Happy birthday! 生日快乐! Happy birthday! 生日快乐! Rach, come on. 瑞秋,别这样 It's your birthday! 是你的生日耶! Hey... 嘿… She's not as pretty as she was when she was 29. 她不像她29岁时那么漂亮 Ms. Greene wants to establish some ground rules before she comes out. 在葛林小姐出来之前 她要先把几件事说清楚 Please don't use the words "old" or "downhill"... 她希望你们不要用到如“老” 或者“走下坡”等字眼… or "They still look pretty damn good." 或是“它们看来还是很棒” They do. 它们还是 Rachel, come on out. 瑞秋,出来 Monica made breakfast. 摩妮卡做了早餐 Chocolate chip pancakes. 巧克力碎片松饼 We've got presents. 我们有礼物给你 Good ones? 好的礼物? They're all from the list you gave us two weeks ago. 都是两星期前你给的单子上的 Can I keep the presents and still be 29? 我可以只收礼物 而仍然是29岁吗? Come on, Rach, turning 30 is not that big a deal. 瑞秋,30岁没什么大不了 Really? Is that how you felt when you turned 30? 真的?你满30时也是这么觉得吗? Why, God, why? 为什么,上帝,为什么? We had a deal. Let the others grow old, not me! 我们讲好的了 让其他人变老,我不要! You guys, is it just me? Am I overreacting? 只有我这样吗?是我反应过度吗? No, it's not just you. My 30th birthday sure wasn't much fun. 不,不是只有你 我的30岁生日也不好过 And now Chandler! 现在是钱德了! We're all getting so old. 我们都变得这么老 Why are You doing this to us? 你为什么这样对我们? The One Where They All Turn Thirty 本集播出:步入三十大关 (瑞秋30岁生日快乐) You're in a great place in your life. You have an amazing job, good friends. 你的生活过得很好 你有很棒的工作,很好的朋友 Your roommate's a soap opera star. 你的室友是连续剧明星 Your character is in a coma. 你的角色在昏迷中 I promised myself I wouldn't cry at this one. 我答应自己这个生日一定不哭 I know my life's going pretty well, but I see so many people... 我知道我目前过得很好 但我看到一些人… who've accomplished their goals before they're 30. 在30岁以前 就完成了他们的目标 Yeah, but you shouldn't compare yourself to me. 是啊,你不应该和我比 -Come on, Phoebe! -You can do it! -来,菲比! -你做得到的! -Come on. -There you go. -来 -好了 I did it! One mile on a Hippity Hop. 我成功了!在跳跳球上走了一里 That's everything I wanted to do before I was 30. 30岁前我想完成的事 Except I wanted to patch things up with my sister. 除了我想和我妹修好关系 Oh, well. But, yeah! 嗯,可是 Girls, this thing is a godsend, if you know what I mean. 女人,这东西是上帝给的礼物 如果你懂我的意思 Let's have some fun. What do you want to do? 来做点有趣的事吧,你想做什么? Nothing. I don't want to do anything. 什么也不做,我什么也不想做 Doing nothing on your 30th is better than doing something stupid, like Ross. 在30岁生日时什么都不做 总比做笨事好,像罗斯一样 That was a practical purchase. 那是很实际的一项购买 I needed that car for transportation. 我需要那车子做交通工具 Okay? I have a child. 好吗?我有小孩 How hot do I look in this? 我在这车里看来很拉风吧? Ross, a sports car? 罗斯,一台跑车? Wouldn't it be cheaper to just stuff a sock down there? 在裤子里塞袜子不是比较便宜? That's not what this is about. 这不是为了那个 I am a sports car enthusiast. 我是跑车热爱者 -I've always been into cars. -What's the horsepower? -我一直都很喜欢车 -它的马力多少? I don't know, but look how shiny! 不知道,你看它多亮呀! -I can't believe you bought this. -So can I have a ride, stud? -你竟然买了这台车 -帅哥,载我一程吧? Hop in. 