Okay,pick a card. Any card. 好,随便选一张 ... I looked at it so fast, it was invisible to the naked eye. 我很快看一眼 肉眼是看不到的 I want to quit,but then I think l should stick it out. 我想辞职 但我又觉得应该挺下去 ...to the bathroom? 学会什么叫时装? Hi. 嗨 Joey! Happy birthday! 乔伊,生日快乐 How many of that girl are you seeing? 你跟多少个女孩交往? What're we drinking over here? 你喝的是什么? I mean,when he left, I actually used the phrase: 他走的时候,我是这么说的… "Hummina,hummina,hummina." 哈米娜… ... because I drank it. 因为全被我喝掉了 Why,what happened? 怎么了?出了什么事? -That's all right. -That's okay. 不要紧 算了 Oh,God! Thank you so much! 老天,太感谢你了 If you wanna punch me,go ahead. I deserve it. 如果你想揍我就动手吧 我罪有应得 What are you doing here? 你怎么来了? Eavesdropping? Pheebs,the ceiling tiles were falling down. 偷听?菲比 天花板的瓷砖都快掉下来了 Maybe he's just... 也许他只是… Honey,I'm sorry. 亲爱的,我很遗撼 All right,now memorize it. 好,记住 Show it to everybody. 给大家看 Got it? 好了吗? All right. Give it back to me. 好,还给我 Five of hearts. 红心5 Real magic does exist. 这真是太神奇了 Joey,how do you do it? 乔伊,你怎么变出来的? I can't tell you that. 天机不可泄漏 Somebody's at the door on the ceiling. 天花板上有人叫门了 That's our unbelievably loud upstairs neighbor. 我们楼上的芳邻吵得要命 He took up the carpets, and now you can hear everything. 他把地毯拆掉 现在简直是鸡犬相闻 Why don't you go ask him to just,"Step lightly,please?" 干脆请他“轻声漫步”好了 I have,like five times. But the guy is so charming... 我试过五次了 但那傢伙魅力无穷 ... I go up there to yell, then I end up apologizing to him. 我上去大呼小叫 最后还跟他赔不是 That is silly! 太荒谬了 I'll go up and tell him to keep it down. 我上去叫他小声点 -All right,be my guest. -Good luck. 好,请便 祝你好运 All right,all right... 好… ...if you wanna know how I did it, I'll show you. 如果你们想知道 我是怎么变的我就告诉你们 When you handed me back the card, what you didn't see was... 你把牌还给我的时候 趁你们不注意… I just did it. 我刚才办到了 Just did it again. 又来一次 Here,I'll slow it down so you guys can see it. Ready? 来,我放慢动作 让你们看,好了没? -I got it now! -Okay. 我懂了 好啊 Thank you. 谢谢 The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister 本集播出: “钱德不记得泡了哪个妹妹” Anybody got a length of rope about 6 feet long,with a noose at the end? 谁有一条六尺长的绳子 末端打了活结的? -Honey,what's the matter? -I just saw Janice. 亲爱的,怎么了? 我刚才看到珍妮丝了 She was at Rockefeller Center,skating with her husband. She looked so happy. 她在洛克斐勒中心 和她丈夫溜冰,看起来好幸福 I almost feel bad for whipping that kid's pretzel at them. 我简直不忍心拿那个小孩的 椒盐卷饼打他们 I remember the first time I saw Katherine after we broke up. 我记得我跟凯萨琳分手后 第一次跟她见面的情形 She was walking and talking with her friend,Donna. 她跟她朋友唐娜 走在一块儿说遣笑 God,it killed me! 老天,我难过死了 But you ended up having sex with both of them that afternoon. 但你那天下午 和她们俩个上床了 Sorry,I just Any excuse to tell that story. 对不起,我就是… 不计一切地要讲那件事 There's a party tomorrow. You'll feel better then. 钱德,明天要开派对 你就会高兴一点了 I'm gonna be okay. You don't have to throw a party for me. 我不会有事的 你们不必为我开派对 It's Joey's birthday. 是乔伊的生日派对 Then if anybody should have a party, it should be him. 