20-3 ACT III I love my school. I have so many good friends there now. I wouldn't miss a day even if I were really sick. Come and sit down for a minute, Michelle. I'd like to talk to you about something. Something important. What's wrong, Susan? Oh, there's nothing wrong, Michelle. But your daddy and I are talking about something that I'd like your opinion about. I know. I heard you talking about it the other night when I was trying on my new clothes. It's about moving to Los Angeles. You're right. How do you feel about it? Well, I really wouldn't want to move, but ... But? But if you and Daddy wanted to, I guess you know what's best for the family and for me. That's very considerate of you, Michelle. But what about your friends? I'd miss them a lot, but I know what it feels like to miss someone. Honey, we don't have to move if you're not going to be happy about it. Does Daddy want to move? I think so. He's going to tell us tonight about the job offer. Well, how was everybody's day today? Michelle was chosen to do the school poster for the play this year. Congratulations, Michelle! That's something! And how was your day, Susan? I see you're in a good mood. Why don't you tell us about your day. I met with Bill York. It's OK to talk about it, Harry. Michelle knows all about it. Really? Really, Harry. Michelle and I have all kinds of feelings about leaving New York, the family, and friends. But if you think you should take the job, we're behind you. What about Michelle's school? We'll move after the school term. What about her new friends? I'll make new friends wherever we are as long as we're together. We're a family, Harry. Whatever you think is right for you is right for us. I am so touched. The two of you are really something. We love you, Daddy. And I love you. OK. Now, tell us about your talk with Mr. York. Did you take the job? Nope. What? No? You didn't take it? No, I did not take the job. But, Daddy, I thought ... Harry, you didn't turn it down because of me ... Or me? No, no. I turned it down because of me. How's that? Well, I began to think about you and about Michelle, and then I asked myself, do I really want to work for the biggest company in the country? And? And I don't. I went into business for myself because I like being my own boss. I run my own company. I'm a big fish in a little pond. I'm not really sure I want to be a little fish in a big pond. Oh, Daddy, does that mean we don't have to move? That's right, sweetheart. Are you sure? I couldn't be more sure, Susan. I'm glad if you are, Harry. And besides, how could I live in Los Angeles when all my favorite people live here? Your favorite people? Who's that? The Stewart family, of course.