[00:02.93]-Hey. -Hey. -嘿 -嘿 [00:04.50]I saw the Porsche parked out front. 我看到保时捷停在前门 [00:07.07]Can I get the keys? I'll take that bad boy for a spin. 你能把钥匙借给我一下吗? 我想带那个坏男孩去兜个风 [00:10.81]Ross drives it? When I ask, you say you're the only one allowed to. 罗斯可以开它?我问你时 你说只有你能开它 [00:15.81]He's my brother, plus he drives so slow he couldn't hurt it. 他是我哥哥,而且他开车 跟乌龟一样,不会出事的 [00:19.51]It's a car, Monica, not a rocket ship. 它是辆车子,摩妮卡,不是火箭 [00:22.78]Just replace the bulbs in the brake lights after you're done. 兜完风后,帮我换一下刹车灯的灯泡 [00:28.92]-Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨 [00:30.29]Saw the Porsche. Looking good. When can I take it out again? 我看到保时捷了,它真的很酷 我什么时候能再开着它去兜风? [00:38.07]-You let Joey drive it? -I've never driven it. Not once. -你让乔伊开保时捷? -我从来没开过它,一次都没有 [00:42.84]Okay, once. Okay, I drive it all the time. 好吧,只有一次 好吧,我常开着它出门 [00:48.11]So much for the "you-can-drive-it but-don't-tell-Rachel" plan. 我们的“你可以开它去兜风 但别告诉瑞秋”计划宣告失败 [00:53.35]Wow, I can't believe you lied to me. 哇,我不敢相信你骗我 [00:55.62]I can fix this. Monica, Rachel thinks all you talk about is the wedding. 交给我来吧,摩妮卡 瑞秋认为你只会谈婚礼的事 [01:02.82]I won't let you drive the Porsche because you're a terrible driver. 我不会让你开保时捷 因为你是个很差劲的驾驶 [01:07.60]There. That wasn't about the wedding. 好了,那跟婚礼的事无关 [01:11.97]If you want a ride in the Porsche, I'll take you around the block. 如果你想开保时捷去兜风 我可以载你在街角转一下 [01:16.87]You got a couple hours? 你接下来几小时都没事吗? [01:20.14]The One With Chandler's Dad 本集播出:钱德的父亲 [00:00.00] [01:59.65]Whew, that was a brisk ride. 喔,那真的痛快 [02:03.69]-Take the top down, did you? -Only way to fly. -你开了篷吧? -这样开跟飞上天差不多 [02:08.06]Give me the keys. Monica's wrong. I'm an excellent driver. 把钥匙给我,摩妮卡错了 我是个很棒的驾驶 [02:12.96]You're fast and irresponsible. That adds up to a bad driver. 你开车飞快,又不负责任 你的确是个差劲的驾驶 [02:17.27]In high school, that added up to head cheerleader. 高中时那些特点 让我成为啦啦队长 [02:24.91]Did you see how she looked at me? 你看到那个女孩看我的眼神了吗? [02:28.31]She must've seen me cruising in the bad boy. 她一定看到了我开保时捷的模样 [02:31.78]-She's checking out your beehive. -What? -她在看你的鸟窝头 -什么? [02:36.02]-Give me a brush. -The keys. -把梳子给我 -钥匙给我 [02:38.15]-No way! -Well, no brush. -不行 -那我就不给你梳子 [02:39.92]Fine. It doesn't matter. 好吧,那不重要 [02:42.09]If I remember correctly, there's a comb on the floor of the bathroom. 如果我没记错 洗手间地上有一把梳子 [03:03.01]Alimony. 这是我的赡养费 [03:08.35]We still haven't gotten an RSVP from your dad. 你爸还没寄回函给我们 [03:11.89]Oh, right. Maybe that's because I didn't send him an invitation. 喔,对,或许那是因为 我没寄喜帖给他 [03:17.43]He's your father. He should be at our wedding. 他是你爸爸,他应该来 参加我们的婚礼 [03:20.90]I don't even know him. I haven't seen him in years. 我甚至不认得他 我好几年没跟他见过面 [03:25.07]And when he finds out he wasn't asked? 如果他知道我们没有邀请他呢? [03:27.77]We don't run in the same circles. 我们的生活圈不一样 [03:30.41]I hang out with you guys and he... 我跟你们来往,而他… [03:33.61]stars in a drag show in Vegas. 