[00:02.20]Bye-bye. 再见 [00:04.23]I just got reservations at Michelle's... 我在米雪餐厅订好位子了… [00:06.63]and tickets to The Music Man to celebrate... 还有《音乐人》的票来庆祝… [00:09.24]our first holiday as a betrothed couple. 我们成为订婚夫妻后 第一个正式的节日 [00:11.81]-"Betrothed." -Betrothed couple. -“订婚” -订婚夫妻 [00:15.74]-Hi. -Hi. -嘿! -嗨! [00:23.85]Phoebe? 菲比? [00:25.22]Skull? 骷髅头? [00:26.96]Yeah, it's my mom's. 是啊,是我妈的 [00:28.46]Oh, my God! 我的天! [00:30.63]No, no, no. It's not my mom. 不,不,不,不是我妈 [00:32.93]It belonged to my mom. 是属于我妈的 [00:35.86]She used to put it out every Christmas... 她以前每次耶诞节都会拿出来… [00:38.43]to remind us that even though it's Christmas, people still die. 要我们记得即使是耶诞节 人还是会死的 [00:43.64]And you can put candy in it. 可以放糖果在里面 [00:50.88]Licorice? 吃糖? [00:53.35]Sure. 好啊 [00:55.32]-I get Ben for the holidays this year. -That's great! -今年班和我一起过节 -太好了! [00:58.79]-Are you gonna dress up as Santa? -Nope. -你要扮成耶诞老公公吗? -不 [01:01.62]I know Susan does every year. 我知道苏珊每年都这么做… [01:03.56]I want to take this year to teach him about Hanukkah. 可是今年我想教他了解光明节 [01:06.66]And maybe I could teach Ben... 也许我能教班… [01:08.53]about the Christmas skull and how people die. 有关耶诞骷髅头和人怎么死亡 [01:11.63]You may need to use this year to teach Ben about Phoebe. 你可以在今年教班认识菲比 [01:19.24]嘿 [01:26.28]-Did you know he was in there? -No. -你知道他在里面吗? -不知道 [01:30.09]-How long have we been home? -About half an hour. -我们回来多久了? -大概半小时 [01:33.09]Lovely. 好极了 [01:36.06]The One With The Holiday Armadillo 本集播出:佳节犰狳 [00:00.00] [02:13.73](中央公园咖啡厅) [02:15.63]You know what I was thinking? When we get married, will you... 你知道我在想什么? 我们结婚后,你要不要… [02:18.93]change your name to "Bing"? 改挂夫姓“宾”? [02:21.57]No. 不要 [02:24.44]Why not? 为什么不? [02:26.81]Bing's weird. “宾”很奇怪 [02:30.28]Oh, hey, you guys. 你们好 [02:33.62]My landlord just called. My apartment's gonna be ready soon. 猜猜怎么着,我房东刚通知我 我的房子快好了 [02:37.59]I guess I'll be moving out. 我很快就会搬出去了 [02:39.45]Phoebe, I'm gonna miss you. 菲比,我会想念你的 [02:41.29]Yes, you will be very sad. 是啊,你会很伤心 [02:44.83]-I gotta go tell Rachel the good news. -You'll be living together again? -我要告诉瑞秋这个好消息 -你们要再一起住? [02:49.13]-Why not? -She's having so much fun with Joey... -是啊,为什么不? -她和乔伊住得很开心… [02:52.03]I assumed she'd still be living with him. 我以为她还会 继续和他住在一起 [02:54.54]Why do you think she's having so much fun? 为什么你认为 她和乔伊住得很开心? [02:57.37]No reason, except she... 没为什么,只是... [02:59.91]told me. 她这么说 [03:02.24]She said she didn't want to live with me? 真的?她说她不要和我住? [03:04.81]No. No, she didn't say that. 没有,她没这么说 [03:07.68]I think you should talk to Monica now. 我想你该和摩妮卡说话了 [03:12.15]Phoebe, I'm sure she wants to live with you. 菲比,别担心 我确定她想和你住的 [03:14.76]You're absolutely sure? 