[00:09.40]Cereal killer. 玉米片杀人狂 (音同连续杀人狂) [00:12.77]Cereal killer? 玉米片杀人狂? [00:14.28]Hey,come on,I say more dumb things before 9 a.m... 我一早说的蠢话 [00:16.81]...than most people say all day. 比别人整天说的还多 [00:21.05]What? 怎么了? [00:22.25]I can't find anything that I wanna eat. Everything makes me nauseous. 我不知道要吃什么 吃什么都会恶心 [00:26.49]I'm telling you,being pregnant is no piece of cake. Oh,cake! 怀孕有够难搞的…啊,蛋糕 [00:30.89]No. 不行 [00:33.33]Honey,I'm sorry. 真可怜 [00:36.36]What is that smell? It's coming from the bathroom. 什么香味?是浴室传出来的 [00:40.80]Pregnancy does give you some weird cravings. 你倒是多了些怪癖 [00:44.81]It's me. It's Phoebe. Listen,there's something in here I want to eat. 是我,菲比 这里有我想吃的东西 [00:50.65]What smells so good? 什么味道这么香? [00:53.58]-ls it the shampoo? It's guava. -No. 是新洗发精吗?番石榴香味 不是 [00:57.95]Wait. 等一下 [01:00.62]Is it my bologna sandwich? 是我的红肠三明治吗? [01:04.99]Yes. Yes. Yes. 对,没错 [01:06.96]I can't believe it. The baby wants bologna. The baby wants meat. I can't eat meat. 宝宝居然想吃红肠 宝宝想吃肉,我不能吃肉 [01:11.47]Wait! 等一下 [01:14.07]Maybe it's the pickle! 也许是腌黄瓜 [01:16.60]The One With the Fake Party 本集播出:“求爱十八招” [00:00.00] [02:01.65](中央咖啡馆) [02:06.35]What are you writing? 你在写什么? [02:07.72]Joshua's coming in tomorrow,and since I don't have the guts to ask him out... 约书亚明天要来 既然我没胆约他 [02:12.16]...I'm gonna sell him a coat and put this note in the pocket. 我决定卖他一件外套 再把纸条塞进口袋 [02:16.63]"Joshua,give me a call sometime. Guys like you... “约书亚:有空打电话给我” “你这样的人…” [02:20.90]...never go out of style." “…永不退流行” [02:24.24]What did you throw away? 你扔了哪些人? [02:28.51]-Hi,guys. -What have you guys been up to? 你们做了什么? [02:31.65]We went to see a collection of Victorian doorknobs at the museum. 我们去看维多利亚时期门把展 [02:36.08]Without me? 没找我去? [02:39.22]My uncle dragged us there, but it turned out to be really interesting. 是舅舅拖我们去的 结果很有意思 [02:43.09]They were so ornate and beautiful. Look at that. 那些门把很华丽,你们看 [02:46.23]I don't know how museums work in England, but here,you're not supposed to take stuff. 我不知道英国的国情 但这里不能顺手牵羊 [02:51.60]I got it from the gift shop. 这是礼品部的 [02:53.67]They have really lax security there. 那里没什么防盗措施 [02:57.24]It's a joke. 这是笑话 [03:00.34]Anyone for more tea? (英国腔)谁还要喝茶? [03:03.75]No,just me then. (英国腔)那我自己叫了 [03:06.85]Hey,Ringo. 鹦鹉先生 [03:09.48]Every time Emily's around,you talk like her. Would you please cut it out? 每次艾蜜莉在,你就怪腔怪调 别闹了 [03:13.45]I think you like it. 我看你喜欢喔 [03:17.09]I think you can't resist me when I do it. 你无法抗拒这样的我 [03:19.66]You want to eat me up like a cream "pumpy." 你想一口…了我 [03:24.77]-What? -All right,look,I don't know all the words. 什么? 我不是每个英国字都会 [03:32.71]Right. I've got to be off. I'll see you. Bye-bye,then. 