[00:02.03](中央公园咖啡厅) [00:06.20]Out of all of us, who do you think will get married next? 我们所有人里 你想下一个结婚的会是谁? [00:12.21]Probably Monica and Chandler. 大概是摩妮卡和钱德 [00:16.98]Could I have a pack of Newport Lights? 给我一包新港淡烟? [00:19.81]We don't sell cigarettes, but they do across the street. 我们没有卖烟,对街有卖 [00:23.99]That'd be great. Thanks. 那太好了,谢谢 [00:28.36]Melissa Worbert. I don't think I have the energy for this. 马利莎伍伯,我没有力气应付她 [00:33.93]Oh, my God! Ray-Ray Greene? 我的天!瑞瑞葛林? [00:39.33]怎么样?! [00:42.17]You've been MlA for seven sorority newsletters. 你是我们社团连续7期周报主角 [00:45.77]What's up with you? 你怎么样? [00:48.14]Why don't I tell you over here? 我们到那边去再说? [00:51.58]So last I heard you were gonna get married. 上次我听说你要结婚了 [00:56.38]Poor Ray-Ray. 可怜的瑞瑞 [00:58.69]Oh, no. It's all good. 不,其实很好 [01:01.09]-I actually work at Ralph Lauren. -Shut up! -我现在替洛夫罗兰工作 -闭嘴! [01:04.19]I will not. I'm the divisional head of men's sportswear. 我不,我是男装运动服饰的分区主管 [01:08.43]Shut up more! Are you friends with Ralph? 再闭嘴!你是洛夫的朋友吗? [01:12.30]-Oh, please. -Are you? -拜托 -你是吗? [01:14.94]No. 不是 [01:17.21]We have to have dinner. What are you doing tomorrow? 我们一定要一起吃饭 你明天做什么? [01:20.94]-Tomorrow. I don't know. -You're having dinner with me. -明天,我不知道 -你要和我吃晚饭 [01:25.41]Shut up. 闭嘴 [01:27.25]I've gotta go. This has been so great. 我要走了,看到你真好 [01:30.69]Oh, there you are. 哦,这儿 [01:33.39]So listen, just call me. Here's my card. 打电话给我,这是我的名片 [01:36.79]-You're in real estate? -No, that's an old card. -你在做房地产? -不,那是旧名片 [01:40.36]I got out of that to do something where I could... 我必须离开那工作去做些… [01:44.10]help people and make a difference. 可以帮助别人和改变什么的工作 [01:46.94]What do you do now? 现在你做什么? [01:49.07]I'm a party planner. 宴会规划 [01:51.77]-I'll see you tomorrow. -Okay. -明天见 -好 [01:55.44]Look who's back. It's Ray-Ray. 看谁回来了,是瑞瑞 [01:59.68]That was my friend, Melissa, from college. 那是我大学的朋友马利莎 [02:02.88]She seems really, really fun! 她看起来很有意思! [02:06.55]She's actually sweet, and we used to be very close. 她真的很甜,我们曾经很亲近 [02:10.33]Wait a minute. She's not the one who you...? 等一下,她不是那个你…? [02:14.73]Who you what? Who you what? 你怎样?你怎样? [02:18.60]-Yes. -Wow! -是 -哇! [02:20.80]Wow, what? Who you what? 哇,什么?你怎样? [02:23.61]Oh, it's not a big deal. 没什么大不了 [02:26.07]They were lovers. 他们是情人 [02:27.48]-What? -What? -什么? -什么? [02:29.34]No, we weren't. It was nothing. 不,我们不是情人,没有什么 [02:31.61]It was one night, senior year, and we went to a party... 大四的一天晚上,我们去参加舞会… [02:35.52]had a lot of sangria, and you know, ended up... 喝了很多桑格利塔,你知道,结果… [02:40.16]kissing for a bit. 我们接吻了 [02:41.96]So that's two of my wives. 我的两个老婆都是同性恋 [02:46.73]The One With Rachel's Big Kiss 本集播出:瑞秋的吻 [00:00.00] [03:29.37]So this is where the band is. And here's the bar. 这是乐队的所在,这儿是吧台 [03:33.11]And all these pins have people's names on them. Rach, here you are. 