[00:02.50]Okay,Rach,that's muffin and espresso,$4.50. 瑞秋,松饼加浓缩咖啡4块5 [00:05.53]Ross,double latte,$2.75. Chandler,coffee and a scone,$4.25. 罗斯,双份拿铁2块7毛5 钱德,咖啡和小圆饼4块2毛5 [00:10.24]And Phoebe,herbal tea,$1.25. 菲比,花茶,1块2毛5 [00:12.91]All together that's $12.75. 总共是…12块7毛5 [00:15.91]This coming from the man who couldn't split our $80 phone bill in half. 这是80元电话费除以二 不会除的人 [00:21.98]How much do I owe you? 我的松饼和拿铁多少钱? [00:23.79]That's on the house, courtesy of Joey Tribbiani. 你的由乔伊崔比亚尼免费招待 [00:27.79]Great. Well,tell him thanks. 真好,帮我谢谢他 [00:30.39]And since Joey seems like such a nice guy... 既然乔伊人这么好 [00:33.66]maybe we could go out? 也许我们可以约个会 [00:35.40]He's not used to women being so forward... 他不太习惯女人这么主动 [00:38.17]but I could check with him. He says it's okay. 不过我问过他,他说好 [00:43.41]Great. Thanks. Bye-bye. 太好了,谢谢,再见 [00:45.67]How come our stuff isn't free? 乔伊,为什么我们不是免费? [00:47.84]It will be when you look like that in a tight skirt. 等你穿窄裙也那么辣就可以免费了 [00:51.58]I'm getting more dates than ever. 真好,我的约会破记录的多 [00:53.85]You're only giving free stuff to the pretty girls? 慢着,你只算美女免费? [00:57.09]Joey,that is so gross! 对啊,好恶心喔 [00:59.75]How about a scone on the house,baby? 要不要来一块免费小圆饼? [01:04.09]I'm pretty. 我是美女 [01:07.66]The One With Rachel's Sister 本集播出:“姐妹大比拼” [00:00.00] [01:45.73]-Hey,does anyone have any gum? -I do. 有人有口香糖吗? 我有 [01:51.34]Here. Sorry. 拿一下 [01:53.84]Oh,you know what? 好像是… [01:58.45]No. 不是 [02:01.12]Wait a second. 等一下 [02:08.86]-I know it's in here. -You know what? I'm good. 我记得我有 算了,不用了 [02:12.49]Sorry,I guess it's in my big bag. 抱歉,大概在我的大袋子里 [02:16.56]Say,does anybody have a goldfish? 有人有金鱼吗? [02:23.07]Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at work? 你怎么回来了?不是在上班? [02:25.61]They sent me home. They said I can't work if I'm sick. 他们叫我回家 说什么感冒不能做菜 [02:30.15]-Sorry you're sick. -I'm not sick! -真可怜 -我没有感冒 [02:34.15]I don't get sick. Getting sick is for weaklings, it's for pansies. 我才不会感冒 软弱和娘娘腔的人才会感冒 [02:39.79]No one thinks that you're a pansy... 没有人觉得你娘娘腔 [02:42.16]but we do think that you need a tissue. 但我们觉得你需要面纸 [02:48.06]I have not been sick in over three years. 我已经3年多没感冒了 [02:52.33]I think you're sick because that used to be in your nose. 我觉得你感冒了,因为…… 那个原本在你的鼻子里 [02:58.17]I'll get tissue. 我帮你拿几张面纸 [02:59.57]I don't need a tissue. I'm fine-d. 我不需要面纸,我很好…哪 [03:02.88]When you put a D at the end of fine... 好的后面还加个哪 [03:05.75]you're not fine. 就是不好哪 [03:09.12]I'm fine-d. 我很好…哪 [03:11.75]I'm fine-d. 我很好…哪 [03:14.72]It's a really hard word to say. 这句话很难说 [03:29.94]-Yes? -Hi. Is Rachel here? I'm her sister. -哪一位? -瑞秋在吗?我是她的妹妹 [03:33.27]Oh,my God,Jill! 天哪,吉儿  [03:34.94]Oh,my God,Rachel! 天哪,瑞秋 [03:37.58]Oh,my God,introduce us. 天哪,介绍一下吧 [03:40.28]This is Chandler. And you know Monica and Ross. 这位是钱德 你认识摩妮卡和罗斯 [03:43.99]And that's Phoebe. And that's Joey. 那是菲比,那是乔伊 [03:46.39]-How you doing? -Don't! -你好吗? -别…… [03:53.29]Honey,what are you doing here? 