[00:01.240]I'm moving out, so you're in charge of paying the rent. 我要搬过去,房租就给你缴了 [00:05.910]-When's it due? -On the first. 也对,什么时候要缴? 1号 [00:07.740]And that's every month? 每个月吗? [00:09.880]No, just the months you want to live here. 不是,你想住的月分才要缴 [00:13.650]Okay, here's the phone bill. 这是电话费 [00:16.820]Oh, my God! 天哪 [00:19.620]That's our phone number. 那是电话号码 [00:22.920]I know I kind of sprung this me-moving-out-on-you thing. 是我突然决定要搬走的 [00:26.430]-Why don't I cover you for a while? -No way! 所以我先帮你挡一阵子吧 不行 [00:30.170]Joey Tribbiani does not take charity... 乔伊崔比亚尼不接受施舍… [00:34.070]anymore. 再也不了 [00:35.840]-It's not charity, Joe. -Forget it. 这不是施舍… 不行,别再说了 [00:39.270]Thanks, but I'm done taking money from you. 谢谢,但我不想再拿你的钱了 [00:41.740]I can take care of myself. What's next? Come on. 我可以照顾自己,还有什么? [00:45.110]Here's the electric bill. 这是电费 [00:45.280]-This is how much we pay for electric? -Well,yeah. 用个电要这么多钱? 对 [00:51.760]So we'll do the rest of the bills later,then? 其他的帐单待会再看罗? [00:55.690]The One On The Last Night 本集播出:“最后一夜” [01:33.030]Will Joey have to give up the apartment? 那乔伊得搬出去吗? [01:35.630]I offered him money, but he wouldn't take it. 希望不用 我想给他钱,但是他不收 [01:38.140]How much does he need? 你觉得他需要多少? [01:40.370]$1500 would cover him for a few months... 我想1千5应该够他活几个月 [01:43.070]but I have to trick him into taking it so I don't hurt his pride. 但我得骗他收下 免得伤害他的自尊 [01:47.080]Why don't you hire him as an actor? 你怎么不雇他当演员? [01:50.310]You could have him dress up and put on skits whenever you want. 你可以叫他扮装演短剧 怎样都行 [01:53.620]Well, that would help the pride thing. 那样对自尊确实有帮助 [01:59.090]Wow, you look great! Do you wanna move in with me tomorrow? 你真是水噹噹 明天要不要搬来跟我住? [02:03.500]Ok ok好啊 好 [02:06.330]Any plans for tonight? 你们女生今晚要做什么? [02:08.070]Instead of being sad on my last night with Rachel... 与其难过我和瑞秋要分开 [02:10.770]we're going out to celebrate Rachel's moving in with Phoebe. 我们不如去吃饭庆祝 瑞秋搬去跟菲比住 [02:15.010]-And also my birthday. -It's not your birthday. 还有我的生日 今天不是你的生日 [02:18.780]What a mean thing to say! I'd never tell you it wasn't your birthday. 这样讲好恶劣 我就不会戳破你 [02:26.620]You guys have anything planned for the big last night? 你们男生有什么节目吗? [02:29.190]Instead of just hanging out, we figure we'd do nothing. 与其一起打混 我们决定什么也不做 [02:34.690]Knicks' season opener tonight. I thought you'd come and watch it. 今晚是尼克队首战 我以为你们会想来我家看 [02:39.330]I don't know,Ross. 不知道耶 [02:40.930]Not if you talk about how you gave up basketball to become a paleontologist. 我怕你又吹说你放弃打球 去当古生物学家 [02:45.040]I did give up a career in basketball to become a paleontologist! 我本来就放弃打球 去当古生物学家 [02:50.440]-Phoebe.. -You're not dressed yet? 菲比,我在想… 你还没换衣服? [02:52.850]We're supposed to start having fun in 15 minutes! 我们15分钟后就要去玩了 [02:56.550]And clearly, not a minute sooner. 而且早1分钟都不行 [03:00.290]You are packed,though, right? Please tell me you're packed? 