[04:27.-4]Here's my boy! 我的小男孩在这儿 [05:46.-3]I gotta go to work. 我要去上班了 [08:56.-4]Okay,go ahead. 好,继续啊 [11:10.-4]But that's what's happened. And there's more. 但事实就是这样 而且还不只如此 [11:19.-3]We're a couple, and that's what couples do. 我们是情侣,情侣就该这样 [11:37.-2]Are you okay? 你还好吗? [12:30.-3]I wanted to apologize in advance for having chased you down the street. 我只是想在到街上追你前 先跟你道歉 [12:41.-2]Here you go,honey. This will help. 拿去吧,甜心 应该有帮助的 [12:50.-1]That is never good. 这样绝不是好现象 [14:34.-1]G.I. Joe? 美国大兵? [15:31.-1]I'm sorry. I quit. 我很抱歉,我要辞职 [15:48.-3]Oh,God,there's that face again. See? I can't do this job! 天啊,又是那种表情 你看,我不能做这个工作 [16:05.-1]Yeah,okay. If it helps you,okay. Yeah. 好,若对你有帮助,那就好了 [17:57.-4]I didn't get it? 我没得到那个角色? [00:03.15]AMAZlNG DlSCOVERlES 伟大的发明 [00:05.75]Welcome,everybody! Welcome to Amazing Discoveries! 欢迎各位收看 “伟大的发明”! [00:10.29]It's on again! 又播出了! [00:11.76]Guys,could we please not watch this? 我们能不能别看了啊? [00:14.86]This ever happen to you? You go to get a glass of milk... 你是否遇过这种情形? 你正打算倒一杯牛奶… [00:18.33]...but these cartons are so flinging,flanging hard to open! 但你左思右想 却怎么也打不开纸盒 [00:21.83]Boy,you said it,Mike. 天啊,你说对了,麦克 [00:26.37]- There's gotta be a better way. - There is,Kevin! 一定有个好办法 的确有,凯文 [00:30.18]-Can we please turn this off? -No way,Kevin! 可不可以别看了? 不行,凯文 [00:33.68]What if I told you there's a new product that guarantees... 如果我告诉你有个新产品 能保证… [00:37.52]... you'll never have to open up milk cartons again? 你再也不用费力 打开牛奶纸盒呢? [00:40.69]Meet the Milkmaster 2000! 看看2000年的牛奶大师! [00:45.12]-lntrigued? -You're flinging,flanging right I am! 挑起你的兴趣了吧 是啊,挑得我心痒痒的 [00:49.53]This is the first time he's used this. You'll see how easy this is to do. 这是他第一次使用 你就知道有多容易了 [00:54.90]-This works in any milk carton. -Wow,it is easy! 任何牛奶纸盒都适用 真简单! [00:58.20]Now I can have milk every day. 这样我就可以每天喝牛奶了 [01:04.21]The One With the Metaphorical Tunnel 本集播出: “迈向另一端的承诺” [01:54.26]It's official. There are no good movies. 真的没有好看的电影 [01:56.93]So let's go to a bad one, and make out. 那就去看难看的电影 然后在那里亲热 [02:03.77]Perhaps you'd like me to turn so you can bunny-bump against my back? 或许你希望我转过去 你们就可以靠着我的背玩? [02:11.54]-Hey,man. What's up? -Maybe you can tell me. 老兄,怎么了? 或许该由你来告诉我吧 [02:14.65]My agent wants to know why I didn't show up at my audition today... 我的经纪人问我 为何今天的试演没有出席 [02:18.55]... my first good one in weeks. How could you not give me the message? 这几周来第一个好机会 你怎么没转告我? [02:22.32]I'll tell you,I do enjoy guilt... 告诉你,我虽然喜欢罪恶感… [02:25.56]... but it wasn't me. 但这次不是我 [02:27.49]Yes,it was. It was him! 是的,就是他! [02:31.33]Okay,it was me! 好吧,是我啦 [02:34.90]-How was it you? -Well,it was all so crazy,you know? 怎么会是你? 一切真是疯狂啊,你知道吗? [02:38.47]Chandler was in the closet, counting to 10... 