[00:03.40]We learned one thing, Cheese: 我们学会一件事,吉事: [00:05.47]Cheerleaders and high explosives don't mix. 啦啦队长跟强力火药 不应该混在一起 [00:11.41]You can say that again,Mac. 你说的没错,麦克 [00:13.48]I couldn't have done it alone. You're a genius. 光靠我一个人是不行的 你是个天才 [00:16.48]Oh,yeah? Well, how come I can't get my VCR to stop blinking 12:00? 是吗?那为什么我还不会调整 录影机的定时功能 [00:28.19]What did you guys think? 你们觉得如何? [00:34.26]-Hey,the phone. -I got it. I got it. -有电话 -我来接 [00:37.90]Hold on. It's your mom. 等一下,是你妈妈打来的 [00:39.67]-It's Mommy. -That's nice. -是他妈妈打来的 -真的是太棒了 [00:41.77]Ma, so what did you think? 妈,你觉得如何? [00:44.91]Well... 喔… [00:46.51]that was okay. 还好啦 [00:49.14]It wasn't the best. 它不是最棒的 [00:50.68]That was one of the worst things ever... 那是我看过最烂的戏… [00:54.45]and not just on TV. 我是指所有的戏剧表演 [00:57.52]-What should we say? -The lighting was okay. -我们该说什么? -灯光还不错 [01:00.09]You got lighting last time. Lighting is mine. 上次你已经说灯光不错 这次轮到我了 [01:03.66]I have costumes. 服装是我的 [01:04.93]That means I'm stuck with: 那我只能说: [01:07.16]"So we were watching you in there,and you were sitting right here. Whoa." “我们看到你在电视上出现 结果你就坐在这里,哇” [01:12.87]-What about you? -I don't know. -你呢? -我不知道 [01:15.17]I can't lie to him again. Oh,no,I.. No. 我没办法再骗他 不,我…不 [01:18.71]I'm just gonna press my breasts up against him. 我要用我的胸部紧紧压着他 [01:22.81]-And say nothing? -Yeah,that's right. -什么都不说? -没错 [01:27.05]Wow, my folks really liked it. 哇,我爸妈很喜欢我的表演 [01:29.38]What did you guys think? 你们有什么看法? [01:37.63]It wasn't that good. 没那么好吧 [01:42.06]The One With Rachel's Assistant 本集播出:瑞秋的助理 [00:00.00] [02:22.44]Do you think that your favorite animal says much about you? 你认为你最喜欢的动物 能代表你吗? [02:26.34]You mean behind my back? 你是指他们背着我说我的坏话? [02:29.81]You'll never believe what happened to me today. 你们一定不会相信 今天我发生了什么事 [02:33.25]-I am sitting in my office.. -You guys! -我坐在办公室里… -大家听我说 [02:35.58]Guess what my agent just said? 你们猜我的经纪人说什么? [02:37.55]-I'm in the middle of a story here. -Sorry,you finish. -我正说话说到一半 -抱歉,你继续说吧 [02:41.09]I'm sitting in my office, and guess who walks in. 我坐在办公室里 你们猜谁走了进来 [02:44.29]I'm gonna be on two TV shows. 我要参加两出电视剧的演出 [02:46.53]That's great. 那真的是太棒了 [02:48.53]-Joey. -You weren't finished? -乔伊 -你还没有说完吗? [02:50.73]Yeah, "Guess who walks into my office" is my story. 对喔,我的重点只是 “你们猜谁走进我的办公室” [02:54.97]Ralph Lauren walked into my office. 劳夫罗兰走进我的办公室 [02:57.37]If you're starting another story, at least let me finish mine. 如果你想说别的事 至少让我把我的事说完 [03:02.31]It's the same story. 我说的是同一件事 [03:04.45]Wow, it's really long. 哇,这件事还真长 [03:07.58]Ralph just came in to tell me that he's so happy with my work... 劳夫走进来告诉我 他非常满意我的工作表现… [03:11.55]that he wants me to be the new merchandising manager for Polo retail. 他要我担任 休闲衫零售部的新销售经理 [03:15.92]-Still get a discount on wedding gowns? -Yeah! -你买婚纱还有折扣吗? -有啊 [03:18.19]I'm so happy for you. 