Come on,no peeking. 不能偷看喔 Our eyes are closed,and we're crossing the street. Very good. 我们要闭眼睛过马路,太好了 Okay. Open up! 好,可以看了 What do you want to show us? 你们是要我们看什么? Because all I can see is this bitchen van! 我只看到…超炫的厢型车! It's for our catering business. 这是我们做外烩的专用车 I think I know that girl. 我好像认识那女孩 We won't keep it this way,though. 但最后不会是这样 不会吗? We'll replace the sword with a baguette. 我们会把宝刀换成法国面包 Oh,my God,I think I lost my virginity in that van. 天啊,我的第一次 好像就是在厢型车里 Also,we don't know what to do with this. 还有这个也不知道要怎么处理 Oh yeah,I definitely know her. 对,我一定认识她 The One Where They're Going To Party! 本集播出:“狂欢之王” Remember that guy from cooking school that put cilantro in everything? 还记得我说过那个在烹饪学校 煮什么都加香菜的人吗? Sure,Cilantro Larry! 记得,香菜赖瑞嘛 I'm filling in for him as food critic for the Chelsea Reporter. 我要替他代班 帮赤尔夕通讯报做美食评鉴 What an amazing opportunity to influence... 摩妮卡,这可是大好机会呢 你能影响到… ...dozens of people! 二、三十个人呢 What about our catering business? 那我们的外烩生意怎么办? It's just one night a week. 我这个一星期只要一个晚上 Plus,I get to take you out for free dinners. 我还能带你们到处去吃免钱的 Well,in that case.... 既然是那样的话… That was me,hopping on board. 刚才是我在上车一起去 Hey,guys. Hey,Ross! 大伙儿好,罗斯? Quick question for you. 快问快答 Are you ready to party? 你准备好要狂欢没? I could maybe go out for a couple of beers. 没有,出去喝几杯啤酒或许行 There's this thing about bees on the Discovery Channel. 但是今晚发现频道要演大黄蜂 I don't think you heard me. Are you ready... 你可能没听清楚 你准备好要… party? 狂欢没? No. 不会吧 Gandalf? Gandalf is coming to town? 甘道夫要来? I have nothing to do,so tomorrow we are partying with Gandalf,dude! 兄弟,反正我女友不在没事干 明天我们去跟甘道夫狂欢吧! Dude,we are so going to party! 兄弟,我们要去狂欢了耶 Wow,okay. Dude alert! 好吧,兄弟请注意 Who is this guy? 这个人是谁? Mike "Gandalf" Ganderson. Only the funnest guy in the world. 麦克甘道夫 世界上最爆笑的人 I'll call to get off work tomorrow. 我要打给公司说明天请假 I'll call after you! 你打完换我 This will be so cool! We never party anymore. 兄弟,这一定超酷的 我们八百年没狂欢了 Were you smoking something in the back of our van? 你们是不是躲在厢型车里 偷抽了大麻? "We never have fun anymore"? You have fun with me. 是啊,什么叫八百年没狂欢 跟我在一起就很乐啊 Remember those strippers? And you paid me $50 to eat that book? 记得去看脱衣舞那回? 你们给我50美元要我吞书 You are going to love this guy. Gandalf is the party wizard. 乔伊,这个人你一定喜欢 甘道夫是狂欢巫师喔 Why do you call him "Gandalf"? 你们干嘛叫他“甘道夫”? Gandalf the Wizard. 巫师甘道夫啊 Didn't you read Lord of the Rings in high school? 你念高中没看过“魔戒”? No,I had sex in high school. 没,但我念高中有上过床 Joanna? I was wondering if I could ask you something. 乔安娜,有件事想请问一下 There's an opening for a buyer in Junior Miss 少淑女服饰的采购助理有空缺 -That'd be a step down for me. -Actually,I meant for me. 那我岂不是连降三级了? 不是啦,我是毛遂自荐 The hiring committee is meeting people all day and.... 招聘委员会每天都在面试… I guess you can't stay my assistant forever. 我很希望我能拒绝 但总不能让你永远当我助理吧 Neither can you,Sophie, but for different reasons. 