如果有人应该开派对 那就非乔伊莫属 I cannot believe she's still up there. 我真不敢相信她还在楼上 Well,he totally screwed up the punch line. 他把关键句完全念砸了 You know,it's supposed to be 你知道,应该是… How's that coffee coming,dear? 咖啡好了没有,亲爱的? Right away,Mr. IKaplan. 马上来,卡普兰先生 I'm not suppose to drink it. It makes me gassy. 我不应该喝咖啡,老是放屁 I know. 我知道 I'll bet you're thinking, "What's an intelligent girl... 你一定在想 这么聪明的女孩… ...who wants to be in fashion doing making coffee?" 有志在服装界大展鸿图 怎么在这里泡咖啡? You got me. 被你猜中了 Don't think I haven't noticed your potential. 别以为我没注意到你的潜力 I've got a project for you that's a lot more related to fashion. 我有一份和时装 很有关系的工作要交给你 -How does that sound? -That sounds great! 怎么样? 太棒了 -Come on over here,sweetheart. -Thank you so much. 过来,甜心 太感谢了 I need these hangers separated ASAP. 我要马上把这些衣架分开 You're welcome. 不客气 Oh,God,I hate my job! I hate it. 老天,我痛恨我的工作 恨死了… I know,honey. I'm sorry. 我知道,亲爱的,我很遗撼 Then I think: 然后我又想… "Why would a person stay in such a demeaning job... 为什么要做这种 有损尊严的工作? ...just because it's remotely related to the field they're interested in? 难道只因为这份工作 和我的兴趣有一点点关系吗? Gee,I don't know,Rach. 老天,我不知道,瑞秋 Order up! Yentl soup,James Beans, and a Howdy,hold the Doody. 点菜吧,杨朵汤,詹姆斯豆 随便你点什么都行 Come on,I'm sorry. I didn't 好了,对不起,我不是… I don't mind paying my dues. 我不介意吃苦 But how much will I learn about fashion... 但扶得了关节炎的 女裁缝上厕所 ... by walking Myra, the arthritic seamstress... 我要怎样才能够… Is my misery amusing to you? 你觉得我的苦难很有趣吗? I'm sorry,I was just.... 对不起,我只是… It's not funny. This is actually my job. 这不好笑,这就是我的工作 Believe me,I've been there. 相信我,我是过来人 I had to sort mannequin heads at that Mannequins Plus. 我以前是在人体模特儿公司 给模特儿的头分类的 I'm just gonna go back to talking to my friend here. 我要继续跟我朋友聊天 You can go back to enjoying your little hamburger. 你可以继续享用你的汉堡 Just one other thing. 还有一件事 I work at Bloomingdale's. 我在布鲁明戴尔百货公司上班 I might know of a possible job, if you're interested. 如果你有兴趣 我有个可能的工作机会 Do you want my pickle? 想吃我的腌黄瓜吗? Hey,guys. 大家好 -Hey,Gunther. -Hi. 嘿,甘瑟 嗨 You're going on a date with the noisy guy upstairs? 你要跟楼上吵闹的邻居约会? Well,he's very charming. 他很迷人 He's too charming! 他太迷人了 But if you go out, it'll be harder for me to hate him. 但如果你们交往 我就更难讨厌他了 You'll just have to try. 你只得尽力而为 Joey? Where are the Jell-O shots? 乔伊?酒果冻哪里去了? I don't know. Chandler's supposed to be passing them 不知道,钱德 应该要端出去… Chandler! 钱德 Hello-dee-lo! 哈罗 Well,somebody's feeling better. 看来你心情好多了 -Stick out your tongue! -Take off your shirt! 把舌头伸出来 把衣服脱下来 -Oh,my! -Oh,my God! 老天 我的天 How many did you have? They're pure vodka. 你吃了多少? 这是纯伏特加做的 Yeah,Jell-O. Just like Mom used to make. 对,果冻 有妈妈的味道 The most unbelievable thing happened today. 我今天碰上了 最不可思议的事 I had lunch at Monica's and met a guy... 我在摩妮卡的餐厅吃午饭 有个傢伙跟我说话 ...who works for a buyer at Bloomingdale's. 他是布鲁明戴尔的采购助理… There's an opening there! So I gave him my phone number... 他们的部门要找人 我就把我的电话给了他 ...and he'll call me this weekend to get me an interview! 