[00:00.910]-What's that? -Treeger's snaking the shower drain. 谁啊? 崔格在通排水管 [00:05.080]What in the name of hell? 这是什么东西? [00:09.810]Maybe he found your flip-flop. 可能是你的夹脚拖鞋 [00:16.690]Is this porn? 这是片子吗? [00:19.590]I must have hit something on the remote. 我一定是按到什么了 [00:22.130]Do we pay for this? 我们有付钱吗? [00:24.930]We didn't even pay our cable bill. 我们连第四台都没给钱 [00:27.470]Maybe this is how they punish us. 也许这是处罚方式 [00:30.370]Maybe we shouldn't pay our phone bill. Free phone sex. 也许我们应该欠电话费 [00:33.940]Maybe we shouldn't pay our gas bill. 也许我们应该欠瓦斯费 [00:39.210]Hey,that lady's all kinds of naked. 那位小姐没穿衣服喔 [00:43.620]Joey pressed something on the remote and it just came on. 乔伊不知道按了什么 它就冒出来了 [00:49.190]It happened to me once. It was like finding money. 我有一次也按到过 跟检到钱一样爽 [00:53.390]Finding money with naked people on it! 印有春宫图的钱 [00:56.960]But I made the mistake of turning off the TV. 但后来我把电视关掉 [00:59.730]I never got it back again. 就再也找不到了 [01:02.370]And I'm sad. 我好伤心 [01:08.640]Why would he turn off the TV? 他干嘛关电视? [01:12.110]The One with the Free Porn 本集播出:“为爱走天涯” [02:04.430]Do we really have to watch this while we eat? 吃饭一定要看这个吗? [02:10.270]We don't know what could make this go away. 我们不知道它怎样会消失 [02:14.470]So no one touches the remote, and no one touches the TV. 所以不准碰遥控器 也不准碰电视 [02:18.610]And no one touches the air around the TV. 连电视周围的空气都不能扰动 [02:23.350]Imagine a protective porn bubble, if you will. 就像有一个片子保护罩 [02:29.290]I'm at least going to mute it. 起码也要静音 不要… [02:35.830]We still have porn. 片子还在 [02:41.600]What are you doing? That's too heavy. Give it here. 你干什么?那个很重耶,给我 [02:46.870]Oh,God. 天哪 [02:48.740]好了 [02:51.780]I'm too pregnant for lugging around a stupid massage table. 我实在不能再扛着按摩桌跑了 [02:56.710]I need a job with a smaller table. 我得找个桌子小一点的工作 [02:59.380]Or a job without a table. 或是不需要桌子的工作 [03:01.520]You mean,like a doctor? 像医生吗? [03:04.690]You're blocking the porn! 菲比,你挡到片子了啦 [03:10.430]That reminds me. I have to see my ob-gyn today. 这让我想到今天要做产检 [03:21.410]Emily just went to the airport. 艾蜜莉去机场了 [03:24.080]Why didn't you take her? 你怎么不送她去? [03:25.810]Her uncle had planned to do it. 她舅舅本来就打算送她 [03:27.950]We said our goodbyes this morning. 我们今天早上道别了 [03:31.680]You must feel horrible. Hey,the guys have free porn. 你一定很难受 隔壁有免费的**** [03:40.360]Hey,cheer up. You'll see her again,right? 高兴一点,你们会再见面吧? [03:44.200]I don't know. 我就是不知道 [03:46.000]When I brought it up,she said... 我每次提起她就说 [03:48.370]..."This is so fantastic. Why talk about the future? “这样就很棒了” “何必谈到未来?” [03:52.000]-Let's enjoy" -Don't do the accent. It really bums me out. “我们就…” 别学英国腔,我很受不了 [03:57.440]Emily said I was pretty good. 艾蜜莉说我学得很好 [03:59.340]Well,that's someone you should hang on to. 那你可得把握她 [04:02.810]You've got to see her again. 你非再见她不可 [04:04.820]-Why do you care? -Because! 你干嘛在意? 因为... [04:08.150]You could live out my fantasy. 你可以实现我的幻想 [04:10.620]You had fantasies about Emily? 你对艾蜜莉有幻想? [04:14.130]You know,the fantasy. 不是,就是那个幻想嘛 [04:17.330]Meet a foreigner,fall madly in love and spend your lives together. 认识异乡人 疯狂坠入爱河,共度一生 [04:22.500]Is that why you hung out with that Ukrainian kid in school? 