[00:04.53]Okay,this is it. 好,该结婚了 [00:06.60]You sure you wanna do this? 你确定要这么做? [00:12.27]Hello,Mrs. Ross. 你好,罗斯太太 [00:14.81]Well,hello,Mr. Rachel. 你好,瑞秋先生 [00:25.12]-Whoa! -Oh,my God! 我的天哪 [00:28.99]Come on,Phoebe,hurry! 菲比快点!快快快 [00:30.93]Okay! Okay! 好啦 [00:34.90]Oh,my God! Is everybody getting married? 我的天哪!大家都要结婚吗? [00:40.47]No running in the chapel. 教堂里不准奔跑 [00:42.67]Hey, don't you give me any of your.. Hey! 你少跟我来这… [00:47.44]Why are you here? 你们来干什么? [00:48.81]Ross and Rachel left a message. They're getting married. 罗斯和瑞秋留言说要结婚 [00:52.28]-Isn't that why you guys are here? -Yes. Why else would we be here? 你们不是来找他们的吗? 当然是 不然我们来干什么? [00:59.59]What happened? Did we miss it? 怎么样?我们来晚了吗? [01:01.62]We missed it. 我们也没赶上 [01:03.16]Maybe you wouldn't have if you could run in the chapel! 都是因为教堂里不能奔跑 [01:07.40]I can't believe they got married. 罗斯和瑞秋居然结婚了 [01:09.43]I know! I didn't even know they were dating. 对啊,我还不知道他们复合了 [01:11.70]I don't think they're as much dating as they are... 与其说是复合 [01:14.34]...two bottles of vodka walking around in human form. 不如说是被伏特加附身 [01:17.91]This is insane. 真是太扯了 [01:19.34]What's the big deal? It's not like it's a real marriage. 有什么关系?又不是真结婚 [01:22.91]What? 什么? [01:25.35]If you marry in Vegas, you're only married in Vegas. 在赌城结婚只有在赌城有效 [01:30.65]If you marry here, you're married everywhere. 你在说什么? 在赌城结婚到处都有效 [01:33.59]Really? 真的? [01:35.36]Yeah. 是啊 [01:37.36]Oh,my God! 天哪… [01:40.26]Oh,well. 啊随便啦 [01:43.26]The One After Vegas 本集播出:“终身大代志” [00:00.00] [02:56.14]Why are we in bed together? 我们为什么躺在一起? [02:57.81]I don't know. 我不知道 [03:00.98]-Did we? -I don't know. 我们有… 我不知道 [03:04.95]Do you have any clothes on? 你有穿衣服吗? [03:07.92]Yes. 有 [03:09.12]-Really? -No. 真的? 没有 [03:13.96]But we didn't have.. 但是我们没有… [03:17.56]...sex,did we? 嘿咻吧? [03:21.70]I don't remember much about last night. 我不太记得昨晚的事 [03:24.40]It was such a blur. 一切都好模糊 [03:29.37]I remember laughing. I laughed a lot. 我记得我有笑,我一直笑 [03:32.47]Then we didn't have sex. 而且我们没怎样 [03:38.05]Well,so,what did we do last night? 罗斯,我们昨晚做了什么? [03:43.08]I don't know,but I think it was a lot of fun. 我不知道,但我觉得很开心 [03:46.82]Luckily,not too much fun,right? 幸好没有开心过头 [03:49.26]-I don't think so. -Oh,thank God. 应该没有 [03:54.26]Oh,I mean, we were really drunk. 我们真的醉得很惨 [03:57.93]I'm glad we didn't do anything stupid. 幸好没干什么蠢事 [03:59.90]Tell me about it. 可不是吗 [04:01.50](新婚大喜) [04:06.94]Morning,Phoebe. 菲比早 [04:09.21]Well,my movie has been officially canceled. 我的电影取消拍摄了 [04:13.38]Joey,I'm so sorry. 好可惜喔 [04:15.45]You want my breakfast? 你要不要吃我的早餐? [04:17.62]Too depressed to eat. 不了,我沮丧得吃不下 [04:19.62]I'll probably eat in, like, five minutes. 