[00:01.110]Condoms,dude. 保险套啊 [00:04.750]Well,how come the writing is in spanish? 为什么印西班牙文? [00:07.890]Don't read my condoms. 别看我的套子 [00:11.390]Passport,check. Camera,check. Traveler's checks,check. 护照打勾,相机打勾 旅行支票打勾 [00:16.400]-Who are you saying "check" to? -Myself. 你在叫谁打勾? 我自己 [00:18.930]For remembering to pack a thing. 记得一样打一个勾 [00:20.600]You do a good thing, you get a "check." 做一件好事就有个勾勾 [00:26.010]Mom does it. I never realized it was weird. 这是妈的习惯,我没想过很怪 [00:28.370]My mom used to put her head in the oven. 我妈都把头塞进烤箱里 [00:32.110]Actually,only the one time. But it's pretty weird. 其实只有一次,不过蛮怪的 [00:39.920]Are you ready yet? 准备好了吗? [00:41.120]-Got the tickets? -Right here. Check! 机票带了吗? 在这里,打勾 [00:45.530]It's all London,baby! 去伦敦罗,宝贝 [00:47.230]Here we go. 走吧 [00:51.160]Got your passport? 护照呢? [00:52.570]Third drawer of my dresser. You don't want to lose that! 梳妆台第三个抽屉 弄丢就糟了 [01:00.640]There it is! 快去 [01:02.710]Music---- [01:53.630]The vacuum's in my closet on the left side. 吸尘器在我的柜子里的左边 [01:56.960]Garbage bags are next to the refrigerator. 垃圾袋在冰箱旁边 [01:59.470]Rachel's gonna be here. Can't I just ask her? 瑞秋会在,我不能问她吗? [02:02.670]Yeah,okay. Give that a try! 好啊,你问啊 [02:06.570]-Let's do it. -Cheerio! 走罗 好耶 [02:08.780]London,baby! 伦敦,宝贝 [02:10.740]That's not gonna get annoying. 我绝对不会觉得烦 [02:12.710]London,baby! 伦敦,宝贝 [02:15.520]You know what? I was wrong. 你知道吗?我错了 [02:18.090]We're all here. Let's get going! 人都到了,我们走吧 [02:20.750]I want to go over and hug you... 我很想过去抱你... [02:23.020]...and wish you luck, but I can't get up. ...恭喜你 但是我起不来 [02:26.160]-I'll come hug you. -Great,can you bring me the paper? 那我过去抱你 太好了,帮我拿报纸 [02:31.670]-Have a great wedding. -Thanks. 快快乐乐的结婚吧 谢谢 [02:34.000]Chandler,I want to hug you too! 钱德,我也想抱你 [02:36.240]You might as well bring my book from your apartment. 顺便去你家餐台把我的书拿来 [02:45.210]-So we're off. -Have fun! 我们要走了 玩得开心点 [02:50.180]-I can't believe you won't be there. -I know. 你居然不能去 是啊 [02:52.790]Come. Why don't you come? 去嘛,你为什么不能去? [02:55.590]To London. Please? It would mean so much to me. 去嘛,一起去,我会很高兴 [02:59.590]I gotta work. I'm sorry. 我要忙,对不起 [03:02.000]Why can't you take a couple of days off? 为什么不能请两天假? [03:04.200]Because I can't. I told you. 我不行,我说过了 [03:07.230]This is my wedding. 这是我的婚礼 [03:09.800]Now we are late. Let's go,let's go! 真的来不及了,走走走 [03:15.140]Fine,you'll watch it on video when we get back. 好吧,回来再让你看录影带 [03:19.210]Here you go,Phoebe! Phoe-bo! Phoo-ba-la! 菲比,你的书书,苏苏 谢谢 [03:26.320]You! 乖 [03:28.760]Let's go! 走吧 [03:30.260]Bye,Pheebs! 菲比再见 再见 [03:36.930]London,baby! 伦敦,宝贝 [03:41.500]Oh,God! 天哪 [03:43.440]Do you need a hug? 你要抱抱吗? [03:46.110]You don't have to bring me anything. 你不必拿东西给我 [04:05.290]Chandler,do something! 钱德,做点动作 [04:08.900]-Do something! -I am. I'm ignoring you. 做动作啊 我有啊,我在不理你 [04:13.270]I'll be the on-camera guy. 好吧,我来上镜头 [04:15.170]All right. First stop... 好,第一站 [04:17.940]...Westminster Abbey. 西敏寺 [04:21.240]What is that? 那是什么? [04:22.510]That's London,baby! 伦敦啊,宝贝 [04:24.680]All right,the hotel's here. 好,饭店在这里… [04:26.910]Wait. 等一下 [04:28.250]We want to go 不对,我们要去… [04:33.590]I know. 我知道了 [04:35.460]I'm gonna have to go into the map. 我得进入地图里 [04:42.930]If you see a little version of me in there,kill it! 要是里面有个小钱德,杀了它 [04:46.200]I got it. 我知道了 [04:49.100]Here we go! 走吧 [04:52.140]We're not gonna have to walk this way the entire time,are we? 我们不是要这样逛大街吧? [04:58.110]Man,you made me lose it! 你害我又乱了啦 [05:08.790]That was all before 10:00. …那时候才10点 [05:10.560]The caterer rang. It'll be Chicken Kiev,not Tarragon. 外烩打来说龙蒿鸡换成基辅鸡 [05:14.090]Then the florist said there are no tulips. 然后花匠说没有郁金香了 [05:16.660]And the cellist has carpal tunnel syndrome 然后大提琴手得了 手腕隧道症候群… [05:19.670]Emily,honey. Okay? 艾蜜莉,亲爱的,好吗? [05:21.640]Well,up yours too! 我也去你的 [05:25.370]-What? -Oh,that's not what it means. 什么? 不是那个意思? [05:28.140]-No! That's "time out." -Sorry. 不,这是暂停的意思 对不起 [05:31.180]Sweetie,relax. Everything will be great,okay? 放轻松,一切都会很美好 [05:35.350]Come on,come on. 走吧 [05:39.920]Chicken Kiev? 基辅鸡? [05:41.920]Doesn't that sound delicious at the last minute? 临时能有这道菜不错吧? [05:45.330]Salmon would be more elegant than chicken. 是啊,但鲑鱼会比鸡肉高雅 [05:49.260]And you wouldn't worry about the salmonella. 也不必担心沙门氏菌 (沙门音同鲑鱼) [05:54.770]But of course... 不过... [05:56.570]...with salmon you would have to worry about the chicknella. ...鲑鱼也可能有鸡门氏菌 [06:01.510]I can't wait to see where you're getting married. 真想赶快看到婚礼场地 [06:03.740]It's beautiful. Her parents got married here. 也对,那里很美 她父母就在那里结婚 [06:07.450]I can't believe they're tearing it down. 它居然要被拆了 [06:09.680]It's really the most lovely building. It's over 你绝对没看过那么美的房子 就在… [06:17.220]Oh,my God! 天哪 [06:19.790]It's nice. 还不错 [06:31.240]Oh,my God! 我的天哪 [06:33.670]What are we going to do? 怎么会这样?怎么办? [06:35.910]Everything's gonna be all right. 放心,不会有问题的 [06:38.250]How's it gonna be all right? 怎么会没问题? [06:39.710]I see that. 