[00:03.50]Guys, you won't believe this! 你们一定不会相信! [00:05.63]-I just talked to my agent.. -Oh, my God! -我刚刚跟我的经纪人谈过… -我的天啊! [00:10.57]I'm sorry. Too soon. You go. 对不起,太快了,你说吧 [00:13.48]I got nominated for Days of Our Lives! 我因为《我们的日子》被提名! [00:16.61]-Good for you! -Congratulations! -这真的是太好了! -恭喜你! [00:19.95]I can't believe you're nominated for an Emmy! 我不敢相信你获得艾美奖提名! [00:22.98]-Soap Opera Digest Award? -No. I'm up for a "Soapie." -肥皂剧文摘奖? -不,我被提名“肥皂奖” [00:28.72]Is that something you're making up? 那是你乱编的吗? [00:31.53]No, no, no, it's real! And it has been, since 1998. 不,它是真的 这个奖从1998年开始颁发 [00:37.97]I'm up for a Soapie! 嘿,瑞秋!我被提名肥皂奖了! [00:40.60]Oh, my God! 我的天啊! [00:41.84]My God! That's the third most prestigious soap opera award there is! 天啊!那是排名第三的肥皂剧大奖! [00:46.88]Thank you! I guess we know who I'll take to the awards! 谢谢!我猜我们知道 我该带谁参加颁奖典礼! [00:50.91]Don't kid about that! Will all the stars be there? 别跟我开这种玩笑! 所有明星都会去吗? [00:54.32]Many are scheduled to appear. 很多人都说他们会去 [00:58.62]-I can't go. I'll be too nervous! -I'll go. -我不能去,我一定会太紧张! -那就换我去吧 [01:02.62]You're getting married. This is all I have. 你要结婚了,这个机会是我的 [01:07.20]The One With Joey's Award 本集播出:乔伊的肥皂奖 [00:00.00] [01:46.60]Ernest Muhlbrat hypothesized that the velociraptor, when threatened... 恩斯特穆伯拉特假设 迅猛龙受到威胁时… [01:51.61]would expand its collar and emit a high-pitched noise... 他会把颈部肌肉张开 发出尖锐的叫声… [01:56.04]to frighten off predators. 将敌人吓跑 [01:58.45]Mr. Lewis? 路易斯,什么事? [02:00.52]What kind of noise? 他是怎么叫的? [02:02.68]Just a high-pitched, intimidating noise. 他会发出尖锐吵杂的声音 [02:07.46]But like how? 那到底是什么样子? [02:10.02]Well, we don't know for sure. 我们并不确定 [02:13.46]But in my head, it sounded something like this: 但我想,应该是这样的: [02:30.95]Of course, this is just conjecture. 当然,这只是种猜测 [02:36.65]Okay. That's all for today. 好了,今天的课上到这里 [02:40.29]Mr. Morse, can I see you for a moment? 摩斯,我能跟你谈谈吗? [02:46.09]Yes, sir? 什么事?教授 [02:47.63]I need to talk to you about your midterm exam. 我得跟你谈谈你的期中考成绩 [02:52.23]-I'm afraid I had to fail you. -Why? -恐怕我得把你当掉 -为什么? [02:56.87]Well, you need 60% to pass. 你得答中百分之六十才能过关 [02:59.54]-What did I get? -Seven. -我的分数是多少? -七 [03:02.91]That's not so good. 那不是很好 [03:06.11]No, no, it's not. What happened, Ned? 不,那糟透了,奈德 到底发生了什么事? [03:09.58]Maybe you can cut me some slack. I'm sort of in love. 或许你可以饶我一次,我恋爱了 [03:15.32]I'm sorry, but that's really not my problem. 抱歉,但那和我无关 [03:18.99]I'm in love with you. 我爱上了你 [03:22.80]That brings me in the loop a little. 那好像跟我有一点关系 [03:26.27]That's why I did so bad on this test. I'm having a hard time concentrating. 所以我才会考那么烂 我没办法专心上课 [03:30.97]When you're up there and you're teaching... 你站在讲台上讲课的时候… [03:34.58]and your face gets all serious... 表情是那么地严肃… [03:37.15]You look so good. When you wear that tight little turtleneck sweater.. 