[00:04.27]She is the star of the play, and she is my girlfriend. [00:08.24]I get to have sex with the star of the play! [00:11.47]-People can hear you. -I know! [00:22.52]She looks great,doesn't she? [00:28.16]That is one good-looking man. [00:32.39]Is it just me,or can you actually see his abs through his overcoat? [00:38.33]So you been doing this long? [00:41.30]No. You're my first. Put the money on the table. [00:49.71]That's nice. [00:54.22]Dude! [00:58.72]-ls that an expensive blouse? -lf you want it to be. [01:07.50]Here's your girlfriend's button. [01:12.30]The One with Rachel's Crush [00:00.00] [02:00.85]Do you still have your old blouses and dresses from high school? [02:05.49]Yeah,I think I have some around here somewhere. Why? [02:08.19]Maternity clothes are so expensive. [02:13.09]Rach,I made a pile of your stuff. If you could just... [02:18.93]...throw your purses at it. [02:21.47]Bloomingdale's eliminated my department. [02:24.77]Are you out of a job? [02:26.37]No,but they stuck me in Personal Shopping,which is a huge step down. [02:31.31]What is that? [02:32.61]Where you walk around with rich people and tell them what to buy? [02:38.19]That sounds great! [02:44.49]We switched apartments. You can't eat our food. That gravy train has ended. [02:49.96]There's gravy? [02:52.73]If you have the big apartment,you have to deal with people coming over. [02:56.24]That fridge has to be stocked. That's your apartment now. [03:03.08]-What are you doing? -I think I left a doughnut up here. [03:12.25]How was Kathy's play? [03:14.96]Kathy gets half-naked and simulates sex with a real good-looking guy. [03:20.63]It's like somebody wrote down my worst nightmare... [03:23.60]...and then charged me $32 to see it. [03:27.54]That's a good idea for a business. [03:29.97]I'm totally screwed. They're gonna be hot and heavy on stage every night... [03:34.11]...then they'll go to their cast parties, and he's gonna try to undermine me. [03:38.11]He'll be like,"Where's your boyfriend? What's his name? Chester?" [03:41.88]She'll go,"It's Chandler." He'll go,"Whatever!" [03:47.76]That is a good trick. [03:51.46]All right,look. What am I going to do? [03:54.30]They're actors. They're there to do a job. [03:57.50]It doesn't mean they're gonna get together. [03:59.93]Just because it happened with Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins... [04:03.00]...doesn't mean it's gonna happen with them. ... [04:05.91]Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger. [04:08.91]Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. [04:12.68]Mel Gibson and Clint Eastwood. [04:16.65]They're not a couple. [04:17.92]I get the game now. [04:21.26]All these people were in movies together. It's much different with plays. [04:24.93]You were in acting class together,and she slept with you. [04:27.83]Acting class is a lot more like a movie than a play. [04:31.20]When they were doing it on stage, was it really hot? [04:35.74]Oh,yeah. [04:39.64]So you're fine. [04:41.14]The rule is when two actors are actually doing it off-stage... [04:45.61]...then all the sexual tension between them is gone. [04:49.08]As long as it's hot on stage, you got nothing to worry about. [04:53.52]When the heat goes away, that's when you're in trouble. [04:57.19]Really? [04:58.36]You guys have been to every play I've been in. Have I ever had chemistry on stage? [05:02.46]-No. -No! [05:08.64]Are you gonna go see the play with me tonight? [05:11.91]I don't know how comfortable I am going to see how hot the sex is between them. [05:17.35]-I know,but -No,I'm there. [05:23.55]-Want some pancakes? -You made pancakes? [05:26.35]Grab a plate. [05:29.52]No,no. Stay right there. [05:34.40]Getting closer. [05:37.07]Don't worry... [05:38.37]...we also have cereals, muffins,waffles and... ... [05:41.54]...jams,jellies and marmalades, which I'm