他在拉斯维加斯表演变装秀 [03:37.38]I think I want to trade circles. 我想和他交换生活圈 [03:39.95]You don't want him there. Nobody will stare at the bride... 你不会想邀请他来的 没有人会看着新娘… [03:43.12]when the groom's father's wearing a backless dress. 因为新郎的爸爸穿着露背洋装 [03:47.12]As long as he's not wearing a white dress and veil, I don't care. 那又怎么样?只要他不穿婚纱 我根本不会在乎的 [03:51.49]I think I need to do some shopping. 我想我得去买点东西 [04:02.10]Nice. 太棒了 [04:05.77]My God! 我的天啊! [04:08.58]-What do you think you're doing? -Just washing the windshield. -你以为你在做什么? -我只是在洗挡风玻璃 [04:17.49]There's no way I'll let you drive this car. 我绝不会让你开这辆车 [04:20.66]Just hand over the keys. 你为什么不把钥匙还给我? [04:22.69]Oh! 喔! [04:24.83]Do not start this car. 别启动引擎 [04:30.33]Okay, okay. I will give you 20 bucks... 好吧,我给你二十块… [04:33.77]if you get out of this car right now. Hey! 只要你立刻下车,嘿! [04:38.91]Look. 听着 [04:40.14]If you're so freaked out, get in the car. 如果你真的那么害怕,快上车吧 [04:43.18]With you? Yeah, right. 跟你一起去兜风?对,是啊 [04:45.05]All right. 好吧 [04:46.48]Okay, okay, okay. 好吧… [04:52.42]-What are you doing? Get in front. -In the death seat?! -你在做什么?坐到前面来 -你要我坐死亡座椅? [05:02.93]-Hey, guys. -Hi, sweetie. -嘿,大家好 -嗨,甜心 [05:04.87]-Ready to go? -My purse is at Mon's. I'll be back. -准备要走了吗? -我的皮包在摩妮卡家,我马上回来 [05:08.50]-Wait a minute. -What? Oh. -等一下 -什么?喔 [05:16.98]That one kept going. 我还在头晕 [05:23.69]So, you and Phoebe, huh? 你跟菲比在交往? [05:25.85]-How long have you been going out? -A month. -你们交往多久了? -一个多月 [05:28.99]We ought to get to know each other better. 我们应该多多了解彼此 [05:31.59]-Sure. I'd like that. -Yeah. So, uh... -当然,我很愿意 -对,所以… [05:35.93]What's your name? 你叫什么名字? [05:40.20]-It's Jake. -Joey. -我是杰克 -我是乔伊 [05:42.60]-Do you like the Knicks? -Yeah, big fan. -你喜欢尼克队吗? -当然,我是他们的头号球迷 [05:45.54]Me too. There's a game Tuesday. Do you want to go? 我也是,星期二有比赛 你要一起去吗? [05:49.21]Great! Let me make sure I'm not doing anything Tuesday. 太棒了,我得先确定星期二我没事 [06:00.72]Here. 拿去吧 [06:02.92]-What's this? -Your suitcase. We're going to Vegas. -这是什么? -你的行李,我们要去拉斯维加斯 [06:06.53]Are you serious? Eloping? No more stupid wedding stuff. 你是认真的吗?我们要私奔? 不必再筹备那个笨婚礼 [06:10.03]No more these flowers, these flowers. Think of the money we'll save. 不必再烦恼那些花 想想我们省了多少钱 [06:14.44]We're not eloping. Can our wedding be bigger, please? 我们没有要私奔,我喜欢花 我们的婚礼能再盛大一点吗?拜托 [06:19.34]We're going to see your dad. 我们要去找你爸 [06:21.58]I want to get to know my father-in-law. 我想认识我公公 [06:24.15]When we went over this, I won. 我们已经谈过这件事,我赢了 [06:26.55]No, you didn't. Honey, just so you know... 不,你没赢,甜心,你应该知道… [06:29.65]Now that you're marrying me, you don't get to win anymore. 现在你要娶我,你是赢不了的 [06:33.86]Forget it. I don't want to go. I don't want to see him. 算了吧,我不想去,我不想见到他 [06:38.19]I know your dad embarrassed you. 我知道你爸让你觉得丢脸 [06:40.76]All kids are embarrassed by their parents. 所有的孩子 都会觉得自己的父母很丢脸 [06:43.93]You need a new word for what I went through. 