[00:04.40]It is true what they say: 俗话说得没错 [00:06.43]Pregnant bellies look like a drum. 肚子大当鼓打 [00:12.11]I'm so pregnant that my guitar doesn't fit anymore. 我已经肿到不能拿吉他 [00:16.91]So I'm going to play my songs on this drum. 所以生产前我打算用鼓伴奏 [00:19.71]It sounds really cool! 听起来超酷的 [00:21.78]Listen,listen. 你们听 [00:25.82]Smelly cat,smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫 [00:29.42]What are they feeding you? 他们喂你吃什么? [00:38.83]That sounds great! 菲比,太吊了 [00:40.20]I know! And I've only been playing for an hour. 我知道!而且我才练了1小时 [00:45.81]菲比… [00:48.74]-What are you doing here? -I came to ask you a big favor. 你怎么来了? 我来请你帮个大忙 [00:53.45]Don't tell me you want to keep more stuff in my uterus. 别说你还想塞东西进来 [01:00.12]Okay. Now,see. 不…是这样的 [01:02.49]I want to name the girl baby Leslie. 我想帮女孩取名莱丝莉 [01:04.96]And Frank wants to name one of the boy babies... 法兰克想叫其中一个男孩 [01:08.93]...Frank Jr.,Jr. 法兰克二世二世 [01:12.40]Wouldn't that be Frank lll? 那不就是法兰克三世? [01:14.27]Don't get me started. 说了我就有气 [01:17.64]Anyway,since there are three babies... 既然有三个宝宝 [01:20.98]...and we both got to put our names in... 我们又一人取了一个名字 [01:23.68]...we would be truly honored if you would name the other boy baby. 我们想请你替另一个男孩命名 [01:28.68]That's so nice! 好棒喔 [01:31.69]Cougar. 美洲狮 [01:34.82]Think about it. 你想一下 [01:39.46]The One with Rachel's New Dress 本集播出:“姓名学” [00:00.00] [02:27.68]I left a bra drying in there. 我有一件胸罩还在晾 [02:29.91]Will your son think it's yours and be traumatized? 班会不会以为是你的 而心灵受创? [02:32.75]Mommy can have a wife. Daddy can have a bra. 妈咪可以有老婆 爹地就可以有胸罩 [02:37.95]It's time to go. 该走了 [02:39.99]See,that clock's a little fast. 不,那个钟快了一点 [02:42.82]We still have 17 minutes. 我们还有17分钟 [02:45.43]What can we do in 17 minutes... 什么事可以在17分钟内 [02:48.46]...twice? 做两次? [02:50.80]Well,that's ambitious. 野心真大 [02:54.80]You can ignore that. 别理它 [02:56.40]That's your son. 是卡萝带你儿子来了 [02:57.91]Believe me,when he's older, he'll understand. 等他长大一定会谅解 [03:02.74]I'll be right there. 罗斯 马上来 [03:13.19]This is Carol and Susan. 艾蜜莉,这是卡萝和苏珊 [03:15.29]-It's so nice to finally meet you. -You too. 总算见到你了 我也是 [03:18.59]-Susan will be in London next week. -I've never been there. 苏珊下星期要去伦敦拍广告 对,我好兴奋,我没去过 [03:23.43]-I'll show you around. -Great! 我来当地陪 太好了 [03:25.53]Also,I was hoping to catch a show. Any suggestions? 我还想看秀,你有什么建议? [03:28.94]There's tons of terrific stuff. 有很多都很棒… [03:31.44]I'll go with you. 我陪你去 [03:33.24]对不起 [03:35.51]Look at you two bonding. 你们可真聊得来 [03:37.91]Making us late for the airport. 去机场都快来不及了 [03:40.38]Are you all right? 你没事吧? [03:41.58]It's just us getting along is difficult for him... 他没事 他不喜欢我们处得来 [03:45.19]...because he doesn't like me. 因为他不喜欢我 [03:48.09]Come on. That's.... 拜托,我… [03:49.86]It's true. 没错 [04:00.70]How did we lose? 没人对打也会输? [04:05.97]Do we have a baby name yet? 名字想好了吗? [04:07.98]No. It's so hard! 还没,好难喔 [04:10.58]I went through this book and found nothing. 翻这本书也没收获 [04:13.08]I want a name that's really strong and confident. 我想取个勇猛有自信… [04:16.82]You know? Like...Exxon! 