钱德躲在衣橱里,倒数十秒… [02:41.61]...and I hadn't found a place to hide yet. 已经数到七了 我一直找不到地方躲 [02:45.14]I meant to tell you,and I wrote it all down on my hand. See? All of it. 我一直想告诉你,我写在手上 你看,全都在这儿 [02:49.91]Yep,that's my audition. 是啊,就是我的试镜 [02:52.02]See? Now,this is why I keep notepads everywhere. 看吧,这就是为何 我到处都要放便条纸 [02:55.09]Yep. And that's why we don't invite you to play. 对,这就是为何 我们都不邀你一起玩 [02:59.09]What is the great tragedy here? Get yourself another appointment. 这样有什么可怜的? 再约一次时间啊 [03:02.86]Estelle tried. The casting director told her I missed my chance. 艾斯特试过了,选角导演说 我已经错过了机会 [03:07.03]Well,that is unfair! 这样太不公平了! [03:08.67]I'll call her. I'll tell her it was my fault. 我来打给她 我告诉她都是我的错 [03:11.34]You can't. The casting director doesn't talk to friends. 不,选角导演不可能 跟演员的朋友谈 [03:14.47]-She only talks to agents. -What a sad little life she must lead. 她只跟经纪人谈 她的生活层面真狭隘啊 [03:21.45]-What are you doing? -No,I know,I know. 你在干嘛? 我知道啦… [03:25.62]Hi,this is Caitlin from Phoebe Buffay's office. 我是菲比布菲公司的凯特琳 [03:30.05]Is Anne there for Phoebe? 菲比可以和安谈一谈吗? [03:33.12]She'll know what it's about. 她自己明白是什么事 [03:35.39]Hang up. Hang up right 挂掉,快挂掉… [03:38.90]Annie? Hi. Listen,we've got a problem with Joey Tribbiani. 安妮,你好 乔伊崔比亚尼有点小问题 [03:42.70]Apparently,he missed his audition. Who did you speak to in my office? 很显然地,他错过了试演 你是转告我们公司的哪一位? [03:46.47]Estelle? I don't know what to do with her. 艾斯特? 我真不知该拿她怎么办 [03:48.81]So your husband leaves and burns down the apartment. The world doesn't stop. 就算丈夫离开,并放火烧房子 世界依旧照常运作 [03:54.31]Is anybody else scared? 还有其他人受到惊吓吗? [03:57.48]If Joey loses this audition,then that is it for Estelle. I don't care! 若乔伊错失这次试演 那是艾斯特的错,我不管! [04:02.39]Annie,you are a doll. What time can you see him? I need a pen. Pen! 安妮,你真善良 你何时能见他?我需要笔! [04:13.16]Get the woman a pad! Get the woman a pad! A pad! A pad! 快给这个女人一本便条纸 给她便条纸,快点! [04:17.24]Oh,now you want a pad. 现在你就需要便条纸啦 [04:24.74]Where's my boy? 我的小男孩呢? [04:29.25]And here's his Barbie! 还有他的芭比娃娃! [04:38.36]What's my boy doing with a Barbie? 我儿子干嘛玩芭比娃娃? [04:41.39]He picked it out at the store. He loves it. 他自己在玩具店选的 他很喜欢呢 [04:44.23]He carries it everywhere, like a security blanket. 他去哪儿都带着它 就像能给他安全感的小毯子 [04:47.07]But with ski boots and a kicky beret. 这个却穿着雪靴 和时髦的法国帽 [04:51.04]Yeah,it's cute. 是啊,很可爱 [04:52.94]Why does he have it again? 再说一次 他为何要玩这个东西? [04:56.11]So he's got a doll. So what? 他有个洋娃娃,那又怎样? [04:59.88]Unless you're afraid he's gonna grow up to be... 除非你怕他将来 长大后变成… [05:03.65]...in show business. 演艺圈的人 [05:05.92]This wouldn't have to do with the fact... 这件事跟他… [05:08.09]...that he's being raised by two women? 被两个女人扶养长大 有没有关系? [05:11.62]You know what? It's fine. If you're okay with the Barbie thing,so am l. 