[00:06.70]Morning's here 美…好…的… [00:11.61]The morning's here 早晨又来到 [00:14.14]Sunshine is here 阳光露脸 [00:16.71]The sky is clear 晴空万里 [00:18.35]The morning's here [00:20.85]The morning's here 美好的早晨又来到 [00:22.78]Hey! [00:24.82]Do you have to do that? It's Saturday! 你一定要唱吗?今天是星期六 [00:28.82]Oh,come on! 别这样嘛 [00:30.49]Morning's here! 早晨来到了 [00:44.07]I hate this apartment! 我恨这层公寓 [00:47.68]I hate this wall color! I hate that it still smells like bird! 我恨墙壁的颜色 我恨这里还是有鸡鸭的味道 [00:54.05]I hate that singing guy! 我恨那个唱歌的人 [00:55.98]Are you kidding? I love that guy! 不会吧,我好喜欢他 [00:59.52]Morning's here 美好的早晨又来到… [01:03.19]Stop it! 闭嘴 [01:06.06]I will kill you. 小心我宰了你 [01:10.40]I hate that my room is so small. 我恨我的房间那么小 [01:12.67]I have all the space I need. Do what I did. 我就觉得空间够用,学学我吧 [01:15.57]You don't even have a bed. You sleep in a ball on the floor! 你连床都没有 睡在地上的懒骨头 [01:21.38]I am tired of your bellyaching. 你别再碎碎念了 [01:23.88]I've worked hard to make this a nice place for us. 我很努力的把这里布置舒适 [01:27.65]I know. I'm so sorry. 我知道,对不起 [01:29.68]I'm sorry,okay? 没关系 [01:31.72]It's a great apartment! 看吧,这里很好 [01:33.22]Shut up! This place is a hole! 闭嘴,这里烂死了 [01:37.69]The One with All the Haste 本集播出:“闪电决定” [00:00.00] [02:28.38]I still can't believe you've got an earring! 我还是不敢相信你穿了耳洞 [02:31.65]I know,I know. Who am l? David Bowie? 我知道 我是谁?大卫鲍伊? [02:37.02]He does that? 他会那样吗? [02:38.32]I don't know. Whatever. 不晓得,随便 [02:40.86]I think it makes you look really dangerous. 你这样看起来好危险 [02:43.79]Oh,I know. 我知道 [02:46.66]You know what? 你知道吗? [02:48.03]I never would've gotten this if it weren't for you. 要不是你,我永远不会穿耳洞 [02:52.13]When I'm with you,I'm like... 真的,跟你在一起时 [02:54.70]...this whole other guy. I love that guy! 我就变了一个人 我爱那个人 [02:57.77]I mean,I love you too. A lot. 我也很爱你 [03:00.04]But that guy! 不过那个人… [03:02.44]I love that guy! 我爱那个人 [03:03.98]I love both of you. 我爱你们两个 [03:08.95]I wish I didn't have to go. 我好不想走 [03:11.85]Then don't. 那就别走 [03:13.32]Stay here. Don't go so soon to London. 留下来 别急着回伦敦 [03:16.19]Just one more day. 再留1天就好 [03:17.96]Please don't do this to me again. 罗斯,别再引诱我了 [03:20.66]I'd stay,but I've already missed so much work. They'll fire me. 我也想 但我请了那么多假,会被开除 [03:25.03]So? Then you could stay as long as you want. 那你就可以尽情留下来了 [03:29.00]I wish I could. 我也很想 [03:31.21]Oh,no. Don't start packing. 不要,不要打包 [03:35.04]Come on! 拜托啦 [03:39.41]I don't think you understand packing. 那不叫打包 [03:43.05]I don't want to leave it till last. Last time,I left my knickers here. 我不想拖到最后一刻 上次我把球鞋忘在这里 [03:48.39]Yeah,I know. I tried them on. 我知道,我有偷穿 [03:51.93]You didn't! 不会吧 [03:53.53]No,I didn't. I didn't want to be "that guy." 骗你的,我不想学另一个我 [04:10.88]Excuse me? 什么? [04:12.08]Your pants. 你的裤子 [04:13.92]Oh yeah! You like them? 喔对,你喜欢吗? [04:16.32]I went to a used-clothes store and got maternity stuff. 