[00:02.30]Come on,Joey! 乔伊,快说啦 [00:03.87]I told you everything I knew last night. 我知道的部分昨晚都告诉你了 [00:06.50]It's not that big a deal. So they're doing it. 摩妮卡和钱德搞在一起又怎样 [00:10.34]I cannot believe you would say that! 你居然这么说 [00:13.21]Sorry. Monica and Chandler are "making love." 抱歉 摩妮卡和钱德在“做爱” [00:18.05]No,I mean,come on. This is a huge deal! 不是啦,我是说这是大事耶 [00:21.98]I need more details. Who initiated the first kiss? 我想知道细节 是谁先吻谁的? [00:25.39]I don't know. 不知 [00:27.59]God,I just can't imagine Chandler being romantic. 我无法想像钱德浪漫的样子 [00:32.66]Is he romantic with her? 他跟她在一起时浪漫吗? [00:35.06]I don't know. 不知 [00:38.23]Are they in love? 他们相爱吗? [00:40.34]I don't know. 不知 [00:43.17]You don't know anything. 你什么都不知道 [00:44.84]I know one thing. What? 我知道一件事 什么事? [00:46.74]They did it right there. 他们在这张沙发上做过 [00:50.41]The One With Chandler's Work Laugh 本集播出:“瑞秋知道了” [00:00.00] [01:35.42](中央咖啡馆) [01:38.33]Ross. 罗斯 [01:41.43]Could I have a scone, please? 阿甘,给我一个英式松饼 [01:43.26]-Want to hear some good news? -ls somebody else gonna give it to us? 想听好消息吗? 有别人要说吗? [01:46.30]Because you certainly don't seem like you have any. 你不像有好消息的样子 [01:49.60]No,I do. Someone I know is getting married. 不,我有 我认识的某人要结婚了 [01:53.37]Weddings are happy occasions. Oh,it's my ex-wife,Emily! 婚礼是最开心的场合 对了,那人是我的前妻艾蜜莉 [01:58.85]Sorry,man. 什么? 怎么会这样 [02:00.05]-Here's your scone. -Thanks. 你的英式松饼 谢谢 [02:04.85]Stupid British snack food! 什么白痴英国点心! [02:09.26]Did they teach you that in anger management class? 那是情绪管理课教的吗? [02:13.50]You know what might help you deal with it? Think it this way. 我有个办法,你就这么想 [02:16.50]You two are in the past. You can't be mad about the past. 你和艾蜜莉已经过去了 你不能对过去的事生气 [02:20.10]Are you still mad about, you know, the Louisiana Purchase? 你还气我们跟法国买土地吗? [02:25.87]Nobody's mad about that. 菲比,没有人在气那个 [02:27.58]Exactly! Because it's in the past. 没错,因为已经过去了 [02:33.41]Anybody going to eat that? 那个有人要吃吗? [02:39.45]Look at us all dressed up for the party. What are we celebrating? 我们盛装参加公司宴会耶 是在庆祝什么? [02:43.46]We had a lot of liquor left over from Christmas. 圣诞晚会剩了不少酒 [02:47.20]Our friends aren't here. We can be a real couple. We don't have to hide. 真好,这里没有我们的朋友 我们可以公开,不必躲躲藏藏 [02:52.13]I know. I can do this. 没错,我可以这样 [02:55.10]And I can do this. 而我可以这样 [02:58.44]We can't do that. 我们不能那样 [03:01.24]Hey,Bing! 宾 [03:04.41]Who's the pretty lady, and what is she doing with you? 这位美女是谁 怎么跟你在一起? [03:09.28]I asked myself that very question,sir. This is Monica. 我也这样问自己 这是摩妮卡 [03:11.92]My boss,Doug. 我上司道格 [03:13.12]-This is Monica. -Hi. 道格,这是摩妮卡 [03:14.96]-This is my wife,Kara. -Nice to meet you. 幸会 这是我老婆卡拉 很高兴认识你… 宾 [03:20.56]Did you hear about the new law firm working for us? 公司找了新法律顾问公司 是吗? [03:23.60]Dickem,Stickem & Run. 