苏菲,你也是,但理由不同 I'm so glad you don't have a problem. If you did,I wouldn't apply. 真高兴你完全没有意见 否则我压根不会想去报考 In that case 真的啊,那样的话… That's why I'm glad there's no problem. 所以我才很高兴你没意见 I'm on the hiring committee, so there'll be one friendly face. 没关系,其实我也是面试人员 你起码能看到一张友善的脸 That's great! 这真是太棒了 Junior Miss is where I started. 我也是从少淑女部起家的 I slept with the ugliest guy to get that job. 跟个一级丑男上床 才得到那份工作 -Really? -No. 这样啊? 开玩笑的啦 Yeah. 有 I mean,no. 话说回来…没有啦 With your qualifications,you won't need to sleep with some guy. 别担心,以你的资历 不用出卖肉体也能被录取 Although I might need some convincing. 虽然我可能要验货确定一下 Kidding! 逗你的啦 God,I feel wild today! 天啊,我今天真亢奋 Man,I am so excited, I may vomit. 要命,我兴奋到都快吐了 Will you calm down? He's just a human guy. 你兴奋个什么劲? 他不过就是个人嘛 You don't understand. He's amazing. 你有所不知,甘道夫超神的 You never know what'll happen. 跟他出去可是惊喜连连 You go out for beer and end up on a boat to Nova Scotia. 几杯啤酒下肚 醒来竟然正在坐渔船去加拿大 -Really? -It's beautiful country up there. 真的? 对,那里风景很美 Hey. Okay. 好 I got my passport,fresh socks, and a snakebite kit. 我带了护照,干净的袜子 还有蛇毒解药 It won't be exactly like last time. 这次不会跟上次完全一样啦 I'll see you guys. 回头见了 I have an audition, but I'll meet you. 我要先去试镜 晚点一定去跟你们会合 Where will you be around noon? 你们中午左右会在哪里? Somewhere maybe along the equator? 差不多在赤道附近吧 好 Hello. It's Gandalf! 甘道夫打来的! So are you in town? 你已经到了? Oh,well.... Maybe next time,then. 那就下次再约吧 What happened? 怎么了? He can't come. He's stuck in Chicago. 他在芝加哥耽搁,没办法来 Oh,man! 要命 Chicago's so lucky. 芝加哥真是太走运了 Stupid,useless... 真是愚蠢又没有用的… ...Canadian money! 加拿大钱 You have a very impressive resume, Miss Greene. 葛林小姐,你的履历非常精彩 I especially like what I see about implementing a new filing system. 特别是我看到了这一段 “实施档案管理系统” Thank you. 谢谢 Filing system? Those colored labels you put on all the folders? “档案管理系统”? 你说资料夹上黏的彩色标签啊 It did brighten up the filing cabinets. 那的确是让档案柜生色不少 They did more than that. 功能不只是那样而已 I notice you've been entrusted with a lot of important responsibilities. 我看到你肩负了许多重要职责 Joanna really has been an incredible mentor to me. 对,乔安娜真是我的贵人 Rachel has been incredible at getting my bagels. 瑞秋也是帮我买焙果的贵人 She gets it right almost every time. 不可思议,她几乎都不会买错 Of course,I have more responsibilities than that. 我的职责当然不止那样 Of course! There's the coffee too. 没错,还有咖啡也是 Rachel can carry two things at once. 瑞秋一次能拎两样东西 That's very good. 相当优秀 Now a big part of this job is... 这项工作的一大重点是 ...cultivating personal relationships, especially with designers. 打好私人关系 尤其是和设计师 -Yes,l -She shouldn't have any problem. 对,我知道… 这一点瑞秋没问题 Her only problem might be getting too friendly,you know? 只怕她打得太火热了吧? I love working with designers. 我最爱和设计师共事了 With them. Under them. What's the difference? 共事或共枕又有何差别呢? My first review is out. 我第一篇美食评论上报了 The Chelsea Reporter. 赤尔夕通讯报 These used to keep me so warm. 