[00:06.03]-I'm ready. -You sure? - [00:08.74]Let me just straighten out your helmet there. [00:11.61]-Thanks, Daddy. -No, no. One daddy, two mommies. - [00:16.98]-All right, it's all yours. -Okay, okay. - [00:20.22]There you go, there you go. [00:22.22]Wow, Ben's first big kid's bike. This is so exciting! [00:26.39]Oh, yeah, I remember mine. [00:28.56]It was my sixth birthday. I went to the park... [00:31.26]-and I got on it and it bent. -Yeah. - [00:35.80]-I never had a bike of my own. -What? - [00:38.60]We didn't have a lot of money. [00:40.60]But the girl across the street had the best bike. [00:43.57]It was pink and it had rainbow-colored tassels hanging off the handles... [00:48.24]and a bell and this big, white wicker basket... [00:51.45]with those plastic daisies stuck on. [00:54.98]That sounds like my first bike. [00:58.72]My dad gave me his old one. [01:01.66]-Did the girl ever let you ride it? -No. - [01:04.03]But she gave me the box that it came in. [01:06.93]It had a picture of the bike on the front. [01:10.37]So I would sit on it and my stepdad would drag me around the backyard. [01:15.34]That is so unfair. [01:17.31]Not really, I got to drag him around too. [01:21.04]The One With All the Candy [00:00.00] [02:05.29]Hey, what are you guys doing? [02:07.32]Making candy for the neighbors. [02:09.86]I'm sorry, who? [02:12.43]I'm gonna hang a basket on the door. [02:14.73]When the neighbors walk by, they can take a piece. [02:19.10]-But we don't know the neighbors. -I do. - [02:21.54]There's, let's see, the guy with the mustache... [02:24.91]smokes-a-lot lady, some kids I've seen... [02:28.51]and the red-haired guy who does not like to be called Rusty. [02:33.18]See, this is exactly why I'm making this candy. [02:36.08]We can get to know our neighbors. [02:38.19]Wouldn't it be easier if we just moved? [02:43.19]Good morning! [02:45.59]-Somebody's in a good mood. -Well, why shouldn't I be? - [02:49.13]I have great friends. I have a wonderful job.. [02:52.33]Where you can make out with your assistant. [02:55.60]It's not a big deal. [02:56.97]We stayed up creating a plan so that us dating won't be a problem. [03:01.24]Oh, yeah? What's the plan? [03:06.45]We.. We are not... [03:10.69]going to let it... [03:12.82]be a problem. [03:15.52]It took you all night to come up with that plan? [03:18.83]Well, you know, we did other stuff too. [03:22.66]Did you two...? [03:23.87]Oh, I don't sleep with guys on the first date. [03:26.67]-Matt Wire, Mark Lynn, Ben Wise.. -Anymore! - [03:36.24]Hi, Tag, I have a conference call today, is that correct? [03:39.85]-Yes, at 4. -Okay, thank you, that'll be all. - [03:43.59]Wait, wait. [03:49.19]Did you see that? [03:50.43]He had no idea there was something going on between us. [04:01.24]-I'd better get back to my desk. -Okay, hard worker. - [04:06.74]I'll put that in your evaluation. [04:09.24]-My what? -You've been here for two months now. - [04:12.25]And your boss is required to hand in a performance evaluation. [04:16.12]But you know, there is one thing that I have yet to evaluate. [04:26.83]-Are you serious? -No, but I've always wanted to do that. - [04:31.47]Can you help me clean this up? [04:39.14]The basket is totally empty! The neighbors ate it all! [04:42.54]Well, either that or... [04:46.61]Joey! [04:49.88]Yeah? [04:51.22]-Did you eat all the neighbor candy? -That was the plan. - [04:54.56]When I got to it, there was only a few pieces left. [04:58.03]They've come by all day. They love it. [05:00.83]They love my candy? [05:03.23]-Oh, man, I gotta go make more. -Hey, Mon. - [05:06.47]Make some more lasagna too. Something might have happened to a chunk of it. [05:12.34]Ross, the neighbors ate all my candy. [05:14.71]Mine stole my newspaper. [05:16.51]It's like a crime wave. [05:22.25]Phoebe, you got a second? [05:24.65]Sure. [05:26.65]Ever