[00:10.64]-What are you guys doing up? -Finishing the crossword. 你们在干什么?填完字谜再去睡觉 [00:14.98]Do you know a six-letter word for "red"? 三个字,也是红色的一种 [00:18.91]Dark red. 深红色 [00:21.82]Wrong, but there's a connect-the-dots in here for you later. 应该不是 不过你待会可以玩连连看 [00:27.19]Hey,how about maroon? 赭红色呢? [00:30.29]Yes! You are so smart! 没错,你好聪明 [00:34.53]You guys are so cute. 你们好可爱喔 [00:36.13]I know. 我知道 [00:38.43]See you in the morning. 好,明天早上见 好 [00:54.18]I love doing crossword puzzles with you. 我最喜欢跟你填字谜了 [00:57.12]Me too. 我也是 [00:58.29]Now let's finish this and go to bed. 赶快填完去睡觉 好 [01:01.12]Only one left. 只剩一个 [01:02.72]Three-letter word. Not dog,but.... 两个字的动物 不是小狗,是… [01:07.36]Cat. 猫咪 [01:11.80]You are so smart! 没错,你好聪明 [01:16.04]I love you. 我爱你 [01:17.34]I love you too. 我也爱你 [01:32.82]The One with the Cop 本集播出:“搬沙发” [01:36.12]rainystar压制iPod-MP4 [02:23.34]We still need a tip. 还差小费 [02:24.91]All right. Hold on. 好,等等 [02:27.61]I got it. 有了… [02:29.84]Nickel. 5分钱 [02:31.95]-How much do we need? -Couple of bucks. 还差多少? 2块钱 [02:35.08]Okay,dime. 10分钱 [02:37.42]You guys keep talking. This could take a while. 你们继续聊,我要花一点时间 [02:40.69]Wait,look it! 等等,你们看 [02:43.63]This is a police badge! 天哪,这是警徽 [02:45.76]Cool. But why would a cop come in here? They don't serve doughnuts. 真酷,但警察来这里干嘛? 这里又不卖甜甜圈 [02:52.03]Could you discover the badge again? I can do better than that. 你能不能重来一次 我可以说个更好笑的 [02:57.14]I bet somebody's missing that badge. 一定有人正在找那个警徽 [02:59.47]I should take it back. But at the police station... 没错,我应该送回去 我去了警察局 [03:02.94]...I'll check their 10 Most Wanted List. 还可以看看十大通缉犯名单 [03:05.11]My friend's been number 11 forever. This could be her year! 我朋友丽西一直是第十一大 她今年也许会出运 [03:11.12]-Hey,you guys. -Hey,Joey. 大家好 嗨,乔伊 [03:16.22]Is that my sweatshirt? 那是我的衣服吗? [03:18.89]Yes,it is. I'm sorry. I was cold. I hope it's okay. 对,我很冷就借来穿了 没关系吧? [03:22.46]It's just that if you wear someone's sweatshirt... 你要穿应该穿... [03:26.27]...shouldn't it be your boyfriend's? ...你男朋友的衣服 [03:28.74]And I'm not him. 我不是你的男朋友 [03:31.84]I'm sorry. I'll give it back. 对不起,我现在就还你 [03:34.58]It's gonna be all smelling like Monica. 不要,上面会沾满你的味道 [03:38.01]Do I smell bad? 你是说我很臭吗? [03:40.35]You smell like a meadow. 不是,你有一股青草香 [03:45.19]I'm sorry. 对不起 [03:49.49]What's with him? 他是怎么了? [03:50.79]The last time Joey went to a meadow his mother was shot by a hunter. 乔伊上次去青草地 他妈妈被猎人射杀了 [03:58.63]Look what I found. It's a police badge. 你看,我找到一个警徽 [04:01.57]What's that doing here? I don't see any doughnuts. 怎么会?我又没看到甜甜圈 [04:07.48]Cops and doughnuts. Come on. 条子和甜甜圈啊 [04:10.01]If Chandler had said it you'd all be on the floor. 如果是钱德说的 你们就会笑翻了 [04:12.88]Cops, doughnuts? Me? 条子、甜甜圈、我? [04:33.10]I still don't know. 我还是不确定 [04:35.40]I want to make sure I bought the right couch, one that says... 抱歉,我想买到理想的沙发 能让人觉得... [04:39.57]..."Kids welcome here," but that also says... ...