24-2 ACT II You ready for the next problem? You know what? I can't look at another number. How about a lemonade break? Sure. Oh, by the way, when is your plane reservation for your flight to Athens? Sunday. Why? Would you be able to come over Saturday night? Yes. I should be finished packing by then. My folks are giving me a little graduation party. Terrific! I'll pick you up. That isn't necessary. My dad's letting me borrow the car. Oh, well, that would be very nice. About eight o'clock? Eight o'clock is fine. Great! It's a date. Who's going to be there? Just my friend Mike and a few kids from school. I'm going to miss all of you. You've been like a second family to me. We're going to miss you. Maybe you could come to visit me in Greece? ? I'm counting on it. Wonderful! ! Are you excited about graduating from high school? Sure ... and a little scared. Scared? Why? Aren't you a little scared? I was when I first came to the United States. I'd never been away from home, , and I didn't know what it would be like. But then I found out that people are the same everywhere once you get to know them. I'm glad I got to know you. Thank you. I'm glad I got to know you--and your family. Wouldn't it be nice if we could skip the examinations and get right to the graduation party? It would be very nice. But that isn't the way it works. So ... back to work. Good night, Robbie. Good night, Mrs. Stewart. Thank you for dinner. Good night, Alexandra. Will you be all right? Yes. The Molinas are waiting for me. Good night, Alexandra. I'll pick you up on Saturday night, OK? Yes. Eight o'clock. I have to run. Good night, Robbie. She's really a good friend, isn't she? Yeah. You are going to miss her. Am I going to miss her? That's what I said! You are going to miss her! I'm going to miss her, and my math teacher's going to miss her. Well, you can write to her. It's not the same. How does that look, Rob? Great! Pass me the hammer. You got it! You're sure Alexandra's going to be surprised? Absolutely. She has no idea that the party is in her honor. Millie, did you bring the tapes for dancing? Millie They're in my bag. What did you bring? Some rock 'n' roll. Perfect! Alexandra will love it! I can't wait to see her face when she walks in here tonight. What about the cake? My mom's decorating it right now. Robbie, there's a phone call for you. It's Alexandra. She sounds upset. OK. Thanks, Mom. I'll take it in there. Hi, Alexandra. What? You what? Oh no!