他这个周末要打电话给我 帮我安排面试 So this guy's helping you for no apparent reason? 那傢伙没有任何理由地帮你? And he's a total stranger? 你根本不认识他? Yeah. His name is "Mark" something. 对,他叫“马克”什么的 Sounds like "Mark Something" wants to have some sex! 看来马克什么的不怀好意 What? 什么? Why else would he swoop in out of nowhere for no reason? 不然他干嘛 莫名其妙地冒出来? To be nice? 日行一善啊 Hey,Joey,are men ever nice to strange women for no reason? 嘿,乔伊,男人会不会 莫名其妙地对陌生女子好 -No,only for sex. -Thank you. 不会,男人只想上床而已 谢谢 So did you tell "Mark Something" about me? 你有没有 跟马克什么的提起我? I didn't have to. I was wearing... 我用不着提,我穿着… ... my "I Heart Ross" sandwich board and ringing my bell. “我爱罗斯”的广告牌 而且一直摇着铃 How hammered are you? These are Joey's sisters. 你头壳坏去了吗? 她们是乔伊的姐妹 Hi,Joey's sisters! 嗨,乔伊的姐妹 Well,I have a vodka and cranberry juice. 我喝的是伏特加和小红莓汁 No kidding? 真的? That's the same drink I made myself right after I shot my husband. 我干掉我丈夫之后 就是调这种酒来喝 Okay,I don't know how to talk to you. 好,我不知道该怎么跟你说话 What are you doing? 你在干嘛? I'm taking my ex-girlfriend off my speed dialer. 把我前任女友的快速拨号删除 No,it's a good thing. 不,这是好事 Why must we dial so speedily anyway? Why rush through life? 我们要快速拨号干嘛? 干嘛赶来赶去的? Why can't we savor the precious moments? 我们为什么 不能珍惜美好时光? You have some huge breasts! 你胸部好大 -Hi. -Hi. 嗨 嗨 So I heard about this Mark guy that Rachel met today. 我听说了瑞秋今天遇到的 那个叫马克的傢伙 Isn't it great? 很棒,不是吗? Yeah,pretty good. He sounds like a nice,good guy. 对,是很棒 看样子他是个好人 Oh,he is. And he is so dreamy! 对,他简直太完美了 That's excellent. 太好了 So he's "just a nice guy." 这么说他只是个大好人罢了 Do you really think this Mark doesn't want anything for helping you? 你真的认为这个叫马克的 是不求回报地帮你? Well,I assume I'll have to take showers with him. 我想我得跟他洗鸳鸯浴 But that's true of any job. 不过哪份工作不是这样 How you feeling? 你感觉怎么样? Well,my apartment isn't there anymore... 我的公寓已经不存在了 Where'd you go? We lost you after you opened up all the presents. 你去哪里了?你拆了礼物之后 我们就找不到你了 I ended up in the storage room, and not alone. 我后来跑到贮藏室 而且不只我一个人 No "woo-hooing." No "woo-hooing." 不要再叫了… I fooled around with Joey's sister. 我跟乔伊的姐妹瞎搞 That's not the worst part. 这还不是最糟糕的 What is the worst part? 那最糟糕的是什么? I can't remember which sister. 我不记得是哪个姐妹 You see what men do? Don't tell me men are nice. 你看到没有? 别说男人有好人 This is men! 这就是男人 Are you insane? 你疯了不成? Joey will kill you. He'll actually kill you dead. 乔伊会杀了你 他真的会把你杀得死死的 You don't think I thought of that? 你以为我没想到吗? -How can you not know which one? -That's unbelievable. 你怎么会不知道是哪一个? 简直无法置信 -Was it Gina? -Which one's Gina? 是吉娜吗? 哪个是吉娜? The dark,big hair, with airplane earrings. 黑皮肤、蓬蓬头 戴着飞机耳环 That's Dina,not Gina. 那是迪娜,不是吉娜 See? You can't tell which is which either! 看到没?你们也分不清谁是谁 We didn't fool around with any of them. 我们可没有跟哪个胡搅 It's got to be Veronica. The girl in the red skirt. 一定是薇若妮卡 那个穿红裙子的女孩 I definitely stuck my tongue down her throat! 我确实把我的舌头 伸到她的喉咙里 That was me. 