这些大头针上有人名 瑞秋,你在这里 [03:39.51]Why don't we just put me with a Manhattan in my hand... 为什么不给我一杯曼哈顿… [03:43.35]talking to the cute bartender. 让我和可爱的酒保聊天 [03:49.36]These pins aren't for playing, are they? 这些大头针不是用来玩的,是不? [03:52.49]The red are my guests, and the blue are yours. 红的是我的客人,蓝色的是你的 [03:55.70]This is so sad. I only have like 10 pins. 真可怜,我只有10个客人 [03:58.80]Chandler, relax. It's not a contest. 钱德,轻松一点,这不是比赛 [04:01.90]Certainly not a close one. 不是实力相近的比赛 [04:11.01]Hey, Rach. 瑞秋 [04:14.68]Stop picturing it! 不要再想了! [04:19.62]I think that's it. The seating chart is done. This is our wedding. 我想这样可以了,座位表好了 这是我们的婚礼 [04:24.56]They all look like they're having fun. 他们看来玩得很开心,不是吗 [04:27.56]So where are my parents gonna be? 我爸妈坐哪里? [04:30.90]Well, if this is the wedding hall... 如果这是结婚礼堂… [04:34.20]your parents would be over here at home in Queens. 你父母会在皇后区的家里 [04:38.27]They're not invited? Oh, no, they're gonna be crushed! 他们没有被邀请? 不,他们一定会很伤心! [04:42.64]Why would they think they're invited? 为什么他们以为会被邀请呢? [04:45.51]You got me. I don't... 你问倒我了,我不… [04:48.08]-Joey! -Look, I thought parents were coming. -乔伊! -我以为父母都会来 [04:51.45]Your parents are coming. Chandler's are coming. 你的父母会来,钱德的父母也会来 [04:54.76]Ross' parents are coming. 罗斯的父母也会来 [04:57.36]Ross' parents are my parents. 罗斯的父母就是我的父母 [05:01.46]Well, see, parents are coming. 看,父母们都会来 [05:04.67]-We should invite them. -You just want more blue pins. -我们应该请他们 -你只是想要更多的蓝色大头针 [05:08.57]Well, this is just sad. 这实在太惨了 [05:11.91]All right. Maybe I can fit them in if I just do some rearranging. 好,也许能把他们排进来 不过要重新安排位子 [05:16.74]Rachel may have to sit at the bar. 瑞秋可能要坐在吧台 [05:19.41]That is not a problem. 没有问题 [05:22.18]-Maybe you'll order a little sangria. -Get out of here! -也许你可以叫一杯桑格丽塔 -去你的! [05:30.29]These are our tuxedos. If you like anything, we can make a deal. 这是我们的礼服 如果有你喜欢的,可以便宜些 [05:35.10]Anything at all. But these are the three that Monica pre-approved. 全部都可以 但这三件是摩妮卡先核准的 [05:40.77]Thanks a lot for hooking me up. 谢谢你替我们拉到关系 [05:43.24]And I want you to know that I want you to attend our wedding as my guest. 我想请你参加我们的婚礼做我的客人 [05:50.14]I'm Monica's maid of honor. 我是摩妮卡的伴娘 [05:53.41]Okay, don't try to blue-pin me. 别想把我变成蓝色大头针 [05:57.35]-Well, these look nice. -They are nice. -这些不错 -是不错 [06:00.62]When celebrities are done with them, they send them back. 名人穿过这些之后,就送回来这儿 [06:05.43]-You mean like for award shows? -Some of them. -你是指像颁奖典礼之后? -有些是 [06:08.63]They've been down the red carpet with people yelling... 它们都上过红地毯,被人叫着: [06:12.30]"Who are you wearing? You look fabulous!" “你穿的是谁的?你看来棒极了!” [06:15.54]Might I suggest watching a little more ESPN... 容我建议您多看一点ESPN… [06:19.14]and a little less E!. 少看一点艺人八卦节目! [06:22.54]Okay. Who wore those? 谁穿过这些? [06:25.61]-Well, this one's Tom Brokaw. -Not bad. -这是汤姆布鲁克穿过的 -不错嘛 [06:29.88]This one is Paul O'Neill. 