Victor:Hello, 我们是戴尔老师Victor Nancy:Nancy Victor:Nancy,今天我们来谈论一下旅游的题目? Nancy:Okay! I went trekking in Nepal. Victor:Nancy! What does trekking mean? Nancy:Trekking is a popular vacation for young,healthy people. Trekking is a long walking vacation, it’s usually over mountains or rough grounds. Victor:trekking通常是要翻山越岭,去很远的地方。 但是“Trekking”和“hiking”,有什么不同呢? Nancy:Well,Victor.Trekking is similar to hiking, but hiking is not as long a distance, and it’s walking thorough forests,or up low mountains. Victor:Hiking 也是以走路为主,但距离不会那么远。 那climbing和hiking有什么区别? Nancy:We only say “climbing” when we’re talking about very high or steep mountains,and you have to wear gear. Victor:Hiking 就是爬山或远足,但Climbing 是指登山,需要登山装备。 Nancy! 我们去爬香山吧! Nancy:great idea!let’s go.