[00:03.37]-Hey, everybody. Happy Thanksgiving. -No, no, no. -大家好,感恩节快乐 -不 [00:07.14]Are we keeping Thanksgiving a secret this year? 不能让大家知道 今年有感恩节吗? [00:10.64]We're playing a game I learned. 我们正在玩一个游戏 [00:12.51]You have to name all the states in six minutes. 你得在六分钟内 写出美国各州州名 [00:15.28]What? That's like insanely easy. 什么?那太容易了 [00:18.08]It's harder than it sounds. You always forget one. 事实上这个游戏很难 你总是会漏掉一个 [00:20.92]Or in some cases, 14. 某些人会漏掉十四个 [00:25.29]It's stupid and I wasn't playing with people, so technically, I didn't lose. 这太蠢了,我没有跟任何人玩 所以技术上来说我没输 [00:30.09]You forgot 14 states? 你忘了十四州的州名? [00:32.26]Nobody cares about the Dakotas! 没有人在乎南北达科他州 [00:35.93]Okay, time's up. 好了,时间到 [00:37.67]All right, I got 48. 好了,我写出四十八州 [00:39.23]That's not bad. Phoebe? 还不错,菲比 [00:40.94]I got tired of naming states, so I listed the types of celery. 我厌倦了写州名 所以决定写出各种芹菜的名字 [00:47.01]And I have one, regular celery. 我写了一个,普通芹菜 [00:50.21]So Rachel's got 48 and Phoebe has the lead in... 瑞秋写出四十八州 菲比在蔬菜名称方面… [00:55.48]vegetables. Joey? 称霸,乔伊呢? [00:57.65]Say hello to the new champ of Chandler's dumb states game. 跟钱德的愚蠢州名游戏 新冠军打声招呼吧 [01:01.66]-Wow, how many you got? -Fifty-six. -哇,你写了几个? -五十六个 [01:07.40]The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs 本集播出:钱德不爱狗 [00:00.00] [01:46.63]Hey, how is New England not a state? 新英格兰为什么不是一州? [01:49.40]They have a sports team. 他们有体育代表队 [01:52.17]Does South Oregon have a sports team? 南奥勒冈有体育代表队吗? [01:56.74]There you go. 对啦 [02:00.22]Why one extra place setting? 为什么多了一付餐具? [02:02.52]You invited your assistant. 你邀了你的助理过来 [02:04.19]Oh, right, sorry. Tag's not coming. 对了,抱歉,泰格不来了 [02:07.09]His girlfriend came into town, so he's with her. 他女朋友来了 所以他得去陪她 [02:10.16]Why didn't you tell me? 你为什么没有告诉我? [02:11.39]I made him his own sweet potato stuffed pumpkin. 我帮他做了专属的 甜马铃薯酿南瓜 [02:15.76]I was going to, but then I figured... 我本来想说,但我想… [02:18.20]your food is so delicious and perfect... 你做的菜既好吃 又好看… [02:21.70]you can never have too many of those pumpkin things. 我想多吃一点 你做的南瓜 [02:25.71]You'd think I wouldn't enjoy that since it's so fake, but I still do. 你以为你说得太假,我会不相信 但我还是觉得很高兴 [02:32.11]Regular celery! 普通芹菜 [02:33.48]I already have that. 我已经写了 [02:37.95]Done... 好了… [02:39.22]with time to spare. 时间还剩下很多 [02:41.46]-This may be a new world's record. -I hate to lecture you guys... -这可能是新世界记录 -我讨厌对你们说教… [02:46.39]but it's disgraceful that a group of well-educated adults... 但这真的是太丢脸了 一群受过良好教育的成年人… [02:50.27]and Joey can't name all the states. 跟乔伊,无法写出全部的州名 [02:55.14]You ever see a map or one of those round colorful things called a globe? 你们看过地图,或是圆圆而且色彩鲜艳 叫做“地球仪”的东西吗? [03:00.91]Magellan? You got 46 states. 麦哲伦先生?你只答对了四十六州 [03:04.98]-What? That's impossible. -Forty-six. -什么?那是不可能的 -四十六州 [03:08.92]Well, who's well-educated now, Mr. I-Forgot-Ten-States? 