你得想个新说法来形容我的经历 [06:47.44]In high school, he came to all my swim meets... 在高中的时候 他参加了我所有的游泳比赛… [06:50.71]dressed as a Hollywood starlet. 每次都打扮成不一样的好莱坞明星 [06:53.71]Hard enough to be 14, skinny, wearing Speedos Mom promised I'd grow into. 我十四岁时日子很不好过 瘦巴巴的,穿着太大的泳裤 我妈还说有一天它会适合我 [07:01.72]You look up in the stands. There's your dad cheering you on. 我抬头看着看台 发现我爸在为我加油 [07:05.19]Dressed as Carmen Miranda, wearing a headdress with real fruit... 他打扮成卡曼米兰达 戴着有真水果头饰的帽子… [07:09.46]that he'll later give to your friends as a healthy snack. 之后他会把那些水果 交给你的朋友,作为饭后果 [07:13.73]He was at every one of your swim meets cheering you on. 重点是他参加了 你每一场游泳比赛,帮你加油 [07:19.17]That's a pretty great dad. 他是个好爸爸 [07:21.24]He had sex with Mr. Garibaldi. [07:23.37]-Who's Mr. Garibaldi? -Does it matter?! -谁是嘉利巴迪先生? -那很重要吗?! [07:29.91]You're not 14 anymore, okay? Maybe it's time you let that stuff go. 你不再是十四岁的孩子,好吗? 或许你该忘了那些事 [07:35.85]If he's not at your wedding, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. 如果他没来参加你的婚礼 你会遗憾终生的 [07:43.49]Okay, but I'm just doing this for you. 好吧,但我这么做是为了你 [07:48.90]-I never get to win anymore? -How much did you ever win before? -我永远都赢不了吗? -你以前又赢过几次了? [07:58.77]You know how when you're wearing pants and you lean forward... 你知道当你穿着裤子 身体往前倾时… [08:03.18]I check out your underwear? [08:06.51]Well, when Jake did it... 喔,当杰克那么做时… [08:08.68]I saw that he was wearing women's underwear. [08:12.69]I know. They were mine. [08:15.46]Oh! 喔! [08:17.89]No, no, wait. That's weird. 不,等一下,那太奇怪了 [08:20.90]We were goofing around, and I dared him to try them on. 我们只是闹着玩 我跟他打赌他不敢穿上它们 [08:24.87]That's weird! 那真的很奇怪 [08:26.07]-I'm wearing his briefs right now. -That's kind of hot. - [08:30.61]I think so too. And that little flap? Great for holding my lipstick. 我也那么认为,你知道那个小洞吗? 它刚好可以拿来放我的口红 [08:41.22]I wouldn't know about that. 我倒是不知道那一点 [08:44.49]Jake says that women's underwear is actually more comfortable. [08:48.99]He loves how silk feels against his skin. [08:52.09]Next he'll say your high heels are good for his posture. 接下来他会说 穿上你的高跟鞋他更婀娜多姿 [08:56.80]There's nothing wrong with Jake. He is all man. 杰克没有什么不正常的 他是个货真价实的男人 [09:00.30]I think more than you. 我担心的是你 [09:02.14]He looked like a real lumberjack in those pink lacies. 那看起来像是 穿着粉红色蕾丝内裤的伐木工人 [09:07.11]Only a man completely secure in his masculinity could... 我是说只有真正 相信自己男子气概的男人… [09:10.91]walk around in women's underwear. I don't think you could. 才会穿上女人的内裤 我敢说你办不到 [09:14.95]-I am secure with my masculinity. -Okay, whatever. -我很相信我的男子气概 -好吧,随便你 [09:19.22]You've seen my huge stack of porn. [09:33.17]God, I forgot how much I love driving. 天啊,我都忘了我有多爱开车了 [09:36.30]I have got to get my license renewed. 我得去换新驾照 [09:42.04]You don't have a valid driver's license? Pull over right now. 你的驾照过期了?马上停车 [09:46.25]You're so tense. You just gotta relax, okay? 罗斯,你太紧张了 你得放轻松,好吗? [09:49.45]Okay? Just need to relax. All right? Just need to relax. 