所以你国中时 老跟那个乌克兰男生混? [04:28.240]Yeah,plus his mom used to put sour cream on everything. 对 另外他妈妈煮菜都会加酸奶油 [04:34.450]Do you love her? 你爱她吗? [04:36.680]We said it would only be two weeks. 我们说好只在一起2星期 [04:41.090]You love her. 你爱她 [04:43.290]What is love,really? 什么是爱? [04:46.360]I knew you loved her! 我就知道你爱她 [04:48.360]You go to the airport and tell her. 你得去机场告诉她 [04:50.800]You'll probably catch her at the gate. 你应该会在登机门追上她 [04:54.000]You'll call her name and yell "l love you!" 你会叫她的名字大喊 “我爱你” [04:57.070]She'll say "l love you too!" 她会说“我也爱你” [04:59.540]Then you will have the most amazing kiss. 然后你们会有最深情的一吻 [05:02.910]Everyone at the gate will applaud. 登机门前掌声如雷 [05:06.240]I am a good kisser. 我是很会接吻 [05:09.580]Then you two can sneak into the cockpit. 然后你们可以溜进驾驶舱 [05:14.620]Things will start to heat up. 气氛开始变得火热 [05:17.090]And then a stewardess comes in.... 然后一个空姐进来… [05:21.430]I've been watching too much porn. 我看太多片子了 [05:28.430]-ls that the heartbeat? -That's it. 那是心跳吗? 没错 [05:30.570]Oh,my God! 天哪 [05:32.800]This is so cool! 太酷了 [05:35.540]Have we talked about multiple births? 我们谈过多胞胎的可能吗? [05:40.180]Let's take care of this one. If l get pregnant again,I have your card. 先搞定这一胎 要是再怀孕,我有你的名片 [05:45.950]No,I'm getting three separate heartbeats. 不是,我听到三个心跳音 [05:50.520]You guys were worried I wouldn't even have one. 三个?你们还担心我怀不成 [05:54.590]Doctors are wrong all the time. 医生经常犯错 [05:59.260]Are you sure that there are three? 你确定有三个? [06:01.800]-Definitely. -Oh,my God. 绝对的 天哪…天哪! [06:09.540]So in a few months,I'll have three babies walking around inside me? 再过几个月 我体内会有三个宝宝逛大街? [06:16.250]It'll be like one of those log rides when they come shooting out. 他们出生时会跟连发炮一样 [06:22.490]Giving birth to three is like giving birth to one. 其实生三个跟生一个一样 [06:26.220]What do you know? 你懂什么? [06:29.260]-Have you ever had triplets? -No. I'm sorry,I haven't. 你生过多胞胎吗? 抱歉,我没有 [06:32.760]I'm going to use this a lot. 我应该多利用这句话 [06:41.070]菲比 [06:46.110]How'd it go at the doctor's? 产检结果怎样? [06:48.850]You know how,when you're walking down the street... 当你走在街上 [06:52.750]...and you see three people in a row. 看到三个人走成一列 [06:55.690]And you say "Oh,that's nice." 你不是会说“真好”? [07:00.860]没错 好 [07:04.600]Good news! You'll have three babies. 好消息,你们有三个宝宝 [07:08.870]Three babies? 三个宝宝? [07:13.370]I've finally got my band! 我总算可以组团了 [07:16.710]We'll have a big family! I always wanted a big family. 我们会是个大家庭 我一直想要大家庭 [07:21.380]Oh,God,I'm so glad you're happy! I was afraid you'd be freaked. 你们高兴就好 我还怕你们会捉狂 [07:27.720]Why would we be freaked? 为什么要捉狂? [07:29.350]Because it's harder to raise them and the added expense. 因为三个养起来更累也更花钱 [07:37.560]Right. 也对 [07:39.360]No,back to happy. Back to happy! 不,继续高兴,继续高兴 [07:44.940]It's going to be fine... 不,没问题的 [07:48.310]...because I teach home ec. 因为… 我教家政 [07:50.810]I can have 30 kids making baby clothes all year long. 我可以叫卅个学生 1整年都做婴儿服 [07:55.010]It'll be like my very own little sweatshop. 就像我专属的廉价童工厂 [08:02.050]I was thinking,ever since you said we'd have triplets. 自从你说是三胞胎,我就在想 [08:08.460]The best thing for me to do is drop out of college and get a job. 我最好休学去找一份工作 [08:12.700]No,you can't quit college. 