Then we had this big fight, and I said I wanted to take a break. 然后我们大吵一架,弄得很僵 我告诉他我想冷静一下 Is that Mark? 那是马克吗? Honey,look,he just 亲爱的,他只是过来… -You got my message? -You are right on time! 你听到我的留言没有? 你真准时 Yes,you can. Very much. 当然可以,这样最好了 -Why are you mopping your ceiling? -There's banana on it. 你干嘛拖天花板? 上面有香蕉 Hello! Organic substances recently discovered in the rain forest? 哈罗,最近才在雨林 发现的有机物质? You dog! 你这只发情的小狗 Yeah,we are. 一样 -What? -Was she good? 什么? 她厉不厉害? Good different? 好的不一样? ...and then I got your message and I was so happy. 然后收到你的留言 我好高兴 Yes,I'd like to order a large pizza. 我想要一份大号的披萨 Well,I've been walking the same way since high school. 我从高中开始 走路的姿势都一样 Now I can't stop picturing you with her. 现在我满脑子都是 你跟她的画面 -Previously on Friends.... -I don't feel like I have a girlfriend. “前情提要” 我觉得自己好像没有女朋友 You want me to quit my job so you can feel like you have a girlfriend? 你是不是要我辞职 好让你觉得自己有女朋友? -ls this about Mark? -Oh,my God. 这又是为了马克吗? 我的老天爷 -Okay,it's not. -Oh,my God. 好,不是 我的老天爷 I cannot keep having this fight with you! 我不能老是跟你 为同一件事情吵架 Maybe we should just take a break. 也许我们应该冷静一下 Fine. You're right. Let's take a break. 很好,你说得对 我们冷静一下 Let's get some frozen yogurt or something. 我们去吃冷冻优格 A break from us. 我们分手吧 I don't want to take a break. 我不想分开 This is crazy. 这太荒谬了 Can't we work on this? 我们不能沟通吗? What do you want to drink? 你想喝什么? Who's that? 那是谁? Nobody. 没有人 Yeah. Got it! 好,我懂了 Hey,come dance. What,are you married? 来跳舞吧 你是有妇之夫,是吧? Because that's okay. 因为这也无所谓 “第二天早上” How was the big anniversary dinner? 昨晚的 周年纪念日大餐怎么样? Well,we never actually got to dinner. 我们根本没机会吃晚餐 Nice. 很好 We kind of broke up instead. 我们分手了 What? 什么? My God! It's on the ceiling! 我的天,喷到天花板了 That's okay. 没关系 This is more important than fruit... 这件事的重要性超过… ...on my ceiling. 天花板上的水果 You broke up? 你们分手了? Yeah,but it's okay because when Ross left,Mark came over. 对,不过没关系 罗斯走了以后,马克来了 -Oh,no! You and Mark? -It's okay. Calm down. 不会吧,你跟马克? 没关系,别紧张 Mark and I talked... 马克跟我聊了很久 ...and I realized how much I love your stupid brother. 我了解自己有多爱你的蠢大哥 We got our problems, but I really wanna make it work. 我们有问题,但我真心 想跟他继续交往下去 Morning! 早安 The One the Morning After 本集播出:“第二天早上” It's me. I've been trying to reach you all night. I feel awful. 是我,我找了你一整夜 我好难过 There's nothing between me and Mark. 我跟马克没有什么 This whole breakup thing is just stupid. 我们分手这事真是太愚蠢了 对 I'm sorry I put you through it. 我这样折磨你,真对不起 And I don't want to get back together over a machine. 我不想用答录机和好 So I love you. 我爱你 I love you. 我爱你 And you know what? I'm gonna go to bed now... 跟你说,我要睡了 ...but on my way to work tomorrow, I'll stop by around 8:30. Bye. 但我明天早上上班的时候 八点半过来,再见 Chloe,how's it coming? 克萝伊,你好了没有? What kind of puppy do you think I should get? 你觉得我应该买什么样的狗? Well,how about a big one? 买只大狗怎么样? -But my apartment's so -Then a small one. 可是我的公寓… 那买小狗好了 -We have to go. -Wait! Where's my shoes? 我们该走了 等等,我的鞋子呢? You need shoes? 你要穿鞋子? -Do I know why we're rushing? -You know my girlfriend? 我们干嘛这么赶? 我不是跟你提过我女友吗? It turns out that she wants to get back together. 结果她想跟我复合 I found it! 找到了 That's so great for you guys! 那真是太好了 You must be so happy! 你一定很高兴 Yes,I am. One of the many things I'm feeling. 