那个是我 When I drink,sometimes I get overly friendly... 我喝了酒以后 有时候会变得太热情 -...and I'm sorry. -That's okay. 对不起 没关系 Can I talk to you for a second? 我可以跟你私下谈谈吗? Hey,Joey! 嘿,乔伊 Come on. 过来 Why can't we talk in here... 我们为什么不在这里谈? ...with witnesses? 这里有人作证 I just got off the phone with my sister. 我刚跟我妹妹通完电话 Which one? 哪一个? -Mary Angela. -Mary Angela. 玛丽安琪拉 玛丽安琪拉 Now which one is she again? 这又是哪一个了? Ask Chandler. He fooled around with her. 问钱德,他跟人家胡搅 She told me you said you could really fall for her. 她告诉我,你对她说 你为她大为倾倒 Is that true,or are you just getting over Janice by groping my sister? 这是实话?还是你泡我妹妹 只是为了忘记珍妮丝? It's gotta be the first one. 一定是第一个原因 Really? 真的? That's great! 那太好了 You and my sister,sitting in a tree! 你跟我妹妹坐在树上 Yep,I'm in a tree. 对,我在树上 Did he call? Did Mark call? 他来电话没有? 马克来电话没有? I'm sorry. But the weekend's not over yet. 我很遗撼 不过周末还没结束 Oh,my God! Is that Phoebe? 我的天,那是菲比吗? Guess they're back from their date. 看来他们约完会了 Music! 音乐 Very nice! 真甜蜜 Oh,my God! 我的天 So how are you? 你好吗? -I am good. I finished my book. -What's it about? 我很好,我的书完稿了 这本书讲什么? I don't remember. Do you want to take a walk? 我不记得了,你想散步吗? 想 "Dear Mary Angela: 亲爱的玛丽安琪拉 Hi,how's it going? 嗨,你好吗? This is the hardest letter I've ever had to write." 这是我所写过 最难以启齿的一封信 What the hell's the matter with you? 你是怎么搞的? How will Joey react to you blowing off his sister with a letter? 你写信甩掉他妹妹 乔伊会对你怎么样? That's where you tell him that I moved to France... 这时候你就告诉他 我搬到法国去了 ...when actually I'll be in Cuba. 事实上,我人会在古巴 Look,you've got to do this yourself in person. 听我说 你得亲自去做这件事 You know her name. 至少你知道她叫什么名字 You just go to the house and ask for Mary Angela. 你只要到他家去找玛丽安琪拉 When whichever one she is comes to the door... 不管她是哪一个 她到门口来的时候… ...take her for a walk and let her down easy. 请她去散个步,给她留点面子 What if she comes to the door and I ask for her? 万一是她来开门 而我又开口找她呢? Where in Cuba? 你要去古巴的哪里? What are you doing here? 你在这里干嘛? Waiting for my grandma to do my laundry. 等我祖母帮我洗衣服 What about you? 你呢? I'm here to see Mary Angela. 我来见玛丽安琪拉 You are so the man! Come on. 你真是男子汉,来 Now look,listen. Listen.... 听我说 Be cool,because Grandma doesn't know about you two. 别乱讲话 因为祖母不知道你们的事 You don't want to tick her off. 最好不要惹她生气 She was,like,the sixth person to spit on Mussolini's hanging body. 她是第六个在 墨索里尼的尸体上吐痰的人 Where's Mary Angela? 玛丽安琪拉在哪里? She's right in there. 她就在那里 -Hey,Chandler! -Hey,Chandler! 嘿,钱德 嘿,钱德 I can't believe Mark didn't call. 我不敢相信马克没有打电话来 It's Sunday night and he didn't call. 现在是星期天晚上 他居然还没打电话来 Bummer. 真叫人失望 Yeah,right. Look at you. You're practically giddy. 对,看看你,你实在太可笑了 I'm genuinely sorry the Mark thing didn't work out. 我真的很遗撼 马克没有帮到你 Look,Rach,I want only good things for you. 听我说,瑞秋 我也是一心为你好 Wait a minute. Why don't you just call Mark? 等一下,为什么 你不打电话给马克? Who says you have to sit and wait for him? 谁规定你得在这里痴痴地等? You've got to make stuff happen! 你得主动出击 Yeah,but you don't wanna seem too pushy. 