你怎么来了? [03:55.63]Which sister is this? 这是哪个妹妹? [03:57.07]Is this the spoiled one or the one that bit her? 被宠坏的还是愤世嫉俗的? [04:00.27]Daddy cut me off. 老爸断了我的财源 [04:01.67]Never mind,I got it. 我知道了 [04:03.77]You know what I said? 你知道我怎么说? [04:05.44]I said,"I'll hire a lawyer, sue you,take all your money... 我说 “我要请一个律师 把你的钱都告过来” [04:09.08]and cut you off!" “然后断了你的财源” [04:10.81]Wow. What did he say? 那他怎么说? [04:12.48]That he wouldn't pay for my lawyer. 他说不帮我付律师费 [04:15.68]Then he told me to learn the value of money... 还叫我跟他唯一自豪的女儿 [04:18.42]from the one daughter he's actually proud of. 来学学金钱的价值 [04:22.79]Did you hear that? My dad's proud of me. 你们听到了吗?我爸以我为荣 [04:25.86]My dad's proud of me. 我爸以我为荣 [04:28.13]-Rach? -Oh,yeah. Sorry. -瑞秋? -好,抱歉 [04:30.00]Honey,so what did you do that made Dad cut you off? 爸为什么不给你钱? [04:34.30]Okay,I bought a boat. 我买了一艘船 [04:36.04]You bought a boat? 你买了一艘船? [04:38.14]It wasn't for me, it was for a friend. 不是我要的,是要送朋友的 [04:41.61]Boy,did we make friends with the wrong sister. 我们不该跟姐姐交朋友的 [04:45.88]I knew it was stupid and I shouldn't have done it... 我知道这样很蠢很不应该 [04:48.85]but she bought me all these CDs and said I had a cute haircut. 但她送我一大堆CD 还说我的发型很漂亮 [04:52.75]And your daddy didn't understand? 而你爸却不能理解? [04:55.79]I know,and usually I just cry and say I'm sorry and he forgives me. 就是啊 通常我哭着道歉就没事了 [05:00.06]Oh,yes,good criers,the Green girls. 没错,格林家的女生最会哭了 [05:06.13]I mean,the Green sisters. 我是说格林家的姐妹 [05:12.21]Man,no matter how you say it... 不管怎么说... [05:13.78]it still sounds like you're talking about green people. 听起来都像蛤蜊 [05:18.75]I'm at rock bottom. 我真是冷到极点 [05:22.08]This is the best thing that could've happened to you. 吉儿,这是一次最好的教训 [05:25.59]You've needed to get out on your own. 反正你也得独立 [05:27.92]When I did it, at first I was scared, but then look at me now. 我刚独立时也很害怕 结果现在呢 [05:32.19]I am the only daughter that Dad is proud of. 我是唯一让老爸骄傲的女儿 [05:37.33]I can't believe him. How does he expect me to buy stuff? 他真是太扯了 我要怎么买东西? [05:40.20]Maybe,you know, you won't buy stuff for a while. 那你就先不要买东西 [05:43.37]I don't understand. 我不懂 [05:46.24]This is what you'll do. You're gonna get a job. 你现在要做的是找一份工作 [05:49.14]You're gonna get an apartment. 找一间公寓 [05:51.25]And then you will live off the money that you earn. 然后靠你自己赚的钱过活 [05:54.65]Okay,I know this is what you did... 好,我知道你是这样 [05:57.69]but that doesn't sound like me. 但这不像我的作风 [06:01.02]Okay,but it can be. It can be you. 但你可以做得到 我会帮你 [06:03.22]And you can stay with us. Right,Phoebe? 你可以跟我们住 菲比,可以吧? [06:06.43]-Of course, yeah. -Oh,that's so great! -当然可以 -太好了 [06:09.26]Okay,I'm really gonna do this. I don't know how to thank you. 好,那我就来独立 真不知道该怎么谢谢你们 [06:13.07]Oh,I like cars. 我喜欢汽车 [06:21.48]-You all finished? -Yes. -你吃完了吗? -吃完了 [06:23.24]Great. 太好了 [06:28.48]Okay,here are the tips for this morning. 早上的小费出来了 [06:31.22]Jen gets 50, 50 for me and Joey owes 8 dollars. 