我为你感到高兴 [03:21.73]These really are the "days of our lives." 这真的是“我们的日子” [03:25.30]-What? -Well, since you ask... -什么? -喔,既然你们问起… [03:27.60]They want me back on Days of Our Lives. 他们要我回去演《我们的日子》 [03:30.41]I get a big pay raise! 我得到大幅度加薪 [03:32.07]Oh,hey! 嘿 [03:33.44]I'll be playing Drake Ramoray's twin brother, Stryker. 我要饰演德瑞克医生的 双胞胎弟弟史崔克 [03:37.81]I get to hire my own assistant. 我可以雇用专属助理 [03:41.95]I got a head rush from standing up too fast. 我起来太快,现在头很晕 [03:50.43]You were at this job four years? 这份工作你做了四年? [03:52.49]-That's right. -This is all very impressive, Hilda. -没错 -你的资历非常棒,西尔达 [03:57.23]I just have one last question for you. 我还要问你一个问题 [04:00.84]How did I do? Was this okay? 我表现得如何?还可以吧? [04:03.87]-What? -I've never interviewed anyone. -什么? -我从来没有面试过任何人 [04:06.34]I've never had anyone work for me. 从来没有人为我工作过 [04:08.68]When I was a kid we had a maid, but this isn't the same. 我小时候家里有请佣人 但这完全不一样 [04:12.28]No, dear, it's not. 没错,亲爱的,的确不一样 [04:15.48]And I know that. 我知道 [04:18.29]Well, thank you so much for coming in. 谢谢你来面试 [04:20.66]-Nice to meet you. -Good meeting you. -很高兴能认识你 -我也是 [04:22.89]All right. 好吧 [04:25.79]I'm a total pro. 我还真专业咧 [04:28.70]-Hello. -Wow. 嗨 [04:32.90]Hi, yes,I'm sorry. The models are down the hall. 嗨,对不起 模特儿面试在走廊尽头的办公室 [04:35.90]I'm here about the assistant job. 我是来面试助理的工作 [04:38.51]Really? 真的吗? [04:40.31]Okay, well, then, all right. Well,just have a seat there. 好吧,我知道了 请坐 [04:44.58]So what's your name? 你叫什么名字? [04:46.18]Tag Jones. 泰格琼斯 [04:47.48]Uh-huh,go on. 继续 [04:50.42]That's it. That's my whole name. 就这样,那是我的全名 [04:52.69]That's your whole name. Of course. 那是你的全名,当然 [04:55.39]Okay, let's just have a look-see here. 好了,我们来看一下 [04:57.93]I haven't worked in an office before. I don't have much experience.. 我从来没有做过办公室工作 工作经验不是很多… [05:01.90]What are you talking about? You got three years painting houses... 你在胡说什么? 你当过三年油漆工… [05:06.60]two whole summers at TGl Friday's. 有两个暑假在星期五餐厅打工 [05:10.87]It's lame, I know. 那些经验很烂,我知道 [05:12.34]But I'm a goal-oriented person, eager to learn.. 但我是目标导向的那种人 渴望学习… [05:15.38]Just hold on a second, please. 请等一下 [05:21.75]It's for human resources. Everybody has to. Would you stand up? 这是人事部的要求,大家都得这么做,能麻烦你站起来吗? [05:33.93]No,no,no. 不 [05:46.44]Hey. 嘿 [05:52.55]-Anyway,I should go. -Okay. Bye. -总之我该走了 -好吧,再见 [05:55.42]-Hey,sweetie. -Hi,sweetie. -嘿,亲爱的 -嗨,甜心 [05:57.45]What was with all the whispering? 你们嘀嘀咕咕在说什么? [05:59.89]I can't tell you. It's a secret. 我不能告诉你,那是秘密 [06:02.39]Secret? Married people aren't supposed to have secrets. 秘密?夫妻不该有秘密的 [06:06.23]We love and respect one another too much. 我们深爱并且尊重彼此 [06:10.87]But still,no. 但我还是不能说 [06:12.77]We should tell each other everything. I don't have secrets from you. 