[00:04.27]-Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨 [00:06.20]-What are you doing? -I was thinking of moving the couch. -你在做什么? -我想把沙发搬开 [00:10.54]Why would you want to do that? 你为什么要那么做? [00:12.11]So there'd be a decent place for me to sit? 那样子我就有好位置可以坐了? [00:15.94]-Rach, there is a decent place. -And your lap does not count. -瑞秋,你本来就有好位置坐了 -你的大腿不算 [00:21.95]-Come on, help me move this. -No, no, no. -来吧,帮我把它搬开 -不 [00:25.05]-No? -No. -你不要? -我不要 [00:26.39]Rosita does not move. 萝希塔不想移开 [00:30.96]I'm sorry. Rosita? As in..? 对不起,萝希塔,它是…? [00:33.83]As in "Rosita does not move." 就是“不想动的萝希塔” [00:36.43]It's just a chair. What's the big deal? 它只是一张椅子 它有什么大不了的? [00:38.77]It's the exact equal distance from the bathroom to the kitchen... 它到浴室跟到厨房的距离是一样的… [00:42.47]and it's at an angle where you don't get any glare coming off Stevie. 而且它的角度让你完全 看不到史提夫的闪光 [00:48.24]Stevie the TV? 电视机史提夫? [00:52.38]-Is there a problem? -No. -有问题吗? -没有 [00:57.62]What does he know? 他又知道什么? [00:59.12]Come on, Rosita. Us chicas gotta stick together. 来吧,萝希塔 我们这些辣妹得合作才行 [01:11.03]You bitch! 你这个臭女人! [01:15.37]The One Where Rosita Dies 本集播出:萝希塔之死 [00:00.00] [01:53.31]Hey, Ross? 嘿,罗斯? [01:54.54]I checked the real estate section. 我看过房地产广告版 [01:57.75]Look at this. 你看这个 [01:59.15]Looks like Mom and Dad's house. 看起来好像爸妈的房子 [02:01.15]Even has a tree with a broken limb out front. 院子里的树 正前方也有根断掉的树枝 [02:04.75]And the window in the attic... 阁楼的窗户… [02:08.86]Oh, my God! 喔,我的天啊! [02:11.53]What happened to the window in the attic? 阁楼的窗户怎么了? [02:15.23]-I can't believe they're selling it. -And they didn't tell us. -我不敢相信他们要把它卖掉 -却没有告诉我们 [02:19.40]What happened to the window in the attic? 阁楼的窗户怎么了? [02:24.17]I'll buy you a new one, okay? 我会买张新椅子赔你,好吗? [02:26.27]We'll go to the store and get you a new chair right now. 我们马上到店里去 帮你买一张新椅子 [02:32.91]She's not even cold yet. 她还尸骨未寒 [02:37.22]Wouldn't Rosita have wanted you to move on? 萝希塔不希望你继续过你的日子吗? [02:40.59]I mean, you know, she did always put your comfort first. 我是说她永远 把你的幸福放在第一顺位 [02:47.26]That's true. 没错 [02:53.10]I can't believe we have to say goodbye to the house we grew up in. 我不敢相信 我们得跟小时候的家说再见 [02:57.14]Man, some stranger's gonna be in my room. 天啊,有个陌生人 就要搬进我的房间里 [03:00.31]For 15 years they kept it as a shrine to you. 十五年来,他们把你房间 弄得跟神龛差不多 [03:03.38]It's time the velvet ropes came down. 现在一切都该落幕了 [03:07.08]They kept your room a while. 他们也保留你房间有一阵子 [03:08.78]Please! Dad turned my room into a gym 20 minutes after I moved out. 拜托,我搬出来二十分钟后 爸就把我的房间变成健身房 [03:13.62]I gotta say, a tanning bed and a stack of Victoria's Secret catalogs? 我很怀疑,一张日光浴椅 跟一堆维多利亚秘密的目录? [03:17.96]Not a gym. 那不是健身房 [03:20.13]-Come on. You know they love you. -As much as they love you? -别这样,你知道他们爱你 -就跟他们爱你一样? [03:23.80]They thought she was barren until I was born. It's not my fault. 