“小朋友,欢迎” 同时也能让人觉得 ... [04:44.15]..."Come here to me." ...“来我身边吧” [04:48.58]What? You say that to kids? 什么?你对小朋友说那种话? [04:53.66]The "Come here to me" is, you know,for the ladies. 不是,“来我身边吧” 是对小姐们说的 [04:59.06]Ross, honey, it's a nice couch, it's not a magic couch. 这是张好沙发 但不是神奇沙发 [05:04.23]Well,you picked a great couch. 你的选择很正确 [05:06.83]-Sign here, please. -Sure. 请在这里签个名 没问题 [05:09.54]The delivery charge is almost as much as the couch! 这是…运费几乎跟价格一样贵 [05:13.78]That's ridiculous. He lives three blocks away. 太扯了,他家离这里才三条街 [05:17.01]I'll take it myself. Thank you. 算了,我自己搬就好,谢谢 [05:20.62]All right, Rach, come on. Let's go. 瑞秋,来吧 好 [05:28.89]Are you kidding? 开什么玩笑 [05:31.56]Come on. It's only three blocks. It's not very heavy. Try it. 才三条街,又不是很重 抬抬看,快 [05:41.04]Oh,I can do it. 我行嘛 [05:43.37]You two will really enjoy that couch. 你们会很喜欢这张沙发的 [05:46.71]We're not together. 我们不是一对 [05:50.21]Something didn't quite add up there. 好,难怪我觉得怪怪的 [05:59.82]What's that supposed to mean? 这话是什么意思? [06:02.56]Well,you. Her. 你,她 [06:05.13]I mean,she's very... 她很… [06:07.16]...you know. 你知道 [06:08.66]And you're,like... 而你却… [06:10.63]...you know? ...你知道 [06:14.84]Not that it's any of your business, but we did go out. 虽然与你无关 但我们确实交往过 [06:18.91]Really? You two? 真的?你们两个? [06:21.51]I don't want to do this now. I'm carrying a heavy couch. 我现在不想讲这个 我抬着一张很重的沙发 [06:25.25]Then tell him quickly. 那就赶快告诉他 [06:28.15]Fine. We went out. 好,我们交往过 [06:30.18]Not only did we go out... 不只交往过 [06:32.75]...we did it 298 times! 还做过298次 罗斯 [06:39.79]You kept count? You are such a loser! 我实在…你居然有在算? 你真没用 [06:44.67]A loser you did it with 298 times! 再没用你也做了298次 [06:55.04]Excuse me,ma'am. You can't put your cigarette out on a tree. 这位小姐 怎样? 你不能在树上摁香烟 [06:59.61]Yeah,I can. It worked well. 我可以,很方便 [07:02.12]But you shouldn't. So don't ever do that again. 你不该这么做,别再这么做了 [07:05.39]I won't. Till I have my next cigarette. 我不会了… 抽下一根烟之前不会 [07:08.56]Hold it! 站住 [07:10.06]N.Y.P.D. Freeze,punk! 纽约警察,别动 [07:13.96]That's right. You are so busted. 没错,你被活逮了 [07:17.67]Book them. 把她带走! [07:20.57]-Who are you talking to? -Save it,red! 你在跟谁说话? 别挣扎了 [07:23.91]Apologize to the tree or spend the night in the slammer. 不想在笼子里过夜 就跟那棵树道歉 [07:28.41]I am not apologizing to a tree. 我才不跟一棵树道歉 [07:31.48]You apologize to the tree right now or I am calling for backup. 赶快道歉,否则我要叫人了 [07:37.52]Backup! Backup! 来人啊,来人啊 [07:39.02]I'm sorry! Sorry! 对不起,对不起 [07:40.86]Okay,cancel backup! Cancel backup! 别来了,别来了 [07:46.86]Didn't you say there was an elevator in here? 罗斯,你不是说有电梯? [07:50.23]Yes,I did,but there isn't. Here we go! 我是有说,但其实没有 来吧 [07:54.10]Don't you think we should rethink the whole hiring movers thing? 你要不要找个搬运工 [07:57.64]No way. They're a rip-off. 才不要,他们会敲竹杠 [07:59.51]They check out your stuff and come back later and steal it. 而且他们会先看准东西 再回来偷 [08:03.38]-It's true. I saw it on Dateline. -Oh,I love Dateline. 