那个受过良好教育 写不出剩下十州州名的人是谁? [03:14.36]I'm going to go turn on Joey's oven. 我要借用乔伊的烤箱 [03:16.59]Please, watch him. Do not let Joey eat any of the food. 拜托看好他 别让乔伊偷吃东西 [03:19.79]I am only one man. 我只有一个人 [03:23.73]-Okay, time is up. -Now, just give me another minute. -好了,时间到 -再给我一分钟 [03:26.47]If you don't know them by now, you never will, okay? 如果现在想不出来 你永远都想不出来,好吗? [03:29.84]That is the beauty of this game. It makes you want to kill yourself. 那就是这个游戏好玩的地方 它会让你想要杀了自己 [03:34.31]This is crazy. I can do this. 这太疯狂了,我一定答得出来 [03:36.64]All right, I bet I can get all 50 before dinner. 好吧,我敢说我能在 吃晚餐前写出五十州的州名 [03:40.28]Okay, but if you can't, no dinner. 好吧,但你写不出来就不能吃晚餐 [03:42.75]You're on. 就这么说定了 [03:44.35]Don't look at my list, because there's a lot on there that you don't have. 别偷看我写的答案 里面有很多你写不出来的州名 [03:50.83]Did you know your oven doesn't work? 你知道你的烤箱坏了吗? [03:53.03]The drawer full of takeout menus is okay, right? 装满外送菜单的抽屉 没坏吧? [03:57.07]Ross, I'm gonna use yours. 罗斯,我要借用你的烤箱 [04:00.80]Chandler, give me a hand. 钱德,快来帮我 [04:02.30]Joey, do not let Ross look at maps or the globe in your apartment. 乔伊,别让罗斯偷看地图 或你家的地球仪 [04:07.71]Don't worry. It's not a globe of the United States. 别担心,那又不是美国的地球仪 [04:18.39]I'm gonna go out and take a walk. 我要去散个步 [04:21.29]Phoebe, why is your bag moving? 菲比,你的包包为什么在动? [04:23.73]-Oh, it's not. -Seriously, it's moving. -才没有 -它真的在动 [04:26.53]-What the hell's in there? -It's just my knitting. That's all. -里面装了什么东西? -只是我的棒针而已 [04:35.80]Yes, I knit this. 对,我织了这个 [04:39.44]I'm very good. 我真的很厉害 [04:45.85]Ross' apartment is nice. Why don't we hang out here? 罗斯的公寓很漂亮 为什么我们从不来这里混? [04:49.12]Maybe because it smells weird. 或许是因为它有个怪味道 [04:51.12]It's like old pumpkins or something. 有点像是放了很久的南瓜味 [04:53.86]-That's my pie. -Which smells delicious. -那是我的派 -这个味道好香 [04:57.46]-Uh-oh. Uh-oh. -What? -喔喔 -怎么了? [04:59.59]We left Joey alone with the food. 我们让乔伊跟食物独处 [05:02.60]Yep, yep, I knew it. 没错,我就知道 [05:04.27]There he is... 他在… [05:06.07]feeding stuffing to a dog! 拿馅料喂小狗吃 [05:14.91]Hi, Geller-Bing residence. How can I help? 你好,这里是盖勒及宾的家 有什么事吗? [05:18.48]Why is a dog in our apartment? 为什么我们家会有狗? [05:20.75]I'm sorry, who's this? 对不起,你是谁? [05:23.75]There's a dog sitting on my couch. 有只狗坐在我的沙发上 [05:25.95]Tell her I'm allergic, and I will sue! 告诉她我对狗过敏,我会告她 [05:31.59]-There's no dog here. -There is! -这里没有狗 -不,真的有 [05:33.90]He's black and white and shaggy. 他是黑白相间,而且毛很长 [05:36.23]He's sitting next to Rachel and licking her hand. 他就坐在瑞秋旁边 正在舔她的手 [05:38.80]Oh, my God! Where are you? 我的天啊,你在哪里? [05:43.17]I'll be right there. 我马上回去 [05:46.17]They're here already? How are they doing this?! 他们已经回来了? 他们怎么办到的? [05:54.78]Hi, Tag. What are you doing here? 嗨,泰格 你来这里做什么? [05:57.25]I wanted to see if your offer was still good. 