我没出生前,他们以为她不会生 那不是我的错 [03:31.17]I hate this year. 我讨厌今年 [03:33.17]What's wrong with this year? 今年有什么不对的? [03:35.08]It's February and I've only given two massages... 现在已经是二月 我只接到两个按摩客人… [03:38.58]and they were both horrible tippers. 而且他们给小费都给得很吝啬 [03:41.12]That was me and Ross. 你是指我跟罗斯 [03:44.49]Oh, that's right. 喔,没错 [03:47.36]If you want some extra cash... 如果你需要钱… [03:49.09]some college friends made good money doing telemarketing. 我大学的朋友 做电话行销赚了不少钱 [03:53.13]It'd be better than the last telephone job I had. 它一定比上次 我做的电话行销工作还棒 [03:56.26]I probably won't have to say "spank" as much. 或许我不必常常说“打我屁股吧” [04:02.57]What? 什么? [04:04.51]Oh, yeah, like you never called. 对,你从来没打过那种电话 [04:13.82]This is very easy. You read from the script... 这真的很简单,你只要照着稿子念… [04:17.02]and try to sell as much toner as you can. 试着多卖一点碳粉 [04:19.85]Okay, I can do that. 好吧,我办得到 [04:21.79]By the way, I love my office. 对了,我喜欢我的办公室 [04:25.33]-Why don't we do a trial run? -Oh, okay. -我们为什么不来练习一下? -好吧 [04:30.63]All right. 好了 [04:32.40]Hi, this is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. 嗨,我是帝国办公室文具公司的菲比 [04:35.34]-Can I speak to your supply manager? -I'm the supply manager. -请问总务部经理在吗? -我就是总务部经理 [04:39.57]I'd like to talk about your toner needs. 我想跟你谈谈买碳粉的事 [04:41.94]We don't need any. 我们不需要碳粉 [04:43.14]Okay, sorry to bother you. Bye-bye. 好吧,抱歉打扰你了,再见 [04:46.35]Yeah, you're right. This is easy. 你说的对,这真的很容易 [04:47.95]Okay. What was wrong with that call? 好吧,那通电话哪里不对劲呢? [04:51.12]Oh, well, all right. 好吧 [04:52.75]No offense, but you were kind of rude. 我没有恶意,但你的态度真的很不好 [04:57.66]They always say they don't need toner. That's okay. 他们永远都会说 他们不需要碳粉,没关系 [05:00.80]Whatever they say, you can find the answer to it, here in the script. 不管他们说什么 你都会在稿子里找到标准解答 [05:05.63]So I think you're ready to sell toner. 我想你准备好要卖碳粉了 [05:08.24]-Do you have any last questions? -No. -你还有问题吗? -没有了 [05:10.57]Wait, yes, I do have one question: 等一下,对了,我的确有一个问题 [05:13.11]What is toner? 什么是碳粉? [05:17.78]Joey? 乔伊? [05:21.18]Joe? 乔伊? [05:26.85]Full bag? 原封未动? [05:30.29]Beer's still cold. 啤酒还是冰的 [05:34.36]Something terrible must have happened here. 这里一定发生了很可怕的事 [05:45.84]Oh, no, no, no! 喔,不… [05:50.61]Stevie, I was never here. 史提夫,我没来过这里 [05:57.29]-Dad? -I'm here! -爸? -我在这里! [06:00.49]-Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨 [06:02.29]Seems like just yesterday you guys used to come out to watch me work. 感觉上好像以前你们 跑来这里看我工作的时候 [06:06.79]We can't believe you're selling the house. 我们不敢相信你们要卖掉房子 [06:09.40]Time for a new family to start here. 也该让新的家庭 在这里开始他们的新生活了 [06:11.53]I hope their check clears before they find the crack... 