不,法兰克 你不能放弃学业 [08:15.630]You're in college? 你在念书? [08:18.440]Refrigerator college. 冷冻库专校 [08:21.870]When we found out we were having a baby... 当我们发现有了孩子 [08:24.940]...I figured I should have a career,you know? 我想说我应该有份事业 [08:29.480]And I love refrigerators. 而且我很喜欢冷冻库 [08:32.550]You can't give up on your dream! 你不能放弃你的梦想 [08:35.290]No,it's okay. We're going to have three kids. 没关系,我们将有三个孩子 [08:39.320]And that's a different kind of dream. 那是个不一样的梦 [08:42.660]Three kids and no money. 三个孩子,一贫如洗 [08:50.640]This is the boarding call for flight 009. 搭乘009班机的旅客请登机 [08:54.910]艾蜜莉 [08:56.540]What are you doing here? 天哪,你怎么来了? [08:59.480]I had to see you before you took off. 我得在你走之前再见你一面 [09:03.410]You are so sweet. 你真好 [09:08.550]That's a big candy bar. 好大的三角巧克力 [09:13.220]I had the most amazing time with you. 我跟你在一起过得好开心 [09:16.760]Me too. 我也是 [09:18.560]This is the final boarding call for flight 009. 009班机起飞前最后广播 [09:23.730]Well,that's me. 那是我的班机 [09:33.610]Here,have this. 给你 [09:35.010]I'm only allowed one piece of carry-on. 只能有一件登机行李 [09:40.890]等一下 [09:42.950]Listen,I have to tell you something. 我有事要告诉你 [09:47.260]I've been thinking. 我一直在想… [09:49.360]I'm just going to say it,okay? 我就直说了 [09:53.100]I think... 我觉得… [09:55.470]...I love you. ...我爱你 [10:07.680]Thank you. 谢谢 [10:17.050]It's no problem. 不客气 [10:29.030]What is that song? 这到底是什么歌? [10:31.340]It's the theme from Good Will Humping. “蜜桃捕手”的主题曲 [10:37.410]You know who doesn't like dirty movies? My boyfriend Joshua. 你们知道有谁不喜欢片子? 我的新男朋友约书亚 [10:41.810]Yeah,right. 是啊 [10:44.880]He said he prefers to leave certain things to the imagination. 他说他喜欢保留一点想像空间 [10:49.190]Did he also say that the dialogue was corny? 他有没有说那些对白很低俗 [10:53.020]-And that he found it funny,not sexy? -Yes. 他觉得是可笑,不是性感? 没错 [10:58.360]Yeah,he likes porn. 他喜欢片子 [11:03.030]Where you going? 你去哪里? [11:04.200]To find out if he really thinks models are too skinny. 去看他是不是真的觉得 超级名模都太瘦 [11:10.840]How'd it go? 他们反应如何? [11:12.140]Frank has to quit college... 法兰克得休学 [11:14.480]...because his super-fertile sister's having three babies. 因为很能生的姐姐一次怀三胎 [11:18.180]I need to make money fast. I wanted to talk to you about an idea. 我得赚快钱 我想跟你谈一个想法 [11:23.250]You work for a big company. 因为你在大公司上班 [11:25.390]Insider trading. 内线交易 [11:28.490]What information can you give me? 你有什么****可以给我? [11:31.100]They don't talk to us about that stuff. 大头不会跟我们讲这些 [11:33.760]But I can get you free White-Out. 但我可以帮你A立可白 [11:39.500]-Did you do what I said? -I did. 你有照我说的告诉她吗? 有 [11:42.440]-What'd she say? -"Thank you." 她怎么说? “谢谢” [11:46.610]You're totally welcome. What'd she say? 不客气,她说什么? [11:51.320]She said,"Thank you." 她说“谢谢” [11:53.880]I said,"l love you." 我说“我爱你” [11:56.520]And she said,"Thank you." 她说“谢谢” [12:00.990]That's not right. 不对啊 [12:04.460]Did you say you love her? 你说你爱她? [12:06.600]What were you trying to get her to do? 你想骗她做什么? [12:11.240]-What do I do now? -You play hard-to-get. 现在怎么办? 你假装很难钓 [12:15.710]She already lives in London. 她已经住在伦敦了 [12:19.480]So you go to Tokyo. 你搬去东京 [12:23.250]Forget it. 别想了 [12:24.880]You told her you love her. It's over. 你说你爱她,没戏唱了 [12:27.890]It is not over! You're over! 