我该走了,再见咯 [03:35.48]Bye-bye,then. 再见咯 [03:39.71]You guys seem to be having a good time. 你们相处得很愉快 [03:41.82]She is amazing, and she's so much fun. 对,她人很棒,而且很有趣 [03:46.19]And you know what? When I'm with her,I'm fun! 跟她在一起时,我也很有趣 [03:51.76]I do things like run off to Vermont... 我会跑去佛蒙特 56 00:03:55,400 --> 00:03:58,230 ...and you guys saw the doorknob. 你们也看到那个门把了 [03:59.80]I even signed up for helicopter classes. 我甚至报名学开直升机 [04:03.77]She's leaving in two days. I don't have to do it. 她过两天就走了,我不必真学 [04:07.14]Two days? You must be bummed. 两天?你一定很失望 [04:09.44]She's got to go back to London,but I've been prepared for this from the start. 她非回去不可 不过我早就有心理准备 62 00:04:13,820 --> 00:04:17,480 We both knew we had two weeks together, and then th? [04:17.72]Hey,that's what all my relationships are like. 我的每段恋情都是 [04:21.16]Yes,but in Ross' case, they both know in two weeks that's it. 罗斯他们是“双方”都知道 只有2星期 [04:26.39]-Pheebs! -Hello. Hello. 菲比 [04:29.23]No,I know. Yeah. 宝宝好啊 好啦 [04:33.17]So the baby is totally craving meat. 宝宝想肉想疯了 [04:35.80]I tried tricking it,and I made it a soy burger, so that maybe it'd think it was getting meat. 下午我想用素肉堡骗他 让他以为他吃到肉 [04:40.68]And I got nauseous. 结果就反胃了 [04:42.88]Maybe that's because soy burgers suck. 也许是因为素肉堡粉难吃 [04:47.35]But I'm no obstetrician.... 不过应该很营养 [04:50.75]Being pregnant is hard on your tummy. 怀孕真难吃东西 [04:53.09]At least you got that cool,pregnant-lady glow. 但你有一种孕妇的光彩 [04:56.16]That's sweat. You throw up all morning, you'll have that glow too. 你要是吐一早上也会有光彩 [05:07.74]Okay. [05:08.90]-Here's that trench coat that you wanted. -Great. 这是你要的风衣 太好了 [05:14.11]It's comfortable. 很舒服 [05:15.94]You could really flash somebody in this. 这可以用来装变态 [05:19.61]No. They don't want you to put your hands in the pockets until you are out of the store. 不行,出了店门 才能把手放进口袋里 [05:25.45]Why not? 为什么? [05:26.79]Well,because... 因为… [05:28.72]...we get a lot of 有很多人… [05:33.39]They ruin it for everybody. 真是害群之马 [05:35.23]I know. 是啊 [05:36.76]I wore that sweater on a date last night. 我昨晚穿那件 喀什米尔毛衣去约会 [05:40.87]It was the first date since the divorce. 我离婚后第一次约会 [05:44.14]Congratulations. So do you love her? 恭喜,你爱她吗? [05:48.24]She's nice, but it made me realize... 她还不错,不过我也发现 [05:51.28]...I'm just not ready to be dating. 我还没有心情约会 [05:59.22]That's interesting. 真有意思 [06:03.02]-What was that? -Just an anti-theft device. 那是什么? 只是防盗磁条 [06:06.89]Then what's this? 那这是什么? [06:08.63]You need that too,because a thief could just tear this up. 那个也要,因为这个一撕就碎 [06:18.14]We have to have a party in five minutes, so everybody cancel your plans. 晚上有派对 其实是5分钟后,有事快取消 [06:24.05]What's going on? 