你确定?你很肯定? [03:16.49]No, but I'll bet she probably does. 不,我打赌她大概会 [03:19.16]Oh, probably? 大概? [03:20.53]I don't like that word. 我不喜欢这个字 [03:23.23]I know what "probably" really means. Yeah, yeah. 我知道“大概”真正的意思 是啊,是啊 [03:26.94]"Oh, your mom probably won't kill herself." “你妈大概不会自杀” [03:31.41]I'm sorry, but I'm not hanging my hopes... 对不起,我不要把我和瑞秋… [03:34.04]of Rachel and I living together on "probably." 住在一起的希望寄托在“大概”上面 [03:37.01]You gotta take care of yourself in this world. 人在这世上要自己照顾自己 [03:39.78]History teaches us nothing. 历史教训完全没用 [03:44.72]Bing doesn't seem so weird now, does it? “宾”现在不是那么奇怪了吧? [03:53.16]You're home. 太好了,你在家 [03:54.40]Guess what Phoebe got me for Christmas? 猜猜菲比送我什么耶诞礼物 [04:05.41]-Drums? -No, drums! -鼓? -不,鼓! [04:13.98]Could we get two burritos to go, please? 请给我们两个墨西哥卷外带 [04:19.19]I'm sorry. But not that sorry, you don't have to live with it. 抱歉,不过没那么抱歉 因为你不用和他在一起生活 [04:23.06]We have a reservation under Bing. 我们用钱德宾的名字订了位子 [04:25.26]Okay, we'll have a table for you in about 45 minutes. 好的,大约再45分钟 [04:29.20]45 minutes? We have tickets to The Music Man at 8. 45分钟?《音乐人》的票是8点的 [04:32.33]I'm sorry. Christmas is a very busy time, sir. 抱歉,耶诞节是最忙的时候 [04:35.47]Is this because of the burrito thing? 这是因为墨西哥卷的玩笑吗? [04:40.24]-You need to give him money. -Give him money? It was a joke! -要给他钱 -给他钱?那只是个玩笑! [04:43.91]To get a table. Places like this are always shaking you down. 不,为了我们的位子 这种地方都是死要钱的 [04:47.58]-Everybody wants a payoff. -All right, calm down, O'Malley. -每个人都要小费 -好,镇静下来 [04:53.02]-I'll slip him some money. -But you've got to be smooth. -我会塞钱给他 -可是要不着痕迹 [04:56.49]Hey, I can be smooth. 嘿,我可以不着痕迹 [05:03.00]We're in a hurry. If you could get us a table... 我们有点赶时间 如果可以让我们早一点… [05:05.77]a bit quicker, I'd appreciate it. 排到位子,我会很感激 [05:07.97]-Of course, sir. -Okay. -当然,先生 -好 [05:12.31]-How'd it go? -Had the money in the wrong hand. -怎么样? -钱在另一只手里 [05:21.82]You don't feel... 你会不会… [05:23.02]-Like you're gonna throw up? -No. -想吐? -不会 [05:25.19]Well, I do. So let's... 我会,我们… [05:28.96]So, Ben, you... 班,你… [05:32.06]You know what holiday is coming up? 你知道快过节了,对不对? [05:34.70]Christmas. 耶诞节 [05:35.90]Yeah, and you know what other holiday is coming up? 对,你知道另一个节日也要到了? [05:39.27]Christmas Eve. 耶诞夜 [05:41.90]Yes, but also... 对,但… [05:46.04]Hanukkah! 光明节也是! [05:49.28]See, you're part Jewish and Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday. 你是一半犹太人 光明节是犹太人的节日 [05:52.71]Santa has reindeers that can fly. 耶诞老公公有会飞的縻鹿 [05:55.68]Right, but on Hanukkah.. 对,但在光明节… [05:57.35]Hanukkah is a celebration of a miracle. 光明节是庆祝一个奇迹 [05:59.79]Years and years ago there were these people called the Maccabees. 