sure are the same thing. ... [05:46.74]Please eat,because Joey opened everything. [05:50.81] [05:55.55]I was thinking about having people over. [05:57.79]Yeah? Who's playing? [06:01.89]The players. [06:04.89]Somebody seems to be missing being the hostess. [06:09.63]Please. It's a relief,is what it is,is what it is. [06:15.20]Pheebs,stick out your plate. [06:24.58]Monica,I'm quitting. [06:25.81]I just helped an 81-year-old woman put on a thong,and she didn't even buy it. [06:30.99]I'm quitting. [06:32.62]I'm talking to my boss right now. [06:35.39]Yes,I am. Yes,I am. [06:37.49]Okay,bye. Call me when you get this message. [06:41.26]Mr. Waltham? I really need to talk to you. [06:44.00]In a moment,please. I'm in the middle of a task. [06:46.83]And you have a customer. [06:51.91]Hi. [06:53.17]Hi,I'm Joshua. [06:54.64]I'm Rachel Greene. What could I do for you,Joshua? [06:57.95]I need a whole new wardrobe. My wife Well,my ex-wife [07:02.58]I'm so sorry. [07:09.16]Anyway,she burned all of my clothes. [07:11.99]I got away with this suit and what turned out to be a skirt. [07:17.06]Well,at least that's a great suit. [07:20.20]It wasn't much fun dropping it off at the dry cleaners in the skirt. [07:25.94]I need everything down to underwear. If you're willing,I'm all yours. [07:31.61]Okay. [07:33.55]You needed to speak to me? [07:35.38]No,no,that wasn't me. [07:39.89]We should get started. Let me show you my underwear. [07:45.56]The selection of underwear that we carry. [07:51.63]I'm sorry. [07:52.83]-It's this way. -This way? Sorry. [08:00.54]I'm right. Right? There was no chemistry between them. [08:03.95]Before,they had heat. Now,there's no heat. [08:07.45]You know what this means. Joey told us what this means. [08:10.75]Let's not jump to any conclusions. There was some sexual chemistry. [08:15.72]Come on. It was like cousins having sex. [08:20.53]Here she comes. Don't say a word. Just be cool. Don't be,you know,you. [08:27.44]Hey,you guys! [08:29.74]Thank you so much for coming again. [08:32.41]-Did you like it tonight? -Absolutely. [08:36.21]Wasn't Nick funny when he couldn't get his match lit? [08:43.52]It's a good play,isn't it? [08:47.05]I loved the play. You were great. [08:49.56]And Nick,ditto. [08:53.09]Clearly,you're having sex with him. [08:58.83]Okay.... [09:04.57]Clearly,I'm having sex with him? [09:07.17]It was so obvious. There was no chemistry between you two. [09:11.41]You're accusing me of cheating on you, and you're insulting my performance? [09:16.88]I can see how this could happen. You're up there every night naked,touching,kissing. [09:22.09]Acting. Chandler,this is my job. [09:25.26]I'm playing a part in a play. How can you not trust me? [09:29.10]You can understand, given how we started. [09:33.83]I can't believe you're throwing that in my face. [09:36.34]That is what happened. I don't even see you denying this. [09:40.37]I'll tell you what,Chandler. You call me when you grow up. [09:43.68]Don't expect that to happen any time soon! [09:51.79]I have the best job in the entire world! [09:54.92]The most adorable guy came over, and I got to dress him up all day! [10:00.90]Rachel has a new doll! [10:03.66]I wish he was a doll. I'd get a Rachel doll and bump them together... [10:07.20]...and make kissing noises. [10:10.10]He's got the most beautiful name. I never realized. Joshua. [10:14.94]Joshua. [10:16.94]Joshua. Josh. [10:19.58]Hello? [10:21.02]Hi. [10:24.72]What do I smell? [10:26.39]I don't know. It smells good. [10:34.36]Fresh cookies! Hot from the oven. [10:37.63]Please,have some. [10:40.17]I've been fiddling around here, making delicious treats for everyone. [10:44.84]The new Playboy. [10:46.34]Just something I picked up. [10:48.34]Cookies and porn? You're the best mom ever! [10:57.55]What? [10:58.75]It's just something Joshua said about V-necks,but you had to be