例如爱克爽 [04:20.99]It certainly worked for that Valdez kid. 很适合阿拉斯加小孩 [04:25.03]You want a strong name? How about The Hulk? 你要勇猛的名字? 绿巨人如何? [04:29.96]I'm not sure about Hulk, but I like a name starting with "The". 绿巨人不太好 不过我喜欢什么“人”的 [04:36.00]You want a good name, go with Joey. 想取好名字?就取乔伊 [04:38.47]Joey's your pal,your buddy. 乔伊是好朋友,好兄弟 [04:40.71]Where is everybody? They're hanging out with Joey! 人都在哪里?都跟乔伊在一起 [04:44.55]If you're going to name him Joey, you should name him Chandler. 要取乔伊,还不如取钱德 [04:49.35]Chandler's funny,sophisticated, and very lovable... 钱德风趣、世故,一旦了解他 [04:53.02]...once you get to know him. 就会觉得他很可爱 [04:56.19]Joey's lovable too. 乔伊也很可爱 [04:57.89]But with Joey,if you need him, he'll be there. 重要的是当你需要乔伊 他就会出现 [05:01.70]Chandler will be there too. He might be a little late... 钱德也会出现,或许会慢一点 [05:06.17]...but he'll be there. And he'll bring you cold soda... 不过他一定会出现 他还会带冰汽水来 [05:09.20]...if what you need him for is that you're really hot. 如果你找他是因为你很热的话 [05:13.41]What do you say? 你觉得呢? [05:15.38]I like the idea of naming him after someone I love. 跟心爱的人同名的想法很好 [05:20.01]Joey and Chandler are both great names. 乔伊和钱德都是很棒的名字 [05:28.99]All right,I don't 但是我不… 了 [05:30.43]Maybe I'll just name him The Hulk. 或是就叫绿巨人好 [05:34.36]I shouldn't have mentioned it. I wanted to name my kid that. 我不该提的 我想留给我小孩用 [05:42.04]If you hoped to sleep with Joshua, which one would you wear? 要是你想跟约书亚上床 会穿哪一件? [05:46.87]It creeps me out choosing other people's sex clothes. 我觉得帮别人挑性感睡衣很怪 [05:51.48]I'm sorry. I'm just so excited. 对不起,我太兴奋了 [05:54.38]I've been waiting for months. I got my hair colored. 我等了好几个月 我跑去染发, [05:57.59]I got new sheets. I'm making him a very fancy meal. 换了床单 还帮他煮大餐 [06:01.36]What am I making him,by the way? 我在煮什么? [06:03.56]A frisee salad with goat cheese and pine nuts... 什锦沙拉,有羊酪、松子 [06:08.06]...wild rice,roasted asparagus and salmon en croute. 菰米饭、烤芦笋和鲑鱼面包丁 [06:12.30]I thought I was making him filet mignon. 我不是要做腓力牛排? [06:15.80]You decided to make salmon because you had some left over. 本来是,但餐厅的鲑鱼有剩 所以你决定煮鲑鱼 [06:19.81]Then you realized if you bitched, then you would stop cooking... 然后你想到要是你抱怨 “你”就会罢煮 [06:23.24]...and you would have to make your famous baked potato and Diet Coke. 你就得上烤马铃薯加健怡可乐 [06:28.38]I really get crabby when I cook. “我”煮菜时火气真大 [06:31.09]Why go through all this trouble? He's a guy. 你何必这么麻烦,他是个男人 [06:34.12]You'd serve the potato and he'd still want to have sex with you. 你上马铃薯 他还是会想跟你上床 [06:37.29]That is not how I operate. 那不是我的作风 [06:48.87]We've got to get a new game. 我们得换一种游戏 [06:55.11]So Emily called last night. 艾蜜莉昨晚打电话来 [06:57.41]And now you're giving me the message? 你现在才转告我? [07:03.48]Turns out that Emily is just crazy about Susan. 结果艾蜜莉爱死苏珊了 [07:08.32]They're going to the theater together. 她们一起去看戏 [07:11.26]They're going to dinner. 她们一起吃晚饭 [07:13.69]They're going horseback riding! 她们一起去骑马 [07:16.93]God,Susan is so fun! 苏珊真会玩 [07:22.70]Look,this is just a little too familiar. 这个情节太熟悉了一点 [07:25.77]For six months before Carol and I split up... 