说得也是 [06:42.750]I talked to a guy, and I found out what happened. 我跟一个人问到了 [06:45.850]They tore it down early. 怎么回事? 提前进行拆除 [07:36.770]All right! 漂亮 [07:38.770]Westminster Abbey. 西敏寺 [07:41.210]Hands down,best abbey I ever seen. 绝对是我见过最美的寺 [07:47.680]What do you think of the Abbey? 你觉得西敏寺如何? [07:50.750]It's great! They're thinking of changing the name. 很宏伟,他们正打算改名 [07:54.250]-To what? -To "Put the Camera Away"! 改成什么? 改成“摄影机收起来” [07:58.460]Man,you are Westminster Crabby. 你真是西敏之狼 [08:10.200]Don't worry,you'll find some place to get married. 放心,你们会找到场地的 [08:13.140]Sorry. Lucky this dress is red. 抱歉,幸好红色沾血看不见 [08:18.880]We can't find another place. 不可能找得到场地 [08:21.920]Then we can't have the wedding. 婚结不成了 [08:23.520]I've ordered chicken,and salad, and cake for a 150. 我订了一百五十人份的鸡肉 沙拉和蛋糕 [08:28.190]What should be the most wonderfull day of my life... 一生中最快乐的日子 [08:30.160]...is rapidly turning into just Sunday with a spectacular amount of food. 变成被食物淹死的星期天 [08:34.760]You're gonna find a place. 你们会找到场地的 [08:36.800]But even if,God forbid,you didn't, so you postpone the wedding. 就算找不到,那就延期嘛 [08:41.100]Is that really so bad? 有那么糟糕吗? [08:42.770]Think about it. You could take all the time your needed to get everything that you want. 你想想,你可以筹备得很完整 [08:45.870]You could have tulips. You could have salmon. 你可以订到郁金香…和鲑鱼 [08:50.210]Salmon. 鲑鱼喔 [08:53.480]I suppose it wouldn't be the end of the world. 延期确实死不了 [08:58.750]Oh,thank you. 谢谢你 [09:00.750]Look,either way you're gonna get married. You're gonna be happy. 总之你都会结婚,都会幸福 [09:02.860]My mom's gonna like you better than me. 我妈都会比较喜欢你 [09:06.460]Oh,God. She has told you that already,didn't she? 天哪,她已经这么说了对吧? [09:15.640]-Don't get up. What do you need? -Nothing. 别起来,你需要什么? 没什么 [09:19.340]Come on. I'm here to take care of you. 我就是留下来照顾你的 你需要什么? [09:22.480]Okay,I have a wedgie. 屁屁夹到内裤了 [09:27.110]That is all you. 你自己解决 [09:31.820]What do you want for lunch? 你中午想吃什么? [09:33.490]I don't know. 我不知道 [09:35.890]I guess we have to eat. 我们是得吃饭 [09:38.020]Yeah,I do. 我一定要吃 [09:40.490]What's the matter? 怎么了? [09:42.300]I'm bummed the way I left things with Ross. 我应付罗斯的方式真差劲 [09:45.170]I wish I didn't lie about work. He seemed so mad at me. 真后悔骗他说我要工作 他好像很气我 [09:49.470]Don't be so hard on yourself. If I was still in love with some 别太苛责自己 要是我还爱的人要结婚… [09:53.410]Still in love with? 还爱? 是啊 [09:56.340]I'm not in love with Ross. 我才没有爱着罗斯 [10:02.520]Good! 是没有 [10:03.920]Yeah,me neither. 很好,我也没有 [10:06.650]I'm not at the wedding, because he's my ex-boyfriend... 我不去是因为他是我的旧情人 [10:09.790]...and that would be uncomfortable. 去了会很不自在 [10:13.190]Not because I'm in love with him. I like Ross as much as anyone. 不是因为我还爱他 我跟大家一样喜欢罗斯 [10:17.500]Clearly,I have feelings for him, but they don't mean love. 我对他的确有感情 但那不是爱 [10:21.330]I mean,do I still have loving feelings for Ross? Yeah! 我对罗斯还有爱的感觉吗?有 [10:27.510]I have continuing feelings of love. 我一直都有 [10:29.580]But that doesn't mean I'm still in love with him. 但那并不表示我还爱着他 [10:32.680]I have sexual feelings for him, but I do love him. 我对他还有“性”趣 但我当然爱他 [10:39.050]Oh,my God! 天哪 [10:41.560]Why didn't you tell me? 你为什么不告诉我? [10:45.190]-We thought you knew! -We? 我们以为你知道 我们? [10:47.890]We all know. We talk about it all the time. 对,我们都知道,还经常在聊 [10:52.230]You all know? Does Ross know? 你们都知道?罗斯知道吗? [10:54.570]No! Ross doesn't know anything. 不,罗斯什么都不知道 [10:57.670]And you didn't tell me! 你们居然没告诉我 [10:59.770]We thought you knew. It's so obvious! 我们以为你知道,那么明显 [11:03.380]It would be like telling Monica: 告诉你等于告诉摩妮卡 [11:05.450]"Hey,you like things clean." “喂,你很爱干净喔” [11:10.880]Or,you know,"Hey,Joey,you're gay." 或是“乔伊,你是同志喔” [11:15.220]What? 什么? [11:16.520]Oh,please,she's always got a broom in her hand. 拜托,她老是拿着扫把 [11:29.170]What are you in the market for? Scarves,souvenir postcards.... 想买什么?有围巾、明信片… [11:34.170]Check this out! 你看 [11:38.180]That's the stuff! What do you think? 这个就对了,你觉得呢? [11:40.750]I won't need that "I'm with stupid" T-shirt anymore. 我不必买印着 “与笨蛋同行”的衣服了 [11:45.350]Well,I like it. Here you go. 我喜欢,钱给你 [11:47.850]You're not really buying that. Haven't you embarrassed me enough? 你不是来真的吧 你丢我的脸丢得还不够吗? [11:51.760]Oh,I embarrass you? 我丢你的脸? [11:53.190]How can I answer when I'm pretending I don't know you? 我假装不认识你,无法回答 [11:57.260]He's just jealous. All Londoners wear them. 他是在嫉妒,伦敦人都在戴 [12:00.370]Really? Then how come no one here anywhere is wearing one? 是吗?那这里怎么没人戴? [12:04.640]They're all tourists. 他们都是观光客 [12:07.770]If you insist on wearing that in public... 如果你要当街戴着那顶帽子 [12:11.110]...you're gonna spend the afternoon all by yourself. 下午你就自己去逛 [12:20.490]If you make me choose between you and the hat,I choose the hat. 如果要在你和帽子之间做选择 我选择帽子 [12:24.220]-Good choice. -Thanks. 够英明 谢了 [12:26.490]That's it! I'm out of here. I won't be embarrassed any more. 够了,我要走了 我不想再丢脸了 [12:39.340]How are you doing? Joey Tribbiani,America. 你好,乔伊崔比亚尼,美国人 [12:50.620]I spoke to your dad, and you know what? 