对,我是觉得很高兴 -Good luck with your girlfriend. -Thank you. 祝你们好运 谢谢 So can I be your girlfriend again? 我可以再当你的女朋友吗? I have the spirit of an old lndian woman living in mine. 有个印第安老女人的灵魂 住在我家客厅里 So,then,you know. 那你懂啦 The mailman was here, so I brought your mail. 邮差来过了 我帮你把邮件拿上来 -Oh,good. Thanks. -Now,what is Fabutech? 很好,谢谢 那是法布科技的东西吗? Don't judge me too much,okay? 不要看不起我,好吗? I saw this infomercial, and I swear I have never... 我看到这个 我发誓我从来没有… ... bought anything on TV before. 买过购物频道的东西 Except for this mop. 除了这只拖把以外 But there was this amazing stuff on leg-waxing 不过这个刮腿毛膏很棒 Waxine! 刮刮看! Yes! Have you seen it? 对,你看过? It's incredible! I want to be a Waxine Girl! 这太棒了 我早就想当刮刮看女郞 I know! 我知道 Do you think it really doesn't hurt? How can they do that? 你觉得这真的不会痛吗? 怎么会不痛的呢? They have the best stuff in there. 里面都是上等货 Oh,my God! 我的天 Oh,my God! 我的天 We figured when we couldn't find you, you'd gone to make up with Rachel. 我们找不到你 还以为你去跟瑞秋和好了 Which is probably what you should have done. 其实应该这样才对 You think? 你说呢? God,I'm in hell. I mean,what am I gonna do? 我完蛋了,我该怎么办? Rachel's all "I love you," and all I can think about... 瑞秋满口说着“我爱你” 而我脑子里只想着… what is she gonna do when I tell her what I did? 如果我把实情告诉她 她会怎么样? First,we should address the more important question... 首先,我们应该谈 比较重要的问题 dumb are you? 你到底有多蠢? Look,we're trying to rebuild a relationship here,right? 我们努力想恢复 这份感情,好吗? How can I do that without being honest? 如果不诚实,还谈什么感情? I'm onboard about the total-honesty thing. I am. 我也赞成要坦承,真的 Just not about stuff that's gonna get you in trouble. 不过会惹麻烦的事 还是少说为妙 He's right. Nobody benefits, and you'll just hurt her. 他说的对,这对谁都没好处 只会让你伤害她 And there won't be a relationship left to rebuild. 到时候感情也没了 Don't you think 你不觉得… If you have to tell her, at least wait till the timing's right. 如果你非说不可 至少先等适当的时机再说 And that's what deathbeds are for. 所以临终之前才要忏悔 -Yeah,okay. -All right. 好吧 好 Okay. Now,we just have to make sure she doesn't find out some other way. 好,我们必须确定 她不会从其他管道知道 Did you think about the trail? 你觉得有没有串连? What trail? 什么串连? From the woman you did it with... 从跟你做这件事的女人 the woman you hope never finds out you did it! 到你千方百计要隐瞒的女人 Always think about the trail! 永远不要忘了中间的串连 I don't think there's any trail. 我想应该没有任何串连 Chloe works with that guy,lsaac. 克萝伊的同事艾塞克… Isaac's sister is Jasmine,who works at the massage place with Phoebe. 艾塞克的妹妹洁丝敏 是菲比在按摩中心的同事 Phoebe is Rachel's friend, and that's the trail! I did it! 菲比是瑞秋的朋友 这就是串连,我找到了 "After applying the Waxine and linen strips to leg" 把刮腿毛膏和麻布条 帖在腿毛上 Did that! 好了 "Grasp the linen strip by its tab... 抓住突出的布条 ...and pull it off in one quick, pain-free motion." 瞬间扯下来,完全无痛 Was it not "pain-free"? 这不是无痛的吗? No,it was pain-ful! 不,痛死了 My God,they should call it "Pain-zine,now with a little wax." 我的天,这应该叫痛痛膏 加一点腿毛膏 The girls on the commercial don't seem to think it's that bad. 广告上的女孩 好像不觉得有这么痛 Because their nerves are deadened from being so stupid. 那是因为她们太笨 所以神经都死掉了 But you know,if you don't believe me,please,be my guest. 如果你不相信我的话 尽管自己试试看 Now are you glad we didn't start with the bikini strips? 这下你该庆幸我们没有 帖比基尼布条了吧? Chloe,hi. 克萝伊,嗨 Is this about me taking your watch? 