这是保罗欧尼尔穿过的 [06:33.29]Who's that? 他是谁? [06:35.96]He plays for the Yankees. Seriously, ESPN. 他是洋基队的球员 真的,多看ESPN [06:40.26]Just once in a while. Have it on in the background. 有的时候,开着它当背景也好 [06:46.33]-This one was Pierce Brosnan. -Pierce Brosnan? -这是皮尔斯布鲁斯南穿过的 -皮尔斯布鲁斯南? [06:50.00]Are you serious? 真的吗? [06:51.31]007? 007? [06:52.54]This is James Bond's tux? I have to get married in James Bond's tux. 这是詹姆士庞德的燕尾服?我一定要 穿詹姆士庞德的燕尾服结婚 [06:58.05]It's a pretty cool tux. 很酷 [06:59.88]It's not just that. I would be England's most powerful weapon. 不只如此,我会是 英格兰最强力的武器 [07:04.82]A jet-setting heartbreaker on Her Majesty's secret service. 女王陛下的秘密特务 四处旅游的断肠人 [07:09.19]A man who fears no one, with a license to kill. 有着杀人执照,什么都不怕的男人 [07:15.00]Would Monica let me wear this? 摩妮卡会不会让我穿这件? [07:21.87]We should really learn how to play the real way. 我们应该学真正的玩法 [07:25.44]I like our way. 我喜欢我们的玩法 [07:28.91]Chess! 将军! [07:33.11]-Nice move. -Yeah. -走的好 -是啊 [07:38.12]I hooked Ross and Chandler up with tuxedos. Do you need one? 我替罗斯和钱德找到 燕尾服,你需要吗? [07:42.36]No, I'm not wearing a tux. 不,我不穿燕尾服 [07:44.73]-What are you gonna wear? -Multi-colored robes. -你要穿什么? -多彩的袍子 [07:48.73]And maybe a hat. 也许戴一顶帽子 [07:50.83]-Does Monica know about this? -No. -摩妮卡知道吗? -不 [07:53.20]Can I please be there when you tell her? 你告诉她时我可以在场吗? [07:58.11]You want to go to a movie tonight? 晚上要不要去看电影? [08:00.58]I'm having dinner with Melissa. 我要和马利莎吃饭 [08:03.21]Can I come? 我可以来吗? [08:06.11]I won't talk. You'll just hear my video camera. 我不说话,你只会听见 我的摄影机的声音 [08:09.45]-What? What's going on? -Can I tell her? -什么?怎么回事? -我可以告诉她吗? [08:12.59]Do you want what happened, or Joey's lewd version? 你要真正发生的事 还是乔伊的淫荡版本? [08:16.36]Joey's. -乔伊的 -好 [08:19.06]I had this college friend... 我有一个大学朋友… [08:21.00]and I made the mistake of telling Joey that one time... 我不应该告诉乔伊有一次… [08:25.17]she and I, you know, kissed a little bit. 她和我接吻了 [08:29.44]Yeah, I'm sure that happened. 是啊,我相信有的 [08:33.31]-It did. -Sure. -真的 -当然 [08:38.58]Hey. It happened. 真的发生了 [08:42.95]It was senior year. It was after the Sigma Chi luau... 是大四那年,那是一次社团聚会… [08:47.09]and Melissa and I got very drunk. 我和马利莎喝得大醉 [08:49.69]And we ended up kissing. For several minutes. 结果我们两个接吻了 好几分钟呢 [08:53.96]Which means she had a couple spritzers and a peck on the cheek. 意思是她喝了几杯,轻轻吻在脸颊上 [08:59.00]Why are you taking this away from me? 你为什么要夺走这件事呢? [09:02.44]Why is it so hard for you to believe? 为什么这么难让你相信? [09:04.97]Okay. I just didn't know that you were a lesbian. 好吧,我不知道你是同性恋 [09:15.05]I'm not saying that I'm a lesbian. I'm just saying that this happened. 我不是说我是同性恋 我只是说那件事发生了 [09:20.52]It just seems pretty wild. And you're so... 只是觉得很狂野,你是这么地… [09:25.23]vanilla. 乖宝宝 [09:27.53]Vanilla? I'm not vanilla. I do lots of crazy things. 乖宝宝?