你都打包好了吧?拜托你说是 [03:04.190]Of course I'm packed. Monica,relax. 我当然打包好了,你别紧张 [03:07.630]I wanted to ask Phoebe what I should wear. 我只是想问菲比我该穿什么 [03:10.230]My God,I can't get a minute of peace. 天哪,我真是一刻也不得闲 [03:16.270]Oh,my God! 我的天哪 [03:18.910]Monica's just gonna kill you. 摩妮卡会宰了你 [03:21.480]I know. 我知道 [03:23.140]What you're wearing is fine for that. 你穿这样蛮适合惨死的 [03:27.010]Rachel i want to lend瑞秋,我要借… [03:29.680]You're not packed! 你没打包! [03:31.720]You're not packed even a little bit! 你根本没打包 [03:35.360]Surprise! 惊喜 [03:37.790]Don't get mad, because this is what happened. 什么? 你别发飙,是这样的 [03:40.300]I started packing, then I realized,"What am I doing?" 我开始打包 然后想到:我在干嘛? [03:43.930]I am lousy at packing,right? 我最不会打包了,对吧? [03:47.170]But you love packing! 但你最爱打包了 [03:48.900]So as a gift to you on our last night.... 所以做为我的临别赠礼… [03:57.680]I'll be coordinator! 我可以当总指挥 [03:59.650]Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't get you anything. 对不起,我没帮你准备礼物 [04:03.490]Everybody has to help. Phoebe, can you help? 大家都要帮忙 菲比你可以帮忙吧? [04:06.290]I have plans. 我有事 [04:08.120]-You have plans with us. -That's right. 你是跟我们有约 没错 [04:12.130]Chandler can make boxes, Ross can wrap and Joey can lift. 钱德可以帖纸箱,罗斯封箱 乔伊搬东西 [04:15.200]Tell the guys they have to help out. 菲比,去通知男生帮忙 好 [04:17.530]My God,thank you! 天哪,谢谢你 [04:19.470]Monica's gonna make you pack! She's got jobs for everyone! 快逃,摩妮卡要叫你们收东西 她把工作都分好了 [04:21.340]Now, it's too late for me, but save yourselves! 我是躲不掉了,你们快逃 [04:27.010]The movers will be here in 11 hours. Rachel hasn't packed. 搬家公司11个小时后会来 瑞秋还没打包 [04:30.450]Now, everybody has to help. Chandler.. 每个人都得帮忙 钱德 [04:32.680]I have plans with Joey. 我和乔伊有事 [04:35.350]-You said you were doing nothing. -Yes,but for the last time. 你不是说你们没事? 这是最后一次了嘛 [04:41.190]Fine. Now,Ross.. 好吧,罗斯… [04:42.190]-I can't do it. -Why not? 我没办法帮忙 为什么? [04:44.830]-Don't you have Ben? -Because I have Ben! 班要来 因为班要来 [04:49.330]It's almost past his bedtime. Where is he? 都快8点了,他都快上床了 他在哪里? [04:52.140]He's at a dinner party. 他去参加晚宴 [04:56.010]He's really coming? I can see in your apartment. 他真的要来?我看得见你家喔 [04:58.940]Of course he is. What? 当然是真的 [05:01.380]You think I'd use my son as an excuse? 难道我会拿儿子当藉口? [05:03.250]What kind of father do you think I am? 你把我当成哪种爸爸? [05:05.690]All right. Sorry. 好吧,对不起 [05:07.990]I gotta go make a fake Ben. 我得做个班的人偶 [05:14.630]Here it is. 来了 [05:15.830]Our last pizzas together as roommates. 室友时代最后的披萨 [05:18.560]I wish I knew that. I ordered Chinese. 我不知道你会买披萨 我叫了中国菜 [05:21.230]Well,that's okay. 没关系 [05:23.140]In a way it's kind of nice. You know? 其实这样蛮好的 [05:25.740]Our last dinner together. Me, bringing the food of my ancestors... 我们最后的两人晚餐 我带我祖先的食物 [05:29.980]you,the food of yours! 你带你祖先的食物 [05:36.880]I had an idea for what to do on our last night. 