我想知道你的邀请 是不是还有效 [06:00.66]Well, sure. Come in. 当然,快进来 [06:03.46]Well, what happened to your girlfriend? 你女朋友呢? [06:05.79]We kind of broke up this morning. 今天早上我们分手了 [06:08.20]-Oh, I'm sorry. -Yeah, so she went back to Ohio. -我很遗憾 -所以她回俄亥俄州去了 [06:11.83]Ohio, thank you. 俄亥俄州,谢谢你 [06:19.21]Where's the dog? 狗在哪里? [06:20.84]What dog? There's no dog here. 什么狗?这里没有狗 [06:23.28]Yeah, that dog left. 那只狗离开了 [06:29.05]Phoebe. Phoebe, open up. 菲比,快开门 [06:30.99]There's no dog in here. 房间里没有狗 [06:34.72]Phoebe, we can hear the dog barking. 菲比,我们听到了狗叫声 [06:37.19]No, that's just me coughing. 不,那只是我的咳嗽声 [06:44.80]Oh, good. There you are. 很好,你们回来了 [06:46.57]Listen, I have a dog in my room. 听着,我房间里有只狗 [06:50.30]What is it doing here? 他在这里做什么? [06:51.94]I'm watching it for friends who left town. 我帮我朋友照顾他 他们有事出城去了 [06:54.51]Wait. 等一下 [06:57.08]Hello, my name is Klunkers. 嗨,我是克朗克 [07:00.65]May I please stay with you nice people? 我可以跟你们这些大好人 住在一起吗? [07:04.65]I wish he could stay, but Chandler's allergic. 我也希望能留他住下来 但钱德对狗过敏 [07:07.76]Extremely allergic, okay? 我对狗严重过敏,好吗? [07:09.82]If I'm anywhere near a dog for more than five minutes... 只要我一靠近狗 超过五分钟… [07:13.23]my throat will just close up. 我的喉咙就会紧缩 [07:16.03]That's odd. This dog's been living here for the past three days. 真是奇怪 这只狗在这里住了三天 [07:25.67]Really? 真的吗? [07:28.51]If he's been here that long... 如果他在这里住了那么久… [07:30.24]without a reaction, maybe you're not allergic to it. 你一点反应都没有 或许你对他不会过敏 [07:33.78]It still has to go, right? 他还是得离开,好吗? [07:35.58]Why? 为什么? [07:37.85]-Okay, it's.. -Don't do it! -好吧,我… -别那么做 [07:42.79]-Don't do what? -I have to. -别做什么? -我非说不可 [07:44.93]Okay? It's time. 好吗?是说出来的时候了 [07:51.73]Okay, I hate dogs. 好吧,我讨厌狗 [07:53.23]-What?! -That's crazy? Why? -什么? -那太疯狂了,为什么? [07:56.87]Told you. 我早跟你说过了 [08:03.11]They are needy... 他们很黏人… [08:04.71]jumpy, and you can't tell what they are thinking... 爱乱跑 你不知道他们在想什么… [08:07.88]and that scares me a little bit. 那把我吓得半死 [08:10.89]You're right. They are scary. 你说的对,他们很可怕 [08:13.82]She just ate a treat out of my hand! 他吃掉放在我手上的点心 [08:18.89]Wait. Do you not like all dogs? 等一下,你不喜欢狗? [08:21.13]I mean, not even puppies? 连小狗都不喜欢? [08:22.73]Is there a puppy here? 这里有小狗吗? [08:25.90]-You don't like puppies? -Okay, you are new. -你不喜欢小狗? -喂,你是新来的 [08:32.77]Look, Chandler, I told you. Never tell anyone about this dog thing. 听着,钱德,我跟你说过 别跟其他人说你不喜欢狗 [08:37.35]It's like Ross not liking ice cream. 这就像罗斯不喜欢冰淇淋 [08:41.08]-You don't like ice cream? -It's too cold! -你不喜欢冰淇淋? -它太冰了 [08:45.29]It's just that dogs make me a little uncomfortable. 狗让我觉得很不舒服 [08:48.56]Hurts my teeth. 我的牙齿冰得好痛 [08:51.09]And I don't want you guys to hate me... 我不希望你们讨厌我… [08:53.39]but I don't think I can be around that dog anymore, okay? 但我不喜欢这只狗 待在我身边,好吗? [08:57.30]So either the dog goes or I go. 