我希望在支票兑现前 他们不会发现… [06:14.94]in the foundation and the asbestos in the ceiling. 地基有裂痕,天花板的石棉瓦破了 [06:19.71]Let's grab our stuff and get the hell out of here. 我们快把东西拿一拿,离开这里吧 [06:23.11]-Sorry we can't store your things. -Oh, it's okay. -抱歉我们不能收藏你们的东西 -没关系 [06:26.78]I can't wait to see everything again. 我等不及要再看到那些东西了 [06:29.22]I don't know what's down here. 我不知道这里放了什么 [06:31.32]But there are six or seven Easy-Bake Ovens in the attic. 但阁楼上有六,七箱简易烘焙烤箱 [06:36.06]I used to love to play restaurant. 我以前最喜欢玩开餐厅的游戏了 [06:38.29]Not as much as you loved to play "uncooked batter eater." 但你最爱的还是“吃面粉糊” [06:42.73]You can't expect a child to wait for a light bulb to cook brownies. 你不能要求小孩子 等着电灯泡把饼干烤好 [06:48.70]So I think your boxes are over here. 我想你的箱子应该都在这里 [06:51.44]Oh, great. 太棒了 [06:53.07]Hey... 嘿… [06:54.98]whose cigarettes are these? 这是谁的烟? [06:59.08]I don't know. 我不知道 [07:01.42]They must be your mother's. 一定是你妈的 [07:04.02]But please, please don't ask her. I'll throw these away. 但求求你别去质问她 我来把烟丢掉 [07:12.73]Cool! Dad, my report cards! 酷啊!爸,是我的成绩单! [07:16.33]Hey, check this out. 嘿,快来看看 [07:17.93]Math, "A." Science, "A." History, "A." Gym... 数学“优等”,自然“优等” 历史“优等”,体育… [07:29.14]My rock polisher! 我的磨石机! [07:35.65]-Uh-oh. -What? -惨了 -怎么了? [07:37.89]You know how the garage floods every spring? 你知道每年春天车库都会淹水吗? [07:40.29]How are you ever gonna sell this place? 你要怎么把房子卖掉? [07:43.72]I think I accidentally used Monica's boxes... 我想我不小心拿摩妮卡的箱子… [07:46.69]to keep the water away from the Porsche. 来挡水,免得保时捷进了水 [07:51.80]Oh, no, Dad. Dad? 喔,不,爸,爸? [07:55.24]What the.. 搞什么… [07:56.47]Oh, God. Everything's ruined! 喔,天啊,一切都毁了! [08:01.08]Dad, she's gonna be crushed. 爸,她一定会崩溃的 [08:05.15]You don't secretly smoke, do you? 你该不会是偷偷在抽烟吧? [08:09.12]No. 不 [08:10.79]So it's just your mother then. 是你妈在抽烟 [08:16.42]Hi. This is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. 嗨,我是帝国办公室文具公司的菲比 [08:20.03]Can I speak to your supply manager, please? 请问总务部经理在吗? [08:24.03]Earl. Thanks. 厄尔,谢谢 [08:26.73]Hi, Earl. This is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. 嗨,厄尔,我是帝国办公室 文具公司的菲比 [08:30.97]I'd like to talk to you about your toner needs. 我想跟你谈谈买碳粉的事 [08:33.94]I don't need any toner. 我不需要碳粉 [08:37.48]I hear what you're saying, but at our prices, everyone needs toner. 我知道了,但是听了我们的价格 大家都会想买碳粉 [08:42.32]Not me. 我不要 [08:45.29]May I ask why? 能请问你为什么吗? [08:47.29]You want to know why? 你想知道为什么? [08:50.53]You want to know why? 你想知道为什么? [08:52.06]I surely do. 我真的很想 [08:54.66]Okay. 好吧 [08:56.36]I don't need any toner... 我不需要碳粉… [08:59.30]because I'm gonna kill myself. 因为我就要自杀了 [09:14.05]Is that because you're out of toner? 那是因为你的碳粉用完了吗? [09:21.36]Okay, so no toner today. Thanks anyway. Bye-bye. 好吧,今天我不需要碳粉 谢谢你,再见 [09:26.83]Wait, wait! I can't let you hang up. Just please talk to me. 