-Morning. -Hi. -早安 -嗨 How was your date? 约会还顺利吗? -Pretty good. -Oh, good. -很不错 -太好了 My God. Sorry about that. 天啊,我真的很抱歉 Okay, really good. 这真的是太棒了 I gotta go. I'm late. 我得走了,我要迟到了 You're going to leave her with me? 你要把她丢给我? Don't worry, she's a terrific girl. 别担心,她真的很棒 Can you do me a favor? 你能帮我一个忙吗? Could you mention I'm not looking for a relationship? That'd be great. 你能跟她说我不想定下来吗? 谢谢你帮我这个大忙 What, are you kidding? 什么?你在开玩笑吗? Just casually slip it in, you know. Lay the groundwork. 不经意跟她提起这件事 装做轻描淡写的样子 Tell her I'm a loner. No, an outlaw. 告诉她我是个独行侠 不,我是爱的逃犯 She doesn't want to get mixed up with the likes of me. 她不会想跟我这种人混在一起 That's a lot to remember. 那太复杂了 Can't I tell her that you're a pig? 我不能直接告诉她你是猪吗? I'm gonna call her later myself. 我会找时间亲自打电话给她 Honest. 我保证 Chandler used to do it. He'd make her pancakes. 钱德以前常这么做 他还会做煎饼给她吃 He'd make extras and leave them for me. 他会多做几块留给我吃 I'm not telling her anything. It's not my responsibility. 我什么都不会告诉她 这不是我的责任 Fine. 好吧 Now,where did we land on those pancakes? 那些煎饼应该怎么办? -Hi. -Hi. -嗨 -嗨 Sorry, but I couldn't get that lock to work. 抱歉,我没办法把门锁上 Yeah, Joey kind of disabled it when I moved in. 没关系,我搬进来时 乔伊就把它弄坏了 -You must be Rachel. I'm Erin. -Hi. -你一定是瑞秋,我是艾玲 -嗨 I don't mean this to sound like high school, but did he talk about me? 我不想跟高中女生一样无聊 但他有跟你谈到我吗? Would you like some pancakes? 你要吃煎饼吗? The One With Ross's Library Book 本集播出:罗斯的博士论文 (大学图书馆) -Come on. Why are we here? -Okay, okay, take a guess. -快说吧,我们为什么要来这里? -好吧,猜一下 The hot chicks? 这里有辣妹? Okay, okay, I was typing names into the library computer earlier... 好吧,之前我将一些名字 输入图书馆的电脑里… you know, for fun. 你知道的,那只是为了好玩 And I typed mine in, and guess what came up? 我输入我的名字,你猜我发现了什么 My doctoral dissertation. 我的博士论文 It's right down here in the biggest library in the university. 它就放在大学中最大的图书馆里 Wow, that's actually pretty cool. 哇,那真的很酷 There's also a book here by a woman named Wendy Bagina. 这里还收藏了一本书 作者是叫做温蒂巴琴娜的女人 What is that? 那是怎么一回事? Sounds like two people are really enjoying the Dewey decimal system. 看起来这两个家伙 真的很喜欢杜威十进分类法 We're so sorry. 我们真的很抱歉 You didn't bring me here to do that, did you? 你该不会是带我 来这里做那档子事吧? She sent the chicken back again? 她又把鸡肉退了回来? She said it's too dry and wants to explain to you how she wants it. 她说鸡肉太干,想亲自跟你解释 她要什么样的鸡肉 I'd like to meet this chicken expert. 我倒想会会这个鸡肉专家 Send the colonel in. 叫她进来吧 Oh, my God! 我的天啊! Lucky bastard. 幸运的混蛋 -Janice. -How are you... -珍妮丝 -你好吗... Ms. Hotshot-Chef-at-the-Big-Fancy- Restaurant-With-the-Best-Chicken-Ever? 高级大餐厅里 处理上等鸡肉的辣妹大厨师 I'm fine. 我很好 Oh, what is that on your finger? I'm blind. 你手上戴了什么?我看不见了 So who's the lucky guy? 谁是那个幸运的男人? Oh, my God. 我的天啊 I am so sorry, sweetie. 我真的很抱歉,甜心 Are you okay? 你没事吧? You didn't tell her we're engaged? 你没有告诉她我们将会结婚吧? -She saw the ring. -Did she freak out? -她看到戒指了 -她被吓到了吗? She was shocked, but then again,so were most people. 她的确吓了一大跳 但很多人都吓了一大跳 She actually has a boyfriend herself. 事实上她也交了男朋友 Name's Clark. 他叫做克拉克 She also invited herself to our wedding. 她还邀请自己来参加我们的婚礼 Clark too. 还有克拉克 You said no, right? 你拒绝了她吧? You said no, right? 