你只需要放轻松,好吗?放轻松 [09:54.96]What are you..? That's not funny. Stop horsing around. 你在…?那一点都不好笑,别闹了 [09:58.79]I am not horsing around, okay? 我没有胡闹,好吗? [10:01.53]I am "Porsche-ing" around. 我在“开保时捷”兜风 [10:09.30]Uh-oh. 喔 [10:11.57]Stay calm. Nothing will happen. You're not in that much trouble. 保持冷静,不会有事的 你没有惹上**烦 [10:16.88]Really? You think so? 真的吗?你那么认为? [10:18.48]I'm talking to myself. You're going down! 我是在跟自己说话,你死定了! [10:59.22](四后俱乐部) [11:05.03]Has someone taken your order? 有人来帮你们点东西了吗? [11:07.03]Oh, yeah. She did. He did. She? I'm sorry, I'm new. I don't... 对,她来过了,是他才对,是她吗? 抱歉,我第一次来,我不… [11:14.84]-I just ordered a beer. -You're straight. I get it. -我点了一杯啤酒 -你是异性恋,我懂了 [11:20.84]If we called your dad, we'd have better seats. 如果我们打电话给你爸 就能坐到比较好一点的位置 [11:23.34]I don't want him to know we're here yet. I'm not ready. 我不想让他知道我们来了 我还没有准备好 [11:27.38]He won't be too happy to see me either. 而且他看到我也不会太高兴 [11:30.25]Why not? 为什么? [11:32.55]He's kind of tried to contact me... 我不知道我有没有告诉你… [11:35.72]-a lot the last few years. -What? -过去几年来他常常试着跟我联络 -什么? [11:39.66]Yeah. He's made phone calls, written letters. 对,他会打电话,写信给我 [11:43.23]He came to New York. I said I was too busy. 他会到纽约来,但我总是说我很忙 [11:46.40]It's very "Cats in the Cradle." I don't want to get into it. 那就像是“恶意缺席”我真的不想谈 [11:52.94]Here we go. 节目要开始了 [11:54.48]Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the incomparable... 各位先生女士,欢迎与世无双的… [11:58.25]Helena Handbasket. 海莲娜汉德巴斯奇 [12:04.65]Hello, darlings. 嗨,我的小亲亲们 [12:06.59]And there's Daddy. 他就是我爸 [12:16.10]Switch places with me. Come on! I'll go under, you go over. 快跟我换位置,快点! 我在上面,你在下面 [12:19.63]-Yeah, I'll get right on that. -Come on! -对,我愿意那么做 -快点 [12:22.84]What? No. Hey, Rach, come on. -什么?不,瑞秋,别那样 -快点 [12:25.64]I'm sure we won't get arrested for this. 我相信我们不会因此被逮捕 [12:34.78]Hi, officer. Was I going a little too fast? 嗨,警官,我的速度有点快吗? [12:38.82]Oh, my God. 喔,我的天啊 [12:41.26]-Can I see your license, please? -Absolutely. -麻烦你把驾照拿出来 -没问题 [12:44.49]It's weird. I had a dream last night that I was stopped by a policeman. 这太奇怪了,我昨晚做了一个梦 梦到我被一个警察拦下来 [12:50.30]And then he... 然后他… [12:51.67]Well, I probably shouldn't tell you the rest. 或许我不该告诉你接下来的情节 [12:55.94]-Your license. -Yes. Here you go, Officer... -你的驾照 -对,在这里,警官… [13:00.88]Handsome. 帅哥警官 [13:03.34]-It's Hanson. -Oops, sorry. My mistake. -是韩森才对 -喔,对不起,我看错了 [13:06.98]Dear Lord! 我的天啊! [13:10.18]-Wow! -Here it comes. -哇! -好了 [13:12.32]This is a great picture. 这张照片很漂亮 [13:15.66]Really? You think so? You know, I had just rolled right out of bed. 真的吗?你真的那么想? 拍照时我才刚刚起床 [13:19.99]You look phenomenal. 你看起来很美 [13:21.20]She should! It was taken 10 years ago! 一点都没错,那是十年前的照片了 [13:27.47]You know, you probably... 你知道的,或许你很纳闷 [13:29.80]wonder about the old date. 日期有点不太对劲 [13:32.01]Yes. You're an Aquarius, huh? 