26-2 ACT II Do you like the dress? I love it. I designed it myself. It's beautiful. Are you ready? We're supposed to be there before the guests arrive. I know. I know. Help me with this tie, will you? Honey, I'm scared to death. But this is what you've been working for all these years. No, no. I worked to put together a book of photographs. This is show business. Well, it's all part of the same job. Just relax and enjoy it. You're right. I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it. As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown. What are you afraid of? Everything. A critic was there this morning. He probably hates my work. I have to sign copies of my book for a lot of people I never met before. My new shoes hurt my feet ... You're going to be a great success. Are you ready? As soon as I get these cuff links on. Let me help. Mom and Dad are already on their way down to the gallery. There! You look very attractive. Thank you. Well, I suppose I've run out of excuses. Mm-hmm. Let's go ... Oh, one minute. Before we go to the gallery, I just want to tell you that I never could have done this book without your help and your love. I appreciate it. Thanks. Now, no more stalling. What is it? There's nobody here! Of course not, Richard. Your show doesn't begin until eight thirty. Oh. Right. Richard! Welcome! Good luck tonight! Well, thanks. This is my publisher, Harvey Carlson. You've met my wife Marilyn ... Charmed. Hi. My mother, Ellen Stewart. Harvey Carlson. It's good to meet you. It's good to meet you. This is my father, Dr. Philip Stewart ... Nice to meet you, Mr. Carlson. My brother Robbie ... Hi. Hi. And this is my sister Susan and her husband Harry Bennett and his daughter Michelle. It's nice to meet you. And this gentleman is my grandfather, Malcolm Stewart. Welcome, Mr. Stewart. Well, make yourselves comfortable. There are hors d'oeuvres at the table, fruit punch at the bar. Help yourselves. Can I get you something, Mr. Stewart? No, thank you. You can feel very proud of your grandson, Mr. Stewart. I do. I'm proud of all my grandchildren, Mr. Carlson. Of course. Feel free to look around. If you need anything, just ask. Thank you. Harvey? Yes? Did Mitchell Johnson's review come out yet? Not yet. The newspapers don't come out till about ten o'clock. When they come out, we'll get it. Thanks. Ready? Yes. Have the people arrived? The guests are waiting. Tom's about to open the doors. Good luck! And stop worrying! They're going to love it.