你拒绝了她吧? She cornered me. She asked me if the wedding was in town. 她逼得我头晕,还质问我 婚礼是不是在城里举行 -What was I supposed to do? -Lie. -我该怎么办? -说谎骗她 How hard is that? "Your check's in the mail." 那会有多难呢? “你的支票寄出去了” "Oh, your baby's so cute." “你的宝宝好可爱” "I can't wait to read your book, Ross." “我等不及要看你的书,罗斯” So she comes to the wedding. Maybe it won't be so bad. 她会来参加婚礼 或许那不会是件坏事 Think she'll sit quietly? Think she'll want to make a toast? 你以为她会安静地坐着? 你以为她会跟我们举杯致意? You don't think she'll want to sing "Part-Time Lover"? 你该不会以为她想唱《兼职情人》吧? Oh, my God. She's not gonna like the chicken either, is she? 我的天啊,她不会喜欢鸡肉,对吧? You know what? It'll be okay. 你知道吗?一定会没事的 She's probably not gonna even want to come. 或许她根本不想来 -Really? -No, that was a lie. -真的吗? -不,那是个谎言 See how easy that was? 你知道说谎有多容易了吧? So you would have just lied? 你会骗她吗? Yes. 我会 -It would have really been that easy? -Yes. -它真的那么简单? -对 Do it Saturday. We're having dinner with her and Clark. 星期六表演给我看 我们要跟她及克拉克共进晚餐 Hey, what's up? 你们还好吗? Hey, who's your friend? 你们的朋友是谁啊? -Hey, Joey. -Erin. -嗨,乔伊 -艾玲 You're still here. 你还在这里 We ended up spending the day together and had such a great time. 我们整天泡在一起,玩得很开心 Why wouldn't you? Erin is great. 有何不可呢?艾玲真的很棒 And then there's you guys. 你们也是 Well, listen, I better get going. 听着,我得走了 Today was great. Thanks. 今天真的很愉快,谢谢 And Joey, last night was fun. 乔伊,昨晚真的很棒 Yeah. I'll call you. 是啊,我再打电话给你 -I'll call you too. -Or I'll call you. -我也会打电话给你 -我会打电话给你 -And call me. -Okay. -打电话给我 -好的 Good to see you again. 很高兴能再见到你 -Bye-bye. -Bye. -再见 -再见 The system kind of broke down,huh? 那套系统已经崩溃了? Joey, I'm sorry. I just couldn't tell her all those things. 乔伊,对不起,我没办法 告诉她那些话 And we got to talking, and I.. 我们开始聊起天来,我… We want you to marry her. 我们要你娶她 What? 什么? She is so amazing. You have no idea. 她真的很棒,你根本不了解她 Who do you think brought her here? 你觉得是谁把她带回这里的? Cupid. 丘比特 She's so cool. She speaks four languages. 她真的好酷,还会说四种语言 Man, do you know what guys want. 天啊,你们真的知道男人要什么 Come on, she's so perfect for you. She's sweet. 别这样,她跟你是天生一对 她真的很漂亮 She likes baseball. She had two beers at lunch. 她喜欢棒球,午餐时喝了两瓶啤酒 My beers?! 我的啤酒? Look, she's a very nice girl. 听着,她真的是个好女孩 We had a very good time, but I don't see it going anywhere. 我们相处甚欢 但我不觉得我们会有结局 You always say that. 你总是那么说 Maybe if you gave her a chance, it would go somewhere. 或许只要你给她一次机会 事情会变得不一样 I'm sorry,you guys. I just don't think so. 对不起,我真的不那么认为 -Whatever. -Fine. -随便你 -好吧 Hey, don't start judging me. 嘿,别开始批评我 You're in love with your assistant. 你爱上了你的助理 You're sleeping with the guy who keeps pigeons on the roof. 你跟在屋顶上养鸽子的男人有一腿 Phoebe! 菲比! Secret affair. 那是秘密 People are doing it in front of my book. 大家在我的书面前做那档子事 I'm sorry? 你说什么? My doctoral dissertation is in the library at school. I went to see it. 学校图书馆收藏了 我的博士论文,我跑去看它 And there were students making babies right in the paleontology section. 发现学生们在古生物学区做人 Oh, my God. Did you get to see anything good? 我的天啊,你有看到精彩好戏吗? At your school... 你们念书的时候… was there a place on campus where students went to fool around? 校园里有没有什么地方 是学生会跑去鬼混的? Yeah, there was. 没错,真的有 In the corner of the library where all the books were that nobody ever read. 