杜塔、片达、豪伊事务所 (堵他,骗他,好耶) [03:29.54]Let's go drink our body weight. 我们去喝个痛快 [03:33.98]What was that? What? 那是什么? 什么? [03:35.58]That noise you made? 你刚才发出的声音 [03:36.88]Oh,my work laugh. 那是我的工作笑 [03:38.88]Your work laugh? 你的工作笑? [03:40.08]If you're going to survive this party, come up with one too. 相信我,想熬过这场派对 你也得编出一个来 [03:44.55]All right. Check me out. 好,看我的 好 [03:47.69]He says,"$30,Father. Same as in town." …30块钱,跟城里一样 [03:57.93]Everybody at work loved you last night. 昨晚公司的人都好喜欢你 [04:01.00]And they like me more just because I was with you. 真的? 而且他们因为你而更喜欢我 [04:04.24]You repaired the damage from when they met Joey. 你弥补了不少乔伊造成的伤害 [04:08.94]Doug wants to play tennis. He never talks to me outside of work. 道格还找我们打网球 他出了公司还没理过我 [04:12.71]Except for that time at that strip club. 除了在脱衣舞夜总会那次 [04:17.45]Strip church. 脱衣舞教堂 [04:21.26]-I'll go find a racket. -I thought you had one. 我要去找一支球拍 你不是有一支? [04:24.26]I used to,but then Joey thought it'd be fun to go hit rocks... 后来被乔伊拿去中央公园 对着石头打… [04:28.60]...at bigger rocks. 大石头 [04:31.63]Do you have a tennis racket? 瑞秋,你有网球拍吗? [04:33.60]I lent it to Joey,and I've never gotten it back. 我借给乔伊就没拿回来过 [04:37.47]Good luck with that. 祝你好运 [04:43.31]What's up? 你好吗? [04:44.65]Why are you here? I thought you had inventory. 你怎么来了?今天不是要盘点 [04:47.42]I do,but I decided I'd take a long lunch... 没错,但我决定午休久一点 [04:50.08]...and spend some time with my friend Monica. 陪陪我的朋友摩妮卡 [04:53.82]You know,I feel like we don't talk anymore. 我们现在都不谈心了 [04:56.62]How are you? 你好吗? [04:58.26]What is new with you? 有什么新变化? [05:03.33]Not much. Work's good. 不多,工作很顺利 [05:05.80]We don't have to talk about work. Talk about anything. 我们不必聊工作 什么都可以聊 [05:10.14]好吧… [05:11.97]You know what? 这样吧 [05:14.41]Let's talk about relationships. 我们来聊感情的事 [05:16.14]What's going on? 好,你最近怎样? [05:17.75]Nothing. 没人追 [05:20.11]You go. 该你 [05:22.58]There was this guy at the bank that I thought was cute. 我原本觉得银行有一个人很帅 [05:26.15]But I don't anymore. 现在不觉得了 [05:29.02]That's juicy. 真精彩 [05:31.86]You know what? I actually do have a lot of work to do. 不过我确实很忙 [05:35.33]You're sure there's just not anything else? 你确定没别的了? [05:39.03]I'm sure. Is there something you want to talk to me about? 确定,你有什么事想说吗? [05:42.70]No! 没有 [05:48.44]If there was,I wouldn't tell you. 好吧,有也不告诉你 [05:58.45]Then what happened? 好,然后呢? [06:06.16]You'll get your turn. 待会才轮到你 [06:08.46]-Hey,Phoebe. What's going on? -Nothing. 菲比,在干什么? 没什么 [06:11.20]This is not over. 待会再继续 [06:13.63]No,no,no! 糟糕 怎么了? [06:15.87]I was up all night writing this nasty letter to Emily. 我熬了一整晚写信骂艾蜜莉 [06:19.51]It was perfect, and now it's all covered in.... 原本写得很好,现在沾满了… [06:22.58]Actually,thanks! 谢了 [06:25.18]All right! Ready to go to the movies? 