珍50,我50 乔伊欠8块钱 [06:36.82]-What? -For all the free food you gave away. -什么? -因为你到处送吃的 [06:39.23]If it's free, how come you're charging me for it? 既然是送的,为什么跟我要钱 [06:43.46]We don't give anything away unless it's a birthday. 我们只免费招待寿星 [06:47.00]What if they came in third in a modeling contest? 那模特儿比赛第三名呢? [06:51.31]No. 不行 [06:52.57]Sorry. 抱歉 [06:57.55]I just had the hardest day. Some of these are so heavy. 我今天好惨,这些袋子好重 [07:02.32]How did you pay? I thought your dad took your credit card. 吉儿,你怎么有钱? 你爸不是把信用卡都收走了? [07:05.92]I memorized those numbers when I was 15. 拜托,我15岁就会背卡号了 [07:09.46]But look at all the cool make-it-on-my-own stuff I got! 你们看我买的这些独立行头 [07:13.16]This is my "Please hire me" sweater. 这是“请雇佣我”毛衣 [07:16.33]And these are my "Don't you want to rent me this apartment?" pants. 这是 “你不想把房子租我吗”裤子 [07:21.44]Charging clothes to your dad doesn't qualify as making it on your own. 让你爸付你的置装费不算独立 [07:26.57]Oh, Mr. Scientist has to get all technical. 大科学家就是这么死板 [07:30.51]Rachel's not gonna think it's a good idea. 瑞秋真的不会赞成 [07:33.38]-So who made her queen of the world? -I would love that job! -谁封她当女王了? -我超想当女王的 [07:39.79]What's going on? 怎么样啊? [07:41.46]Jill! 吉儿 [07:43.93]Did you shop? 你跑去逛街吗? [07:46.13]No. 没有 [07:47.80]They did. 是他们 [07:50.63]Yeah,we went shopping! 对,我们跑去逛街 [07:54.90]You went shopping? 你们跑去逛街? [07:56.47]Then you came here and paraded it under Jill's nose... 然后把东西秀给吉儿看? [07:59.94]when you know she's trying to quit. That's terrible. 你们明知她想戒掉 你们真差劲 [08:03.74]Sorry,Jill. 抱歉 吉儿 [08:07.45]So,what'd you get? 你们买了什么? [08:09.05]Oh,well,all right. Thank you. 我买了…谢谢 [08:11.59]I got this, you know, "I want a job" sweater. 我买了这件 “我要工作”毛衣 [08:17.16]And then I got.. These are apartment pants. 还买了这条公寓裤 [08:23.60]Apartment pants? 公寓裤? [08:26.17]You've never heard of them? 对,你没听过吗? [08:28.57]Of course I've heard of them. 当然听过 [08:32.01]Ross,what'd you get? 罗斯那你呢? [08:33.98]I got this... 我买了这个… [08:37.41]This. 这个 [08:40.98]-A pashmina? -Yeah! 帕什米纳(披肩)? 对 [08:45.35]I love these babies. 我爱死它了 [08:51.79]Really? 是吗? [08:53.59]What's a pashmina? 帕什米纳是什么? [08:56.50]It's a rug. 一种小毯子 [08:59.97]Jill? 吉儿? [09:02.77]I'm sorry,Rachel. 瑞秋,对不起… [09:05.41]You think that's gonna work on me? I invented that. 拜托,你真以为我会上当? 泪眼攻势是我发明的 [09:10.65]Right! But I am sorry. 也对,但我真的很抱歉 [09:14.32]It's okay. One little setback is okay. 算了,走一次回头路还好 [09:17.22]-But don't let it happen again,okay? -Okay. -就是别再犯了,好吗? -好。 [09:20.79]Now,since Daddy paid for all this stuff, I should take it all away. 既然这是老爸付的钱 我应该全都没收 [09:25.33]But I'm just gonna take the pashmina. 不过我没收披肩就好 [09:30.83]And the pants. 还有那条裤子 [09:33.83]I'll take it all, because that way, you'll learn the lesson. 还是都没收好了 这样你才能得到教训 [09:38.41]All right. [09:39.91]I'm gonna run a couple of errands and I will see you at dinner. 我有事要忙,我们晚餐见 [09:46.98]She took all my stuff. 