我不是乖宝宝 我做很多疯狂的事 [09:32.57]I mean, I got drunk and married in Vegas. 我喝醉了,在拉斯维加斯结婚 [09:36.04]To Ross. 和罗斯 [09:38.87]If you don't believe me... 如果你不相信我… [09:40.98]just come with me to dinner tonight and she'll tell you. 今晚和我一起去吃饭,她会告诉你 [09:45.15]Okay. Because I can't picture it. 好吧,可是我想像不出来 [09:47.65]You should get inside my head. 你该看看我脑袋里的划面 [09:56.49]Guess what I got for your wedding? 猜我为你的婚礼弄到什么? [09:58.89]A freakishly thin date with a hanger for a head? 头像挂衣架,瘦巴巴的伴? [10:02.20]Rachel hooked me up with a tux. But not just any tux. 瑞秋替我弄到一件燕尾服 但不是随便一件 [10:06.23]Batman's tux! 是蝙蝠侠的! [10:08.77]-What? -That's right. -什么? -没错 [10:10.40]Made expressly for Val Kilmer, and worn by him in the hit film... 特别定做给方基墨的 让他穿在票房冠军电影… [10:15.58]that Batman film he was in. 那部他演的蝙蝠侠电影里 [10:18.85]You can't wear that. I'm wearing the famous tux. 你不能穿那件 我要穿名人的燕尾服 [10:23.02]If you wear that, it'll make mine less special. 怎样?如果你穿那件 会让我的不那么特别的 [10:26.92]You need something to to make it special? 你需要用一些东西来让那天特别吗? [10:29.52]You have the most special thing of all. 喂!你有了最特别的一样 [10:32.49]You are marrying the woman you love. 你娶了你爱的女人 [10:39.77]Don't take away my cool thing. Pretty please? 不要抢走我的锋头,拜托啰? [10:43.10]"Pretty please?" Not very 007. “拜托啰?”不怎么007 [10:47.51]If you were getting married, I'd never do anything to upset you. 如果你要结婚 我不会做任何让你生气的事 [10:51.88]-You slept with my sister. -That was pretty 007. -你和我妹妹上床 -那很007 [11:01.29]All right, I figured it out. 好,你来了 好,我想出办法来了 [11:03.72]I'm gonna take 2 tables of 8, add your parents... 我把8个人的这两桌,加上你父母… [11:06.83]and make them into 3 tables of 6. 变成6个人的三桌 [11:09.33]And I called the caterer. We are good to go! 我已经通知了办席的人,都弄好了! [11:12.53]Yeah. They're not coming. 他们不来了 [11:16.60]What? 什么? [11:17.84]They think that you only invited them because of me. 他们觉得你是因为我才邀请他们的 [11:21.64]They feel unwanted. 他们觉得不被欢迎 [11:23.54]That's too bad. It's true. But too bad. 真糟糕,是真的,但真糟糕 [11:27.65]If you could just call my mom. 你可以打电话给我妈 [11:30.45]Just let her know you want them there. 让她知道你希望他们去 [11:33.32]This is a woman who has sent you many lasagnas. 她送过你很多很多千层面 [11:36.92]No, she hasn't. 不,她没有 [11:38.13]Is it her fault if some didn't make it to you? 有些没送到你手里不是她的错 [11:41.16]What am I gonna say? 我要说什么? [11:42.96]Tell them you mixed up invitations. No, blame it on the post office. 告诉她请帖搞乱了,不,怪邮局好了 [11:47.80]They hate the post office. And the Irish. 他们最恨邮局,还有爱尔兰人 [11:51.81]But I don't think you could blame it on them. 不过我想你不能怪到他们头上 [11:57.38]Hello? Yeah, hi. Mrs. Tribbianni? This is Monica Geller. 喂?你好,崔比亚尼太太? 我是摩妮卡盖勒 [12:02.32]I'm just calling to say that I really hope you can make the wedding. 我想告诉你我们很希望 你们能来参加婚礼 [12:07.22]Apparently some of our invitations weren't delivered. 我们很多请帖都没寄到 [12:11.39]I guess there was some screw-up at the damn post office. 我猜又是可恶的邮局搞砸的 [12:17.20]Tell me about it! 