可以去看电影了吗? [06:28.08]Actually,I think I'll skip it. 我想我不去了 [06:30.02]Really? 你不去? [06:31.39]I'll read my book. I just want to be alone right now. 对,我要留下来看书 我现在只想静一静 [06:35.09]Sure you don't want to? 你真的不去? [06:36.66]Tom Hanks,Meg Ryan. They get mail and stuff. 汤姆汉克斯,梅格莱恩 写信什么的 [06:42.50]That's okay,Joe. 我还是不去了 [06:44.10]Let's go, Phoebe. 好吧,菲比我们走 [06:48.70]好恶 [06:54.91]宾 [07:01.58]Game! 赢了 [07:04.69]I got to tell you,that partner of yours is a real tiger. 说真的,你的搭档真是快狠准 [07:09.62]Are you all right? 你还好吗? [07:13.46]We'll just get a little sip of water. 我们喝口水 [07:17.63]Am I on fire today or what? 我今天很猛吧? [07:20.70]Those birds are browned, basted and ready to be carved. 那两支肉鸡已经烤好 等着被切来吃了 [07:25.64]Okay,easy,Martina. 别激动,网球名将 [07:29.14]I think we should let them win the next game. 我觉得下一场应该让他们赢 [07:31.95]I'm sorry,I don't understand what you just said. 对不起,你刚说的话我听不懂 [07:36.22]Let them win one. 让他们赢一场 [07:37.49]Are you crazy? We own those two. Look at them! 你疯了吗?他们任我们宰割 [07:41.99]He can't even breathe, and she's popping pills. 你看他们 他喘不过气来,她在吃药 [07:46.09]You're not giving them a chance. 你根本不给他们机会 [07:47.96]They have rackets. 他们有球拍不是吗? [07:52.97]We'll make this the last game. 宾,我想打完这场就收了 [07:55.00]Yes,sir. Put me out of my misery. 暸解,我求之不得 [07:57.24]Are you sure you never played pro? 你真的没打过职业? [07:59.84]Please let them win. 拜托让他们赢 [08:01.28]I'll take it down to 95%, but that's the best I can do. 我顶多只能把战力降到95% [08:10.52]-Missed it! -I got it! 糟糕,漏掉了 我来 [08:16.52]Nice shot. 好球 [08:27.03]I got it! 我来 [08:29.60]Long! 出界 [08:37.61]I can't believe you let them win. 你居然让他们赢 [08:40.05]Well,at least you hid your feelings well about it. 至少你把不爽掩饰得很好 [08:43.62]I was frustrated. 我很沮丧 [08:44.92]It's my racket. 这是我的球拍 [08:46.15]Frustrated with you! 是你让我沮丧 [08:47.62]If we hadn't lost,they would never have invited us to dinner tomorrow. 如果没输那场球 他们也不会找我们明天去吃饭 [08:52.36]What bothers me... 我最困扰的是 [08:53.63]...is how different you act around them. 你在他们身边整个人都变了 [08:56.33]The throwing the tennis games, the fake laugh... 故意输球,工作笑 [08:59.40]...the "See you later,Bing!" "Not if I see you first,Doug!" “回头见,宾” “不回头就不见” [09:04.81]Listen,I don't sound like some crazed, drunken pirate. 我哪有笑得像喝醉的海盗 [09:09.04]I know you don't, but "work Chandler" does. 你没有,但工作的钱德有 [09:11.71]I don't like work Chandler. The guy's a suck-up. 我不喜欢工作的钱德 那家伙是个狗腿 [09:15.22]Because you said that... 因为你这些话 152 00:09:17,320 --> 00:09:19,180 ...I'm not putting out tonight! 我晚上不跟你玩了 [09:26.49]Something's wrong. My brother doesn't stay out all night. 绝对有问题 我哥从来不彻夜不归 [09:29.86]Maybe we should check the trash chute. 也许应该去看看垃圾槽 [09:33.63]Ross couldn't fit down the trash chute. 罗斯挤不进垃圾槽 [09:36.17]That's right. He almost could. 