How much you give me to eat this whole jar of olives? 如果我把整罐橄榄吃光 你要给我多少钱? I have a date with diplomat I met... 我昨天在联合国外做免费按摩 认识一个外交官 Hi,guys. I haven't seen you since this morning. 我从早上就没看见你们了 Thank you very much. 非常谢谢你 Is Rach in her room? 瑞秋在房间里吗? -Hey,honey. -Oh,hi. 嘿,亲爱的 嗨 You know,he's kind of cute. 他长得挺帅的 Like,"really kind of cute"? 你说挺帅的是真的很帅? Or "kind of cute" like your friend Spackle-Back Larry? 还是跟你的朋友 泥浆背赖瑞一样帅? Yes,vividly. 记得很清楚 Well,you said you couldn't go out,so.... 你说你不能出去,所以… You brought a picnic! What a boyfriend. 你带了野餐篮 真是个好男朋友 Sorry. As I was saying, the store number is wrong. 对不起 我刚才说商店号码是错的 You're not listening. I don't have time to stop. 你没有听我说话 我没有空 Well,neither do l! 我也不知道 It's the dinosaur guy! 研究恐龙的人来了 Yo,Chloe! Do you have a quarter for the condom machine? 克萝伊,你有铜板吗? 我要买保险套 IKnock,knock,knock. 敲… It's for me. 是我要吃的 It would be my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸 Ameri-can. 美国… I won't give you anything, but you'll owe me $2.95. 我一块钱也不给 但你欠我两块九毛五 Done. 成交 I need an atlas! I need an atlas! 我需要地图… Why? Do you have a report due? 干嘛?你要交报告? ...while I was giving free massages outside the U. N. 我要跟他约会 And I don't know where his country is. 我不知道他是哪个国家的人 Let's start with the free massages at the U.N. 先说你为什么要在联合国 做免费按摩服务 It's my new thing. I figure, "Bodies at peace make peace." 这是我的新目标,我认为 平和的身体可以缔造和平 You might just get the first Nobel Prize in rubbing. 你搞不好会得第一座 诺贝尔按摩奖 So what country is this guy from? 这傢伙是哪个国家的人? There's a "g" in there. 里面有个“G” Where's that? 这个国家在哪里? In your atlas! 在你的地图上 I don't have an atlas. 我没有地图 But wait,I do have a globe. Hold on. 不过等等 我有地球仪,等一下 So what's this guy like? 他是什么样的人? Well,he's very... 他很… ...dashing,you know? 有冲劲 And very,very sophisticated. 而且非常练达 And he doesn't speak English... 他不会讲英文 ... but his translator says he totally gets me. 但他的翻译说 他对我意乱情迷 Okay,here you go. 好,来了 What is this? 这是什么? It's a globe. 地球仪 And a pencil sharpener. 也是削铅笔机 Need anything copied? I'm going to the Xerox place. 有什么要影印的吗? 我要到影印店去 No,thanks. 不用了,谢谢 Just give me anything I can make two of. 随便给我什么拿去影印就好 If you have nothing to copy, why go there? 如果你没有东西要影印 干嘛要去? Are you just gonna gawk at that girl... 你又要去看那个… ...with the bellybutton ring again? 钉了肚脐环的女孩? You wanna come? 要一起去吗? The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break 本集播出: “罗斯和瑞秋分手” Come on,Chloe. Finish with your customer first. 快,克萝伊 先把你的顾客解决掉 Come on,Chloe. Come on,Chloe! 快点,克萝伊… Can I help you? 要影印吗? We're having second thoughts about our copying needs. 我们改变主意了 And we'll need more time to think about it. 还需要时间考虑要影印什么 Chloe,switch with me. Some guys have a crush on you. 克萝伊,跟我换 有人迷上你了 Okay,that hurt us. 好,真是伤人 Well... 这个嘛… know. 你知道… What are you doing tomorrow? 你们明天有事吗? Both of us? 我们两个? Maybe. Does that scare you? 也许吧,害怕了吗? Relax. Isaac's deejaying at The Philly. 别紧张,艾塞克在 菲力酒吧当DJ -You should come. -We'll be there. 你们应该来听听看 我们会的 Great. I'll see you then. 太好了,到时候见 All right! Rock on. 