乔伊,我有个比较奇怪的想法 [05:39.750]What do you say we play a little foosball for money? 我们来打几盘赌钱如何? [05:42.020]Are you crazy? You haven't beaten me since my injury-plagued '97 season. 你疯啦?自97年伤后复出 你就没赢过我 [05:45.990]-It'd be easier to give me your money. -Yes, it would. 你拿钱送我还比较快 是啊 [05:49.200]What do you say to $50? 你觉得50元如何? [05:51.900]I say to it: "50 dollars,you are more than I have." 我会对它说 50元,你比我的财产还多 [05:54.070]If you know that you'll win, what difference does it make? 既然知道会赢,为什么不赌? [05:56.910]-You're on. -Okay,let's play. 好,赌了 好,开赛 [05:59.210]The big game. Italy versus... 世纪之战,意大利对… [06:01.380]China, apparently. 当然是中国队 [06:06.950]Look,it's the Rollerblades. 看,是直排轮鞋 [06:09.420]Oh,God! 天哪 [06:11.120]You remember when we got these? 记得我们什么时候买的吗? [06:13.090]No不记得 [06:13.900] [06:14.060]I guess you weren't there. 那你应该不在 [06:15.600]You guys, we said we were gonna have fun. 喂,我们说过要开心的 [06:21.980]You don't remember? 你们不记得吗? [06:26.350]Sorry,Phoebe. I'm just really sad that I'm leaving. 对不起,要搬走我真的很难过 [06:31.180]I'm gonna miss you so much. 我会很想你 [06:33.550]This doesn't have to be so sad, though,you know? 其实不必这么难过 [06:36.760]Instead of thinking about how you'll miss each other... 别再想你们会想念对方了 [06:40.060]you should think of the things you're not gonna miss. 想想你们不会怀念的事 [06:44.760]I don't think there's anything. 我觉得没有 [06:46.730]Come on,there's gotta be something. 总会有一两件 [06:50.370]She's perfect. 没有,她太完美了 [06:55.410]I have one. 我有一件 [06:58.610]Okay, you can go first. 很好,你先说 [07:00.450]I guess I'm not gonna miss the fact... 我不会想念 [07:02.720]that you're never allowed to move the phone pen. 你不准我把留言笔拿走 [07:10.390]That's a good one. Okay, Monica, anything? 说得好,摩妮卡,你有吗? [07:13.160]You know, does Rachel move the phone pen? 瑞秋会把留言笔拿走吗? [07:16.660]Sometimes. 有时候会 [07:19.470]Always, actually. 其实每次都会 [07:22.770]There you go. Doesn't everyone feel better? 这就对了,这样不是好多了? [07:26.670]Not just the phone pen. 不只是留言笔 [07:30.240]I never get my messages. 我老是收不到留言 [07:32.110]You get your messages. 你收到啦 [07:33.980]It doesn't count if you have to read them off your hand... 趁你在沙发上睡着 [07:37.320]after you've fallen asleep on the couch. 去看你的手背应该不算 [07:40.420]So you missed a message from who? Chandler? 那你是没接到谁的留言? 钱德? [07:43.290]Or your mom? 还是你妈? [07:45.460]Or Chandler? 还是钱德? [07:47.030]Or your mom? 还是你妈? [07:50.160]It worked! No one's sad! 太好了,成功了,没人难过了 [07:56.100]I win again! 万岁!我又赢了 [07:57.370]That's,like, 500 bucks you owe me! 你已经欠我5百了 [08:00.540]Man! Five hundred dollars. 5百美金 [08:03.180]That is a lot of electricity,huh? 值很多电 [08:07.350]I gotta buy some food. 我得买点吃的 [08:09.920]Give me a chance to win my money back. Sudden death... 给我捞本的机会 骤死赛 [08:13.090]one goal,$1000. 一球…1千 [08:15.760]-You serious? -Yes! 真的? 当然 [08:19.030]Get ready to owe me. 好,准备欠我钱吧 好 [08:21.030]Here we go. Ready? 