不是那只狗走,就是我走 [09:07.31]Oh, my God! 我的天啊 [09:13.55]How can I not get this? 我怎么可能答不出来? [09:15.52]I'm a college professor. I got 1450 on my SATs. 我是大学教授 SAT考了1450分 [09:19.35]Twelve fifty. 是1250分才对 [09:21.86]Damn, I forgot you were here. 该死,我忘了你在这里 [09:24.66]We're gonna take Klunkers to Ross'. 我们得把克朗克送到罗斯家 [09:27.03]We'll be back soon. 马上就回来 [09:28.43]Can I ask you a question? 在你们离开前 我能问你们一个问题吗? [09:30.97]When a guy breaks up with his girlfriend... 如果一个男人跟女朋友分手了… [09:33.53]what is an appropriate amount of time to wait before making a move? 我得等多久才能采取行动? [09:37.81]I'd say about a month. 我想是一个月 [09:39.74]Really? I'd say three to four. 真的吗?我觉得是三到四个月 [09:41.94]Half-hour. 半小时 [09:47.21]Interesting. 真有趣 [09:49.38]When it's your assistant, I'd say never. 但他是你的助理 我劝你别那么做 [09:51.55]All right, Rach, the big question is, does he like you? 好了,瑞秋,问题是 他喜欢你吗? [09:55.32]Because if he doesn't like you, this is all a moo point. 如果他不喜欢你 这只是在对牛放屁 [10:01.46]A "moo" point? 对牛“放屁”? [10:05.73]Yeah. It's like a cow's opinion. 对,牛不知道你做了什么 [10:09.70]It just doesn't matter. 那不重要 [10:14.81]It's "moo." 那是在“放屁” [10:22.75]Have I been living with him for too long, or did that make sense? 是我跟他同居太久 还是他的话真的有道理? [10:27.32]Don't listen to Joey. 别听乔伊的 [10:28.72]Okay, would you look at him? 好吧,看看他的样子 [10:30.63]He's obviously depressed. He's away from his family. 他很沮丧 家人又不在身边 [10:33.63]What he needs right now is for you to be his friend. 现在他需要你这个朋友 [10:37.77]You're right. I'm sorry. Thank you. 你说的对,对不起 谢谢 [10:40.57]-Okay, that's what I'm going to do. -Fine, take their advice. -好吧,我会那么做的 -很好,照她们的话去做 [10:44.77]No one ever listens to me. 反正没有人会听我的话 [10:46.47]When the package is this pretty, no one cares what's inside. 只要包装好看 没有人会在乎内容 [10:55.88]-Hi. -Hi. -嘿 -嘿 [10:58.35]How you holding up? 你还好吧? [11:00.35]Not bad. 还可以 [11:02.02]-I'm sorry about your girlfriend. -Thanks. -关于你女朋友的事我很遗憾 -谢谢 [11:05.56]-Were you guys together a long time? -A year, on and off. -你们在一起很久了吗? -一年了,总是分分合合的 [11:10.06]I thought we'd end up together. I don't anymore. 我以为我们会相守一生 现在我不会那么想了 [11:13.67]-Now that she broke up with you. -Yeah. -因为她跟你分手了 -对 [11:18.04]It's weird. 这真的很奇怪 [11:19.27]I used to assume that I would meet someone and fall in love and be happy. 我以前总以为我会遇见一个人 坠入爱河,过着幸福的生活 [11:23.91]That all that was just a given. Lately, it's like, what if it's not? 好像很自然而然 最近我会想如果不是那样呢? [11:28.68]Do you ever have that feeling? 你有那种感觉吗? [11:30.72]No. 不 [11:32.72]Yeah. 有 [11:34.76]All the time. Constantly. It's terrifying. 我常有那种感觉 一直都有,那真的很可怕 [11:37.46]But you know, then I figure it has to work out. 但后来我想通了 一定会有那个人的 [11:41.63]Why? 为什么? [11:43.46]Because it has to. 因为一定有的 [11:46.47]-You have all the answers, don't you? -No, no, I do. I really do. -你真的什么都知道,对吧? -没错,我真的什么都知道 [11:51.57]-Thanks for talking to me. -Come on, what are bosses for? -谢谢你陪我聊 -别这样,这不是上司的工作吗? [11:55.44]Hug it out. 