图书馆的角落里 有些书根本不会有人去借 Yes, there was. 没错 Great, because people kept showing up. I think it's like a thing. 太棒了,因为大家都会跑到那里去 我还以为它很受欢迎 Hold on a second. 等一下 Fifth floor, against that back wall? 你是指五楼后区的墙边吗? Oh, for crying out loud! 我的老天爷啊! -So we should go catch our movie. -What's the rush? -我们该去看电影了 -干嘛这么急? I'd like to see the previews. 我想看预告片 The candy. 我要吃糖果 -Oh, hey. -Well, look who's here. -嘿 -看看是谁来了 -Hey, Joey. -Hey, Erin. -嗨,乔伊 -嗨,艾玲 -Hey, Rachel. -Hi. -嗨,瑞秋 -嗨 We were about to take off and see a movie. 我们正要去看电影 -Oh, no! -What's wrong? -喔,不! -怎么了? Phoebe, we forgot that party we have to go to. 菲比,我们忘了我们得去参加派对 Oh, no. 喔,不 What party? 什么派对? A birthday party. 生日派对 Whose birthday party? 谁的生日派对? Alison's birthday party. 爱莉森的生日派对 And how old is Alison? 爱莉森几岁了? Thirty-two. 三十二岁 Wait a minute. Why don't you guys do something? 等一下,你们为什么 不一起出去玩呢? Look how that worked out. 那一招真的有用 Excuse me. Hi, I'm a professor here. 对不起,我是学校里的教授 Do you know the paleontology section, fifth floor, stack 437? 你知道五楼437号书架的 古生物学区吗? Well, yes. Just give me five minutes. 我知道,等我五分钟 I just have to find someone to cover my shift. 我得找人来帮我代班 No, no, no. 不… Can I speak to someone in charge? 我能跟负责人谈一谈吗? How can I help? 有什么事吗? Hi, I was wondering,is it possible to increase security... 你好,我想问馆方能不能增加人手… in the paleontology section? 巡逻古生物学区? I wrote a book that's up there. 我写的书放在那里 And instead of reading it, people are... 但大家去那里不是看书,而是… Well, they're rolling around in front of it. 喔,他们在我的书面前打滚 We are aware of the problem you're referring to. 我们知道你提及的问题 As far as increasing security, I'm afraid the library's understaffed. 但增加巡逻这件事 恐怕馆方的人力不足 I can't help you. 我帮不上你的忙 Well, fine. 喔,好吧 If I'm the only person with any appreciation... 如果我是唯一愿意欣赏… of the sanctity of the written word, then I'll go defend it myself. 书写文字之美的人 我会亲自去捍卫它 Don't you follow me. 别跟着我 -How did it go with Erin? -Unbelievable. -你跟艾玲玩得还开心吗? -真是不可思议 We had the best time. 我们玩得非常开心 -So you're not mad anymore? -No, no. You guys were totally right. -你不再生我们的气了? -不,你们是对的 This was much better than the first date. 这次比我们第一次约会棒得多 It was awkward. We were both nervous. 那真的很尴尬,我们都很紧张 -Didn't you sleep together? -Yeah, that calms me down. -你们不是上过床了? -对,那让我冷静下来 And we have so much in common. 我们有很多共通点 She loves sandwiches, sports. Although she is a Met fan. 她喜欢三明治,运动 虽然她是大都会队的球迷 Not an issue now, but if we had kids... 现在那不是问题 但如果我们有了孩子… Oh, my God! Listen to you talking about having kids. 我的天啊!你竟然会提到生孩子的事 Oh, my Joey. 喔,我的乔伊 Please don't get married before I do. 求求你别比我先结婚 I just cannot believe that Clark stood me up. 我不敢相信克拉克会放我鸽子 He may still show up. 他应该会来 What are you, stupid? 你是笨蛋吗? -It's been three hours. -Is that all? -我们已经等了三小时 -只有三小时吗? Let's go on to happier things. 谈一些比较快乐的事 Why don't you tell me about your lovely wedding. 你为什么不告诉我你们的婚礼呢? There was something that we wanted to tell you about the wedding. 关于我们的婚礼 有件事我们想告诉你 It's going to be a small ceremony. 婚礼的规模很小 Tiny. 小到不行 We're not even sure why we're having it. 我们甚至不知道为什么要举行婚礼 It's actually going to be just family. 