跳上车 Get ready for the smoothest ride of your life. 准备好你这辈子最稳的一程 Damn it. 可恶 Okay, who's next? 好了,下一个是谁? I am gonna do something today. I won't sit around like some old lady. 今天我一定要做点什么 我不要像老太太一样闲坐在这儿 I want to get something pierced. 我要在身上打个洞 Like my nose or my tongue or something. 像是鼻子、舌头,或是别的地方 Really? Because that hurts. 真的?那会痛的 So what? The way I see it.. 那又怎么?我是这么想… Son of a bitch! 该死的! Look, I know what you're going through. 我知道你经历的 I'm totally freaked out about turning 25. 我25岁生日时吓坏了 Get out of my apartment. 离开我家 Rach, I think that you're doing great. 瑞秋,你做的很好 Let's face it, no one handles this well. 正视事实吧,没有人能真的 好好处理这件事 Least of all you. 至少你不行 Put that back on. Monica will be here any minute. 放回去,摩妮卡随时会到家 But it hurts my Joey's apple. 可是乔伊的苹果会痛 For the last time, it's not named after each individual man. 告诉你最后一次 它不是以每一个人的名字命名的 You've done a wonderful job with the party. Everything's so lovely. 钱德,你把宴会办得真好 每样东西都很美丽 Well, not as lovely as you. 没有像你这么美丽 I can't believe you have a 30-year-old daughter. 不能相信你有位30岁的女儿 And I can't believe you have a tux that's 30 years old. 不能相信你有件30岁的燕尾服 It's older than that. Ross was conceived right near this tuxedo. 这比30年还老 罗斯是在这件燕尾服旁有的 Everybody hide! She's coming. 大家躲起来!我看到她了,她来了 Everybody down! 大家蹲下! Everybody stay here. I'll find out what's going on. 留在这儿,我来看看发生什么事了 Hey, you got the door open! 嘿,你开门了! Hey, are you drunk? 嘿,你喝醉了吗? No. 没有 Okay. 好 Okay. 好 See, I was a little nervous about turning... 我对要满30岁… 30. 有点紧张 So the busboys took me out for some drinks. 收碗的小弟带我去喝酒 Might want to puke on you later. 待会可能会吐在你身上 Here's the thing. We've thrown a very formal surprise party for you. 事情是这样的 我们替你办了一个惊喜宴会 -Your parents and friends are in there. -No! -你的朋友和父母都在里面 -不! -Yes! Yes! -No. -是的!是的! -不 Oh, no! My parents have never seen me drunk. 哦,不!我父母从没看我醉过 That they know of. 就他们所知 We'll get you some coffee. They'll never know that you're drunk. 我们替你弄点咖啡 他们不会知道你醉了 -You promise? -I'll take care of it. -你确定? -我会处理好的 I love you so much. 我好爱你 Okay, we have to do something about your breath. 好了,要对你的口臭想想办法 What about your breath? 那你的呢? That's still yours. 那还是你的口臭 Now remember, it's a surprise party. 记住,这是一个惊喜 So when you go in, act surprised. 你进去时要显得很惊讶 Ready? 好了吗? Surprise! 惊喜! Okay, forward. Forward. 好,前进,前进 Stop! 停止! Okay, back.. Stop! 好,退后…停! Okay, for.. Stop! 好,前…停! Stop! Stop! 停!停! Okay, here's what we're gonna do. 好,我们这么做 I'll break into this minivan, put it in neutral. 我打开这台休旅车车门 将它放在空档 You push it forward so Ross can get out of the spot. 你们把它向前推,罗斯就能开出来了 All right. Here we go. 好,来吧 Haul ass! 快逃! Happy 30th birthday! Here. 30岁生日快乐!来 It's for the child in you. And the woman. 