快来抱一下吧 [11:58.91]All right, he likes you back. 好了,他也喜欢你 [12:03.32]Told you you should go for it. 我说过你该表白的 [12:06.82]What? 什么? [12:11.93]Street noise drown any of that out? 下面的噪音有没有盖过那句话? [12:15.43]No? See you later. 没有吗?待会见 [12:16.80]Okay. 好吧 [12:23.10]What did Joey say? I like you back? 刚刚乔伊说了什么?我也喜欢你? [12:29.81]Joey knows that I'm very insecure about my back. 乔伊知道我对我的背没信心 [12:35.02]And you were hugging me... 刚刚你在抱我… [12:38.52]so obviously you are not repulsed by it. Yeah! 很明显地 你不讨厌它,没错 [12:44.43]-Wait, that doesn't make any sense. -No? -等一下,那根本就说不通 -是吗? [12:50.63]All right, here's the truth. 好吧,事实是这样的 [12:53.87]Joey said what he said... 乔伊会那么说… [12:58.67]because I'm attracted to you. 因为我被你吸引 [13:01.84]Wow. 哇 [13:03.14]Yeah, I admit it. 对,我承认 [13:04.95]I have a crush on you. I know that's crazy because we work together... 我暗恋你,我知道那很疯狂 因为我们是同事… [13:10.25]and nothing could ever happen. 我们之间不该发生任何事 [13:12.12]The last thing I wanted to do was freak you out... 我一点都不想吓到你… [13:14.79]or make you feel uncomfortable. 或是让你觉得不自在 [13:17.99]Which is why it would be great if you said something right about now. 所以我认为你最好快说句话 [13:23.40]Oh, my God. Those guys are stealing my car. 我的天啊,那些家伙在偷我的车 [13:26.47]What? 什么? [13:27.77]Right there. That's my car! 就在那边,那是我的车 [13:30.37]-Hey! -Okay, that'll take one minute. -嘿 -好了,他们得花点时间 [13:32.87]Do you have anything else to say? 你有话要跟我说吗? [13:35.71]I can't believe it. 我不敢相信 [13:37.18]We still have time to talk, and they're not even in the car yet. 我们还有时间谈 他们还没上车 [13:41.22]Look, there they go. 你看,他们上车了 [13:44.72]Okay, Phoebe. We should probably go back now. 好了,菲比 或许我们该回去了 [13:48.02]Please, don't leave me. I'll be lonely. 求求你别离开我 我会很寂寞的 [13:51.43]Stop it. Stop. 别说了 [13:53.83]-Okay, let's go. We can be strong. -Yeah, okay. -我们走吧,我们可以很坚强的 -好吧 [14:00.87]Did you hear that? She said, "Monica." 你听到了吗?他在叫“摩妮卡” [14:04.51]I can't leave her. 我不能丢下他 [14:07.34]We could sneak the dog back and Chandler wouldn't even know. 我们可以偷偷把狗带回去 钱德不会发现的 [14:10.61]That won't work. 那是行不通的 [14:11.88]I've had that dog for three days, and Chandler had no idea. 我把小狗藏在房间里三天 钱德完全不知道 [14:15.32]He's not so smart. 他没有那么聪明 [14:16.92]Hey. I didn't know either. 嘿,我也不知道 [14:19.72]Yeah, but you kind of knew that something was going on, didn't you? 对,但是你觉得怪怪的,对吧? [14:24.56]Yeah, I knew. 没错,我知道 [14:32.17]Where's Chandler? 钱德在哪里? [14:34.50]-Here I am. -Wash your hands. -我在这里 -快去洗手 [14:39.44]How did you know? 你怎么知道? [14:45.15]Hey, what's she doing back here? 他怎么又回来了? [14:47.41]Relax, Ross. She's not made of ice cream. 别激动,罗斯 他不是冰淇淋做的 [14:51.79]Hey, look, Phoebe. I laid out the states geographically. 听着,菲比 我照位置将各州州名排好 [14:55.59]We don't have time. We have to keep Chandler away. 