等一下!我不能让你挂电话 请你跟我说话 [09:31.77]Well... 喔… [09:34.27]I only had one thing to do today. 今天我只需要做一件事 [09:36.40](今天的工作 自杀) [09:39.41]I guess I could push it back. 我猜我能把它延期一下吧 [09:42.61]Yeah. Now, why do you want to kill yourself? 好吧,你为什么要自杀? [09:46.98]I've been working for 10 years now at this... 十年来,我一直在做… [09:50.22]meaningless, dead-end job... 这份没有意义又没有前途的工作… [09:52.52]and nobody here even knows that I exist. 办公室里的人根本不知道我的存在 [09:56.76]Chandler? 钱德? [10:02.90]I'm sorry? 你说什么? [10:06.53]Look... 听着… [10:08.10]I'm sure that people know you exist. 我相信他们都知道你的存在 [10:10.91]Oh, yeah? I work in a cubicle... 是吗?我在一个小房间工作… [10:13.24]surrounded by people. 四周都是人 [10:14.94]I've been talking to you for five minutes now about killing myself... 我已经跟你谈了五分钟 我要自杀的问题… [10:19.75]and no one's even looked up from their desk. Hang on. 没有人抬头起来看我一眼,等一下 [10:23.22]Hey, everybody... 嘿,大伙们… [10:25.22]I'm gonna kill myself. 我要自杀了 [10:31.43]I got nothing. 他们不理我 [10:35.96]Good chair. 好漂亮的椅子 [10:38.23]Now, if anybody asks... 好了,如果有人问起… [10:40.03]your name is Rosita. 你的名字就叫萝希塔 [11:06.09]Poor thing. Cut down in her prime. 可怜的小东西,她是英年早逝 [11:10.70]Joey, the new chair will be here in an hour. 乔伊,新椅子一小时内就会送来 [11:13.57]Maybe we should move Rosita out of here. 或许我们该把萝希塔搬出去 [11:16.37]Start the healing process. 开始疗伤止痛 [11:19.74]Yeah, I guess you're right. 好吧,我猜你说的对 [11:42.80]She's healed! 她好了! [11:49.04]That's weird. 那太奇怪了 [11:50.27]No, it's not weird. 不,一点都不奇怪 [11:51.91]It's a miracle! 这是奇迹! [11:54.68]It's not a miracle. I'm sure there's an explanation. 这不是奇迹 我相信这一定有合理的解释 [11:57.78]There is. If your heart is pure, wondrous things can happen. 没错,只要你的心地纯正 奇迹一定会发生 [12:04.55]She'll understand. I didn't do it on purpose. 她会了解的,我不是故意的 [12:07.42]Dad, that won't matter to her. 爸,对她来说那并不重要 [12:09.32]Look, all my stuff is safe and dry. 你看,我的箱子完全没事 [12:11.83]And all her stuff is... 她的东西都… [12:13.56]growing new stuff. 长出新的东西了 [12:16.90]This is the kind of thing... 就是这样的事… [12:18.60]that makes her think you love me more than you lovr her. 让她认为你们爱我更胜于爱她 [12:22.10]Oh my God. Does she realy think that? 天啊,她真的那么认为? [12:24.21]-Well, can you blame her? -I don't know. -你能怪她吗? -我不知道 [12:26.61]We may have favored you unconsciously. You were a marvel. 或许我们在潜意识里 是偏爱你的,你是个奇迹 [12:30.34]-The doctors said your mom couldn't.. -I don't want to hear about it. -医生说你妈没办法… -我不想听 [12:33.91]-Really? -Well, not right now. -真的吗? -现在不想 [12:37.35]Monica came here for some memories. Damn it, we'll give her some. 摩妮卡来这里找回忆 该死,我们得给她一些回忆 [12:41.62]Okay, grab... 好吧,拿… [12:43.56]Grab some boxes. We'll take stuff from mine... 把空箱子拿过来 我们拿一些我的东西… [12:46.93]and whatever we can pass off as hers, we'll put in there. 放在这些箱子里 只要能骗过她的就行 [12:52.07]Like, this. She could have made this. 