以前我都拿这来当棉被盖 Look,I'm on the back page. 快看,我写的刊在反面 "Would I go back to Allesandro's? Sure,I'd get two meals. 我会再光顾“亚历山卓”吗? 当然,但我会点两份餐 One for me,and one for the guy pointing the gun to my head." 一份给自己 一份给拿枪抵着我的人 You really laid into this place. 你真把这家店批得一文不值 They don't pay me a penny a word to make friends. 报社付我钱 可不是要我广结善缘 I found a guy who'd fix up the van for catering. 我得走了,我找到一个人 他能搞定那部外烩厢型车 You want me to go? 要我一起去吗? It's okay. Are we sure we don't want the waterbed? 不用了,没关系 但你确定我们不要那张水床? Because it would be silly to take it out if we're just gonna put it back in again. 如果拿下来又要放回去 那不是很蠢吗? Haven't we made this decision? 我们不是早就说好了? Yeah,all right. 对啦,算了 再见 再见 -Who is it? -It's Allesandro,from Allesandro's. 谁啊? 我是亚历山卓的老板 -Oh,my God. -I want to talk to you about your review. 天啊 我要跟你讨论美食评鉴的事 Call me on the phone. 你打电话给我 What? So you can hang up on me? 好让你挂我电话? I'll never let you up, so just go away. 我不会让你上来的 你还是走吧 -Just give me a chance to -Do you need to get in? 给我一个机会… 你要进来吗?请进 No,Phoebe! 菲比,不行啦 Hey,Monica! 嗨,摩妮卡 I want a retraction. Our food is not "inedible swill." 我要你收回你的话 我们的食物绝非“难以下咽” I couldn't eat it. 我就吃不下去 My five friends couldn't eat it, and one of them eats books. 我那五个朋友也难以下咽 其中一个人连书都能吃了 Our service isn't "grossly incompetent." 我们的服务 也不是宾至如“衰” The waiter carried the breadsticks in his pants. 侍者把把面包棒塞在裤子里 Well,you said that we accept the Discover Card... 你还写说 我们店里接受发现卡 ...which we do not! 其实不行 All right,that I'll retract. 好啊,那段话我可以收回 But I stand by my review. I know food,and that wasn't it. 但我捍卫我写的评论 我懂美食,你们卖的差远了 Your marinara sauce tastes like tomato juice. 你们的大蒜番茄酱 简直跟蕃茄汁没两样 You should serve it with vodka and celery. 应该要配伏特加 和芹菜茎一起上 I'm proud of that sauce. It's delicious. 我很以店里那酱汁为荣 可口极了 You own an ltalian restaurant, and you think that tastes good? 天啊,你是开意大利餐厅的 竟然觉得那样叫做可口? Where are you from? 你到底是哪里人? Lebanon. 黎巴嫩 Hand me those tomatoes. 把那些蕃茄给我 I'll show you what it should taste like. 我来示范纯正的味道是怎样 How long will this take? I got another critic to yell at. 你要弄多久? 我还要去骂另一个美食评论家 Joanna,I want to talk about that interview. 乔安娜,我要谈谈面试的事 I thought it went very well. 我觉得你在面试中表现得很棒 No,it didn't. That's what I want to talk to you about. 不,才怪 我就是要跟你说这件事 Now just to brief you... 我先声明一句… ...I may cry. 我可能会哭出来 But they are not tears of sadness or of anger... 但那不是悲伤或气愤的泪水 ...but just of us having this discussion. 只是因为我要你跟讨论这件事 Please,don't make a scene. 麻烦你别丢人现眼了 There's nobody here. 这里又没人 Sophie,get in here. 苏菲,你进来 See? You're making Sophie uncomfortable. 看吧,你让苏菲尴尬了 No,she's not. 我没有尴尬啊 Congratulations. You crossed the line into completely useless. Get out. 恭喜,你刚证明了 自己一无用处,滚吧 Do you want me to quit? 你是要我辞职吗? What makes you think that? 你怎么会这样想? Those things you said in the interview... 因为你在面试时讲的那些话 ...if you believe them, I must not be a good assistant. 