很多年前,有一群人叫做犸加伯人 [06:05.43]Okay, that's right. Yes... 好,对,是的… [06:07.40]but on Hanukkah, we sing: 但在光明节,我们唱的是: [06:16.10]Okay, it's not a contest. 好,这不是比赛 [06:19.04]When is Santa coming? 耶诞老公公什么时候来? [06:21.84]How about this year, instead of Santa... 这样好不好,今年我们 不要耶诞老公公… [06:25.61]we have fun celebrating Hanukkah? 我们来庆祝光明节? [06:28.72]No Santa? 没有耶诞老公公? [06:30.59]Was I bad? 我不乖吗? [06:32.45]No, no, no, you weren't bad. You've been very good, Ben. 不,不,你没有不乖 你今年很乖,班 [06:36.62]-Santa's mad at me. -No, hey, hey, come on. -耶诞老公公生我的气 -不是,嘿,嘿 [06:40.19]Ben, Santa is not mad at you, okay? 班,耶诞老公公 没有生你的气,好吗? [06:42.83]You're his favorite little guy. 你是他最喜欢的小孩 [06:45.10]So Santa's coming? 耶诞老公公会来啰? [06:48.87]Yes! 对! [06:50.77]Santa's coming. 耶诞老公公会来 [06:56.98]It's easy. Just keep it casual. 很简单,保持轻松 [06:59.55]Shake his hand and give him the money. 说句好话,和他握手,塞钱给他 [07:03.25]-How do you know so much about this? -I don't know. -你怎么这么了解? -我不知道 [07:06.92]Richard used to do it, didn't he? 理查以前常这么做,是不是? [07:09.86]We'd be eating our soup right now. 我们现在可能已经在喝汤了 [07:13.13]Mustached bastard. 可恶的小胡子 [07:16.86]Those people just left. Come on. Quick, give him the money. 这些人刚走,快,给他钱 [07:21.27]Excuse me. 对不起 [07:29.41]我们赶时间,可不可以…? [07:50.60]So you like the drums. 你喜欢鼓 [07:52.90]That's great. 真好 [07:56.50]I was worried that they would create maybe... 我本来还担心它们会造成… [07:59.84]an unbearable living situation. 无法忍耐的居住状况 [08:02.31]But, okay, well, apparently not. So, yay! 好吧,看来没有,好! [08:05.91]Hey, we already learned a song. 菲比,我们学会了一首歌 [08:08.05]Ready? One, two, three, four. 准备好了?1,2,3,4 [08:13.15]Tequila! 塔奇拉! [08:17.46]That's fun. 真好玩 [08:26.33]Here you go. 来了 [08:27.67]Thank you, Gunther. Put her there. 谢谢,阿甘,放在这里 [08:32.67]Definitely not easier with coins. 用铜板没有更容易些 [08:36.54]-Thank you. -Thank you. -谢谢 -谢谢 [08:40.78]Hey, Phoebe. -菲比 -嘿 [08:42.25]Here. Now I only owe you $49.50. 给你,现在我欠你49块半 [08:46.79]Hey, Phoebe... 菲比… [08:48.32]if you want to get Joey a gift that disrupts the entire building... 如果你要送乔伊 毁掉整栋楼的耶诞礼物… [08:52.33]why not something more subtle... 何不送更微妙一点的… [08:54.63]Like a wrecking ball... 像是铁锤… [08:56.13]or a vial of small pox to release in the hallway? 或是天花病毒散播在走廊上? [08:59.80]It's not just the drum noise. Every five minutes... 不只是鼓的声音,每5分钟… [09:02.94]Joey throws his sticks in the air... 乔伊把鼓棒丢到空中… [09:05.44]and I have to hear: "Oh, my eye! Oh, God, my eye!" 然后我就会听到: “我的眼睛!我的眼睛!” [09:08.61]-I mean, it's so annoying. -Yes, thank you. -烦死人了 -谢谢你 [09:11.38]You see, this is how normal people are supposed to react to drums. 你看,这是正常人对鼓的反应 [09:16.88]You got Joey drums to annoy Rachel... 