我们应该对彼此坦诚一切 我就不会对你隐藏秘密 [06:17.11]Really? So tell me what happened to Ross, junior year at Disneyland. 真的吗?告诉我罗斯在大三时 在迪士尼乐园发生了什么事? [06:21.88]No, I can't do that. 不,我不能那么做 [06:24.28]I'll tell you what Phoebe said. 我会告诉你菲比说了什么 [06:27.12]-Okay. -Okay. -好吧 -太棒了 [06:28.42]So Ross and I are going to Disneyland. 罗斯跟我 一起去迪士尼乐园玩 [06:30.99]We stop at this restaurant for tacos. 我们在一家餐厅吃墨西哥卷饼 [06:33.42]When I say restaurant, I mean a guy, a hibachi, and the trunk of his car. 事实上那只是一个家伙 改装了他的车子开的路边摊 [06:38.83]So Ross has about ten tacos. 罗斯吃了十个墨西哥卷饼 [06:40.96]Anyway, we're on Space Mountain and Ross starts to feel a little iffy. 总之我们在玩太空山 罗斯开始觉得不舒服 [06:45.77]Oh,my God. He threw up? 天啊,他吐了吗? [06:47.60]No, he visited a town a little south of throw up. 不,他从另一边 把东西全拉了出来 [06:53.91]What was Phoebe's secret? 菲比有什么秘密? [06:55.81]Nancy Thompson, from Phoebe's old massage place, is getting fired. 菲比以前的按摩师同事 南西汤普森被开除了 [07:03.82]That's it? I gave up my Disneyland story for that? 就那样?我为了那件事 说出迪士尼的秘密? [07:07.32]That's right. You lose,sucker! 没错,你输了,笨蛋 [07:12.43]Please still marry me. 请你还是要娶我 [07:17.97]You have an assistant,right? 你有助理吧? [07:20.13]Did she call? 她打电话来了吗? [07:21.44]You told her I was sick, right? Always tell her I am sick. 你告诉她我病了吧? 每次都要说我生病了 [07:26.14]I don't know. How do you decide who to hire? 不,我只是不知道 你怎么决定要雇用谁? [07:29.04]I have it down to two people. 我把选择范围缩小到两个人 [07:31.01]One has great references and a lot of experience. 一个的推荐信很棒,经验非常丰富 [07:34.25]-And then,there's this guy. -What about him? -还有另一个家伙 -他怎么了? [07:38.32]I love him. 我爱他 [07:41.46]He's so pretty,I want to cry. 他帅呆了,我真的好想哭 [07:43.66]I don't know what to do. 我不知道该怎么办 [07:45.26]Come on, you know what to do. You hire the first one. 少来了,你知道自己该怎么办 你得雇用第一个人 [07:49.06]Don't hire assistants because they're cute. Do it because they're qualified. 别因为他长得帅就雇他当助理 你得考虑到他们的工作能力 [07:54.47]Uh-huh. [07:57.17]I hear you. You make a lot of sense. Can I just say one more thing? 我知道了,你说的有道理 我可以再说一件事吗? [08:01.74]Look how pretty. 他真的很帅 [08:05.05]Let me see. 让我看看 [08:07.08]Oh, my God. 我的天啊 [08:09.58]Oh. But,no. 但还是不行 [08:11.89]No. You can't hire him because it's not professional. 不,你不能雇用他 因为那么做太不专业了 [08:16.89]This is for me, yes? 这是给我的,对吧? [08:19.73]Okay,you're right. I'll hire Hilda tomorrow. 好吧,你说的对 明天我会雇用西尔达 [08:23.10]Dumb, old, perfect-for-the-job Hilda. 那个又蠢又老,适合这份工作的西尔达 [08:26.63]Let me see. 让我瞧瞧 [08:29.70]Wow! [08:31.87]Don't show this to Monica. 别让摩妮卡看到照片 [08:34.11]And don't tell her about the "Wow!" 别告诉她我说:“哇” [08:39.81](我们的日子) [08:43.75]-Hey,Joey. -Hey,Terry. -嗨,乔伊 -嗨,泰瑞 [08:45.42]-Nice to see you again. -Been a while. -很高兴能再跟你见面 -好久不见 [08:47.86]Funny,these halls look smaller than they used to. 真有趣,这里的走廊看起来比以前小 [08:51.39]It's a different building. 我们搬家了 [08:54.50]So... 那么… [08:56.06]Stryker Ramoray, huh? 