给你里面的孩子,还有女子 Happy 30th! 30岁快乐! Why do you keep saying that? 你为什么一直这么说? Because it's our 30th birthday. 因为这是我们的30岁生日 Yeah, no, we're not 30. We're 31. Okay. 不,我们不是30,我们31岁了 Wait. 等一下 Oh, it's you. 哦,是你 Yeah. What? 是,怎么? Yeah, we're not 30. We're 31. 对,我们不是30,我们是31 That's what it says on my birth certificate. 我的出生证明上是这么写的 You have a birth certificate? 你有出生证明? I got a big box of family stuff when my mom died. 我妈去世时,我拿到了 一箱子家庭文件 Our mom. 我们的妈 Right. Okay. 好,好 -Do you have mine? -No, I sold it to a Swedish runaway. -你有我的吗? -没有,我卖给了一个逃家的瑞典人 Oh, my God. 我的老天 Oh, my God, we are 31! 我的老天,我们31了! Yeah. 是啊 I just lost a whole year of my life. 我失去了整整一年生命 Okay. 好 -Your middle name is Pamela? -Yes. -你的中间名字是潘蜜拉? -对 I never knew mine. Do you remember what it is? 我从不知道我的是什么 你记得是什么吗? Yes. 记得 Phoebe. 是菲比 -That's my first name. -Right. Okay. Then, no. -那是我的正式名字 -对,好吧,那我不知道 We made it across the room. You're doing great. 我们成功地穿过了客厅 你做的很好 What's going on? 怎么回事? Monica's a little drunk. 摩妮卡有一点醉了 Yeah! I love drunk Monica. 我喜欢酒醉的摩妮卡 Oh, she's so much more fun than regular Monica. 她比正常的摩妮卡有趣多了 She doesn't want her parents to know. 她不想让她的父母知道 All right, all right. Here's what we'll do. 好,好,我们这么做 I'll get twice as drunk, then no one will even notice her. 我来比她醉得厉害两倍 就没有人会注意她了 What's going on? 怎么了? Monica's wasted. 摩妮卡醉了 Maybe that'll liven up this party. 或许能让这个宴会有点生机 Will you just help her get changed? 你能不能帮她换衣服? Taking care of a drunk, naked woman seems like a job for Joey. 照顾酒醉,**的女人 好像是乔伊的工作 This one's from me. 这是我的礼物 It wasn't on your list, but it's really fun. 这不在你的礼物单子上 不过它真的很好玩 A scooter. 滑板车 Stick to the list. 照着单子买 Always stick to the list. 永远记得照着单子买 No, no, I love it. Thank you. 不,不,我很喜欢,谢谢 Open ours next! Open ours next! 下一个开我们的礼物! 下一个开我们的! Now that you're a couple, we don't get two gifts? 你们现在是一对 我们就没两个礼物了? For my last birthday, you gave me a hug. 我上一个生日,你送我一个拥抱 Read the card! Read the card! 念卡片!念卡片! "Happy birthday, Grandma." 生日快乐,祖母 It's better to be over the hill... 开始走下坡总比… than buried under it. 被埋在坡下要好 "All our love, Monica and Chandler." That's funny. 我们爱你,摩妮卡和钱德 好好笑 No, no. That was a joke. 不,不,只是一个玩笑 I know, I get it. It's funny. 我知道,我懂了,很好笑 Because you're not a grandma. 因为你不是祖母 To be a grandma, you have to be married and have children. 做为一个祖母,必须结了婚有小孩 I don't have any of those things. That's why it's so funny. 我全都没有,所以真的很好笑 I'm just gonna go... 我要… All you had to do was buy the card. 你只需要买张卡片而己 It was stupid to get upset about not having a husband and kids. 为着没有先生孩子就不高兴,是很笨 All I really needed was a plan. 我只需要一个计划 See, I want three kids. 我想生三个小孩 And you want to have them all at the same time and all for your brother. 你要全部同一个时候生 把他们给你弟弟 As I was saying... 我正在说… I should have the first one by the time I'm 35. 