过5分钟再说吧 [04:22.96]I'll fly home with you. What time is your flight? 我只好跟你们回去了 飞机是几点? [04:26.16]-What about my cab? -I don't need that anymore. 我的计程车呢? 我用不着了 [04:29.80]You borrowed my cab. You have to drive it back. 你跟我借车就要开回去 [04:32.67]I don't wanna drive back by myself. I get lonely. 我不想自己开回去,太寂寞了 [04:36.07]How about if you come with me? 干脆你来陪我 [04:38.74]-It's a long trip. -That would be great. 我不晓得,要开很久 一定很好玩 [04:41.31]We could talk and play games. 我们可以聊天玩游戏 [04:43.91]This could be our chance to, like, renew our friendship. 这是让友谊变新鲜的好机会 [04:48.68]Are you asking me to have a "frienaissance"? 你要我跟你“友谊复兴”? [04:53.42]Sure? 是吧? [04:55.02]All right. Although,I don't think we need one. I never stopped loving you. 好吧,虽然没这个必要 我一直爱着你 [05:03.53]So has anybody talked to Dr. and Mrs. Geller yet? 有谁跟盖勒博士夫妇讲过话? [05:07.00]They left me a message. They'll be here. 他们有留言给我,应该快到了 [05:09.54]Where is the waitress? I'm starving. 服务生呢?我饿死了 [05:14.54]It's a buffet,man. 这是自助餐 [05:17.78]Here's where I win all my money back! 我可以捞本了 [05:22.68]I gotta talk to you. 我有事找你 [05:24.15]Sure. 好 [05:25.39]What's up? 什么事? [05:35.30]Monica and I almost got married. 摩妮卡和我昨晚差点结婚 [05:37.63]My God! 天哪! [05:39.17]That's huge! 这可是大事 [05:42.90]Wait a minute. Why wasn't I invited? 等等,为什么没找我去? [05:46.41]And who was gonna be your best man? Don't say Ross. Do not say Ross. 谁要当你的伴郞? 不要说罗斯,不准说罗斯 [05:51.18]I just don't think that Monica and I are ready yet. I love her... 我觉得我们还没准备好 我很爱她 [05:55.42]...but seeing Ross and Rachel come out of that chapel... 但看到罗斯他们从教堂冒出来 [05:59.15]...was like a wake-up call that Monica and I are moving so fast, you know. 我突然惊觉我们进展得太快了 [06:04.83]How do I tell her without crushing her? 我要怎么讲才不会让她心碎? [06:09.73]Tell her she's not marriage material. 就说她不是结婚的料 [06:14.34]What? 什么? [06:16.77]Girls say it to me all the time. 女生都这么对我说 [06:21.18]And if she's anything like me, she's just gonna be relieved. 相信我,要是她和我一样 一定会如释重负 [06:27.05]How do I tell him that it's too soon? 我该怎么说这样太快了? [06:29.35]He's gonna think I don't love him anymore. 他一定会心碎 觉得我不爱他了 [06:31.95]-Well,you don't. -Yes,I do. 你是不爱他了 我爱 [06:34.52]Good. I was just testing you. 很好,我只是在测试你 [06:37.96]-Hey. -Oh,hi. [06:39.96]We were just talking about bacon. 我们才刚聊到培根 [06:42.36]No,we were talking about tennis. 不对,我们是在聊网球 [06:44.77]Tennis is more believable. 网球比较像真的 [06:52.37]Thank you. [06:55.38]Coffee. [07:05.22]What? 怎样? [07:06.39]Are we gonna talk about what you guys did last night? 你们要谈谈昨晚的事吗? [07:11.56]What do you mean "last night"? Nothing happened last night. 昨晚什么事?昨晚又没怎样 [07:15.73]Ross invited us all to watch. 罗斯把大家都找去看了 [07:23.81]What is the matter with you? 