是为了我拿走你的手表吗? -You took my watch? -I'm sorry. I do that. 你拿了我的手表? 对不起,我有这种习惯 You keep it. Listen,did you tell anyone about us? 你留着吧,听我说 你把我们的事跟别人说了吗? I feel like it really isn't anybody's business. 没有,我觉得不关别人的事 Exactly. So you didn't mention anything to lsaac? 没错,那你没有 告诉艾塞克罗? -I tell lsaac everything. -You do? Of course you do. 我什么事都告诉艾塞克 真的?那当然啦 Hi,lsaac. You know,we haven't actually met. 嗨,艾塞克 我们还没有正式见过面 Yes,I suppose I am a dog. But see, I happen to have a girlfriend. 对,我想我是一只小狗 不过我有个女朋友 Right. Rachel from the coffee place. 对,咖啡厅的瑞秋 That's the one. Listen,I don't want to hurt her. 就是她 我不想伤害她 I know. It doesn't matter how much we love them. 我知道 不管我们有多爱她们 Monogamy is too cruel a rule. 一夫一妻制是违反人性的 Listen,can you keep this information to yourself? 听我说 可以替我保守秘密吗? No problem. We gotta look out for each other. 没问题 我们要互相关照才行 We're the same,you and me. 你跟我是一样的 Actually,no,we're not. 其实我们是不一样的 Yeah,we are. 一样的 No,we're not. 不一样 No,we're not. 不一样 -Okay,we're not. -Right. 好,不一样 对 But we are. 不过我们是一样的 Fine. I just need to know that you won't tell your sister. 好,我只想知道 你不会告诉你妹妹 I can promise not to tell her again. 我可以保证不会再跟她说 Jasmine? We met at Phoebe's birthday party. I'm Ross Geller. 洁丝敏?我们在菲比的 生日派对见过,我是罗斯 You did a bad thing! 你做了一件坏事 -Yes,I did. -Very bad! 没错 坏透了 -Very bad. -Very,very bad! 坏透了 不可原谅 I'm agreeing with you. 我完全同意你的话 Listen,did you happen to tell Phoebe yet? 听我说,你告诉菲比没有? Please. Please don't. 拜托你不要说 I love my girlfriend very much and I want to work it out with her. 我很爱我的女朋友 希望跟她继续交往 All right. 好吧 Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢你… But you should talk to my roommate. I told him,and he knows Phoebe too. 不过你应该去找我的室友 我跟他说了,他也认识菲比 Who's your roommate? 你的室友是谁? Tell me you didn't tell Rachel about me and the girl from the copy place. 告诉我你没有告诉瑞秋 我跟影印店那女孩的事 I'm sorry. 对不起 Was I not supposed to? 难道我不该说? -We're all right. -It's okay. It's okay. 我们没事 不要紧… -We were just waxing our legs. -Off? 我们只是在刮腿 把腿刮掉? For your information,this is a pain like no man will ever experience. 告诉你们,男人永远 不会经历这种痛苦 Unless you've been kicked in an area... 你最好不要说这种话 除非你的重要部位… ...that God only meant to be treated nicely. 曾经被狠狠踢过 Women just have a lower threshold for pain than men,that's all. 只不过女人的门槛 比男人低罢了 I mean,come on, it's just a little wax. 拜托,只不过是一点腿毛膏 Oh,yeah? Come here. 是吗?过来 Oh,that's mature. 你太幼稚了 So now I just pull it off? 现在撕掉就好了吗? That's right. 没错 Just talk to me. Please! 拜托你跟我说话 Talk to you? I can't even look at you right now. 跟你说话? 我连看都不想看你一眼 Nothing. Nothing. 不痛… -She said it was okay. -What are they talking about? 她说没事了 他们在说些什么? -Just get away from me! -I made a mistake,okay? 你滚远一点 我犯错了,好吗? A mistake? What were you trying to put it in? Her purse? 犯错?你放到哪里去了? 她的皮包里? Where did he put it? 他放到哪里了? You had sex with another woman! 你跟另外一个女人上床 Oh,my God! 我的天 I knew something was wrong because my nails didn't grow at all yesterday. 我早就知道有事 我的指甲昨天一点都没长长 I guess they had a fight, and he got drunk 我想是他们吵了一架 他喝醉了… You guys knew about this and didn't tell us? 你们男生早就知道 却没跟我们说? He has sex and we get hit in our heads! 他走桃花运,我们却要挨打 I want you to leave! Just get out! Now! 我要你马上离开,滚出去 I want to stay and talk about this. 