我和卡萝分手前整整半年 [07:29.18]...all I heard was, "My friend Susan is so smart. 我整天只听到 “我朋友苏珊好聪明” [07:33.51]My friend Susan is so funny. My friend Susan is so great." “我朋友苏珊好风趣” “我朋友苏珊好棒” [07:38.62]You think something could happen between Emily and Susan? 你觉得艾蜜莉和苏珊 会擦出火花? [07:42.02]Hey,they're going to the gym together! 她们一起上健身房耶 [07:46.56]Two women... 两个女人… [07:48.33]...stretching! ...劈腿拉筋 [07:51.07]They take a steam,things get playful. Didn't you see Personal Best? 她们洗蒸汽浴,开始互相逗弄 你们没看过“登峰造极”吗? [07:55.54]No,but I'm gonna! 没,但我一定要看 [07:59.81]Hi! You're crazy. 先生,你疯了 [08:03.21]Emily is straight. 艾蜜莉是异性恋 [08:05.25]How do you know? We thought Carol was straight. 你怎么知道? 我们原先也以为卡萝是异性恋 [08:09.82]Yeah,definitely. I don't like the name Ross. 我肯定不喜欢罗斯这个名字 [08:16.22]What a weird way to kick me when I'm down! 你落井下石的方式还真怪 [08:19.53]No,I meant for the baby. 我是说宝宝的名字 [08:25.00]What's wrong with Ross? 罗斯有什么不好? [08:27.57]Something like this would never happen to The Hulk,you know. 绿巨人就不会遇上这种事 [08:33.91]That's not true. 谁说的 [08:35.58]In The Incredible Hulk,number 72, Dr. Bruce Banner found.... “绿巨人”第72集里 布鲁斯班纳博士发现… [08:41.85]You know.... [08:43.05]Never mind. My girlfriend's a lesbian. 不重要,我女朋友是同性恋 [08:48.22]I'm definitely going to go with either Joey or Chandler. 我决定不是乔伊就是钱德 [08:53.19]You gotta pick Joey! 你一定要选乔伊 [08:55.26]Name one famous person named Chandler. 有哪个名人叫钱德? [08:58.20]Raymond Chandler. 雷蒙钱德(勒) (著名冷硬派推理小说作家) [08:59.40]Someone you didn't make up. 你捏造的人不算 [09:02.47]There are no famous Joeys. Except for... 乔伊才没有名人,除了… [09:06.04]...Joey Buttafucco. 乔伊巴塔富寇 [09:08.91]Yeah,that guy really hurt us. 他的确是我们的心头之痛 [09:12.48]How about a compromise then? What if it's... 加起来除以二如何?例如… [09:15.92]...Chan-no-ey? 钱道伊? [09:18.15]Joey? Think about it. He'll never be President. 乔伊?你想嘛 他绝对当不上总统 [09:21.76]There will never be a President Joey. 绝对不会出现乔伊总统 [09:24.96]I didn't want to bring this up. 听着,我本来不想提的 [09:27.26]Chandler is the stupidest name I've heard in my life! 但钱德是我听过最蠢的名字 [09:31.50]It's not a name! It's barely even a word. 它根本不是名字 连个词都不是 [09:34.60]It's like chandelier but it's not! 它有点接近钱包,但又不是 [09:39.01]Then,you put it together with Bing and forget about it. 再配上“宾”就更别提了 [09:42.64]It's a stupid,stupid,non-name! 它是个蠢到爆的非名字 [09:50.82]You're right. I have a horrible,horrible name. 天哪 你说得对,我的名字烂透了 [09:57.89]I'm sorry,man. I'm sorry. 对不起,我不是…对不起 [10:02.00]So I guess it's Joey then. 所以就是乔伊罗 [10:12.41]This is so nice. Thank you for doing this. 真好,谢谢你这么费心 [10:15.71]Please! Cooking soothes me. 别客气,烹饪能舒缓我的心 [10:23.12]So dig in! 吃吧 好 [10:25.39]It all looks so good. 看起来都好好吃 [10:31.43]Oh,my God. 天哪 [10:32.63]I know. My God,this rice is so 我知道,天哪,这个饭好… [10:35.40]I am so good! 我的手艺真好 [10:38.03]Behind you. 你后面 [10:40.53]They used to live here, and sometimes they migrate back over. 没事,它们以前住这里 有时会迁徙回来 [10:45.81]Is there some way that they could not be here? 能不能让它们不要在这里 [10:49.78]Farm birds really kind of freak me out! 我最怕家禽了 [10:53.78]好 [10:57.15]Here we go. 出去 [11:02.66]There you go! 