如果里面有你的真心话 那我一定不是个好助理 You know what? 不如这样吧 I am just going to pack up my desk... 我要来收拾办公桌 ...and I will be gone by the end of the day. 我等今天下班就走人 There's no use staying till the end of the day. 我想没必要耗到今天下班了 Wait,wait. 你等等… You can put your sad little muffin back. 把那可怜的松糕放回抽屉里 If you must know the truth,I didn't want to lose a good assistant. 如果你要听实话的话 是我不想失去你这完美的助理 What? 什么? That's why I said those things about your flirting and drinking. 所以我才瞎掰出那些招蜂引蝶 还有你酗酒的事 My drinking? 我酗酒? I must have said that after you left. 我等你离开之后才说的 Said what,exactly? 你到底说了什么? You enjoy the occasional drink... 你三不五时喜欢喝一杯… ...-ing binge. 酒后乱性 Oh,my God! That is it. I'm leaving! 天啊,真是够了,我走人 You are just a horrible person! 你这个人真的很糟糕 Wait,wait. 等等… If you're going to get all sensitive about it. 反应不用那么激烈嘛 I don't want to lose you. 我不想失去你 What if I create a position for you? 不如我变出个职位给你? I'll make you assistant buyer in this department. 我让你在这个部门里 担任采购助理 Say more things like that. 你再多说一点 Your own office and a raise, effective tomorrow. 你有自己的办公室 外带加薪,明天就生效 -I need an expense account. -Done! 我需要公关费 没问题 -And an assistant. -Sophie! 还要有助理 苏菲,进来 Hey,I thought you'd be out partying with Gandol-... 你们怎么在这里 不是跟甘呆夫… ...-dorf. 去狂欢了? It's Gandalf,and he's not coming. 是甘道夫,他不来了 You've been sitting here all day? 那你们一早都呆坐在这里? I balanced my checkbook. 没有,我刚刚把帐算好了 And I gave first names to all the foosball players. 对,手足球台里的选手 我也全都取好了名字 I can't believe he didn't come. 不敢相信甘道夫竟然没来 So what? We can still go out and party ourselves. 他不来又怎样? 我们还是可以自己出去狂欢啊 With Gandalf,we'd be out all night. 有甘道夫在,一整晚都有的玩 We'd meet total strangers and hang out with them. 而且能和一堆陌生人一起混 We could do that. 我们也可以啊 There was other stuff too. 他还有其他的绝招啦 We'll do it all and better! 我们一网打尽,更胜于蓝 After tonight,Gandalf will want to party with us,dude! 兄弟,今晚过后 就换我们带甘道夫去狂欢 It's not like we don't know how to party! 活像我们不会狂欢似的 All right! Let's go. 好,咱们走 Maybe we could end up on a boat again? 最后再到一次船上如何? All right! 好耶! When were we on a boat? 上次在船上是何时? Remember that cold morning with those dogs licking your face? 记得那天早上很冷 一早醒来还有狗舔你的脸? Those were seals,man. 记得 老兄,舔你的可是海豹呢 How would this suit look on an assistant buyer 摩妮卡,快问快答 采购助理穿这套装如何? The owner of Allesandro's came to yell at me. 亚历山卓的老板上门来吼我 But I made him sauce,and he offered me the job as head chef! 但我乘势帮他做了酱料 结果他挖我去店里做主厨 You just ruined the thing I was practicing,but I'm so happy! 天啊,你毁了我练的好戏 但我真是替你高兴 Can you believe it? I get to run my own kitchen! 你相信吗? 我终于可以在厨房当老大了 Oh,you've waited so long. 你盼了那么久 Pheebs! Quick question for you. 菲比,快问快答 How would this suit look... 布鲁明戴尔的采购助理… ...on an assistant buyer at Bloomingdale's? 穿上这套装如何? It would totally depend on her coloring and.... 那完全要看她的肤色而定 You got the job! 你拿到那工作了! You got the job? Why didn't you tell me? 