我去二手衣店买孕妇装 [04:19.89]These are so comfortable. 这条裤子好舒服 [04:25.59]Pheebs,those are Santa pants. 菲比,那是圣诞裤 [04:30.67]Santa pants. 什么? 圣诞裤 [04:33.03]Santa Claus' pants. 圣诞老人的裤子 [04:36.34]No. They're maternity pants. 才不是,这是孕妇裤 [04:38.94]They even came with a list of baby names. See? 你看,还附赠宝宝姓名表 [04:42.58]These names are good, and these are bad. 这些名字好,这些名字不好 [04:51.79]Hey,Phoebes. 菲比 [04:53.86]So,how are the elves? 驯鹿都好吗? [04:57.39]I don't know. How are the...you know? 我不知道,那你…那个… [05:03.13]Your clothes aren't funny. 你的衣服不好玩 [05:06.73]What should I wear to a Knicks game? 我该穿什么去看尼克队比赛? [05:09.90]A T-shirt that says, "l Don't Belong Here"? 上面印有 “我不看篮球”的衣服? [05:14.71]You have tickets? 你们有票? [05:15.98]Mom got Dad's season tickets in the divorce,so she gave them to me. 妈离婚时分到爸的季票 就送给我了 [05:20.42]Apparently,they're good seats. 位子显然很好 [05:22.82]Oh,my God! Those are almost on the floor! 天哪,几乎就在场边 [05:25.39]I could slip Woody Allen my resume. 我可以把履历表塞给伍迪艾伦 [05:28.62]Do you guys want these? 你们想要吗? [05:30.96]Yeah,we do! 废话 [05:33.53]Well,you got them! 那就给你们 谢谢 [05:35.76]Just give us our apartment back. 只要把这里还给我们 [05:41.20]Oh,I didn't see that coming. 想不到有这一招 [05:45.11]Are you serious? 你是说真的? [05:46.31]Come on. We know what these are worth. 我们知道你们哈死这些票了 [05:50.28]Do you think we're stupid? 你们以为我们是白痴吗? [05:52.65]Not stupid. You're meaner than I thought. 不是白痴,是很恶劣 [05:56.68]What do you say? 如何? [05:57.85]Forget it. I'm not giving up my bachelor pad for basketball seats. 想都别想,我才不会为了球票 放弃我的单身公寓 [06:02.69]Your "bachelor pad"? 你的单身公寓? [06:05.23]Have you even had a girl here? 你带女生回来过吗? [06:09.60]No. 没有 [06:12.13]But Joey has,and I usually talk to them in the morning. 但是乔伊有 我早上都会跟她们聊天 [06:18.24]Yeah,you do! 没错 [06:25.68]Come on! 拜托啦 [06:27.42]Gunther,can I get two cups of chino,please? 阿甘,请给我两杯奇诺 [06:31.05]Good one. 很有趣 [06:33.59]Come on. Season tickets! 季票耶! [06:35.36]Season tickets! You know what that means? 季票耶!你知道那代表什么? [06:37.73]I'm not giving up the apartment. 别想了,我绝不让出那层公寓 [06:40.43]When I was a kid,my dad's company gave season tickets... 小时候我爸的公司都会送季票 [06:44.90]...to the No. 1 salesman every year. My dad never won. 给业绩第一的业务员 我爸从来没拿到过 [06:49.20]Of course,he wasn't in sales. But still,I never forgot that! 不过他也不在业务部 但我还是一直耿耿于怀 [06:54.41]Hey guys! 你们在啊 [06:57.85]Oh,my God! 天哪 [07:00.38]We don't make enough fun of you already? 我们笑你笑得还不够吗? [07:03.79]Oh,yeah. Emily convinced me to do it. 艾蜜莉说服我去穿的 [07:06.85]You do know that Wham broke up? 你知道“轰”解散了吧? (乔治麦可出身之二人团体) [07:13.19]I like it. Emily likes it. That's what counts. 我喜欢,艾蜜莉喜欢 这样最重要 [07:18.07]So,how are you guys doing? 你们好吗? [07:20.40]Don't try and talk all normal with that thing in your ear. 别戴了耳环还装正常 [07:24.94]Where's Emily? 艾蜜莉呢? [07:26.81]She's saying goodbye to her uncle. 