你在说什么? 怎么回事? [06:25.55]We have to have a bon-voyage party for Emily. 我们要帮艾蜜莉办惊喜欢送会 [06:28.78]But it's actually for Joshua. 其实是为了约书亚 [06:30.79]That sucks. Nobody's ever thrown me a bon-voyage-Emily party. 讨厌 都没人帮我办过假欢送会 [06:35.99]He said he's not ready to date. 他说他还没有心情约会 [06:38.56]So I had to invite him to a party if I wanted to see him outside of work. 我得找他参加派对 才能在工作之外见到他 [06:41.96]And now I have created the perfect opportunity to seduce him. 现在我制造了一个 色诱他的完美机会 [06:47.34]As much as I'd like to meet Josh and warn him... 我很想当面警告约书亚 [06:52.67]...Emily and I won't be here. She's gonna come by to say goodbye... 但艾蜜莉和我不能参加 她会来说声再见 [06:56.88]...and then I've got a special evening planned. Sorry. No party. 然后我安排了整晚的节目 对不起,没戏唱了 [07:03.85]-Hello? -Surprise! 惊喜! [07:08.02]Surprise! 惊喜! [07:11.46]No one's thrown me a surprise party before. 没有人替我办过惊喜派对 [07:14.30]Well,it was all Ross' idea. 这都是罗斯的主意 [07:18.77]You're so sweet. 你真好 [07:21.37]And I'm so surprised. 我好惊喜喔 [07:27.61]You didn't know? 你真的没料到? [07:39.32]Why are you over here if Joshua's over there? 约书亚在那边,你怎么在这边 [07:42.42]I'm trying to play hard-to-get. 我想假装很难上手 [07:46.36]Quick! He's looking. Say something funny. 快,说句好笑的话 [07:49.26]Like what? 举个例? [07:52.97]What's so funny? 什么事这么好笑? [07:56.50]I said,"Like what?" 我说“举个例” [07:59.61]Now that's a thinker. 真深奥 [08:02.54]This playing-hard-to-get thing is not working. 假装很难上手没用 [08:05.58]Hand me those cherries. 把樱桃给我,好… [08:15.99]-Care for a cherry? -No,thanks. 要吃樱桃吗? 不要,谢谢 [08:18.56]I can tie one of these into a knot using just my tongue. 我可以用舌头把樱桃梗打结 [08:36.04]You okay? 你还好吗? [08:37.88]You all right? 没事吧? [08:44.32]We should probably get going soon. 我们得赶快走了 [08:46.82]But the party's just getting started. 但是派对才刚开始 [08:49.56]We have to be at The Four Seasons for drinks in 15 minutes. 我们得在15分钟内 赶去四季餐厅喝酒 [08:53.76]Then The Plaza for dinner. 然后去广场饭店吃晚饭 [08:55.83]So why did you plan a party at the same time? 那你为什么还办派对? [08:59.83]不是的 [09:03.20]Actually,American surprise parties are very short. 其实美国的惊喜派对都很短 [09:07.54]It's usually,"Surprise!" Then,"My God,I'm so surprised. Bye!" 通常都“惊喜!” 然后就“我好惊喜喔!再见” [09:14.18]Ross,I'm having such a great time. 但是我觉得好好玩 [09:16.55]Your sister told me that you used to dress up like old ladies... 你妹说你以前会扮成老太太 [09:20.82]...and host make-believe tea parties. 举办假的茶会 [09:26.26]Monica said that,did she? 摩妮卡说的是吧? [09:29.36]Did she tell you that when she was little... 她有没有说她小的时候 [09:32.40]...she was partially responsible for new legislation... 游乐器材商增加秋千的载重量 [09:35.30]...regulating the strength of swing sets? 她也是原因之一? [09:45.31]Then what are you going to put on top of that? 