是真的,我在日线报导上看过 我好喜欢日线报导 [08:06.81]Jane Pauley is the one woman I would kiss. 珍宝莉是我唯一想亲的女人 [08:11.19]-There's just something about her. -Rach,can we concentrate? 我不知道… 瑞秋,专心一点好吗? [08:15.62]Yeah,fine. I listened to your dumb story. 好,只有你能讲 [08:19.43]Okay,go left. 往左 [08:21.43]Left. Left. 左,左… [08:23.33]Okay,you know what? There's no more left left. 已经没有左了 [08:27.60]Lift it straight up over your head. 好,抬高到你的头上 [08:30.17]Straight up. You can do it! 抬高 你行的 [08:32.64]You can do it! 你行的 [08:34.14]Okay. You got it? 没问题吧? [08:35.98]-Go,go. -Good,good. 很好 [08:37.71]You got it,right? You got it,right? You got 没问题吧?没问题吧?没问… [08:45.62]Any chance you think it looks good there? 你觉得放在那里好看吗? [08:50.22]This guy was all: 这家伙还在碎碎念 [08:52.69]And I'm all, "Buffay! Homicide!" 我就说重案组布非 [08:56.66]It was just so cool! 真是酷毙了 [08:58.87]-You were supposed to take it back. -I'm having fun doing good deeds. 菲比,你应该拿去还的 我知道,但行善的感觉好棒 136 00:09:04,170 --> 00:09:07,470 You can get arrested for impersonating a police ? [09:08.04]You could get arrested right now! 你现在就会被捉 [09:13.15]I'd better take it back. I'm totally drunk with power. 我得拿去还 我被权力冲昏头了 [09:27.23]Yeah. I didn't know you guys would be here. 乔伊 我不知道你们会在 [09:30.43]-Do me a favor. Taste this. -What? Why? 乔伊,你尝尝看 什么?为什么? [09:34.04]It's okay, Joe, she's a trained chef. 放心,她是专业厨师 [09:37.51]Actually,I was looking for Phoebe. 其实我要找菲比 [09:42.34]Well,you just missed her. 你刚跟她擦身而过 [09:45.35]Was that her? 那是她吗? [09:46.95]-I gotta go. -Joey,wait a minute. Wait. 我去追她 乔伊,等等 [09:49.38]-What is with you? -Nothing. 你是怎么了? 没事啊 [09:51.95]You're acting strange. 拜托,你一整天都怪怪的 [09:54.16]All right. There is something. 好吧,是有一件事 [09:57.99]I kind of had a dream. 我做了一个梦… [10:01.23]But I don't want to talk about it. 但我不想谈 [10:03.80]What if Martin Luther King had said that? 马丁路德金也这么说还得了 [10:08.30]I kind of have a dream. 我有一个梦… [10:11.91]I don't want to talk about it. 但是我不想谈 [10:15.74]Look,it involved Monica. 跟摩妮卡有关 [10:18.25]You had a dream about the girl I'm seeing? Cool. 你梦到我在交往的女孩?真酷 [10:21.32]I dreamt about the girls he was seeing. 我不知梦见他的女朋友多少次 [10:23.75]Let's talk about your dream. I love you. Your dream? 总之我们在谈你的梦 我爱你…你的梦? [10:27.86]There was no sex. I haven't dreamt of her like that... 放心,没有任何性意味 [10:31.23]...since I found out about you two. More or less. 自从发现你们的事 我就不对她做那种梦了 [10:38.70]What was the dream about? 那你梦到什么? [10:43.07]You were my girlfriend. We were doing the crossword puzzle. 好吧,你是我的女朋友 我们在填字谜 [10:46.91]Like you did last night. 就像你们昨晚那样 [10:48.94]That's it. I'm in love with Monica. I'll move out. 就这样,我爱上摩妮卡了 我会搬走 [10:52.41]Joey, come on. That doesn't mean you're in love with me. 乔伊 等等,那并不代表你爱我 [10:56.85]It doesn't? 不是吗? [10:58.09]It could mean anything. Like... 它可能有很多涵义,例如… [11:00.05]...you're jealous that I've become the apartment stud. 你突然眼红我成为这里的猛男 [11:04.36]Sounds like your dream. 