你看起来好帅 当你穿着紧身套头毛衣时… [03:46.45]I'm your teacher. I'm sorry. 我是你的老师,对不起 [03:49.52]You're a student. 你是学生 [03:51.29]And I like women. 而且我喜欢女人 [03:53.49]In spite of what may be written on the backs of these chairs. 虽然有人在椅背上写了一些话 [04:02.20]That guy at the counter's totally checking you out. 吧台那个男人在看你 [04:05.71]Really? 真的吗? [04:07.88]-Oh, my God, he's really cute! -Go for it. -我的天啊,他真的好帅! -去吧 [04:12.61]Phoebe, I'm engaged. 菲比,我订婚了 [04:14.35]I'm saying, get his number, just in case. 我建议你去问他的 电话号码,以防万一 [04:18.49]But if Chandler's in an accident and can't perform sexually... 说不定钱德发生意外 丧失了性能力… [04:22.92]he'd want you to take a lover to satisfy needs he'd no longer fulfill. 他要你找个爱人 满足他无法满足你的那个部份 [04:33.03]Can I just tell you something? 我能跟你说句话吗? [04:35.40]I'm very flattered, but I'm engaged. 我真的受宠若惊,但我订婚了 [04:40.14]This is kind of embarrassing. 这真的是很难启齿 [04:42.24]I actually came over to talk to your friend. 事实上,我想跟你朋友说话 [04:48.08]You should be embarrassed. 你应该觉得丢脸 [04:53.45]-I thought you knew I looked at you. -I did, but that was really fun. -我以为你知道我在看你 -我知道,但那真的很好玩 [05:00.40]"The winner is... Joey Tribbiani!" “得奖的是…乔伊崔比亚尼” [05:09.00]"I honestly never expected this. 我真的没想到我会得奖… [05:13.04]I didn't prepare a speech. 我没有准备演讲稿… [05:14.94]I'd like to thank my parents, who've always been there for me. 我要谢谢我的父母 他们一直支持着我… [05:19.51]Also like to thank my friends, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Rachel.." 我还要谢谢我的朋友 钱德,摩妮卡,菲比,瑞秋… [05:24.79]-I'm fourth? -Jeez! -我排在第四个? -天啊! [05:28.69]Look at you with your maple syrup award! 看看你,拿着你的枫糖奖! [05:31.56]Maybe you don't tell anyone about this? 拜托你不要告诉别人这件事 [05:35.03]No big deal. I do that with my shampoo bottle. 那没有什么大不了的 我也会拿着洗发精的瓶子那么做 [05:38.20]-Really? -Yeah. -真的吗? -没错 [05:39.33]-What award are you practicing for? -Grammy. -你假装自己得了什么奖? -葛莱美奖 [05:43.81]For Best New Artist. 我是最佳新进艺人 [05:47.11]The Soapies people called today. I also get to present an award. 肥皂奖的人今天打电话给我 我还得上台颁奖 [05:51.91]So you'll get on stage even if you don't win. 所以就算你没得奖 你也有机会上台 [05:59.09]-You don't think I'll win? -Of course I do. -你以为我不会得奖? -你当然会得奖 [06:02.89]But Favorite Returning Character? That's a tough category. 但最受欢迎死而复生奖? 那个奖的竞争很激烈 [06:06.93]You're up against the guy who survived his own cremation. 你要跟一个火葬了之后 还能活过来的人竞争 [06:11.47]No, I know I might not win. But it's just... 不,我知道或许我不会得奖 但那只是… [06:15.20]I've never been nominated. I want it so much. 我从来没有被提名过 我真的很想得奖 [06:18.41]You'll probably get it. 或许你会得奖 [06:20.14]But you should start practicing your "gracious-loser" face. 但你应该开始练习 你的“运动家精神”表情 [06:24.01]When the cameras are on you, you want to look disappointed. 当摄影机拍到你时 你得表现出失望的样子 [06:28.02]But also that your colleague deserved to win. Like: 但也得表现出对方是 实至名归的表情,就像这样: [06:36.29]You know? 