我跟你爸谈过,你猜怎样? [12:53.050]He thinks we can find a new hall. 他觉得可以另外找到场地 [12:55.460]-We don't have to. -You found a place? 不必了 你找到地方了? [12:58.160]No,but Monica and I were talking... 没有,但摩妮卡和我讨论过 [13:01.730]...and I was so upset about the hall being knocked down... 我为了礼堂被拆的事很烦 [13:05.100]...and she suggested we put the wedding off for a bit. 结果她建议把婚期延后 [13:11.500]She said what? 她说什么? [13:12.840]If I won't be happy with somewhere we'd find in a day... 如果我不喜欢临时找个地方 [13:16.280]...we should postpone it. 我们就应该延期 [13:21.110]Postpone it. 延期 [13:24.250]Do you think Monica realizes how much our parents spent on this? 你觉得摩妮卡知道 我们爸妈花了多少钱吗? [13:28.660]Do you think my sister's teeny, tiny,little brain comprehends... 你觉得我妹的小脑袋能理解 [13:33.190]...that people took time out of their lives... 大家特地挪出时间 [13:35.800]...to fly thousands of miles to be here? 大老远飞来这里吗? [13:43.040]This isn't right. 这么做是不对的 [13:45.310]I realize that people are gonna be disappointed. 我知道大家会失望 [13:49.010]But I'm sure they'll come back. 但他们下次一定会再来 [13:51.340]I can't ask people to do that. Would you? 我不能叫人家这么做,你会吗 [13:55.120]Don't you point your pants at me! 别拿你的裤子指着我 [13:58.650]We have no choice. 我们别无选择 [14:00.120]Anywhere half-decent will have been booked. 像样一点的场地一定没空档 [14:03.460]Don't you understand? This is our wedding! 你不懂吗?这是我们的婚礼 [14:06.190]Postponing it is not an option. This is when we're getting married. 我只知道延期是不可能的 要结就现在结 [14:11.060]-You're saying it's now or never? -I'm saying it's now. 意思是否则就不结罗? 不,我是说现在就结 [14:14.300]-Or? -There's no "or" in mine! 否则呢? 我没说否则 [14:16.870]What is wrong with these pants? 这条裤子是怎么搞的? [14:21.270]It's not the pants. It's you who's backwards. 不是裤子,是你本末倒置 [14:24.080]If you don't understand how important this is to me... 要是你不懂这件事对我多重要 [14:27.480]...perhaps we shouldn't marry at all! 或许我们根本不该结婚 [14:29.980]Emily,no! Wait,stop! Emily,please 艾蜜莉,等一下,别走 [14:43.500]Did shopping help you feel any better? 血拼完有舒服一点吗? [14:45.830]Manhattan doesn't have enough stores. 曼哈顿的店不够 [14:50.970]I can help you get over him. 我可以帮你忘了他 [14:52.670]You can? 真的? [14:54.170]I need you to bring me photos of Ross... 对,拿一张罗斯的照片 [14:56.780]...and a small piece of chocolate... 一小片巧克力 [14:59.650]...and a glass of tepid water. 和一杯温水来 [15:01.780]Is this where you throw stuff... 是不是要... [15:04.020]...in a bag with graveyard dirt and hang it from a north-facing tree? ...跟墓地的土装在一起 挂在面北的树上? [15:08.620]Only if you have the hiccups too. 要是你也在打嗝的话 [15:14.060]The chocolate and water are for me. I didn't feel like getting up. 照片是给你的,其他是我要的 我只是不想起来 [15:19.600]I'll show you a picture of Ross. 我给你看一张罗斯的照片 [15:22.200]And you remember all the bad things about him. 你要去想他不好的地方 [15:26.210]-Focus on his flaws. -I can do that. 专心想他的缺点 没问题 [15:28.610]I did that while we were going out. 我们交往时我就这样 [15:32.310]Before we start,I want to say, for the record,I love Ross. 好,首先我想先声明 我爱罗斯 [15:35.950]He's such a great guy. 他真的好棒 [15:43.620]Close your eyes. 好,闭上眼睛 [15:45.790]Imagine that you're with Ross. 想像你跟罗斯在一起 [15:48.460]Imagine that you're kissing him. 想像你在亲他 [15:51.200]You're running your hands all over his body. 你的手在他的身上游移 [15:54.530]You run your hands through his hair but 你的手抚弄他的头发 [15:57.340]Gross! It's some kind of grease. 但是好恶!是某种油 [16:04.740]I don't know. 我不晓得 [16:06.580]His hair never bothered me that much. 他的头发没那么困扰我 [16:09.550]It was more crunchy than it was greasy. 那应该算是硬而不是油 [16:15.090]This will be harder than I thought. 好吧,难度比我想的还高 [16:17.490]Let's try some aversion therapy. 试试厌恶疗法好了 [16:21.330]Look at the picture. 看着照片 好 [16:31.600]How do you feel now? 现在觉得怎样? [16:33.510]Well,I like you less. 我比较不喜欢你了 [16:50.160]在英国玩也一样难玩 [17:06.640]Sorry. 抱歉 [17:08.510]I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said you were embarrassing me. 我才抱歉 我不该说你丢我的脸 [17:12.310]That wasn't cool. 那样很过份 [17:13.810]If it makes you feel any better, I've had a really lousy day. 如果你会高兴一点 我今天过得很悲惨 [17:19.190]Me too. 我也是 [17:21.020]-Yeah? -No! 真的? 才怪 [17:23.990]I had the best day ever! 我玩得超过瘾的 [17:27.260]Dude,check this out! 你看 [17:30.160]有你的这段就快转,无聊死了 [17:39.370]Tell my friend you like my hat. 告诉我朋友你喜欢我的帽子 [17:41.910]-What's your friend's name? -Chandler. 好,你朋友叫什么? 钱德 [17:44.980]Hi,Chandler. 钱德你好 [17:46.280]-That's -That's Fergie,baby! 那不是… 那是佛姬,宝贝 [17:51.580]Joey says you don't like his hat, but I think it's kind of dashing. 乔伊说你不喜欢他的帽子 但我觉得蛮时髦的 [17:57.660]So I hear you're single now. 听说你恢复单身了 [18:00.490]- Yeah,I don't like the hat that much. -Okay. 我对帽子没喜欢到那个程度 [18:04.860]When did you? How? 你什么时候… 怎么会… [18:06.600]I was trying to get to Buckingham Palace. 我想去白金汉宫 [18:08.770]So I'm in my map and 就进入地图,然后… [18:14.570]I understand you had a talk with Emily. 听说你和艾蜜莉谈过 [18:17.640]Yes,I did. 没错 [18:19.410]And you are welcome. 不客气 [18:23.320]Am l? 是吗? [18:26.320]Was it your idea to postpone the wedding? 是你提议把婚期延后的? [18:31.930]-I'm going to the bathroom. -Wait up! 