there. [11:04.03]How does Jason look in a V-neck? [11:06.43]-It's Joshua. -Whatever. [11:11.87]Wait. Wait. This isn't takeout! [11:14.77]-Hate to eat and run. -No,wait. Please,don't go! [11:17.91]I've got porn for you too. [11:20.68]I don't need it. [11:23.44]People are supposed to want to hang out here. [11:25.81]Why? What is the big deal? [11:27.85]I'm the hostess. [11:30.48]Not those guys. I'm always the hostess. [11:33.52]Even when I was little,the girls brought their dollies to my tea party. [11:37.96]I served the best air. [11:40.83]Why'd you make a big thing out of everyone hanging out in the big apartment? [11:45.30]'Cause they took our apartment. I wanted to punish them. [11:48.54]I'm done now. They've suffered enough. [11:52.44]If you wanted to punish them,you should have just made them hang out here. [11:56.18]That is true. [11:57.71]This place is gonna be 10 times better than that place. [12:00.72]Are we gonna trash their place? [12:04.69]There's steps! [12:08.46]Slut! [12:14.06]You'll all be very happy to hear that Kathy is sleeping with that guy! [12:19.17]-What? -You were right? [12:21.10]I confronted her, and she didn't deny it. [12:26.41]I don't live here! [12:32.45]Wait,are you sure? [12:34.25]I may be drunk, but I know what she said. [12:37.32]Then I went over to Beefsteak Chewley's.... [12:42.32]-Beefsteak Charlie's? -Yes! [12:44.69]You and l have always been like: [12:49.63]Man,I am so sorry. [12:51.37]The bartender taught me a trick,though. [13:01.44]I don't remember it. [13:20.39]-Do you need help with that? -I got it. [13:24.03]I just feel bad. I never vacuum. [13:30.34]I was with Joshua for an hour today, and he has not asked me out. [13:35.48]-Just so frustrating. -Why don't you ask him out? [13:38.21]Totally. That's such a turn-on. [13:41.15]Really? It doesn't seem desperate? [13:43.58]That's the turn-on. [13:46.92]He just got a divorce. Right? He's probably really nervous around women. [13:50.72]Maybe you just need to make the first move. [13:53.19]-I've never asked a guy out before. -You've never asked a guy out? [13:57.06]No. Have you? [13:58.37]Thousands of times! [14:02.00]That doesn't make me sound too good,does it? [14:05.11]I don't even know how I would go about it. [14:07.68]What I do is,I look a woman up and down,and I say... [14:11.51]..."Hey. How you doing?" [14:17.35]Oh,please! [14:19.19]Hey. How you doing? [14:26.73]You know what? I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna call him up and ask him out. [14:31.97]I can do that,ask him out. [14:34.94]"How you doing?" [14:40.24]Hi,Joshua. It's Rachel Greene from Bloomingdale's. [14:45.08]I was just wondering if you...? [14:48.12]If you... [14:52.25]...Ieft your wallet at the store today? [14:56.49]We found a wallet,and we [14:59.66]The license? That is a good idea. [15:03.83]Well,let's see. This license belongs to... [15:07.47]...belongs to a Mr. Pheebs. [15:16.11]So sorry to bother you at home. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye. [15:22.02]-You've done that a thousand times? -I've never done that. [15:26.59]I just got so nervous that he'd say no. [15:29.19]You gotta give him something he can't say no to,like... [15:32.73]...Knicks tickets. Invite him to a Knicks game. You're guaranteed he'll say yes. [15:36.86]-Really? You think that'll work? -Absolutely. And if not,can I go? [15:42.74]What the heck is that? [15:57.75]Did she call? [16:01.22]No. Sorry. [16:03.52]Maybe I should call her. [16:05.76]Forget her,man. You don't need her. [16:08.40]He's right. What she did was unforgivable. [16:11.17]Well,yeah,but,you know, what if I was wrong? [16:14.44]How might you be wrong? [16:16.34]What if she didn't actually sleep with the guy? [16:19.44]Tell me she told you this. [16:21.18]She didn't have to tell me. I saw the play. There was no heat. [16:24.45]-Back me up. -That's all you're