你有病啊? [07:26.81]We weren't gonna miss our friends getting married. 瑞秋 我们不可能错过朋友的婚礼 [07:29.68]Who got married? 谁结婚了? [07:33.71]You did. 你们啊 [07:35.88]What? 什么? [07:38.29]-Hello. We didn't get married. -No,we didn't. That's ridi.. 我们哪有结婚 怎么可能,别闹了 [07:46.83]Wait,wait,wait. I remember being in a chapel. 我们…我记得去过教堂 [07:49.90]They would not let us get married when we were that drunk. 我们醉成那样,不可能被批准 [07:53.57]They let you get married. 当然可能 [07:55.84]Most people who marry in Vegas are drunk. 在赌城结婚的人通常都醉了 [07:59.51]Now,I'm drunk right now. 我现在就醉了 [08:03.14]I can't have a mimosa with breakfast? I'm on vacation. 早餐不能喝鸡尾酒啊? 我在度假 [08:07.55]What are you gonna do? 你们要怎么办? [08:09.05]Well, I guess we find a divorce lawyer. 看来得找个离婚律师了 [08:11.69]Well, I think.. I think Ross already has one. 我想罗斯已经有一个了 [08:17.06]Yeah, that guy's finally gonna be able to put in that pool. 他家总算可以盖游泳池了 [08:22.23]Okay. 好 [08:23.40]Now,this one's free, right? Because you paid for the first two. 这次会免费吧? 你办了两次,所以会送一次 [08:28.17]Laugh it up,but the joke's on you... 你笑吧,丢脸的是你 [08:30.57]...because we don't need to get divorced. 我们不必离婚 [08:33.34]-We're just gonna get an annulment. -An annulment? 只要办理注销 注销? [08:36.34]Ross,I don't think surgery is the answer here. 罗斯,手术可帮不了你 [08:42.02]Oh,that's your thing! 那是你的正字标记 [08:44.95]What? 什么? [08:47.09]Your thing. You're the guy who gets divorced. 你的正字标记 你是专门离婚的人 没错 [08:52.06]No,no,that's not "my thing." 那才不是我的正字标记 [08:55.20]I do not love getting divorced. 我并不爱离婚 [08:57.77]Yes,you do. This is your third divorce. 你当然爱,这是你第三次离婚 [09:01.04]You love divorce so much, you're probably gonna marry it... 你爱离婚爱到搞不好会娶它 [09:06.77]...and then it won't work out, so you're gonna have to divorce it. 然后婚姻破裂,你又得离婚 离婚名人 [09:12.21]I'm so drunk. 我醉得好厉害 [09:20.99]-You wanna play some Pai Gow? -Maybe. 要不要玩百高? 也行 [09:24.93]But I kind of think we should talk about last night. 但我有点想谈谈昨晚的事 [09:27.63]That's a good idea. I wanna talk about last night too... 好主意,我也想谈 [09:30.80]-and I don't know what Pai Gow is. -I see. 而且我不知道百高是什么 [09:35.57]-So what should we do? -I don't know. 你觉得我们应该怎么办? 不知道 [09:38.27]I know I love you. 但我知道我爱你 [09:40.21]I know I love you. 我也知道我爱你 [09:46.81]Where are we on the whole "going back... 那我们还要回过头... [09:49.45]to where they have the marriages" thing? I love you. ...去结婚吗? 我爱你 [09:53.25]That's a good question. 问得好 [09:55.79]Last night we let the dice decide. 昨晚我们让色子决定 [09:58.09]We should leave it up to fate again. I love you! 也许应该再让命运决定一次 我爱你 [10:01.60]We don't get married unless there's a sign. 没错,有徵兆我们才结婚 [10:04.17]So say... 要是... [10:06.00]you roll another eight, then there's a sign... 你又掷出八来 就表示... [10:08.74]that we should marry. 