来吧,好了吗? [08:49.160]No... 不~~ [08:50.330]one can beat me! 要想赢我 [08:56.160]That's why only the little fake men are supposed to do the kicking. 看吧,所以只有小假人 可以出脚 [09:06.210]Hi, Ross. See, other people call me! 罗斯…看吧,还有别人会打来 [09:09.340]Oh, your brother. Score! 你老哥,了不起 [09:13.520]What's up? 怎样? [09:15.080]I'm here with Ben. 我跟班在一起 [09:16.580]Thought we'd say hi. 想跟你问个好 [09:16.590]-Put him on. -Ben,say hi to Aunt Monica. 叫他听 班,跟摩妮卡姑姑打招呼 [09:20.230]I guess he doesn't feel like talking right now. 看来他现在不想说话 [09:23.460]He's smiling,though. 不过他在笑 [09:26.270]Okay, talk to you later. 好,待会再聊 [09:29.980] [09:37.320]I think it was better when you guys were sad. 我觉得你们难过时比较好 [09:39.690]Hey, remember the Rollerblades? 记得这双直排轮鞋吗? [09:43.590]You know what else I won't miss? "I'm Monica. 你知道我还不会想念什么? 我是摩妮卡 [09:46.900]I wash the toilets 17 times a day, even if people are on it!" 我一天刷十七次马桶 有人在上也照刷 [09:51.530]"Hi,I'm Rachel. Is my sweater too tight? 我是瑞秋 我的毛衣太紧了吗? [09:54.500]I'd better wash it and shrink it!" 不会?那我得洗一洗让它缩水 [09:57.510]"I'm Monica. I never get messages from interesting people." 我是摩妮卡 都没有有趣的人留言给我 [10:01.240]I call her. 我会打给她 [10:03.950]"Oh, my God! I love Ross. I hate Ross. I love Ross. I hate Ross!" 天哪!我爱罗斯,我恨罗斯 我爱罗斯,我恨罗斯 [10:10.420]"My God! I can't find a boyfriend. 天哪!我交不到男朋友 [10:12.460]I'll stumble across the hall and sleep with the first guy I find there!" 干脆到对面去看到谁就上谁 [10:18.830]You guys, come on, this is the last night! 拜托啦,都最后一夜了 [10:21.360]Yeah,you're right, and so for the last time I would like to ask you: 你说得对 所以我再说最后一次 [10:24.400]Boo-hoo. Get out of my room! 滚出我的房间 [10:25.540] [10:36.520]Still broken? 还是坏的? [10:37.890]It sucks,man. 真是烂透了 [10:38.230]Your last night,and I lose the two most important things: 你在这里的最后一晚 我却失去两样最重要的东西 [10:40.300]The foosball table... 足球台 [10:42.460]and $500. 和5百元 [10:45.430]There are other ways to win back your money. How about blackjack? 有别的办法可以把钱赢回去 要不要玩二十一点? [10:49.440]Not my game. 我不喜欢那个 [10:51.010]You know what? We can play a new game. 那就玩… 我们可以玩个新游戏 [10:53.810]-It's fun! -What's it called? 很好玩 叫什么名字? [10:57.510]Cups. 杯牌 [11:00.480]-I don't know how. -I'll teach you. It's easy and fun. 我不会玩杯牌 我教你,来嘛,简单又好玩 [11:04.150]-All right. -Here you go. 好吧 好,拿牌 [11:07.560]I have two queens. What do you have? 我有两张皮蛋,你呢? [11:09.990]-A 2 and a 5. -You win! Fifty dollars! 二和五 你赢了,50元 [11:15.160]-Really? -Let's play again. 真的? 没错,再玩 [11:20.740]-What have you got? -4 and a 9. 你是什么牌? 四和九 [11:21.840]You're kidding,right? 不会吧? [11:24.010]-No. Why? -That's a full cup! 怎么了? 那是满杯 [11:27.850]Damn, I am good at Cups! 我真是杯牌高手 [11:32.380]I'm not talking to her. 我不要跟她说话 [11:34.190]You have to take the first step... 总得有人先开口 [11:36.990]because she's the one who's leaving. It's harder for her. 这个人应该是你 因为她要搬走,她比较难过 [11:41.760]Maybe you're right. 