你被录取了?怎么没跟我说? It'll be so great! I'll help decide what we sell. 一定超棒的 我能帮忙决定要卖什么 I'll have an office with walls and everything. 还有全套装潢的私人办公室 I'm going to have walls! 四面都有墙耶 Is this the day of good news or what? I got us a job. 今天真是好消息连连 我帮大家找到工作了 The wedding reception. 喜宴外烩 I kind of need to talk to you about that. 菲比,我有话要跟你说 I think it's time for me to take a step back from the catering. 我想外烩的事不能操之过急 But we've only had one job. 但我们只做了一笔生意啊 But now we have this second one, and it feels like it's snowballing. 我知道,但现在有第二笔了 就像雪球越滚越大 What are you saying? 你在说什么? I got offered the head chef job at Allesandro's. 亚历山卓餐厅请我去当主厨 It's okay,because you don't really need me. 什么? 不碍事的,仔细想想 其实你也不需要我 You're the cook! 厨师是你耶! Without you,it's just me driving up to people's houses... 总不能我自己一个开去别人家 ...with empty trays, asking for money. 带着空盘子就跟人要钱吧? All right. But I'll pay you back all the money you invested. 好,我会还回所有你投资的钱 -And you can keep the van! -For what? 那部厢型车归你 我要拿来干嘛? I can't believe this! 我真是不敢相信 I got to get out of here. 我得离开这里 Phoebe,wait a minute. 菲比,你等等 I'm an assistant buyer! 我升采购助理了! (中央咖啡馆) We'll get coffee,get energized, then head back out. 我们先喝咖啡养足精神 再重新出动 -Yeah,all right. -Okay. 好吧 好 So we're having fun,right? 很好玩嘛,对不对? We don't need that wizard guy. 我们才不需要那个什么巫师的 We hit some clubs, talk to some strangers... 我们去了几家俱乐部 跟一些陌生人说过话 ...then go down to the docks and see about that boat thing. 等一下去码头安排坐船的事 I'm kind of beat. 我有点累了 Actually... 其实… too. 我也是 Are you serious? 你们是真的假的? 真的 Thank God! I'm exhausted. 感谢老天,我也累毙了 You guys want coffees? 你们要喝咖啡吗? 对 I don't want to be up too late, so I'll have a decaf. 但我今天想早点睡 所以我要无咖啡因的 Yeah,me too. 对,我也是 Actually,could I get some hot water with lemon? 我能来杯热水加点莱姆汁吗? I strained my voice screaming in there. Does it have to be so loud? 我刚才在那家店里都喊到哑了 他们音乐非要开那么大声吗? I can't hear a word. My ears are ringing so bad. 我听不到你说什么 我耳鸣得厉害 I was glad I had that extra pair of socks. 幸好我多带了一双袜子 I used them as mittens. 拿来当手套用 I didn't want to touch a thing in that last place. 最后那家店脏到我不敢用手碰 How sad are we? 我们真是可悲到了极点 Yeah,I know. 对,我知道 You know what? We're not sad. 其实我们并不可悲 We're just not 21 anymore. You know? 只是我们都过了21岁 I'm 29 years old,damn it! 我都已经29岁了 I want to sit in a comfortable chair,watch TV... 只想舒服地坐着看电视 ...and go to sleep at a reasonable hour. 时间到了就上床睡觉 I like to hang out in a quiet place where I can talk to my friends. 我喜欢去安静一点的地方 才能好好跟朋友聊天 And so what if I like to go home, put on Kenny G and take a bath? 就算回家听肯尼吉的音乐洗澡 又有什么大不了? We're 29. We're not women. 我们是29岁没错 但我们可不是娘儿们 There you are. 你到了 I'm glad you decided to hear me out. 我很高兴你决定听我解释 Okay,I'm hearing. 好,你说吧 I've been doing a lot of thinking. 我想了很多 I came up with a bunch of businesses that you can do with your van. 我想出了你用厢型车 可以做的所有生意 You could be a flower delivery person. 