去跟她舅舅道别 [07:28.88]Didn't she,like,just get here? 她不是才刚来? 就是嘛 [07:32.75]Easy,tiger. 别激动,大哥 [07:34.55]I just hate this so much. 我好讨厌这样 [07:36.58]Every time I go pick her up at the airport,it's so great. 每次去机场接她,我都好开心 [07:40.76]But I'm thinking,"I'll be right back in a couple of days,dropping her off." 但是我又会想 “过两天又要送她来机场了” [07:45.93]-So what'll you do? -There's nothing to do. 那你要怎么办? 不怎么办 [07:48.56]She lives there. I live here. 她住在那里,我住在这里 [07:50.60]She'd have to move here. 她得搬来这里 [07:53.27]She should move here. 她应该搬来这里 [07:55.80]What? 什么? [07:57.14]-I can ask her to live with me. -Are you serious? 我可以叫她跟我住 你说真的吗? [07:59.81]-I mean,why not? -You've only known her six weeks! 为什么不行? 你才认识她6星期 [08:03.28]I've got a carton of milk in my fridge I've had a longer relationship with. 我冰箱里有盒牛奶放得还更久 [08:08.45]Look,guys,when I'm with her, it's like.... 我跟她在一起时 [08:11.99]She brings out this great side of me. 她会激发出我好的一面 [08:15.59]I mean,I love her,you know? 我爱她 [08:18.26]And I love the milk! 我也爱那盒牛奶 [08:21.16]But I won't ask some British girl to move in with me. 但我不会要一个英国女生 跟我同居 [08:28.97]Joey,you say things now. 乔伊,该你说了 [08:32.51]Look,Ross. He's right. Emily's great. 罗斯,他说得对,艾蜜莉很棒 [08:35.71]She's great! 她很棒 [08:36.94]But this is too soon. You'll only scare her. 但这样太快了,你只会吓到她 [08:40.62]I don't want to do that. 我不想吓到她 [08:42.18]You don't want to wreck it. Don't go too fast. 没错,别坏了好事,别太心急 [08:45.79]No. You're right. I know,you're right. 你们说得对 [08:48.36]I'm not going to do it. 我不会这样 [08:51.29]-Thanks guys. -No problem. 谢了,两位 [08:54.06]Just remember to wake us up before you go-go. 记得要走时摇它两下 (“轰”所唱的歌词) [09:07.68]It's too hard. Too hard! 太难了,太难了 [09:11.65]All right. Last chance for the tickets. 两位,最后的机会 [09:14.38]Otherwise,I give them to my new boyfriend,Joshua. 否则我就送给我的新男友 约书亚 [09:19.75]No,thank you. 不用了 [09:21.52]Wait,wait. Come on,come on! Let's trade. 等一下…拜托,跟她们换啦 [09:24.93]The timing's perfect! I just clogged the toilet! 时机正好,我刚把马桶堵住 [09:30.36]I want those seats. But we can't live in the small apartment... 我跟你一样想要球票 但住过这里就觉得... [09:34.60]...after living here! Ever read Flowers for Algernon? ...对面太小了 你看过 “献给阿尔吉浓的花束”吗? [09:39.77]Ever read Sports Illustrated? 有 你看过“运动画报”吗? [09:43.61]No,I didn't read yours! 我没偷看你的 [09:45.75]We can go to the game tonight! 我们晚上就可以去看球 [09:47.62]The only way I'll consider this is... 她们提出比季票更好的东西 [09:50.08]...if they offer more than just season seats. 我才要考虑 [09:52.89]-It's the Knicks! -Screw the Knicks! 是尼克队耶 去他的尼克队 [10:00.53]I didn't mean that. I just meant that... 我不是那个意思 我是说... [10:03.30]...the apartment is worth so much more. ...这层公寓的价值要更大 [10:10.27]And the Knicks rule. 尼克队万岁 [10:11.64]Yeah,the Knicks rule! 对,尼克队万岁 [10:14.61]So? Are you going to do it? 怎样?要不要? [10:17.71]No,we're not going to because it's not an even trade. 不要,因为这个交易不公平 [10:21.15]All right,look. 