[00:00.01]Episode 07: Man's Best Friend ACT I [00:01.05]Robbie, this new Walkman is absolutely wonderful. [00:05.26]Richard and Marilyn bought it for me for my birthday. [00:09.27]They're so thoughtful. [00:11.46]You are very lucky, Robbie, to have such a nice family. [00:16.67]Is something wrong, Alexandra? [00:18.74]No, nothing. [00:21.11]Yes, there is. [00:22.55]I can tell. [00:24.69]What's the matter? [00:26.77]Come on, you can tell me. [00:29.34]What's up? [00:31.01]I don't know. [00:33.34]Something's wrong. [00:37.34]OK, let's talk. [00:42.53]I received a letter from my parents this morning. [00:46.37]Did they write some bad news? [00:48.40]No. [00:50.32]Well, then why are you so sad? [00:52.42]I miss them. [00:54.05]I miss them very much. [00:56.75]I'm sorry, Alexandra. [00:59.71]But I understand. [01:03.98]The Molinas treat me so nicely, [01:06.42]and I love being with your family so much ... [01:11.75]but when I received the letter [01:13.32]with photographs of my family, I cried. [01:17.42]I cried because I miss them all. [01:19.96]You really miss your family, don't you? [01:21.99]Yes. I know I must seem silly. [01:27.43]It's not like I have nobody. [01:30.14]I like the Molinas very much, [01:32.30]and they're so kind to me. [01:39.25]Hey, why don't we go out [01:40.79]for a cheeseburger and french fries? [01:42.59]That'll cheer you up. [01:44.56]And you can use my Walkman. [01:47.73]That's a good idea. [01:50.49]But if we go out, [01:52.63]please don't complain [01:55.71]about your math teacher or your math homework. [01:58.68]I want to have fun. [01:59.99]So do I. [02:01.77]I have to turn off the lights, [02:03.13]or else my father will get really angry. [02:05.81]He says I never turn them out when I leave. [02:09.24]If they come home and they're on ... [02:14.98]Do you hear something? [02:16.31]Yes. [02:16.73]What was that? [02:19.19]It sounded like a dog barking. [02:21.89]It sounded like a dog barking right here. [02:24.27]Yeah. [02:28.51]A dog! [02:29.66]A springer spaniel! [02:33.69]Come on in! [02:34.33]Make yourself at home. [02:36.17]Oh, you poor little thing. [02:39.81]Come on. [02:49.05]Poor baby. [02:51.26]Where did you come from? [02:57.04]Her name's Gemma, [02:58.74]and she belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Levinson. [03:02.15]There's a phone number -- [03:04.25]five five five ... eight four four eight. [03:09.40]Robbie, maybe you should call them [03:11.74]and tell the Levinsons we have their cute little spaniel. [03:15.13]I've always wanted a springer spaniel. [03:17.11]She's so cute. [03:35.82]The number you are calling -- 555-8448 -- [03:42.11]is no longer in service. [03:46.90]The number's no longer in service. [03:51.49]Oh, you poor, poor baby. [03:54.08]You've lost your family. [03:56.40]We'll find them. [03:57.21]Don't worry, Alexandra.