没错,你是水瓶座吗? [13:36.88]-I'll bet you're a Gemini. -No. -我敢说你是双子座 -不是 [13:39.41]-Taurus? -No. -金牛座? -不是 [13:40.85]-Virgo? -No. -处女座? -不是 [13:42.85]-Sagittarius? -Yep. -射手座? -对 [13:44.49]I knew it. I knew it! 我就知道 [13:47.69]You won't speed anymore, right? 不要再超速了,好吗? [13:50.19]I won't speed. 我不会超速的 [13:52.16]-Promise to take care of this? -I promise. -你发誓你会去换驾照? -我发誓 [13:53.83]Let him drive. Does he have a license? 还有,让他开车,他有驾照吗? [13:56.43]-Can he handle a stick? -Well... -他会开手动的车吗? -喔… [13:59.23]I can handle a stick! 我会开手动的车! [14:16.72]-That can't be your father. -I've been saying that for years. -他不可能是你爸 -多年来我一直是那么告诉自己 [14:21.42]-Oh, my God! -What? -喔,我的天啊 -什么? [14:23.82]That's Mr. Garibaldi playing the piano. 弹钢琴的人就是嘉利巴迪先生 [14:40.41]Hello, and welcome to the show. 嗨,欢迎你们来看表演 [14:43.34]I see some of our regulars in the audience. 在观众席中我看到一些常客 [14:47.41]And a couple of irregulars. 还有一些新面孔 [14:52.39]-He's coming into the audience. -Relax. You'll be fine. -他要走进观众席里了 -放轻松,你会没事的 [14:57.06]Oh, much better. You're invisible now. 喔,好多了,现在你成了隐形人 [15:00.86]-Where are you from? -Bakersfield. -你是从哪里来的? -贝克斯菲德 [15:03.80]-I'm sorry? -Bakersfield. -对不起? -贝克斯菲德 [15:06.13]No, no, I heard. I'm just sorry. 不,我听到了,我只是觉得很遗憾 [15:10.47]I'll meet you back at the hotel. 我无法接受这种事情 我们回饭店碰面 [15:14.31]Look, a standing ovation already. So early in the show. 大家看,已经有人站起来鼓掌 节目才刚刚开始 [15:18.78]Turn around, darling. Let me see your pretty face. 转身吧,亲爱的 让我看看你帅气的脸 [15:30.89]Can we have our drinks, please? Waiter? tress? 我们的饮料能快点送上来吗? 服务生?…小姐? [15:46.67]-Hey, Phoebe. -Hey. -嘿,菲比 -嘿 [15:51.01]Check it out. 你看 [15:58.05]How much of a man am I? 我很有男子气概吧? [16:00.35]Wow, nice. Manly, and also kind of a slut. [16:06.16]I'm beginning to see what Jake was talking about. 我开始了解杰克的意思了 [16:09.80]The silk feels really good. 丝内裤的感觉真的很舒服 [16:12.73]And things aren't as smashed down as I thought they would be. 而那玩意不像我想像中 会挤成一团 [16:17.94]That's great. 那真的是太棒了 [16:19.17]You have so many more choices than with men's underwear. 而男人的内裤选择没那么多 [16:23.21]Bikini, French cut, thong. And the fabrics: cotton, silk, lace. 比基尼,法式剪裁,丁字裤 质料有棉,丝跟蕾丝 [16:27.72]You know what I've always wondered about? Pantyhose! 你知道我一直想穿什么吗?裤袜! [16:31.55]The way they start at your toe, then they go all the way up to.. 从脚趾头开始一路往上拉到… [16:38.86]-I should go take these off. -I think it's important you do. - [16:45.37]What's your name? 你叫什么名字? [16:49.17]Chandler. 钱德 [16:52.11]Chandler? 钱德? [16:53.37]What an unusual name. 那个名字真是与众不同 [16:55.84]You must have had terribly fascinating parents. 你的父母一定很棒 [16:59.38]Oh, they're a hoot. 喔,他们只会大喊大叫的 [17:03.48]And who is your friend? 你的朋友叫什么名字? [17:05.69]I'm Monica. 我是摩妮卡 [17:08.49]-Monica. Where are you from? -New York. -摩妮卡,你们从哪里来的? -纽约 [17:12.26]I'm not very fond of New York. Queens, I like. 我不太喜欢纽约 但我喜欢皇后区 [17:20.10]What is this... 这个亮晶晶的… [17:22.10]sparkling something, honey, huh? 东西是什么?甜心 [17:27.11]Actually, Monica and I are engaged. 