史崔克是吧? [08:58.57]-When do I start? -How about right now? -我什么时候开始? -何不现在就开始呢? [09:01.07]Okay. 好吧 [09:03.04]Here are the audition scenes. 这是试镜的剧本 [09:08.78]I thought you were offering me the part. 我还以为 你们决定让我饰演那个角色 [09:11.58]Why? 为什么? [09:12.88]I was Doctor Drake Ramoray, Stryker's twin brother. 我演过德瑞克医生 他是史崔克的双胞胎哥哥 [09:16.65]Who looks more like me than me,right? 谁会比我长得更像我呢? [09:19.82]Everybody has to audition. 每个人都得参加试镜 [09:24.33]You know, Terry, I don't really need to do this. 你知道的,泰瑞 我真的不需要这么做 [09:27.46]I got my own cable TV series... 我有自己的第四台电视剧… [09:30.46]with a robot. 跟机器人搭档演出 [09:33.77]I'm sorry,Joey. That's the way it is. 对不起,乔伊 这是规定 [09:37.44]Well... 那么… [09:39.57]I guess you think you're pretty special. 我猜你以为你很特别 [09:42.14]Sitting up here in your fancy, small-halled building... 你坐在漂亮的小办公室里… [09:47.25]making stars jump through hoops for you. 要大明星在你面前试演 [09:49.95]Well,you know what? 你知道吗? [09:53.32]This is one star whose hoop.. 我就是那个大明星… [09:56.36]This is the star the hoop.. This hoop.. 我就是试演的… 大明星试演… [09:58.79]I was Doctor Drake Ramoray! 我是德瑞克医生 [10:08.44]Hi,Tag. What are you doing here? 泰格,你在这里做什么? [10:11.21]I came to thank you for not laughing in my face yesterday. 我来谢谢你 昨天没当着我的面笑我 [10:14.88]I noticed there were no plants so I brought you your first. 我注意到你办公室里没有植物 所以就帮你带盆植物过来 [10:18.81]There is a plant in your office. 你办公室里有植物 [10:21.68]Kind of. 可以那么说 [10:24.02]Right. 对 [10:25.59]So I guess I shouldn't put "good at noticing stuff" on my resume. 我猜我不应该在履历表上写着 “注意力敏锐” [10:30.02]-Thank you. -Anyway... -谢谢 -总之… [10:32.36]I'm guessing you hired somebody. 我猜你录取了别人 [10:35.00]Well... 那个嘛… [10:36.60]Gotcha. 我猜中了 [10:38.23]Thanks again for meeting with me. 谢谢你愿意面试我 [10:42.20]But I hired you. 但我录取了你 [10:45.41]-What? -Yeah, you got the job. -什么? -对,你得到了这份工作 [10:47.64]-You're my new assistant. -I am? -你是我的新助理 -真的吗? [10:49.88]Yeah. 对 [10:52.41]-I can't believe it. -Me either. -我不敢相信 -我也是 [10:57.18]First, I need you to go downstairs... 首先我要你到楼下… [10:59.45]find a woman named Hilda, and tell her to go home. 找一个叫西尔达的女人 要她回家去 [11:08.00]-Hey. -Hey, good you're home. -嗨 -太好了,你回来了 [11:10.16]Always nicer to hear than, "Oh,crap,you again." 我想这要比听到 “该死,又是你”还好 [11:14.90]Hey, sweetie, I made you a surprise. 甜心,我帮你准备了一个大惊喜 [11:17.27]-Oh,yeah? -Yeah,tacos. -是吗? -对,墨西哥卷饼 [11:19.34]Ever since that story, I've had such a craving. 听完那个故事后 我一直都想吃墨西哥卷饼 [11:24.38]Did you not understand the story? 你听不懂那个故事吗? [11:28.75]-Hey. -Hey,what's up? -嗨 -嗨,有什么事吗? [11:31.05]Nothing. Just figuring out what to do for dinner. 没事 我只是想知道晚餐要吃什么 [11:36.59]Hey,what's that? Dinner stuff? You making dinner? 嘿,那是什么?晚餐吗? 你在做晚餐? [11:40.16]No. 不 [11:44.93]What's over there? Tacos? 那是什么?墨西哥卷饼吗? [11:46.77]No. No. 不 [11:49.74]They're just ground beef smileys. 它们只是牛肉包大饼 [11:55.54]Those are tacos. 那是墨西哥卷饼 [11:56.98]Excuse me, Mr. Mexico. 