since you told me about that bike... [05:29.32]I couldn't stop thinking about it. [05:31.69]I mean, everyone should have a first bike, you know? So... [05:39.23]Oh, my God, Ross! [05:42.37]-You like it? -I love it! - [05:44.47]-Yeah? -Oh, oh, God.. [05:46.97]And I love you. [05:49.38]Not that way. [05:51.51]But the bike got you a lot closer. [05:54.35]Well, take it downstairs. [05:56.35]You know, give it a test drive. [05:58.39]Okay. Oh, my God. [06:01.02]My first bike! [06:03.22]Thank you for the best present I've ever gotten. [06:06.86]You're welcome. [06:10.63]Oh, and Chandler's about to cry. [06:15.04]Am not. [06:20.94] [06:22.88]Don't worry, I'm brave. [06:24.61]I.. I am brave. [06:28.52]No, no, no, no! [06:31.59]Can you tell me who is there, please? [06:34.92]My name's Gary. I live upstairs. [06:39.93]-Hi. -Hi. [06:41.43]-Do you know what time it is? -It's candy time. - [06:45.47]My roommate says they taste like little drops of heaven. [06:48.80]Oh, please. [06:51.04]Did you hear that? "Little drops of heaven." [06:55.44]Four a.m. [06:57.25]So can I get some candy? [06:59.65]I am sorry, but some of us have to get up early and go to work. [07:04.35]He does not know that I am not "some of us." [07:09.76]I'm sorry, but I'll put some out in the morning. [07:12.96]Okay, I'll swing by later. [07:15.60]You live in this building? [07:18.63]Seems like I'd remember you. [07:23.70]Night, Gar. [07:37.95]So did you read your evaluation yet? [07:40.49]No, it was marked "confidential." [07:43.12]I just sent it to human resources. [07:48.53]Please, you're kidding, right? I wrote that one as a joke for you. [07:52.63]A joke they would appreciate? [07:54.67]I'm thinking, no. [07:57.71]-What did you say? -I said you were a good kisser... - [08:02.31]and that I liked your teeny, tiny tushy. [08:07.62]No, not my tushy. [08:10.02]It gets worse. [08:11.35]About your initiative, I wrote: [08:13.69]"He was able to unhook my bra with minimal supervision." “ [08:18.33]Under problems with performance, I wrote, "Dear God, I hope not." [08:23.50]And then.. And then I drew a little smiley face. [08:27.77]And then a small pornographic sketch. [08:40.28]That is so sweet of you to get Phoebe that bike. [08:43.42]When I heard the story, I almost cried. [08:45.92]Almost cried, huh? [08:47.69]Hear that, Chandler? "Almost" cried. [08:51.26]Hey, you cry every time somebody talks about Titanic. [08:54.90]Those two had only each other. [08:58.47]She really likes it, huh? [09:00.10]Oh, yeah. I saw her walking it down the street. [09:02.90]She had these flowers in the basket. It was so cute. [09:06.24]I saw her this morning, walking it by the park. [09:09.88]Wait, she was walking the bike? [09:12.11]Both times? [09:15.05]-Hey, Phoebe. -Oh, hi! [09:17.49]-Hey, so you enjoying the bike? -Oh, uh-huh, so much. - [09:21.99]Phoebe, you do know how to ride a bike, don't you? [09:28.90]Of course. [09:32.20]Can we see you ride it? [09:33.83]Okay. [09:49.82]See? [09:59.79]I told you not to get involved with your assistant. [10:02.80]There's no such thing as a secret when it comes to affairs. [10:07.10]Did you hear that, Chandler? [10:09.97]No such thing. [10:13.04]What happened? I'm just eating candy. [10:17.55]Maybe it's not that bad. They might not take it the way I meant it. [10:21.58]Absolutely, you know? Because "tushy" can mean both ass... [10:25.55]and good worker. [10:28.86]I just gotta get the thing back. [10:31.16]Rach? That sketch you mentioned? [10:33.33]Might it have looked a little like this? [10:36.36]Oh, my God, Joey! [10:39.90]-What is the matter with you? -God! - [10:43.90]This little talent came in handy before I could afford porn. [10:53.15]Hi, I'm sorry. I know it's after hours, but I really need candy. [10:57.99]I'm sorry, I can't help you. See? Rules are rules. [11:01.26]Please, I have