我要上厕所 等我 [18:37.130]Since you're the fix-it lady, here's a pickle: 既然你这么会解决问题 问题来了 [18:40.470]What do you do when the bride says she doesn't want the wedding at all? 当新娘说她不想结婚时 你怎么办? [18:45.440]She said that? Why? 她这么说? 对 为什么? [18:48.270]I don't know. I said it was stupid to put off the wedding... 我不知道 我说为了礼堂被拆就延期很蠢 [18:52.350]...and she,like,flipped out. 她就捉狂了 [18:55.280]Oh,my God! You're even dumber than I am. 天哪,你比我还笨 [18:59.720]Excuse me? 什么? [19:01.720]How long have you been planning this wedding? 你筹备这次婚礼多久了? [19:04.960]I don't know. A month? 不晓得,1个月吧 [19:06.360]Emily's probably been planning it since she was 5. 艾蜜莉可能从5岁就在计划了 [19:09.800]Ever since the first time she hung a pillowcase from her head. 从她第一次把枕头套 披在头上开始 [19:15.340]That's what we did. 女生都这样 [19:17.370]We dreamed about the perfect wedding. 我们梦想办一场完美的婚礼 [19:20.710]In the perfect place. 在一个完美的场地 [19:23.710]With the perfect four-tiered wedding cake. 有一个完美的四层结婚蛋糕 [19:28.010]With the little people on top. 上面有小人偶 [19:39.060]But the most important part... 但最重要的... [19:42.000]...is that we had the perfect guy... ...是有个完美的男人 [19:44.700]...who understood just how important all that stuff was. 了解这一切对我们有多重要 [19:50.740]I had no idea. 我都不知道 [19:53.670]That pillowcase thing,I thought you were doing The Flying Nun. 我以为你披枕头套 是在学“快乐的修女” [19:59.950]Sometimes we were. 有时候是啦 [20:04.280]Come on. 别哭了 [20:05.890]Help me figure out what to do. 帮我想想办法 [20:14.530]Pretty intense,huh? 场面蛮紧张的 是啊 [20:17.960]I hope Ross didn't think we left because we were uncomfortable here. 希望罗斯不会以为 我们是怕尴尬才进厕所 [20:28.880]I hope he did. 希望他就是这么想的 [20:36.820]I thought of a good flaw. Ross pops his gum. 我想到一个缺点了 罗斯吃口香糖会吹泡泡 [20:40.220]Oh,right. 没错 [20:42.860]-Wait a minute. I do that too. -I know,it drives me crazy. 等等,我也会 是啊,我超受不了的 [20:48.390]I'll get it. 我来接 [20:53.100]Pheebs,it's Joey. 菲比,我是乔伊 [20:54.730]Hey,Joey! 乔伊 [20:57.100]I saw someone that looks just like you on the subway. 我在地铁看到一个很像你的人 [21:00.170]I was going to say hi,then I figured he doesn't care he looks like you. 我正想打招呼 又想到他不会在乎他长得像你 [21:06.280]That just cost me 4 bucks. 你讲了我4块钱了 [21:09.280]I called to see how the chick and the duck are doing. 我打来问小鸡小鸭好不好 [21:12.950]They're having fun with Aunt Phoebe. Aunt Rachel hasn't been helpful. 它们跟菲比阿姨玩得很开心 瑞秋阿姨没什么用 [21:18.460]So do you miss me? 你想我吗? [21:19.960]Kind of,but I've been having too much fun. 有点,但我玩得太高兴了 [21:23.030]You're not homesick yet? 你还没想家? [21:25.000]I don't think so. 没有,应该没有 [21:28.330]Well,the seven of us miss you. 我们七个都很想你 [21:34.310]-Who's seven? -Me,Rachel... 哪七个? 我,瑞秋, [21:36.710]...the birds,the babies. 鸡鸭,宝宝 [21:38.310]The babies miss me? 宝宝也想我? [21:41.310]Of course they do,or I'm just really hungry. 当然想,不然就是我太饿了 [21:47.190]Pizza guy's here! 披萨来了 [21:48.420]You ordered pizza without me? 你们趁我不在叫披萨? [21:51.720]But we were thinking about you. We ordered the Joey Special. 对,但我们有想着你 我们点了欢乐(乔伊)套餐 [21:55.430]Two pizzas? 两个披萨? [21:59.200]-Gotta go! Talk to you later. -Wait! 对,我得挂了,再聊 等等 [22:01.670]Where did you get it from? 你们叫哪一家的? [22:09.710](欢乐酒店) [22:15.350]And they're always glad you came 他们永远欢迎您的光临 [22:19.450]You want to be where you can see 要去就去一个 [22:22.090]Your troubles are all the same 让你看得开的地方 [22:24.590]You want to be Where everybody knows your name 要去就去一个 大家都认识你的地方 [22:33.470]Why have you brought me here? 你带我来这里干什么? [22:35.940]You'll see. 等着瞧 [22:37.640]This wedding won't happen. 我们不会结婚了 [22:42.440]Ross. 罗斯 [22:44.540]But imagine a lot more lights... 好,但想像更多灯火 [22:47.250]...and fewer bricks... 少一点砖瓦, [22:50.050]...and flowers and candles. 还有鲜花蜡烛 [22:52.790]And the musicians can go over here. 乐队可以摆在这里 [22:55.660]The chairs can face this way and 椅子可以朝这边,然后… [22:58.420]You go. 你讲 [23:00.830]But if you don't love this, we'll do it any other place or time. 不过要是你不喜欢 我们就改时间改地点 [23:05.060]Really,it's fine. 真的没关系 [23:06.930]Whatever you want. 你高兴就好 [23:10.100]It's perfect. 这样很完美 [23:12.270]And,I don't know,if it rains 我不知道,要是下雨… [23:14.640]Then we'll get wet. 那就淋湿吧 [23:22.520]I don't even have a date. 我连男朋友都没有 [23:28.420]Do you remember where the duck food is? 菲比 怎样?你记得饲料在哪里吗? [23:30.590]In the guys' apartment, under the sink. Why? 记得,在男生那边的水槽下面 怎么了? [23:33.660]Because I'm going to London. 因为我要去伦敦 [23:35.800]What? What do you mean? 什么?什么叫你要去伦敦? [23:37.930]I have to tell Ross I love him. 我得告诉罗斯我爱他 [23:40.300]Take care and don't have the babies till I get back. 保重,等我回来再生 [23:44.970]But what about all the finding-his-flaws stuff we've been doing? 那我们想了半天他的缺点呢? [23:47.840]Yeah,that didn't work. 没用 [23:49.910]You can't go. Ross loves Emily. 你不能去,罗斯爱的是艾蜜莉 [23:52.110]I know,but I have to tell him how I feel. 我知道 但我得告诉他我的感觉 [23:55.110]He deserves all the information to make an informed decision. 他应该知道所有状况 好做出知道状况的决定 [23:59.820]You're going because you hope he'll say: 才怪,你去是希望他说 [24:03.020]"l love you too. Forget the British chippy." “我也爱你” “别理那个英国妹了” [24:08.260]You think he will? 