对不起,墨西哥先生 [12:00.41]Either way, I'll pass. Still can't eat those. 没关系,我不吃了 我还是不敢吃那玩意 [12:11.93]What's so funny? 什么事那么好笑? [12:19.10]I'm not laughing. 我没有笑 [12:29.44]You told her! 你跟她说了 [12:32.15]Nancy Thompson's getting fired. 南西汤普森被开除了 [12:37.85]Okay, okay. I had food poisoning. It's not like I chose to do it! 好吧,那时我食物中毒 我不是故意要那么做 [12:42.16]It's not like I said, "What would make this ride more fun?" 我又没有说: “该怎么做才会更好玩呢?” [12:47.03]Right. You're right,I'm sorry. I shouldn't be laughing. 对,你说的对,抱歉 我不该笑的 [12:51.10]I should be laying down papers for you. 我应该帮你先铺好报纸 [12:56.54]-How could you? -I had to. We're getting married. -你怎么可以? -我非说不可,我们要结婚了 [12:59.61]Married couples can't keep secrets. 夫妻不该有秘密 [13:02.31]I guess Monica should know about Atlantic City. 我猜摩妮卡应该知道 在大西洋城发生的事 [13:05.45]Dude! 兄弟 [13:08.15]-What happened? -Chandler and I are in a bar... -发生了什么事? -钱德跟我在酒吧里… [13:11.29]Did you not hear me say,"Dude"? 你没有听到我说“兄弟”吗? [13:14.56]and this girl is making eyes at Chandler. 有个女孩跟钱德抛媚眼 [13:18.06]So he goes over to her and, after a minute or two, I see them kissing. 他走过去 一、两分钟后我看到他们在接吻 [13:23.26]You're thinking he's not the type to go to bars and make out with girls. 你不会觉得他是那种会在酒吧里 泡女人的男人 [13:27.84]And you're right. He's not the type... 你是对的,他的确不是那种… [13:30.07]to go to bars and makes out with girls. 在酒吧里泡女人的男人 [13:35.88]You kissed a guy? 你跟男人接吻? [13:39.71]Oh, my God! 我的天啊 [13:41.52]In my defense, it was dark and he was a very pretty guy. 我得为自己辩驳 那时很暗,而且他长得很漂亮 [13:47.66]Oh, Mon, I laughed so hard.. 老妹,我笑得很大声… [13:49.72]So hard we had to throw out your underwear again? 你笑到又拉了一裤子? [13:55.56]Whatever, dude. You kissed a guy. 随便你,老兄,你吻了男人 [14:04.47]-Hi. -Hey. -嗨 -嗨 [14:06.27]How's Hilda working out? 西尔达适应的还好吧? [14:08.41]Oh,my new assistant is working out. Yes. 喔,我的新助理适应的很好,没错 [14:13.81]She happy she got the job? 她很高兴能够得到这份工作吗? [14:15.65]My new assistant is very happy that I hired my new assistant. 我的新助理非常高兴 我雇用了我的新助理 [14:23.32]Hello. 喂 [14:24.83]Oh, hey! Can you hang on a second? 嘿,你能等一下吗? [14:27.39] [14:33.30]Hey,funny you should call. I was just looking over next week's script. 我没想到你会打来 我正在看下星期的剧本 [14:38.84]Canceled! 取消了 [14:41.31]Like,they're taking it off the air? 他们不播了? [14:45.21]All right, I'll see you Monday. 好吧,星期一见 [14:48.85]We're not even shooting them anymore? 不再拍了? [14:51.95]All right. Bye. 好吧,再见 [14:55.46]They canceled Mac and Cheese! 他们取消了《麦克与吉事》 [14:57.83]-Sorry. -Sorry, Joey. -我很遗憾 -我真的很遗憾,乔伊 [14:59.36]Why would they do that? It was a good show, right? 他们为什么要那么做? 那出戏很棒,对吧? [15:14.48]You want to tell secrets? Okay,in college... 你想说秘密吗?好吧,念大学时… [15:17.21]Ross used to wear leg warmers. 罗斯都会穿卫生裤 [15:21.82]All right,Chandler entered a Vanilla Ice look-alike contest and won. 好吧,钱德参加模仿香草冰大赛 还拿到了冠军 [15:28.49]Ross came in fourth and cried! 