我要留下来好好谈这件事 All right. How was she? 好,她怎么样? Don't answer that. 不要回答 You said you wanted to talk about it. Let's talk. How was she? 你说要好好谈谈 我们就来谈,她怎么样? -She was.... -Awful. 她很… 逊 -She was not good. -Horrible. Nothing compared to you. 不怎么样 烂透了,跟你没得比 She was different. 她不一样 Nobody likes change. 没有人喜欢改变 -Just stop! -What? Okay! Okay! Okay! 够了 什么?好… Should we do something? 我们该做些什么吗? Yeah. Never cheat on Rachel. 对,永远不要欺骗瑞秋 I'm sorry,okay? I'm sorry. I was disgusted with myself... 对不起,好吗?我很抱歉 我当时很受不了我自己 ...and this morning I was upset... 今天早上,我很难过 And all I wanted was to get her out of my apartment 我一心只想把她 赶出我的公寓… Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute. 等一下 What time did your little friend leave? 你的小朋友是几点离开的? Oh,my God. She was there? She was still there? 我的天,她在? 她那时还在你家? She was in there when I was in there? 我在你家的时候她也在? Listen,the important thing is she meant nothing to me. 听我说,重点是 她对我毫无意义 And yet she was worth jeopardizing our relationship! 却值得你为她破坏我们的关系 I didn't think there was a relationship. 那时候我不知道 我们还有关系 -We'd broken up. -We were on a break. 我们分手了 只是暂时冷静一下 That,for all I knew,could last forever. That is a breakup. 对我来说,那可能是一辈子 那就是分手 You gonna get out of this on a technicality? 你想用技术性细节逃掉吗? I'm not trying to "get out" of anything. 我不想逃掉什么 I thought our relationship was dead. 我以为我们的关系完了 Well,you sure had a hell of a time at the wake. 你马上就去享艳福了 I don't think we should listen to this anymore. 我想我们不该再听下去了 What are you doing? We can't go out. 你干嘛?我们不能出去 Why not? I'm hungry. 为什么不行?我饿了 Because they'll know we've been listening. 因为他们会知道我们在偷听 God! And to have to hear about it from Gunther! 老天,我还得从 甘瑟那里听到这件事 I ran all over the place trying to make sure that didn't happen! 我到处奔波 就是不想让你知道 Oh,that is so sweet. 你好体帖 I think I'm falling in love with you all over again. 我想我又重新爱上你了 We can go out. They have other things to worry about. 我们可以出去了 他们有其他的事要担心 We'll be fine. 不会有事的 Rachel,I wanted to tell you. I thought I should. 瑞秋,我早就想告诉你 我觉得我应该告诉你 And then Chandler and Joey convinced me not to! 但是钱德和乔伊叫我不要说 Wax the door shut. We're never leaving. 把门用腊封起来 我们再也不走了 It's Phoebe. Someone has to take my 9:00 with Mr. Rehak... 我是菲比,李哈克先生九点来 得有人帮我代班 ... because it's 9:15 now, and I'm not there. 因为现在已经九点一刻 我人还没到 None of this would've happened if I didn't think... 之所以会发生这种事 都是因为… were having sex with Mark? 我以为那时候 你在跟马克上床 All right. 好 Let's say I had slept with Mark. Would you have been able to forgive me? 就说我跟马克上了床 你可以原谅我吗? Yes,I would. 我会的 You'd be okay if Mark had kissed me, and been naked with me... 你不介意马克吻我 跟我裸裎相见 ...and made love to me? 跟我做爱? If you knew that our hot,sweaty, writhing bodies were 要是你知道我们火热 汗湿、翻滚的身体… I would have been devastated... 我会不知如何是好 ... but I would still want to be with you. 不过我还是想跟你在一起 Because,I mean,it's you. 因为,是你啊 Come on,tell me what you're thinking. 说吧,告诉我你在想什么 I'm thinking... 我想… ... I'm gonna order a pizza. 叫一个披萨 Order a pizza,like... 叫一个披萨,意思是… ... "I forgive you"? “我原谅你”? Oh,man! 老天 Pizza? 披萨? I like pizza. 我喜欢吃披萨 Put olives on the pizza. 披萨上面放橄榄 We could eat the wax! It's organic! 我们可以吃腿毛膏 那是有机的 Oh,great. Food with hair on it. 