都被她拿走了 [09:49.18]Yeah. Everything but the little blue one. 没错,除了这个蓝色小袋子 [09:54.06]That's the best one! 这一样最棒了 [09:55.56]Oh,my God. Thank you so much! 天哪,谢谢你 [09:58.36]Well,hey. [10:01.00]Oh,my gosh,that was so lame. Like a pashmina could be a rug. 天哪,你好逊喔 帕什米纳怎么会是小毯子 [10:04.67]Oh,yeah? How about you with the "I'm sorry"? 那你呢?“对不起…” [10:08.57]Shut up! I wasn't like that at all. 闭嘴,我哪有那么恶心 [10:10.94]What about what I said about the apartment pants? How dumb was l? 我那个公寓裤呢?够蠢吧? [10:18.78]-Were you this cute in high school? -Oh,stop. -你高中时有这么可爱吗? -别闹了 [10:21.75]-No,you stop. -No,you stop. -你才别闹了 -你才别闹了 [10:25.19]Why don't I sit here and then you'll both stop it? 你别闹了 好,我坐中问,你们都别闹了 [10:31.19]Okay. So,what do you want to do? 你想做什么? [10:33.79]Let's do something crazy. 我们来疯一下 [10:35.90]I know, let's rest and drink lots of fluids. 我知道,我们来多休息多喝水 [10:40.07]Okay,I'll rest. 好,我休息 [10:41.64]But if I'm going to bed, then you're coming with me. 不过如果我要上床 你也得跟我来 [10:47.91]See,that would be impossible to resist if you weren't all... 我本来很难说不 但是你... [10:51.91]drippy here. 鼻水流不停 [10:55.25]Are you saying that you don't want to get with this? 你是说你不想要我吗? [11:04.13]I don't think you should say that even when you're healthy. 你最好连健康时都不要这样 [11:10.30]Come on. 来嘛 [11:14.00]Don't take this personally. 我不是针对你 [11:16.07]I just can't have sex with a sick person. 我就是没办法跟病人上床 [11:19.67]I'm with you. I can't have sex with a sick person either. Disgusting! 我也是,我也不跟病人上床 那样好恶心 [11:24.41]But I'm not sick! 但是我没病 [11:25.95]Let me prove it to you. 让我证明给你看 [11:28.95]We are two healthy people in the prime of lime. 我们身强体壮,青春正盛 [11:34.82]See, that's the thing, I would like to stay in the "prime of lime." 我就是想继续身强体壮 [11:45.80]Oh,okay,now I'll do it. 好,我有“性”致了 [11:51.94]Hey. What's up? 怎么样啊? [11:55.28]I think there's something you should know. 有件事或许你应该知道 [11:57.98]Better not be about the apartment pants. 最好不是公寓裤的事 [11:59.85]I just pitched the idea to my boss at Ralph Lauren and she loved it. 因为我的上司爱死这个构想了 [12:05.89]No. It's just,I was... 不是,我... [12:08.39]I was with Ross and Jill after you left... 我刚和罗斯,吉儿在一起 [12:10.69]and I'm pretty sure I saw a little spark between them. 我很确定他们之间有火花 [12:14.66]-What? -I mean,it's probably nothing. 什么? 或许没事 [12:17.23]But I wanted to warn you that there might be something. 我只是想提醒你 他们或许有什么 [12:21.14]-With Ross and Jill? -Yeah. -罗斯跟吉儿? -对 [12:23.50]With Ross and my sister? 罗斯和我妹妹? [12:28.38]With my sister Jill and my ex-boyfriend Ross? 我妹妹吉儿和我的前男友罗斯? [12:33.31]-Oh,there is no way. -Okay,then. -不可能的 -那好吧 [12:35.98]Oh,my God! I cannot believe that! 我的天哪,我真不敢相信 [12:39.55]I don't like it when he dates anyone, but my sister? 不是我反对罗斯交女朋友 但跟我妹? [12:42.72]Isn't that incest or something? 不是等于**吗? [12:45.89]And they're gonna have sex. 天哪,而且他们会上床 [12:48.43]Oh,no! What if he marries her too? 要是他还娶她呢? [12:51.53]This is just terrible. This is just terrible. 