事实上我们只会邀请家人来参加 Oh, wait. 喔,等一下 You two think of me as family? 你们把我当家人看待? I have to ask you something now, and be honest. 我得问你们一件事,请老实地回答我 Do you want me to sing "Careless Whisper" or "Lady in Red"? 你们要我唱《无心呢喃》 或《红衣女郎》? How can you say that? The Mets have no closer. 你怎么能那么说? 大都会队也好不到哪里去 -What about Benitez? -What about game one of the series? -班尼提兹呢? -第一场比赛呢? -What about shut up? -You shut up. -你为什么不闭嘴? -你才要闭嘴 I love arguing with her. 我喜欢跟她吵架 -Be right back. -Okay. -我马上回来 -好的 How's it going with Joey? 你跟乔伊进行得如何? Oh,okay. 还好 Okay? 还好? Tell me that you like him, please. I mean, tell me that you like him. 请告诉我你喜欢他 告诉我你真的喜欢他 He's a really great guy,and I know you really want this to work out... 他真的很棒,我知道 你们希望我们能成功… but I just don't see this having a future. 但我不觉得我们会有未来 But you said that you liked him. What happened? 但你说过你喜欢他,发生了什么事? Did you just change your mind? 你改变了心意吗? -Kind of. -Then change it back! -可以那么说 -那么快改回来 I'm sorry. It's just, there's no real spark. 对不起,我们之间真的没有火花 Didn't you sleep together? 你们不是上过床了吗? Yeah. 对 Tramp. 荡妇 Does Joey have any idea? 乔伊知道吗? I don't think he does. You know what? 我想他不知道,你知道吗? Maybe you could tell him I'm not interested... 或许你可以告诉他我不想… in a serious relationship. 认真地跟别人交往 You mean, like, that you're kind of a loner? 你是说你是个独行侠? Yeah, that'd be great. 对,那个说法不错 And maybe that you're a real stronzo. 或许你真的是个淫娃 I'm sorry. 你说什么? I guess Italian isn't one of the four languages you speak. 我猜你会说的四种语言 不包括意大利文 -Hey. Want to go? -Yeah, let's go. -嘿,要走了吗? -我们走吧 -Okay. See you guys later. -Bye,guys. -待会见 -再见 Hey, thank you so much. 谢谢你们 Wow. 哇 I guess it wasn't cupid that brought her here. 我猜不是丘比特把她带来这里的 No, just a regular old flying dwarf. 不,只是一个会飞的老矮人 Yes, yes. How can I help you? 怎么了?需要我帮忙吗? We were just looking around. 我们只是四处看看 Oh, you're fellow scholars. 原来你们是爱念书的学生 What exactly were you looking for? 你们到底在找什么? Perhaps Dr. Chester Stock's musings... 或许你们想看查斯特史塔克博士… on the Smilodon californicus? 对剑齿虎的研究? Get out of here! 快滚! Meeting someone? 你来找人吗? Or are you just here to brush up... 还是你想来看看… on Merriam's views on evolution? 犸莉安对进化论的看法? Actually,I find Merriam's views far too progressionist. 事实上,我觉得犸莉安 的观点太先进了 I find Merriam's views far too progressionist. 我也觉得犸莉安的观点太先进了 I'm sorry. Who are you? 对不起,你是谁? I'm a professor here. Ross Geller. 我是本校的教授罗斯盖勒 Ross Geller? Why do I know that name? It's a... 罗斯盖勒?这个名字好熟 它是… Wait. 等一下 Did you write this? 这本书是你写的吗? Yes. 对 You're the person who checked out my book? 你就是借走我的书的人? You know,you look nothing like I would have thought. 你跟我想像中完全不一样 You're so young. 你好年轻 Well, I skipped fourth grade. 我跳了四级 I am very,very sorry. 我真的很抱歉 -So how was your date? -Great. We walked around the Village. -你们的约会还顺利吗? -太棒了,我们在格林威治村散步 We went to this ice cream place. Split a milk shake. 还去了冰淇淋店,一起喝一杯奶昔 Seventy-thirty, but still. 我喝的比较多,但那还是很棒 I'm thinking of taking her upstate to one of those bed and breakfasts. 我想带她到北区旅馆去过一夜 Really? She said she wants to go? 真的吗?她答应了吗? No, it's a surprise. It's gonna be tricky, because she's busy at work. 不,那是个惊喜,但那有点难 因为她的工作很忙 Joey, look,honey, we need to talk,okay? 