没错,就差那么一点点 [09:38.67]Which is exactly how I got stuck there. 所以我之前卡住过 [09:44.25]Oh,my God! 他回来了 天哪 [09:46.58]Where the hell have you been? 你死哪去了? [09:49.15]Just,you know,out. 就是去外面了 [09:51.55]Oh,out! God,I don't know why we didn't think to check there. 外面,天哪 我们怎么没去那里找 [09:56.52]What were you doing? 你都在做什么? [09:58.03]I went to a bar,and then... 我先去喝酒,然后... [10:01.06]...I just walked around for a while. ...就随便走了走 [10:04.73]You walked around all night in the city by yourself? 你整夜一个人在外面乱晃? [10:09.67]He hooked up! 他嘿咻了 [10:12.87]He hooked up. 他跟某人嘿咻了 [10:14.44]I don't have to answer your questions. I'm a big boy. 我不必回答你们的问题 我是个大人 [10:17.85]I can do what I want. 爱怎样就怎样 [10:19.38]He hooked up! 他嘿咻了 [10:22.88]Tell us about her! 聊聊她嘛 [10:25.69]Ross,you left your scarf 罗斯,你把围巾掉在… [10:35.10]Hey,you guys. 你们好 [10:42.57]I know what you all are thinking, but Chandler is in Yemen. 好,我知道你们在想什么 但钱德在叶门 [10:48.34]I'm a young woman. I have needs. I can't wait forever. 我还年轻,我有需求 我不能等一辈子 [10:51.71]Yeah,that's what I was thinking. 我也是这么想的 [10:55.85]So I'm asking you,please, just take a moment before you judge me. 所以我求求你们 在批评我之前先想一下 [11:00.39]Nobody's judging you. 没有人在批评你 [11:04.99]Mr. Right-place-at-the-right-time... 你,天时地利人和先生 [11:09.83]...call me. 跟我联络 [11:18.74]So I guess you finished your book. 看来你的书看完了 [11:23.51]Had some time on our hands,did we? 有点闲是吧? [11:27.21]I know what you guys are going to say. 我知道你们要说什么… [11:29.92]You two would have very hairy children. 你们的孩子会毛茸茸的 [11:34.29]I didn't know you'd say that. 我不知道你会说那个 [11:37.22]Ross! Janice? 罗斯,珍妮丝耶? [11:39.39]All right. Hold on,hold on. 等一下… [11:41.56]This is Ross. 这是罗斯 [11:43.50]He's our friend. He obviously went crazy. 他是我们的朋友 他显然是疯了 [11:46.93]He obviously lost his mind. 脑筋秀逗了 [11:51.51]Look,it's not that crazy. Okay? 没那么夸张,好吗? [11:54.88]But it's Janice! I mean,she's... 但是珍妮丝耶 她是… [11:57.98]...Janice! ...珍妮丝耶 [12:00.38]How drunk were you? 你醉得太离谱了 [12:02.58]Janice and I have a lot in common. 珍妮丝和我有很多共同点 [12:04.92]We've both been divorced. We both have kids. 我们都离过婚,我们都有小孩 [12:09.26]Are you going to see her again? 你真的要再见她? [12:11.36]-Don't put ideas in his head! -I will see her. 菲比,别影响他 我确实要再见她 [12:14.40]Damn it,Phoebe! 你看啦 [12:20.74]I have to tell you something that I've never admitted. 我要说出一件我没坦承过的事 [12:24.04]In high school,I made out with James even though I knew you liked him. 高中时 我知道你喜欢詹姆法洛 但还是跟他上了床 [12:28.51]That feels so good to get off my chest. Okay,you go. 哇,说出来的感觉真好 好,该你了 [12:33.25]My turn? What are you talking about? 该我了?什么意思? [12:38.25]I know about you and Chandler. 摩妮卡,我知道你和钱德的事 [12:42.59]I overheard you on the phone the other day. 什么? 我那天听到你们在讲电话 [12:45.23]You said, "I'll tell Rachel I'm doing laundry for a couple of hours." 