谁说的,你才没戏唱 [12:32.320]What? 什么? [12:35.760]You know. 你懂我的意思 [12:42.430]Good one. 好…说得好 [12:45.140]It's not over. She'll call and tell you she loves you. 事情还没完 她会打来说她爱你 [12:49.270]Her feelings were so strong that it scared her. 她的感觉强烈到令她害怕 [12:52.680]Go home and wait for her call. She could call from the plane. 快回去等电话 她可能会从飞机上打 [12:57.510]But if she doesn't call, it is definitely over! 要是她没打来, 那就是结束了 [13:01.990]Unless,eventually,I call her to see what's going on... 除非最后我打给她探探口风 [13:07.060]...and she says she'll call me back, but then she doesn't. 她说她会再打给我, 结果没打 [13:11.360]Then it's over! 那就真的结束了 [13:15.000]Way to be strong! 真够力 [13:27.850]Can we watch cartoons on your TV? 我们可以在这里看卡通吗? [13:30.250]We need a porn break. 我们需要休息一下 [13:32.820]We spent two hours watching In and Out and In Again. 我们看了2小时的 “杀进杀出又杀进” [13:38.560]Why don't you turn it off? 为什么不关掉算了? [13:40.860]Then we'd be the guys who turned off free porn. 那我们会变成关掉片子的白痴 [13:44.460]Yeah,but that's not what you'd go by. 别人又不会那样叫你们 [13:48.930]Look,I'm going to have a kid someday. Okay? 瑞秋,将来我会有小孩 [13:52.000]And someday that kid is going to ask me if I ever turned off free porn. 他会问我有没有关掉**** [13:57.040]I don't wanna have to tell him that I did. 我不想说我有 [13:58.980]Did you ever asked you dad that? 你有问过你爸吗? [14:01.580]I don't want to talk about it. 我拒谈这件事 [14:05.080]Good,you're here! 太好了,你们都在 [14:08.420]What you got there? 你手上拿什么? [14:09.890]This? I'm glad you asked. 这个?问得好 [14:15.890]Don't you hate to cut a tin can with an ordinary steak knife? 用普通刀子切锡罐 不是很难切吗? [14:24.440]I know what you're thinking. 我知道你们在想什么 [14:26.440]Pregnant woman slays four? “孕妇发狂砍杀四人”? [14:30.540]-Did they make you pay for those knives? -No. 你没买下这些刀子吧? 没有 [14:33.480]-Are you sure? -No. 你确定? 没有 [14:37.350]You won't make enough money by selling knives. 卖刀赚不了多少钱的 [14:40.520]I just need enough money for the second part of my plan. 我知道 我只需要后续计划的本钱 [14:44.960]-What's that? -My Saturn dealership. 后续计划是什么? 经销废弃物处理设备 [14:57.330]Hello. [14:59.470]-Ross. -Emily. Hi. 罗斯 艾蜜莉 [15:04.810]How was your flight? 旅途还顺利吗? [15:07.040]It was dreadful. 很惨 [15:08.480]It was terrible how I acted when you said those wonderful things. 你对我告白 我的反应却那么差劲 [15:13.220]No,that's all right. 没关系 [15:17.320]I'm just glad you called. 我很高兴你打来 [15:19.490]Ross,there's something that I've got to tell you. 罗斯,我有事要告诉你 [15:25.360]There's someone else. 我有男朋友了 [15:31.770]Does that mean the same thing in England as it does in America? 这句话在英国的意思 跟在美国一样吗? [15:38.280]She doesn't know who she wants. Me or this "Colin" guy. 她不知道她想要谁 我还是那个柯林 [15:42.780]So I told her when she figures it out, give me a call. Maybe I'll still be around. 我叫她想清楚再打给我 也许我还在 [15:46.850]When you say "still around," you mean still around like you might be in a relationship... 我问一下,你说也许还在 是你会等她选择你 [15:51.690]...or still around like you might have died waiting for the phone to ring? 还是你会等电话等到死? [15:57.260]But it was so right. 原本明明很完美 [15:59.300]This isn't how it's supposed to go. There can't be another guy. 现在都乱了, 怎么会有第三者 [16:05.540]Of course,there's another guy! 当然有第三者 [16:07.700]This is even more perfect. 这样更完美 [16:11.140]You have to prove your love! 