我们绝对应该结婚 [10:10.17]Eight we get married... 好,八就结婚 [10:11.97]but 2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10, 11,12,we don't get married. 二三四五六七九等等就不结 [10:16.58]Sounds great. 听起来不错 好 [10:18.11]Hey,we got a shooter. 有人要掷了 [10:19.98]Money,please. 请押注 [10:21.35]-Ready? -Ready. 好了吗? 好了 [10:22.75]Come on,eight. 来个八吧 [10:27.86]Yes,yes,eight. 没错,八 [10:31.86]Eight,easy eight. 八,三五八 [10:36.70]-I can't believe I rolled an eight. -That was so unlikely. 居然真的是八 真是太不可能了 [10:41.84]Let's get married. 那就结婚吧… [10:43.17]I guess. 我猜 [10:45.61]Last night I rolled a hard eight. 等等,那不是双四八 我昨晚掷的是双四八 [10:48.28]It was the wrong kind of eight. No wedding! Damn it! 没错,这个八不对 不能结婚了,可恶 [10:52.65]I wanted it so bad! 我好想结婚喔 [10:57.49]Wanna go pack? 收拾行李去? 好 [11:01.79]We're doing the right thing. 我们没做错吧? [11:03.49]Of course we are. 当然没错 [11:05.19]We left it up to fate. 我们让命运决定 [11:07.23]If we were supposed to get married, there would be a sign. 如果我们应该结婚 一定会有明确的徵兆 [11:18.34]Okay,you have 19 questions left. Use them wisely. 好,你还剩十九个问题 要好好把握 [11:26.58]Come on,Joey. You can't win if you don't ask any questions! 快点,你不问就…不能赢了! [11:32.72]-What? -You promised me a fun road trip. 怎样啦 你说会很好玩 [11:35.72]We've been on the road for 6 hours, and you've been asleep for 5 and a half. 结果我们开了6小时 你就睡了5个小时半 [11:39.69]We are switching, and you are going to drive back. 下一个休息站就换手 你给我一路开回去 [11:43.16]That will be your punishment, you greedy sleeper! 这是对你的惩罚,贪睡鬼 [11:47.94]All right. 好啦 [11:49.27]And until then,you are going to sing to me... 现在你得唱歌给我听 [11:52.34]...because the radio's broken and you are selfish, but you have a nice voice. 因为收音机坏了,你又很自私 但歌声很好听 [11:57.78]-Really? -Sing! 是喔?我不… 快唱 [11:59.08]I wanna rock 'n' roll all night 我想彻夜摇滚 [12:11.79]Man,this is a long drive. 真是开也开不完 [12:15.76]Are my eyes open? 我的眼睛有睁开吗? [12:17.40]No! 没有! [12:34.65]Morning. 早安 [12:42.72]-Hey. -Hey,hubby. 老公 [12:48.83]Actually,I wanted to talk to you about that whole annulment thing. 我想找你讨论注销婚姻的事 [12:53.30]Yeah,I'm not gonna do that. 我不打算去办 [13:05.35]Okay. 好 [13:07.58]So we'll just stay married. 那我们就维持婚姻关系 [13:10.58]Yes,exactly. 没错 [13:12.05]And I will make everyone call me Mrs. Geller. 我会请大家叫我盖勒太太 [13:17.42]Wow,this is so amazing. 真是太棒了 [13:19.26]I really thought I'd have to talk you into this more. 我还以为得加把劲说服你 [13:24.20]Now I'm scared because I don't actually think you're kidding. 我现在怕了 因为你好像不是在说笑 [13:29.57]I'm not kidding. 我不是啊 [13:31.54]Look... [13:33.21]...I can't have three failed marriages. 我不能有三次失败的婚姻 [13:36.68]I can't,okay? 我不能,好吗? [13:38.45]I am not gonna be that guy. 我不要当那个人 [13:41.92]Okay? No,no. That is not gonna be "my thing." 我不要有这个正字标记 [13:47.82]So,what,we just stay married forever? 