譬如说这个,这可能是她做的 [12:54.50]-This could have been hers. -Sure. -这可能是她的 -没错 [12:59.27]If you want to tell the medical marvel story while we work, that'd be fine. 现在是告诉我那个“医学奇迹” 的适当时机了 [13:08.02]I am so psyched I kept this chair for myself. 我好高兴我能把这张椅子 留下来给自己用 [13:15.56]Yeah. Me too. 对,我也是 [13:20.73]You know, this thing has speakers in the headrest? 你知道这张椅子的头垫上 还附了喇叭吗? [13:25.40]-No, really? -Yeah. -不,真的吗? -没错 [13:26.97]You can hook it to the TV and you get radio. 你可以把它跟电视机接在一起 还可以听收音机 [13:34.94]My chair heals itself. 我的椅子有自疗的功能 [13:39.48]All right. Let's just forget about the people at the office, okay? 好吧,我们别提 办公室的同事了,好吗? [13:42.62]There's gotta be someone worth sticking around for. 一定有人值得你留恋 [13:46.59]What about family or friends? Maybe a girlfriend? 你的家人跟朋友呢? 或许你有女朋友? [13:51.29]Yeah, right. 是啊 [13:52.83]Oh, sorry. Boyfriend? 喔,抱歉,你的男朋友呢? [13:56.13]Okay, I should... 好了,我应该… [13:57.57]be getting back to my thing now. 去做我想做的事了 [14:00.33]See you. 再见 [14:02.10]I'm not finished! Don't you dare hang up on me! 我还没有说完!你休想挂我电话! [14:05.77]The new girl's good. 新来的女同事真的有一套 [14:10.61]Which boxes are mine? 哪些箱子是我的? [14:12.61]-These are yours right here. -Okay. -你的箱子在这里 -好吧 [14:15.75]A coloring book. 着色簿 [14:17.72]You loved that thing. 你喜欢那个玩意 [14:19.42]You never went anywhere without... 你去哪里都会… [14:22.42]without that coloring book. 都会带着那本着色簿 [14:24.53]Really? 真的吗? [14:25.96]Looks like I had trouble staying in the lines. 看起来我老是没办法 把颜色涂在线里 [14:28.80]Nuh-uh! 不 [14:31.90]Wow, look at this. 哇,你看这个 [14:33.27]I can't believe I even fit into this shirt. 我不敢相信以前我穿得下这件T恤 [14:36.44](暴龙 罗斯) [14:40.77]Oh, this is yours. 喔,这是你的 [14:42.28]I don't know how that got in there. 我不知道它怎么会跑到那里去 [14:46.91]Hey, this isn't my stuff. 嘿,这不是我的东西 [14:49.15]Ross, these are your boxes. 罗斯,这些是你的箱子 [14:56.09]Where are my boxes? 我的箱子在哪里? [14:58.83]The garage flooded, sweetie, and ruined your boxes. I'm sorry. 车库淹水,亲爱的 你的箱子都进了水,对不起 [15:04.37]Just mine? 只有我的箱子进水了? [15:05.60]I'm afraid so. 恐怕是那样的 [15:07.43]Why wasn't Ross' stuff ruined? 为什么罗斯的东西都没坏? [15:11.54]I used your boxes to divert water away from the Porsche. 我用你的箱子挡水来保护我的保时捷 [15:15.51]Ross' stuff is fine, but I have no memories... 罗斯的东西都没事 但我什么回忆都没有了… [15:18.41]so you could keep the bottom of your car from water? 只为了你不希望 你的汽车底盘碰到水? [15:21.62]There was also leaves and gook and stuff. 水里有树叶、泥巴跟杂物 [15:27.19]I can't believe this! 我不敢相信! [15:35.36]Screw it. I'm having one. 去他的,我要抽根烟 [15:42.47]-Hey, Chandler. -Hey. -嘿,钱德 -嘿 [15:44.57]How'd you like to sit in a chair that reclines... 你要不要试试看一张可以平躺… [15:48.04]has a rolling massage... 有滚轮按摩功能… [15:50.28]and speakers in the headrest? 头垫还附了喇叭的椅子? [15:52.78]I've tried that so many times... 我试过很多次… [15:55.08]they won't even let me in the store anymore. 