现在你得证明你的爱 [16:13.310]I'm not proving anything. I'm done listening to you. 我什么也不证明 我不会再听你的了 [16:17.380]If I hadn't let you talk me into this... 要不是被你说服跑去机场 [16:19.850]...I wouldn't have put my fist through the wall. 我也不会搞到去槌墙 [16:22.790]You did that? 你槌墙? [16:24.620]I missed and hit the door. 结果没打中打到门 [16:28.460]But it opened really hard. 不过门弹得很用力 [16:32.060]You have to go to London. You have to go fight for her. 你得去伦敦 什么? 你得去争取她 [16:36.230]That makes sense. 对,有道理 [16:38.070]You said you loved her, and she didn't say it back. 你说你爱她,她没有回应 [16:41.370]Then she told you about another guy. Go to London. Scare her! 然后她打来说有男朋友 去伦敦吧,她会被吓死 [16:48.850]When Rachel was with Paolo, what did you do? 瑞秋跟保罗在一起时 你做了什么? [16:51.720]I made fun of his accent. 我嘲笑他的口音 [16:54.050]You sat back and let him have her. You didn't fight. 你让他轻松得手 你完全没争取,没错吧? [16:57.790]I just told you, I made fun of him behind his back. 我说了,我私下取笑他的口音 [17:01.990]Oh,I see. 我懂了 [17:04.500]-You want that to happen with Emily? -No. 你想让艾蜜莉也被抢走? 不想 [17:06.960]All right then,go fight for her! 好,那就去争取她 [17:13.240]It's like a snake pit. 好像一窝蛇喔 [17:15.910]That could be you and Emily. 你和艾蜜莉也可以那样 [17:21.450]That but nicer. 比他们唯美 [17:24.210]Go to London! 飞去伦敦 [17:26.380]Really? 真的? [17:27.550]Surprise her. Don't let her go without a fight. 快点,到她家门口, 给她惊喜 别把她拱手让人 [17:33.020]All right. I'm going to do it. 好,就这么决定 [17:36.430]I'm going to London, and I'll fight for her. 我要去伦敦争取她 [17:40.060]Okay. Good luck! 好,加油 [17:44.100]Can you pick me up one of those Toblerone bars at the airport? 罗斯,你到了机场 能不能帮我买特大三角巧克力 [17:55.350]I did it! I figured out a way to make money. 我想到了! 我想到赚钱的路子了 [17:59.920]I'll open a massage place. Frank will help me. 我要开按摩院,找法兰克帮忙 [18:03.050]We'll work it around his schedule, so he doesn't have to quit school. 配合他的时间,他就不必休学 [18:09.290]But how can you afford it? 好主意,但你哪来的钱? [18:11.430]We were walking down the street, and we saw your van. 我们走在路上 看见你们办外烩的小巴 [18:15.070]-And we realized -I'm telling it! 就想到… 我要说啦 [18:19.300]People need transportation, and they need massages to relax. 人们需要交通工具 也需要按摩放松 [18:23.940]We can combine the two. I give massages and Frank drives. 我们可以结合两者 我按摩,法兰克开车 [18:28.750]I'll bolt a table in the van, and you know what I've got? 我可以在小巴里装个桌子 结果就是什么? [18:32.750]A place that no one will get out of alive? 有进无出的死亡小巴? [18:36.950]Think about it. It's a taxi that people take when they need to relax. 不是,你们想嘛 就是给想放松的人搭的计程车 [18:42.330]It's a Relaxi-Taxi! 叫做轻松任你行 [18:46.100]The name was my favorite part! 我最想讲的就是名字 [18:49.330]-I came up with it. -You did not! 是我想出来的 你乱讲 [18:55.640]You came up with Relaxi-Cab. That's not good. 你想的是轻松之行 一点也不好 [19:04.510]Oh,my god! Are you in England? Was Emily surprised? 天哪!你在英国吗? 艾蜜莉惊喜吗? [19:08.250]No,she hasn't come home yet. 不,因为她还没回家 [19:10.450]She hasn't been home all night. She must be with the other guy. 她整晚都没回家 显然是跟另一个人在一起 [19:15.390]I'm the stupid moron who spent the night here. 我则是在这里守夜的白痴 [19:19.700]-What was that? -I just put my fist through another wall. 什么声音? 我又槌墙了 [19:23.000]Tell the guys. 告诉钱德和乔伊 [19:25.870]When is the next flight out? 下一班飞机是几点? [19:28.140]About four hours. 