太好了,连毛一起吃下去 No,not the used wax. 不,我不是说用过的 Because that would be crazy? 因为那样很神经? Could I get in on that? Because I'm kind of hungry myself. 可以算我一份吗? 因为我也饿了 Fine. 好 -No anchovies. -With extra anchovies. 不要放鳀鱼 多加一份鳀鱼 That's okay. I'll pick them off. 没关系,我挑掉就好了 And could you chop some up and put it right in the sauce? 麻烦你拿些鳀鱼剁碎了 搅到酱汁里好吗? You can have the last piece if you want. 你想吃的话,最后一块给你 Well,I should think so. You slept with someone. 应该的,你跟别人上床了 They're gonna get through this, aren't they? 他们应该会和好吧? Yeah. Come on,it's Ross and Rachel. 当然啦,他们是罗斯跟瑞秋呢 They've got to. 他们非和好不可 What if they don't? 万一他们不能和好呢? You think I need a new walk? 你们觉得 我需要新的走路姿势吗? What? 什么? You know how some guys walk into a room and everybody takes notice? 你知道有些人不管到哪里 就吸引所有人的目光 I think I need a take-notice walk. 我想我需要 吸引目光的走路姿势 Are you actually saying these words? 你是褚的吗? What,now you're not even talking to me? 你现在连话都不跟我说了 Look,Rachel,I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was out of my mind. 听我说,对不起 我很抱歉,我当时疯了 I thought I'd lost you. 我以为我会失去你 不知道如何是好 How insane must I have been to do something like this? 我一定是完全疯了 才会做这种事 I don't cheat,right? That's not me. I'm not Joey! 我不是对爱情不忠的人 我不是这种人,我不是乔伊 It's 3 a. m. They don't know that I've come home yet. 现在是半夜三点了 他们还不知道我已经回家了 You notice how they aren't wondering where I am? 他们也没奇怪我到哪里去了 You know,people can be so self-involved. 人有时候就是只想到自己 You know what? I'm not the one that wanted that break. 你知道吗? 不是我要冷静一下的 You're the one that bailed. You're the one... 是你要离开的,是你… ...that ran the moment things got rough. 是你在事情 不顺利的时候逃跑的 -That's -That's what? 那… 那怎么样? -That is neither here nor there. -Here we are... 既不是当时,也不是现在 现在我们… a spot again. What do you want? 又是进退两难 你打算怎么办? How do you want to handle it? You want to fight for us or bail? 你打算怎么处理? 你想继续努力还是逃跑? Look,I did a terrible, stupid,stupid thing,okay? 听我说,我做了一件过份 而且非常愚蠢的事 I'm sorry. I wish I could take it back,but I can't. 对不起,我希望能改变历史 但是不可能 I just can't see us throwing away something we know is so damn good. 我只是不能眼睁睁看着 一段美好的感情就此破灭 I love you so much. 我好爱你 No,Ross! Don't! 不要,罗斯,不要 You can't just kiss me and make it all go away. 你不能吻我两下 就让整件事烟消云散 It doesn't work that way. It doesn't just make it better. 事情不是这样的 这样只会越弄越糟 I think you should go. 我觉得你应该离开 What? 什么? I really think you need to go now. 我真的觉得你该走了 This morning you said there was nothing we couldn't work out. 今天早上你还说 我们什么事情都可以沟通 What the hell did I know? 我那时候知道什么? There's got to be a way we can work past this. 我们一定有办法度过这一关 I can't imagine my life without you. 我不能想像没有你的日子 Without these arms... 没有这双手臂 ...and your face and heart... 你的脸孔和你的心 ...your good heart,Rach,and.... 你善良的心,瑞秋… I can't. You're a totally different person to me now. 我办不到 你在我眼里完全变了 I used to think of you as somebody that would never,ever hurt me. 我以前总觉得 你永远永远不会伤害我 Ever. 永远不会 I can't. It doesn't matter what you say or what you do. 我做不到 你说什么、做什么都没用 It's just changed everything. 一切都不能回头了 Forever. 永远不能 This can't be it. 不可能会这样 Then how come it is? 那为什么事实就是如此? They've been quiet for a long time. 他们好久没动静了 Maybe she killed him. 也许她把他杀了 Let's go. 我们走吧 Is that your new walk? 这是你新的走路姿势吗? No. I really have to pee. 不是,我快尿出来了