你接下来要放什么? [09:48.82]-A little salami. -Oh,yeah. 一点蒜味肉肠 赞 [09:53.55]What goes on top of the salami? 蒜味肉肠上面呢? [09:56.19]Pastrami. 熏牛肉 太赞了 [10:01.16]You're a genius. 你真是天才 [10:06.00]Give me a hand with the zipper. 帮我拉一下拉链 [10:10.44]Up! 往上拉 [10:14.74]-You changed? -I decided I needed my lucky dress. 你换衣服? 对,我需要我的幸运裙 [10:18.55]-Lucky means more cleavage? -lt does for me. 幸运是指露更多乳沟? 我觉得是 [10:32.83]Look at him! He's so cute. 你们看他多帅 [10:34.83]I just want to grab him and kiss him. 真想一把捉过来亲下去 [10:37.90]How could I kiss him without him knowing I like him? 但是他不知道我喜欢他 [10:40.84]I know how you can get him. Take off your bra. 有个办法-脱胸罩 [10:44.71]What? 什么? [10:45.91]-This scene in Footloose -Flashdance. 在“浑身是劲”里… 是“闪舞” [10:49.21]-Yeah. With that plumber girl? -A welder. 对…那个水电女工 是焊接工 [10:54.18]Were you,like,in the movie? 你是有演吗? [10:58.35]She takes off her bra under the shirt and pulls it out the sleeve. 总之她在衣服底下脱掉胸罩 从袖子抽出来 [11:03.29]Very sexy. And classy. 非常性感,而且有格调 [11:09.80]-Or you could use mistletoe. -It's not Christmas. 不然你也可以用檞寄生 又不是圣诞节 [11:13.83]-Spin-the-bottle. -He's not 11. 转瓶子 他不是小孩子 [11:19.57]Thank you so much for this. It was so thoughtful of you. 谢谢你们,你们真用心 [11:22.78]You're leaving? 你们要走了? [11:24.21]-We have something we have to get to. -I'm gonna take off too. 对,我们还有事 我也要走了 [11:28.15]You can't leave yet. You have to stay. 先别走,留下来 [11:31.22]We've got the whole big thing planned. 我们准备了重头戏 [11:34.46]What big thing? 什么重头戏? [11:35.79]Spin-the-bottle works like this: I spin the bottle. 转瓶子的规则是,我转瓶子 [11:39.66]Lands on Gunther, so I would have to kiss Gunther. 指向阿甘,我就要亲阿甘 [11:43.96]All right. 就这样 [11:46.73]Who wants to go first? 谁要先? [11:48.50]I'll go. 我先 [11:55.01]Welcome to America. 欢迎来到美国 [12:03.78]Oh,my God! 天哪 [12:06.49]Two in a row! You gotta use your tongues now. 连续两次!来个舌吻吧 [12:14.93]All right. 再来 [12:18.17]What are the odds? 太巧了 [12:21.84]That's enough! 够了 [12:25.01]Let's let someone else play. 让别人玩吧 [12:28.88]If you didn't want to play, then why'd you come to the party? 你不想玩干嘛来? [12:33.78]All right,I'll go. 我来好了 [12:36.32]Somebody loose. Somebody loose. 豪放女!豪放女 [12:43.52]Story of my life. 我的人生写照 [12:46.53]再转一次 [12:51.07]Story of my father's life. 我爸的人生写照 [12:53.80]Okay,my turn. 该我 [12:59.37]Look at that! 是你! [13:00.78]Oh,my God. 天哪 [13:06.15]The baby just kicked! 天哪,宝宝踢了 [13:08.62]It's okay. It's okay. If it kicked once,it'll kick again! 他会再踢的 [13:15.62]Everybody just remember where they were sitting. 大家要记住刚才的位置 [13:29.24]It was a bug. 有虫 [13:34.84]It doesn't matter how much I'm craving it. 不管我多想吃 [13:36.88]You know why I'm never gonna eat meat? Because it's cold-blooded murder. 