听起来比较像你的梦 [11:08.80]Or it could mean you saw Chandler and me being close and stuff... 或是你看到我和钱德很亲密 [11:14.04]...and you want that too. 你也想跟别人拥有这种关系 [11:16.20]In the dream I did enjoy the closeness. 我在梦里的确很享受那种亲密 [11:20.14]If that's what it was,that'd be great. I wouldn't have to move. 如果是这样就太好了 我就不必搬走了 [11:24.28]Are you attracted to Monica? 你现在对摩妮卡有兴趣吗? [11:26.58]Right here,right now, are you attracted to her? 此时此刻 你对她有兴趣么 [11:32.49]-Not really. -There you have it! 其实没有 这就对了 [11:34.79]Well,sure! I'm just wearing sweats! 是啊,我穿得这么轻便 [11:39.66]But that's good! 但那是好事 [11:41.00]You're not in love with me. You just want a girlfriend. 你不是爱我 你只是想交个女朋友 [11:44.33]It's not just about getting a girlfriend. 我觉得不是交女朋友的问题 [11:47.17]I could get a girlfriend. We could sit and do crossword puzzles. 我可以找个女朋友 我们可以坐在那里填字谜 [11:51.97]But could we have the closeness like you have? 但我们会拥有你们那种亲密吗 [11:55.34]Monica and I were friends before we dated. Maybe that's it. 摩妮卡和我是从朋友做起 也许关键在这里 [11:59.55]Friends first? 先做朋友? [12:01.72]That's interesting. 有意思 [12:04.49]-You become friends after? -No,never done that either. 你们都事后当朋友? 也从来没有过 [12:09.46]Do you guys have a tape measure? 你们有量尺吗? [12:11.89]Yeah. It's actually in my bedroom. 有,在我房里 [12:15.70]That's right. 没错 [12:30.08]What's up,Joey? 乔伊,怎么了? [12:34.35]How you doing? 你好吗? [12:44.53]Excuse me. Is this your car? 抱歉,这是你的车吗? 对 [12:47.26]Don't park here. You're blocking the entrance. 停在这里不太好 你挡住出入口了 [12:50.66]Don't worry. It's not a problem. 放心,没关系的 [12:52.77]It's a problem for me, so it's a problem for you, because I'm a cop. 我觉得有关系,你就有关系 因为我是条子 [13:00.04]So am l. 我也是 [13:03.88]完了 [13:07.58]Okay. So you're a cop. You can park anywhere. 好,你是条子,可以任意停车 [13:10.92]I know,because I'm a cop too. 这个我知道,因为我也是条子 [13:13.22]Keep up the good work. 10-4. 好,继续努力,收到 [13:15.79]Wait. So, what precinct are you with? 等一下,你是哪个分局的? [13:19.09]I'm with the 57th. 我在57分局 [13:21.56]-I know a guy in Homicide up there. -I'm in Vice. 我认识你们重案组一位刑警 我在风化组 [13:25.10]In fact,I'm undercover right now. I'm a whore. 事实上我正在卧底,我是妓女 [13:30.94]Who else is in Vice there? 风化组还有谁? [13:33.37]Do you know... 你认识... [13:34.91]...Sipowicz? 西波威兹吗? (影集“霹雳警探”主角名) [13:36.98]Sipowicz? I don't think so. 西波威兹?应该不认识 [13:39.25]Yeah. Sipowicz. Yeah. Big guy, kind of bald. 西波威兹,大块头,有点秃 [13:42.75]I don't know him. 我不认识他 [13:45.82]Don't try to call him. He's not there. He's out. 不要打给他 他不在,他出去了 [13:49.39]His partner just died. 他的拍档刚死了 [13:53.13]Tell Sipowicz I'm real sorry for his loss. 帮我跟西波威兹致意 [13:56.10]I sure will. Take care. 我会的,保重 [13:58.80]By the way, I'm sure Sipowicz will be all right. 对了 我相信西波威兹不会有事的 [14:01.67]I heard that kid from Silver Spoons is really good. 听说那个新来的小伙子很不错 [14:07.64]Where'd you find my badge? 你在哪里找到我的警徽的? [14:19.99]Could you give me and Ross a hand moving his couch? 乔伊 你能不能帮我和罗斯搬沙发? [14:23.66]I'd love to,but I got acting class. But you know what? 