好啊,摇摇摇 He says that walking with you makes this strange city feel like home. 他说和你散步,让他觉得 仿佛这个城就是他的家 Me too. Although this city is my home. 我也是,虽然这里 本来就是我家 So that's dumb,what I said. Don't tell him I said that. 我说的是蠢话 别跟他说是我说的 You make something up. 你自己乱盖吧 Nice! Thank you. 很好,谢谢 This is me,here. 我家到了 Your eyes are very pretty. 你的眼睛好美 Oh,thank you. 谢谢 He would like to kiss you. 他想吻你 You don't have to do that now. 你不必麻烦了 No,no,not him! No,you don't. 不,我不是说他 不,是你不必麻烦了 The moment's over. 时机已经过了 There it is,right there. 就在这里 It's small. 好小 Yeah,but Sergei said it took the Germans six weeks... 对,但塞尔吉说 德军花了六星期 get all the way across it. 才横跨国境 So you had fun? 你开心吗? Except for,you know, when you're on a date... 只可惜约会的时候… ...and you're getting along great... 虽然非常愉快… ... but the guy's translator keeps getting in the way? 但他的翻译碍手碍脚 She's still at work, but she said to call her. 她还没下班 但叫你打电话给她 Is she gonna cancel on me again? How could she do this? 她又要放我鸽子了? 她怎么可以这样? What about our anniversary? 我们的周年纪念日怎么办? This is the extent of my knowledge on the subject. 我对这件事只知道这么多 "Call Rachel." “打电话给瑞秋” What's that on the bottom? 底下是什么? That's my doodle of a ladybug with a top hat. 是我的涂鸦 戴高顶礼帽的瓢虫 She's fancy. 很漂亮 What's going on? 怎么回事? Shipping had a disaster. I've gotta get this order in. 运货出了大问题 我得把这批货弄到 I'm so sorry,but it looks like I'll be here all night. 对不起,不过看样子 我要开通宵了 What? Well,how about I come up there? 什么?那我过来好不好? No,honey,please. I just have too much to deal with. 不要,亲爱的,拜托 我要处理的事情太多了 Anyway,I'm going out with Sergei again tonight,and.... 反正我今晚要跟塞尔吉出去… Could you be the translator's date... 你能不能当翻译的女伴 that when we want to be alone... 这样我们想独处的时候 two can split off? 你们两个可以离开? Don't call him that. 别这样说他 His name is Spackle-Back Harry. 他叫做泥浆背哈利 “中央咖啡厅” Maybe we should get going. 我们该出发了 What time did Chloe say to get there? 克萝伊说几点到? -10:30. -What time is it now? 十点半 现在几点了? 4:30. 四点半 So we'll hang out. 我们再等等好了 Remember when she brought up that thing about the three of us? 记得她提过 我们三个人那回事吗? -She was kidding about that,right? -Yeah,I think so. 她是开玩笑的吧? 我想是的 Yeah,I think so. 我想也是 God,it'd be weird if that situation presented itself tonight. 老天,如果今晚出现 这种场面那就太诡异了 Yeah,I mean... 对,我是说… ...what would we do? 我们该怎么办? Dude,I don't know. 我可不知道 She was kidding. 她是开玩笑的 She was.... 她是… Just in case,we should have some ground rules. 我们应该订下基本规则 以备不时之需 Yeah. For sure. 对,那当然 You probably want the first one to be, "Never open your eyes." 最重要的原则就是 “绝对不要张开眼睛” Because you don't want to be doing something... 因为最好不要 在你做什么的时候… ...and then look up,right? 抬头一看,对不对? And see something that you don't want to be seeing. 看到你不想看的东西 Good call. Nice. 说得好… Hold it! Hold it! 等等… What if my eyes are closed,and... 万一我的眼睛闭上以后 ...and my hand is out there.... 我的手在那里… Okay,eyes open at all times! 好,眼睛从头到晚都张开 How do we decide where we... 我们怎么决定… know,each would... 哪个人… know... 要在… ... be? 哪里? Right. Well,you know, we could flip for it. 