你知道吗? [06:37.49]-You practice losing the Grammys too? -No, at the Grammys, I always win. -你也假装自己没得到葛莱美奖? -不,我是葛莱美奖的常胜军 [06:48.47]-Hey! -How'd your date go with Jake? -嘿! -你跟杰克约会还顺利吗? [06:51.31]Great. We couldn't keep our eyes off each other. 太棒了,我们一直注视着彼此 [06:54.51]Every once in a while, he'd lean over, stroke my hair, then touch my neck. 每隔一阵子他就会靠过来 摸我的头发跟脖子 [07:00.01]Stop it. You're getting me all tingly. 住手,你害得我好痒 [07:03.52]All I could think of was, is he gonna kiss me? 我只能想他要吻我了吗? [07:06.62]-Did he? -I'm a lady. I don't kiss and tell. -他吻了你吗? -我是个淑女,绝不会泄露那种事 [07:09.52]But this hickey speaks for itself. 但这个吻痕说明了一切 [07:11.99]Okay, I got it. I got it. 好了,我知道了 [07:14.46]I like him so much, I feel like I've had 10 drinks today. 我真的好喜欢他 感觉上像是我今天喝了十杯酒 [07:18.77]I've only had six. 我只喝了六杯 [07:22.30]I haven't had that feeling since I first went out with Chandler. 我第一次跟钱德约会后 再也没有那样的感觉 [07:28.04]-I'll never have that feeling again. -You sound like a guy. -我永远都不会再有那样的感觉 -你的口气跟男人一模一样 [07:31.65]No, a guy would say, "I'll never get to sleep with anyone else." 不,男人会说:“我永远 都不能再跟别人上床” [07:36.02]I'll never sleep with anyone else! 我永远都不能再跟别人上床! [07:39.85]I'm so busy planning the wedding, I forgot about what I'll give up. 我一直忙着筹备婚礼 完全忘了我要放弃什么 [07:45.39]I'll never have a first kiss again. 我再也不会有初吻 [07:48.36]You'll have a last kiss. 你会有最后的吻别 [07:55.74]Can I ask you something? Has a guy ever had a crush on you? 我能问你一件事吗? 有男人喜欢过你吗? [07:59.51]Is that why you wanted to tie my tie? 那就是你要帮我打领带的原因? [08:03.54]A kid in my class said he's in love with me. 我班上的学生说他爱上我了 [08:07.22]Whoa! 哇! [08:08.45]-Whoa, what? -Ross has a boyfriend! -哇什么? -罗斯有男朋友了 [08:11.89]I do not have a boyfriend. 我没有男朋友 [08:14.22]There's a guy in one of my classes who has a crush on me. 我班上有个男学生暗恋我 [08:18.36]-Really? -Yeah. -真的吗? -对 [08:20.13]Last year, Elizabeth, now this kid... 去年是伊莉莎白,现在是这个孩子… [08:23.06]What is it? Am I giving out some kind of... 这是怎么一回事?我散发出… [08:26.90]sexy-professor vibe? 性感教授的气质吗? [08:32.54]Not right now. 现在看起来不像 [08:34.71]The point is, my natural charisma has made him fail his midterm. 重点是我的天生丽质 让他期中考被当掉 [08:40.05]Now I feel bad for the kid. 我为那个孩子感到难过 [08:42.25]I had a crush on a teacher once, and it was so hard. 我也曾经暗恋过老师,那真的很难受 [08:45.79]I couldn't concentrate. I blushed every time he looked at me. 我没办法专心上课 每次他看着我时,我都会脸红 [08:50.22]You remember what it's like to be 19 and in love. 你还记得十九岁时的恋爱滋味吧 [08:56.50]-I can cut him some slack. -Yeah. -我可以放他一马 -太棒了 [08:59.07]-How'd you get over that teacher? -I didn't. I got under him. -你怎么忘记那个老师的? -我没有,我跟他上床了 [09:05.74]Problem solved. 问题解决了 [09:10.61]-Bye, Phoebe. -Okay, bye. -再见,菲比 -好的,再见 [09:18.32]-All right. Bye. -Bye. -好的,再见 -再见 [09:27.80]We said goodbye at the door so as not to flaunt our new love. 我们在门边说再见 不想炫耀我们的新恋情 [09:32.13]It's okay. You don't have to tiptoe around me. 