菲比,你送乔伊鼓是为了烦瑞秋… [09:20.15]so she wouldn't want to live there anymore? 让她不想继续住在那里? [09:23.12]Maybe on some level. 可能有一点 [09:33.30]You could just not throw the sticks up in the air. 乔伊,你知道你不用丢鼓棒的 [09:36.70]What is rock 'n' roll about that? 那怎么能算是摇滚乐呢? [09:40.51]Hey, Joey, I got you another present. 乔伊,送你另一个礼物 [09:45.25]Hold it! Before you tell me what it is... 等一下!先不要告诉我是什么… [09:51.32]Okay, what is it? 是什么? [09:53.12]It's a... 是一只… [09:54.36]tarantula! 毒蜘蛛! [10:01.26]God, Rachel, I'm sorry. What was I thinking... 瑞秋,抱歉,我在想什么… [10:05.17]giving Joey this big, gross, scary spider... 送乔伊这么一个 恶心的,可怕的蜘蛛… [10:08.54]in such a poorly constructed cage? 还用这么一个松散的笼子? [10:12.74]What are you talking about? I love them. 你在说什么?我喜欢它 [10:17.24]I had a tarantula when I was a kid. But it died because my cat ate it. 我小时候就有一只 后来我的猫咪吃掉了它 [10:21.72]And then my cat died. 然后猫咪死了 [10:24.95]But, Joey, isn't this cool? 乔伊,这不是很酷吗? [10:26.72]Is it on me? I feel like it's on me. I got.. 在我身上吗? 我觉得它在我身上,我… [10:32.53]Oh, isn't that adorable? 不是很可爱吗? [10:34.30]Joey is afraid of the tarantula. 乔伊怕蜘蛛 [10:37.57]He's so adorable. 他好可爱呦 [10:39.23]He's so much fun. 老天,他很好玩 [10:40.67]I'm glad you're having so much fun here. 乔伊是最棒的 很高兴你在这里住得很开心 [10:43.47]Wait a minute. 等一下 [10:44.94]What's the matter? 怎么回事? [10:46.94]Our apartment is ready. 我们的房子好了 [10:49.28]And that makes you angry because...? 你不高兴因为…? [10:53.55]Because you'd rather live here with Joey. 因为你比较想和乔伊住在这里 [10:56.45]-Where did you get that? -Monica and Chandler... -你为什么这么想? -摩妮卡和钱德… [10:59.25]said you were having so much fun here... 说你和乔伊住得很开心… [11:01.79]and apparently no amount of drums or tarantula is gonna change that. 而且不管是鼓还是毒蜘蛛 都不会改变这点 [11:08.43]Did you get all this stuff for Joey... 菲比,你送乔伊这些东西… [11:10.60]to try to drive me out of the apartment? 是要让我不想住在这里? [11:14.40]You might as well have gotten him a fish. 你还不如送他一条鱼 [11:16.94]You know how fish freak me out. 你知道我有多怕鱼 [11:20.51]Fish. 鱼 [11:23.14]But it wouldn't have mattered. We're gonna live together. 这些都不重要,我们会一起住的 [11:26.58]We're roommates. That's the deal. 我们是室友,讲好的 [11:28.22]Yes, but I wanted you to want to live with me. 对,可是我希望你想和我一起住 [11:31.12]But if you're having so much fun over here.. 可是如果你在这里住得这么开心… [11:34.16]It's so much more fun with you. 和你在一起更开心 [11:36.26]-We did have fun, didn't we? -We did. -我们住一起时很开心,是不? -对啊,好玩得不得了 [11:39.49]They say, if we want, we could see it tonight. 他们说如果要的话,今晚可以去看 [11:42.66]-I would love to. -Yay, okay! -好啊 -好,好! [11:44.87]-Good, good, good. -Great. All right. Good. -好,好 -好 [11:48.00]And Monica asked me to make the drumming stop. 摩妮卡要我停止鼓声 [11:56.24]Done. 好了 [12:00.08](万圣节探险,面具大师) [12:04.62]Hello, sir. You here to return those pants? 