对,你知道 我们可以丢铜板决定 I guess. But like, what's heads and what's tails? 我想也是,不过头 和字分别代表什么? If you don't know that, I don't want to do this with you. 如果连这个都不知道 我也不想跟你一起上了 No,no. I am looking at a purchase order here... 不…订单就在我面前 ...that shows we ordered the Riviera bikini... 上面说我们订的 里耶维拉比基尼 a variety of sizes and colors 各种尺寸和颜色都有 What does it matter what I'm wearing? 这跟我穿什么有何相干? Could I speak to your supervisor? Thank you. 可以请你的主管过来吗? 谢谢 Hi. 嗨 My God! What are you doing here? 我的天,你来干什么? That's it. On Monday,I start wearing makeup. 够了,星期一我要开始化妆 Honey,this is very nice, but I've got a crisis. 亲爱的,你很体帖 但我现在大难临头 But I've got couscous! 但我现在小米当前 Honey, I know it's our anniversary... 亲爱的,对不起 我知道今天是我们周年纪念 ... but I told you on the phone, I don't have time to stop. 但我在电话上跟你说过 我没有时间停下来 You don't have to stop. I'm invisible. I'm not here. 你不必停下来 我是隐形人,看不到… Yeah,but I don't 对,可是,我不… Who approved that order? 是谁批准这批货的? Well,there is no Mark Robinson in this office. 我们这里没有马克罗宾逊 -Get Mark on the phone! -I love Mark. Do you know him? 打电话给马克 我喜欢马克,你认识他吗? Let me check that with what I've got. 让我看看… See,038 is not the number for this store. 038 is Atlanta. 038不是本店的号码 是亚特兰大的号码 Pepper? 胡椒? None for me. 我不用 Okay,sorry! 好,对不起 And I'm sorry,but 对不起,可是… Oh,my God! 我的天 I have to call you back. I've got Shemp in my office. 我待会儿再打给你 我这里一团乱 -What are you doing? -I'm sorry. 你这是干嘛? 对不起 But somebody's off the phone! How about a glass of wine... 但你电话讲完了 喝杯酒吧? ... by the fire? I can get it going again.... 围着炉火对饮 我可以再把火升起来 -You don't have 10 minutes? -I don't have 10 minutes! 你连十分钟都没有? 我连十分钟都没有 -Sophie,does she have 10 minutes? -I told you,I don't! 苏菲,她有十分钟时间吗? 我说过没有 Don't yell. This is the most I've seen you all week. 别对我吼 我一个礼拜没见到你了 Look,I cannot do this right now. I've got a deadline! 听好了,我现在没空理你 我的交货时间到了 Go home and we'll talk later. 回家去,我们回头再说 -Yeah,but wait! -Goodbye! 好,可是等一下… 再见 Actually,that's our three-hole punch. 刚才那个是我们的三洞打孔机 Hi. 嗨 Look,about what happened earlier 刚才的事… I completely understand. You were stressed. 我完全了解 你的压力很大 I was gonna give you a chance to apologize to me. 我本来要给你机会向我道歉 For letting you throw me out of your office? 为你把我赶出办公室而抱歉? You had no right coming down to my office. 你没有权利到我办公室来 You do not bring a picnic basket to somebody's work... 你不能带着野餐篮 到人家的办公室 ... unless they're a park ranger! 除非这个人是公园管理员 Excuse me for wanting to be with my girl on our anniversary. 原谅我只想在周年纪念日 跟女朋友在一起 Boy,what an ass am l! 老天,我真是混蛋 But I told you I didn't have the time! 但我说过我没有时间 Well,you never have the time. 你一直都没时间 I don't feel like I have a girlfriend anymore. 我觉得自己 好像根本没有女朋友 Do you want me to quit my job... 你是不是要我辞职… you can feel like you have a girlfriend? 好让你觉得自己有女朋友? It would nice if you'd realize that it's just a job. 我只希望你了解 这只是一份工作 Just a job? 只是一份工作? It's the first time in my life I'm doing something I care about! 这是我一生中第一次 做我觉得有意义的事 The first time I'm doing something I'm good at! 第一次发挥自己的专长 If you don't get that 如果你不了解 I get that,and I'm happy for you. 