没关系,你不必顾忌我 [09:36.10]I've thought about it. You know what? 我已经想过了,你知道吗? [09:38.67]I'm okay, not having that new-relationship feeling. 我可以接受没有心动感觉的生活 [09:41.41]-I miss you already! -I miss you too! -我已经开始想你了! -我也会想你! [09:48.45]That's great, but I wouldn't trade what I have for that. 那真的太棒了 但我不会拿我的幸福跟你交换 [09:52.92]I'll be with Chandler the rest of my life. That makes me happy. 我会一辈子跟钱德相守 那让我觉得幸福 [09:58.16]Come sit down. We're talking about how our relationship's deep... 快坐下,我们正在谈 我们的关系有多深厚… [10:02.96]and meaningful. It is, don't you think? 是那么地有意义 真的是那样,你觉得呢? [10:05.87]Oh, totally. 喔,一点都没错 [10:08.47]Pull my finger. 拉一下我的手指 [10:15.48]-Favorite Returning Male.. -This is my category! -最受欢迎死而复生男演员… -轮到我了! [10:20.95]-Got your speech? -Got my speech. -你的演讲稿带了吗? -带了 [10:22.82]Got your gracious-loser face? 运动家精神表情练习好了吗? [10:27.09]Try to remember, if you win, you have to hug me. 记住,如果你得奖了,你得抱我 [10:30.46]Can I squeeze your ass? 我能捏你的**吗? [10:33.46]On TV? 在电视上吗? [10:35.53]Yeah! 可以! [10:37.87]In the Favorite Returning Male character category, the nominees are: 在最受欢迎死而复生 男演员奖方面被提名的有: [10:41.47]John Wheeler from General Hospital. 约翰惠勒,《总医院》 [10:46.01]Gavin Graham from The Young and the Restless. 盖文葛拉罕,《年少轻狂》 [10:50.18]Duncan Harrington from Passions. 唐肯哈灵顿,《热情》 [10:53.75]And Joey Tribbiani from Days of Our Lives. 乔伊崔比亚尼,《我们的日子》 [10:58.62]And the Soapie goes to: 得奖的是: [11:02.89]Gavin Graham from The Young and the Restless. 盖文葛拉罕,《年少轻狂》 [11:18.21]Presenting the Favorite Supporting Actress award: 颁发最受欢迎女配角奖的是: [11:21.64]Joey Tribbiani from Days of Our Lives. 演《我们的日子》的乔伊崔比亚尼 [11:30.58]Any one of the brilliant actresses nominated for this award... 所有在这个奖项 被提名的优秀女演员… [11:34.96]deserves to take it home. Unfortunately, only one can. 得奖都是实至名归 可惜只有一个人能得奖 [11:41.80]The nominees for Favorite Supporting Actress are: 最受欢迎女配角奖被提名的有: [11:44.53]From Passions, Erin Goff. 《热情》,艾玲高菲 [11:51.57]From One Life to Live, Mary Lauren Bishop. All My Children, Sarah Renee. 《一生一次》,犸丽墨琳毕雪 《我的孩子们》,莎拉蕾妮 [11:56.34]And from Days of Our Lives, Jessica Ashley. 《我们的日子》,洁西卡艾许丽 [11:59.35]And the winner is: 得奖的是: [12:02.18]Jessica Ashley from Days of Our Lives. 洁西卡艾许丽,《我们的日子》 [12:06.82]Unfortunately, Jessica couldn't be with us tonight... 不幸地,洁西卡今晚因故无法出席… [12:10.29]so I'll accept this award on her behalf. 我要代表她接受这个奖 [12:16.70]And I'm sure that Jessica... 我相信洁西卡… [12:19.63]wants to thank my parents... 会想谢谢我的父母… [12:22.20]who always believed in me. 他们一直都很支持我 [12:24.71]She'd also like to thank my friends: 她也感谢我的朋友 [12:26.81]Chandler, Monica, Ross, Phoebe and Rachel... 钱德,摩妮卡,罗斯,菲比跟瑞秋… [12:31.15]who's sitting right there. 她就坐在那边 [12:44.93]Why'd we rush out so fast? 我们为什么要急着离开? [12:48.13]We had to get out of there because.. Look what I won! 我们得赶快离开 因为…你看我拿了什么回家! [12:54.34]Oh, my God. You stole her award! 