事实上摩妮卡跟我订婚了 [17:31.11]Really? 真的吗? [17:33.41]Congratulations. 恭喜你们 [17:36.12]When's the big day? 你们什么时候结婚? [17:39.75]In two weeks. 两星期后 [17:42.76]I see. 我知道了 [17:45.66]Well, I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. 喔,我祝你们两个永远幸福 [17:51.30]So, you're bald. 原来你是个秃头 [17:53.53]Wait, wait. 等一下 [17:57.91]We'd love it if you could be there. 我们希望你能来参加我们的婚礼 [18:02.74]Really? 真的吗? [18:06.08]I know it would make me happy... 我知道那会让我觉得很快乐… [18:09.48]ma'am. 夫人 [18:13.59]Then I wouldn't miss it for the world. 我一定会去的 [18:17.62]I'm getting all misty here. 我都热泪盈眶了 [18:20.56]You'd think I was having my legs waxed or something. 你们一定会以为 我刚刚用热蜡除过腿毛 [18:28.07]-You okay? -Yeah. -你还好吗? -我很好 [18:31.00]Thanks for making me do this. 谢谢你逼我这么做 [18:34.27]Before we go on with the show, I want to say to the bride and groom... 在继续表演前,我要跟这对新人说… [18:39.18]how lucky they are to have found each other. 他们非常幸运能找到彼此 [18:42.48]In every life a little rain must fall. 每个人的人生都会遇到雨天 [18:45.39]Fortunately... 还好… [18:46.89]in my life... 在我的人生中… [19:03.54]When I was growing up, I played the one on the far left. 我小时候演过最左边那个角色 [19:18.62]Remind me to introduce you to someone. 提醒我介绍你给某人认识 [19:20.92]-Who? -Fourth gear. -谁? -四档 [19:26.19]What does he want? I wasn't doing anything. 他想做什么?我什么都没做 [19:29.76]Maybe he saw your hands slip briefly from the 10 and 2:00 position. 或许他看到你的手 只会从十点的位置滑到两点的位置 [19:36.77]Maybe it's Sergeant Sagittarius coming back to flirt some more. 或许是射手座警官 折回来想泡你 [19:43.74]It's a different guy. 不是刚刚那个警官 [19:48.58]-Good evening, sir. -Do you know how fast you were going? -晚安,警官 -你知道你的时速有多快吗? [19:52.45]No, I don't, but it couldn't have been more than 60. 不,我不知道 但应该没有超过六十里 [19:56.39]You're right. It was 37. 你说的对,只有三十七里 [20:03.16]You're not ticketing me for driving too slow, are you? 你该不会因为我开得太慢 要开我罚单吧? [20:06.70]That's right. 没错 [20:17.04]You know, officer... 你知道的,警官… [20:20.28]I had the weirdest dream last night. 昨晚我做了一个非常奇怪的梦 [20:22.98]Oh, my God! 喔,我的天啊! [20:25.79]Your license, please. 麻烦你把驾照拿出来 [20:28.82]You don't want to hear about my dream... 你不想听听我做了什么梦… [20:32.39]Officer... 警官… [20:34.13]Pretty? 英俊警官 [20:39.07]It's Petty. 是佩堤警官才对 [20:42.27]I'll be right back with your ticket. 我马上帮你开罚单 [20:47.31]-You have a son. -I know. I know. -你有个儿子 -我知道 [20:56.48]-Feel better? -Yeah. Much. -你觉得好一点了吗? -对,我好多了 [21:00.09]Listen... 听着… [21:01.66]Not that I'm insecure about my manhood or anything, but... 我并不是担心我的男子气概… [21:07.09]I need to hook up with a woman right now. 但我想我应该马上去泡个女人 [21:10.50]I understand. 我了解 [21:19.94]You look familiar. Do I know you? 你看起来好眼熟,我认识你吗? [21:22.84]I don't think so. 应该不认识 [21:24.31]Maybe it's because I'm on television. 或许那是因为我是电视演员 [21:28.85]-I'm an actor on Days of our Lives. -Wow. Really? -我演出《我们的日子》 -哇,真的吗? [21:32.95]-$4.50, please. -Oh, let me get this. -一共是四块半,谢谢 -喔,让我来吧 [21:46.40]These are for you. 这是送你的