好,听着 [10:22.32]What if you could keep the apartment and the tickets? 要是你们能保住公寓 又拿到球票呢? [10:25.59]Done! 成交 [10:27.46]Let me finish. I'm talking about a bet. Winner takes all. 让我说完,我是说我们来赌 赢的人通杀 [10:30.96]We could get nothing. 我们可能输光光 [10:32.39]Or everything. 或是通杀 [10:33.89]I like that. 我喜欢 [10:36.96]What do you say? 怎么样? 不要 [10:38.97]Just do it! 赌了啦 [10:40.17]Oh! I'm convinced! 真有说服力啊 [10:43.84]Come on,man! You know I'd do it for you. 拜托啦,我也会为你这么做 [10:47.27]Because you're my best friend. 因为你是我最好的朋友 [10:50.51]All right. But you can't use that again for a whole year. 好吧 但你1整年不准再用这招 [10:54.92]I'm in. 我赌了 [10:56.82]This is so exciting! What are you going to bet? 好兴奋喔,你们要赌什么? [11:00.15]We should let Phoebe decide... 就让菲比决定 [11:02.49]...because she's the only one who's impartial,and she's so pretty. 因为只有她没有利害关系 而且她好美 [11:10.70]I have a game! 我知道了 [11:12.37]-This is great! -What's the game? 很棒喔 比什么? [11:15.20]It doesn't have a name. No,okay. Phoebe Ball! 没有名字 不,叫菲比球 [11:20.11]No,it doesn't have a name. 不,没有名字 [11:25.15]What is your favorite thing about trees? 摩妮卡 你最喜欢树的哪一点? [11:31.02]-They're green? -Good! Five points! 树是绿色的 很好,5分 [11:39.99]Same question. 乔伊,同样的问题 [11:45.20]-They're tall. -Three points! 树很高 3分 [11:49.97]Both fine answers,but we were looking for leafy. Leafy. 都答得很好 但我们说的是阔叶植物 [11:56.84]That's not even a game. 这根本不是比赛 [11:58.35]Shut up. We're winning! 闭嘴,我们领先 [12:02.22]You want to finish this? We get a deck of cards. 你们想速战速决?我们抽牌 [12:04.99]High card wins. What do you say? 点数大的赢,如何? [12:06.89]-Let's do it! -Oh,I have cards! 好,就这么办 我刚好有牌 [12:09.36]Yeah. Here. 在这里 [12:11.06]No,these are the trick deck. 这是魔术牌 [12:14.10]Here,yes. 这一副 [12:16.20]Okay,you guys pick first. 好,你们先抽 [12:23.34]-Four. -That's a low one! 4点 够少了 [12:29.11]You look. I can't do it. 菲比,你看,我不敢看 [12:30.88]What makes you think I can? 为什么我就敢看? [12:34.58]Ace! 1点 [12:40.02]Why are you hugging? 你们在爽什么? [12:41.69]We won our apartment back! 我们把这里抢回来了 [12:43.46]What? Ace is high! Jack,queen,king,ace! 什么?王牌最大 杰克皮蛋老K A [12:46.93]No! Ace is low! Ace,two,three,four! 不对,1点最小,1234 [12:57.47]I don't know. 我不知道 [13:02.44]Look it! 你们看 [13:07.11]Come on,pick again! 再抽一次 [13:11.82]Come on,apartment! Come on,apartment! 我要公寓,我要公寓 [13:17.79]I know queen is high! 皮蛋点数很大 [13:20.26]Not as high as.... 但是大不过… [13:23.00]It worked! King! 成功了!老K [13:27.74]We pick again! We pick again! 再抽一次 [13:29.60]-Why? -I don't know. 为什么? 我不知道 [13:32.97]Tickets,please. 球票请拿来 [13:36.68]Courtside,baby! 场边区喔 [13:40.01]Seriously,good game,though. Good game. 很精彩的比赛 [13:44.29]What are they so mad about? They got the apartment back. 她们气什么气? 公寓都还给她们了 [13:48.82]No,they didn't. 没有啦 [14:00.70]Packed while you were gone. 趁你不在打包好了 [14:02.84]I left knickers under your pillow. 我留了双球鞋在枕头底下 [14:07.01]Move in with me? 搬来跟我住 [14:09.34]What? 