你好,要退还那件裤子吗? [12:13.53]No, these are my pants. 不,这是我的裤子 [12:17.53]Okay. 是 [12:19.57]-How can I help you? -Do you have a Santa outfit left? -需要什么? -还有没有耶诞老公公衣服? [12:23.40]Two days before Christmas? Sorry, man. 耶诞节前两天?抱歉 [12:25.97]Okay, look. Do you have anything Christmas-y? 好吧,有没有什么 比较算是耶诞节的? [12:29.88]I promised my son, and I really don't want to disappoint him. 我答应了我儿子,不想让他失望 [12:33.78]Come on, you gotta have something. 你们一定有的 [12:37.49]I'm the Holiday Armadillo! 我是佳节犰狳! [12:42.69]I'm a friend of Santa's... 我是耶诞老公公的朋友… [12:44.83]and he sent me here to wish you... 他要我来祝你… [12:47.86]a merry Christmas! 耶诞快乐! [12:51.70]What happened to Santa, Holiday Armadillo? 耶诞老公公怎么了,佳节犰狳? [12:56.44]Santa was unavailable... 耶诞老公公没有空… [12:59.07]so close to Christmas. 在这么接近耶诞节的时候 [13:03.04]Come in, have a seat. 请进,请坐 [13:04.81]You must be exhausted, coming all the way from Texas. 你一定累坏了,大老远从德州跑来 [13:11.82]-Texas? -That's right, Ben. -德州? -对,班 [13:14.32]I'm Santa's representative... 我是耶诞老公公的… [13:16.32]for all the Southern states. 西南州代表 [13:20.36]And Mexico! 还有墨西哥! [13:25.07]But Santa sent me here... 耶诞老公公要我来这里… [13:26.87]to give you these presents, Ben. 送礼物给你 [13:30.70]Maybe the lady will help me with these presents. 这位小姐可以帮我拿礼物 [13:49.42]Wow, thanks! 谢谢! [13:50.86]You're welcome, Ben. 不客气,班 [13:52.43]Merry Christmas. 耶诞快乐 [13:55.56]And happy Hanukkah! 光明节快乐! [14:00.27]Are you for Hanukkah too? Because I'm part Jewish. 你也为光明节而来吗? 因为我是一半犹太人 [14:03.94]You are? Me too. 你是?我也是 [14:07.81]Because armadillos also wandered in the desert? 因为犰狳也在沙漠里晃荡? [14:13.81]You want to wander in the hall? 你想在走廊晃荡吗? [14:18.02]Hey, Ben! 班! [14:20.19]What if the Holiday Armadillo... 佳节犰狳… [14:22.62]told you all about the Festival of Lights? 跟你说光之节的故事好吗? [14:26.33]Cool! 酷! [14:27.60]Come on, Ben. 来,班 [14:32.47]Years and years ago... 很多年以前… [14:35.10]there were these people called... 有一群人,叫做… [14:37.54]-the Maccabees! -Ho, ho, ho! -犸加伯人! -呵!呵!呵! [14:39.91]Merry Christmas! 耶诞快乐! [14:44.51]Santa! -耶诞老公公! -嘿! [14:48.12]What are you doing here, Santa? 你来干什么,耶诞老公公? [14:53.05]Well, I'm here to see my old buddy, Ben. 我来看我的老朋友班 [14:56.42]What are you doing here... 你在这儿干什么… [14:58.33]Weird Turtle Man? 怪乌龟人? [15:04.00]I'm the Holiday Armadillo... 我是佳节犰狳… [15:07.07]your part-Jewish friend. 你的半犹太人朋友 [15:11.94]You sent me here to give Ben some presents. 你要我来送礼物给班 [15:15.88]Remember? 记得吗? [15:19.18]What? 什么? [15:23.15]Did you bring me any presents, Santa? 耶诞老公公,你有带礼物给我吗? [15:25.55]You bet I did, Ben. 当然有,班 [15:27.39]Put her there. 放在这里 [15:33.96]Well, it would have worked this time if his hands weren't so damn small. 