也许吧… [11:43.190]But she made fun of my phone pen! 但她嘲笑我的留言笔 [11:46.430]I know. I took it hard too. 我知道,我也觉得很过分 [11:50.770]She's in there right now, crying. I can hear her. 她正在里面哭,我听得见 [11:56.540]She's not crying. 她没有在哭 [11:58.310]She's holding it in. She's so brave. Go. 她正在忍,真勇敢,快去吧 [12:04.880]I feel bad about what happened.. 瑞秋,刚才的事我很… [12:07.450]-What are you doing? -I'm unpacking. 你在干什么? 把东西拿出来 什么? [12:11.390]I'm not moving. Is that picture straight? 我不搬了,这幅画正吗? [12:14.260]It needs to go about 20 blocks to the left. 离左边差了十万八千里 [12:17.330]You're the one who wants this big change and to move in with Chandler! 你知道吗? 是你要改变,跟钱德同居 [12:21.500]You should go! Why do I have to leave? 你才应该走,为什么要我走? [12:23.770]-It's my apartment! -It's mine too! What else you got? 因为这是我的房子 它也是我的,还有呢? [12:28.740]How about: You're moving! 还有就是你要搬出去 [12:41.150]This is ridiculous. 这样太可笑了 [12:44.490]We should be packing you! 我们应该帮你打包 [12:48.090]-Hey, how you guys doing? -Great. Monica's moving. 你们谈得怎样? 很好,摩妮卡要搬走 [12:52.630]I am not! 我才没有 [12:54.000]Really? How come all your stuff is in this box? 是吗?那为什么你的东西 都在这个箱子里? [12:57.200]Okay, you guys, I think I know what's going on here! 好,我知道是怎么回事了 [13:01.370]You guys? Stop! 喂…停 [13:04.040]I know you're acting mad because it'll make it easier to leave. 你们是假装生气,以免舍不得 [13:08.850]But deep down,you're really sad. Deep,deep down. 其实内心深处你们还是很难过 [13:12.180]-No, Phoebe, I am mad! -Well,deep deep deep down! 不,我很生气 最最最深处 [13:14.620]I'm just mad. 我就是很生气 [13:16.850]Then keep running. 那就继续追吧 [13:21.460]You win! 你赢了 [13:22.690]-What did you have? -Nothing beats... 你是什么牌? 不重要 什么都比不上... [13:25.360]a three and a six. 三和六 [13:28.000]That, my friend, is "D Cup." 那叫D罩杯 [13:32.300]How much have you won so far? 你目前为止赢了多少? [13:36.140]-700. -Not 700 exactly? 哇,7百 不是正好7百吧? [13:40.140]Double it. 再加7百 [13:42.810]In Cups, once you get $700, you have to double it. 在杯牌里,一旦赢到7百 就得自动加码 [13:48.250]I didn't make up the rules. 规则又不是我订的 [13:52.320]Now, after you receive the doubling bonus, you get one card. 拿到加码奖金后 你可以拿一张牌 [13:56.490]That one card could be worth $100, which brings your total to $1500. 那张牌有可能值1百元 让你总共赢得1千5 [14:02.600]Don't get excited, that won't happen unless you get the.. No way! 别太兴奋,除非你拿到… 不会吧 [14:10.170]This is the last box of your clothes. 这是最后一箱衣服 [14:12.440]I'm just gonna label it "What were you thinking?" 我会在上面注明 “你在想什么?” [14:16.880]I was just gonna go across the hall and write that on Chandler. 有意思,我正想到对面 在钱德身上那样写 [14:23.120]Guys, I don't wanna make things worse, but... 两位,不是我想雪上加霜 [14:26.120]I don't wanna live with Rachel anymore. 但我不想跟瑞秋住了 [14:28.760]-What? -You're so mean to each other. 什么? 你们对对方好坏 [14:31.430]I don't wanna end up like that with Rachel. I still like you. 我不想跟瑞秋翻脸 我还是喜欢你 [14:35.430]That's fine because I'm not moving. 没关系,因为我不搬了 [14:39.540]Phoebe, you gotta take her. 