什么? [14:10.54]Don't be scared. It sounds crazy, and people will say it's too soon... 别怕,我知道听起来很疯狂 别人会说太快了 [14:15.48]...but just think. Think how great it would be. 但是你想想,那样多棒啊 [14:22.86]I don't know. 我不知道 [14:26.33]Leaving London.... 要我离开伦敦… [14:28.33]My whole family lives there.... 我的家人都在那里 我知道 [14:30.53]-My job. -You'll get a job here. 我的工作 你可以在这里找工作 [14:33.53]I always hear about them foreigners stealing American jobs. 我常听说美国人的工作 都被外国人抢走了 [14:37.81]That could be you. 你也可以 [14:40.04]Yeah,but it's my whole life. 但事关我的人生 [14:43.04]You come to England. 你来英国 [14:44.55]I would. I really would. But my son is here. 我不行,我很愿意 但我儿子在这里 [14:47.75]I can't leave him. You don't think there's any way? 我离不开他 没别的办法了吗? [14:53.59]I don't think so. 我看是没有了 [14:56.52]It would be different if it was way into the future... 如果是长久的打算就不同了 [14:59.99]...and we were getting married. 例如结婚什么的 [15:02.60]What? 什么? [15:04.73]Right. I shouldn't have said "married." Please don't go freaky on me. 好,我不该提结婚的 别被我吓到 [15:10.87]I didn't mean it. I take it back. 我不是认真的 我没说,我收回 [15:13.24]No. Don't. 不,不要收回 [15:17.01]Why don't we? 何不就这么做? [15:19.18]Why don't we what? 做什么? [15:22.88]Get married. 结婚啊 [15:26.02]You are mad! 你疯了 [15:27.22]No,I'm not! It's perfect. It's better than you moving here. 我没有,这样很完美 比你搬来住更棒 [15:32.29]It's us together forever, and that's what I want. 我们可以永远在一起 我就是要这样 [15:35.63]-We've known each other six weeks! -I know. 我们才认识6星期 我知道,那又怎样? [15:38.37]So what? Who's to say? Does that mean we can't do it? 谁说不行?这样就不行吗? [15:42.27]Look. I was with Carol for four years before we got married... 听着,我跟卡萝结婚前 在一起4年 [15:46.61]...and I wound up divorced from a pregnant lesbian. 最后跟一个怀孕的女同志离婚 [15:52.38]I mean,this.... 这么做… [15:54.62]This makes sense for us. 对我们是顺理成章 [15:58.25]Our first date,we ended up spending the whole weekend in Vermont. 我们第一次约会 就跑去佛蒙特度周末 [16:03.12]I mean,last night I got my ear pierced. Me! 昨晚我还去穿耳洞,我耶 [16:08.00]This feels right. 这个感觉很对 [16:10.33]Doesn't it? 不是吗? [16:13.17]My parents will be really mad. 我爸妈会气死 [16:15.84]Are you saying,"Yes"? Is that "Yes"? 你答应了吗?那是好吗? [16:19.17]Yes. 对 [16:25.28]-We're getting married! -Oh,my God! 我们要结婚了 天哪 [16:28.48]We're getting married! 我们要结婚了,天哪 [16:31.29]Come here,come here. 过来 [16:43.16]Emily,will you marry me? 艾蜜莉,你愿意嫁给我吗? [16:46.87]愿意 [16:51.84]It's a bit small. 有一点小 [16:54.44]Damn! I thought that'd be romantic as hell. 真是的,我还以为会很浪漫 [17:00.68]It was. 是很浪漫 [17:13.39]Those were,like, the best seats ever! 真是史上最棒的位子 [17:16.50]Should we give these to the girls? Like a peace offering? 要不要把衣服送给女生 表示和解? [17:20.33]That's very nice. Plus,they were free and too small. 好主意,反正不用钱又太小 [17:29.24]Oh,God! 天哪 [17:37.18]Hey,you want a beer? 你要喝酒吗? [17:42.42]I know! 我知道 [17:46.96]Open up! Open up! Open up! 开门!开门 [17:50.53]We'll discuss it in the morning. 