但他们已经不再让我走进他们店里 [15:59.55]What if I said you could do it in my apartment? 如果我说你可以到我家试坐一下呢? [16:02.96]Are you telling me... 你是说… [16:04.46]you bought the chair that makes all others obsolete? 你买了那张让其他椅子 都变成废物的椅子? [16:08.06]The chair that Sit Magazine called "Chair of the Year"? 那张《椅子杂志》封为 “年度最佳椅子”的椅子? [16:14.64]I just purchased... 我刚刚买了… [16:15.90]the La-Z-Boy E-Cliner 3000. 懒男孩E倾斜3000型 [16:20.31]Well, that's awesome! That's great! What made you do it? 喔,那真的是太棒了!太帅了! 你为什么会买下它? [16:22.78]It's a long story, but, I broke Joey's chair.. 说来话长,但我弄坏了乔伊的椅子… [16:25.95]Whoa, whoa, whoa. You broke Joey's chair? 哇…你弄坏了乔伊的椅子? [16:28.88]I thought I did, that's why I replaced it with mine. 我以为是我干的 所以我用我的椅子跟它调包 [16:33.89]That's how it got fixed! 所以它才会完全没事! [16:36.82]You thought that elves came in and fixed it? 你以为是妖精把它修好的? [16:40.16]No. 不 [16:41.83]Angels. 是天使干的 [16:44.77]I'm getting my chair back. 我要把我的椅子拿回来 [16:49.84]Well, looks like it wasn't healed after all! 喔,看起来它根本没有自疗功能! [16:54.94]I guess this chair's mine now. 我猜这张椅子是我的了 [17:00.35]Joey, you broke my chair! 乔伊,你弄坏了我的椅子! [17:02.22]Your chair? 你的椅子? [17:03.45]He thought he broke it, so he switched chairs. 他以为他把它弄坏了 所以他调换了椅子 [17:06.62]So there was no miracle? 奇迹根本不存在? [17:08.52]No, Joe. No miracle. 没错,乔伊,奇迹不存在 [17:10.62]Oh, no! This is devastating! 喔,不!这真的是太糟糕了! [17:14.43]My faith is shaken. I'm glad I have a new chair to get me through this. 我的信念被击垮了,我很高兴 这张新椅子能陪我走过这一切 [17:21.44]Where can I find Earl? He's the supply manager here. 请问厄尔在哪里?他是总务部经理 [17:25.67]I don't know any Earl. 我不认识厄尔 [17:27.31]I'm right here! 我在这里! [17:32.98]Earl? 厄尔? [17:36.25]I'm Phoebe. 我是菲比 [17:37.82]Phoebe? 菲比? [17:39.39]The lady who sells toner? 卖碳粉的小姐? [17:41.99]Look, you can't kill yourself. 听着,你不能自杀 [17:45.33]Look, I really appreciate you coming down.. 我很感激你赶过来… [17:48.23]No, I can't let you do it. 不,我不能让你那么做 [17:50.16]-Why? -Because, fate made me call you today. -为什么? -因为命运让我今天打电话给你 [17:54.57]I thought it was toner. 我还以为你是打电话来卖碳粉 [17:57.91]Think about it, okay? This isn't even my regular job. 好好想一想,好吗? 这根本不是我的正职 [18:02.24]My first day, you're my first call. 我第一天上班就第一个打电话给你 [18:04.91]Somebody else may have hung up, but I wouldn't do that... 其他人可能会挂掉电话 但我不会那么做… [18:08.72]because I know about this stuff. 因为我了解这种事 [18:10.78]-My mom killed herself. -Really? -我妈是自杀的 -真的吗? [18:13.89]How? 她怎么自杀的? [18:15.09]I'm not gonna give you tips. 我绝不会教你 [18:18.69]Don't you see that this... 你看不出来… [18:20.69]all came together so I could stop you from doing this? 这些都是注定好的 所以我才会来阻止你自杀? [18:25.43]-Couldn't it just be a coincidence? -No, it's fate. -这不是巧合吗? -不,这是命中注定 [18:30.04]It doesn't really seem like enough to be fate. 它看起来不像是命中注定 [18:33.37]Oh, well. 