我的天啊,你偷走她的奖杯! [12:57.71]No, no, no. I'm accepting it on her behalf. 不…我代表她收下它 [13:02.64]I don't think you know what "behalf" means. 我想你不知道“代表”是什么意思 [13:05.18]Sure I do. It's a verb. As in "I be half-in' it"! 我当然知道,它是个动词 意思是“我能分一半”! [13:13.39]-You've got to take this back. -I should've won. I really wanted it. -你得把它还回去 -我应该得奖的,我真的好想得奖 [13:18.09]She didn't care enough to come to the thing. It could also be a Grammy. 她根本不在乎才没有出席 它也可以拿来当葛莱美 [13:26.23]No, Joey. 不,乔伊 [13:27.60]No one saw me take it. There's a whole table of them. 没有人看到我把它拿走 整个桌子上都是奖杯 [13:31.67]Do you want an award you didn't win? 你想要一个不属于你的奖杯吗? [13:34.38]No, I want an award I did win. But nobody's given me any of those! 不,我想要一个属于我的奖杯 但没有人愿意让我得奖 [13:39.78]If I put it up, when people come over, they'll see it... 如果我把它摆在这里 大家就会看到它… [13:43.75]and think I won it. 以为我真的得奖了 [13:45.49]Joey, it says "Best Supporting Actress." 乔伊,上面写着“最佳女配角奖” [13:48.72]I can scratch that right off. 我可以把那个刮掉 [13:52.19]This is wrong. You have to take it back. 这是不对的,你得把它还回去 [13:54.90]You don't want to win an award this way. You're very talented. 你不会想这样把奖杯拿回家 你真的有演戏天份 [13:59.70]Someday you'll win one of these for real and that one will mean something. 有一天你会真的得奖 那对你来说才有意义 [14:07.31]-Oh, all right. -All right? Thank you. -好吧 -好吗?谢谢 [14:11.25]I'll take it back tomorrow. -我明天就把它还回去 -谢谢 [14:25.39]If I can't have it, you can't have it! 如果我不能拥有它 你也不能拥有它! [14:34.77]-Professor Geller? -Yes, Mr. Lewis? How can I help you? -盖勒教授? -路易斯?有什么事吗? [14:39.04]I know I didn't do well on my midterms and stuff. 我知道我的期中考没有考好 [14:42.58]But I was hoping you could change my grade. 但我希望你能帮我改成绩 [14:45.95]And why, exactly, would I do that? 我为什么要那么做? [14:48.92]Because I'm in love with you. 因为我爱上你了 [14:53.75]What? 什么? [14:55.76]Yeah. I'm all in love with you and stuff. 对,我爱上你了 [15:01.70]-So could you change my grade? -No! -你可以帮我改成绩吗? -不行! [15:05.47]Why not? You changed Ned's grade. 为什么?你帮奈德改成绩 [15:07.80]That's different. Because he was actually in love with me. 那不一样,因为他真的爱上我了 [15:12.11]No, he's not! He's totally yanking your chain. 不,他才没有!他只是在耍你 [15:15.28]He's done this with three other teachers. 他已经用这一招对付过其他三个教授 [15:19.85]-What? -He's got a girlfriend. -什么? -他有女朋友 [15:23.78]I can't believe someone would do that for a grade. 我不敢相信有人会为了成绩那么做 [15:26.95]I know. 我知道 [15:28.39]It's awful. 那太可怕了 [15:31.73]I love you. 我爱你 [15:37.03]-Have you seen Chandler? -No, why? 你看到钱德了吗? [15:39.20]I keep thinking about all the things I won't have. 我一直在想我会失去的一切 [15:42.50]It's freaking me out. I don't know what to do. 我真的吓坏了,我不知道该怎么办 [15:45.61]Don't sweat it. 别担心 [15:46.97]Chandler's not around, so get it out of your system. That guy's cute. 钱德不在,别管那么多规矩 那个男的很帅 [15:53.41]Come on, I'm serious. 别这样,我是认真的 [15:56.35]-I've got to talk to him about this. -That's the last thing you want to do. -我得跟他谈这件事 -你真的不该那么做 [16:01.12]-Why? -Because you're marrying him! -为什么? -因为你要嫁给他! [16:05.39]You gotta help me out here. 