罗斯得了第四名,抱头痛哭 [15:33.39]Oh, is that funny? You find that funny? 那很好笑吗? 你觉得那很好笑吗? [15:36.06]Maybe Chandler should know your secrets too. 或许钱德也应该 知道你的秘密 [15:40.33]I already told him everything. You shush! 我已经告诉他一切了 你给我闭嘴 [15:44.20]Once,she was sent to bed without dinner... 有一次她被罚不准吃晚餐… [15:46.74]so she ate the macaroni off a jewelry box she'd made. 结果她吃掉了 她用意大利面做的珠宝盒 [15:52.55]Ross stayed home every Saturday night to watch Golden Girls. 罗斯每个星期六晚上 都待在家里看《黄金女郎》 [15:58.69]Monica couldn't tell time until she was 13. 摩妮卡到十三岁才会看时间 [16:03.42]It's hard for some people! 有些人就是学不会 [16:06.39]Of course it is. 那当然 [16:08.26]Wow. 哇 [16:10.73]-Chandler wore my underwear to work! -Hey! -钱德曾穿我的内裤去上班 -嘿 [16:15.77]I'm sorry,I couldn't think of any more for Ross. 对不起,我想不出来 罗斯还有什么糗事 [16:18.91]In college, Chandler got drunk... 在大学时有一次钱德喝醉了… [16:21.08]and slept with the lady who cleaned our dorm. 他跟打扫房间的清洁妇上床 [16:24.91]That was you. 那是你 [16:29.05]Whatever, dude. You kissed a guy. 随便,兄弟,你吻了男人 [16:34.05]How could this happen to me? 这种事怎么会发生在我身上? [16:35.96]Yesterday,I had two TV shows. Today,I got nothing. 昨天我演出两出电视剧 今天我什么都没有 [16:40.93]Wait a minute, what happened to Days of our Lives? 等一下,《我们的日子》呢? [16:43.96]Well,they might be a little mad at me over there. 他们有点生我的气 [16:47.74]What happened? 发生了什么事? [16:49.04]Well, maybe I got a little upset, and maybe I told them where they could go. 或许我有点太嚣张 我告诉他们该怎么做 [16:54.68]Joey, why would you do that? 乔伊,你为什么要那么做? [16:57.14]Because! They wanted me to audition. 因为他们要我试镜 [16:59.81]You,an actor? That's madness! 你可是个演员,那么做太过份了 [17:10.69]Rachel Green's office. 瑞秋葛林办公室 [17:15.06]Tag. 泰格 [17:16.33]Hi, who was that? 嗨,谁打电话找我? [17:18.17]Nobody. I was just practicing. 没有人,我只是在练习 [17:21.57]Really? 真的吗? [17:28.34]-Hi. -Hi, Rachel Green's office. -嗨 -嗨,瑞秋葛林办公室 [17:32.95]You must be Hilda. 你一定是西尔达 [17:36.95]He's Tag. This is Phoebe. Phoebe, can I see you for a sec? 他是泰格,这位是菲比 菲比,你能进来一下吗? [17:40.59]Phoebe. 菲比 [17:42.22]-Great name. -You like that? -这个名字很不错 -你喜欢吗? [17:44.29]-You should hear my phone number. -Okay. -你应该听听我的电话号码 -好吧,我们马上回来 [17:52.30]So you hired yourself a little treat,did you? 你为了自己雇用那个大帅哥,对吧? [17:56.54]I know how it looks, but I am telling you.. 我知道这样看起来像什么 但是我要告诉你… [17:59.14]You can't get involved with your assistant. 你不能勾搭你的助理 [18:01.88]I know that, and I know hiring him was not the smartest thing I've ever done. 我知道,我知道雇用他 不是明智之举 [18:06.85]But,from now on, I swear this is strictly professional. 但从现在开始 我发誓我们之间是纯公事 [18:10.82]-Yes. -Hey,Rachel. -对 -嘿,瑞秋 [18:12.42]Hi. 嗨 [18:13.72]Cute assistant. What's his story? 你助理很帅,他死会了吗? [18:16.52]-Is he.. -Gay? Yeah. -他… -是同性恋吗?对 [18:23.73]Hey, Terry. 嘿,泰瑞 [18:27.07]Joey Tribbiani. 是乔伊崔比亚尼 [18:28.54]Surprised your big head could fit through our small halls. 