我很想,但我要去上表演课 [14:27.33]I guess I could blow that off. For you. 不过我可以为了你跷课 [14:35.77]Let me ask you something. I was talking with Monica and Chandler. 我问你一件事 我刚在对面跟摩妮卡钱德聊天 [14:40.31]Boy,they are really tight. 他们可真亲密 [14:42.44]I know. 是啊 [14:43.68]That's not a bad situation they got there. 那种关系实在很不错 [14:48.15]Think I'll get me one of those. 我也想自己弄一段 [14:53.32]What's up,Joe? 你想说什么? [14:55.46]I think Monica and Chandler are so great... 我觉得他们感觉会那么好 [14:58.83]...because they were friends first. 是因为他们是先做朋友 [15:01.66]So I asked myself,who are my friends? You and Phoebe. 于是我问自己:谁是我朋友? 你和菲比 [15:06.20]I saw you first,so.... 而我先遇见你,所以… [15:11.64]-What are you saying? -Maybe you and I crank it up a notch. 你在说什么? 我是说也许你我可以更进一步 [15:20.01]You know,honey... 乔伊 [15:21.85]...as flattered as I am... ...你先遇见我... [15:24.39]...that you saw me first... ...令我受宠若惊... [15:27.82]...I just don't think we should be cranking anything up. 但我不觉得我们应该更进一步 [15:33.06]I'll treat you real nice. 我会对你很好 [15:41.70]Yeah. Well,you know.... 你知道吗… [15:45.41]I think it's a great idea to become friends with someone before you date. 我觉得先做朋友再交往 是一个很好的想法 [15:50.68]But the way you do it is you meet someone, become their friend... 但你应该先去认识一个人 跟她做朋友 [15:54.95]...build a foundation, then ask them out on a date. 建立基楚,再约她出去 [15:58.69]Don't hit on your existing friends. 别对现有的朋友下手 [16:02.92]Won't that take longer? 那不是要很久? [16:08.06]Oh,but once you find it... 没错,但是一旦得到了 [16:10.23]...it's so worth the wait. 真的很值得 [16:14.54]I understand. 我懂 [16:15.94]Good. 我懂 [16:17.94]Man,I wish I saw Phoebe first. 真想先遇见菲比 [16:24.14]Come here to me. 来我身边吧 [16:27.28]No,no. You come here to me. 不,你来我身边 [16:32.45]-I brought reinforcements. -Great! You brought Joey? 罗斯,我带援军来了 太好了,是乔伊吗? [16:36.42]The next best thing. 只比他差一点 [16:40.23]You brought Chandler? The next best thing would be Monica! 你带钱德来? 只差一点的是摩妮卡 [16:45.23]I would be offended,but Monica is freakishly strong,so.... 我应该要不爽 但摩妮卡真的壮得可怕 [16:49.80]I drew a sketch of how we'll do it. 我画了一张搬运草图 [16:52.47]Rach,that's you. 瑞秋,这是你 [16:54.61]That's the couch. 这是沙发 [16:57.51]What's that? 那是什么? [16:59.15]That's me. 那是我 [17:04.99]Certainly think a lot of yourself. 你把自己看得很雄伟喔 [17:09.02]No. That's my arm. 不,那是我的手臂 [17:15.20]I see. I thought you just really, really liked your new couch. 我还以为你那么哈你的新沙发 [17:22.50]Just follow my lead. 总之听我的指示 [17:26.81]Come on,Chandler. 钱德,来吧 [17:30.11]-All right. -Okay. 好 [17:31.68]Here we go. 开始了 [17:34.11]All right. Ready? 可以了吗? 可以 [17:36.82]Turn! 转 [17:38.09]Turn! 转 [17:39.29]Turn! 转 [17:41.56]-I don't think we can turn any more! -I don't think it'll fit! 应该是转不动了 我觉得挤不上去 [17:45.89]Yeah,it will. Come on! Up,up,up! 当然可以,快抬起来 [17:49.20]Up! Yes! 抬起来 [17:51.67]Here we go! Pivot! 很好,中心点 [17:54.33]Pivot! 中心点 [17:57.17]Pivot! 中心点 [17:59.21]Pivot! 中心点 [18:02.08]Pivot! 中心点 [18:04.48]Pivot! 