你得帮帮我 [16:08.00]I've never been engaged. I've never really been married. 我从来没有订婚过,也没有结婚过 [16:11.50]I can only tell you what my mother told me. 我只能告诉你我妈跟我说的话 [16:14.40]When you have doubts or fears or anxieties about a relationship... 当你对一段关系有疑虑 害怕或焦虑时… [16:18.91]don't communicate them to your husband. 别跟你的丈夫沟通这些问题 [16:23.24]I'm not supposed to share my doubts and fears... 我不该跟我要共度一生的男人… [16:26.51]with the guy I'm spending the rest of my life with? 分享我的疑虑跟恐惧? [16:29.75]That is correct. Yes. 没错,就是那样 [16:31.72]You're supposed to put all that stuff in a little box in your mind... 你应该把那件事放在心里… [16:36.22]and lock it up. 永远不再提 [16:38.66]Your mother told you this? -那是你妈妈告诉你的? -对 [16:40.46]The woman who married a bunch of times and killed herself when you were 13? 那个结了很多次婚 在你十三岁时她就自杀了的女人? [16:46.37]Oh, my God, you're right. 我的天啊,你说的对 [16:48.17]Tell Chandler. Hurry, before it's too late! 去告诉钱德,快点,免得太迟了! [16:51.21]Wait! Does this also mean that putting out doesn't get you love? 等一下,这也表示 放荡是得不到真爱的吗? [16:59.05](银杯) [17:01.25]-I'm gonna meet Jessica Ashley! -Wait, wait. -我不信我要跟洁西卡艾许丽碰面! -等一下 [17:04.45]Rach, please be cool, okay? I work with this woman. 瑞秋,拜托你酷一点,好吗? 我跟这个女人一起工作 [17:08.42]Okay, I'm totally cool. 好吧,我会很酷的 [17:11.33]Come in. 请进 [17:13.99]Hey, Jessica. 嘿,洁西卡 [17:15.26]Hey, Jess. 嘿,洁西 [17:17.63]This is my friend Rachel. 她是我朋友瑞秋 [17:19.13]-Hi. -What's up? -嗨 -你好吗? [17:24.64]Here's your Soapie. I accepted it for you. 这是你的肥皂奖 我代表你收下了它 [17:27.78]Oh, my God. I won? Do you have any idea what this means? 我的天啊,我得奖了? 你知道这代表什么意义吗? [17:35.08]You're not gonna put it on your shelf or anything? 你不把它摆在柜子里吗? [17:38.65]No, I try to save that for real awards. Now if you'll excuse me? 不,我只想把真正的奖杯 摆在柜子里,对不起 [17:46.43]-Take it back? -Absolutely. -要把它拿回去吗? -那当然 [17:53.43]Yeah, you do! 对,做的好! [17:57.77]Honey? As we get closer to the wedding... 甜心?我们快结婚了… [18:00.97]is there anything you'd like to share? 有什么事你想跟我分享吗? [18:03.81]Okay. I think the centerpieces are too big. 好吧,我觉得桌上的装饰太大了 [18:07.88]You're wrong. The centerpieces are fine. 你错了,桌上的装饰刚刚好 [18:12.35]-Do you ever get scared at all? -Kind of. They're really big. -你曾经觉得害怕过吗? -有一点,它们真的很大 [18:18.29]Doesn't it freak you out that you'll never be with anybody new again? 你不害怕自己没办法再认识新的人吗? [18:24.36]What? 什么? [18:26.97]I love you so much. 我非常爱你 [18:29.70]Sometimes it bothers me that I'll never have that feeling. 有时候我会很难过 我无法再有那样的感觉 [18:33.87]When you first meet someone... 当你刚认识一个人… [18:36.21]and it's new and exciting. You know that rush? 你会觉得新鲜刺激 你知道那种心动的感觉吗? [18:42.78]No, when I first meet somebody... 不,当我刚认识一个人… [18:45.55]it's mostly panic, anxiety and a great deal of sweating. 我会觉得慌张,焦虑,满头大汗 [18:51.53]Okay. But you're a guy. 