你说“我会告诉瑞秋” “我要花两个小时洗衣服” [12:49.66]And he said, "Laundry? Is that my new nickname?" 他说“洗衣服?” “那是我的新绰号吗?” [12:52.87]And you said: 然后你说 [12:54.94]"You know what your nickname is, Mr. Big." “不是” “你明知你的绰号是大雕” [13:04.61]You're writing yourself a little play there,Rach. 原来你正在写剧本 [13:10.38]Let me know how it turns out. 记得把结局告诉我 [13:12.55]I wouldn't know,because I got so freaked out I hung up the phone. 我不知道 因为我吓到把电话挂掉了 [13:17.19]Well,if you had kept listening... 如果你听完 [13:19.76]...you would have heard me call him Mister... 你会听到我是叫他大… [13:23.53]...Bigot. 碉堡 [13:25.73]Mr. Bigot. 什么? 大碉堡 [13:29.54]He tells the most racist jokes. 他喜欢讲碉堡的笑话 [13:33.77]All right. So that's it. 好,所以就这样 [13:36.24]There's nothing going on between you and Chandler? 你是说你和钱德之间没什么 [13:40.21]Me and Chandler? 我和钱德? [13:46.99]Put your $20 down. 拿出20元来 [13:48.62]First one to find the tasty treat wins,okay? 先找到零食的赢,好吗? [13:52.13]All right,let's get the contestants out of their isolation booths. 好,请参赛者从休息室出场 [13:57.30]And they're off! 它们出场了 [14:00.50]Get your foot off my contestant! Judge? 别挡住我的参赛者,裁判 [14:02.94]Judge rules,no violation. 裁判判定没有违规 [14:07.17]你们好 [14:10.01]It's so weird to say this, but I just had a great date with Janice. 说也奇怪 我今天跟珍妮丝过得很开心 [14:14.48]-What? -Are you serious? 什么? 真的假的? [14:17.08]I opened up to her about all the stuff that's been happening to me. 没错,我跟她诉说近来的惨事 [14:21.16]I mean,I talked for hours. 我说了好几个小时 [14:23.26]It is amazing... 这种感觉真好 [14:24.63]...to have someone give you such focused attention. 有人能专心听你倾诉 [14:28.53]You don't need Janice for that. You've got us. 那你何必找她,你有我们 [14:31.53]The duck gets the Nutter Butter! 鸭子找到花生酱饼干了 不 [14:34.77]That's not a Nutter Butter. That's an old won ton! 那不是花生酱饼干 那是一颗馄饨 [14:37.77]Judge rules... 裁判判定: [14:39.31]...Nutter Butter. 是花生酱饼干 [14:41.54]Tough call. 真难判 是啊 [14:47.55]Seriously,I strongly believe that we should support President Clinton... 但我们应该支持柯林顿总统 [14:52.52]...and her husband,Bill. 和她的老公比尔 [14:57.19]How do you like your coffee? 你们的咖啡要怎么上? [14:59.16]-None for me. -A little sugar. 我不要,谢谢 我要一点点糖 [15:01.30]I'll have Monica stick her finger in it. That will sweeten it up. 那就让摩妮卡把指头伸进去 应该就会甜了 [15:09.47]-That laugh doesn't give you a headache? -You get used to it. 你那样笑怎么不会头痛? 久了就习惯了 [15:12.54]I don't think that I can. 我不觉得我会习惯 [15:14.21]This will be it for me on the work things. 我以后就不甩这套了 [15:16.91]I laugh at my boss's jokes. What's the big deal? 老板说笑我就笑,这有什么吗 [15:19.51]I'd rather not be with this work-weasel guy... 我干嘛要陪一个没尊严的马屁精 [15:22.32]...when I can be with my boyfriend, who I actually respect. 如果能跟我尊敬的男友在一起 [15:29.89]I got to apologize for Kara's coffee. I'd feel sorry for it in a fight. 我得为卡拉煮的咖啡道歉 如果它去打架 [15:34.56]It's not strong enough to defend itself. 