好,若你能接受他喜欢芭比 那我也可以 [05:16.76]Give Daddy the Barbie. Give me the Barbie. 把芭比给爸爸,芭比给我 [05:20.23]Don't you wanna play with a monster truck? 你要不要玩怪兽车? [05:24.67]No? Okay. 不要?好吧 [05:26.60]How about a Dino-Soldier? 那要不要恐龙士兵? [05:34.61]You are so pathetic. 罗斯,你真可悲 [05:36.18]Why can't your son just play with his doll? 为何不让你的儿子玩芭比? [05:49.29]Has anybody seen my left boob? 有人看到我左边的胸部吗? [05:53.00]I loved that movie. 我喜欢那部电影 [05:58.77]Here it is. What are you doing? 在这里,你在干嘛? [06:01.54]I'm sorry. It just felt nice. 对不起,这样很舒服 [06:07.65]Answer the phone. 去接电话 [06:09.28]I only got one arm. You should do stuff for me. Get me a sweater. 我只有一只手,你应该帮我的 帮我拿件毛衣来 [06:14.35]Just do it! It's Janice. 快点接啦!是珍妮丝 [06:16.15]And if I get it,I'll have to see her tonight. 如果我接了 我今晚就得跟她见面 [06:20.79]That's great. I'll have to see her tonight. 那太好了 我今晚得跟她见面 [06:23.33]Why don't you want to see Janice? 你为何不想见她? [06:25.83]Last night at dinner, when the meals came... 昨晚我们在吃晚餐 当餐点送来时… [06:28.20]...she put half her chicken piccata on my plate and took all my tomatoes. 她把一半烤鸡肉放到我盘里 拿走我所有的番茄 [06:34.87]And that's bad... 这样很不好是因为… [06:37.18]...because you hate chicken piccata? 你不喜欢烤鸡肉吗? [06:41.48]You didn't want to share your tomatoes. Tomatoes are very important to you. 你不想与人分享你的番茄 番茄对你很重要 [06:46.05]Suddenly,we were this "couple." 突然间,我们就是“情侣”了 [06:48.19]And this alarm started going off in my head. 然后我脑袋里的警报开始大响 [06:51.02]"Run for your life! Get out of the building!" “为了你的人生,快跑! 快离开这栋大楼!” [06:54.66]Men are unbelievable. 男人真是令人难以置信 [06:56.66]What is it with you people? 你们这些人是怎么回事? [06:58.50]The minute you feel something, you have to run away? 心中一旦产生感情 就要马上逃开? [07:01.90]I know. That 我知道,那就是… [07:05.14]That's why I don't want to go tonight. I'm afraid I'll say something stupid. 就是我今晚不想去的原因 我怕自己说出一些蠢话 [07:09.84]You mean that "guy thing" where you act mean and distant... 你是说男人那一套 故意冷漠,保持距离… [07:13.21]... until we break up with you? 直到我们跟你们分手? [07:15.21]You know about that? 你们都知道啊? [07:18.25]What do I do? I wanna get past this. 我能怎么做? 我想度过这个阶段 [07:20.15]I don't want to be afraid of commitment. 我不想再害怕承诺 [07:22.65]I want to go through the tunnel to the other side! 就像跃过一个隧道 到达另一端! [07:27.16]Where there's no fear of commitment. 就是不再害怕承诺 [07:30.66]Do we have any 我们有没有… [07:36.87]Do we have any thoughts here? 有没有任何想法? [07:38.94]I've never been through the tunnel myself because... 我没度过那种隧道啦 因为… [07:41.67]...you're not allowed through with more than one girl in the car. 过隧道的规定是 你车里不能多于一个女生 [07:47.41]But it seems to me it's pretty much like anything else. Face your fear. 但我看来,跟其他事差不多 你得面对恐惧 [07:51.88]Fear of heights? Go to the top of the building. 你怕高的话,就到大楼顶端 [07:55.02]You're afraid of bugs. 