出去 [11:13.67]Hey! How'd you do that? 你们怎么会敲门?进来 [11:19.77]All gone. 都走了 [11:21.64]So,farm birds,huh? 家禽是吧? [11:23.61]It's my only weird thing,I swear. 我只有这个怪癖,我发誓 [11:26.58]I would have told you. I didn't know that they'd be here. 我不知道会有鸡鸭 否则我会告诉你 [11:38.19]Can I serve you a little 要不要来点… [11:40.83]What? 怎么了? [11:42.33]Nothing. 没事 [11:43.53]It's just that I know that they're still out there. 只是我知道它们还在 [11:48.47]They're across the hall. That's two doors away. 它们在对门,隔着两道墙 [11:51.77]It'll take them a long time to peck their way back over here. 它们得啄很久才能把墙啄穿 [11:57.31]That's not funny. 一点也不好笑 [12:02.72]Would you feel better if we went someplace else? 那要不要换个地方? [12:06.35]We could pack this stuff up and go to your apartment. 我们可以把东西打包去你家 [12:10.46]They're working on it. It's a mess. 我家正在装修,一团混乱 [12:12.73]I'm staying at my parents' house. We could go there. 不过我们可以去我父母家 [12:16.80]They're out of town. 你父母家? 对,他们出国了 [12:19.53]It's a huge place, and it's got this gorgeous view. 那里地方很大,视野很棒 [12:23.37]It'd be very romantic. 会很浪漫 [12:25.57]-What do you say? -Yeah,that works. 如何? 好啊 [12:31.48]They can smell the fear. 它们闻得出恐惧 [12:37.38]How's Ben? 班好吗? [12:39.72]I asked if he wanted to eat. He said no. 我问他要不要吃东西 他说不要 [12:42.16]I asked if he wanted to sleep. He said no. 我问他要不要睡觉,他说不要 [12:44.76]I asked what he wanted to do. He said no. 我问他想做什么,他说不要 [12:47.76]So he's sweeping. 所以他在扫地 [12:54.90]Any word from Susan? 有苏珊的消息吗? [12:56.50]She said she's having so much fun with Emily. 她说她跟艾蜜莉玩得很开心 [13:03.04]By the by,did it ever occur to you that... 对了,你有没有想过 [13:06.85]...maybe they might be having a little too much fun? 她们或许太开心了一点? [13:11.09]What's too much fun? 什么叫太开心? [13:12.59]The kind of fun you and Susan had when we were married. 我们结婚时 你和苏珊的那种开心 [13:17.36]Oh,my God! You are so paranoid. 天哪,你真会乱想 [13:19.73]Am l? 是吗? [13:21.50]Am l? 是吗? [13:23.53]Susan is in a loving, committed relationship. 艾蜜莉我不知道 但苏珊和我的关系很稳定 [13:27.80]Carol,so were we. 卡萝,我们也是 [13:30.77]Just imagine for a moment... 你就想像一下 [13:33.87]...that Susan meets someone, and they hit it off. 苏珊认识了别人 她们一拍即合 [13:37.65]They're coming back from the theater, and they stop at a pub for drinks. 她们从剧院回来 去酒吧喝个小酒 [13:42.35]They're laughing. 有说有笑 [13:44.85]Someone innocently touches someone else. 有人不经意的碰了另一个人 [13:48.16]There's electricity. 有火花 [13:49.76]It's new. It's exciting. 感觉很新鲜,很刺激 [13:51.83]Are you saying there isn't the slightest possibility... 你敢说完全没有可能... [13:55.63]...of something happening? ...出事? [13:59.00]-Maybe. -Oh,my God! 或许有 天哪! [14:00.63]I didn't really believe it until you just said it! 听你一说我才真的信了 [14:08.38]None of the other kids believed me, but I swear that duck pushed me. 别的小朋友都不信 但那只鸭子真的推我 [14:14.98]This place is fabulous! 这里真豪华 [14:17.05]This is the downstairs living room. 我带你参观,这是楼下的客厅 [14:20.12]There's two living rooms? 有两个客厅? [14:22.06]Growing up here,this place must have been a real babe magnet. 你一定靠这里把到很多美眉 [14:26.89]It would have been, but my parents just moved here. 应该会,但我父母刚搬来 [14:30.63]You should know this place is a real babe magnet. 