明天早上再说 [18:00.27]What the hell is going on? 这是怎么回事? [18:03.24]We took our apartment back! 我们把我们家抢回来了 [18:09.62]I had nothing to do with it. 跟我无关 [18:14.66]Okay,it was my idea. But I don't feel good about it. 好吧,是我的主意 但我并不好过 [18:22.36]We are switching back right now. 我们现在就换回来 [18:25.47]No,we're not. We're not leaving! 不要,我们不走 [18:27.47]You'll have to. You both have jobs. 你们非走不可,你们都有工作 [18:29.77]As soon as you do,we'll switch back! You can't stop us. 等你们去上班,我们就换回来 你们阻止不了的 [18:33.54]-Right,Joe? -I don't know. 对吧,乔伊? 我不晓得 [18:40.05]What? 什么? [18:41.65]I don't want to move again,with.... 我不想再搬了 [18:46.22]This is our apartment and they stole 我不管,这是我们的公寓 她们偷了… [18:49.16]You stole! 你们偷了! [18:51.53]Our apartment! We won it fair and square. Twice! 我们的公寓 我们光明正大的赢了两次 [18:54.80]And I am getting it back right now! I'm getting it back right now! 我现在就要要回来 我现在就要要回来 [19:00.07]All right. 好 [19:02.50]We figured you might respond this way,so we have a backup offer. 我们早料到会有这种反应 [19:07.21]No more offers. You can't offer anything to us! 所以我们准备了备案 不要,你们搞不定我们的 [19:10.48]-Let us keep the apartment and -As a thank you... 让我们留在这里 为了表示感谢 [19:18.05]...Rachel and I will kiss for one minute. 瑞秋和我会接吻1分钟 [19:24.83]-Totally worth it! -That was one good minute! 完全值得 好爽的1分钟 [19:27.93]Good night. 晚安 晚安 [19:34.77]-Men are such idiots. -I know. 男人真是白痴 就是啊 [19:37.70]Can you believe something that stupid actually got us our apartment back? 那么白痴的事 居然让我们得逞了 [19:42.54]If you had just done that after the last contest... 要是你们上次比完就这么做 [19:46.01]...no one would have had to move at all. 谁都不必搬家 [19:51.52]Let's pretend that's not true. 就装做没这回事 [19:57.06]Scarf's done. 围巾织好了 [20:02.43]Come on,come on! 快点 好 [20:07.13]What's going on? 怎么了? [20:08.37]Ross has some big thing to tell everyone. 罗斯有大事要宣布 [20:15.14]Emily and l,we decided... 艾蜜莉和我决定… [20:17.91]...to get married. ...要结婚 [20:22.58]What? 什么? [20:24.12]Oh,are you pregnant too? 你也怀孕了? [20:28.49]No. 没有 [20:30.16]When did How did you 什么… 怎么… [20:33.46]We just decided to go for it. 我们就是决定要结婚 [20:36.50]We know it's a bit hasty... 这个决定是仓卒了些 [20:39.77]...but it just feels so right. 但是… 感觉真的很对 [20:46.74]I was just telling the guys 我正在告诉他们… [20:49.08]Yeah,I heard. 我听到了 [20:57.18]I think it's great! 太好了 [20:59.95]I'm so happy for you! 我真替你高兴 [21:01.52]Well,yeah! Congratulations! 是啊,恭喜 [21:12.27]I can't believe you're getting married! 你居然要结婚了 [21:18.67]Monica and Rachel made out. 摩妮卡和瑞秋亲热 [21:30.58]Morning's here 美…好…的… [21:34.92]The morning's here 早晨又来到 [21:37.69]Sunshine is here 阳光露脸 [21:40.69]The sky is clear 晴空万里 [21:42.46]The morning's here 美好的早晨 [21:45.10]-Hey,you're back! -Hey,get into gear 你回来了 准备就绪 [21:48.67]Breakfast is near 早餐就快上桌 [21:50.64]The dark of night has disappeared 夜晚的黑暗一扫而空 [21:55.98]I'll see you tomorrow morning! 我们明天见 好