中心点 [18:05.68]Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! 闭嘴!闭嘴!闭嘴 [18:12.75]I don't think it'll pivot any more. 我看是上不来了 [18:15.49]You think? 是吗? [18:19.16]All right,let's bring it back down and try again. 搬下去再来一次 [18:31.00]I think it's really stuck now. 现在真的卡死了 [18:35.11]-I can't believe that didn't work. -I know. Me neither. 居然没成功 就是啊 [18:38.91]I mean,you had a sketch. 你都画了图了 [18:42.62]What did you mean when you said "pivot"? 你说中心点是什么意思? [18:51.66]Man,I cannot figure this out. 我就是转不出来 [18:54.50]Yeah, because it's not 1985. 因为现在不是1985年 [18:59.03]You guys,guess what? I ditched a cop. 你们知道吗? 我刚甩掉一个条子 [19:02.90]-What? -What do you mean? 什么意思? [19:04.27]He caught me using his badge and he tried to bust me. 他逮到我用他的警徽想捉我 [19:07.17]Damn real cops! 死真条子 [19:10.01]How far did he chase you? 他追了你多远? [19:11.51]Well,he didn't really. He just picked up his badge and stood there. 其实没追 他捡起警徽之后就杵在那里 [19:15.98]Maybe we'll see you on World's Most Boring Police Chases. 也许你会上 “史上最无趣警匪追逐战” [19:20.72]-Why did you run? -I had to. 你为什么要跑? 我非跑不可 [19:23.66]You know, impersonating a cop is like a Class E felony. 假扮警察是... [19:27.33]Two to four years minimum. I am not going back to that hellhole. 2到4年的重罪 我才不要回那个苦窑 305 00:19:34,740 --> 00:19:37,600 If I can just get it to pivot... 要是能找出中心点 [19:37.77]...we'll be back on track. 就能继续搬了 [19:41.28]-Rach,can I get some help please? -Yeah. 瑞秋,帮帮忙好吗? 好 [19:47.98]Turn it off! Turn it off! 快关掉 [19:52.45]Maybe the firemen can help us move the couch when they get here. 也许消防队员可以帮你搬 [19:57.12]-Wait,wait,wait. -It's a new couch! It's a new couch! 等等 不要踩沙发,小心 [20:08.84]How's it going? Make any new friends? 怎样?有交到新朋友吗? [20:11.67]Yeah. I met this woman. 有,我认识了一个女人 [20:16.28]What's she like? 她怎么样? [20:18.15]Well,she's... 她的... [20:19.88]...really good in bed. ...床上功夫很棒 [20:23.05]-You were going to be friends first. -Hey,it's all your fault. 你不是要先当朋友? 都是你的错 [20:27.52]Why? 为什么? [20:28.69]You didn't give me advice. You gave me a pickup line. 你给的不是忠告,是搭讪词 [20:31.86]I told her I wanted to build a foundation and be friends first. 我一说要建立基楚,先当朋友 [20:35.90]Suddenly, through no fault of my own, I became irresistible to her! 她突然就…与我本身无关 觉得我难以抗拒 [20:41.80]And her roommate. 她的室友也是 [20:45.24]What about the closeness? 那亲密关系呢? [20:47.41]Closeness, schmosness. There was three of us, for crying out loud! 亲密个头!我们三个叫成一团 [20:56.42]Who wants pizza? 谁要吃披萨? [20:58.22]I do! I do! I do! 我要 [21:00.39]This is great! Can you believe I found it on the second floor? 赞!这是我在二楼捡到的 [21:07.19]-Who is it? -N.Y.P.D. 哪一位? 纽约警察 [21:09.40]Oh,my God! 天哪 [21:11.83]Just a minute,officer! 等一下,警察先生 [21:23.24]-I'm looking for Phoebe Buffay. -My God,it's him! It's that cop! 我要找菲比布非 完了,是那个警察 [21:27.85]-I can't believe he found me! -Are you gonna go to jail? 他居然找到我了 天哪,你会坐牢吗? [21:32.25]If I go down, you guys go down with me. 