basing this on? [16:26.75]That's not backing me up! [16:28.82]Look,you said, "With the offstage and the heat" [16:32.59]That was just a theory. There's a lot of theories that didn't pan out: [16:37.19]Lone gunman,communism,geometry. [16:42.56]Oh,my God! [16:47.37]"Would you like to go to a basketball game with?" [16:51.01]"It's funny,basketball, because I happen to have tickets" [16:59.41]"Who likes the Knick?" [17:04.25]What do you think? [17:06.75]Well,as a single woman, who is available... [17:12.29]...I think you look great. [17:16.73]Oh,yeah. You look great. [17:25.31]This looks great. [17:28.64]So you like it? [17:29.91]I do. I love it. In fact,I think I'll wear it home. [17:33.38]-Great. -Thank you so much for all your help. [17:37.89]Well,I guess this is it. [17:41.59]Thanks. [17:43.02]Maybe I'll see you in the spring for the bathing suits. [17:46.03]You don't want to do that now? [17:49.26]That's okay. [17:51.27]I'll see you around sometime. [17:53.43]Basketball! [17:56.70]Sorry? [17:59.61]I have two tickets to the Knicks game if you're interested... [18:02.88]...just as a thank-you for this week. [18:07.48]That would be great! [18:09.38]-Really? -That would be fantastic! [18:11.72]My nephew is crazy about the Knicks! [18:16.66]This is fantastic. Thank you so much,Rachel. [18:20.29]Good morning. [18:32.77]I just wanted to come over to say that I'm sorry. [18:36.31]I acted like the biggest idiot in the world. [18:39.31]I can completely understand why you were so upset. [18:44.95]I really wish you'd called me. [18:46.75]Yeah,I know. I wish I had too. [18:49.72]I think this is a good thing. [18:52.33]We've had our first fight, and now we can move on. [18:55.43]I know for me,but [19:04.54]Nick's pants? [19:10.34]I think our second fight is going to be a big one! [19:20.29]-For next time,what do you say? -"l have an extra ticket." [19:24.06]"An extra ticket." Not "two tickets." [19:29.56]The first time you asked a guy out he turned you down? [19:35.34]He didn't turn me down. He's at the game. [19:38.51]I got the date. I'm just not on it. [19:44.31]Okay,it's ready. [19:47.41]-Come on. -What's ready? [19:50.08]Just come. [19:55.16]Oh,my God! [19:58.76]This is beautiful! [20:01.09]Did you work for two days straight? [20:05.77]Pretty much. [20:08.20]What do you think of the floor? [20:10.70]I don't know. Looks the same. [20:13.04]You used to have carpet. [20:14.94]Oh,yeah. [20:17.28]I made snacks. [20:19.71]Please,just hang out. [20:21.28]I'm just gonna rest my eyes for just a little bit. [20:25.75]Do you want us to come back later? [20:27.79]No,no,no. Stay. Just keep talking. [20:32.29]I'm always the hostess. [20:38.10]How'd it go? [20:39.67]-She wasn't sleeping with him. -Good! [20:42.30]She is now. [20:46.57]-What are you saying? -I'm saying that she is a devil woman. [20:52.18]You think you know a person,then they turn around and sleep with Nick. [20:56.28]Nick and his rock-hard pecs and his giant man-nipples. [21:02.79]I hate him. And I hate her. [21:05.83]I don't hate her. I love her. This is all my fault. [21:10.76]How? How is it your fault? [21:14.00]I should have called. [21:15.34]If I had called her,she never would have gone out with Nick. [21:19.11]They wouldn't have ended up in bed. I threw her at his man-nipples! [21:26.18]This is not your fault. [21:28.02]Your fight does not justify her sleeping with someone. [21:34.62]Well,if she thought they were on a break.... [21:43.86]Rachel,one of your customers seems to have left his billfold,a Joshua Burgen. [21:48.80]Really? [21:50.07]-Will you call him? -Yes,I will. Absolutely. [22:08.22]Hello,Rachel. [22:10.26]Hi,Joshua. [22:12.39]-I left my wallet here on purpose. -Really? [22:16.40]Yes. I just wanted to see you again. [22:18.87]I'm glad. [22:21.34]Rachel,I'd like to say something to you. [22:24.74]Yes? [22:26.64]"How you doing?"