如果不是他的手太小,会成功的 [15:41.40]Ho, ho, ho! 呵!呵!呵! [15:44.41]Ben, come open more gifts. 班,来开礼物 [15:46.27]The armadillo and I will have a talk in the kitchen. 耶诞老公公,佳节犰狳和我 要在厨房谈一谈 [15:49.98]There's a sentence I never thought I'd say. 我绝对想不到会说出这句话 [15:54.25]What are you doing? 你在干什么? [15:55.75]You said you were having trouble finding a Santa costume... 你告诉每个人说 你找不到耶诞老公公衣服… [15:59.35]so I borrowed one from a guy at work. 所以我向同事借了一件 [16:01.89]Thank you, but you gotta leave. 谢谢,你必须离开 [16:04.69]-Why? -Because... -为什么? -因为… [16:06.26]I'm finally getting him excited about Hanukkah... 我终于让他对光明节有兴趣… [16:09.26]and you're wrecking it. 而你正在破坏 [16:10.90]But I didn't get to shake my belly like a bowlful of jelly. 可是我还没摇我的胜子呢 [16:18.11]I'm sorry, Chandler, but this is really important to me. 抱歉,钱德,这对我很重要 [16:22.88]Fine, I'll give the suit back. 好,我去还这件衣服 [16:26.71]Hey, you think you can keep it another night? 你可以再多借一晚吗? [16:32.72]Santa, really? 耶诞老公公?真的? [16:35.22]Yeah, is that okay? 是啊,可以吗? [16:37.22]Did your dad ever dress up like Santa? 你爸有扮过耶诞老公公吗? [16:41.63]-No. -Then it's okay! -没有 -那就可以! [16:46.30]Okay, Ben. Santa has to go. 班,耶诞老公公要走了 [16:48.64]Say goodbye. 说再见 [16:50.34]No, why does he have to go? 不要,他为什么要走? [16:53.31]Because if Santa and the Holiday... 因为耶诞老公公和佳节… [16:57.85]Armadillo... 犰狳… [17:01.75]are ever in the same room for too long... 如果在同一个房子里太久… [17:04.35]the universe will implode! 宇宙会爆炸! [17:09.09]Merry Christmas! 耶诞快乐! [17:12.86]No, why can't the armadillo leave? I want Santa. 不要,为什么不是犰狳走呢? 我要耶诞老公公 [17:19.10]Fine, I give up. Santa.. 好,我放弃,耶诞老公公… [17:21.07]Santa can stay! 耶诞老公公可以留下来! [17:25.51]Well, I'll stay... 我留下来… [17:26.77]but only because I want to hear about Hanukkah. 因为我想听光明节的故事 [17:31.21]Ben, will you sit here with Santa... 班,你要不要和耶诞老公公… [17:33.88]and learn about Hanukkah? 一起坐下来听光明节的故事? [17:36.22]Okay, Santa. 好的 [17:39.32]-Thank you. -You're welcome. -谢谢 -不客气 [17:41.12]All right, it's time... 好,来听… [17:43.39]for the story of Hanukkah. 光明节的故事 [17:47.29]Years and years ago... 很多年以前… [17:49.23]there were these people called the Maccabees! 有一群人叫犸加伯人! [17:53.63]Merry Christmas! 耶诞快乐! [18:05.05]Oh, wow, look at this place! 看看这地方! [18:11.22]Oh, this is terrible. 真糟糕 [18:13.55]They've made so many changes... 他们改了很多… [18:15.49]I can't even feel my grandmother's presence anymore. 我感受不到我祖母的存在 [18:19.16]Oh, new sconces! 新的烛台! [18:22.26]-Oh, my God! -What? -我的天! -怎么? [18:24.70]Remember how you told me your grandmother put up that wall... 记得你告诉我你祖母要做一道墙… [18:28.54]-to make that into two bedrooms? -Yeah. -来隔成两间房? -对 [18:30.94]And that the landlord might find out... 