你可以靠这里把到很多美眉 [14:34.34]Want to make out? 要亲热吗? [14:38.14]Why don't I put the food in the fridge... 这样吧,我去把吃的冰起来 [14:42.34]...and we can eat it later? 我们待会再吃 [14:45.01]That sounds like a plan. 听起来不错 [14:47.21]Is there a place that I could go freshen up? 哪里可以让我梳洗一下? [14:50.35]Just down the hall and second door to your left. 有,直走左边第二个门 [14:58.06]-Hi,darling. -What are you doing here? 儿子 你们怎么回来了? [15:01.20]-We cut the trip short. -France sucks! 我们提前结束行程 法国烂透了 [15:06.33]This may be a little weird, but I've got a date here. 情况有点特殊,我带了人回来 [15:10.17]Say no more. 了解 [15:11.41]We'll grab some food,go upstairs and be out of your hair. 我们拿了吃的就上楼不妨碍你 [15:15.11]That'd be great. So you didn't get to ltaly? 那就好,所以你们没去意大利 [15:17.91]Yep. Sucks! 没有,烂 [15:43.37]Hi,you! 你来了 [15:46.44]Oh,my God! 天哪 [15:48.64]I know. I can do more than cook. 我知道,我不只会做菜 [15:58.82]I like her. She seems smart. 我喜欢她,她似乎很聪明 [16:04.86]Rachel,my parents. 瑞秋,我爸妈 [16:07.46]So nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你们 [16:12.30]Joshua,that $500 was for groceries. 约书亚 那5百元是给你买日用品的 [16:18.71]What,this? Oh,no. That's not what it is. 什么?这…不,你们误会了 [16:23.78]Okay,I work in fashion. 我在时装界工作 [16:26.28]And this is a real dress,actually. 这是正式的洋装 [16:30.55]They're wearing it in Milan. 米兰正在流行 [16:33.12]Part of my job is to wear the clothes and see how people respond. 我也必须试穿衣服 观察一般人的反应 [16:37.46]Then I report back to my superiors at Bloomingdale's. 然后回报给布鲁明戴尔的上司 [16:42.63]Obviously,in this case... 这次... [16:45.47]...I am going to report back: ...我显然得回报说 [16:48.24]"U.S.A. not ready." “美国,尚嫌大胆” [16:52.14]Maybe in L.A. 洛杉矶或许可以 [16:54.34]There you go! 也对 有道理 [16:55.61]Have you kids eaten yet? 你们吃过饭了吗? [16:57.64]We were going to do that after. I mean,next. 我们想等事后…不是 正要吃 [17:02.58]Why don't we all get something to eat? 我们饿死了 大家一起出去吃吧 [17:08.59]No use wasting this baby just lying around the house. 也好 穿着它窝在家里太可惜了 [17:14.46]So we'll go eat. 所以我们去吃饭 [17:16.26]You'll wear that. 你就穿那样 [17:18.37]We'll be eating and, of course,you'll be wearing that. 你就穿那样吃饭 [17:24.17]I am sorry about what I said. 我为我说的话道歉 [17:26.54]Nope,you're right. It is a ridiculous name! 不,你说得对 这个名字太可笑了 [17:30.44]It's not bad. 也没那么糟 [17:31.65]Yes,it is! 当然有 [17:33.98]From now on,I have no first name. 从此以后,我没有名字 [17:38.89]You're just Bing? 你就叫宾? [17:42.99]I have no name. 我无名无姓 [17:45.66]So what are we supposed to call you? 那我们要叫你什么? [17:48.46]Okay,for now,temporarily, you can call me... 好,你们就暂时叫我… [17:52.47]...Clint. 克林 [17:55.07]No way are you cool enough to pull off "Clint." 你才不够酷 [17:58.41]What name am l cool enough to pull off? 那我可以叫什么? [18:01.68]Gene. 金 [18:05.68]It's Clint. 克林 [18:06.91]It's Clint! 就是克林 [18:09.45]Bye,Gene. 金,再见 [18:12.59]It's Clint! 是克林,克林 [18:18.29]What's up with Gene? 金有什么不好? [18:24.06]You wore your nightie to dinner? 你穿你的睡衣去吃饭? 没错 [18:26.63]The best part was when the waiter spilled water down my back. 最精彩的是 我背后被服务生泼到水时 [18:30.60]I jumped up and my boob popped out. 我一跳,咪咪弹了出来 [18:35.14]It's all right. I got nice boobs. 