太恐怖了,真是太恐怖了 [12:54.27]And I can't stop it. I don't own Ross. 而我又不能阻止 罗斯又不是我的 [12:56.87]And Jill should be able to do what she wants to do. 而且吉儿有她的行动自由 [13:00.07]Oh, my God, I can't believe Ross is marrying my little sister. 我的天哪,罗斯居然要娶我妹妹 [13:04.25]This is the worst thing that could've ever happened to me. 这真是我这一生最悲惨的遭遇 [13:09.22]But great news about the apartment pants,huh? 不过公寓裤的事真是太好了 [13:14.52]That'll be $3.85. 总共3块8毛5 [13:16.36]What? Yesterday you said I was too pretty to pay. 什么意思? 昨天你还说我太美不该付钱 [13:19.73]It's just, I can't, because my manager said that I.. 我不能请客,因为经理说我… [13:24.57]Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐… [13:27.97]Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐… [13:30.47]-Happy birthday,dear Annie.. -Amy! 祝安妮生日快乐 艾美 [13:33.64]Amy 艾美 [13:36.04]Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐 [13:38.98]That's weird, today's my birthday too. 真巧,今天也是我的生日 [13:41.58]Not in here,it isn't. 在这里不是 [13:46.99]Sorry I'm late. What's up? 抱歉迟到了,什么事? [13:51.16]I just wanted to see if there were any leads on the old job front. 我只是想问你工作找得怎样 [13:55.46]No. But I walked past three sales and didn't go in. 没进展 但我经过三家折扣店都没进去 [13:58.80]How strong am I? 我很坚强吧? [14:01.60]That is great. 太好了 [14:03.24]You know who doesn't have to job-hunt? Ross. 你知道谁不必找工作? 罗斯. [14:06.81]-He works at the university. -Yeah? 他在大学教书 是啊 [14:09.51]So you guys talked? So you get along? So you're gonna go out? 所以你知道,你们聊过 你们很投缘,你们要约会吗? [14:15.18]Me go out with Ross? No. 我跟罗斯约会? [14:18.09]God,no. What would make you think that? 当然不会,你哪来的念头? [14:21.16]Phoebe... 这个…菲比.... [14:22.49]said she thought she saw something between you guys. 觉得你们有什么 [14:25.99]I mean,he's nice. 没有,他人是很好 [14:28.00]He's the kind you're friends with, but not the kind you date. 你会想和他做朋友 但不会想和他交往 [14:31.67]He's the kind you date, because you did. But me? 你会,你跟他交往过 [14:36.04]Not so much. 我就没什么兴趣 [14:38.97]Oh,not so much. What do you mean? Is there something wrong with Ross? 没什么兴趣?什么意思? 罗斯有哪里不好吗? [14:44.18]No,no,no. He's just... 没有,只不过他... [14:46.11]I don't know. You know,he's just a little bookish. 他有点书呆 [14:50.28]Are you saying he's a geek? 你觉得他是怪胎? [14:52.12]You think so too? 你也有同感? [14:54.69]No. Ross is not a geek. 不,罗斯不是怪胎 [14:57.89]Then let's just say he's not my type. 好,就当他不是我喜欢的类型 [15:00.33]Handsome is not your type? 你不喜欢帅哥? [15:03.13]Smart,kind,good kisser. 聪明?好心?吻技一流? [15:05.03]What,those things aren't on your list? 这些不是你的条件? [15:07.47]Ross is great. You'd be lucky to be with him. 罗斯人很好 能跟他在一起是你的福气 [15:10.67]If it means that much, then I'll ask him out. 好,既然你这么在意 我就约他 [15:13.51]Oh,no. That's not what I meant. 不不不,我不是那个意思 [15:16.31]You know what? You're right. 你知道吗?你说得对 [15:18.25]He has been really nice to me. 他对我确实很好 [15:21.22]Yeah, but he's not your type. 但他不是你的类型 [15:24.02]But maybe that's good. 或许这是好事 [15:25.59]I'm doing all these different things. 