所以我们要永远这样下去? [13:50.59]I don't know. 我不知道 [13:53.29]I mean,I haven't worked it all out yet,but.... 我还没想清楚 [13:56.10]Okay,I know it's a bit crazy.. 我知道这样有点夸张 [14:00.43]How is this going to affect you, really? 说真的,你有什么影响? [14:06.17]I mean,you fill some form out once in a while... 偶尔填表格要打勾时 [14:09.58]instead of checking the box "Miss," you check the box that says,"Mrs." 你就勾“已婚”那一格 [14:13.95]It's right next to it. 就在“未婚”旁边 [14:18.95]Okay. I'm sorry, you're right. You know what? 好,抱歉,你说得对 [14:21.89]We can stay married... 我们确实可以维持现状 [14:23.89]because I thought that the boxes were far away from each other. 我还以为那两格离得很远 [14:29.63]-No, they're right.. -Ross! 不是… 罗斯! [14:32.83]All right. Just... [14:35.64]please take a moment here... 请你静下来 [14:37.81]and think about what you're asking of me. Okay? 想一想你在叫我做什么 [14:41.51]I am asking you to do me a favor. 我在请你帮我一个忙 [14:48.18]You are asking me to be your wife. 你是要我当你的老婆 [14:52.19]And as my wife,I think you should grant me this favor. 而身为我的老婆 你应该帮我这个忙 [15:00.06]We did make vows. 我们发过誓了 [15:06.00]That kid kicked me really hard. 那个小孩踢得好用力 [15:08.17]Well,you did pull his hair. 是你扯他的头发 [15:10.77]-He took my snack. -I'm not getting into this again. 他拿我的零食 我不想再争了 [15:13.91]All right,you know what? Hurts really bad. 好啦 说真的,真的很痛 [15:16.68]Well,I told you not to walk. Here. 我就叫你不要走路,来 [15:18.95]There. There. Okay. 来 来 [15:29.96]-This doesn't mean anything,does it? -No. 这没有任何含意吧? 没有 [15:36.46]How could you pick up a hitchhiker? 你怎么可以让人搭便车? [15:38.70]He could be a rap.. He could be a rapist or a killer or something. 他搞不好是强… 强暴犯或杀人犯什么的 [15:43.60]Don't you think I asked him that before he got in? 你以为我没有先问过吗? [15:46.97]I'm not talking to you. You go back to sleep. 我不理你了,你睡你的觉 [15:49.98]-And,you,are you a rapist? -No. 你,你是强暴犯吗? 不是 [15:52.65]Do you like car games? 你喜欢车上游戏吗? [15:54.68]Yeah, you know the license plate game? 喜欢,你会牌照游戏吗? [15:57.02]I love the license plate game! 我最喜欢牌照游戏了 [15:59.45]I'll play. I'll play. 我也要玩,我也要玩 [16:01.06]No, you need your sleep. Night-night. 不行,你需要睡眠,晚安 [16:11.17]Listen. I know you wanted to talk to me... 听着,我知道你想找我谈 [16:13.83]but I have an idea that may make you wanna stay married. 但我有个办法 或许能让你愿意维持现状 [16:19.31]We register... 我们去注册 [16:21.18]and you get to keep all the presents. 礼物都给你 [16:28.15]No, Ross, come on. No,listen. 不行!罗斯,你听我说 [16:30.88]I've thought about how to tell you this. 我一直在想要怎么表达 [16:33.55]I came up with an analogy about a little goldfish... 结果想到一个池塘里的金鱼 [16:36.32]in a pond that freezes over in the winter... 在冬天冻死的比喻 [16:38.29]but I realized that was a story about what to do when people pick on you. 