没关系,我的胸型很漂亮 [18:40.41]I just picked up a message from Emily. 我刚收到艾蜜莉的留言 [18:42.92]She and Susan are going to a poetry reading together. 她和苏珊要一起去读诗会 [18:46.25]-So? -So? 所以呢? 所以呢? [18:48.59]Poetry? 诗耶? [18:50.62]Susan's gay. 苏珊是同志… [18:52.96]They're being gay together! 她们有志一同 [18:56.23]Emily's straight. 艾蜜莉是异性恋 [18:57.43]Oh,wake up! 你醒醒吧 [19:02.57]Carol really messed you up. 卡萝真的把你害惨了 [19:05.24]Excuse me? 你说什么? [19:06.74]She turned you into this untrusting,crazy,jealous... 她害你变成不信任别人 疯疯癫癫爱吃醋的... [19:10.98]...sycophant! ...谗臣 [19:15.72]So I don't know what "sycophant" means, but the rest is right. 我不知道谗臣是什么 但其他都没说错 [19:20.49]What are you talking about? I am not a crazy,jealous person. 我哪有疯疯癫癫爱吃醋 [19:27.83]She's right. 她说得没错 [19:29.40]When we were together,you got upset about Mark,and there was nothing. 以前你老爱吃马克的醋 其实根本没事 [19:33.47]This makes sense. 太有道理了 才怪 [19:34.90]It does not! 当然有道理 [19:36.67]In high school, you weren't jealous at all... 高中时你从来没吃过醋... [19:39.47]...even though all your girlfriends cheated on you. ...即使你每个女友都不忠 [19:44.01]So up until '92,'93, he was very trusting. 一直到92、93年 他都很信任别人 [19:47.45]Then '94 hit,Carol left him, and bam! Paranoid City! 然后94年来临,卡萝离开他 砰!纽约鬼影幢幢 [19:52.59]Absolutely! 就是这样 [19:54.15]This is so fun! 好好玩喔 [19:56.09]This is not fun! 一点也不好玩 [19:59.79]All we're trying to say is... 我们只想说... [20:02.53]...don't let what happened with Carol ruin what you've got with Emily. ...别让你和卡萝的事 破坏你和艾蜜莉的感情 [20:08.47]The '92 Ross wouldn't. 92年的罗斯就不会 [20:15.84]I still think I was right about that Mark thing. 我还是觉得马克一定有问题 [20:20.51]Well,you know what? I hope Emily is a lesbian. 什么?你知道吗? 我希望艾蜜莉是同志 [20:29.39]Drumroll. 击鼓 [20:33.79]All right. 好… [20:35.80]Help! 帮个忙 [20:37.23]Am I a Mark or a John? 我是马克还是约翰? [20:41.13]You're not tall enough to be a Mark. 你当马克不够高 [20:44.47]But you might make a good Barney. 你或许可以当个好巴尼 [20:48.68]Look,I am serious. 我是认真的 [20:50.21]Tomorrow at 3:30,I'm going to the courthouse. 明天3点半我就要上法院 [20:52.75]You're going through with this? 你真的要改名? [20:54.55]This name has held me back my entire life. 这个名字拖累了我一辈子 [20:57.32]It's why kids picked on me and why I never do well with women. 害我被其他小朋友找碴 女人运很差 [21:01.42]So tomorrow,I'll either be Mark Johnson or John Markson. 明天4点起我不是马克约翰森 就是约翰马克森 [21:06.76]You've got problems because of you, not your name! 你的问题在于你,与名字无关 [21:12.00]This has got to stop! Chandler is a great name. 别再闹了,钱德这个名字很棒 [21:15.87]In fact.... 事实上…好 [21:20.24]I'm sorry,I know you wanted me to name the baby Joey. 对不起 我知道你希望宝宝叫乔伊 [21:24.38]I'm going to name the baby Chandler. 但我要…我要让他叫钱德 [21:30.88]Really? 真的? [21:32.09]But you have to keep the name too. 对,但你也得保留这个名字 [21:34.45]Okay,thanks! 好,谢了 [21:36.79]You want to hug it out? 要不要抱一下? 好 [21:42.13]I'm going to go tell Frank and Alice right now! 我现在就去告诉法兰克他们 [21:46.77]Bye,Pheebs! 菲比 再见 [22:09.39]-Nice luggage. -I was going to say. 很棒的行李箱 我正要说 [22:17.50]I missed you too. 我好想你 我也是 [22:19.57]-Thanks,I had a great time. -So did l. 谢谢你,我玩得很开心 我也是 [22:25.04]No tongue. 不是舌吻