Victor:Hello, 我们是戴尔老师Victor Nancy: Nancy Victor:今天我们来谈一下伟大的画家达芬奇吧。 Nancy:Da Vinci painted the Last Supper, also we can say “The Last Supper was painted by Da Vinci.” Victor:达芬奇,最后的晚餐,这两句话是一个意思? Nancy:That’s right! Here’s where we can use active voice, “Da Vinci painted the Last Supper,” or passive voice, “The Last Supper was painted by Da Vinci.” Victor:哦,这里非常重要, 我要提醒大家注意英文中的主动和被动语态的细腻用法。 Nancy:This depends on whether you want to emphasize the artist, or the painting. Victor:对,强调的主题不同,就可以分别用主动或被动语态。 Nancy:Da Vinci painted the Last Supper. Victor:Da Vinci painted the Last Supper Nancy:The Last Supper was painted by Da Vinci. Victor:The Last Supper was painted by Da Vinci. Nancy:You can see The Last Supper if you go to Milan. Victor:Bye Nancy:See you next time