后来又想到它是在谈 如何面对别人的挑剔 [16:41.80]So I'm gonna actually save that for my children's book. 那个故事我打算写童话书时用 [16:45.70]-What's up? -Oh,sorry. 怎样? 抱歉 [16:47.97]The bottom line,Ross... 总之... [16:49.67]is we cannot stay married. 我们不能维持婚姻关系 [16:53.81]-I don't know if that's true.. -Oh,but it is. 那可不一定 当然一定 [16:57.38]Okay. You know what this is? 你知道吗? [17:00.01]This is a difference of opinion. 这就叫做意见不合 [17:05.85]-When that happens in a marriage.. -Ross,come on! 在婚姻中遇到这种状况… 罗斯 [17:08.92]This is not a marriage! This is the world's worst hangover! 这不是婚姻 这是全世界最惨的宿醉 [17:13.89]Ross,listen, if you do not get this annulment, I will. 如果你不去注销,我也会去 [17:20.40]All right. All right,I'll do it. 好,我去就是了 [17:23.07]Thank you. 谢谢 [17:25.84]Hey,hey... [17:28.11]is there any such thing as an annulment shower? 对了 有没有注销婚姻送礼会? [17:35.62]There's the train station. This is where I get off. 等等,火车站在那里 我该下车了 [17:38.29]I have your address and phone number. 我有你的住址和电话号码 [17:40.79]I have your name and the fact that you're a drifter. 我知道你的名字和你居无定所 [17:44.06]So ball's pretty much in your court. 主动权在你手上 [17:47.90]All right. See you,Phoebe. 好,再见 [17:58.21]Come on,Phoebe,I can't take this anymore. 拜托啦,我受不了了 [18:00.94]Please talk to me. 求求你跟我说话 [18:04.31]Let me make it up to you. 让我补偿你 [18:08.22]Ground control to Major Tom 地面控制中心呼叫汤姆少校 [18:13.59]Commencing countdown Engines on 倒数开始,发动引擎 [18:19.66]Take your protein pills 吞几颗蛋白质丸 [18:22.13]And put your helmet on 戴上头盔 [18:26.93]-This is.. -Stop it! Stop it! No! 闭嘴,够了 [18:31.41]That's not fair. You know I can't resist that beautiful voice. 不公平,你明知我无法抗拒 那美妙的歌声 [18:36.08]Phoebe, look, I am so sorry. 菲比,我真的很抱歉 [18:38.81]I promised you a fun road trip with your friend... 我答应让你旅途愉快 [18:41.78]and I didn't deliver,okay? 却没做到 [18:44.65]Now I know that you think being awake is an important part of friendship. 现在我知道你认为保持清醒 对友情很重要 [18:50.79]So I will strive to stay awake for as long as I know you. 以后我会永远努力保持清醒 [18:57.36]You can still sleep at night and stuff. 你晚上还是可以睡觉什么的 [19:01.14]Thank you. 谢谢 [19:03.10]So can we play 20 Questions now? 那可以玩二十个问题了吗? [19:05.64]I got a good one. I thought about it since Kansas. 我在堪萨斯就想到一题很棒的 [19:09.71]Okay. 好吧 [19:12.18]Is it... 是... [19:13.98]a kind of hot sandwich? 一种热食三明治吗? [19:17.02]Yes. 对 [19:19.45]Is it a meatball sub? 是肉丸潜水艇吗? [19:21.32]That is incredible! 真不可思议! [19:23.79]You are the master! 你是大师 [19:28.33]Bug! [19:38.64]-Enough already! -Well, you didn't have to catch them! 真是够了 谁叫你要接 [19:43.21]-You look like you're.. -Don't say it! 真好玩,你看起来就像要… 别说了 [19:45.71]Don't even think it. 想都别想 [19:48.25]All right. 不说就不说 [19:50.12]Chandler,enjoy your handful. 钱德,你跟她耗吧 [19:56.16]Should we just get married? 