我绝不吃肉,那是冷血谋杀 [13:41.18]Okay. 好 [13:47.86]There's a Phoebe on my sandwich! 我的三明治上有菲比 [13:52.16]What are you doing? 菲比,你干什么? [13:53.76]I can't help it! 我没办法 [13:56.20]I need the meat! The baby needs the meat. 我要吃肉,宝宝要吃肉 [13:59.33]You know when you're dating someone... 跟别人交往... [14:01.20]...and you don't want to cheat unless it's with someone really hot? ...要专一 除非第三者真的很辣 [14:07.41]Totally. 那当然 [14:08.64]This is the same kind of deal. 这就对了 [14:12.05]If you're gonna do something wrong... 吃肉也一样,要错… [14:16.45]...do it right. 就要错得漂亮 [14:20.75]-I'll be back in a minute. -Okay. 我马上回来 好 [14:24.23]What are you doing to me? 你想怎样? [14:27.09]I'm trying to get Emily out of here, and you keep talking to her... 我想把她带走 你却一直跟她讲话 [14:30.46]...being all interesting and making her laugh. 装风趣又逗她笑 [14:33.27]I don't want you to be funny anymore. 从现在起,请你别那么风趣 [14:35.80]Rachel wants me to be funny, you don't want me to be funny. 瑞秋要我风趣 你却不要我风趣 [14:39.84]From now on,I'm gonna be funny sometimes,and not funny others. 从现在起,我要有时候风趣 有时候不风趣 [14:52.49]You feel better now? 感觉好多了吗? [14:54.19]Yeah,but at what cost? 对,但是代价呢? [14:57.26]Six more months,three meals a day. 三餐吃肉吃半年? [14:59.49]I am going to eat,like, you know,millions of cows. 我会吃掉 几百万头牛 [15:04.37]Mommy cows,daddy cows,baby cows 牛爸爸,牛妈妈,牛宝宝 [15:07.03]No. No,I will never eat baby cows. No veal! 我绝不吃牛宝宝,死也不吃 [15:11.37]Oh,but veal. 尽量不吃 [15:15.28]What if I even things out for you,meat-wise? 要是我帮你平衡过来呢? 什么? [15:18.41]-What? -I eat a lot of meat,right? 我很会吃肉对吧? 对 [15:21.35]But suppose,until the baby's born, I laid off it. 要是在宝宝出生前,我戒吃肉 [15:25.15]No extra animals would die. You'd be eating my animals. 就不会多死动物 你是在吃我的份 [15:30.02]I can't believe you'd do that for me. 你居然愿意为我这么做 [15:32.36]Absolutely. I could be a vegetarian. 当然愿意,我也可以吃素 [15:36.43]There's no meat in beer,right? 啤酒里没有肉吧? [15:39.53]We can still make dinner if we skip the appetizers and ask for our check right away. 不吃开胃菜,马上买单 还赶得上吃主菜 [15:48.28]We can't go now. Rachel is going to put on a skit. 现在不能走,瑞秋要表演 [15:53.75]Oh,my God! Have you lost your mind? 我的天哪,你疯了吗? [15:57.15]I am finally thinking clearly. 不,我终于想通了 [16:01.66]My lucky dress wasn't working out too well for me. 我的幸运裙效果不佳 [16:03.96]But for four years, this baby never missed. 但这一套整整4年都百发百中 [16:08.06]Wait,I can't let 瑞秋,我不能让你… [16:10.90]Actually,I want to see what happens. 我也想看热闹 [16:17.00]Nice costume. 好棒的行头 [16:20.51]Well,I wanted to give Emily a big American goodbye cheer. 是啊,我想给艾蜜莉 来个美式的再见欢呼 [16:30.35]Ready. Okay. 预备…起 [16:32.75]Give me an "E"! 给我一个E E [16:34.66]Give me an "M"! 给我一个M M [16:36.49]Give me an "I"! 给我一个I I [16:38.13]Give me an "L"! 