好吧,但你是男人 [18:53.49]Aren't you freaked out that you'll never sleep with anybody else? 你不害怕你永远不能 再跟别人上床吗? [18:57.90]Sleeping with somebody, no. 不能跟别人上床,不 [19:00.57]Anxiety, panic and, I'm afraid, even more sweating. 我害怕的是焦虑,慌张,跟满头大汗 [19:06.01]Even with me? 即使是跟我在一起? [19:07.44]I was dangerously dehydrated the first six months of our relationship. 我们刚开始交往的六个月 我严重脱水 [19:13.51]For me, the rush is knowing that we'll be together the rest of our lives. 对我来说心动的感觉是 我们会共度余生 [19:19.85]-Really? -Well, yeah. -真的吗? -对 [19:22.36]Knowing you're having these thoughts, we're back to panic, anxiety and... 知道你有这些想法 我们又回到了慌张,焦虑跟… [19:27.13]I'll definitely need some kind of sports drink. 我真的需要喝点运动饮料 [19:32.87]Come here. Oh, you don't have to worry. 过来,你不必担心 [19:36.70]Besides, you know what? I'll have a lot of new things with you. 而且你知道吗?跟你在一起 我一定能遇上新鲜的事 [19:41.64]The first time we buy a house. Our first kid. Our first grandkid. 我们第一次买房子 第一个孩子,第一个孙子 [19:46.38]Water. Water. Water. 给我水,快点 [19:50.65]Mr. Morse? Can I speak to you for a moment? 摩斯?我能跟你谈谈吗? [19:56.62]That was a great lecture today. Did you get a little haircut? 你今天上课的内容很精彩 你剪了头发吗? [20:01.30]Yeah, yeah. Do you like it? Do you love it? 对,你喜欢吗?你爱吗? [20:06.43]I want you to know I'm changing your grade back. 我要告诉你我会把你的成绩改回来 [20:09.50]What? Why? 什么?为什么? [20:12.24]I know what you're trying to pull here. It won't work. 我知道你在搞什么鬼,那是行不通的 [20:16.08]I'm not trying to pull anything. Look, I love you, dude. 我没有搞鬼,听着,我爱你 [20:21.52]I'm not even gonna talk about this. This little "thing" is over. 我甚至不想谈这件事 这个小“风流韵事”结束了 [20:26.12]I know you have a girlfriend. And I know about the other professors. 我知道你有女朋友 也知道其他教授的事 [20:31.02]How do you think that makes me feel? You used me! 你觉得那会让我有什么感觉?你利用我! [20:34.66]You don't love me and you never did! 你不爱我,你从来都没有爱过我! [20:40.43]Professor Winston. Professor Frederickson. 温斯顿教授,佛迪瑞克森教授 [20:45.21]I'll be right with you. 我马上来 [20:47.44]Don't make this worse and I'll give you a "C." Shall we? 别让事情变得更糟糕 我会给你“C”,我们可以走了吗? [20:59.19]I'll be out in a second. 我马上来 [21:06.76]"It's just so unexpected! 这真的是太意外了! [21:11.47]I'll tell you, it's such an honor to just be nominated... 我得告诉大家 能被提名诺贝尔奖… [21:15.90]for a Nobel Prize. 已经是莫大的光荣 [21:20.07]And, you know, to win one for a massage! 我竟然因为按摩得了诺贝尔奖! [21:24.68]Especially just after winning a Tony Award for Best Actress.." 特别是我刚拿下 东尼奖的最佳女演员奖… [21:28.82]Our reservations are at 8. 我们订了八点的位置 [21:30.85]"in Reservations at Eight by Neil Simon. 以《我们订了八点的位置》得奖 作词人是尼尔赛门 [21:34.69]Thank you, Neil. Thank you for the words." 谢谢你,尼尔,谢谢你帮我填词 [21:39.09]Finish this later. We're gonna be late. 待会再玩,我们要迟到了 [21:42.00]Please don't play the music. Just one more thing. 请不要奏乐,还有一件事 [21:45.53]Okay. "Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!" “纽约现场直播 欢迎收看《周末夜现场》”