我们要不要干脆结婚算了? [19:57.99]All the signs are telling us to do it. 所有的徵兆都叫我们结 [20:00.93]I'm sick of the signs. 我不想理徵兆了 [20:02.46]-I'm happy the way things are. -Me too. 这样太快了,我很满意现状 我也是 [20:05.40]-I don't want change, do you? -No. 我不想改变,你想吗? 不想 [20:07.33]Then nothing changes! Everything stays the same! 好,那就不要改变 一切维持现状 [20:10.77]Go unpack. It's been three days, and it drives me insane! 你快去整理行李 已经3天了,我快捉狂了 [20:15.98]Jeez,relax,it's not like we're mar.. 别激动,又不是要结… [20:28.66]You know,I was thinking, what if I... 要是我... [20:31.46]unpack here? 在这里整理呢? [20:33.29]All your stuff would be here. 那你的东西都会在这里 [20:37.03]Well... [20:41.03]...what if all my stuff was here? 要是我的东西都在这里呢? [20:43.64]Then you'd be going back and forth all the time. 那你就得跑来跑去 [20:47.04]Doesn't make any sense. 没道理嘛 [20:49.11]Okay. 好 [20:53.11]What if we live together, and you get what I'm saying? 要是我们同居呢? 你懂我的意思吧? [20:59.62]Live together? 同居? [21:02.19]There've been no signs for that. 又没有任何徵兆 [21:04.39]Me asking is kind of a sign. 我问你就是个徵兆 [21:11.50]Yes! Yes! Yes! 好! 好! [21:19.14]Okay. Okay,wait. Wait,wait,wait. 好,你等等 [21:21.68]Here's your key. Here's your key. 这是你的钥匙 [21:23.74]Now go out and christen it! 你得进行启用式 [21:25.58]Go out and come back in! 出去再进来 [21:27.21]Door hasn't been locked in five years, but okay. 这扇门5年没锁了,不过好 [21:31.25]-Ready? -Ready! 准备好了吗? 好了 [21:34.49]The key broke in the lock, and I can't get in. 有点问题,钥匙断了我进不去 [21:37.26]Wait. Oh,my God,I can't get out! 等等 我也出不去 [21:40.19]-This isn't a sign! -No,it's a very old key! 这不是徵兆吧 不是,是钥匙很旧了 [21:43.06]-It's an old key! -Oh,my God,it's old! 钥匙太旧了 旧得不得了 [21:46.27]I love you. 我爱你 [21:49.37]I love you. 我也爱你 [21:51.71]Are you hugging the door right now? 你有抱着门吗? [22:00.28]No. 没有 [22:02.78]Yeah, yeah, me neither. 好,我也没有 [22:08.69]So did everything go all right with the annulment? 手续办得还顺利吗? [22:11.96]Oh,yeah. No problems. It's all taken care of. 没问题,都办好了 [22:15.13]Ross,thank you. 罗斯,谢谢你 [22:18.23]Do you wanna go see a movie? 你们要不要去看电影 [22:19.90]-Yeah, why not? -Phoebe? 好啊. 菲比? [22:21.90]No,thanks. I've already seen one. 不了,眼前就有一出 [22:25.24]Okay,I'm gonna get my sweater. 我去穿毛衣 好 [22:31.75]You wanna hear something weird? 想不想听一件奇怪的事? [22:33.71]Always. 当然 [22:36.65]I didn't get the annulment. 我没去办注销 [22:40.59]What? 什么? [22:41.79]We're still married. 我们还是夫妻 [22:44.59]Don't tell Rachel. See you later. 不要告诉瑞秋,待会儿见 [22:51.37]献给真的结婚的寇妮与大卫 [23:00.04]What are you doing? 你在干什么? [23:01.27]Key is stuck in the lock. 钥匙断在钥匙孔里 [23:02.94]I can fix it. Hold on. 我会修,等一下 [23:06.58]Watch out,watch out. 让开 [23:14.35]It still doesn't work. 还是打不开 [23:15.79]I'm not finished. 我还没弄完 [23:28.24]Nice job, Joe. You're quite the craftsman! 漂亮,乔伊 你的技术真好