我正在做各种尝试 [15:27.92]Maybe I should just try dating a geek too. 或许也应该跟怪胎约会看看 [15:32.43]Yeah,but you don't want to try too much too fast. 但你也别一下子做太多尝试 [15:36.90]You remember what happened to the little girl who... 你记得那个 [15:40.20]tried too much too fast,don't you? 一下子做太多尝试的小女孩吧 [15:43.90]What? 什么? [15:45.71]She died,Jill. 她死了 [15:53.68]Chandler! 钱德 [15:57.55]What is it,honey? You need some tea? Some soup? 什么事,你想喝茶? 还是喝汤? [16:07.19]Calling Dr. Big. 呼叫大雕医生 [16:09.16]Dr. Big to the bed. 大雕医生请上床 [16:12.43]Jeez,honey, I thought you were asleep. 天哪,我以为你睡了 [16:16.04]How could I be asleep knowing that you were in the next room? 你就在外面,我怎么睡得着? [16:22.28]I was asleep. 我倒是睡着了 [16:27.88]No,honey. You know what's sexy? Layers. 不,你知道怎样才性感? 多穿几层 [16:31.89]Layers are sexy. 多穿几层才性感 [16:33.52]And blankets are sexy. And hot-water bottles are sexy. 被子才性感 热水瓶更性感 [16:37.39]Get into bed. I want to prove I'm not sick. 上床啦,我想证明我没生病 [16:40.53]I want to make you feel as good as I feel. 我想让你跟我一样舒服 [16:45.67]Would you please get some rest? 我拜托你休息 [16:47.90]I'm fine. 我没事哪 [16:54.11]-You're coughing. -No,I'm not. -你在咳嗽 -我没有 [16:56.58]No,I'm not,I'm laughing. 我没有,我是在笑 [17:01.45]-At what? -Just something I heard before. -笑什么? -我之前听说的一件事 [17:04.25]-Tell me. -No,I don't want it to spoil the mood. -告诉我 -不,我不想破坏情调 [17:15.56]Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐 [17:20.83]-You're paying for that. -No,it's her birthday. 你出钱 不,今天是她的生日 [17:24.00]You've sung "Happy Birthday" to 20 women today. 你已经对二十个女人唱生日快乐 [17:28.14]You are no longer authorized to distribute birthday muffins. -但是… -你失去送生日松饼的权限了 [17:32.95]Damn it! 妈的 [17:36.58]瑞秋 [17:39.69]Did you tell your sister to ask me out? 你叫你妹约我吗? [17:43.02]-Well,yeah. -Oh,wow! I mean,wow. -对… -哇,真是……哇 [17:48.43]I think she's cute,but... 我觉得她很可爱 但... [17:51.37]I never would've thought of going out with her. Never! 我从来没想过要跟她约会 [17:55.20]Really? 真的? [17:56.47]But after you said it's okay, I figured,"Why not?" 不过既然然你说行 我心想:有何不可? [18:00.67]Oh,so not really "never." 所以也不算从来没想过 [18:03.78]I have to say you are a much bigger person than I am. 你真的比我大方多了 [18:07.11]I mean,after all we've been through. 我们有那么多过去 [18:10.15]I wish I had a brother to reciprocate. 我… 真希望我有兄弟可以做交换 [18:14.99]If you ever date Monica, you have my blessing. 如果你想跟摩妮卡交往 我绝对祝福 [18:17.66]And mine. 我也是 [18:22.13]Chandler? 钱德 [18:23.83]I think I'm sick. 我觉得我病了 [18:26.53]Really? 是吗? [18:28.34]Struck down in the "pribe of libe." 青春不盛了? [18:32.64]Okay,fine,I admit it. I feel terrible. 好啦,我承认,我很不舒服 [18:36.88]Will you please rub this on my chest? 帮我在胸口抹药膏 [18:40.81]No,no,no. You are not getting me this way. 不行,你别想骗我上钩 [18:44.75]Come on,I really need your help here. -我真的需要你帮我… -不行 [18:49.99]-Fine,I'll rub it on myself. -Okay. -好,那我就自己抹 -好 [19:12.38]So you're just kind of rubbing it on yourself? 你在往身上抹药膏? [19:18.02]-Yeah. -It's nice. -怎样? -蛮好的 [19:22.52]You kidding me? Is this turning you on? 