你觉得他会吗? [24:09.600]No,because he's in love with the British chippy! 不会,因为他爱那个英国妹 [24:14.930]You're just gonna mess with his head and ruin his wedding. 你去了只会把他搞乱 毁了他的婚礼 [24:18.940]It's too late! You missed your chance. 太迟了,你错过机会了 [24:22.480]I'm sorry. This must be hard. 抱歉,你一定很难受 [24:26.380]But it's over. 但已经结束了 [24:31.620]No,it's not over until someone says,"l do." 不,有人说“我愿意” 才算结束 [24:35.820]I do! I do! 我愿意!我愿意… [24:44.530]Like I can really chase you. I'm carrying a litter! 谁追得上你,我怀了一窝猪仔 [24:58.510]The Waltham residence. 华森公馆 [25:00.550]Is this Emily's parents' house? 是艾蜜莉的父母家吗? [25:02.650]This is the housekeeper speaking. 我是管家 [25:04.920]And,by the way,that is not how one addresses a person on the telephone. 还有,小姐 讲电话不能这样讲 [25:10.690]First one identifies oneself... 先表明身份 [25:12.930]...and then asks for the person with whom one wishes to speak. 再请你想找的人过来 [25:17.960]What are you saying? 你在说什么? [25:21.270]Now,let us try that again,shall we? 我们重来一次 [25:24.640]No! 不! [25:26.670]Oh,my God! 天哪 [25:34.010]-The Waltham residence. -Hello. 华森公馆 [25:36.550]This is Phoebe Buffay. I was wondering,please... 我是菲比布非,我是想麻烦你 [25:39.920]...if it's not too much trouble,please... 如果不是很麻烦的话 [25:42.890]...might I speak with Miss Emily Waltham,please? 我能和艾蜜莉华森小姐通话吗 [25:46.660]Miss Waltham is at the rehearsal dinner. 华森小姐去排练餐会了 [25:49.730]And it is not polite to make fun of people. Goodbye. 嘲弄别人的口音是不礼貌的 再见 [25:53.970]I'll be nice,I swear. Could you just give me the number for where they are? 不!我会有礼貌,我发誓 可以把现场的电话给我吗? [25:58.070]I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to divulge that information. 我恐怕没有权利泄露这项讯息 [26:02.410]Somebody is on their way to ruin the wedding,and I have to warn somebody. 有人正要去破坏婚礼 我得警告他们 [26:06.750]So if you don't give me that number, I'm gonna come over there... 你不给我号码,我就杀到伦敦 [26:09.950]...and I'm gonna kick your snooty ass all the way to New Gloukenshire! 把你一脚踹到新咕噜肯夏去 [26:15.220]Hello? Hello? [26:17.390]She knew I could kick her ass. 她知道我说到做到 [26:25.630]-Hi,sweetheart. -Mom,Dad. 乖儿子 妈 爸 [26:29.640]Sorry we're late. 抱歉迟到了 [26:31.000]My fault. I insisted on riding the tube. 是我不好,我坚持要坐管子 [26:33.410]Judy,the kids! 茱蒂,孩子都在 [26:36.110]Jack,that's what they call the subway. 杰克,那是地铁的俗称 [26:40.150]-I thought -Dad,we got it. 我以为… 爸,我们懂 [26:44.250]Here comes my dad and stepmom. 我爸和继母来了 [26:46.350]Mr. and Mrs. Geller. 伯父伯母, [26:47.750]-This is Steven... -Hello,darling. 这是史帝芬… [26:49.860]...and Andrea Waltham. 和安瑞亚华森 [26:51.560]Very nice to meet you. 幸会 [26:53.790]Darling,the Gellers. 老婆,是盖勒家的人 [26:55.760]Darling,it's the Gellers. 老婆,是亲家 [26:57.630]She's very self-involved. I should never have married her. 她只想着自己,我不该娶她的 [27:03.370]-It's the Gellers. -Where? 你说什么?是盖勒家的人 在哪里? [27:05.140]That's one and that's another one. 那边一个,那边一个 [27:08.740]Lovely to meet you. 很高兴认识你们 [27:10.080]Nice of you to offer to pay for half the wedding. 谢谢你们出一半的钱 [27:12.550]The hell with tradition. We're happy to do it. 不客气,去他的习俗 我们很乐意 [27:15.310]We know how expensive weddings can be. 我们知道结个婚有多花钱 [27:18.280]Besides,this may be the only wedding we get to throw. 而且以后可能就没机会了 [27:22.520]A joke that's funny in all countries. 真是个世界通行的笑话 [27:28.990]Sir? 您要吗? [27:30.830]-What's in it? -Goat cheese,watercress and pancetta. 里面包什么? 羊酪、水田芥和培根 [27:38.670]That's not food. 这能吃吗? [27:43.680]Everything's different here. I want to go home. 这里的东西都不一样 我想回家 [27:48.380]I miss my family,the coffeehouse. 我想念我的家人,想念咖啡馆 [27:50.550]I can't even remember what Phoebe looks like! 我连菲比的长相都不记得了 [27:54.320]It's been three days. 我们才来3天 [27:56.290]Okay,you're just homesick. 你只是想家了 [27:59.630]Would you just try to relax and just enjoy yourself? 放轻松,好好玩就对了 [28:03.530]You're different here too. 连你都变了 [28:06.870]You're mean in England! 你在英国好坏 [28:10.340]What the hell? 搞什么? [28:11.840]What's up,Dad? 怎么了? [28:13.040]This bill for my half of the wedding. It's insane. 我的这份帐单 太扯了 [28:15.980]How can it be so much? The reception's at their house. 怎么会这么贵? 请客是在家里请 [28:18.810]Flowers,liquor. Re-carpet first floor? 花,酒,一楼重铺地毯? [28:22.980]New guest bath,landscaping. 新的客用浴室,造景 [28:25.920]I'm paying to remodel this guy's house. 我在出钱让他们装修 [28:28.350]I'm gonna give that son of a bitch a piece of my mind. 我要把那个混蛋骂一顿 [28:31.790]Please. 爸,别激动 [28:32.990]I don't want anything to upset Emily tonight. 我不想让艾蜜莉不开心 [28:35.830]She's had a hard enough couple of days as it is. 她这两天已经够心烦了 [28:38.860]Here. Let me go talk to him. 给我,我去跟他谈 [28:41.470]You tell him no one takes advantage of the Gellers. 告诉他谁也别想占盖勒家便宜 [28:47.670]Sometimes I forget how powerful you can be. 杰克 有时候我都忘了你多有气概 [28:55.310]And I'm gonna go get drunk. 我要去喝个烂醉 [29:03.660]-Hello. -Hello. 你好 你好 [29:06.690]When is your next flight to London? 下一班飞伦敦的班机? [29:08.530]There's one leaving in 30 minutes. 半小时后有一班 [29:11.100]And I do have one seat left. 还剩一个空位 [29:14.030]Thank you,thank you. 谢谢你 [29:15.470]The last-minute fare on this ticket is $2700. 