Victor:Hello, 我们是戴尔老师Victor Nancy:And Nancy Victor:周末了,谈一些这个娱乐的词和句子吧。 Nancy:Okay! “we’re going clubbing Saturday night.” and“There’s a cover charge.” Victor:这到底是一个怎么样的玩法Nancy? Nancy:Well,Victor.Going clubbing means you’re going to a dance club, and if it is not good, you go to another dance club, and if that’s not good, you go to another dance club, you go to more than one dance club. Victor:大家经常一起出去玩儿,可能一晚上换好多地方, 那么找个大家喜欢的地方,像这样的情况, 我们就可以说:we are going clubbing。 Nancy:Now,If you have to pay to get in, we call that a cover charge. So you could say, “There’s a 50RMB cover.” Victor:哎呀,这个是大家一直头疼的一个词就是服务费怎么说,叫:cover charge Nancy:Or “There’s no cover charge.” Those are the best places. Victor:great!没有服务费,不收服务费的地方是最好的地方。 Nancy:that’s all for today! See you! Victor:Bye-bye!