people coming from out of town today. [11:04.46]-I told them all about your candy. -You're kidding. - [11:07.56]Out-of-towners, huh? What did you tell them? [11:10.80]I told them your candy was absolutely indescribable. [11:14.47]Some people have said it's "little drops of heaven." But whatever. [11:20.01]-Please, can't you help me out? -Hey, Chandler, do we know that lady? - [11:24.18]Isn't she the woman who lives below you and has sex really loud? [11:28.45]All right, I'll do it just this once. [11:30.85]-But you can't tell anyone. -Please, just give it to me. - [11:34.32]Yeah, that's her. [11:37.32]-Thank you. -Unbelievable! - [11:39.53]I can't believe that sign didn't work. [11:42.16]You know what would work? Stop making candy. [11:46.10]But they like it. [11:48.24]You mean they like you. [11:51.01]Maybe. [11:52.37]Is that why you became a chef, so people would like you? [11:55.84]You want to talk about getting people to like you, huh, funny man? [12:09.62]Just remember everything I taught you and you'll be fine. [12:13.06]Okay? Here we go. [12:15.03]Ready, set.. [12:17.16]Wait, this seat is really uncomfortable. [12:20.33]Maybe before we start we should just get another one. [12:23.67]Perhaps like an airplane seat, or a beanbag chair! [12:28.01]You can't get out of this. You have to learn how to ride a bike. [12:32.38]Why? Why do I have to learn? [12:36.28]-Well, in case of an emergency. -What kind of emergency? - [12:40.89]Well, what if a man comes along and puts a gun to your head and says: [12:45.56]"You ride this bike or I'll.. [12:48.53]I'll shoot you." [12:51.37]I would ring the bell to distract him. [12:53.90]Then I would knock the gun away with a Chinese throwing star. [12:58.74]Okay, Phoebe, just get on the bike... [13:02.24]and, hey, I'll hold you up and push you. Okay? [13:07.41]You won't let go? [13:09.18]-No. -You swear? - [13:10.68]I swear. [13:13.79]-Okay. -Come on. [13:18.69]Here we go. All right? [13:20.39]All right? [13:21.66]Feel good? All right, try pedaling. [13:23.83]That's it, you're doing great. Yes, take control. [13:27.23]Yes, yes, yes! [13:31.84]Oh, no! [13:35.48]You swore! [13:36.98]-I just thought you were doing so well. -I am shocked. Shocked! - [13:46.25]It's a legitimate learning technique. [13:49.89]Wow. [13:59.80]Hey, there's some people outside asking about candy. [14:04.37]They'll just have to wait, okay? I only got two hands! [14:08.18]-Need some help? -No, you don't know the system. - [14:11.48]I don't need nobody messing with the system! [14:14.82]By the way, the week before your wedding, you may not see a lot of me. [14:29.40]Oh, hello, liar. [14:33.87]Look, I'm really sorry I let go of the bike. [14:37.91]I could've been killed, you know. [14:41.91]I know, I know. [14:45.45]But can we please try it again? [14:47.85]I mean, you were so close, Phoebe. [14:50.38]Well, I would love to... [14:53.72]but the bike got stolen and the police have no suspects. [15:03.40]-Phoebe. -What? [15:07.77]What the hell? [15:11.14]You know what? [15:12.41]If you won't learn how to ride, then I'm sorry... [15:15.74]-I have to take it back. -But why? - [15:19.08]Because it's... [15:22.25]It'd be like you having this guitar... [15:25.85]and never playing it. [15:27.89]Okay, this guitar wants to be played. [15:30.99]And this bike wants to be ridden. [15:34.36]And if you don't ride it... [15:36.86]you're killing its spirit. [15:42.90]The bike... [15:45.07]is dying. [15:50.81]All right. If you care enough to make up that load of crap, okay. [15:55.82]Great. [15:59.79]You're making the bike very happy. [16:02.02]Okay, Ross. [16:06.19]Please don't die! [16:11.63]To get the evaluation before they see it... [16:14.34]we gotta get into Zelner's office. He doesn't get in until 10. [16:19.11]But his assistant, Betty, comes in early to eat breakfast at her