[00:04.61]Victor:Hello, 我们是戴尔老师Victor [00:06.29]Nancy: Nancy [00:06.88]Victor:Nancy , how ya doin? [00:07.99]Nancy:I’m great, Victor, how ya doin? [00:09.53]Victor:Sensational [00:10.32]Nancy:Good [00:11.08]Victor:今天我们谈论运动的句型,非常经典: [00:13.79]如果错过了朋友的篮球赛,或者没时间看精彩的世界杯直播, [00:17.59]那就只好打听打听了:“比的怎么样啊?” [00:20.69]Nancy:“How was the game?” [00:21.55]We can use this phrase when it’s a game we’ve played, [00:24.22]or a game we’ve seen on TV. [00:26.07]Victor:Nancy, 那么“game”和“match”有什么区别呢? [00:29.21]Nancy:Well,Victor.In American English, [00:31.27]we don’t really use the term “game” [00:33.17]unless it’s a team sport, like baseball, [00:35.18]basketball, soccer or American football, [00:38.09]but you’d say, “match” for tennis, or boxing. [00:40.66]Victor:美语中群体运动才用game, [00:43.93]两个人的运动像网球,拳击等,就是“match”了 。 [00:47.62]身体要勤锻炼,学英语也是一样哦,再练一遍: [00:50.75]Nancy:“How was the game?” [00:51.84]Victor:“How was the game?” [00:52.69]Nancy:That’s it. See you later [00:54.04]Victor:See you next time