没时间谈这件事了 我们不能让他靠近我房间 [14:59.09]-Yeah, but, look what.. -This is what we do not have time for! -对,但是… -所以我们没有时间了 [15:07.70]-Where's Monica? -ln Phoebe's room. You can't go in. -摩妮卡在哪里? -她在菲比房里,你不能进去 [15:11.27]Why not? 为什么? [15:15.11]Monica's crying. 摩妮卡在哭 [15:18.48]She's very upset about this whole Klunkers thing. 关于克朗克的事 她非常难过 [15:22.48]-Well, I should go in there. -No, no. -我应该进去的 -不 [15:26.15]No, she doesn't want to see you right now. 不,现在她不想见你 [15:30.66]-Why not? -Because you sent away the dog. -为什么? -因为你把那只狗赶走 [15:34.36]-That's ridiculous. -Oh, is it? Is it?! -那太可笑了 -是吗? [15:38.83]Look, when Monica and I were kids, we had a dog named Rover. 听着,摩妮卡跟我小时候 我们养了一只狗叫路佛 [15:44.04]And one day, my dad decides he doesn't like dogs. 有一天我爸决定他不喜欢狗 [15:48.08]So Monica and her friend, Phyllis... 摩妮卡跟她的朋友菲丽丝… [15:53.25]take away the dog and that was the last time we ever saw him. See? 把狗送走 那是我们最后一次见到他,好吗? [15:57.18]This is just like that... 这次也一样… [16:00.22]only with a few details changed. 只不过有些细节不一样 [16:07.53]Okay, I'm in my sweatpants. 好吧,我换了运动裤 [16:09.96]Bring on the food. 把食物端上来吧 [16:15.04]-What's the matter? -Monica's upset because of Klunkers. -怎么了? -摩妮卡因为克朗克的事很难过 [16:20.01]So? Bring the dog back. You're a hero. 所以呢?把狗抱回来 你会成为大英雄的 [16:23.08]Yeah, I could be a hero. I could do that. 对,我可以当大英雄 我可以那么做 [16:26.41]What if it attacks me? 万一他攻击我呢? [16:29.58]Chandler, it's like a big gerbil. 钱德,他就像只大沙鼠 [16:33.99]And that doesn't scare you? 你不害怕吗? [16:41.23]Ross, you need some help? 罗斯,你需要帮忙吗? [16:43.40]From you? 你要帮我忙? [16:46.07]Yes, please. 好的,拜托你了 [16:53.44]First of all, Utah? 首先,犹他州? [16:56.14]Dude, you can't just make stuff up. 兄弟,你不能乱编州名 [17:05.02]I hate America! 我恨美国 [17:07.82]When I finish this game, I swear I am moving. 这个游戏结束后 我发誓我要搬家 [17:13.13]-Tag still talking to the police? -Yeah. -泰格还在跟警察谈? -对 [17:16.40]Dammit. Why did I open my mouth? 该死,我为什么要说话? [17:19.20]"I have a crush on you. I'm attracted to you." “我暗恋你、我被你吸引” [17:22.14]I know that I freaked him out. 我知道我吓坏他了 [17:24.44]If you said it like that, you did. 如果你是那种口气,他一定吓坏了 [17:29.38]Hey, is Chandler here? 嘿,钱德在吗? [17:30.71]No, he went for a walk. 不,他去散步了 [17:33.58]Okay, you cannot tell him, but look who's back. 好了,你们不能告诉他 但看看是谁回来了 [17:38.89]Well, no, no, no. 喔,不 [17:40.49]He went over to Ross' to bring the dog back here. 他到罗斯家去带小狗回来 [17:43.16]Oh, no, the dog's not going to be there! 不,小狗不在那里耶 [17:47.90]You think? 你这么觉得啊? [17:53.40]Hi, honey. 嗨,甜心 [17:54.90]Please, please, please, don't be mad at me. 求求你别对我生气 [17:57.94]-What? Why would..? -Wait and see. -什么?为什么…? -等着瞧吧 [18:00.11]Maybe we will, maybe we won't. 或许我们会,或许我们不会 [18:03.54]Okay, I went over to Ross' to bring back Klunkers for you... 我跑到罗斯家 想帮你把克朗克抱回来… [18:07.25]and I left the door open, and she must've gotten out. 