我应该在35岁以前生第一个 Which gives me five years. 这样我还有五年 If I want a kid when I'm 35, I don't have to get pregnant until I'm 34. 如果我35时要生孩子 我34岁时才需要怀孕 Which gives Prada four years to start making maternity clothes. Prada还有四年时间生产孕妇装 But I want to be married for a year before I get pregnant. 我想在怀孕之前至少结婚一年 Really? That long? 真的?要那么久? Look all you want, it's happening. 你爱怎么看都行,已经在发生了 I don't have to get married until I'm 33. That's three whole years. 我到33岁再结婚就好,我还有3年 Wait a minute, though. 不过,等一下 I'll need a year and a half to plan the wedding. 我需要一年半来筹备婚礼 And I'd like to know the guy for a year, year and a half... 我希望能认识这个人一年至一年半… before we get engaged. 再订婚 Which means I need to meet the guy by the time I'm 30. 这表示我必须在30岁时认识这个人 Which is fine because you just turned... 没有问题,因为你才刚刚满… 28! 28! No, Ross. No, it is not fine. 不,罗斯,不,有问题 I should already be with the guy I'm gonna marry. 我应该和我要嫁的对象在一起了 Will you quit hogging it? 你可不可以不要跳? I'm telling you, it's like watching Bambi learn how to walk. 我告诉你,这就好像看着斑比学走路 You're drunk. 你醉了 Mom and Dad are gonna be mad. 爸和妈会生气 Maybe I'm a little drunk. 也许我有一点醉了 Are those crab cakes? 那是蟹饼吗? I told you to come straight to me when they were ready. 我不是告诉你 蟹饼一出来立刻拿来给我? How you feeling? 觉得怎么样? You are so handsome. 你好帅 I want to make love to you right here, right now. 我想在此时此地和你上床 I really wish that you wouldn't. 我希望你不会 Just get through a little bit more, then we can put you in bed. 再撑一下,我们就可以带你去睡觉 Just smile, and don't talk to anyone. 只要微笑,不要说话 Speech, speech! Let's hear from the birthday girl. 演讲,演讲!寿星演讲 Phoebe! 菲比! See, everybody's looking at me. 看,大家都在看我 The plan's working. 我的计划很有效 I didn't even have to take off my top yet. 我还没脱掉上衣呢 Speech. Come on, speech! 演讲,演讲! You can't keep your hands off her for one second. 你连离开她一秒钟都不行 I think it's nice. 很好啊 I think it's necessary. 我必须这样 I want to thank you all for coming. 我要谢谢大家来到这里 My family and... 我的家人和… my friends. 我的朋友 I'd really like to say that I'm... 我很想说我… You know what I'd really like to say? 知道我真的很想说什么吗? I'm drunk! 我醉了! That's right, Mom and Dad. 没错,爸,妈 Your little old "Harmomica" is hammered. 你们的小口琴醉了 And guess what? 猜猜怎么着? I've been drunk before. 我以前也喝醉过 And I've smoked a cigarette. 我抽过烟 It's all okay. It's okay because... 没关系,没关系,因为… I turned 30 today. 我今天满30岁了 And I can do anything I want. 我想做什么就做什么 Because I am a grownup. 因为我是成年人了 Okay, quick. Help me get this off. 好,快,替我脱掉 I lost a whole year. 我失去了整整一年 I can't believe it. This is so unfair! 真不能相信,真不公平! Come on, Phoebe, it'll be okay. 菲比,没有关系的 Will it? Will it? 是吗?是吗? How would you feel if you found out you were 31? 如果你发现你变31岁了 你会怎么感觉? That's not gonna happen. Because we have a new deal. 不会的,因为我们有个新约定 Plus, it ruined my schedule. 