你怕虫的话… [07:57.62]Get a bug. 就买台金龟车吧 [08:01.76]You have a fear of commitment. 你的情况是,你害怕承诺… [08:03.69]So I say you go in there and you be the most committed guy there ever was! 你就到那里去 做一个最勇于承诺的男人 [08:08.30]Amazingly,that makes sense. 令人讶异的是,很有道理呢 [08:11.47]-Do you think? -Oh,yeah! Go for it,man! 你这么觉得? 是啊,快去吧,老兄! [08:14.71]Jump off the high dive! 从高处跳下水! [08:16.07]Stare down the barrel of the gun! Pee into the wind! 用目光击退枪枝! 在风中撒尿! [08:21.48]If I'm staring down the barrel of a gun... 若我得用目光击退枪枝… [08:24.12]...I'm gonna be pretty much peeing every which way. 我大概已经尿得到处都是了 [08:29.25]CENTRAL PERK “中央公园” [08:32.46]It's your audition from this morning! 是你今天早上的试演! [08:35.39]Can I use the phone? 可以借用你的电话吗? [08:36.66]Sure,that's what it's there for. Emergencies and pretend agents. 当然,这是紧急事件 以及冒牌经纪人专用 [08:42.30]Come on,baby! Come on! 快啊,宝贝 [08:45.90]Hi. I have Phoebe Buffay returning a page. 菲比布菲要回覆呼叫 [08:49.07]Okay,she's in her car. I'll have to patch you through. 好,她在车上 我帮你接过去 [08:52.84]Very nice touch. 演得很好 [08:58.68]Talk,talk,talk! 快说话… [09:01.35]Hi,Annie? 安妮,你好 [09:03.00]Fantastic. You got it! 太好了,你成功了! [09:07.26]Will he work for scale,you ask me? Well,I don't know about that. 你问我他是否要最低工资 我也不知道 [09:12.00]Except that I do and he will. 除非我知道,而且他也愿意 [09:14.67]Great. Oh,you are such a sweetheart. 太好了,你人真好 [09:17.37]I would love to have lunch with you! 我很愿意与你共进午餐! [09:19.84]How about we have lunch next 不如就下个… [09:22.87]Went through a tunnel. 正经过隧道 [09:25.11]Unbelievable. 难以置信 [09:26.34]Oh,thank you so much! 太感谢你了 [09:28.61]It was really fun. I mean,I've never talked on a car phone before. 真有趣,我从未用过汽车电话 [09:33.65]You are so amazing! Could you do me this huge favor? 你真了不起 你能不能帮我个大忙? [09:36.79]There's another audition I want, and Estelle couldn't get me in. 还有一个试演,我很想参加 但艾斯特无法帮我搞定 [09:40.49]I don't know. It was fun one time,but 我不知道,一次还很好玩… [09:43.23]Please? It would just be this one more. 拜托,再一次就好了 [09:45.86]Well,actually it's two. 其实是两次啦 [09:47.50]Two? 两次? [09:48.83]Well,really it's three. 好啦,其实是三次 [09:50.74]Please? You're so good at it. I love you. 拜托,你这么厉害 我爱你 [09:55.34]Okay. But just these three,right? 好,就这三次了,好吗? [09:57.41]No,it's four. 不,是四次 [10:03.18]So how come you wanted to eat in tonight? 你今天怎么会想在家吃? [10:06.15]Because I wanted... 因为我想… [10:08.39]...to give you this. 送你这个东西 [10:11.52]Are you a puppy! 你真是可爱呢 [10:18.70]Contact paper! 防尘纸! [10:21.73]What do you say when someone you're sleeping with... 一个跟你上床的人… [10:24.70]...gives you contact paper? 送你防尘纸,该说什么? [10:27.17]Wait,there's more. See,the contact paper is to go... 还有呢,你看跟它搭配的… [10:31.71]...in your brand new drawer! 就是你的新抽屉! [10:36.55]See,the drawer actually goes in my dresser. 