desk. [16:23.34]-That's kind of sad. -Yeah, well, Betty's kind of sad. - [16:27.01]Which is why I believe I can lure her away with these chocolates. [16:32.32]While I distract her, you go in. [16:34.62]-Got it. -Let's roll. - [16:37.69]Hello, Rachel. You got a minute? [16:40.13]Yeah, sure, Mr. Zelner. For you? Anything. Minute. [16:43.66]Okay, great. [16:45.73]Abort the plan. [16:48.14]Actually, I'd like to speak to both of you. [16:51.24]Okay. [16:53.57]Well, can we get you anything, Mr. Zelner? Maybe some chocolates. [16:59.58]No, thanks, but I'll give these to Betty. [17:04.35]So, I read your evaluation of Tag. [17:07.32]Or, to use his full name, Tag "Sweet Cheeks" Jones? [17:12.39]Is something going on with you two? [17:16.06]Oh, my God, can you imagine if there was? [17:21.97]I mean, what would happen exactly? [17:26.71]Well, I'd be forced to file a report. [17:29.41]I'd have to consult with the legal department. [17:32.35]And your future at the company would be in jeopardy. [17:36.75]-Well.. -Mr. Zelner... [17:39.05]I filled in that evaluation. [17:41.42]-Oh, no.. -Yeah, yeah. [17:43.02]I thought it would be funny. [17:46.29]You wrote that you have a cute tushy? [17:50.73]Yes. [17:52.00]I have a weird sense of humor. [17:54.70]And I'm kind of strangely proud of my butt. [17:58.64]It's kind of a risky joke, Tag. [18:01.51]What is this drawing? I can't figure it out. [18:04.41]It's upside down, you gotta.. It doesn't matter. [18:09.15]It's not like I don't have a sense of humor. [18:11.89]Hell, I even enjoy a naughty limerick every now and then. [18:18.09]There's a time and a place. [18:21.73]Unless you have a limerick right now. [18:27.03]No? Okay. Well, you've got my fax number. [18:38.81]I can't believe you did that. That was sweet. [18:41.62]-Don't worry about it. -You could've lost your job. - [18:44.75]Are you kidding me? With this cute butt, I'd find work. [18:50.16]Thank you, you're great. [18:54.19]-You know what? -What? [18:56.43]I feel great. [18:58.83]In fact... [19:05.44]What? [19:07.17]It's just.. It took me so long to get that desk organized. [19:11.45]I'm sorry. [19:14.35]There it is. [19:28.16]What is going on? [19:29.60]We're waiting for the candy. Bring out the candy! [19:33.17]Yeah, lady, give us candy. [19:37.10]Joey! [19:39.04]-What's up, buddy? -What are you doing? - [19:42.91]Waiting to get candy. [19:45.15]Get in here. [19:47.11]Hey, and you cannot smoke in here. [19:54.05]Merry Christmas. [19:56.66]The candy is coming! I need another 15 minutes for it to cool. [20:02.40]All right, everybody, just be quiet. Be quiet! Be quiet! Pipe down! [20:07.23]What is the matter with you people? [20:09.57]This woman was trying to do a nice thing for you. [20:12.91]She was making candy so she could get to know all of you... [20:16.58]and I'll bet that not one of you can tell me her name. [20:20.25]Am I right? [20:22.42]Candy Lady? [20:25.59]No, not "Candy Lady." [20:28.69]If we know it, can we have candy? [20:32.23]All right, you know what? [20:34.70]Forget it, you've ruined it. [20:36.93]Go home. You've ruined it. [20:39.20]That's all wrong! You guys ruined everything. You ruined it! [20:49.78]-Thank you. -You're welcome. - [20:54.38]Did you smoke? [20:56.18]No, smokes-a-lot lady blew smoke directly into my mouth. [21:02.59]Are you okay? [21:04.19]Fine, but it was really scary for a while. [21:06.99]Someone slipped a threatening note under the door! [21:10.30]Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. Mob mentality or whatever. [21:25.18]I can't believe it. I did it. I rode a bike! [21:28.58]I never thought I'd be able to do that. Thank you. [21:31.79]Oh, hey, don't thank me. Thank yourself. [21:34.35]You're the one who faced your fears and ultimately overcame them. [21:38.39]Don't be so corny, Ross. It's not an After School Special. [00:00.00]undefined