菲比,你一定要收留她 [14:41.970]I said some bad stuff... 我说了很多她的坏话 [14:43.880]but Rachel has qualities that make her a good roommate. 但瑞秋也有一些好室友的特质 [14:47.210]Like what, Monica? 是吗?像什么? [14:51.780]She has 147,000 pair of boots. 她有几千双靴子 [14:54.420]Good start,Mon. 真是个好的开始 [14:57.220]She lets you borrow them. 她会借给你穿 [14:59.260]And you stretch them out with your big old clown feet. 然后你再用你的大脚把它撑大 [15:03.760]Do you wanna live outside? Because it's getting cold! 你想睡路边吗?天气要变冷罗 [15:08.400]She gets tons of catalogs and folds down the pages of things I'd like. 她有一大堆目录 她会把我会喜欢的部分折起来 [15:13.740]What else? 还有呢? [15:16.410]When I take a shower... 我洗澡时 [15:18.640]she leaves me notes on the mirror. 她会在镜子上留言给我 [15:20.980]I do. I do do that. 那倒是 [15:23.510]That's nice. I like having things to read in the bathroom. 真好 我喜欢浴室里有东西可读 [15:29.650]When I fall asleep on the couch... 我在沙发上看书看到睡着 [15:33.490]she covers me with a blanket. 她会帮我盖毯子 [15:35.760]Well,you know, I don't want you to be cold. 我不希望你冷到 [15:42.870]And when I told her I was gonna move in with Chandler... 当我说我要跟钱德同居时 [15:46.770]she was really supportive. 她非常支持我 [15:51.340]You were so great. 你真好 [15:54.450]You made it so easy. 让我无后顾之忧 [15:58.550]And now you have to leave. 现在你要走了 [16:01.350]And I have to live with a boy! 我得跟一个男生住了 [16:06.860]It's gonna be fine. 不会有事的 [16:09.890]Now I can't wait to live with you! 瑞秋,我真希望你赶快搬进来 [16:13.330]You know what we should do? 而且我们应该 [16:14.700]Bring Monica, and we'll live together! We'll have so much fun! 把摩妮卡也带来 我们一起住 一定会很好玩 [16:20.400]I think she's moving in with Chandler. 但是她要跟钱德住 [16:22.740]Oh,that's right. You're still set on that? 也对 你还是要跟他住吗? [16:27.480]Kind of. 应该吧 [16:35.150]Oh,my God! 我的天哪 [16:41.860]How's the packing going? 摩妮卡,打包顺利吗? [16:44.360]Ben? He's fine. He's right.. Oh, my God! 班?他很好,他就在…妈呀 [16:49.370]Get your head out of your shirt there, son! 把头从衣服里伸出来 [16:54.570]Yeah, it's a pumpkin. I'll come pack. 什么? 对,是南瓜,我过去帮忙 [17:02.050]-What's wrong? -Ross and I were helping pack... 怎么了? 罗斯和我帮忙打包 [17:04.720]took a little break. I lost $1500 to him in Cups! 在休息时 我跟他玩杯牌输了1千5 [17:10.890]How did you lose at Cups? 玩杯牌怎么会输? [17:13.460]The same way you lost! 跟你输的方式一样 [17:15.060]I started out with the king and the queen. Bam! Ross gets a 2 and a 3. 我先拿到老K和皮蛋 砰!罗斯拿到2和3 [17:20.100]Then I get a jack and a king. Boom! Ross gets a 4 and 5. 然后我拿到杰克和老K 砰!罗斯拿到4和5 [17:24.070]Even Ross was getting the Cup card, the D Cup... 罗斯拿到满杯,D罩杯 [17:27.140]the sitting-down bonus. I didn't even get half a cup! Nothing! 和自动加码 我连半副杯牌都凑不到 [17:33.080]Oh,man! 天哪 [17:34.980]He never played before either. 他之前也没玩过 [17:37.250]I think beginner's luck is very important in Cups! 我觉得玩杯牌都靠新手的牌运 [17:41.890]Let's play one more hand. One more hand. 好,我们再玩一把 [17:44.260]No more! I cannot lose another dime. I'm serious this time. 