看,其实这个抽屉 正好与我的梳妆台搭配 [10:39.88]You didn't have to do this. 你不用这么做啊 [10:43.09]Yes,I did. 对,我要这么做 [10:44.42]Yes,I did. Because you're my girlfriend... 是的,我要这么做 因为你是我的女朋友 [10:47.12]...and that's what girlfriends should get. 而女朋友就该得到这些 [10:52.06]Well,I gotta buy a vowel... 我得求救兵了… [10:56.23]... because,oh,my God! 因为…我的天啊 [11:00.14]Who would've thought that someday... 谁会想的到,有一天… [11:02.44]... Chandler Bing would buy me a drawer? 钱德宾会买个抽屉给我? [11:06.94]Well,not me. 我可想不到 [11:15.22]We should take a trip. 我们应该去旅行 [11:17.66]We should? 我们该这么做? [11:22.29]And I wanna meet your parents. 我还要去见你爸妈 [11:24.46]We should take a trip with your parents! 我们应该跟你爸妈一起去旅行 [11:31.47]I don't think we need to because you're tripping me out right now! 我想不用了 因为你已快把我搞迷糊了 [11:38.18]No,I am. 我很好 [11:39.91]I actually am! This is amazing. 我真的很好 真是太不可思议了 [11:42.08]My entire life,I have feared this place. 我一生都在害怕这个时刻 [11:45.52]And now that I'm here,it's like, what was the big deal? 但现在时候到了 我却觉得没什么大不了 [11:48.35]I could probably say,"Let's move in together," and I'd be okay. 我可能会说“我们同居吧” 却还是若无其事 [11:52.76]You probably want us to move in together? 你可能想跟我一起住? [11:56.29]-lt doesn't scare me! -Yeah,well it scares me! 我竟不会因此而害怕 是啊,但我会害怕! [11:59.76]I'm not even divorced yet! You just invited me over here for pasta... 我根本还没离婚! 你只是邀我来吃意大利面… [12:03.80]...and now you're talking about moving in together. 而现在你就在说 要住在一起的事… [12:07.14]And I wasn't even that hungry. 我其实还不太饿 [12:09.17]You know what? It's getting really late,and I should just 你知道吗?时间有点晚了 我最好先… [12:13.38]Don't go! I've scared you! I've said too much! 别走,我吓着你了! 我说太多了! [12:16.51]I'm hopeless and awkward and desperate for love! 对于爱情,我是无药可救 笨拙却又充满渴望 [12:26.72]Hey,Janice,it's me. 珍妮丝,是我 [12:44.08]So I catch up to her and she says... 我追上她,然后她说… [12:46.31]...this relationship's going too fast and we have to slow down. 这段感情发展太快 我们得放慢脚步 [12:51.82]Then I got all... 于是我就变得… [12:54.12]... needy and clingy. 很空虚又很黏人 [12:56.42]Wait a minute. Maybe it's not so bad. How did you leave it? 等等,或许不算太糟 你们怎么结束的? [13:00.46]She said she'd call me. 她说她会再打给我 [13:04.76]Oh,God. 天啊 [13:06.66]Welcome to our side of the tunnel. 恭喜你到我们这一国来 [13:10.13]This ice cream tastes like crap, by the way. 对了,这个冰淇淋味道好烂 [13:12.67]Well,it's that low-cal-nondairy-soymilk junk. 因为这是低卡无乳脂 豆浆制的假冰淇淋 [13:16.41]We save the real stuff for the truly terminal cases. 我们把真正的留到 实在无法挽留了才吃 [13:20.14]When you're getting screwed over all the time,you gotta switch to low fat. 若你一直被搞得一团糟 你就要换成低脂的 [13:24.08]Yeah,you do. 没错,你得这么做 [13:26.12]You don't think I'm terminal? 你不认为我已无法挽留了? [13:28.92]Not at all. You're not terminal. We just need some damage control. 不尽然,你并非无法挽留 我们只要防止事情恶化 [13:32.86]Okay. Should I call her? 