我很讶异像你这样的大人物 会到我们的小办公室来 [18:33.44]-I gotta go,Joey. -Wait,Terry! Look. -我得走了,乔伊 -等一下,泰瑞,听我说 [18:35.84]I'm really sorry about before. 之前的事我抱歉 [18:38.01]I was an idiot, thinking I'm too big to audition for you. 我是个白痴,以为自己很大牌 根本不必做试镜 [18:41.45]-Give me another chance. -I can't. -再给我一次机会 -我办不到 [18:43.88]Wait,Terry, please! 等一下,泰瑞,求求你 [18:46.65]Look,I just lost my other job, okay? 听着,我失去了我另一份工作 [18:49.19]You have no idea how much I need this. 你不知道我多需要这出戏 [18:52.59]Please, help me out. 求求你帮帮我 [18:54.46]For old times' sake. 我们是老朋友了 [18:57.70]This guy's been in a coma for five years. It's hopeless. 这家伙昏迷了五年 他已经没希望了 [19:01.27]It's not. Dr. Stryker Ramoray is a miracle worker. 不会的,史崔克医生擅长展现奇迹 [19:04.57]Here he comes. 他来了 [19:06.47]Good morning. 早安 [19:14.11]Drake, it's your brother, Stryker. Can you hear me? 德瑞克,我是你弟弟史崔克 你听到了吗? [19:18.99]And cut. 卡 [19:22.96]I'm back, baby! 我又回来了,宝贝 [19:37.50]You know,in my defense... 我的解释是… [19:40.14]there was no glitter on the macaroni and very little glue. 意大利面上没有珠宝 而且我用的胶水很少 [19:44.21]And in my defense, the cleaning lady came on to me. 我的解释是 那个清洁妇勾引我 [19:49.22]-Do you have trouble telling time now? -No. -你现在会看时间了吗? -会 [19:52.45]-Quick, what time is it? -Time to kiss a guy? -快点,现在几点了? -吻男人的时间到了吗? [19:59.33]What are you laughing at, Pampers? 你在笑什么?尿布宝宝 [20:04.46]You know when I said married people... 你知道我说夫妻… [20:06.77]should share everything and not have any secrets? 应该分享一切 不可以有秘密吗? [20:09.84]-Yeah? -That was stupid. Let's not do that. -怎么了? -那太蠢了,我们千万别那么做 [20:14.34]Absolutely. 一点都没错 [20:15.51]We should keep the stuff we told each other secret from everyone else. 我们不该把告诉彼此的秘密 再告诉其他人 [20:19.88]Yeah,definitely. 一点都没错 [20:23.25]Okay. If you'll excuse me... 好吧,对不起… [20:25.35]I'm gonna hang out with people who don't know the Space Mountain story. 我要跟不知道 太空山事件的人去玩了 [20:30.12]-Then I'd steer clear of Phoebe. -Man! -我建议你别去找菲比 -天啊 [20:35.56]Not that you would, but I wouldn't hang out with the guys at my office. 一点都没错 我也建议你别去找我同事 [20:51.38]Hi. 嗨 [20:54.72]-Do you have a minute? -Sure. What's up? -你有空吗? -当然,有什么事吗? [20:57.85]I got asked out twice today while I was at lunch... 今天我吃午餐的时候 有两个人想约我出去… [21:01.52]by guys. 他们都是男人 [21:05.59]-Really? -Yeah. -真的吗? -对 [21:07.16]Did you tell someone that I was gay? 你告诉别人我是同性恋吗? [21:09.56]Oh,did you not want people to know that? 你不希望别人知道吗? [21:14.23]I'm not gay. I especially wouldn't want you to think I was gay. 我不是同性恋,我特别不希望 你以为我是同性恋 [21:19.47]Why is that? 为什么? [21:22.98]-I don't think I should say. -Oh,you can say. -我想我不该说的 -你说吧 [21:28.28]Come on, I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me things. 别这样,我不希望 你有事不敢告诉我 [21:34.69]-Okay. -Okay. -好吧 -好吧 [21:36.86]-Well... -Yeah. -那个… -是的 [21:39.06]I'd love to ask out your friend Phoebe. 我想约你朋友菲比出去 [21:44.50]Yeah, she's gay. 是啊,她是同性恋