就是嘛! [12:18.97]Yeah, the U.S. Post Office? No. More like U.S. Lost Office. 什么美国邮局嘛?更像是美国遗失局 [12:24.71]What are they, Irish? 他们搞什么嘛,都是爱尔兰人吗? [12:33.11]Anyway, his name's Allen. And we've been going out for three years. 他叫艾伦,我们在一起三年了 [12:38.39]He was my first client when I became a party planner. 他是我做宴会规划的第一位客户 [12:41.86]He was actually planning a party for his girlfriend at the time. 那时他正要规划给他女朋友的宴会 [12:46.23]Oh, well. 嗯 [12:48.76]-He was Theta Beta Pi at Syracuse. -That's great. -他是雪城大学贝塔拍社团的 -真好 [12:54.40]-Were you ever in a sorority? -Of course. -你参加过社团吗? -当然 [12:57.44]Yes. I was a Thigh Mega Tampon. 我是大腿大卫生棉条的成员 [13:03.91]What one? 哪一个? [13:05.15]We were huge too. But they had to shut us down... 我们也很庞大,但后来被关掉了… [13:08.68]when Regina Phalangie died of alcohol poisoning. 因为芮吉娜菲兰基死于酒精中毒 [13:12.65]Isn't it a shame when one girl ruins it for the whole bunch? 真是糟糕,一个女孩就毁了大家 [13:20.56]Anyway... 不管了… [13:22.40]Speaking of drinking too much, I told Phoebe... 讲到喝太多,我告诉菲比… [13:25.77]about that crazy night after the Sigma Chi luau where we made out. 在席格犸社很疯那晚,我们亲吻的事 [13:31.21]What? 什么? [13:32.54]Remember we.. Come on, we had sarongs on and the coconut bikini tops. 记得我们…我们穿着沙龙 还有椰子壳比基尼上衣 [13:38.11]We went back to the house and got really silly... 之后我们回到家,在那儿疯癫… [13:41.45]and we made out. 然后我们接吻了 [13:43.82]Wow, Ray-Ray, I have no idea what you're talking about. 瑞瑞,我不知道你在说什么 [13:48.72]Really? 真的? [13:57.50]Ross is Batman. 罗斯是蝙蝠侠 [14:01.74]Well, he did manage to keep his identity secret for a long time. 他是把身份掩护了很久 [14:06.54]Rachel got Ross the tuxedo that Val Kilmer wore in Batman. 瑞秋替罗斯弄到 方基墨在蝙蝠侠里穿的燕尾服 [14:11.15]Batman is so much cooler than James Bond. 蝙蝠侠比詹姆士庞德酷多了 [14:14.08]-What? 007 has all those gadgets. -Batman has a utility belt. -什么?007有很多的工具 -蝙蝠侠有工具腰带 [14:19.25]-007 has a fancy car. -Batman has the Batmobile. -007有很炫的车 -蝙蝠侠有蝙蝠车 [14:25.26]-007 gets all the ladies. -Batman has Robin. -007有很多女人 -蝙蝠侠有罗宾 [14:35.10]We get ESPN, right? 我们有ESPN台,对吧? [14:40.17]How about you go put on your 007 tuxedo, and I'll make you a martini? 你何不穿上你的007燕尾服 我替你调一杯马丁尼 [14:45.58]I don't like martinis. 我不喜欢马丁尼 [14:47.72]-A Yoo-Hoo with a funny straw? -Yum. -一杯摇摇饮料,用一只搞笑吸管? -好的 [14:54.46]I know the invitation says 6 p.m. 请帖上写晚上6点 [14:57.06]But does that mean get there at 6, or the show starts at 6? 是指6点入席,还是6点开始表演? [15:01.23]The show? “表演”? [15:04.70]Right, the wedding. Gotcha. 对,婚礼,知道了 [15:08.44]But weddings start a little late, right? 不过婚礼会晚一点开始,对不? [15:11.91]Have you ever been to one of my weddings? 你有参加过我规划的婚礼吗? [15:15.78]Well, it's the same day as my niece's christening... 那天我侄女受洗… [15:19.25]and I want my parents to see me. 我希望我父母能看到我 [15:21.75]My part's in the beginning. I'm not in the rest of the show.. Wedding. 我的部份是在开始时 不在其他部份的表演…婚礼 [15:26.52]The wedding starts at 6. 