大约4小时后 [19:29.440]Stay there for a while. If she doesn't show up,come home. 再等一下 如果她还不出现就回来 [19:33.440]There's a girl at the restaurant that would be perfect for you. 我刚想到 我们餐厅有个女生很适合你 [19:38.250]Tell him about Relaxi-Taxi. 告诉他轻松任你行的事 [19:40.520]Ask him if he likes it better than Relaxi-Cab. 问他是不是比轻松之行好 [19:44.660]It's not Relaxi-Cab. It's Relaxi-Cab. Like Taxi-Cab. 不是轻松之行,是轻松车行 就像计程车行 [19:49.860]That is better. 这个比较好 [19:55.300]Do you have any 8's? 你有8吗? [19:57.630]No. 没有 [20:09.950]Are we in London? 这里是伦敦吗? [20:12.450]Why are you here? You can't be here. 你怎么在这里?你不能在这里 [20:14.950]I've come to talk to Ross. 我有话要对罗斯说 [20:20.860]What? 怎么了? [20:24.960]Nothing. 没事 [20:27.130]I was going to call him 我本来想打给他… [20:28.730]You came to tell him you love him. I knew it! 你来说你爱他,我就知道 [20:31.970]I was right! I'm right,right? 我是对的!我是对的吧? [20:35.170]I'd rather talk to him. 我只想跟他谈 [20:39.140]I've been to his apartment and he's not there. 我去过他家,他不在 [20:42.350]I need to talk to him. Do you know where he is? 我得跟他谈谈 你们知道他在哪里吗? [20:55.930]Ross,are you there? 罗斯,你在吗? [21:00.760]Ross,I don't know if you hear this, but I'll talk anyway. 我不晓得你听不听得见 不过我就说了 [21:05.600]I'm in the States with your sister and friends. 我在美国 跟你的妹妹朋友在一起 [21:08.840]It's all over with Colin. 我跟柯林分手了 [21:12.780]I came here to tell you that and to tell you 我来告诉你这件事,还有… [21:15.750]Yes,Joey,you can have all the chocolate you want. 乔伊,你想要巧克力就拿吧 [21:22.250]I came here to tell you that I love you. 我来告诉你…我爱你 [21:28.160]I love you too! 我也爱你 [21:29.630]I'll call you right now from the phone booth. 我现在就打公共电话给你 [21:33.360]You can't hear me. 你听不见 [21:36.970]I wish I knew if you'd heard me. 真想知道你听不听得见 [21:39.570]I suppose I've given my neighbors a good laugh. 我不是刚告白完 就是给了邻居笑柄 [21:43.210]Mrs. Newman,if you're listening, bugger off. None of your business. 纽曼太太,如果你在听 滚开,不关你的事 [21:49.180]There's not much chance you did hear that. 你八成听不见 [21:52.220]There's the call waiting... 而且有电话进来了 [21:55.150]...so I should go. 我得挂了… [21:58.090]Oh,well. 就这样 [22:07.630]Ross,I love you. 罗斯,我爱你 [22:13.500]Thank you. 谢谢 [22:27.420]I was just at the bank. There was this really hot teller... 我刚才去银行 有个很辣的行员 [22:30.750]...and she didn't ask me to do it with her in the vault. 她没有找我去金库嘿咻 [22:35.060]Same thing happened to me. 我也是 [22:37.530]Pizza delivery girl comes over, gives me the pizza and leaves! 披萨外送小妹来 放下披萨收了钱就走了 [22:42.400]No "Nice apartment, bet the bedrooms are huge"? 没说“你家好漂亮” “卧房一定很大吧?” [22:45.900]Nothing! 完全没有 [22:48.940]You know what? We have to turn off the porn. 你知道吗? 我们得把片子关掉 [22:52.510]I think you're right. 你说得对 [22:56.350]Ready? 准备好了吗? [22:57.610]One,two,three. 一,二,三 [23:05.090]That's kind of nice. 蛮好的 [23:07.360]That's kind of a relief. 有种解脱感 对 [23:16.370]You want to see if we still have it? 想不想看它还在不在? 想 [23:20.200]-Free porn! -We have free porn! 免费片子! [23:32.150]There's one,two and three. 总共一,二,三 [23:36.320]-Oh,my God. -That's so beautiful. 天哪 太美了 [23:39.360]-Oh,man. -I can't believe it. 我真不敢相信 [23:41.460]I know. 是啊 [23:42.960]I like the middle one the best. 我最喜欢中间那个 [23:47.300]Don't worry, I won't let the other two know. 放心,我不会告诉另外两个