连自己都保护不了 [15:41.50]Hear what I said? 你听到我的话了吗? [15:43.84]What? 什么? [15:45.94]It's a joke. What's the matter with you? 那个笑话啊,你是怎么了? [15:48.51]Well,I just didn't think it was funny,sir. 我只是觉得不好笑 [15:51.78]Excuse me? 你说什么? [15:54.35]-Well,I just -Honey? 我只是… 亲爱的 [15:56.72]I just don't think you understood the joke. 我觉得你没听懂 [16:00.02]Really? 是吗? [16:01.26]I mean,it was really funny. I just don't think that you got it. 很好笑耶,你一定是没听懂 [16:05.89]You see,Kara's coffee is weak-tasting. 卡拉煮的咖啡很稀 [16:09.13]But what Doug did was imply that it was weak physically. 但道格是在暗示它很虚弱 [16:15.70]-You get it now,honey? -I think I do! 现在你懂了吗? 我懂了 [16:22.44]-Thank you,Monica. -I thought you could use the help. 谢谢你 我觉得你需要解释 [16:26.85]Coffee in a fight! 咖啡打架 [16:34.32]You mind if I read my comic books in here? 瑞秋,我可以在这里看漫画吗 [16:38.86]Sure. Why? 当然可以,怎么了? [16:41.66]Chandler and Monica are over there. It's kind of hard to concentrate. 钱德和摩妮卡在一起 我很难专心 [16:46.77]She just called and said she was going to be working late. 什么?她刚打来说她要加班 [16:50.57]She keeps lying to me. 她一直骗我 [16:52.51]That's it! I'm going over there and confronting them right now. 够了,我现在就过去揭穿他们 [16:59.25]Panty raid. 去找小裤裤! [17:12.06]All right,so you're telling me that I have to tell racist jokes now? 所以我得讲碉堡的笑话? [17:17.23]I'm just not very good at this. 对不起,我不太会圆谎 [17:19.40]I'm a terrible liar. I hate having to lie to Rachel. 我很不会骗人 我又很讨厌骗瑞秋 [17:22.47]-But we're not ready to tell yet. -I know. 但我们还不能公开 我知道,只是… [17:25.41]Ever since high school, Rachel was the one person that I told everything to. 从高中起我什么事都告诉瑞秋 [17:30.38]I miss that so much now. 我好怀念那种感觉 [17:32.61]She's my best friend. 她是我最要好的朋友 [17:41.92]乔伊? [17:44.09]Oh,my God,Rachel! 天哪,瑞秋 [17:49.13]What are you doing here? 你怎么跑来这里? [17:52.50]Well,I actually came over here to borrow this lamp... 我是…我来借这盏灯 [17:56.90]...to look at my books. 好看书... [17:59.67]You know,see them a little better. 看得清楚一点 [18:03.31]Okay,great. 太好了 [18:06.61]Well,what I was doing in Chandler's room is that... 我在钱德的房间里是因为… [18:10.25]...I was cleaning it. 我在帮忙打扫 [18:13.12]He pays me to clean it. 他付钱请我打扫 [18:15.82]What a great way to make some extra pocket money. 真是个赚零用钱的好办法 [18:20.46]When I said to you earlier that I was at work... 之前我说要加班 [18:23.96]...I'm at my new work. ...是指我的新工作 [18:26.27]Good enough. Right? 真不错,对吧? [18:32.34]I'll go look at my books. 好,那…我要去看书了 [18:36.51]Go get back to my new job. 好,我得去忙我的新工作了 [18:40.35]好 [18:44.65]Congratulations on your new job! 恭喜你找到这份工作 [18:54.03]Man,she is really gullible. 天哪,她可真好骗 [19:02.37]-Here you go. -Thanks. 你们的咖啡 谢谢 [19:04.81]-Actually,I should get going. -You're sure? 其实我该走了 你确定? [19:07.54]I can stay out as late as you want. 