对,但也不能太过分 It's not pushy. He gave her his home number. 不会的 他把家里电话给了她 He gave you his home number, as in,to his home? 什么?他把家里电话给你 打电话到他家吗? And you don't mind if I call, because you want good things for me. 你不介意我打电话吧 既然你是一心为我好 That's right,good things. That is what I said. 对,为你好 我是这么说的 Mark? Hi,it's Rachel Greene. 马克?嗨,我是瑞秋格林 Oh,no. Don't you apologize. 不,你千万别道歉 Yeah,I'll hold. 好,我等 He left my number at work. 他把电话留在办公室 他本来要去拿 Then he had to help his niece with her report on the pioneers. 不过他得帮他侄女 做研究拓荒者的报告 That is so made up! 一听就知道是掰的 Oh,my God! Tomorrow? 我的天!明天吗? That's No,it's perfect. 这…不,这太好了 Great. 太好了,再见 I got the interview! 我可以去面试了 There you go! 你看吧 He even offered to meet me for lunch and prep me for it. 他还要跟我吃午饭,帮我准备 That is amazing! 太了不起了 Well,if I know Mark, and I think I do... 如果我了解马克 我想是的… ...I'd expect nothing less. 他应该就是这种人 I gotta figure out what to wear. 我得想想明天要穿什么才好 High collar and baggy pants say, "I'm a pro!" 高领衫加蓬蓬裤 才是专业人士的穿着 Yeah,right. 是啊 Okay,I'll see you guys later. 好,回头见 You go get them! 没问题 What did I do to you? Did I hurt you in some way? 我对你做了什么? 我伤害过你吗? What? 什么? "Why don't you call him?" 你为什么不打电话给他? Thank you very much. Now he's gonna prep her... 真是太谢谢你了 现在他要帮她准备面试 ...as in what you do before you surgically remove the boyfriend! 这就是开除男朋友的前兆 Are you crazy? 你疯了不成? Am l? Am I out of my mind? Am I losing my senses? 有吗?我疯了吗? 我失去理智了吗? This dreamy guy's taking my girlfriend out for a meal! 那个大好人要跟我女朋友吃饭 This isn't even about you! 罗斯,你根本不是重点 It's about something wonderful happening for Rachel. 重点是瑞秋可以有好的前途 Even if you're right, and he wants to sleep with her... 就算你说得对 他对她不怀好意 ...does that mean he gets to? 这表示他就能得逞吗? -No,but -Don't you trust her? 不会,可是… 你不信任她吗? Then get over yourself! Grow up! 不要自哀自怜了 别像个小孩子 You grow up. 你才别像个小孩子 This tiramisu is excellent. 这提拉米苏真好吃 Did you make it,Mary Angela? 是你做的吗,玛丽安琪拉? No,I did. 不,是我做的 Well,it's yummy. 真好吃 So.... 那… Mary Angela,do you like it? 玛丽安琪拉,你喜欢吗? Of course. It's her favorite. 当然,这是她最爱吃的 So.... 那… Mary Angela,what's your second favorite? 玛丽安琪拉 你还喜欢什么? More of Grandma's tiramisu. 吃更多奶奶做的提拉米苏 Oh,would you just please... 拜托你… ...give me your recipe,because this is great! It's topnotch! 把食谱给我,因为太好吃了 是第一流的 That dies with me. 食谱要跟着我进棺材 So will l. 我也会 Excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. 到洗手间去 I was just squinting. It doesn't mean anything. 我只是斜视 没什么特别意思 Just do it! 照做就是了 Will you excuse me,I have to.... 失陪一下,我得… Finally! I thought we'd never be alone. 终于!我还以为 我们没机会独处了 Can I just tell you something? 听我说句话好吗? I have not stopped thinking about you since the party. 派对结束之后 我满脑子都在想着你 Look,I may have jumped the gun here. 听我说 我可能操之过急了 I just got out of a relationship. 我刚结束一段感情 And I'm not really in a... 我还没办法… ...in a commitment kind of place. 给任何人承诺 So? Me neither! 那又怎样?我也一样 God,Mary Angela was right. You do have the softest lips. 