给我一个L L [16:39.49]Give me a "Y"! 给我一个Y Y [16:41.30]What do you get? 加起来是什么? [16:44.23]Emily! Emily! 艾蜜莉!艾蜜莉… [16:51.97]That's me as a cheerleader! 以上就是我的欢呼 [16:56.48]I loosened a tooth. It's no big deal. I have a dentist. 有一颗牙齿松了 小意思,我有牙医 [17:00.08]I'll put some ice on it. Excuse me. 我去冰敷,失陪 [17:04.92]-What do I do now? -I think you're done. 怎么办怎么办? 你应该是毁了 [17:09.49]Time to take off the bra. 该脱胸罩了 [17:15.10]That was really great. 刚才的表演很精彩 [17:18.60]But I gotta take off. 但是我得走了 [17:20.80]Take the bra off. 脱~胸~罩 [17:27.34]Let's go get your coat. 我陪你去拿外套 [17:32.38]Rachel's my girlfriend. 瑞秋是我的女朋友 [17:37.35]So this was really fun. 今晚蛮开心的 [17:40.15]Yeah,it was real fun. 是啊,很开心 [17:47.03]You know,this bra... 这件胸罩… [17:51.53]...is really bothering me. 实在很不舒服 [17:55.50]This used to be my bedroom. 这里以前是我的房间 [17:59.01]A lot of memories in here. Lot of memories. 有很多回忆,很多很多回忆 [18:03.81]If these walls could talk, they'd say: 要是墙壁会说话,它们会说 [18:06.08]"Want to hear some memories?" “想听听往事吗?” [18:14.76]Need a hand? 你需要帮忙吗? [18:16.42]I got this all under control. 不用,没问题 [18:20.46]You really don't seem like you do. 可是看起来不像 [18:27.73]God! Forget it! 算了啦!真是… [18:34.64]This is not how this was supposed to happen. 事情不该是这样的 [18:37.91]What was supposed to happen? 不然应该怎样? [18:41.35]Can you not look at me when I say this? 你能不能不要看我? [18:47.59]I thought that if I could get you here... 我以为要是能把你找来 [18:52.13]...I could seduce you. 我就可以色诱你 [18:56.93]-Excuse me? -Seduce you. 什么? 引诱你 [19:09.14]I don't wear suits to work. 我上班不穿西装 [19:12.75]And I bought six of them from you. 却跟你买了六套 [19:16.22]I'm sorry. I thought you needed them. 抱歉喔,我以为你有需要 [19:20.72]My point is,I kept coming back because I wanted to see you. 我一直去找你,因为我想见你 [19:25.53]-Why? -Because I like you. 为什么? 因为我喜欢你 [19:29.00]You like me? 你喜欢我? [19:32.43]I mean,you're beautiful and smart and sophisticated. 是啊,你漂亮、聪明又成熟 [19:37.44]A lot of this isn't based on tonight. 这些印象不是来自今晚 [19:42.34]But you like me? 但是你喜欢我? [19:44.18]I can't believe this. All this time, I liked you and you liked me! 这段日子以来 我们竟然一直互相喜欢 [19:50.48]-But -No "but." 但是… 不要说“但是” [19:52.35]"But" is never good. Let's leave it at "l like you and you like me." “但是”都没好事 停在“我们互相喜欢”就好 [19:58.09]-Okay. However -No,that's a fancy "but." 好,然而… 那是好听的“但是” [20:04.46]My marriage,like,just ended. 我刚结束我的婚姻 [20:08.80]And I'm really not ready to get into anything yet. 我还没心情跟别人交往 [20:14.58]But.... 但是…? [20:18.08]I'm sorry. I just need a little time. 对不起,我需要一点时间 [20:25.49]Okay. [20:30.66]There you are. I was looking for you. 你在这里,我在找你 [20:33.86]Joshua's gone, so you and Emily are free to go. 约书亚走了 你和艾蜜莉可以走了 [20:37.26]It's okay. 