不要,我1毛钱也输不起了 我是说真的 [17:47.990]In fact,look. 事实上 [17:49.730]I wanna give you something. 我要送你一样东西 [17:51.760]Let me give it to you before I pawn it for Cups money. 现在先送 免得我为了赌债拿去当 [17:58.340]I want you to have the big,white dog... 我要把大白狗送给你 [18:01.740]as a thank-you for being such a great roommate. 谢谢你这些年来的照顾 [18:05.680]I can't take the big white dog. You love it. 我不能收,你很喜欢这个雕像 [18:09.250]It's "him." Not "it." 他不是雕像,他是活的 [18:12.620]What if I bought it from you? 要是我跟你买呢? [18:15.420]Then your nice gesture would be giving it to me at a reasonable price. 你可以以合理的价格卖给我 [18:18.920]Say $1500? 1千5如何? [18:22.490]Wait a second. I see what you're trying to do here. 等一下,我知道你想干嘛了 [18:26.360]You're trying to give me money again! 你又想塞钱给我 [18:28.770]When did I try to give you money? 我什么时候塞钱给你了? [18:30.940]Over there with the bills! 之前看帐单的时候 [18:32.940]You tried to give me charity, I said no, you dropped it. 你想施舍我 我说不要,你也就算了 [18:36.170]We had a nice last night together. 然后我们开心度过最后一晚 [18:38.280]We had some fun,we gambled,nobody tried to give anybody any money. 说笑,赌钱,谁也没塞钱给谁 [18:43.950]Now you start with the charity thing again! 现在你突然又想来这套 [18:47.020]I'm trying to help you out. I wanna make sure that you're okay. 我只是想帮助你 我想确定你的生活没问题 [18:51.020]I will be okay. 我会没问题的 [18:53.320]You gotta get it out of your head that I can't take care of myself. 你不能老觉得我无法照顾自己 [18:58.530]I'm not gonna miss you helping me out with money. 我不会怀念你借钱给我 [19:01.870]The only thing I'm gonna miss... 我唯一会怀念的... [19:04.700]is you. 就是你 [19:08.910]And now the dog. 现在还有这只狗 [19:19.580]-Call me when you get there,okay? -Okay. 到了打电话给我,好吗? 好 [19:22.020]I'm really gonna miss you. 我真的会很想你 [19:30.900]I have your key. 钥匙要还你 [19:33.660]-Here you go. -Thanks. 拿去 谢谢 [19:41.670]God,this is silly. I'll see you in a couple of hours. 天哪,多好笑 再过几小时就会见面了 [19:47.350]Bye,house. 房子再见 [19:54.950]再见 [20:20.980]-She really left. -I know. 她真的走了 我知道 [20:26.480]-Thank you. -No problem,roomie. 谢谢你 不客气,室友 [20:37.630]-Can I ask you a question? -Sure. 我可以问你一个问题吗? 当然可以 [20:40.300]What the hell is that dog doing here? 那只狗怎么会在这里? [20:46.670]I invented the game of Cups as a way to give Joey money. 我捏造了杯牌好塞钱给乔伊 [20:50.210]-And now you want that money back? -Exactly. 现在你想把钱要回去 没错 [20:53.910]What kind of idiot do you take me for? 钱德,你以为我是白痴吗? [20:57.480]It's not a real game. I made it up. 没有那种牌,那是我捏造的 [20:59.820]I'm sorry you lost your money. But I won it fair and square. 很遗撼你输钱 但我赢得光明正大 [21:03.150]At a fake game! 游戏是假的 [21:05.520]If you wanna try to make some of it back... 如果你想赢一点回去 [21:08.430]I'd be glad to play you for it. But I should warn you. 我愿意陪你玩 但我必须警告你 [21:11.830]I am very good at Cups. 我是杯牌高手 [21:16.730]I assume the saucer card came up when you played last. 好,你上次玩 有出现杯盘牌吧? [21:22.210]Let's see if it comes up this time. 看看这次会不会出现