临时票的价钱是2700元 [29:20.940]Huh. How about 600? 卖我6百如何? [29:24.080]-Sorry. -How about 600 and these earrings? 抱歉 6百再加这对耳环 [29:28.780]They prefer it if I don't barter. 公司是觉得最好不要 [29:32.550]I don't think I have enough left on my credit card. 我的信用卡额度不够 [29:35.450]You can split it with another card. 你可以分两张刷 [29:38.120]How about five? 五张可以吗? [29:41.860]Thank you. 谢谢 [29:43.430]I'm just going to need to see your passport. 请出示护照 [29:48.630]I don't have it,but I can tell you exactly where it is on my nightstand. 我没带,不过我可以告诉你 它就在我的床头柜上 [29:55.240]You know what? I have my driver's license. 这样吧,我有驾照 [29:59.780]And I have a 20. 还有一张20元钞票 [30:06.520]Face it. My father is not going to pay for the built-in barbecue. 我爸不会付内建烤炉的钱 [30:10.260]And believe me,you can kiss your gazebo goodbye. 还有,凉亭也免谈 [30:15.060]I might be able to get you the new lawn. 我或许可以争取到新草皮 [30:18.260]Then you have to give us the lawn ornaments. 那也得给草坪的装饰品 [30:21.900]I go back there with lawn ornaments, he'll laugh in my face. 我要是答应会被我爸笑死 [30:26.210]This is ridiculous. I mean,we had an agreement. 太扯了,大家都说好了 [30:30.410]Will you say something,Steven? 史帝芬,你说句话好吗? [30:34.610]Don't take that tone with me. 别对我这么不客气 [30:38.720]All right,you can. 好吧,随你 [30:46.830]Thank God! 菲比 谢天谢地 [30:48.490]You changed your mind. 你改变心意了 [30:50.930]You probably want to be alone, you don't want to talk about it. 你现在或许想静一静 [30:54.130]You're doing the right thing. 没关系,你这么做是对的 [30:57.070]Where are you going? 再见 等等,你要去哪里? [30:58.600]What are you doing? No,wait. 你又想干什么?等等 [31:01.040]Why am I always pregnant when she does that? 为什么每次她这样 我都在怀孕 [31:13.690]I'd like to make a toast to Ross and Emily. 我想敬罗斯和艾蜜莉一杯 [31:16.120]My big toast is tomorrow. 我明天会正式敬酒 [31:17.890]This is kind of my little toast, or Melba toast,if you will. 今天是非正式敬酒 也就是随便敬敬 [31:25.260]Okay. 好, [31:26.900]I've known Ross for a long time. I knew him when he was with his first girlfriend. 我跟罗斯认识很久了 他第一次交女朋友我都知道 [31:32.140]I thought things were going to work out for him,until the day he over-inflated her. 我以为他们很顺利 直到那天他替她“充气” [31:40.410]Oh,dear God! 天哪 [31:45.580]Hello,Waltham lnteriors. 华森府邸 [31:47.890]Mrs. Waltham. 华森太太 [31:49.590]I need to speak with one of the best men or Ross' sister,Monica. 我想找罗斯的伴郞之一或妹妹摩尼卡 [31:53.930]-Who is this? -Phoebe,one of Ross' best friends. 你是谁?我是菲比布非 罗斯最要好的朋友之一 [31:58.660]How did you get this number? 你怎么知道这个号码? [32:00.570]I got it from your maid. She's a bitch,but I wore her down. 跟你的女佣问的 她很贱,但我比她更贱 [32:05.540]If you're one of Ross' best friends, why aren't you here? 既然是罗斯的朋友怎么没来? [32:08.670]I can't fly. I'm having my brother's babies. 我不能坐飞机 我怀了我弟的孩子 [32:17.080]Am I on the radio? 是广播节目吗? [32:21.590]Can I talk to one of them? It's important. 不是 我可以找他们吗?我有要紧事 [32:24.320]I'm bored of you now. I'm going to cut you off. 我对你没兴趣了,我要挂了 [32:28.290]Oh,okay,I'm going to have to kick her ass too. 我也要踹她 [32:33.070]We're excited that Ross and Emily are getting married at Montgomery Hall. 很高兴罗斯和艾蜜莉 要在蒙哥马利礼堂结婚 [32:38.500]To think,my friend getting married in Monty Hall. 我朋友要在“蒙帝霍尔”结婚 (霍尔字同礼堂) [32:42.510]Come on,Monty Hall! 拜托,蒙帝霍尔啊 [32:43.940]Let's Make a Deal. Come on,you people! “大家来挑战”主持人啊 笑一下吧 [32:47.880]All right,forget it. Congratulations,Ross and Emily. 算了,恭喜 罗斯和艾蜜莉 [32:55.520]Best man number two,Joey Tribbiani. 伴郞二号,乔伊崔比亚尼 [32:58.990]I'm not good with the jokes like Chandler here. 我没钱德那么会说笑话 [33:05.330]Congratulations to the happy couple. 我只想说恭喜这对幸福的新人 [33:08.730]I first met Ross in this coffeehouse back home. 我在我家附近咖啡馆认识罗斯 [33:19.240]Home. 家 [33:21.880]New York City. 纽约市… [33:23.820]Where everybody knows my name. 在那里大家都认识我 [33:29.020]Anyway... 总之... [33:31.190]...I love you guys. 我爱你们 [33:32.930]But not as much as I love America. 但是我更爱美国 [33:38.000]Can we please go home now? 我们回家了好不好? [33:41.730]Are you going home? 你要回去了? [33:43.600]I was hoping to get to know you better. 我正想进一步了解你 [33:47.570]I'm not going anywhere,sweetheart. 美人,我哪儿也不去 [33:55.510]I was laughing. 我有笑啊 [33:58.250]Out loud? 有笑出声吗? [34:01.450]I didn't want everyone to think I was stupid. 我不想让别人觉得我很白痴 [34:05.020]So how are you? 你好吗? [34:06.360]My mother's driving me crazy. But Ross is getting married. I'm happy. 我妈快把我逼疯了 但是我很替罗斯高兴 [34:10.230]I'm not going to let anything spoil that. 我不会让任何人扫我的兴 [34:13.800]I just want to say that Ross is a wonderful young man. 我只想说罗斯真是个好青年 [34:18.170]Thanks. We like him. 谢谢,我们都喜欢他 [34:21.170]My God! You must have been a teenager when you had him. 天哪,你生他时一定才十几岁 [34:31.420]There's no way in hell I'm paying for it. 我绝对不会付钱 [34:34.350]Look,we're down to just one point. 好,我只问一件事 [34:37.060]Could we please just settle it after the wedding? 能不能婚礼后再解决? [34:40.460]Fine,but I'm not paying for your wine cellar... 好,但我绝不付酒窖的钱 [34:44.060]...you thieving, would-be-speaking- German-if-it-weren't-for-us, cheap little man! 靠美国才没被德国殖民的小人 [34:53.470]The guy was hammered. There's no way you look like Ross' mother. 