我了解,也为你高兴 But I'm tired of dating your answering machine! I don't know what to do! 但我受够跟答录机谈恋爱 我不知道该怎么办 Is this about Mark? 这是因为马克吗? Oh,my God! 我的天 Okay,it's not. 好,不是 Oh,my God! 我的老天爷 I cannot keep having this same fight over and over again. 我不能老是跟你 为同一件事情吵架 You're making this too hard. 你让我受不了 I'm making this too hard? What should I do? 我让你受不了? 你要我怎么做? I don't know! I don't know! Look... 我不知道…这样吧 ...maybe we should just take a break! 也许我们应该冷静一下 Fine,you're right. Let's take a break. Let's cool off. 很好,你说得对 我们冷静一下 Let's get some frozen yogurt or something. 我们去吃冷冻优格吧 A break from us. 我们分手吧 advances in collating in the past five years. 过去五年来 在核对方面的进步… We just got in an X-5000,you know? 我们进了一台X5000 The X-5000 makes an X-50 look like a T-71. 有了X5000 X50看起来就像X71 -Hi,Ross! -Hi,Chloe. 嗨,罗斯 嗨,克萝伊 I want you to meet some friends of mine. 介绍你认识我的朋友 He's my hero. He'll want to blow stuff up 400 percent. 他是我的偶像 他要把东西放大四倍 We say we don't do that. He says, "You gotta." Know what? We did it. 我说我们不印,他说非印不可 结果呢?我们办到了 Now anytime anybody wants 400, we just say,"Let's Ross it!" 现在有人要放大四倍 我们就说“罗斯影印来罗” And that's the only color that comes in. 而且只有一种颜色 What are you doing? I thought tonight's your anniversary dinner. 你怎么回事? 今晚不是你的周年纪念日吗? A little change of plans. 计划略为改变 We're gonna break up instead. 我们打算分手 And I can speak a little French. 我会说一点法文 Why? What did I say? 怎么了?我说错了什么? Well,you just asked if I wanted to go to bed with you tonight. 你刚才问我 今晚要不要跟你上床? Oh,my God! 我的天 No wonder I get such great service at Cafe Maurice. 难怪我在莫立斯餐厅 得到这么好的服务 Hi. Could you please tell Sergei that I was fascinated... 嗨,麻烦你告诉塞尔吉 我很欣赏… what Boutros Boutros-Ghali said in the Times? 布特洛斯布特洛斯盖里 在纽约时报写的文章 You didn't say "Boutros Boutros-Ghali." 你没有说 布特洛斯布特洛斯盖里 Boutros Boutros-Ghali. 布特洛斯布特洛斯盖里 He says he was too. 他说他也是 Interesting. 有意思 So I was wondering 我在想… Before you get all talky again... 趁你们还没开口说话 ...could you also please tell Sergei... 麻烦你告诉塞尔吉 ...that I really like his suit. 我很喜欢他的西装 He said,"Thank you. You look pretty tonight. 他说“谢谢你 你今晚很美” Your hair,golden like the sun." So you're a chef? 您的秀发如阳光闪闪发亮 这么说你是个厨师? I'm also thinking of opening up my own restaurant. 我打算自己开一间餐厅 Really? 真的? Could I talk to you behind my menu? 跟你说几句悄悄话好吗? What are you doing? 你这是干什么? Well,I was having a conversation. 我在聊天啊 Misha's so interested in you,Sergei and I haven't been able to talk at all. 米夏对你非常有意思 塞尔吉跟我根本说不上话 You want me to sit silently, while you three converse? 你要我安安静静地坐着 听你们三个人说话? That would be great. Thank you. 那太好了,谢谢你 Hi. It's Mark. 嗨,我是马克 What? Is it my breath? 怎么?我有口臭吗? Sorry. I just thought you were somebody else. 对不起,我以为是别人打来的 I was just gonna leave a message. Isn't tonight your anniversary dinner? 我只是打来留话的 今晚不是你的周年纪念日吗? Rach? Are you okay? 瑞秋?你没事吧? Yeah,I'm fine. 我没事 You wanna talk? I can come over. 你想聊聊吗?我可以过来 Really,no. Please. That's okay. 真的不必了,没关系 All right. I'm coming over with Chinese food. 好,我带中国菜过来 I'm not hungry. 我不饿 Bye. 再见 -So what'll you do? -What can I do? 