好,我该打电话给她吗? [13:37.76]It's a critical time. If you feel yourself reaching for that phone... 这段时间很重要,一旦你发现 自己的手又伸向电话… [13:41.50]...go shopping,get your butt in a bubble bath. 你就去买鞋子 不然就洗个泡泡浴 [13:44.14]If you want her back, you have got to start acting aloof. 若你希望她回来 你就得开始表现冷漠 [13:48.04]She has to know you're not needy. 她必须知道 你不是那么需要她 [13:50.27]So what you have to do is... 所以你要做的就是… [13:52.18]...you have to accidentally run into her on purpose... 假装不经意地碰到她… [13:55.28]...and then act aloof. 然后表现得很冷漠 [13:58.78]So I'm not gonna lose her? 这样我就不会失去她了? [14:01.62]Oh,honey,you're not a total loser. 甜心,你不是个弱者啊 [14:07.69]I said,"So I'm not gonna lose her?" 我是说 “我就不会失去她了?” [14:17.74]Guess who's here! 看看谁来了! [14:19.04]It's the toughest guy in Toyland,Ben! 是玩具王国里 最勇敢的人,班! [14:22.24]Real American hero I'm G.I. Joe! 真正的美国英雄 我是美国大兵! [14:26.41]Drop the Barbie. Drop the Barbie. 把芭比娃娃放下… [14:29.15]G.I. Joe? 美国大兵? [14:30.82]You really think he'll fall for that? 你真的觉得他会 喜欢那玩意儿? [14:35.19]Cool! Can I play? 好棒,我可以玩吗? [14:39.06]Look,Ben! It's a toy that protects U.S. oil interests overseas! 班,你看,这个玩具 保护了美国海外油股! [14:43.03]Go,Joe! 加油,大兵! [14:47.77]-There you are! -No,it's not. Sorry. 菲比,你在这儿啊 不,我不是,抱歉 [14:50.17]But,Phoebe,wait,wait. Phoebe! 菲比,等等… [14:53.10]Oh,Joey! Oh,okay! See,I didn't recognize you... 乔伊啊,我刚没认出你来… [14:56.37]...in those pants. 因为你穿着这条裤子 [14:59.84]That TV movie I went in for, did you hear anything? 我参加试演的小型电影 有任何回音吗? [15:02.51]I think I got a shot at it. 我想我应该很有机会的 [15:04.38]Yes,they called! You didn't get it! 对,他们打来了 你没有入选 [15:07.35]Okay? I mean,you didn't get it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 可以吗?我是说你落选了 对不起… [15:11.42]That's okay. These things happen. 没关系 这种事本来就会发生 [15:14.06]But they shouldn't happen. You know what? 但是不应该发生,你知道吗? [15:17.13]You're in a terrible, terrible business. 你进的这一行 真的好可怕 [15:20.46]I don't want to be the person who makes you look like that. 我不想成为 那个让你难过的人 [15:24.24]I'm okay. See? 我没事的,你看 [15:28.11]Now you're sad and creepy. 你看起来很难过 让人很害怕 [15:33.28]No,no,you can't quit! You're the best agent I ever had. 不,你不能辞职! 你是我遇过最好的经纪人 [15:37.38]Rejection is part of being an actor. You can't take it personal. 当一个演员本来就会被拒绝 你不能过于自责 [15:41.05]They said they'd never met an ltalian actor with a worse ltalian accent. 他们说没遇过一个意大利演员 有这么怪的意大利腔 [15:46.22]They actually said that? 他们真的这么说? [15:52.16]This is why you have to do this job! 这就是为何你得做这份工作 [15:54.50]Agents always lie. 经纪人都得说谎 [15:55.93]Estelle just says stuff like, "They went another way." 艾斯特总是说 “他们要另一种方式” [15:59.14]But this? I can use this. 但是这一点嘛,我可以改进 [16:01.14]I can work on a new accent. 我可以学一种新的腔调 [16:08.35]You'll never get me,Joe! 你抓不到我,士兵! [16:24.80]No,thank you. 