你可以去送花 -What? -Or a bakery delivery person? 什么? 或是送面包? Pizza? 送比萨? 摩妮卡? I got a whole bunch of stuff in this area. 我写了一堆你能运送的东西 But I get the feeling you don't want to deliver. 但我有预感你不想送货 -No. -Okay. 对 那好吧 I guess if you don't want to deliver... 我猜若你不想送货的话… probably don't want to pick up stuff either. 八成也不会想去载货 No. 对 You know what? 不如这样吧 Let's do the catering business. 我们来做外烩 -Really? Are you sure? -Yeah,I made a commitment to you. 真的?你确定? 对,我承诺过你 It'd be fun. 会很有趣的 It will be fun! 一定会很有趣的 Let's plan the wedding reception. 那我们来计划喜宴的事 You really wanted me to do something with this van. 你还真的是很用心想了 让我用这厢型车来做些事 You know what? I want you to take the chef job. 不如这样吧 我要你接下那主厨的工作 -Really? -Yeah. 真的? 对 That's what you really want. 那是你真心想要做的 I don't want to be the reason you're unhappy. I'd be unhappy. 我不想成为你不高兴的原因 那样我也会不高兴 And I really don't want to be the reason I'm unhappy. 我更不想让自己不高兴 Thank you. 谢谢你 Besides,it might be kind of fun to form the new A-Team. 而且成立新的天龙特攻队 应该会很好玩 Hi,Mrs. Lynch. 林区太太 Is Joanna in already? 乔安娜进公司了吗? Oh,my goodness! You haven't heard. 老天,你还没听说 -Heard what? -Joanna... 听说什么? 乔安娜… ...passed away last night. 昨晚过世了 Oh,my God! How? 天啊,怎么会这样? She was leaving work, and she was hit by a cab. 她下班出去时被计程车撞上 Oh,my God! I cannot believe it! 天啊,我不敢相信 I know. 我知道 Oh,God. Oh,God. 天啊… Oh,God. 天啊 I didn't realize that you were so close. 没想到你们两个这么好 Yes. So close! 对,好到不行 (亦指:就差那么一点点) I know that this is an emotional and difficult time for all of us. 林区太太,我知道这个节骨眼 大家在情绪上都很煎熬 But by any chance,did Joanna... 但在事发之前,乔安娜是不是… ...send any paperwork your way before... ...正好有把人事调动公文… happened? -No,nothing. ..交给你? 完全没有 Imagine,if she'd just stepped off that curb a few seconds later. 只盼当初 她晚个几秒钟过街就没事了 Yes,just a few seconds and she'd still be with us. 对,差个几秒钟 她就还能跟我们在一起 Nothing about an assistant buyer? 她没说到采购助理的事? I'm sorry. I have to go. 不好意思,我得走了 Good morning! 早安 I guess you didn't hear about Joanna. 苏菲,我猜你还不知道 乔安娜的事 I sure did! 我当然知道 I'm excited about having Monica on board with us. 我很兴奋能请到摩妮卡加入 Although I do feel bad about having fired Chef Emilio. 虽然开除艾米里欧主厨 让我觉得很过意不去 It is like losing a member of the family. 那就像是失去了一个家人 Of course,that literally is the case for several of you. 不过对你们其中几位而言 真的是失去家人 Tony,Carlos,Marie... 东尼、卡洛斯、玛莉… ...please tell your father how much we're going to miss him. 请向令尊转达 我们会有多想念艾米里欧 I know Monica has a lot of great ideas for this place. 我知道摩妮卡对这家店 有许多很棒的点子 Well,you all read the review. 你们都看过她那篇评论了 So without much further ado... 所以废话不多说 ...I present to you our new head chef. 在此向各位介绍本店的新主厨 I just want to say that with a pinch of excitement... 我只想说只要有热忱 ...a dash of hard work and a dollop of cooperation... 肯吃苦,肯合作 ...we can have the recipe.... 我们就能将本店的菜色… Are you going to kill me? 你们打算杀我灭口?