你想留多晚我都奉陪 [19:09.91]I told you I'm on sabbatical from work 我说过我为什么休长假吧? [19:12.31]Yes,yes. You did. 对,你说过 [19:15.48]-Oh,man! -What is wrong now? 又怎么了? [19:18.75]This isn't what I ordered. 我不是点的这个 [19:21.05]Man! Can't anything go right in my life? 我的人生就不能顺利一点吗? [19:25.83]First,my marriage falls apart, and then 先是我的婚姻破裂,然后… [19:29.20]I know! 我知道! [19:30.50]You lose your apartment, you lose your job... 然后你被赶出你家 你的工作没了 [19:33.37]...your ex-wife gets married so fast! And now the coffee! 你的前妻很快就再婚 现在咖啡又错了 [19:40.34]-We need to talk. -Okay. 我们得谈一谈 好 [19:43.04]-Sometimes I feel -No,no,don't. 有时我觉得… 不… [19:46.68]I'm going to talk. 是我要说 [19:49.52]I believe... 我认为 [19:51.19]...that the sun has set... 我们的美好时光 [19:54.22]...on our day in the sun. 已经日落了 [20:00.09]You're a very sweet person,Ross. 什么? 你是个很好的人 [20:06.13]Unfortunately... 只是... [20:07.73]...I just don't think I can take another second of you whining! 我没办法再听你哀下去了 [20:14.78]Let me make sure I'm hearing this right. 我跟你确认一下 [20:19.31]You're ending this with me because... 你要跟我结束 因为... [20:23.08]...I'm too whiny? ...我太会发牢骚? [20:28.06]So you're saying... 你是说 [20:30.06]...I've become so whiny... ...我是这么地爱发牢骚... [20:33.49]...that l... ...我... [20:35.40]...annoy you... ...让你觉得很烦... [20:39.23]...Janice. ...珍妮丝… [20:41.17]Well,yeah! 没错 [20:42.74]Oh,my God! 我…的…天哪 [20:48.14]Will you be okay? 你不要紧吧? [20:49.44]I am now. 现在不要紧了 [21:03.29]I guess that's two out of three... 已经两人出局了… [21:06.46]...Joey! ...乔伊 [21:17.34]-Dude,we got to talk. -Okay. 我们得谈一谈 好 [21:20.61]I wanted to tell you something before you heard it from someone else. 我只是想趁你听说之前告诉你 [21:24.65]I hope this isn't too weird,but... 希望不会太奇怪 [21:29.02]...I had a thing with Janice. 我最近跟珍妮丝交往过 [21:36.46]You're not mad? 你不生气? [21:38.13]Why would I be mad? 我干嘛生气? [21:39.53]Because there's certain rules about this kind of stuff. 因为这种事有它的道义在 [21:42.96]You don't fool around with your friends' ex-girlfriends... 不能追朋友的旧情人 [21:48.20]...or possible girlfriends or girls they're related to. 心上人 或是有亲属关系的人 [21:56.74]I am mad. 我很生气 [22:00.01]But you know, I'm going to forgive you. 但是你知道吗?我要原谅你 [22:02.72]Because that's what friends do. 因为那样才叫兄弟 [22:04.92]They forgive their friends when they do everything you just said. 他们会原谅朋友 犯了你念的那串禁忌 [22:09.42]Thank you. 谢谢 [22:10.92]But I want you to remember... 不过我要你记住... [22:12.83]...that I forgave you. ...我原谅了你 [22:17.40]I also want you to remember that I let you live here rent-free. 好 我还要你记住我免费收留你 [22:22.17]All right. 好 [22:23.74]And I want you to remember that I gave you... 我还要你记住我送你... [22:27.41]...twenty-seven dollars. ...27块钱 [22:30.68]No strings attached! 无条件奉送 [22:32.08]If you can't remember that... 要是你记不住 [22:33.68]...we should write it down. Let's write it down! 我们应该写下来… 我们写下来吧