无所谓 [20:39.23]She's still in there enjoying her fake party. 她还在里面享受这场假派对 [20:43.40]It's too late to do the stuff I had planned. 现在要做什么也来不及了 [20:48.61]I'm sorry. I ruined your evening. 抱歉,我毁了你美好的夜晚 [20:51.98]Yeah. 是啊 [20:54.78]If it makes you feel any better, I made a fool of myself. 我出了个大丑 你有没有高兴一点? [21:00.52]Helps a little. 有一点 [21:03.56]Is there room on that step for a pathetic loser? 有地方让悲惨的失败者坐吗? [21:06.56]Have a seat. 坐吧 [21:15.04]-I'm so sorry. -It's okay. 对不起 没关系 [21:18.47]It was just a two-week thing anyway. 反正只是一段2星期的恋情 [21:21.64]I just didn't want it to end this way. 我只是不想这样结束 [21:24.28]Or maybe you didn't want it to end. 也许你不想结束呢? [21:27.71]What do you mean? 什么意思? [21:29.58]You seem to really like her. 你似乎真的很喜欢她 [21:34.35]I really do. 没错 [21:37.89]But what am I going to do? We agreed it'd be a two-week thing. 但我能怎么办? 我们说好只在一起2星期 [21:42.23]No commitment. 不要有承诺 [21:46.17]罗斯 [21:48.50]That girl just spent the entire evening talking to your friends... 那个女孩整晚都跟你的朋友 [21:53.44]...asking to hear stories about you... 吵着要听你的事 [21:56.04]...Iooking through Monica's photo albums. 还拿摩妮卡的相簿来看 [21:58.91]You don't do that if you're just in it for two weeks. 只想在一起2周才不会这么做 [22:02.75]You think? 是吗? [22:05.52]You've got 14 hours until she has to be at the airport. 她还有14个小时才要去机场 [22:10.39]And you're sitting here in a hallway... 你却坐在走廊上 [22:12.89]...with a 28-year-old cheerleader with a fat lip. 陪一个28岁 嘴肿起来的啦啦队长 [22:19.70]You're right. 你说得对 [22:26.84]Thanks. 谢了 [22:32.81]What photo album was it? 哪一本相簿? [22:35.55]I don't know. It was you and a bunch of albino kids. 不知道 你跟一堆白子小孩的合照 [22:41.56]Oh,my God! Those weren't albino kids. 他们不是白子 [22:44.29]That was computer camp! 那是电脑夏令营啦 [22:52.30]-You're a pathetic loser,right? -Oh,yeah. 你是悲惨的失败者吧? 就是我 [22:56.64]Sit! 坐 [23:04.18]Hi. [23:05.71]Oh,my God. Joshua. 天哪,约书亚 [23:08.75]Look... 听着... [23:10.68]...all those things I said about not being ready ...我刚才说我没心情… [23:13.85]-They're not true? -They're all true. 不是真的? 不,都是真的 [23:19.16]But.... 但是… [23:23.70]I love that "but." 我喜欢这个“但是” [23:35.58]Do you want to go inside and get some coffee? 要不要进去喝杯咖啡? [23:38.75]Okay. 好 [23:47.09]Every time. 百发百中 [23:53.59]-What do you got there? -Pastrami. 你放什么? 熏牛肉 [23:56.70]赞 [23:59.77]-You know what goes good with that? -Corned beef. 你知道什么跟它最配? 腌牛肉 [24:04.27]I was going to say bologna. But that's better. 我想说红肠,但腌牛肉更棒 [24:08.48]-How about that smoked turkey? -Okay. 要不要放点熏火鸡肉? 好 [24:13.15]Oh,mama! 妈呀 [24:16.08]-When is the baby due? -Six months. 宝宝什么时候生? 半年后 [24:20.12]If a cow died of natural causes, I could have one of those,right? 自然死亡的牛可以吃吧? [24:24.86]Not if I get there first. 我会先下手