我忘了关门 他一定是跑出去了 [18:12.42]And I looked everywhere, all over the apartment, including the roof. 我到处都找过,找遍 整栋公寓,包括屋顶 [18:16.89]Which, FYI, Ross, one of your neighbors, growing weed. 对了,罗斯 你邻居在屋顶上种大麻 [18:22.70]I couldn't find him... 我找不到他… [18:24.33]and I am so, so, so sorry. 我真的很抱歉 [18:28.50]But I do know where we can all go ease the pain. 但我知道 怎么样能让大家忘记痛苦 [18:36.08]We have good news. Look who's back! 我们有好消息,看看谁回来了 [18:39.81]Klunkers. Oh, my God! 克朗克,我的天啊 [18:42.98]-She came back all by herself. -It's a Thanksgiving miracle. -他是自己跑回来的 -这是感恩节奇迹 [18:49.49]It is so good to see you. 真高兴能见到你 [18:52.13]She came all the way back from Ross'. 他从罗斯家跑了回来 [18:54.50]The things she must've seen. 他一定遇到很多事 [18:57.97]She climbed up the fire escape... 他爬上消防梯… [18:59.83]and tapped on the window with her teeny paw, and we ran to let her in. 用他的小脚拍打窗户 我们跑去开窗让他进来 [19:06.64]I went too far, didn't I? 我说的太过火了,对吧? [19:09.24]When should I have stopped? 我该在哪里就住口呢? [19:16.32]Okay, maybe this is so hard, because there aren't 50 states. 好了,或许这个游戏很难 是因为美国没有五十州 [19:23.02]Let me tell you something. I have 49 states... 我得告诉你一件事 我写出四十九州的州名… [19:26.66]and there are no more! 那已经是全部的答案了 [19:30.06]I think I should be able to eat something. 我想我应该可以吃点东西了 [19:34.20]It's up to you. 随便你 [19:40.01]-Oh, hi. How are you doing? -I'm okay. -嗨,你还好吗? -我很好 [19:43.14]I got to go to the police station and look at mug shots. 我得到警局去 指认嫌犯的照片 [19:46.35]Thanks for having me over. 谢谢你邀请我来这里 [19:47.81]Tag, you're going? 泰格,你要走了吗? [19:50.65]We didn't even get a chance to talk. 我们还没有机会好好谈一谈 [19:53.32]So where did you say you're from again? 你说你是哪一州的人? [19:55.89]-Colorado. -What good are you? -科罗拉多州 -你真是没用 [20:04.67]Look, I think we should talk about what happened on the terrace. 听着,我想我们该谈谈 在阳台上发生的事 [20:08.74]Okay. 好吧 [20:10.34]I never should've said what I said. 我不该说那些话的 [20:12.41]It just doesn't matter how I feel. 我的感觉并不重要 [20:15.01]We work together, so nothing could ever happen between us. 我们一起工作 不应该有任何私人关系 [20:18.75]I would love to go to work on Monday and never talk about this again. 星期一我想高高兴兴去上班 再也不提这件事 [20:23.88]Okay. Big day, Monday. Lots to do. 好了,星期一是个大日子 我们还有很多事要做 [20:28.02]So we okay? 我们应该还好吧? [20:29.56]I'm not. 我一点都不好 [20:31.93]I freaked you out. 我就知道我吓到你了 [20:33.46]No, you didn't. 不,你没有 [20:35.63]What freaked me out was you saying nothing could happen between us. 吓坏我的是 你说我们不该有私人关系 [20:40.77]-Really? -Yeah. -真的吗? -对 [20:43.70]So please don't fire me for doing this. 请不要因为我这么做 就炒我鱿鱼 [20:56.98]That's one less thing we have to do on Monday. 星期一我们得做的事少了一件 [21:21.64]Delaware. 德拉瓦州 [21:26.75]Delaware. 德拉瓦州 [21:28.92]-All right. -I want my turkey now. -好吧 -我要吃我的火鸡 [21:32.49]You got it. 没问题 [21:39.16]You got Nevada twice. 你重覆写了两次内华达州 [21:44.80]-I know. -Yeah. -我知道 -好吧