好吧,甜心,乔伊 我们得谈一谈,好吗? I got the feeling from her... 她让我觉得… that she's not looking for a serious relationship. 她不想认真地跟别人交往 -Where are you getting this? -She told me. -你怎么会那么想? -是她告诉我的 She said she's kind of a loner. 她说她是个独行侠 -Joey.. -Hey, Rach, it's cool, you know. -乔伊… -嘿,瑞秋,没关系的 I'm a loner too, right? 我也是个独行侠,对吧? Hey, Joey. You know what? You are way too good for her. 乔伊,你知道吗?她配不上你 I promise, next time I will tell them you're not looking for a relationship. 我发誓下次我会告诉她们 你不想定下来 No, don't do that. Just... 不,别那么做,只要… -Next time, make sure she likes me. -Well, that too. -下次确定她喜欢我 -对,你说的没错 Joey? 乔伊? -Do you want some pancakes? -Finally. -你要吃煎饼吗? -终于 What are we gonna do? 我们该怎么办? I say we go with "Careless Whisper." 我们该选《无心呢喃》 Chandler? 钱德? Did she see us yet? Did she see us? 她看到我们了吗? Janice, what are you doing here? 珍妮丝,你来这里做什么? I thought I was gonna go back to my apartment... 我想回我公寓去… but I just felt like I really couldn't be alone tonight. 但我觉得今晚我不想独处 I was just wondering if I could maybe stay here with you. 我在想或许我可以待在你们家 Just,I really feel like I need to be with family. 我真的觉得我该跟家人在一起 Our kids are gonna call her Aunt Janice, aren't they? 我们的孩子会叫她 珍妮丝阿姨,对吧? Please. Because otherwise, I really don't know what I might do. 拜托,因为我真的不知道 我会做出什么事来 Aren't you just a teensy bit curious? 你不会有点好奇吗? -You have any tissues? -Yeah, in the bathroom. -你有面纸吗? -有,在浴室里 We'll just let her stay. 我们得收留她 No. If we let her stay, she will stay forever. 不,如果我们收留她 她会永远住在这里 -Kind of like your Barcalounger. -Is that what you're thinking about? -就像你的巴卡兰吉 -你真的那么想? I never stop thinking about it. 我一直都是那么想 Hey, you guys? 你们还好吗? Do either one of you want to get in there before I take my bath? 你们想上洗手间吗?因为我要洗澡了 Janice, I'm sorry... 珍妮丝,对不起… but you can't stay here tonight. 但今晚你不能留下来 Why not? 为什么? Honestly? 实情吗? Our apartment is a hotbed... 我们家因为电磁辐射的关系… for electromagnetic activity. 遭到了污染 Monica and I have been immunized, but sadly... 摩妮卡跟我已经免疫了,但不幸地… you have not. 你没有免疫力 I'm gonna need a comforter. 我需要一条棉被 Do you have a hypoallergenic one? Because otherwise I get very nasal. 你有抗过敏的棉被吗? 不然的话我的鼻子会过敏 Do you have a cat? Because it's already happening. 你们养了猫吗? 因为我已经开始过敏了 Do you hear that? Listen. 你们听到了吗?你们听 Oh, my God! Oh, my God! You have to go. 我的天啊!你非离开不可 Why? 为什么? Because Chandler still has feelings for you. 因为钱德对你还有感觉 He does? 真的吗? Say again? 你说什么? That's right. That's right. 没错 And that is why you can't stay here tonight. 所以今晚你不能留下来 And probably why you shouldn't come to the wedding. 或许你不该来参加婚礼 Feelings. Such strong feelings. 感觉,很强烈的感觉 I mean,I realize that his feelings may never completely go away... 我是说我知道他对你的感觉 永远都不会完全消失… but you can. 但你可以消失 Oh, my God. 我的天啊 I understand. I am so sorry. 我了解,我真的很抱歉 I'll go. 我会离开的 Goodbye, Monica. 再见,摩妮卡 I wish you a lifetime of happiness with him. 我祝你跟他永远幸福快乐 Chandler. 钱德 You call me when this goes in the pooper. 如果你们处得不好 你可以打电话给我 I've got this section covered. 这区由我负责 Yeah,in fact,I've got this baby to shine in people's eyes. 事实上我会拿着手电筒 照别人的眼睛… Okay, see you later. 好吧,待会见 I just wanted to show Monica your book. 我只是带摩妮卡来看你的书