 I guess I got the wrong apartment. 那我想我记错房子了 -I'm terribly sorry. -Hey,no problem. 两位,对不起,对不起 没关系 See you. 再见了 Goodbye,you fruit-drying psychopath. 再会了,干燥水果的疯子 -You want me to help you unpack? -Nah,I'm okay. 乔伊,要我帮你打开行李吗? 不用了 Just so you know,I'm not moving back in because I have to. 我只是想让你知道 我是不得已才搬回来的 I mean,I do have to,but.... 是不得已没错… It's just that that place, it wasn't really.... 但是在那个地方 并不是真的… I mean,this is.... 我是说,这里… Welcome home,man. 欢迎回家,老兄 -A little foos? -Absolutely! 小试一下身手? 没问题 What happened to the foosball? 这颗球怎么了? It's a cantaloupe. 那是颗哈蜜瓜 Are we gonna bring this out every time Ross comes over? 乔伊,每次罗斯来 我们都要把这玩意拖出来吗? He paid a lot of money for it. 他付了很多钱买这个 I'm gonna hold him a different way. 我要用不同的方式来抱它 If you hated it so much, why'd you buy it in the first place? 你真的那么讨厌这个 那当初为何要买它呢? Well,I had a whole ceramic zoo thing going over there. 我那边有一整个陶磁动物园嘛 But without the other ones, it looks tacky. 现在少了其他动物 看起来就很俗了 Is he housetrained or will he leave little bathroom tiles all over? 它会控制大小便吗? 还是会到处留下小磁器便便? Stay. 别动 Stay! 别动 Good fake dog. 好假狗