房东可能会发现… [18:33.44]-and then tear it down? -Yeah? -把它拆了? -对? [18:36.41]Do you really not know where I'm going? 你真的不知道我说这些的原因? [18:40.25]It left. It's one huge room. 墙没有了,是一间大房间 [18:42.22]Oh, no! 哦,不! [18:46.25]Wow! 哇! [18:49.36]See? 看到了? [18:50.92]I guess we'll have to put the wall back up. 我们必须要把墙弄回来 [18:53.46]-You can't, with the new skylight. -There's a skylight? -不行,因为新的天窗 -有天窗? [18:58.30]Wow! 哇! [19:00.77]So should we start looking for a new place? 我们该怎么办?要开始找新地方吗? [19:07.61]You know, I'm sensing... 我感到… [19:09.18]that my grandmother would not be comfortable with that. 我祖母可能不喜欢那样 [19:14.88]Oh, yeah? 是吗? [19:16.28]Starting to feel her again there, are we? 又能感觉到她了,是吗? [19:19.89]-A little bit. Yeah. -Yeah. -有一点,对 -是 [19:22.82]Is your grandmother maybe saying that you should live here alone? 菲比,你祖母是不是说 你应该一个人住这里? [19:26.93]You heard it too? You have the gift. 你也听见了?你有天份 [19:31.10]Phoebe, it's okay. 菲比,没关系 [19:33.23]I like living with Joey. 我喜欢和乔伊住 [19:35.50]-Are you sure? -Please. I hate packing... -你确定吗? -拜托,我讨厌打包… [19:38.01]it's closer to work. 那里离公司比较近 [19:39.77]And we do have fun. 我们在一起很开心 [19:42.91]Although, I'm really gonna miss living with you. 虽然我真的会想念和你住在一起 [19:46.61]-Oh, me too. -I know. -我也是 -我知道 [19:50.72]Did you hear that? 等一下,你有没有听到? [19:52.25]I'm getting something from your grandmother. 听,我听到你祖母说话 [19:55.12]She said since you get to keep the one-bedroom apartment... 她说既然你要一个人住这里… [19:58.93]you should give Rachel the purple chair. 你该把那把紫色椅子给瑞秋 [20:04.77]No, I do not hear that. 没有,我没有听到 [20:08.37]And the miracle was that that little bit of oil... 奇迹在于那一点点的油… [20:11.64]that should have lasted just one day, burned for.... 应该只够烧一天的,却烧了… [20:15.68]-Eight whole days. -That's right. -整整8天 -对 [20:17.81]And that's why we celebrate Hanukkah today. The end. 这就是为什么我们 今天庆祝光明节,故事完结 [20:21.98]-Awesome. -Yeah. -好棒 -是啊 [20:24.32]My favorite part... 我最喜欢的部份… [20:25.69]was when Superman flew all the Jews out of Egypt. 是超人救出全埃及的犹太人 [20:33.86]The armadillo was actually not so thrilled about that part. 犰狳不是那么喜欢那部份 [20:39.57]Okay, Ben, it's time to light... 班,该来点… [20:42.27]the Hanukkah candles! 光明节蜡烛! [20:54.15]嘿 [20:55.92]Wow! Looks like the Easter Bunny's funeral in here. 哇!好像是复活节兔子的葬礼 [21:02.56]Come on, come on. We're lighting the candles. 来,来,我们要点蜡烛 [21:10.20]I understand why Superman is here... 我了解为什么超人在这里… [21:12.33]but why is there a porcupine at the Easter Bunny's funeral? 但为什么有豪猪 参加复活节兔子的葬礼? [21:24.04]-You get it? -I got it. -你弄好了吗? -弄好了 [21:26.58]Back in the cage? 它进笼子了没? [21:29.55]It's back in the cage. 它在笼子里了 [21:31.92]Is the cage closed? 笼子关好了吗? [21:35.42]Joey, will you just come out here and stop being such a baby! 乔伊,出来好吗? 别像个小孩一样!