老天,玛丽安琪拉说得对 你的嘴唇柔软极了 You're not Mary Angela? 你不是玛丽安琪拉? No! I'm Mary Therese! 不,我是玛丽泰瑞丝 This is so bad. 这真是太糟糕了 If you're not Mary Angela, then who is? 如果你不是玛丽安琪拉 那谁是? I am. 我是 Oh,it's so bad. 老天,这真是太糟糕了 No,Joey! No,Joey! 不,不要叫乔伊… What's going on? 怎么回事? You're it! Now run and hide! 就是你了,快去藏起来吧 It's no big deal. Chandler was just kissing me... 没什么大不了的 钱德刚才在亲我 ... because he thought I was Mary Angela. 因为他以为我是玛丽安琪拉 What? How could you think she was Mary Angela? 什么?你怎么会 把她当成玛丽安琪拉? I wasn't sure which one Mary Angela was. 我不肯定哪一个是玛丽安琪拉 Look,I'm sorry. I was really drunk... 听我说,对不起 我喝得醉醺醺 ...and you guys all look really similar. 你们的样子都差不多 -I say punch him,Joey! -Yeah,punch him! 我说揍他,乔伊 对,揍他 We should all calm down... 我们大家应该冷静下来 ... because your brother's not gonna punch me. 因为你们的兄弟不会揍我的 Are you? 是吧? That's usually what I'd do. 我通常会这么做 But I never thought you'd be on the receiving end. 但我万万没想到 有一天会揍你 How could you do this? 你怎么能做这种事? But I want you to know that I'd never soberly hurt you or your family. 但我要你知道我在清醒时 绝不会伤害你或你的家人 You're my best friend. 你是我最好的朋友 And I'd never do anything like this,ever again. 我再也不会做这种事了 So what? 那又怎么样? -I say punch him! -Yeah,punch him! 我说揍他 对,揍他 No,I'm not gonna punch Chandler. 不,我不会揍钱德 -I'll do it. -No,you won't! 我会的 不,你不会的 He knows he did a terrible thing, and I believe him. He's sorry. 他知道他做了一件错事 我相信他是真心道歉了 But you got one more apology to make. 但你还要再跟一个人道歉 You gotta apologize to Mary Angela. 你得跟玛丽安琪拉道歉 -Absolutely. You got it. -All right. 当然,没问题 好 -Cookie,now you can punch him! -What? 甜心,现在你可以揍他了 什么? You know,this building's on my paper route,so.... 我顺路到这里来… How did it go? 面试怎么样? The woman I interviewed with was pretty tough... 跟我面试的女人很难对付 ... but thank God Mark coached me. 但幸好有马克指点我 Once I talked about the Fall line, she got all happy. 我一谈起秋季新装 她就满意得不得了 -I'm so proud of you. -Me too! 我真为你骄傲 我也是 Listen,I'm.... 听我说,我… I'm sorry I've been so crazy and jealous and.... 对不起,我这么神经又嫉妒… It's just, I like you a lot,so.... 这是因为我很喜欢你 所以… I know. 我知道 -Hi. -Hi,Mark. 嗨 嗨,马克 I just talked to Joanna, and she loves you. You got the job. 我刚跟乔安娜谈过 她很喜欢你,你被录取了 I did? 真的? Oh,my God! 我的天 Congratulations.... 恭喜… So,Phoebe? 菲比? How was your date? 你的约会怎么样? Oh,well,you know.... 你知道… Yeah,I do know. 对,我的确清楚 You were eavesdropping? 你偷听我们约会 Oh,I'm sorry. 对不起 But I really like this guy and I think he really likes me. 但我真的很喜欢他 我想他也很喜欢我 ...jumping on a pogo stick and he really likes it. 跳弹簧床跳得很爽 Maybe the pogo stick likes it too. 也许弹簧床也被跳得很爽 All right,that's it. He cannot do this to Phoebe! 好吧,到此为止 他不能这样对菲比 This guy's gonna get the butt-kicking of a lifetime! 我要狠狠揍这傢伙一顿 But is he a big guy? 但他个子很高大吗? We'll all go. Come on. 我们一起去,来 Thanks,you guys. Thank you! 谢谢你们,谢谢 Don't worry! 别担心 God! I hope they kick his ass! 老天,希望他们痛扁他一顿 If it's any consolation... 如果这可以给你一点安慰… ...he sounded like he had more fun with you. 听起来他跟你在一起比较开心