你打算怎么办? 我能怎么办? One person wants to break up, you break up. 对方想分手,就只能分手了 No way. This is you guys. Call her and work it out. 才不是这么回事 你是男人,打电话去和好 We just had this huge fight. Don't I have to wait awhile? 我们刚刚才大吵一架 不用先等一段时间吗? It isn't like swimming after you eat. Pick up the phone! 又不是刚吃完饭 不能游泳,去打电话 You know that swimming thing is a myth. 你知道吃完饭不能游泳 其实是个迷思 Tell that to my Uncle Lenny. 去跟我蓝尼叔叔说吧 Why? What happened to him? 为什么?他怎么了? Nothing. He just really believes in that. 没有怎么了 只不过他非常相信这回事 Then we got into this big fight It was awful. 然后我们大吵一架,弄得很僵 I told him he treats me like a park ranger,something.... 我说他把我当公园管理员什么的 And then... 然后… ... I told him I wanted to take a break. 我告诉他我想冷静一下 I don't want to take a break. 我不想分开 I'm sorry. 我真替你难过 Egg roll? 蛋卷? And then I called him and he wasn't there. 然后我打电话给他 他不在家 He's probably just out. 他大概只是出去了 Thank you,that's very helpful. I'm glad you came over. 谢谢你,你说的话好有用 你来了可真好 Hi,it's me. 嗨,是我 Oh,I'm so glad you called. 你打来就好了 Really? 真的? This is crazy. Don't you think we can work on this? 这太荒谬了,你不觉得 我们可以沟通吗? What do you want to drink? 你想喝什么? Who's that? 那是谁? Nobody? 没有人 Is it okay if I finish the apple juice? 我可以把苹果汁喝光吗? Is that Mark? 那是马克吗? Honey,he just came over 亲爱的,他只是过来… Yeah,got it! 好,我懂了 Hey,Dinosaur Guy! Look at you,so sad. 嘿,恐龙先生 看看你,好伤心 Come dance. 来跳舞吧 That's okay. Thanks. 没关系,谢谢你 You don't have to smile. You just have to dance. 你不必笑 只要跳舞就好了 I don't feel like dancing. I feel like having a drink,okay? 我不想跳舞 我想喝酒,好吗? Two beers! 两杯啤酒 And the vet said it was time. 兽医跟我说时候到了 And so from half a world away... 我在地球的另一端 ...while my mother held the phone to his ear... 我母亲把电话拿到它耳朵旁边 ... I said goodbye to my dog... 我用七种语言… seven languages. 跟我的狗说再见 -Could I have a tissue? -Oh,sure. 给我一张面纸好吗? 没问题 I just hope you don't accidentally... 希望你不会不小心… ...suck it up through your nose and choke on it. 吸进鼻子里呛死 Sergei would like to apologize for my behavior tonight. 塞尔吉为我今晚的言行道歉 Well,tell him,"Apology accepted." 跟他说“我接受他的道歉” Unbelievable. For the first time in years,someone wants to talk to me. 真没想到,这么多年来 第一次有人想跟我说话 But do you think he would let me enjoy that? No! 但你想他会让我 这么好过吗?当然不会 You silly diplomat. Why don't you learn some English? 你这个笨外交官 为什么自己不学英文? Excuse me,but isn't he paying for your dinner? 对不起,你的晚餐 不是他付帐的吗? The man's dog just died. 人家的狗才刚过世 I have just resigned my post. 我辞职了 Will you accompany me to the Rainbow Room? 你愿不愿意陪我到彩虹厅? I have diplomatic coupons. 我有外交官折价券 My guy has coupons. 我的男伴有折价券 Your guy can't even say "coupons." 你的男伴 连“折价券”都不会讲 Plate. 盘子 Plate! Yes! Plate! 盘子,对,盘子 See,we don't need them. 看,我们不需要他们 I like this song. 我喜欢这首歌 Well,you're practically dancing,already. 你等于已经在跳舞了 Why don't you just do it over here? 不如到这里来跳吧? What are you,married? 你是有妇之夫,是吧? Because that's okay. 因为这也无所谓 Oh,be home,be home,be home.... 在家… You're not home. 你不在家 Still no smile? 还是不笑? “下集待续” Miss American Pie 美国派小姐 It's a very hard language. 这种语言很难学 Let's do it again. 再来一次