不会吧?这样你会兴奋? [19:25.23]Yes. -对 [19:28.13]Is it the rubbing or the smell? -真是太扯了 -是抹的动作还是味道? [19:30.86]It's all very,very good. 都很棒 [19:37.70]So you want to go... 想不想… [19:41.28]mix it up? 嘿咻一下? [19:44.65]-Not now,I'm sick. -Oh,come on,you big faker! -现在不行,我病了 -少来了,大骗子 [19:49.75]What about never sleeping with sick people? 你不是不跟病人上床? [19:52.42]Well,that was before all the vaporizing action. 那是在那令人酥麻的动作之前 [19:58.73]Okay,if you really want to have sex. -好吧,如果你真的想做… -好 [20:03.23]Worked like a charm. 真够灵的 [20:11.67]Why are you here? 你来这里干什么? [20:13.17]This is where Ross and I are meeting for our date. So,what do you think? 我跟罗斯约在这里 我的打扮如何? [20:19.18]I don't like it. 我不喜欢 [20:22.08]-Really? -It's kind of slutty. -是吗? -有点放荡 [20:26.32]It's yours. 这是你的衣服 [20:29.52]Yeah,well,I'm a slut. 我是个** [20:33.53]Me too. 我也是 [20:38.63]Hi,Jill. 吉儿 [20:40.17]Hi... [20:42.60]Rachel. 瑞秋 [20:45.71]You're not at home, you're right here. 你不在家,你在这里 [20:49.81]Yeah,I know. 我知道 [20:51.18]And I bet you thought it would be weird. But it's not. 你一定以为会很怪,其实不会 [21:00.69]Okay. 好 [21:02.96]So,well,I'll... 我... [21:05.33]I'll have her home by midnight. 我午夜之前会送她回家 [21:27.18]Why aren't you home yet? 你为什么还没回家 [21:29.92]Is someone there? 外面有人吗? [21:32.55]Oh,yeah,it's me. Sorry. 有,是我,抱歉 [21:35.89]What are you doing here? 你来干什么? [21:39.23]I'm just looking out your window... 我只是在看窗外… [21:42.20]at the view. 的风景 [21:44.50]What are you guys doing? 你们在干什么? [21:47.37]We got some vapor rub in some places. 我们身上沾到药膏 [21:54.61]He brought her back to his apartment. 他把她带回家了 [21:58.41]Who? 谁? [22:04.22]Is that your sister? 那是你妹妹吗? [22:06.72]She is a slut! 她真是个** [22:10.62]Ross is on a date with your sister. How weird is that? 罗斯在跟你妹约会,多奇怪啊 [22:13.93]Oh,my God, he's taking off her clothes! 天哪,看,他在脱她的衣服 [22:16.80]He's taking off her coat. 他在帮她脱外套 [22:19.77]Oh,this is just terrible. 真是太糟糕了 [22:22.04]Oh,no,it's not. It's a first date. I'm sure that nothing is gonna... 不会啦,才第一次约会 一定不会有… [22:33.28]He's gonna get some. 他有福了… [22:38.05]Of the glare... 能看到... [22:40.92]from the streetlight out of his apartment. 屋外街灯的灯光 [22:43.56]You know, so he's closed the drapes there... 所以他把窗帘拉上 [22:47.43]so he can have a nice,pleasant... 好跟你妹妹... [22:50.43]conversation with your little sister. 好好聊一聊 [22:54.10]Well,I'm off to bed. 我去睡了 [22:57.44](未完待续) [23:06.45]I don't feel good. 我不舒服 [23:09.78]You better not get me sick. 别把感冒传染给我 [23:16.66]I need some fruit or some juice or some.... 我需要水果或果汁或… [23:24.80]Or some nothing. 或空气 [23:27.40]There's nothing in here. Who took our food? 冰箱是空的 谁拿了我们的食物? [23:29.64]Can I interest you in a slice of lasagna or a drumstick? 要不要来点千层面或鸡腿? [23:33.77]-No,thanks. -Are you sure? It's on the house. 不用了 你确定?免费的喔 [23:37.04]-No,thanks. -How about going out with me Friday night? -不用了 -星期五晚上要不要跟我约会? [23:39.88]-No,thanks. -What are you gonna do. -不了 -那就没办法了