不用了,谢谢 [16:35.21]What are you doing here? 你在这里干什么? [16:37.64]Just a bit of shopping. 只是买买东西而已 [16:39.61]How have you been? 你还好吗? [16:42.51]Are you being British? 你在装英国腔吗? [16:46.85]Not anymore. 再也不会了 [16:49.32]Why are you shopping here? You don't live in this neighborhood. 你怎么在这里买东西? 你又不住在这一带 [16:52.79]Were you here waiting for me? 你是不是在这里等我? [16:59.00]I'm just... 我只是… [17:00.63]... picking up some things for a party. 要买一点派对用的东西 [17:05.24]Barley? 大麦? [17:07.20]What kind of party serves barley? 什么样的派对会供应大麦? [17:09.41]I'm sorry if my friends aren't as sophisticated as yours. 很抱歉,我的朋友 不像你朋友那么有水准 [17:14.21]Where is this party? 派对在哪里举行? [17:15.58]Here in Chelsea. 就在雀儿喜 [17:17.08]Whose party is it? 是谁办的派对 [17:18.72]A woman's. 一个女人 [17:20.05]What woman? 哪个女人? [17:22.55]Chelsea. 雀儿喜 [17:25.72]Either you're seeing somebody behind my back... 你要不是背着我跟别人约会… [17:29.19]...which would make you the world's biggest jerk... 然后成了世界第一混蛋… [17:32.03]...or you're pretending to see somebody... 不然就是你假装跟别人约会… [17:34.60]...which makes you so pathetic I could cry right here! 让你成为最可悲的人 我会立刻在此为你哭泣 [17:38.34]So which of these two guys do you want to be? 这两种男人,你想当哪一种? [17:42.91]Can I be that guy? 我可以当那个人吗? [17:47.28]Okay,we got some more good rejections. Lots of stuff to work on. 我们收到很多善意的拒绝 有很多地方要改进 [17:52.72]Okay. Shoot. 好,说吧 [17:54.02]Okay. Oh,the zoo commercial. 好,那个动物园广告 [17:58.26]They said that you "weren't believable as a human being." 他们说你简直不像个人类 [18:03.23]So you can work on that. 所以你可以针对这一点改进 [18:06.26]Great. 很好 [18:07.73]What else? 还有呢? [18:08.93]The off-Broadway-play people said that you were "pretty but dumb." 那些小剧场的人 说你很好看,可是很笨 [18:13.14]Oh,no wait. I'm sorry. That's "pretty dumb." 等等,对不起 他们是说你非常笨 [18:16.37]Look,it's okay,no,no,no. Really. 看,没关系啊 不…是真的 [18:18.81]Look... 听着… [18:20.28]... I really appreciate this... 我很感谢你… [18:23.28]... but I'm gonna have to go back to Estelle. 但我还是回去找艾斯特好了 [18:26.42]Don't get me wrong. You're a better agent than she is... 别误会 你当经纪人当得比她好… [18:29.62]... but at least with her,I don't want to blow my pretty dumb brains out. 至少我跟着她 我这非常笨的脑袋还保得住 [18:34.59]Yeah,no,I understand. 是的,不,我能了解 [18:36.73]You do? Thanks. Okay. 你可以吗?谢谢你 [18:38.60]Sorry. 抱歉 [18:43.43]Wait a minute. 等一下 [18:44.80]Wait a minute. 等一下 [18:46.30]Did you make all that stuff up to get out of being my agent? 你是不是故意编这些出来 就不用当我的经纪人了? [18:49.91]Oh,he caught me. 被你发现了 [18:53.68]I am so busted! 我完蛋了! [18:56.58]That's what I suspected! 我早就这么怀疑了 [19:02.32]And then I just,you know... 然后我只好… [19:05.12]...threw the bag of barley at her and ran out of the store. 把一袋大麦丢到她身上 然后逃出那间店 [19:09.03]My God,Chandler,we said be "aloof," not "a doof." 