还有,这毁了我的时间表 I haven't done the things I wanted to do before I was 31. 我还没做那些我31岁前想做的事 -Like what? -Like I haven't met any Portuguese people. -像什么? -像是我还不认识任何葡萄牙人 I haven't had the perfect kiss. 我还没有完美地接吻过 And I haven't been to sniper school. 我还没去上狙击手学校 Why don't we go and have some birthday cake? 我们去吃蛋糕吧 I just feel like being by myself. See you guys later. Thanks. 我只想一个人静一下,待会见,谢谢 Poor Phoebe. 可怜的菲比 Hey, you guys, I think I'm gonna walk her home. 嘿,知道吗?我想我要陪她走回家 -Oh, man. -What? -老天 -怎么? He's gonna eat the cake. 他会吃了蛋糕 Phoebe! 菲比! Listen, I... 听着,我… Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛 That's one thing to cross off your list. 你可以将这一项从单子上划掉 Oh, yeah. 哦,对了 Plus, I'm one-sixteenth Portuguese. 还有,我是16分之1的葡萄牙人 Okay, is everybody clear? 好,大家都清楚了? We're gonna pick it up... 我们要将它抬起来… and move it. 然后移动它 All we need is teamwork. We're gonna lift the car... 只需要团队工作 我们要抬起这台车… and slide it out. 把它滑出来 Lift... 抬起来… and slide. 滑出来 -Ross, I really don't think this.. -Lift... -罗斯,我真的不觉得这… -抬起来… and slide. 滑出来 -Okay, here we go. -All right, everyone. -好,开始吧 -好,大伙儿 Lift... 抬起来… and slide. 移出来 -Hey, Joey.. -Come on, Rach, my turn just started. -嘿,乔伊… -别这样,瑞秋,才刚轮到我 Actually, I just want to talk to Tag. 其实我是要和泰格说话 Oh, okay. Hey, can I ride this outside? 哦,好,嘿,我可以到外面溜吗? Whatever. I'm not your mother. 随便,我不是你妈 Not in the street! 不要到街上! -Are you feeling any better? -Yeah, I'm doing okay. I'm... -有没有觉得好一点? -有,我很好,我… Let's talk. 我们谈谈 What's up? 什么事? Oh, Tag... 泰格… You're such a great guy. And we have so much fun together. 你真是个好男人,我们在一起很开心 -But I.. -Wait. -可是我… -等一下 I think I see where you're going. 我想我知道你要做什么 Before you say anything else, can I say one more thing? 在你说任何话之前 我可以先说一件事吗? Well said. 说的好 And a good example of the fun I was referring to. 正是我所谓很开心的好例子 But I think I'm past the point where I can just have fun. 但我想我已经过了只要开心的时候 Don't do this. This is just because you're turning 30. 瑞秋,不要这样 这只是因为你30岁了 Yeah, it is. 是的 But you're just a kid. I mean, you're 25. 而你只是个孩子,你才25岁 -Twenty-four, actually. -Oh, God. -其实是24岁 -老天 You know what I wish? I wish you were six years older. 你知道我希望什么? 我希望你比现在大6岁 Well, if I'm wishing for stuff, I wish I was six years younger. 如果是希望的话 其实我希望自己年轻6岁 -Me too. -Yeah. Sorry. -我也是 -是啊,对不起 Hey, how'd it go? 嘿,谈得怎么样? If I only want two kids, can I keep him for another year? 如果我只要生两个孩子 我可以再保留他一年吗? You did the right thing. 你做的对 I don't like this anymore. 我不喜欢它了 Well, here we are. Just a bunch of 30-year-olds. 我们在这儿,一群30岁的人 Do you realize in 10 years we're gonna be 40? 你知道再过10年 我们就40岁了? Why, God? 为什么,上帝? Why are you doing this to us? 为什么这么对我们? Yes! My baby's finally free. 太好了!我的宝贝终于自由了 All right! 好极了! Start it up. Let's go! 启动,我们走! How hot are we? 我们拉不拉风? You want to buy a car? 你要买车吗?