喔,好吧 [18:34.71]Okay, here's a weird thing. 好吧,有件事很奇怪 [18:36.81]My mother was also a supply manager. 我妈妈也是总务部经理 [18:42.45]I'm actually the office manager. 事实上我是办公室经理 [18:44.55]Oh, my God! So was she! 我的天啊!她也是! [18:46.75]And get this, okay. 还有这个,好吧 [18:49.22]Your name is Earl, right? Her name was Pearl. 你是厄尔,对吧?她叫做普厄儿 [18:53.09]Puh-Earl. 普…厄尔 [18:56.56]Was there anything else? 还有别的证据吗? [18:58.47]Sure. 当然有 [19:02.30]Where're you from? 你是哪里人? [19:03.54]-Philadelphia. -Oh, my God, so was she! -费城 -喔,我的天啊,她也是! [19:08.04]I've got goose bumps. 我都起鸡皮疙瘩了 [19:10.31]Really? 真的吗? [19:11.55]I'm wearing layers, and it's warm. 我穿太多了,而且这里很热 [19:15.28]These jerks might not care about you... 或许这些混蛋不在乎你… [19:17.78]but the universe does, and that says a lot. 但宇宙在乎你,那才是最重要的 [19:23.66]Did you hear that? 你们听到了吗? [19:25.83]I don't need you guys to care about me... 我不需要你们在乎我… [19:28.50]because the universe cares! 因为宇宙在乎我 [19:30.83]The whole universe! 整个宇宙在乎我! [19:38.57]I really wish they'd care a little bit. 我真的希望他们能在乎我一下 [19:43.08]Oh, this is terrible. 喔,这真的是太可怕了 [19:45.18]Everything is destroyed. 所有的东西都毁了 [19:48.62]Look at this. 你看这个 [19:49.85]It meant enough for me to save, and now I can't tell what it is. 它一定很重要我才会保存它 现在我看不出来它是什么东西 [19:55.32]It's still soft. 它还软软的 [19:59.89]What do you think this is? 你觉得它是什么呢? [20:03.46]I think it was a mouse. 我想它是老鼠 [20:13.91]-How are you, honey? -How do you think I am? -你还好吗?甜心 -你觉得呢? [20:16.98]You've wrecked my childhood memories... 你毁了我的童年回忆… [20:19.65]you love Ross more than me. 你们爱罗斯比爱我多 [20:21.62]And I just rubbed a dead mouse on my face. 我刚刚还拿死了的老鼠碰我的脸 [20:26.62]Sweetheart, we love you just as much as Ross. 甜心,我们爱你就像我们爱罗斯 [20:31.16]I'm sorry about what happened... 箱子的事我很抱歉… [20:33.33]and I probably can't make it up to you... 也许我永远没办法补偿你… [20:37.00]but here's a start. 但这是个开始 [20:41.74]-What's this? -It's the key to my Porsche. -这是什么? -我的保时捷的钥匙 [20:45.07]Well, the key to your Porsche. 你的保时捷的钥匙 [20:48.41]What? 什么?! [20:49.71]What?! 什么?! [20:52.41]I've considered getting rid of it. I saw my reflection the other day. 我一直想把它卖掉 有天我在车子看到自己的倒影 [20:57.68]Your mother's right, I do look like an ass. 你妈说的对,我看起来像个瘪三 [21:02.02]You're giving it to me? You're kidding. 你要把它送给我?你一定是在开玩笑 [21:04.89]Well, wait a minute. 等一下 [21:08.06]A couple of stupid boxes get wet, and she gets a Porsche? 几箱蠢东西湿掉了 她就可以拿到保时捷? [21:13.90]-Let's take a drive? -All right! -我们去兜个风吧 -太帅了! [21:16.10]What about me? I'm a medical marvel! 我呢?我是医学奇迹! [21:34.42]Hey, guys. 嘿,你们都在 [21:35.96]Have you seen Chandler's chair? 你们看到钱德的椅子了吗? [21:38.03]Joey broke it. He got rid of it. 乔伊把它弄坏了,于是他把它丢了 [21:40.26]Are you kidding? I get a Porsche and the Barcalounger's gone? 你在开玩笑吗?我得到了保时捷 而且巴卡兰格被丢掉了? [21:44.67]This is the best day ever! 这是有史以来最棒的一天