那傢伙醉昏了 你怎么可能像罗斯的妈 [34:58.980]-Then why would he say it? -Because he's crazy! 那他为何会认错? 因为他疯了 [35:01.650]He came up to me earlier and thanked me for my very moving performance in Titanic. 之前他还谢谢我 在“铁达尼号”里演得很棒 [35:08.990]My mother's right. I'll never get married. 我妈说得对,我嫁不出去了 [35:12.290]You know what,that is 这么说就… [35:14.760]Who wouldn't want you? 谁不想要你? [35:16.930]Please! I'm a single mom with a 30-year-old son. 拜托 我是个儿子30岁的单亲妈妈 [35:24.070]-Hi,I'm back. Listen,I need to -Hello. 我回来了,听着,我得… 你好 [35:27.740]Hello. I need to get on that 11:00 flight. 你好,我得赶11点那班飞机 [35:30.440]I'm afraid that plane's already pulled away from the gate. 那架班机已经起飞了 [35:33.150]You're going to have to call that plane and tell them to swing around and pick me up. 你得叫他们掉头回来接我 [35:37.780]-Can't do that. -Sure,you know what? 我不能那么做 [35:40.590]We'll just tell them that there was, like, a problem with, like, the engine. 当然可以,就说引擎有问题 [35:46.190]I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to step aside, miss. 我恐怕得请你让开 [35:49.830]Look,if I don't get to London he is gonna marry that other girl. 我不赶去伦敦,他会娶别人 [35:53.230]Can't imagine why. 真不懂是为什么 [35:56.570]All right. You know what? 你知道吗? [35:58.070]I am not leaving here until you call that plane back. 你不把架飞机叫回来我就不走 [36:03.140](暂停服务) [36:10.520]I'm getting married today! 我今天要结婚了 [36:13.850]Morning. 早啊,罗斯 [36:15.050]-I'm getting married today! -Yeah,you are. 我今天要结婚了 [36:21.360]Do you think he knew I was here? 你觉得他有发现吗? [36:47.650]-Excuse me. -Yeah. 抱歉 是 [36:50.520]If you're going to do that throughout the flight,tell me now... 要是你打算一路敲打到伦敦 现在就说 [36:53.630]...so that I can take a sedative. 我好吃镇静剂 [36:56.400]Or perhaps slip you one. 或是给你一颗 [37:00.100]I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. Sorry. 对不起,非常抱歉 [37:05.570]It's just,I'm kind of excited. 我只是有点兴奋 [37:08.440]I'm going to London... 我要去伦敦... [37:10.880]...to tell this guy that I love him. ...告诉一个人我爱他 [37:23.360]Well,I've never done that with you before. 我没跟你做过这档事 [37:27.530]是没有 [37:29.060]So how are you? 你怎样? [37:31.200]You okay? 还好吗? [37:33.230]Yeah. Yeah. You? 很好,你呢? [37:34.930]Oh,yes. Yes. 很好… [37:37.840]You? 你呢? [37:40.440]We did you. 我们问过你了 [37:44.380]Well.... [37:47.010]-I better get going. -Absolutely. 我该走了 好,当然 [37:52.550]Could you not look? 你能不能不要看? [37:54.550]I don't want to look. 我不想看 [38:10.370]Where the hell have you been? 你死哪去了? [38:13.540]I spent the night out. I met this cute bridesmaid. She is so... 我没回来睡 我认识了可爱的伴娘,她好… [38:18.410]I don't want to hear it! 我不想听 [38:20.050]Pheebs,you know you're still my number-one girl. 菲比,我最喜欢的还是你 [38:24.380]No. No. We have an emergency. Rachel's coming to London. 不,出事了,瑞秋跑去伦敦了 [38:28.320]Great! 太好了 [38:30.660]No,it's not great. She's coming to tell Ross that she loves him. 一点也不好 她要去告诉罗斯她爱他 [38:34.560]But he loves Emily. 但是罗斯爱艾蜜莉 [38:35.890]I know that! 我知道 [38:38.330]You have to stop her. She's going to ruin the wedding. 你得阻止她,她会破坏婚礼 [38:41.330]Okay. 好 [38:43.440]-All right,so -Hold on,hold on. 所以… 等等 [38:46.370]Rachel coming. 瑞秋来了 [38:52.080]Do... 想… [38:54.610]...something. ...办法 [38:57.150]I've done my part,okay? 我该做的都做了 [38:59.320]It's your responsibility now. The burden is off me. 现在该你负责 我卸下这个责任了 [39:01.920]-Right? -Right. 对吧? 对 [39:04.090]So tell me about this girl. 说说这个伴娘吧 [39:08.160]And so then I realized, all the stuff that I had been doing... 结果我发现我的一切举动 [39:11.730]...proposing to Joshua,lying to Ross about why I couldn't come to the wedding... 向约书亚求婚、骗说我要忙 [39:15.930]-...was all just a way -Oh,oh,oh,oh! 都只是一种… [39:19.340]I'm sorry,can I interrupt? 抱歉,可以打个岔吗? [39:21.310]I just want to say that you are a horrible, horrible person. 你真是个很糟糕,很糟糕的人 [39:28.110]Pardon me? 你说什么? [39:29.550]You say you love this man,and yet you're about to ruin the happiest day of his life. 你说你爱这个人 却要去破坏他的大喜之日 [39:33.320]I'm afraid I have to agree with your friend Pheebs. 我不得不同意你朋友菲比的话 [39:35.750]This is a terrible, terrible plan. 这是个很差劲,很差劲的打算 [39:39.420]-But he has to know how I feel. -But why? 但他必须知道我的感受 为什么? [39:42.960]He loves this Emily person. No good can come of this. 他爱这个艾蜜莉 这么做绝对没好处 [39:47.570]-Well,I think you're wrong. -Oh,no. 我觉得你错了 才怪 [39:55.440]Well,he doesn't really love her. It's just a rebound thing from me. 他并非真的爱她 只是失去我需要寄托 [40:01.910]-You'll see. -Fortunately I won't. 你等着瞧 幸好我看不到 [40:05.820]And by the way,it seems to be perfectly clear that you were on a break. 还有,你们当时显然是分手了 [40:18.330]Do something. 想办法 [40:22.130]Something. 办法 [40:26.840]-Have you seen Monica? -I'm not seeing Monica! 你有看见摩妮卡吗? 我没有在跟摩妮卡交往 [40:33.480]-What? -What? 什么? 啥? [40:35.880]We gotta find her. Rachel's coming to tell Ross she loves him. 我们得找到她 菲比说瑞秋要来向罗斯表白 [40:39.780]-Oh,my God! -I know. Do you know where Monica is? 天哪 没错,所以要找到摩妮卡 你知道她在哪里吗? [40:42.820]No. What's with the third degree? Why not just shine a light in my eyes? 不知道!你在逼问什么? 干脆拿灯照我的眼睛算了 [40:59.040]Oh,my God! 我的天哪 [41:02.040]It's like a fairyland. 