天啊,我们叫你表现冷漠 不是像个笨蛋 [19:14.47]I've actually ruined this,haven't l? 我这次真的搞砸了,对吧? [19:18.80]Is it time for the good ice cream now? 这次可以吃 真正的冰淇淋了吗? [19:21.61]Yeah,it is. 没错,可以了 [19:23.61]You know what? Everything's gonna be okay. 你知道吗?一切都没问题的 [19:33.82]Can you hold on for a second? 珍妮丝,你可以等一下吗? [19:37.55]What do I do? 好,我该怎么办? [19:38.86]I don't know. This is unprecedented. 我不知道,这是史无前例的 [19:41.02]If we did what you did, a man would never call. 若我们做出像你一样的事 男人绝不会再打来了 [19:44.56]I got it! Pretend you just woke up. That'll throw her off! 我知道了,假装你刚睡醒 这样就可以摆脱她了 [19:48.23]-Be sleepy! -Yes! And grumpy! 睡意惺忪的样子! 对,脾气暴躁的感觉! [19:50.63]What are you? Stop naming dwarfs! 你们怎么…? 别开始数小矮人的名字 [19:58.54]I'm so glad that you called. 我很高兴你打来 [20:02.41]I know I've been acting really weird lately... 我知道我最近的表现很怪… [20:08.15]...and it's just because I'm crazy about you... 那是因为我太爱你了 [20:14.00]...and I just got stupid and scared... 我就变得很蠢,又很害怕… [20:18.36]...and stupid a couple more times. 然后就变得非常笨 [20:21.43]And I'm sorry. 我很抱歉 [20:24.00]Really? 真的? [20:27.10]Really? 真的? [20:29.24]He's so lucky. If Janice were a guy... 他真幸运,若珍妮丝是男的… [20:31.68]...she'd be sleeping with somebody else by now. 她现在已经跟别人上床了 [20:35.88]I love you too. 我也爱你 [20:37.61]It's so unfair! 真是太不公平了! [20:47.19]G. I. Joe? G. I. Joe?! 美国大兵…? [20:49.39]I don't know what to tell you guys. That's the doll he chose. 我不知如何告诉你们 但他真的选了这个玩具 [20:53.76]What'd you do,dip it in sugar? 你怎么做的? 把玩具沾糖吗? [20:56.37]Look,G. I. Joe's in,Barbie's out. 听着,美国大兵获胜 芭比娃娃出局了 [20:58.90]And if you guys can't deal with it, that's just your too bad. 如果你们不能接受 那你们就太糟糕了 [21:04.27]What are you being such a weenie for? So he has a Barbie. Big deal. 你干嘛这么小家子气 他有个芭比,有什么大不了? [21:08.48]You used to dress up like a woman. 你以前都打扮得像女生 [21:16.59]What? 什么? [21:18.59]The way you used to dress up in Mom's clothes? 你以前都穿妈的衣服啊 [21:21.29]What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊? [21:23.23]The big hat,the pearls, the little pink handbag? 宽帽子、珍珠、粉红小手提包 [21:26.46]Okay. You are totally making this up. 好,这些都是你编出来的 [21:29.47]How can you not remember? 你怎么可能不记得? [21:31.57]You made us call you "Bea"? 你还要我们叫你“碧”啊 [21:40.01]Oh,God. 天啊 [21:42.31]I've literally never been this happy. 我真的从没这么快乐过 [21:46.02]Wasn't there a little song? 不是还有一首歌吗? [21:48.35]Oh,please,God, let there be a song. 拜托,老天,来一首歌吧 [21:51.00]There was no song. There was no song. 根本没有什么歌… [21:53.36]I am Bea 我是碧 [21:55.26]-I drink tea -That's enough. 我喝茶 够了! [21:57.19]Won't you.... 你要不要… [21:59.70]Won't you.... 你要不要… [22:02.10]Won't you.... 你要不要… [22:05.00]Won't you dance around with me? 你要不要在我身旁跳舞? [22:14.28]I am Bea 我是碧 [22:17.21]I drink tea 我喝茶 [22:20.05]Won't you dance around with? 你要不要在我身旁跳舞… [22:34.73]Ross? 罗斯?