A Real Stewart ACT III Thanks, Michelle. I hope you like it. Isn't this baby outfit adorable? With his name on it--"Max." Thanks so much, Harry and Michelle. We really appreciate it. I'm glad you like it. Michelle picked it out. Yes, I told Daddy to pick blue ones. Blue is for boys, and pink is for girls. And Max is some boy. He's a real Stewart. Right. That was so thoughtful of you, Michelle. Especially to pick it out in blue. Would you like to see baby Max, Michelle? Could she? Could we? Could I? Take them upstairs, Susan. Harry and Michelle can watch Max sleeping. Let's go. Come on, Michelle. Before Max wakes up. Will you please take this upstairs, Susan? Uh-huh. Thank you. Michelle is very grown up for a ten-year-old, huh? She's smart and sensitive for her age. Growing up without a mother is difficult. You mature quickly. Susan's like a mother to Michelle. They have a good relationship. Do you think Susan and Harry will get married? Yeah. You can count on it. I think so. Yes. They get along so well. I like him. He's good for Susan. He's a little quiet. It's hard to do anything but listen in this family. You're right, Ellen. Oh, really? It's the way it should be. The Stewarts are the Stewarts! They always were, and they always will be. Right! They've always got an opinion. Always got something to say. And now there's Max Stewart. and if he talks as loudly as he cries, we're all in for trouble. He's quiet now. Mmm-hmm. That's because he's sleeping. He's really cute. It's not necessary to whisper, Harry. A baby gets used to voices. I remember now. We always whispered when Michelle was born. And I didn't sleep well, Daddy told me. I never slept. And when I did, I woke up when I heard someone speak. I bet you were cute. She sure was. Not as cute as Max. He's like a little doll. Oh, good. Now I can help diaper him. Let's get Marilyn. What do you do when he cries like that? You pick him up. He's so little ... so new. Let's call Marilyn. Time for a feeding and time for a diapering. You're a real Stewart.