跟仙境一样 [41:04.610]I know. It's horrible,isn't it? 是啊,很恐怖吧? [41:07.450]I love it. I only hope my wedding looks this good. 我好喜欢 希望我的婚礼也能这么美 [41:11.050]-I just hope -You can let some of them go by. 我觉得… 有些话就别接了 [41:17.190]Start looking out for Rachel. 开始注意瑞秋 [41:19.190]I'll cover the front door. You watch that big hole. 我守前门 你守后面那个大洞 [41:22.390]And I got Chandler covering Ross. 罗斯那里有钱德顾着 [41:25.030]Why would I care where Chandler is? 我干嘛管钱德在哪里? [41:27.930]You know... [41:30.800]...sometimes I don't even like Chandler. 有的时候我根本不喜欢钱德 [41:34.140]Okay. 好 [41:38.080]I do. 我愿意… [41:39.980]I do. 我愿意… [41:42.050]I do. 我愿意 [41:43.680]-You're right. It's the second one. -Right? 没错,第二个比较好 是吗? [41:50.420]Hello,Joey. 乔伊 [41:51.620]Hey,Felicity. 费丽西蒂 [41:55.090]I thought about you all day. 我整天都在想你 是吗? [41:58.800]Talk New York to me again. 再跟我讲讲纽约的事 [42:01.500]Forget about it. 别管纽约了 [42:04.540]How you doing? 你好吗? [42:09.870]There's nothing to discuss. We're not paying for your wine cellar. 没什么好谈的 我们不会付酒窖的钱 [42:13.210]You have to meet me in the middle here. 你们总得折衷一下 [42:15.510]My foot's gonna meet the middle of your ass. 你再罗唆我就踹你的屁眼 [42:20.220]-What's going on? -Everything's under control. 怎么了? 没事,一切都在掌握中 [42:23.620]You want a piece of me,sir? Is that what you're saying? 你想干架?你是这个意思吗? [42:28.490]That's it! Parents! Parents! Back away! 够了,双方家长,退后 [42:32.130]This is our wedding day! 这是我们的大喜之日 [42:34.470]From now on,everyone gets along. 你们给我好好相处 [42:36.530]And if I hear one more word... 谁再多说一个字 [42:39.000]...no grandchildren! That's right! 就别想抱孙子,没错 [42:41.810]-Okay,okay. -Sorry,old boy. 知道了 抱歉 [42:47.150]I could kill you with my thumb, you know. 我用大拇指就能扳倒你 [42:53.750]What was all that about? 这是怎么回事? [42:55.490]It was this disagreement over 只是一些费用上的… [43:00.230]My God! You look beautiful. 天哪,你真美 [43:04.730]You're not meant to see me before the wedding. It's bad luck. 行礼前看到新娘会不吉利 [43:08.170]I think we've had all the bad luck we're going to have. 我们的恶运应该都用完了 [43:48.240]My God,Rachel! 天哪,瑞秋 [43:52.780]You're here. I can't believe it. 你来了,我真不敢相信 [43:57.750]What happened? Why are you here? 你怎么跑来了? [43:59.580]I just came to 我只是来… [44:05.590]I just needed to tell you... 我只是得告诉你… [44:10.560]...congratulations. 恭喜你 [44:44.700]Hello,Waltham lnteriors. 华森府邸 [44:46.500]Mrs. Waltham? It's Phoebe. 华森太太吗?又是我,菲比 [44:49.230]Why? 怎么又是你? [44:51.840]Can I talk to one of the best men? This is going to be the last time. 我可以跟伴郞之一说话吗? 我保证这是最后一次 [44:57.040]There's a girl on the phone for you. 有个女生找你 [45:00.410]Great! 真好 [45:04.950]It's Phoebe. 乔伊,是菲比 [45:06.280]Did you stop Rachel? 你有堵到瑞秋吗? [45:07.550]No,but it's okay. She just came in and gave him a hug. That's it. 没有,但没事 她只有抱抱他而已 [45:10.560]-Nothing got ruined? -No. 没有破坏什么? 没有 [45:12.990]That's so great! 太好了 [45:15.730]So,what's going on now? 现在怎么样了? [45:19.300]I'm walking down the aisle. 我正在走红毯 [45:23.470]Still walking. 还在走 [45:25.670]I'm about to pass the bridesmaid I hooked up with last night. 我正要经过昨晚那个伴娘面前 [45:29.170]Hey. [45:32.010]I just told her "hey." 我刚跟她说嗨 [45:34.780]I'm at the front with Ross. 我跟罗斯站在一起了 [45:37.050]It's Phoebe! 是菲比 [45:43.020]He looks pretty mad. 他看起来很不爽 [45:45.760]I better go. 我得挂了 [45:46.930]Wait! Hold it up so I can listen. 等一下!拿着让我听 [45:56.630]-What we did last night was -Stupid. 昨晚的事真是… 愚蠢 [46:00.440]Totally crazy, stupid. 既夸张又愚蠢 [46:03.040]What were we thinking? 我们在想什么? [46:05.910]I'm coming over tonight though, right? 我晚上去找你,好吗? [46:10.580]Definitely. 当然好 [46:37.210]Friends,family... 各位亲朋好友 [46:39.480]...we are gathered to celebrate... 我们今天齐聚一堂 [46:41.710]...the joyous union of Ross and Emily. 庆祝罗斯与艾蜜莉缔结良缘 [46:46.380]May the happiness of today... 愿今朝的幸福... [46:48.150]...be with them always. ...永远与他们同在 [46:49.750]Now,Emily,repeat after me. 艾蜜莉,跟我复述 [46:52.020]-l,Emily... -l,Emily... 我,艾蜜莉… [46:54.730]-...take thee,Ross... -...take thee,Ross.... 嫁给你,罗斯… [46:57.160]...as my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health... 做我合法的丈夫 无论贫病... [47:00.370]...till death parts us. 至死不渝 [47:02.700]As my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health... 做我合法的丈夫 无论贫病... [47:06.840]...until death parts us. 至死不渝 [47:09.510]Now,Ross. 罗斯 [47:12.310]Repeat after me. 跟我复述 [47:13.910]I,Ross... 我,罗斯… [47:15.710]I,Ross... [47:17.080]...take thee,Emily... 迎娶你,艾蜜莉… [47:18.750]...take thee,Rachel 迎娶你,瑞秋… [47:24.420]Emily. 艾蜜莉 [47:32.160]Emily. 艾蜜莉 [47:40.610]Shall I go on? 还要继续吗? [48:23.950]"Mother,Mother,Pizza,Pizza," take one. 第一次… [48:25.880]Oh,the band's ready? We gotta do what the band says,right? 乐队准备好了? 乐队怎么说我就怎么做 [48:30.660]I don't care about the stupid band! 我才懒得管乐队呢 [48:37.560]-Well,it's getting late. -Here we go. 咱们去上床 [48:39.300]Actually,you guys mind staying here with me for a while? 你们可以陪我一下吗? [48:43.800]You know,we gotta get up early and catch the plane to New York. 我们早上要赶飞机 [48:46.940]Yeah,it's a very large plane. 对,那架飞机很大 [49:11.430]Why,what's the matter? 怎么了?