我要死也要拖你们下水 [21:37.26]Harboring a fugitive? That's one to three years minimum. 窝藏逃犯起码要关1到3年 [21:41.13]Good luck, Chandler. 钱德,祝你好运 [21:46.47]Arrest me, but you'll never make it stick and you know it. 好,你可以逮捕我 但你抓不到我的把柄 [21:50.64]I have no choice,it's my job. You understand, right? 但我别无选择 这是职责所在,你暸解吧? [21:54.14]And you understand that I'm calling my lawyer. 只要你暸解我会找我的律师来 [21:57.21]And once he puts you on the stand, he'll make you look like a fool! 他会让你在庭上像个猪头 猪头! [22:02.92]I don't like looking foolish. 我不喜欢当猪头 [22:05.39]Maybe I don't arrest you today. Maybe I came by and you weren't here. 这样吧,我今天不捉你 就说我来了,但你不在 [22:09.66]I'd love it if I weren't here! 我不在就太好了 [22:12.63]Since you're not going to jail tonight, I was wondering if you'd... 既然你今晚不会入狱 我能不能... [22:16.90]...Iike to go to dinner with me? ...请你去吃饭? [22:19.80]-Me? -Yeah. 我? 对 [22:21.23]Ever since you flashed my badge I can't stop thinking about you. 自从你对我亮警徽 我就对你念念不忘 [22:25.34]You're the prettiest fake undercover whore I've ever seen. 你是我见过最美的假卧底妓女 [22:30.74]Nice. 漂亮 [22:34.75]I didn't see that coming. You're asking me out. 我想不到你会约我出去 [22:38.42]I could've done it better, but these people keep staring at me. 我可以表现得更好 但这些人一直盯着我 [22:42.69]I'd like to go out with you, officer. 我愿意跟你吃饭,警察先生 [22:47.09]-Gary. -Gary. 盖瑞 [22:49.10]-Okay, so it's a date. -Yeah. 那就这么说定了 好 [22:51.26]I gotta ask you, though. How'd you know where to find me? 不过我一定要问 你是怎么找到我的? [22:54.10]You're fingerprints were all over my badge so I just ran it through the computer. 我的警徽上都是你的指纹 我上电脑查询 [22:57.27]And this was listed as your last known address so I just checked it out. 这是你最后登记的住址 所以我就来看看 [23:00.17]Impressive. 好厉害 [23:01.44]Not as impressive as you. I looked at your record and you've done some pretty weird stuff. 没有你厉害 我看过你的纪录 你干过不少怪事 [23:06.51]We'll talk at dinner. 吃饭再说 好 [23:09.32]-So I'll come by and pick you up? -All right,I can't wait. 我2个小时后来接你? 好,我好兴奋 [23:13.19]Don't worry, I won't just take you out for doughnuts. 放心,我不会只带你吃甜甜圈 [23:19.39]He has a gun! 他有枪 [23:26.63]I'd like to return this couch. I'm not satisfied with it. 我要退这张沙发 我对它不满意 [23:35.14]You wanna return this couch? 你要退这张沙发? [23:39.15]It's cut in half. 它断成两半了 [23:42.72]-That's what I'm telling you. -Did you cut this couch in half? 我就是这个意思 是你把它摔成两半的? [23:48.56]It's crazy, it is cut in half. 说来很扯,它本来就这样 [23:51.59]I don't understand. 我不懂 [23:54.09]This couch is cut in half. 这张沙发断成两半 [23:58.13]I would like to exchange it for one that is not cut in half. 我要换一张没有断成两半的 [24:04.07]We can't accept it in this condition. 弄成这样不能退货 [24:07.17]Well,I can't accept it in this condition. 弄成这样我也不能买 [24:11.61]You're saying this couch was delivered to you like this? 你是说它送过去就这样了? [24:15.38]Look,I'm a reasonable man. 我很讲道理 [24:17.72]I will accept store credit. 我愿意接受换购金额 [24:21.59]I'll give you store credit in the amount of four dollars. 我给你4元的换购金额 [24:29.13]I will take it. 我接受