婚礼6点开始 [15:28.79]Okay. I totally hear you. 好,我听到了 [15:31.46]How about this? I vamp till they get there. 这样如何?我可以表演到他们到达 [15:35.23]You'll "vamp"? 你要“表演”? [15:36.53]Like warm up the crowd. Ask where they're from. 像是和观众打打屁,问他们从哪儿来 [15:39.73]In Joey Tribbiani, you get a minister and an entertainer. 因为乔伊崔比亚尼在时 你有教士和演艺人员 [15:44.31]I'm a "ministainer." 我是一位“教演人” [15:47.81]There's no one better. There's no one greater. 没有更好的,没有更伟大的 [15:52.68]How can you not remember us kissing? 你怎能不记得我们接吻的事? [15:55.38]I don't know. I don't remember a lot of things that never happened. 我不知道,我不记得那些 从没发生过的事 [16:01.02]Remember, we were on the sleeping porch? We couldn't stop giggling. 记得我们在睡觉的廊子里 一直笑一直笑? [16:05.86]Our coconuts kept knocking together. 我们的椰子壳撞在一起 [16:08.53]Somewhere Joey's head is exploding. 乔伊的头在某处爆炸了 [16:12.70]I don't want to make you uncomfortable... 我不想让你不舒服… [16:15.57]but I told Phoebe it happened, and she doesn't believe me. 但我告诉菲比发生的事,她不相信我 [16:20.01]I'm sorry. I mean, if I thought it happened, I would say it. 对不起,如果我认为 它发生了,我会承认的 [16:25.01]Maybe I passed out and you did stuff to me while I was sleeping. 也许我昏过去了 你在我睡觉时对我做了什么 [16:30.68]It's okay, you don't have to do this. I believe you. 没关系,你不必这么做,我相信你 [16:34.05]If you say you kissed Melissa, then you kissed Melissa. 如果你说你吻了马利莎 那么你就吻了马利莎 [16:38.16]-Thank you, Phoebe. -Okay. -谢谢,菲比 -好 [16:41.36]-But she didn't. -I know. -可是她没有 -我知道 [16:48.34]You carry that around? 你带着它走来走去? [16:50.17]I find it to be something of a conversation piece. 是的,我发现它是个好话题 [16:54.94]-Between you and...? -Gunther. -和…? -阿甘 [16:58.91]Why don't we put them on? 我们何不穿上? [17:00.85]Get a picture of Batman and James Bond, together. 拍一张蝙蝠侠和 詹姆士庞德一起的照片 [17:04.02]I would, but my pants are a little tight. 我很愿意,但我的裤子小了一点 [17:06.69]A little tight? I could see 00 and 7 in those things. 小了一点?我可以看到 里面的两个0和一个7 [17:11.86]I was looking forward to wearing our celebrity tuxes together. 真糟糕 我很期待我们一起穿名人燕尾服呢 [17:16.73]-So you're not gonna be wearing yours? - Are you kidding? It's Batman's tux! -你不穿你的了? -你开玩笑?是蝙蝠侠的燕尾服! [17:22.84]Let me try it on. 我试穿看看 [17:25.14]Okay. But just the jacket. 00 and 7 are not getting in there. 好,只有外套 两个0和一个7不要进去 [17:35.48]Holy double-vented comfort, Batman! 双面通风的舒适,蝙蝠侠! [17:40.89]What's this? 这是什么? [17:42.42]An invitation to the At First Sight premiere? 《真情难舍》首映请帖? [17:45.46]Val Kilmer didn't wear this in Batman. 方基墨没有在《蝙蝠侠》里穿这件 [17:48.60]He wore it to the premiere of a fruity love story where he was a blind guy. 他穿这件去参加 他演瞎子的那部文艺爱情片首映 [17:53.87]Let me see that. 给我看 [17:57.10]Oh, man. 老天 [17:58.81]The only super power you have is the slightly heightened sense of smell. 你唯一的超能力是稍微强化的嗅觉 [18:05.28]Can I talk to you guys for a second? 可以和你们谈谈吗? [18:07.98]I give up. Whatever you want, you can have it. 我放弃了,你要怎样就怎样吧 [18:11.19]You want to sing a song or do a dance? 你要唱歌还是跳舞? [18:13.65]You want your mom at the altar screaming racial slurs? I don't care. 还是要你妈在祭坛前 尖叫种族崎视的字眼?我都不在乎 [18:18.99]I just want to thank you guys for what you did for my parents. 我只是要谢谢你们为我父母做的一切 [18:23.63]They're so happy to be a part of your special day. 他们很高兴能参加你们特别的一天 [18:28.10]Tell them we're glad they're coming. 告诉他们我们很高兴他们会来 [18:30.67]I will. Oh, check out what they got me to wear for the ceremony! 我会的,看看他们替我准备 参加婚礼的衣服! [18:39.21]I wear it like this when I marry you guys. And then this... 我替你们证婚时这样穿,然后… [18:43.28]is for party time. 在宴会时这样穿 [18:51.79]It happened. I am telling you it happened. 它发生了,我告诉你它发生了 [18:55.70]It was great meeting you. 很高兴认识你 [18:57.80]And, Rachel? I don't think I'll be calling you because... 瑞秋?我想我不会 打电话给你,因为… [19:02.00]you know, you've gotten weird. 你变得好奇怪 [19:06.07]Take care, you guys. 保重,两位 [19:07.88]Wait a minute. Okay, look. 等一下,好,听着 [19:10.51]That night was the one wild thing I've ever done in my life. 那天晚上是我所做过 最狂野的一件事 [19:14.95]I won't let you take it away. 我不会让你夺去它 [19:17.22]So if you don't remember that, maybe you'll remember this... 如果你不记得那件事 也许你会记得这个… [19:28.00]Oh, my God. You love me. 我的天,你爱我 [19:33.47]What? 什么? [19:34.67]Of course I remember. I think about it all the time. 我当然记得,这些日子里我一直想着它 [19:38.71]I can still hear the coconuts knocking together... 我还能听到椰子壳碰在一起的声音… [19:44.28]I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't think you'd return my love... 我不想告诉你,因为我不觉得 你会回报我的爱… [19:52.35]Look who's being suddenly shy. 看是谁突然变得害羞 [19:57.26]You have to feel what I feel. 你一定和我一样感觉 [19:59.99]Nobody can kiss that good and not mean it. 没人能不是真心而吻得那么好 [20:03.13]I'm just a good kisser. 我的吻功很好 [20:06.70]Shut up. 闭嘴 [20:10.04]I'm sorry. 对不起 [20:14.61]You don't have to be sorry. 你不必抱歉 [20:18.38]I'm obviously kidding. 我在开玩笑 [20:21.62]I'm not in love with you. I'm not in love with her. 我没爱上你,我没爱上她 [20:26.02]I don't hear coconuts banging together. 我没听到椰子壳撞在一起 [20:30.59]I don't picture your face when I make love to my boyfriend. 我和男友做爱时没幻想你的脸 [20:35.93]Anyway, I gotta go. 我要走了 [20:37.76]A kiss goodbye? 亲一下再见? [20:40.17]No? Okay. 不要?好吧 [20:52.61]I mean, I had no idea that that would... 我不知道那会… [21:02.59]What the hell was that? 这是怎么回事? [21:04.19]Just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. 想看看这一场混乱是怎么来的 [21:07.79]-And? -I've had better. -然后? -我有过更好的 [21:18.64]I found one that fits. 我找到一件合身的 [21:20.41]Well, you know what they say? 23rd time's a charm. 是啊,人们常说 第23次是最好的一次 [21:27.71]Look at you, all handsome. 看看你,好英俊 [21:30.75]-Whose is it? -Does it matter? -是谁穿过的? -有关系吗? [21:32.89]All that matters is that you look so handsome. 唯一重要的是你看来很英俊 [21:39.46]-Whose is it? -I don't want to say. -是谁的? -我不想讲 [21:43.06]Come on, I don't care. Whose is it? 我不在乎,是谁的? [21:46.83]Diane Keaton. 黛安基顿